WEEK ): Nj> IN V, SATURDAY, JINK A'., J' >■ i: • Ouana Wins Cheers At World Premiere H V TIIEODG HE t !I VS ST< \r! SOUTH BEND. ind . AM' Tin world art mler or 'OuainYt' ;oi ipel ,i ill till- ;11 i,■ ed 11 ! in' Haitian atoi\ oi Ji.lin F’ h-i '' : -V .ith.-i. : V. itll Jan: " i 1 •■'■'! II Dr. Cl.it' i - While •’ given a .... .'in' .i o. ' able ii'.uhesu’i i:i I tie 1 >n' r:• 1 > i'" 1 1 school auditorium hi tv hi ' Pi Ida and S.ituulr-v evening;. Distinguished no i- iai," a ~ and -/ariono irMi’.i ii>.iu .>i• ,».cl oi i:i>/ gathered h to \vi: ii much talked ot upcr . viMuch pi seated u in:; o : -;■ 11 ; iof io- a ,s i musician: ill a lustily ii, i! iilUlfcl . Hr White almml bnis-" wi 11 Zigiaont Heart - On ha. tht cumin roc, In diiactih/', the 1 i-ui ii , fn-i, i Opera orcheatra. which provided the • nppun foi tin i,i ’ t'lo'" n.’ and dancers leading roles who" y TT.'ih Ree.v, contralto <'.ll i■ n Vlale hr.iHell, soprano a o.■ ■>' >■ .1 An Princei Fritz Vin.-t a 1 unii tone (a native ot >*..:! i t’nm-e i Fiat 11 hoiei “!• 1 ■■■ ':■■■■ '.i ■■ :i mmireaux tenor: <)■. ■ ■ '.< I !r;>' '.Oil I ’' i ""d i ■ l and Mil.tied i ■ ■ ■ er Ine I 'u-v i-r fi • ■ ‘ i a tid Vel nuti lie . .ii; • i i id 1 : . ago pi o\ idi d ! 1 . Co The pit i-nlu! .mi ne n h the Hatty T Hurl- ’•! u :• social ion Mr s ,in'e|'.hiiie M ( tut;- imc jr dir> ■ ior .1‘- 1 ~j . \V: • t 111 -.las’.' dll ie : >1 .i lid tl. Pa i n •- r >•: c a i a r ■ , ■ i a i Jigt dip * and the At the fourth):'ion of »!••<' : •" n inrp l’.r White. V Matin nr. 1 Read I’he f ;m»liniar«! for coon if' t ream co ro ihi Frosty Bar 507 L. Mai dm Si ns- t © f rosty Make I hick Shakes 20c Ice Cream - SmJh c Snacks MAGAZINES • SPEC! At 1 2 Gal. Smm lit !>, !K i u: M**lv !il« li ( ream 90c A BEAUTIFUf COMPLEXION A beautiful complexion is your most precious chartu You know there is something about a lovely skin that attracts at tenlion and admiration. People with sallow colorless faces, who look pale and drawn may find their red blood cells are weak, puny and faded caused by the lack of Calcium, Vitamins B and Iron; then too, a loss of blood may cause your color to fade. These conditions are observed very often in young girls and middle-aged women. v Os course, continued pallor may, come from other causes— see your doctor regularly—But don’t wait! Mart taking HAD AC'OL now—and as vigorous blood carrying the 5 B Vitamins and Minerals (iron. Calcium, Phosphorous and Manganese) surges throughout your whole body, bringing these nourishing elements to your vital organs, digestive system, heart, lungs, kidneys, and to your skin, to repair or to replace the cells and tissues that have been sickly. Then greater freshness and new pep should make you sleep sounder, feel younger, look better, and have a healthy looking cm ! liesi..» with firm j Mesh filling out hollow places. 