PAGE SIX I'l J m• 1 TA 11 \T £ll 1 ® n War Mm Excludes {Negro Soldiers" Part Negro Played. At Bastogne Not In 4 ‘Battleground” Film BY ROBERT ELLIS • AN.P) - Out at .Metro Gokt "wyn-Mayer Studios in Culvei City these njcn'lis. tin-y’ie workiiit very making a movie called • Hat teigrouiui" tim tin siruy t>l aid be r.ind this movie is ine story, listen tins. ••■Battled-: ml’’ P u .ml ;m mg to be liidie.itC'd to :ulclk .Y U tiie Adi;, vviui lid-.! Ua-.t. Belgium a. .■ in ; - x <.l l . . uai't dlvi loi.x m, nil,..- ,*. • . dm n: Christina- at nf 19t;i )' ;.,ukn 1> klloV. :: ... 1.-< ••Batth -I : !;• Euige ■ > I.| lied in cm An.dii in - memo . i,y Ai.iji O', n eial Maco ;d I’ll.- s "Nuts 1 ' ,u. .'.vei to tiie Gei m,: i dc.-.iaiid !i. :’ a; i t ;.dei Vi... .V T. -lie )- . d, M ‘ in till history book.- as one ot !i;e gi e. t e■- i f X ■ i ■ 11 111 n.: | . ■ I 1. , ; ' * Bastoeii. x ■.. the A; my veterans of Europe wt ial lwo el' i: : ,t i'j'uJ S.j i• ; jv to e\u;G\ wlvt El Aiariitoi! mean;: to Briti iicM- v.huti Stalingrad a;« t • ho . v< i r. And s.<:criic j . :\o »v n luvic n 1 nut Wtir t .. lot A ' m ;.i,‘kr -i/ .el it l' \) ! . .. . i s./v it* :*i. d . * . v away from war nltci a ajj - it lo ;ks like •’Battleground' fa i ng to ot- uu lvi.iUo] <>i the Am-i ican oonti itrtjtj ri:. lo Victory in tin? latt Will oltil . thi :• /*i:IX J. ’'Bat 's » . t.i ~ •. » the wotid • n. ’ Dore Set.:. ■ J.n-i.u jng the pi t-ire this : hid pe t “unOy He aud RoLtii Pit :ij ;».*•■ , . • YvMti itlld . Vt'Uii;! of ltd h.: togm ••UhipOl/li ?j Jii.'.t'jl Vv-t. • d.' the seretnph.y. have Leon working r j}. odio tlun n !./ : li.ovie t-lnce ]947 A to (j ... t,r-! : Y • ! Ccorp.; Muip-.v John Horn.A M.n --..., .il i i.ll■. I . | - - 1 . .i.. ij lx.'. :ly In 1 y men of the HU mu- !j, \ •,, ;. • U<; lied by the ’.V u Lx pm-:, , t on i equi 'i i arc unshaven, d.e d in heat up (.! -h t- rot:,, ihrnugi, lien id, With ~ U !• "BuUU-groimd' tells about c-loveii mem who struyided through tiie UisV;> . f KftOV* ijl'l < - inpU tely «ra ri led b> Gtu iUiUj * 1 ‘' k' • * * . * 111 1 p I: t ‘tr/ *!!: -• ’. t; V! 1 1 , trit* in'it'ii l-.xholv to Uh* ii.-x; cor.tact witlj oi.L'iut -• until finailv General Huttons 4th Armurd Chk nii'ii d.MMied !<» lids' :n •-.'t . t hi! <1 Al 4 . .1 ; - . , ; the -memvnUT. w;; • «»f ; - i s He i. .. w ntti ji . : i f iv\ ‘.. men from nu- ihi-t ‘i to t> w. ,hi.- bllddit u-v.'i iit. dh-pt hi. tu . Lied vvjtt* There win, feu ..tmr hou K b in 80-term f•. tile .Mth Hie’ ]Btii and • d;\is... . imyii (Il 'it know th. 1 0-. didn’t in- Fla AH of !i . i '.eve;. M ., her-- "Butt)e E ;. - ,:r,<j v it Ti. ■ 10 lot i ,ii „ *» / i*♦ j * -iA.. that w. y by Anns law and tradl tion. So I’irosti naturally h.m to write air,ul vlule s-lda rs ine entire yoiltii y mid Artillery and tiie entin e-Hst q.\! Tiu(.>;u,.y l '-..inf: any ; t ■, • • ; unit t iMtio i ; .. , _ . ... •: .|.,. vsi under .".i. . |!io Bast The -t o. ; ■i s x- a, . Yes, then* ere j Hit! soia, r- in Bastogne and .1 la', ten ]„•.■ i,-; wire vombat rnei Hyhlin.'. lit OZIU' dy i:: *• ju-f hks evei .s,rn ‘ l-.t But t iev .vc u, st-pm:',- units olid wh- , il njii„ s t., writ er he wt ill ~1 .on! \h 1 ' is eh, 11 t. him. So Biro u wroti about White .-.Oldlei's Million:, of (1C .pie will s e hi- ne vie and m iin;, movie in thi- symbol -1 America's contribution to >. 01 id progi—i where- Will t- i» Negi o slid,- : os' Hedl be ■ in Li icily in , I ,ek gtound kvik or tw., i- i f firot'h’s lauii Xcith.