PAGE SIX ! WILSON j L „ ALUMN! BAY OBSERVED TO BOOST m t vltahassee, fg. .c G*-.- "t-.ti Alumni Association oi > • .ot -A arid M. Inc r;-arices of the executive ( : ’• lit' olist.'VCd • • D v. ' : : c ;• '.>i*icic A anti M Cc»lJeso * - -A iw ."•! in the i-gular C . net o'itiir , v m I v Auditariui'i to c *. 'unci «> the Aluibiji i. a.t Futiri Mrs. rule G. .' '> .• •.n. Ccneral presH:*=it. presided a; the to '••'.on. Tfc ; - fund v- set vp hy tho ar se tSC! to stroke - t -; - tird t •ocf-sarv to make smsli < it- cotnpk le 'hr > educaticr. t lr ~ associate r anticipates getting the :u::d up to SIOOO 00 within the next years as a base The pre oeiit 1- of the fund is hi.-;-:;. - ouiiXc to meet the no do of Inc student?. SHORTCOURSE TO BE GIVEN ST LINCOLN, MS, • i JEFFERSON CiTY. Mo. -- Spon ;pj by the College- of Ag lie T ire • : thf University f M's. - scuri ur.d ‘the Lino ir. University { <• i > ng' iculture and home 1 ni ... dep;’ :tk nty the latter will be In sts t<» the second annual 4-H duo 'hor- course July 21-15. I iVeus.i-r.ns programmed \\ 11 ! cover ;.h r ?e 01, “Vegetable .Projects. ' a* •-> “C nr Projects' led rc !*>.- j\c iv bj Cly-ue Curnin; ram. Ex ensicn .‘ipoci;-.!i»t in Vegetables. hra Mj s. Helen Barnard, clothing specialist. “Food and Nutrition Projects." Flora Carl. nutrition sc» cialivt und “Poultry Projects.' Teel Jajjv.. poultry ipecialist. , ..."'h Games and Exerassc,” “ Activity Safety or Cour tesies. r-s.d Teaching project -cork lij Demons', ratir nwill be given attention a: the session A oriel t- vhi oe , iven b> Janies X. Ft-'. cm..n he ,i agriculture depart o)f I.University Other th- G«c veil; include a movie, a so ils . :,.i c.:.' rl< !'.••}• t ceremony. G.r . .no rrill be given by F ■ Shcrn.-t.n D. Scruggs. EX-fH GLUBLH doubles seres. TRIPLES f SOME V-ASHINGTON :ANP» - Pm- F'• ri.. pra-.-ticc the ‘things he •' r- •d us 4-H'er. Lloyd P'.ykir:-. s* "irr.-ir wh • lives near Suffolk. V r-v- oentbied ‘lie acreape and ?; rad the income of the farm left b ' 'ey his father. ■ h-■ B yk.rt.: took over "is /ath * CS-ucre I'tan- back in She .Ms. if - tro-. annani income had seldom f" - . fSr - Now tr efa nr con s: ..i* acres and the nicc.ate T a - ST.OOO r year. A.if-->. trie famiiy home ha.-; been rent "deled nr 1 cifuirped .vith modern coti venier’ccF. 1 Vskert how hi- cronping pr<’ pram difffn from that «-f his a.ih«-r l ivkins --aid that };«- 1- jciting rno'p peanut- ~n<t live tint k. while his ! ither itrecs nthrt cotton. Also, h,- pointed oi that ’ e confers more fre uuenu-.