1 No matter where you live, no math» who you are, and if you have tried all the medi cines under the sun, give this w nderful preparation a trial. Fasy to take, pleasant to taste. • Get a bottle today from your drug store —HADACOL. Take HADACOL to reclaim your healthy color, your enjoyment of life. Yes, to look your level best, take HADACOL. Trial Siac only sl,2s—Large Family Economy ISiae $3.50. • ■ Mmmt- ,;N v Ato/ K AS? ■ A J ill 1 S K Mi l < lot! Bi n j;‘ ut • n ; 1)1 | ;(H i | ) JflM |SI»* H. A H \ i ./jjf 'I ; J fe* ii* W' if if *;:. .. .:/ K r -.. Gray hair often comes on so oraduolly, you hardly /-• j» '■•■••tice it. But othor people do, and if you're muting ouf •** * y on fur, admiration and romurta, osk your mirror. The / / B answer may be gmy hair. But you -nay tale years off J f'M Lfl your looks by giving your hair nun, nafuioi'looking \ \ .. / /.-jIM color arid beauty ■with Larleuse, I look years younger .. j, 8% ; Calay Vow Hair This Easy Way j : :}“;S || ( v./- ' ! rub oh or v,h ol 1 '; •..•'•fltV/rted by heat '* & \ j '"■ <-'■'”''ls u-,u.:/'its end rtyubv hai-ido-s ... ( Im'*/ I b . ju-.i d tor over *;0 years Your '■% / tic *'f your money bi-' ki? you're, not i / I 100 \ ; Have an eA:y, professional applic.iUon at youi l\\ / j favorite beauty -hop cr buy Ufirm« at any \ / Coi*»' v»t uoi.ii'enc. tJe pastn.f.nt or drugstore. \\ \ U*«a orJy o* \ . ,s v .*£• 1 u>'«' »»ct on sob*f, MIHSNhW M m f« ilk >l. ww» wVrVlWil ff your cfooW d«os /y* / /** f r»»? hove larkirtt, IfmtcpWi/S NOW— »«"«■ si *5 8 .--fc -..y ~./ i g «tih. i## p ,u * a *c*«« % nriaupfl “■"■•"• Ldlie 115 c 1.-Vri?|\ HAIR COIORING POWELL URGES PROLONGING OF CONGRESS MEET WASHJ.Nr.'iTjf;' (AKFi - ••} bt j tiint both In is ■ ; of Oottgrers • b.-iilr! stay in icscion tliruuHU !his v• .1 >ld Wus'lnnglui: I‘a aliHi un ■|| .1 lea. l ■ la; of U‘ pledge: iTilldc , ' r:>, !l Ml the p«c it'c.il -a.'lies I* ; -i'l'ied on! ;,nd I Ij.-iievn H.c , FEPC sI.C ulti be tac ora"," declared ■ i.yio: 'liras Ad m. Clayton [’ovv !l i 14. V :asi '1 uet.dav ta.;ht. Tin: ;,t..lt UKI t v, . mad" uu tiuf l AsP.r'ilean Coxum Die Air, over j the e :-! t<'-coast net'.vork Os the ] Mutual Bi oad'-astui:; system v. Sen | >n ye;. 11;ci:; f o\vc!l debated with Vn-a ,'ii. man O C !■'.■ her • D l‘e>. : a.I tl. , f"di . 1 '!•:!" ' c. a in,,.. F'i i.. . , ■ |,! veil i'i' limc.i.ilim ,t the . •md 'W, !'. .1 v, an , .. ,, t ,id d.elate ;tl r'idi d i : iu ; . ‘ I :•< Knew who you rc-e-ai f-h." 1 auk olid t.ie' Ui'a'i.ii i'i : ' ' • ■ii :<. lie peitit. .1 ..at that t ■ I .. ha’. ('• !' t.t •< ' I.ltl. ;; i" ! tm i.cnn:vir.r; i f !>;e i. ..nd. WINS SCIIOf.AIhSfiIP lo * ,• t:t rA, ft. //- »,/ J •‘• •I /.'/'/ •/•;.. If liO) 'Ur -IH//1 LAI l)S JM MS . v /'. rainy: mw* 1/ './ f , !f f S/.