-r he urn More Scbary m*r M-U-M ere Uiscrinuii »l ir.g here B o- Jim Crow Ameiien that forces separation her,: But there ■ more to the story. h seem- there’s a drill that sol- ' diets do, c.-.'ie tin. "Jody Drill. ! Now Playing! Betty Grahle I in 1 “THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDE OF BASHFUL BEND” U) 1 r.CHN’H' , OI 01. WITH- Cesar Rctmero San Juan Starts SUNDAY! FRED GINGER ASTAIRE ROGERS IN “The Barkleys of Broadway"’ - 1H f. EH. < 1.1. In i (,/ vjj.^,01.4 , j IffiCittKftiltM flPHfflW iTrn l 'iii l 'rrtPirti iiri> , rnf(iyTlllWtit.imiW;)irailHiimrflMlliMiliritWa>liai|HlilTlllW"illll¥ll' l ii.rtHH/ 1.1. , ||«i 11l urn iimni H'l .iimm nil fm UluwjaiMiis Tins drill was invented by the 11342nd Spit la I JTr.inin!' Battalion and spread by thciri to diifcrent si cits throughout the Ariny. It’s a beautiful drill to watch the plu tuGli Sci kepnl : lid hi-, me, maren inr and chantinji-taiking to each ; ether in ri.vhm So s: ■ .itive ..lid f I’e-.h .v.os tills .'. ill 11... 1 "Batflnae'.ial" , ’ I’-ieer-’' deiiiitd tiiey had U, have il m tae K’ I v. rule the War Me i-sirtilie. il W., hr "til, to ell'.! tl-e,;: tile Jo.iy Midi • .«: f)< ft ■■J tr It tiie still! t, the Cast ,-l t.’u picture. 'j i.e VV.u te j>.a ’ aei.t .tit's . ti h iVl.f.lf i Sfi':'f.(Gl Si-'it' Js-i'Mi.s 1 < Nf/io soldi*'*!'! h lui'i:'. out t:.'f iI3I2Ud v\ ;»s ;i Nfg/ but.talioo Mid ;i!ic "Jody Dull' v..i • pif.»<i oy : •.utfits picked U up s- 1 /’• . (Jrd 1 t. A! (; M :.M! t-. ' ■■■ (he drill. Tia -1, ? i« ;.r ned it u-vi ! liu' drill wa;i incorporated intw the ; . t* • t !ht iOf :: > -1 i i ’f e ;.t bc.d\ of troop?:' chun- the Jod.v Di ill ;il the br g tnniiig -lOd tLd ol the picture. But they will hr v/Uite troop irii; - *:orne!hing created Ly ■ A ’ * t i' «>p; Because c*t the op ... '.t ' t A .Nor- tn the/ could- . it '. i t M'Wit ifi the picture doroct : .v n d ::u ■ e . . . t ' The ii. ruiC' L. ttl*. i l {• a depict* d ami . ' • : ; H.iteu. pattern f Jiit. (dc-.v Be. to rule becomes I “a . iir .ttfsUi fc itid will piuLably f;t ;’t iJH-Hi tiC‘l (*t I tiit* FKitiOn .0 u(*)i And li.on tecause of thi? ; ; f:e putter?. a c-•ntfiubuwon oi Nerr : soldi'* ; : ~T >d* Drill u«:i ev< it .»• ;.v k:■ •' wledpc-d on ~ ... j . - . pi•*>tribn- Si'U, P ; P « j r>f that •>-•• *1 Wh. id War n. A .node (i ; i> fed tu the I v. rid, Aiu-tiit » warped, twisted lie ' WOOL!) CHANGE OLD MAN fiIVER MOSCOW . ATLAS.'-- Mein, eru .; ttjiindt :»\ at .’liauiieti -pee,;:, S:.,H I, tu ,is-utii for pi-ace and Ml t Is. stlc OS Ha • 'an - il • ,!••-. tl e \v i and lie i, C: n ~- at. -:i ,1, tilt- soil ul w.,s dt die fed !,. the iriicination ,! urge,lis j>n a nil the bn-is pi his x t , in-.. .* : inc-c . liming to K.u --«i e for the April s-oiift-rt’-iicc ..f Partisans for peai e in Baris The let'MO of U;c- »ia, la 1 pave ns l rotht 1 ! nty r.aml-he st-undail’/.cd •:iv U.ltl.e sou .-all i1,..' 1. ■ - li:«-, '■ no-no-no :ir. left .'ll-; C ,'ufe tu Ns-".’ ' is for a- ami weicon ;m; ne il' id a’, ' i.i hei it’s i h .ini, . just a tew days iter the FBI link ed /. 11.- tie vit i> some Os ill . • .«s >. omti.ur.. 1: an i ii ii <w Uavelers \ fil s\ MAN • < Hli vf.O. Iti. —AI ltcnson, div fiH'kfj is one of the busi est men in • ini a bn-lnrw Ben- . sen, wtin has one <>.' the blg g-est fuilowings in thi windy jrt.i, lias taken over the Beige Boom ut llu* Pershing Hotel, and w ill book top N« gro names i.