THE. CAROLINIAN Saturday, .luly 2, 1949 '§■. ill " w * M 1 , /,* ■ V ■'%. ' aksSb m f^-d ' in norm i i;i\<„ (.i;i;Bio\ \ >!"<.. Norwood ti. Jilts the t'r >1 v. l.fnrva Hudgins of » who was mat ril'd to Nor "' < B f it!' as a double ring otfSKin. i onductod ro rnth by GRAHAM NEWS 5 MKS BK.NsIC ROGERS nlAl. . fill RCB At W ITU S *•" Cbm eh. First Bim.j schooi t OMMENt htllN T ■ : '<v.-.., y..;v, Ch..i;vj f.’hnrcn T'--’ ' SdU-f1 innU( 1 Mi". hoys ; ' '■ K'.‘ • b' week and conducted cJc s. fjf f v ri;r:-. Ffidtiv n._:ht ‘• • • ■ <t : yea by ■vt m one ‘ - bo , '-It t v:ri s* n COVER SOX WIN 3RD STRAIGHT . T" • V.:u( F'-X tilth f . aim. Cr. i a T t ?' •' r'ltTurf- St pc Mat s ; ;cra.f fen r-■ yi t; no s.nuul f* ft .r ; u \iv- .:v alti'.i lift Trji . h Ur r cl., v w erf. C-t ’X! R< a .- w.-b two f r t W;l.;t A< ..r... with three far five and Eddie dr armX. wilts throe for f>.< Chi.; < Ha: nor- was the catch er and i row i -;nj. 350 with a fiital 5 wins and 3 defeats. fur key .r< w •- mash before them of a.:i time-?. A tier- magazine should fc.. --■ s as e.-< „ t-ciuiprrw nt for t'vt ry tx ■>. Kef ;a ; Us Ht < . i Griffin of the » iir*t i aiv.try pit**! Church of \’or folk. V t. in** couple plans to hon eymoon in Atlantic * itv and in N’lw Vork City - PHOTO m BAII.EV ART COLLECTION IS BEQUEATHED FISK UNIVERSITY brers America ineliidinc - pn sojiSa;jy, works of I’aui (V- Kainif‘. !‘ai:’o Picasso ! heir Hivern. •'•bil Georgia <) Keeffe and has. been Ctvon in. i' k University. Formerly the property of the la! AlfrcT. S’ h'yMtz: of Now York, ••elebratc d A uteri: an champion oi -ihii onlarv art tho collection v. mt: to K; by? ho domnfiii of the < of th- wilt. Sties.- iit, widow oGoreia O'Keeffe. If was h- fool in tr that '•one c f i'im (V, ;;i ies of art -dieu;.! ha tlx rK-mx:,,, ~J ins!i*utions that r-oy jt if •p ; tnc th» l.'h • litre: Ait League, ail! hr. Chuirlos S. lobiisor.. Ki s k piosdl. !;• i; rHo brqn* s 1 r presented a. "i • emendons cultural orxibsMcn to K - .\. i \ H x hvi’:i«. i>tn! to the South. Including than So wi rks of vnodi rn a t" tit. i oh’ee! u-n w ;i, form th»- nueh iis a trallc-ry p’ oiriod ai Fisk Alfred Stsirr. Nashville a rtfs; a:;d art critic*, termed the St.ieg.iitz gif* i< "wonderful th ng for iiotii F-. . and Nashville", and said that the < lu>i< Ci! Flsli ,s a clopos:e,rfro' the St joy: it z • oiler::. has the svhc.c*! r-f fi.-rthcr signifii-*:’! gifts from I . wire ...rt eoilfctc-rs iti this cour t:y. Read The Carolinian” [ HENDERSON j iIl lift IX m NDMKSON .Mrs. Billie Baker Ic. ,hc former Mi-- Julia f Young, uho be came the bride .*< Willie Baker. C at j « t tiding reremony which < API A!\ I’FVRSOA EXPLAINS ( AREER (-( IDEA EE FLAX I the reconi years of War. cte-Doriiod young man though; in f<•*••'.