-7K /• i h- J :,hi u'cr<; (r. ''<>■ irntm*' GHJKMND >l S \ IST KU S ANI > MJ S SIGN* AlilES MIFT AT SHAW Tnc .iiuiUvtl VJt Irkis t #r.s’ Institute iintl Mis’ KU'.u j 4 raining was In ui lust \vr < k at Shu \ Lm v» . *' Sin* coilti'ruict 1 oHVrrtl t fill; (i.lily ft' Hi: licit tnnial ru; t .v . i.ttionul tries u . ;uui pj.iiiinut t ,f u reutiou, I>. I*, v. ait's .uni lUM.tert tuu ieude;- at r 1 n U t* ti in the t t ntcr r n the front row are oi'ih ers. te.iehers, und fen.. tui e«| : ■ ; k.ws oli Ihe lH -tilut JlMg l tilt 111-: • Kle in S \1 1 A i -Uelif ier :KI if ho 111 his . Sit I i H v:: ot u! the JfiUn'U Depart laent. ,m.ii Lto in left to rif;bt, Vlis TARHEEL ROUNDUP 1 ..iiHue.l l.min |m;, earl : ! Was. i I tnov i.t F'ohee C’iilef D ' ‘■V ■:.. . Oat Ye : A '.atji'ile vvitJ; ' tsI.}« i.-iHe lil Win -hit> - (-ii Uii iU\ MI iii hi 'iti eel The It ;; E iir. i, mu ■>j i. •■ I . « j :.• t ■ I l . ill; .:t v j ' d ■ .: . ■: li h iii ir.-.fit Os tin ; i •.u-i.Sf, HfaU.'Vh. repifeh, •! \ t i:\ci.a ion ft vu 1 ASsAI.'hV Hi iHV \{. >2l 'ii c f 1 i Ix7 ;. •'-u i uUi he 4 t. j_vH .*!•'; d;r- c. ■ '"Sti;.!- *■' ! 1 -E M y »' ? j- . j $2 Cl . U;M I r ■" hi.lh ;c i U.t’Ksv tt’i \!i 1 • WldH LAMiI.-V mus Aii* si-, it.- - - An * ntnv ftn-.i’' ‘A - on I - iii ’{ , \‘t ; 1 ifavidiib, i . mtli.' TUral :1 .t .i Jt ' >.\U '• it It v ; mA'fi. r 1 { « ; * ;..nr! ■•! tiia’ Hut'in I »• I RuUif: . .it.’n ; et.i tier hoy CiTi J g i'i j l'"«' Hit ’ni.s ''Mil Iht? .hkH't ! 11 h. ’ •" • ut vi * \■ 1 >.* i Tiarsltcd oti lho honn (,; .1- uh.'tah .•Hu; lu-.i WiMliiT: h,:st !,. ' = Incvi:. ■' " *■“ i h> veil, F;.d all'Yd'fily d, ■ .tl j Hu* word dial III; 'Ad I'I; -.pf'UE) I. le j f'-r 11a. death of ivi' ; Ifi.dfiti 'j .-on, :'' :a I Kal'.n. Ji, wm e detid LET’S TRA D E TIRES FIRESTONE 315 FAYETTEVILLE STREET w r- it in nr u , , ull _ FOR YOUR FALL GARDEN 1 PLANT SNAP BEANS, COI LARDS, I etc. kiuwMiUw»- ■ mMMK,*. ■ rn> —nr- irtnai n uni, ! PEAS I w CROWDER, BLACK EYE, BLACK * I PURPLE HUE?., SHOULD BL PLANTED IN JUNE S. M. YOUNG I JtljO E, MARTIN ST. IfclAL_Zm JL Til hi CAK.OLINJAN Bllen j . Al.st.ut, ( onferenc. < 'tcu-mau; i)c.m Vv'ilham H Mru.v air- oi til' Shaw 'Cniversify xlliail id Keligiau; Mrs. Unbelt • ' Iliaiel. AJiv Ann VV. l-'erebcr and Mrs. S U. i '.dlovva y, run. ierctlri; ilisli ucturs; l)r. ( ! . l i tukiin ol fii uoktyn V. in stitute lecturer: Ft a sklent Robert I' Datiil!; Dr 1, Scarborough. : re: -'Jen: laitf Carr; t ufeign M i-siim (mi eiitioii; Hi .1 Hairston, institute cl orman. tla K> .. it ; vci: hell (.ate' v.lk . iii'-ii,ate Stjraliri , and ui: fit '. (J 1 Slit rriii, Ifalri,.rli, ■ retail oi Uu- fU'ditutf. i i :t: f ' '■ « - .- 1 , 1 ' < | !It ; j ;, : i .A*t • t ( j | ■ 1 ) ;•. ,• 1 ~. , ? .I'l-V t•1 I *' il l. •va■ jh * :i i J ir \ p«-d hi O s »st •; »< •Aii- Uu yj.-yHit. i»X iks :-0i Ot! I'll c.t-.c 'a , ..i) i t. : !.n )‘vlH A f H;i' -jOnK' tj'ir-.j ■ ( ». i’ j-Ji i XI»l.o:-.p!N Hi i'Ci .-■ two s' e ;■: ■ : l. 11. * To; ,' Ml e of ile I ; u . • uot lie;. : 1 e", j Sildv t t'\( I t) !UK Si A HMi I'd'b 'i'll Hi.'].' ! i",.' a • r :• *, iv |lf' J ■ t c«. tl b e .•:! ;> .ii .; l his lather ~• ... Henry Wiiliani. v.itii ,i .-.di. igta b!