-id Aits uitti a chorus lined iJuiw. Benson, besides his si\ hours a day jock snow, has a T V show, upei ate-, .ill Vd ertisimi Agency, twa Record shops has Initelife in n. y. I! j I rv ALVIN MOSES * ' , , _ , „ , _ I H V ALVIN MUSKS POEIIC JUSTICE { NkW VUKiv <AiNH) r'l/liov. • : ing her .iccjuilt:-*! oi* the wed i - asi lOi .ulcpt -J OptulTi pc.,SCtIS• <j i! Billie t i“Ltk.iy U/v' ) Huliday •into a $4.500 week assignment .Tn*'wi'r, often made the Lrunt of; | caustic critic is;n by unthinking : coital.iu:;t; and rnagaxtne venters f '•-* i'au: - c i tnc-ir iuppUkCd tcuaency 1 lt» interpret Ua law (the Ji.ui. c-., s ; Si; im i and not the ipartiiiCut ! : tact:; rt.nck-reci L.a{ .*, *• ttiougnt ; vva: ; a i:»ii and stud»«'d yeldict- m ‘.iii 1 Holiday etcsc VVo ('a»pc that 1 * «tuy D..> i pennancnllv cunci' -i tin* dreaded nope habit ' Hi>ouy Ma.'-a/in*. • 1* ad f.toi v in tins I n; /ulii's n -.cie implies. At her bernt, it** annifcment vs 1 or id knows tiilin* ,*.*> u vhup* ly tawny-ski in it d singe; : !: i Jits J <*n’u.' !>,<.**-tit cl Ailitjb, Hunter and l-'earl Bnit*y .«t !!•*•!» be: t v. >ic h ii: nus amnLii ii«»U* ok ; pai -Ini ttm cotir*t* *!*_y boi ! r.,U’ it ll'ii v vi lb if, i 1U .. O f., -- i a ill f. SI ' 1 .Sit * it IKI.LM V IBM i IE I a sit* n ij i y p« ..pic, othei i aces ; liwi otht-’i natjonaH hav* riobly out lived rat' B.cax and sv<u)*? utfering ul pio cubed hvdi/ as lite i*a “Our H. lei in .1 ceitauo.v n. We a.*> ’in tm itTailid .v tt *_*i the lev. Who *’> -Mi v. ay find '■♦•scape gap;' ‘■ h t P* I'bi.t u»i in to M-I irijng’y ixh k«*t inti., the strati., phere f a ; better-way-O! iiie a*, dean • *• r 1 .iblcj.nUm rut li« .* dn Loi s <4 other i\a iai arc.ip v/iio ■to ' I j ? t Pv : t .a'.d ta d* ; t. iui taton with chise-i i elattonsltij,-; •no den i c ot-s ua ». . taia-: iocai i■ •tteric.;, etc i and fscreening U.ul ptrmit: tiu- t Itiudit ! train ■ * - no into l.vraoh ee n< . . - ! i'adat- l Void* 1 1c 3U set nods, with me over this pulsating tale* that reached n;y desk frnin the dosser of tv faithful HonUn Col. * iege optiaUvi-. Lorc-li. wh • i . taLed i asotis wt'll list s o.ply a.,' K ?i» “He/ a Jit vi • sort of •-*uv with •‘ t* h ha spi-i t dotiv-s that shame i i'-'ds rainbow While hi: -. not ;a -i :\ i no a: the ant cau-.. m the ’Brenda Stair car (K. ( t • veiy hi a ly >. bus Hit s;s 5 1 on i da\v 1 \ \hi to y. veni oh it \. •; session of a sum i • .am f.o o\vn a Homy new Cadi Hoc ’er Brett* llarte says “truly the was; , whim-it t.f hdi-'fi .1 nr GuJ y e ■ ■*o a dealer and presto.ehan/e the ; nun ley flovu tiuii. ms iiand and / • er .s Is )ii it biocr'i-long caddie ktal -d tnc siilex’wiik. Jh. i.ui it.; iui.di Nij'nt’x Dieaii:.* a car m<»ve.s aiding- 1 id.-r i;,:ob.,bly lnn.(i)u:i’i.- 1 t.,k, , If:l : «-llt-i,\ il"! 1.,-1 A ~,M ail-11 1.-Jjci”:tivi- tutj IfS I . i ’.I, is wit’ , . • .- , I , . uK,t;>in liti- iiamitai.-i 111..11- atlmim.ii Jijiiu uii i ■ it il-d-gi VC WiHi "(let tin -. Quit k Wullirsg/u; a ’ . tion.-.’. A r. Hit- .. n sj. i-c .», ;.. : was .vj|lju-'i . k into - • : tbr di iiUr’-. iii-adquar’.tvb ar.d cc! in .: tight Hint buougnt i.-:-ck j.j,,. , •’> cl: v.’Hii ;;usto ;->n; di: : p::tch : Till usual lat-kcU-CI "husil-Uli.-.h ’ ; , came into play with the r**- ' ilt that the gt .little-one \» as «.-x --. ’By $4 OCO and on- .s-r>iny ad.lMc ; f-i’M-r wti...i in reached i Harlem -I.;rt:r. _■ off Yes. , many the tale that have tlu-ir , bl-R11:.ii1:.,. and end''-;* v.i'hllj the I I ■ jilt little- lapsuic km-’.vi, i ilar- 1 ;It i-n the city wilriisi-a-riiy - llu-;, j i h i c-f h; it .1 ti.nlv-t. s u’s -, . Iti toiy in ii. iny i::-!:.;,’ ' S mu.'