>•* of tin immediate job other ib. M>,;; es entrance into tut •• -i.o . F 'ms. Under Selective Sf ■ ■ he had no choice. Now*, h over those men do have a en- i . recording to Captain Joseph -h Pt arson rec-t .nttng office!' at '.’;i Rak-ign Anri and Air Force rc < "•; tin;' station i its : ’.y. jiixitior and plan et :• the Army ns rapidly aecom .. radically nevv pers,n b'. i-iTie.nagctnerit system known as toe Can*. 1 ; : viiiicuince Pian. T ie career .euidance p;an is based cn tw iTnun cc-neepts; One, that • t i .-o.uiej' is : individual and '.‘•it hi- .;i ility ana productivity ar, . •. snized ihtottgh ad* ■■mu ■. nrum .« ponsibility. rank, an, pay Tw . - service in tne ■ ; .' '.he • tes; sense, a i.are, . •. • . •••rue placing this in • n a . letessa n.d itvei. T’ . aroer pr ; o: u.nUies offered Am si. an youth today by the Arm; uiciud*. Ads ..need technical wfisi e.. ive schooling; pro 's;:' a tTii ‘adder cn the a-- i xj'-ei 'cnt-e. efficiency, and • w .«•< t: .create*! financial 5e •..;.. 'll. f-xivilegi of overseas .day :h It? fcr<>adening i >;f>er ie:i;t ;c increased maturity and - i.necjuallea pi'.vsical development a. l.rarr. T e .Artry c, veer then, assumes a j sutior. as '!-■( of the desirable h . .'■•? whicr: this year's graduate may make. Wit;; a higher degree es selec ivity in th< Army, fewer men ; he allowed !•:• enlist. Those ■• • a arc accepted urt in actuality, l•' -nt fcd Ey entrance the Amtj rc» they paxticrpatir.g •va cnniiucted *r. June H by the Rev. Air l.urson of Hender son at the heme of the bride’s parents (Story on this page) PHOTO BY BAILEY r i: R s o \ \ i. s BV R. M. P.aILKT The United Prushytetian Ch irch ha- .just completed ?wo weeks or IWWe School, with :*n enrolltnent 'of students. Th-* Pilne School was held ,*t Hertder.-on lnstitifc iheh School, with M: L. K. Spencer and Mtss M. FI. Uoniey in charge. Mrs. Marantic- -Adams Elam. Mr- K. Dongee and .Miss Mary Helen Knight supervised the ausic Tin- Bihlt School was divided in* groups and on! of these groups ;■! thf eic.sf* of the Bible School were given ski!- songs and a broadcast.. Th** Anna AVvrin* Missionary So ctefv of the I’nited Freshyterian ( hurch will continue to nteef thru the summer. with yr a' jdans Dheai. The * linic which was held at the office of Dr.. John I levvev Haw kins i*i Hendersfjn. North Carolina Juno 23rd. ':4th. and 25'h. proved to bo. very very successful. The* clinic ■•'•'••is given on physical medicine and physical therapy by Dr and Mr-. Cheatham of Chicago. 1!!.. treating approximately 250 pa tients free. Hampton Alumni and guests roo tored tr* Bugs Island Saturday. June 25 on a picnic .Miss Marx E Taylo- is improv ing very rapidly at Jubilee Hos pital. after undergoing an opera in the formation of a new peace itme Military Establishment. Complete details r.n the Career Guidance plan can be obtained at the 1. cal recruiting station locat ed at !2o West Davie Street. Ra le irh BAILEY’S STUDIO ~\ 105 i 2 N. Garrett St. Henderson, N. C. jj (O-.’er Vance Cleaners) Hours: 4 to 7 A” day Thursday and Saturday PAGE SEVEN I'n is-iOiin Tin kits i'V i: £. TAYLOK I-a*t week the building prow -.m at ME. Sinai AMiO rhisrch ;■:*r dcrway ami tbi members ami *.