- vith his county agri cultural e-vtension a^ent. Tr day .he has 25 acre? of fcyi rid y-om so acres of peanuts, only S acres ir cot: n d the rest jf ■ ;tis 120 vcre= ,;i patturt f ( v his i;v<- :stock. He h 6C head of hers ti.-i of them purel*r-’d H-. •. tt...?■ u" head of sheep and four head Os cai • lit, including a p.irehred Milking sr i'rlhui n bun. H“ ...b ■. tc- ouiid v - :■ dairy here -■ 1 Ivldk’.’ig So.-; 1- Boms. t ; rmme of: - .-''ey made po.Gible tiirough increu.-vd use of modern fa:m machinery. Ho oviu a travT.-i. permit tiv. 'pr. dibber, ana pick- - , fee.: n !. and ti.- ror.o:::, c r.i- ' S\r ¥T\ I'RGED ON TRIPS OVER nil 1 i: ICaGO T:! Ci r: sc«a’<V «!n'i ■ over .ir- Fourth of .Iftly . If "ini air. tl.e‘l plan yonr erfn refe.'y. Hut. »%•'•-iv if v.m stay bmns rteep safety in Uiir.d she Foiirib ■ July hoihii-y - ciie of It'- vn- •• cangei-.-as vvoekeroi oi th" par. ' Tluit is the advh e i.f the N;> 1 ionul Fp! -1 v Council whi* !> i- e«- ! 'irdi.iuting a Jiatian-wide . ampitign ;to 'sop: dover- tiitrie ustt:. 1 ur-sai c<* ,n. a-- dder.ial death* during rh< in lopendenoe Day celebration. On •au no red and thirty nmioaai nr ratuzatinns. a- vc.-H ns state anri ■ 1 ■n v ccrt.-ials. are cooporat ing ir Up? effort. Motor \V-hiclc acei.i.-iiis lead tl ' list of hn’idy hr-zarrts. the Conn jell sp’d. Itrownuig from stviraniir.r: and iishiug accidents is the second | bigg -t risk. Other death* are due (<• fireworks ami fpvarms. *tni st. ok" and beat exhaustion, food poisoning, falls and rniscelianeou . £C- 1 'OlltS. Tim dear!: toll for tlm month July last year ":l- S.Tty*. the Cnee, cil said, the to f ;<l was -.v iiSH,: <ii While i? i- utipossihl r> determine The 1 x;u t number of deaths from nil causes ocep.i ; ; ry . during the Fourth of Jnlf holiday, the Goußcii said ht‘ total was v v r-t: above fell average tor other day* ot the month GIRL SC(M TS SHOW XEW YORK Negro Girl Scotjts have it.creased their number : mnr Gian 500 percent since 3940. ii was vac - known this. w<-“k a; the S’a Gonui Headquai t*, rs of Girl Scouts. Membership figures tor lh-is : lio'■ • hat Girl Smut ins reach* * nine on' el every 1 < , 1 sir'.:-. ->t Hcoip age ir :b- United States, {-.ctordiug the nation;-! ;-ie -mi r«*port it -1940. the nnntsai report shows. f«%ur out of every 10P girls were mem tiers oi the organization. Figures for Xiecro pm np-ersh '.* • • ore not available fa" hii 'he 1247 statist ie sliov. est lh:- f ti •re were :!3.92S Negro girl: i i ..ii X'esrer troops a! -ii* ee-,1 of 15117 a- compared vith. only tbbtiS at the 1 end of 15»4o. In e-id;tion to the more t ! - -• f-tin -thr* e thousaml Xegrr. g irls •in ni’-Xegrr- Sc. 111 the'. ' were approxima'eh :t <*or* in PH" interracial troops ; ; of December ft. 1!47, win-: -■ there wire only '■l,o Negro girls in Ire- 2*15 inley •acia! troops In 1 '*4o. At the »-i)*l of December It'-i-V tie total mcmbersliin of the s’-iout or •-•.