.;«;d anri -.mdociuncnl.’itei.t. ! ( t’ ’- in the cunm.g i-, i :us. l.!i> ;, ' . ru iluti iu ii Kevtcue \iiii | kfii.v alt about c adillai purvha.vOfs' nn il' U t s.,v I di-Jii't ’.cl! j',,,: much , in ndvurice j ( SPEAKING Os fAPStJI.ES Rm-entlx it n inj t-xliunn i>)t-a- ’ 1 U- tv »• • ..a issue .1 MOl’N'T i SINAI HOSPITAI.’S i übl,, ..u' 'The Cap: Me m,>nthly timesi,. pit cut i.v in,. :, :j j 1!;. 1’ . •. . n.plOM-i-s. vv, lead if f i i>in sb-n fu su-iu and ■ i it, were po-. sibli- i . u it , tiloiii! to you in ;his very :p. , , ■ a >*r<?-fi»i -« oj-d bow M •• • fed i! Ml Smai is cip • rp. the time nd, many ,:l Imy nv.i.V;;. Know -mi'. Jk',2 il ha 1 toil! , Inc lilid 1 lie pilai i U’-di <l. " , da. a! ( . .1 Mu Jl I-V I,n I t .'ll ell." in ’! d ti.’i fl •Ml 111 ,I;I i , I. ‘rt . il* ui ; , IT i. ,!. a j lit i.i'a,- i; sue we lu’cd v. 1 1 i i ' I lvi, list:,. ~ lff/W h. 11l ■ Ida ~! - *dit.. Oil till i'i-i. •> ’..lilt ni’’' ■ f :f t •! i.'i'. ntiiicss lie i i-j d Mrs. Mur ; . nit fra Van : | H-cts. i>• dlvi lea fn-epci tor imu . vi.jilun: t in this eon ■ neeti-.n lie did not foil to give cre dit t the u, employe- who dai ly strive to i bir.inaie "unsightb- j on in v.diat he touchingly re-f ; fei to ru * T tie Ho We five 1l ’ ” Aincng Mount Sn-ui’s PG i studenthi caiuiolt-gy we learned • lof its "Lcsr/uc of Nations" enroll- i i - j i an interest in Swing Master Re cording Company, and pro HIE CAIIOLINI AN , incur tu wit; i.u. Ciiiad Abut.j uk> from Istan bul, Turkey; Mi Hr., tii Kc. Base Cr.lcutta, India Mr K.ul Bruun Jim.-.aleii: Palestine, Di Mortimer J. Bhiiiu niiiut Biooklyiu oil-vou l.c d.ip’i'i N Y ; Mr Maxim:!.all C Rosario. Argentina; Dr • C-’ln 'st V’ailio:.. Soionikii. Greece: • 'id Mi Joseph M-.vck. l.i-bun n, I A.-s Tlir-si pro gentlemen f.rm t a mifcnty nice "capsule’ down to !, aivh. intcre ititn; iiilam,at,vi and • b oVt. all Wei! C,! YIUIENUA Alter a heavy day at the „;in'i- i -,vc rccoiumcmltd an c\-cnii’v at 'sc spot named ’ B„p City." thi -bri: iii-Mj: lo titillate '.ben-, a er.-, with tin.- late ! w-.l ii-t,iof fa-nop White i a;., hot al the v. M’lll; 1 devotee , ■!’ B.e B p, a -. use "t liumoi and de: ire t - ;>i,i> -ifter a Hard day's work mutilates !-:.i: plug 1 01 the ’ p-1 where A,- tie • flu-u’.- reieiHly laid u-ryniphoiiic Savauuah Clairehil! sultry 1 ingiiig. and ou £ .y to look at , oeked ti.C'lh ib at: le, Bieachth and Fi ink ’ln ~u At,olio tiie.i tie ;n ww t Math Sheet u fortnight Kinv, C,.!*. and h: ■ r.oen-y men i**- I, ~,,.! a £4.,Jlju offer lor a one-, v i at ttn Olympia thc.eei tn : . a doi i ngiuhd to: July •» A muse ’ pick .r,g-; ,p-ttl,-- eiieck gee;, v. ■’!: life otP not Pah, imt Lad, at all We thought .ADOIS GOSPEL SINGES FAILS TO APPEAR AT AUDITORIUM H C'I.AUh'NCK !I. 11l \Tkk vl.iiuiha .lacks, ii, I'aspe) singer I I uii, Chicago, failed to make her e I!mat lie --i.l ajlpearem e Sir;a! Memorial .■Vutlitnriiin. Friday evt-u ilip'. ito-A'-vei'. tiie a 11, item , ~f ap- t■) iexiuiaii*i> a l tiiniHa nit via j,.r d lHft{)Jiuhited, Tiler. 1 Mas a guild •’old-fa.sliii.ncd : I'iayw meet ine," in t!,,. Vudito; is,a, .sing, I lip, ~!tiei • luimmeii. and ;l : <-d. Every uni* had a goad iiine at the Sc-lah Jui.'lle, Situters. Tim Hciai'i Siligers oponed tiie program with "Since I Haiti My ftlliiiciin Mown. am) i,y the tin: • tin -drains id their . unit ml, 1 Mont liolii My tlai. i VV’tlfle I Kan this Ran*, were tu, lunger andi.’de Hit- lUldicnee x;e Well Manned Up 10 the las a sion. ’tie Flood Hale Qua! let followed Hie Sill, "I.