‘. K; oi I’m it mi's • an .ii i., m.;i: “i May H. i’.a Ml t": filled that 11,e kiiiMs •■n /■ -. •/' li 1 ' s.i t: ! i ;>. ' iit t>i r ! .. SANf'T CM/ ?■; i corn in UNIFORMS \’ ;t i • • i. . . . v; •*' .’Em ;! :: f; iu (I thU !M;i jo ■ %9 88 Tli." .ssss; ; , V.isiM In RaleinJ. If vOt;'i . * *. *■ f v 't » ■ ; m;- - Q FA.SHIi')N c Insurance B- : : :. MMI iIIOON DOLLARS could v, u ud cow other truck I v.> g With -,U, THESk' FEATURES FOi 0f & CAP O OSES' -LNi. >NL -' • of ‘ -r>*y *.-»rv!« tab interior Jaiijn with 100*h (t. VJj «ii.in-. t„ " -l . A n .:S 9 hfi ft:id * A exclusive loodomattc it, ; ,.('(.n .1 . . Vi-. I• ■ h• ■ d -fiu. for mu »ik r>«inte aueuiUiity •• c:t . tth vaiurnn shift eptional k Largo diotn afor (8-ir* ; wheel boh . >.< '<* -.ilitVA • «• u i.i >r s hub con'trt'ction A NtiHion Dollar Cob with l ; uui Luvul Action i ! ■ ■ ■ i t >.) 'u - ,V Ford %(>irc*iounge seat with tiyiii# ruti' strcuk cbc:r s: ;• r ' j irn buiif r onxtroctiOfl for longer life. j U EE U ,; TODAY! He I the 'act. on the faui truck tor '4 V -.hewn tt trove or on utiy o. i •-• F. ; . Py £, j' tJS f,l§Sfil fc j$ fj l| wTifiH * fi-*—"* * *- ha,Hwe i: ' f! " :>l r )( "W !0< #Mrsr*oA'6£» ro iAsr tomr* j i..iJ wo f -:v t: VC- ijut *i 1 !V*‘- '-‘.‘ .J , Cit i Hurt-. thul* SMALL . , . bill if ,0 t'MNU lATIfT ffJW! STATION OA!A ON 1 RuCKS. hi.if , U? unyiJ .;P.y you hoc?. >C-|' . VJji.ANCt PftOV’fc' fQkD IkOCivS IAS? LONs£ftf You*. ' ‘.-t it ' -) - ■c o :n iht s :‘Gfl A’fr-;i ■ Sunday l-venlrigs-f*4«rwvs * -.i ?t-fc | i.IU ! ??t* *: » ft: 1 y : VC". .*>* » v-tU. »N *.t» V- • ( r\. it: Yt>u»' OfifWSf-'fpSi' Kit tiTtfr utiJ SlaC.Oli. i • - * '• -w sk your mm f« iarly DEiiTrav sfl « r ft* r . BiitrU: sElri:: IIOS SL'ATUtD-O 1 i l,„ il ijf ’ (Tl 1■; | :: i fj ii & V O|' >ll S H m'i fft Jjml &£!w;uto CiS© SMITH, Fcmous Chef, swv M I rt. go amend > -■ \ CALOTABfj n _ , 4 f : . Ik i Jllr V : lir \ •" ... tale ua<«r voited-, U , , ;.. .'! n i( Mib&iituU**. Four dru£%itt has th.m PAGE THREE :>f Christ being conceived of tl Virgin Mary, and of Joseph bell aver loyu! a::d faithful fatHerJ in (bis :vivbi> a special luml njs given HPv ’ \V l.'pchurl '■'ho j;, tin father of v ui' ehutvbl At .', (.’cin-'k the Order of tl • I;it i'liton (judges held Uni iiiUTi! senium at (!i. ohurrli. Ha i. ’oiuo delivered tin- annual sJ ' u:un iiud aiu.sic was fiii nislipd I ! i iu- senior click. kc/. ifatinji ) Ciu'ium'h preac '• is F’itbident. unu also < .’.‘uiuiai night the Busy Boos m ■ nii '.it: Odell Woods, 815 Ea I'm c St. Urs. Salena Llgon , fie.- ■lw :.. All tsK itiibers of the uI ■ i • ted nested to at tend ! ■ x; iiii'i! in,eg an -husihesr, of ia nl.will bo discussed. TiJ i"- la ..ii >1 me! with l\irs Sari j 1 ! lit K Kenneth I ■ ' U ftio ti i ••*' H f/t $t o n >■'■ alcit iv I >■■ ■ v liter man since * nst .• netion *Io its. W'M re elec- j f *'■! '■ Ol.’il t hist •tCC€)%' tO hIS Ati'J '..///•' f iff ii /.-ii r t e ftil I //V vot.'f ■into o//fc^r ». *' >? o". v Oijfjositi-Oi in thr\ :muth thin} n:nr(i.