•iniz.ition was 1.2e.r,.251. up- reno.-t states This figure includes 292 rein adult volui.rdeers who serve as sponsors, troop leader:-, counil ic.-i'ihaTs atm -oivi.o - s GG i mem liet shir stood ar 972.715. divide.' into ri,*. fcll-iwine age groups, sev -n-to-ten w-sr oid Hrownie Scrmts 372.974; Girl Remits 1 ten to thir teen or fourteen' 550,0T5; Seni.n- ' Fr-ouis ifoiiiiecu to seventeen > 49,- 202. m\ SERViCF TO OIVE EXAMS WASHINGTON The Board - ! 1 bed States Civ:! Service Exam iners cf the Sc-cial Security Aor.iiß ■ istrr-Lon has issued c-x.ttrrinatHm an* ‘ e met poents fc: are po. itiops oi Tabulating Equipment ard Alpha ibetk Card penrh Operators. Pt-.*- sc-ns vvlie reccveci eiigitie rat-ngs i1 in there (-x.-.rr.;,- -,t.- ■ ....; t.; - ; '.htj.r names placed i<n register ; from which probitt-onai r.-pp: ,r;t Riant:: v, Gi be rr.ada t- pcstuc; ■ tu a-dect. The -aari- tatire fr-ana s2'!2<: ac ‘-22-S4 ye- Th* - lions to br • Sc- ority Adminjett• ; • in 1 ... more. Maryland. t'opu:. ;jf th e , .. ■ *■>v i : D cc rnei . i-• a 11d. ;. r , >p j. t. \ .I*. j > tiiinks may be obtained ira .. aey ; iirrt r*r p--- *? io■ :-:i b.- F-mrih Unite ~. G Service )?.i : or 5 - tr, >;-■ -a - Sm-ie' .ay. Bop: a vire K-:. -t,!P S<‘ a- .. S- -a irry Be. era-PJC :. Mar;. TROXLER GETS 14-16 YEAPif- FCR KILLING W'-E • UF ENS HO R«" - .:r;: r : t-'!!Ce ot 14 !:* i ; ‘ !i 1 -ou tor 'he second • a.: -th« •?er ot his wife on \P, -h y; if, blended ruiity to ih. . !u ; *-i- *. Tl:e c-Httenc-:* show -'t ihn r*>x. hl’ltig --'}!P'ri it is v. • . ( .. •. -! at::* With p; G- - in -a,. vvoOfik neav Sedt.Gi.-i ween he ;--om' be: H**' company ot another '.Vie -: law «.jlt**l •:•«!!."lit off; V e-.t • > I I..X'* i’ hlt’ilr pi -ar*--t : ,-■ hi* -hr «r . Troxler testified that, sortn-et • hit him in th<- wo--:- re Li* sivitieirc' tip- r’fl*-- a r.i h - :- .hr-- citii -‘p-il :h 1 * se-mcorp- nm-e Imre knifeii him w'-iiie h- Kleepinir. Si-b'aTKNTK f'l 1:' 1;: KG i up:-.Gin;: a <(• -op to 1. . ford Superior (V.ey; .\e,..,; T^lr-:111 • wound up with tl.-I:s*i• : 1 -<• rm-'.-i oin u> him tie- ’ie,v, r . o'irt o*l a io‘iti--y ; rr;,v • L'o’int. di-acrih---; r, li-uleinim to F Ii Sr.G.'h, Pii-po • a sice'- lottery king, - as souteti *-d to serve twelve menrhs or the state up-la. His s- :a <-;p' : . ,•; - : ,. lower cnrri six uir-e a • Hlomit was annintr twent -. j: lo 1■ * - violators r-m :i<:.*i :• March end given ui.