- id, Ihe : ! sinipll/, ’ You Hid To Mai,. The Unarm; had tin rapt attention of the ami, • nee for this heir, tion lieeauwe id Ihe passionate nllu siuginy ~! Ul- He, VYltiie, the hoy Wonder. Alter amulier offering i;\ tiie Flood Sate-' Utile Willie V.., featured 111 1 Know ’i i.1.;.! Wilt Mai-.. A Wax if!-- i.disskmilte phrasing lilid ; O;; :, f is 111 hi: IK M ■di lop II iin ; ■ I ! -melid.n;. Upid.iiiHc. a ; lew "Ainetu- atirl mi encore i , v, II:, I! lie if ;If I t respond l.t-cnu.-e 1 ; 1 h is rseiiers. VIJ -’. ') ii Sea Bunkers. Idiie.i ge i'.-l - .Itl el of itllllian’, ' a tig two-. e 11 • 1 .01..- ‘VV'i.’il C0.d.l i 1:,..’ and; Hide ' It Ham” ' tile Selnh Singei'c' vendilian id , !»«i k Hours of His. ie. ■ evokid lnucii f-articiiialiou frutn Hu- amh epee to lad, the sided been me a .-a-, men for a feiv minutes w hen he Si util's Fin ker jumped fn.en tin' stage and ,’il rnly.t< <1 uBluOf: l ! f fiudieii;-., preaching the lyr.-.-s. A; cut 1 Him- uni ing this song Hp aun. • n, - turned ns attention to a Unf ' wh l ' had begun In shout in (lie 1 l.aU’onj. .1! was not until aft, > Hi- Flood Guu- Quariei ami tin* Boy 1 <)>■:’ had again filled the audience | w ith iin- spirit ttial th>- abnoiui. e lTieu* was that Mahaiiu .!:• k - vi would not appeal' op the evei | inn's pi',mam. 1; iva. becaase of • hie!::.- that had -< ■ Min,,di lo Ft:leav’d .diet !.;,ng hi It- 1 ru c and making inany* ,'iih iln ’selali .Fubilt'e i-iingr-r-. lao; * ill till* week The r.piv vidih', n ! d: . -| : .’., | o', le: f-.iflin ; •w ni iv-.ii 1 was Mi. did.,ai | ore id ;■ bout I vi d clb/en Indtv - 1 ii3l - jinn:, j dian-ly following I!,,- announce 1 : Vf|lO*t. Mi- • i i >-> due >va It, -i pii in ,freed as a v,,un<r Iridv wh Mf* ’ di* h ,d- had r Mil. seif a dr- ire 11 A. a 1 • 1 :s ,’. mil” re ell ••>! 1 ’ ic* and e*. add I'aut 'rio,,-i, f ' ' Be, l l " "f.e.: 1 Iri r i ii ed ' and (■>••• r.t These De\ •• '!'c., nrcro-ere ’,<.i-p*i - - pi i.i.p.i .. f,. ti-jf, y..ha*d-i ir*.r*. eiwiiovn* >-;ir ,1 f , MV. I'l d f'l -d" irod-.r. +l,. ’n,. - OT)d ( !-.-r -V, I ■h P-'l/,, rv-1.r., TTavae I ! v d *' - •*»<-. r- 1 -1, ■• i j ,\ XI j., I*l ’! fl ' l * ’•'** ' f< VI N’**'/' A 1- ’• l 1-* d, Cl ( ; ’ •' r,f '’T»r*rN.J» T ri Vcn‘ o I i r,/ » *''A ; **• l **i r)i‘) f ifi&pr, rr> 4 fij j ' •“*. -* tlxei., M„,l ! Or, 101 l I p.MU., -. 'e. ■! i ,t e, v ‘~» -'in’ x-O- »H„ •*> ; I waaMBEMiMPg imemm rm fflr. R^gMßr:~ , tkaaMß Dorothy May nor Not Up To Usual Artistic Level BV MEI..MHKF CAIvViH -NEW i i IKK FBI V lie- ii;, -■dll it'ii l Harper pi uhceil int o she -\ev\ York office ol tier agents, oil* ~,i 11 a adinii ing ~. : l au*picked tdi” Up, held tier ui the ail nut ■Hi a; if -did “lluiv r iuv lit til -’ W i d,l!’ ' liiJM L; ,' ivlled Up to did ill/./.ielj cuie ams fl 1 oiloU ll c, ;I ; defiantly, "But m<- tloiva. Wnai t1,., i oil think i ” ii then that Hut,- a- -.m , realizeii they bad u bomlisheil ljdin (’aliiorn;a. And from thal ni"- mem ~n la mi w.,- deniaiiil in-- < a i,; i Httlligl the bn,.! Won,!., if ul rp;.-r o! painting ttn- ii.v. n any Jinle eit v edi-.vear old eoiifd iioj.-e li,r. i' i-- fr iui lUn igh I b i’o.n I; ■. ■-. i -. iieeebaity io aiiivi i;: ,• hi t i ~ -■ei! 1 1 - flail *-ii 1 1 c l l, ■*■ 1, * - Won o, 1 1 ’ey tailing asleep from evh.ut *ln , 11; d! tie i had 111 |i IM id■ jj. ; C'l.v ’goodnight’ !,, thi-ti-auds of ,nr listeners over Fred ttobbins’ show i l .-pent cv-: ;, fi-tar day at F.ine. Island a liltie girls' d la-nini.ue! X lieraa in- Used -be- r nerve lo i n,-- H,e horrible looking 1 Torpedo' and t.oi; ’ .ibd eaine .scrcamibe ■- ‘Hi liu iils She ate s-.» mu, h fru v. i,lid-red wtiei-e it ,va . going '■' ’ s ’ ,i l acd and i amJy tlun. p. ople iai; Hii- snt (.., ise in in* when -s ---• no Weil her agents tint! she’s aim •ulejn .and (pis-k io learn. By wnt.-h --i :) 1 i.eioy Hall |.*ui stencils on a bum-Mi 1 ru pit iiiaeluiie am! run off copies, Foni proceed.-d to put t -dll Cl,pie;-; ill' p:s SH books fid ,>( Ins l II rill : I, TDK b |(; MEBt ! T Os Totii’n Faiiiefie Hail (um.-rt Hr Id is muctl COni ill ell t. \V. t hubs),' Hi—. Town Halt won),l ie .-11.-.} Tiie hill us a much enzi. i !• ’■ i*’,* 1 <• w ,-d'dtne a hi .in i new iat int'dl eli itd For wiili Hie umsi,.;! in View on nearby Hism Iw ■y, T "a- m :ui> "drow in-d i >,ll in Imp, 1 * n-’i! s H-.-n mi a Haiti, .ba> < ’--rt;<ibis: vfl a " l'!na-e t l ,- ~ Tin Blind Mice" ami "Wait in Foi The Train” mil with nnu-h New Yorkers Marvel At Unusual Personality Os Toni Harper BY liKHNH K CALVIN NKW YORK. N. V i mu ifili ihlm cu J in - t i-aij hardly c;v.n|i ■ In- la. ’ that the iii.ign intent Di.r .Maynor, ■ i rel. out- of the reams! rti ji. , -of Hi is, age, ih shipping. .Mai k nut, Hu* belMi 1 votes still ilitic, ft,i it lia> lost liOfit' ot its lur.tei, but the exquisite . tlt e rp; t-1 afD ■ - jw,Wei'S of Mir;. Via v nor are ao lunger une<|iiailed and : he herbeh is getting like any oth er singer. i had to lit-ar Dorothy Ma.vnor several tlines this year before 1 could believe mv ears. The first I times I dismissed them as prole, ble : ndispositions for the evening But excuses can’t emit lane. Be sides, til-' more staid of the eriti. ■. ete coininciting i’h' ti last Sunday, when ) Iter on the NBC Symphony llotti | red heard her romping throueh j : uch favorites as "Dornin’ Through ! tl.e live" ami "Sometime'.- 1 FVel j i.'k-- V Mother), child" ami not at all gracefully. then it came j borne to me how badly site is slip- j pin a. She completely lost the sim-t pi icily of both pieces of folk mu- j sic. She so distorted the rhythms i of both coating in on off heals j ill twistinr end phtssea, that 1 tv.,udr'-ed if she trouble couldn't I !■ ‘hat she’s !.tmlin« hop on the j ride Only in her operatic selection. ; Ttepuls lc Jour”, did -he come J near her part crestm- and this j t umber was oddly enough the r*>. | v.;.;, h mode het famous exactly j ten years tn I rather Believe that v/M’s lie- | hind fift.-s V-n'nnrh recent "shinvc” j t s irVißf the lone hairs would call , "rr ttimr down t"' the to asses Bb. tabs bev •!••• •*•.. very paHonsly as •1 r-sytor ’r, ffv, cvi- ohe -• yr.-5- fbetTcr *>o*vV« ' cn.-.’o, a. - vm !n it iii’tr. i v>:c, her “Swiii* l.nw, Swe<*t (';ur i‘ i! With tlu* Wi.-ii 'i'.tlberl n::*.h' Lat'kgi OiUHI SUK ’‘( ’.Uttiy Store Hlup;/* anh “Jiiu/lt* UelLs” miird the progran*, vvHh ho <-a fuiX'S r.'i Uic Uul*- la ay Huvp niu • \ kiv r* piiiibc i o iL <' .‘tdd»*d »-i l - tractions Huunr i and I \ UUH * ;jj«v.i hi' (ft Cli Ua , whf *Vfc it cl were tpi nr It., though O.u y ?':ccm*r(J ili as «.v «• on Caniooic -v Toui clu. ;i;MMj dri . . . I hit'i. ! i iit t uu’iuv- tfi* Moods t.i hr }.!;• how Mi i'iLLt.ji c, it;ch toOkcd ?,* or thiv*" f * £ii«. -- thi ri lip. inos! oi L«r rnuiurra Sucli •. li\ iiiin iu a < hu*..i ; arh y*t t'Uilih u! hand; ru i uraintv»r h jk>;. •. ing uiaki-s Toni H:u pci tiiiU- iia] SV»■ dti Wish in*r aL'-JH . would rd ain 1 nrm iiisiS!- ing iu flu* public t i ii' i'c>ni i a ' Lain ml <h* id. fi* r uu usual p*t ! - stiHalif >’ is Whul a?ir; •.•■•- th * * puo iic and niak«-s up tiu andltiua Toni i.s uiuu *• i. ! a ; * ! in* in tj.j whai othv-r kids her at- < 1 i>: in v.'av </! living a *>f!u* kid*. Hut ally <■-) J ! d '■! j• • !!. = - MHif.lichis and 'lO'Vb !