-.iTenoc*l G'PiCfs Officers mid Gmi ?p tlm: G- n- ho va fairlv hh b in :!>. • FpilG. machine and bid one.-, ad mit t, -1 “organizing-" Vy'irp-oe'-P'eh !• : lip nuruh- ’ l-;i.'k--‘! let Ween dad time mid hw i had h-H n -J- pi •d. The iota ’ • Col. ’n " 11P W. : i g- v h a P -e- e I. 1 pi:' he;.- ;iei! i-e.- G--; : • i end r - i in Bloum's home The -» f fi<-.-r : - 1 lie time -*, si -,-t :1C t“rfeit hills whi-h Ph-unt t•h •. rn g»(] wj * (M«» ri h; j: ii- ;* -\ ';<??.• !:<-n (if federal 1,-.. Ht-v. * <t. I Mu' ! :^r; T ; f < K k u-s foaiK; 1 it*y i Vj *'* re-'v ''.'.nls lri«? ?i<i. iv i i«!-ir»r -l HJijlVll Ho • llitnri *.« ! ' :• of Mf>!o •• ontendv.-- t > thf-* br- ;^ in iKissirts? ?r-v. 4 -'••. .Trrtvc !t‘t. H (iwvT: ,!>; t■.* •: Mai if ? bad thf* !a,v/Pi it (i-df-rV ?1u i*: lijh* 7inf-- t: pir? lit men ):>■ mo;«i \ tb> i+ m mm& SNTEBNESMPS .V.A SUING TON ‘.NIG er-ins Admirarti’;i'. , np.p- n.i this ’.veck that it v- > H r 25!) - ti-me-kip:; to qunlUic-' ■;i'.uaeu: . t>: ru.-og; iztd < p P-e l iv spimh i -.j: ;. r-r\ I Pat-i B 4i;-tp ( j; ~ ; ; (: - dirficto! of V.\ Dc- ;tn',C'.f of Medic:.:P : ;:d S’. : G: interne program w0..-in be con ducted u-'.di r the (P i tr-n -f ;... Dc.OlS i -. 1 PPiiii -1 '■ P ’G -a \vi-G; cSrioi:: - ■ dp':-! c . ; lose to the hosp-Gil -. Ait! - :i aa. *. a r )p , 1 Nashville Tc:,.-... :- .*i .-■■ me. ufch: i take ;*/ rr,'i i■- pip* p tn ii-ht l;',!ci!.:!i 1e 1::d u •• k; .*.< r. . , -jr • y.. .: specifically r.-* r.'.-*:-!- - that they ■A IPO c<aru? fl Vanca: Ga'l Ul .- ver-Hty. VA f. P. *•; i , Price jspu: e- to why Me harry Mo: a, Chile"?-, on* ,cf the t»y Nt-e-s p'G.aa' lir e-, si;has in IV. co-ur.try was rot 1: --re J ME CAROL! NT AN Saturday, Jut'- 2. 19*9 COATS NOTES Py .’-.I.HKIi " S T i-;WART GHAPi-.f. GHGI.R IT UK iHKB Pi -.- The r,:.-- •!: :-• , ha,.: p.-e.; , r.----l; r a! thy Free We: • ie.G Tha-'s-my , iM-G'ie-Ka Mr. S'' ;; - ... a v. ,-pe. v.'.eep-;: » Th-- r-'-lGairsal a.... foG.-wcl i,y - Mae VeNa-P WT- a- {>! a(, *--*j n- I n " 1 u:. 1 ir. < r-,i ■of Ti-day." P '■- a,j P.- t 5, , - Y* ) i ’ N-1 •' K;r - - •,: 11" pi G 1 V V By IDA ah', if M-XML tihPig I p- la-- pa«ior. -- n ; ■ m<- PC e SaP I.r ii-.a-a; w . iCh n. ' trabiiKy m theire ,' s y . £ > j;it7 *•:. arid ; - -e ,t c ’e ■l*: ' * }■ t "i a\ .: e c h i >< * harry tv i (-aied, Arid; ti om l.u 'o:.<■ at Nadmalla ti t pk : in K-n --nm:;y im-mm -* .va. .; yhm dm- WIT uTcrr ;0 ,-:U . r;'p - ti\ ; m . : • u C i" '• . Tder* w.,s respite; Gst- d in th<* GmruccUatt va-.:ety : tnc D' tGv’ --i tv ur.r.h v. ;> a- ft*:*.' ard Ut-p : vorritv M* -tic. t- i‘ . P.t <: Tapi - (■ .ac -.v,.. Mr Glare horpit:.’ -. i b:U r-n'd. Va Thi "a a ;ea . " . ■ amea aol a::,- intern:- tp)' '7 he MedlCi-i e. a... c.f V r-..-.::. G iaU-c -1 Rich •*: .‘ r 'jy.i’. r X\i r c * ' . -p- ■ • u)s "U, < ; IPC Git- ■ P- : . Pa pit tun i-.-po I- tit lit tie'. lain C■■ mir.-'di;y Credit CepTi'-ratsen ‘pen r: ;c:t t(i paf-durera v, el be avail tCoU 1 <-i vmn-i. : p 1..- o H)4!Tv:•'p Cf-.a.-r bariev f \yr ;. -:c mam ■ r i;a : y g arc P ,.y admiia.c b tr .•.j ;n ]Vi '. -.• *i .r »0 \ i iain www— jamw* iJh*wwimM:*-inTi|M*3wJnna • ■ >»—».u i—mu ■winwmi—awwi—'*' OUTLET FOR PAWNBROKERS CI OTHIIiG. SHOES and JEWELRY, ARMY AND AH’ VY SURPLUS GOODS You con save bv ttradini: at THE WILSON EXCHANGE 207 So. Goldsboro St. Wilson, N.C. SPECIAL SALE DRESS SHOP 219 East Nes'h Stre-' f WILSON, N, C. Pay us a visit and save ai least 350 n y-tmr Dresses and Bathing- Suits ;f‘ tvi ii; f ‘ s? y Ypt »•,; ()io o! Uh] A" - • pit- til •oTf< ; . •' !•-Ilflii {•' i;'i j*fV * , i, _ in a Uic > auv. c• jnor:•! i ke nia:,- !.<■■: :• -.. ;i G.i in: 1 rn?, L-tjf -v,., A-fW-'L if . i’ ill ’ t-)y t-.V|S<"N thici i\:y (id y■ ■- nm\ o* i o ?m*'-r mm-i :lh" i.t.'O':’ Vi L ]'. lilt' L-'hVj :>:S ; tpi >V " .G’ dfl C VOH -CviYA JO h.*hi • tioct ii'T - L.jiVf ?-h_: i-»n In Hr! m L** if v' t In my colic!:js‘tin. ina • I sav th.-.t ’ hep. every >*v I « in Pia ?h“ fumro rhan they d on& in ': i • ui P n*'" R\ (i I X K ' 1 -7; ■' •; -d I f \:; li S t h:.- (Od 1 U i *! N•• t" . * h «.r* ; • Ai• c. A nrubt*- U. Phim i*i ev. »•?a -1 s !: * i< • of Mr. <!• : Mm:. W iiliarc- g • rs. * .TO ? :or.- n*-Cihi'.M the? .A * v ;T- { ,*■- poy home 1 tow?.. Every use wr<-- suioriscd and a?ria v t(l i\l Yir-v Itrm.i) \;1 t*' T• V> ;* orriv*'-; c-r* - ■ . ■ and tafhm :Vh'“ p: CPL ’•*> ' t g i;: O'; W.iPl;- U i\ ii<»v.a slu- ha- ltj j* v ii«.jcr r he: ■ ■ U" iniiic -o.tic Uaa -. Slut L-rourh? ib* r- w - Hub cv*-r;.- th ini m ic in n u. M» ■- }u Yi trn v wo rt. *- - ~ ‘'■ v r. u lid r'i Mo.: a’..: v y LfUis sLit p m vUMfM WaO)iu?ci«»o ;h i !c : pi-: > ■ jwo <»r t!i r»- >v• -« l< - They Fpmo 0.-u-: ot' thorn * the homo i • .Mrs Plummer, WILSON ARMY & NAVY STORE 129 W L .rr.-a St- WiHon APi M > AVY N D CIVILIAN MDSE.. Tents. Har-irrsockiL Suit cases. Trunks ar--<j Camp* ing Equipment, Clothing afG Sheet; j ‘THE FRIENDLY STORE O. B. Be?an«L Owner BLACK WGO D' S ASS O. STORE Whizze? Motor Bikes and Bicvcles Sr-lets and Repair 30-1 E Nsir Si V .kcn Phone 3204 FOR LEADING STY! FS AND REST QUALITY MERCHANDISE Visit BARKERLS DEFT. STORE Cer Gclci-ixfc and Barnes Sis Wiiser. N C. c-.-~rrrTT.Rs for. thx FNTUBT FAMILY

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