< 5 ill’. .‘.I }*i;Pi US’> of offac; • and sy anp.u Iu !ir moih- r can k.-op i i u ai! i; id \a>u H Ia i i fat r ingijig voice training the i luyir and .sincin?; lor :.)u- h a t pus -ibic j.o'oicM, \N').it {.hit* lit;/ > iiiltil/(a lit-. ,; •-■ * -U /In i 'iJ al inti;, l<u St. .laints l.'i'jHrcli, i? Anntuiuiy h a m-!; /H!en» to her ns a Erst lad; oi -ciiy. J ! iui!*• < draw ini' a rigid j line nrou*id mh h carter limiting; >vm is., esj'HHdaily if i aft g< l ti€-j unit Miss Maynoj. But ahe it;u -l pcf hard; cut this cats i ing to the manses, a.s H‘s oausing hoi to lose her perspective with Bach, llam del and the rest of the masters For already the critics know . . And soon the public will know ihU Dorothy Maynor is slipping. Take Home a Case 24 BOTTLES WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 25, i‘Ml* *—■" ”'***■ *■ ■ I Down Helody i ane L ; ruJDPKFV JUTS DAK 5 Tlr- lily white DAH was fair sod | , hi! hard, over a nation-wide radio j i hook-up by Arthur Godfrey, The Duiiyhteiii were denounced 'by OodtYey fan- the anti-Nfegro } * Key they enforce at Consul at ion iiall in Vv ashiic'fsii. D C. He at tacked -this polity and it. enforcers* . the DAR had refusiei tu ' ( hiei j>i) t an- his show ie th • Hall because one > ; t his act*:, the | Mai’luers quaitet, couiainod two 1 \Vi r St »e. . James Levs ir. Uild \S.t l e'Ciii'i. oil. i.iodtrey told Ids nut ion wide ait- , t die tu He fit a t <i it tht' show ttl lion • - uiJitat b< fa us <' the DAH, ts r enijitol because tin />.) h\ I (hnl r. >,v this/ icon tut j ine briny m u \effro entertain t: . info t/vr nation s eaj>ital in l ’•/r. j. f: 11! / Mfj Hall. S at: u( . t 1 > the n Ah! H'< it j.cut Una it .-a. m the Ar/noni doun there, "tire, I, time l tlun / I,f that Au hi uc Kbm .ut A‘. / t t Ui Side i jiis* co Vu f v it just i/i t? Ae v me etui' or a ,j the shameful thi nos , U {tin fiat fa/a s ea pit al, /or hen c e a'- sa h e the ‘ ihuitl of democracy " The show was to help raise fuiuD to-; Atiurnev Hen aoi i-> in Clark'- ; Halve to prevent juvenile tieiin I think tnat (hi* Attorney Gen* i vial v.liwuld a 1 ;-u iii vest ie,n te d»- iift • (jo* ecy in liit- rank-, of iin* 1>AI(. ! -nd hups that M.iiP <,i ine- imm- : • ni«i have h.-F-ii U’.eiul Hi fight •o; -fa ’)'mfue-nry amone. ihe duugh- U : . mi Mr- DAR iiu i’ LIP: ; PACE n, ! il'i. F’ *>!’ ;i Wb'ij* Week s i,** (it v • ''l., w.i: j;!iiH!ieii. 'file •g*>t iis kicks froui i.ucli jazz stand its .. - Hoi Hips Fa:,-, , and tils t nun pci. I mil By an tcunr sax: ! •• m’-tc .luhlls alto sax, ami Bi f ; 1 Jlici AlwC-l ... ! 1 ...!iAFitili.-, Tin* Filar!ie I’.u k- : iiuinte! )i:M lirtf.jiei-. on Mi,- ciigi . ,4 the:r ; ‘ia Is Tin* t nUbfiC!:' . IIP! ! f ; ; 1 1 - i,:ii, It.)!;,ml Crv.-übt’-rg. Aim,- f’ m * t»i Jimmy M Baniaiui ,-*m! ; -V’t•’t>- , Ik.vF: blasted away • iuniiiau teoualy ii, make a !•„’ m uois., : o u I •;. - ;;; . 1 A 1 r |. \ j \ .,» \t«»f »-}t *i'• - If' allied ♦ xperit-uee hy piaviMe in hicii m:ho ; n. Alum-ji wu-‘ived wi» h ; -- -•* % '< i’TK ii bi HOT m in Hie • it . along | -s;. I !,:•' !m Bf,; be:bl’eiib all Bus: ! : ’ Krei.Mls, with iii.s show which ! i" ii Aleimina! Day at flu City. , iHs .-ugilig is it'ii, 1 1eii as !. ■ | leg bi-tM'i* titan ii was a year . -ea, j i and there is tittle- t.iubt that tie [ ■ .’a lh« first Ntgro male .-linger to i •te accept el! il, thi:-; field a: a si’;;. I •i i acin*.*- than a. an oddity He is ! akin io Bint, Cron by fm bis popu ■ i i i-gi ii,’!; it (■.■nr i •••el,it.-. nd cri- i n*: ! re.M'Wa an* | i,,\ing such. IVs COIN 1 .; 11 VET;EAF ! Louis Arm-strong Alt Star;: have ( ■ "Hi artieiluled for ahnmst a vein ' • vi-rsea.- The group will sjjenil four or live 5 a,unihs in Fu and sewi 1 1 b’om iis ii a tour *{ Sou Mi America ’ll.* t eou pe* ■ *-jteijp, truteling; ai a wry high salaiy will iuclmt* , ..’lick 'T i.igu. .Jell I i*"V l 'i.e. Baj’be' ! I .eo ii Kart lib..-’- Full b.i -. Had po:.. intv \• ; 'ddlet'.r,; BEST : i I.l.!• (;■’ The la >,i : il j ill- vee'Oi’ifs f„ : - Me. ; week are; mi'll-: A*.s' is TII K 8K V. : SOME EXi’U .1 STED T YES IXG. Atl MX. EOU EG EH AS D j t r.-’i*. iiAi-y its corn Os TBWE. 1 DO. V T f-F/ ME ;.n vorif eyea ■wysioke, ' .1" Yob HE ADORABLE, unit Ul l OtHVA /'«/•: El V , EH. Hi- -t ‘ I'ilt-! :' by cltu-.sical artists 11. 01. AIR tie DUNE I. Jose limbi) ik! CHOPIN'S 1 'OI,U.N AJ.St (Jose | t l.urbi l "Hitlers In Tlie Shy" by Mount**; • Forever and Ever" by Russ .Mo* pan; and "Agiiu" by Gordon , .1 eiiisius are ihe most played rec • hiT mi iiie nation’s juke boxes. Brown s ’ Trouble Blues”, H’ilU ; ..ill - "Hn'.'klebu-.’k and Bull Moose .lack on ‘Little Girl, Don’t Fry ,0t i ate the tu"'t selling race records, j 'Chile “Tiamble Blue' . "Drinking 'Vine , pe l),, Oik. anti 'Tfinklr--*| V'll-k all' lb'- lie -a pin-, ed on ! juke Um-ji. ■ ! LidL.ti 'flu Fniil-I v\ iiai - and Tin Seven u- MARTIAL VH :’,|L ■ lit lnnrii‘ii/i Liijiiti parade ■ (I. .itOUltltll lLi iUUtI Oils Jill V tKi i iii.r.' r > n r that I feint.- i" Drih r people tut yd til ■ i in' it ivfi net ions . 1| (■■> 1 viewed the parade, 1 I it• < fit tht people -'.llllllllO M along the like of march. Theta wa\- atti sot : hitl -. to ■ ■ id ■. u ('u; with Vep.- it . ™ A fauifa com itiff ft oin nr,.i t I nibbed shoulders with whites j «ct better it. ' t ul the tinit-. n who hint Put been to wort,' The)/ leaned iiuainE ■ .wh i,!h<a to The opnearanrp of the r. v. front eoieity and ,'hitr; and so did the apnea ranee id thi : T Vorpr.od PoE Dn.oi mid- Rustle <’■>■■!■■ TH- i? sh, wo y thin#* •'unitit ahren/s hr in a so-called tu-moc -ant. M e should not have ' ■ ait t! e 'tan-: ■’ • ■ ’ at *< a usie ’ Es the vir to. /i, ~nle to "1 Dale t-.Hiethci K I thou! "in • o, 7 vie inuti,,n ■ am ti ( , minds <.< ! 1., r, !i t' - ha! <- ; i - ‘ f it 1 1 fl/ * ' // ft WINS MTIAIsI VT CARXRGIE NEW YORK ' ANP) Alar?« - nil. ace applaud* d genei .uilv the - *•■'• ' perL.nuance the Ruby ■M-eb.v (‘restive Dance group, held Didct-iha Boyd, William Dav 0' o, Gary Randolph, Jeanne Dm die .Tern- G.vt-ndi lyn R- bin- Yt uin Carter, ... d Theora j Et ato red production number was 'Sv. a. Lake one ~f ta- (tie t ta i ei ballet. The gr.eip also Tea!,, ed "Dt. p m the Orient' * t/ssinj.', the modern Eevptian, : \i :• a' t: \U -C it-'.ii !e, hll a ,fc i ill .. C'dei fid display. ■ h r Mauby run.- her school with Lincoln i RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA | I j SI NftAY AND MONDAY JUNE Kt> ',17 | Ray Ittiiland Clarence Marly IN j SKALED YKRDICT COLOR ( ARTOON NEWS Ot Tin WORLD . v T» ESDAY, JUNE. >8 : George Raft, Queentc < rttith IN Norn km: ■ SCIENCE: REEL ODDITY SUBJECT MOVIETONE NEWS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JUNE 24-30 Tyrone Power Alice I aye. IN Roses Os Washing!on Square < OMI DY SUBJECT WORLD NEWS EVENT'S AND CHAPTER 7 SON OF ZOBRO iKiiMi A MiIHDAt JULY 1-2 DOUBLE I E ATI'RE!! ? JOHNNY MACK BROWN IN \ Ragtime Cowboy joe. AND BH.LY HALOJN ANN TODD IN Dangerous Years ALSO OUVU.’TER 6 ' I DEVIL HORSE; I I J

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