«;. i tt'tii. in and around Piltslmro -.St i wishing tbt* <:hm-«-h much s'jt.teKs in . if. irementions effort as ij: r y , lend their aid in seeing that he , program i- put »-,♦•?-. i M and .Mrs Willi.* K vU;.-.,. don i.e.-ame the patents ••» ~ix i ffund dtiug:*:«*i .R-ssie F.agv:* i* I f’orreiia on Ratirdar Jmtv 2*Vb M ah* r and .laughter at- i*- nicely and are to ret nr.’ It:n *• TfXtly Mrs. McLendon is the •«• liter Miss Hath ia.-a* 1; of the ( ■ ■. Mis. \\. T. Harris has ret- :;e> to i lie city after ;u: ext. ' sit e vtsir with her children in '" T: >u-, *' : Her h tends and neigh hots »> *» v-y glad i hat sin- has re' urged Miss Dorothy Bland spn. av n i joyahie week-end with !.-: ;.n --; Mrs. Eos it- Ratliff, in Slier On* while others * her fntotiv visit,*.) Mrs. Ethel Al: l.*r, Apex. No■■; h Carolina. The Mitchell Chapel ('horns, «sti dm* .h. d'reytinn of Mr. Alonzo A'* * slop. rend, red an inspirations} ntu ieal program ; i Mr. Sinai AMK i ('hurclt las! Sunday night in inter e t of the l.tithiit.R |ruje> Tim rhorns is eottittrs-*d .if "oung p. .* pie anxious to help on; in worthy ' eyases. I "F iy.Y.y ' Head u i* <i the Atop.;,-., : with three hits in tripping tie 1 -I’tgh Cum Hieing Tigers 13 to T for their lirfc wit: out of 14 starts. "T.-sty" Wa ; deii 'vent ail the way i for the Atomies and gave up nivm ; hits and allowed seven run i • ; tor" White started for the* T: ... r. • and gave up ten hits before re- e, f ii-Deved bv Atwater. Atwatei e "•>- !ed two inrhigr and nQ.i ,ve-,t soy ; hits and three r. us. "Wild t:l :i* ti -ed i, y then took tr-wr .mi vet i. * ! Atomics down. F Cald-v . , .i, i - Horton pace'; the losers wit It : ’ , ; . ;e li- Ha - tiiday. July 2 ».h» Atomies ntee* the hustling Mi:•••hell chan > nine and on the 3rd Hi* > • vi e - Sanford to engage the !<v-ai tea: * • here. On the 4th the/ pi...' to the tough Asheboro nine Kve. v body is urged to support tin* l.xv 1 team in these «rucial games DOVER HAPPENING QUARTET AVAILABLE The Waters Quartet, heard e.i fi Sundry morning at 9:45 over Station WFTG. is available for appearances at churches and schools. They may be contacted through Allen Barrow at >tU9 Hicks .Avenue ■or bv writing in cart of Station TV FTC. ILLNESS IS FATAL FOR RODGERS IVEY Rodgers Ivey. IS. 3 native of Moss Township. Mali fax County { died Monday, June 27 following a short illness. He is survived by three, sisters Mrs. Mattie Powell, Mrs. Tushia Hankins arid Mrs. Heddie Cun niy; five brothers, .1. T. Ivey. W l). Ixey. G. L. Iv'-x. A. It. Ivey ar.d C. IV Ivey. Funeral rites will be conduct ed at the Quanchey Baptist Church, The Rev. R. H Kedd i; paste r. i ion. New elithol Baptist Church will render a program Sunday night July 3rd at 8 o’clock, ‘‘Ten VC gins." This is gives for the Benefit of club number two. There will be a barbecue give a) the home of M*'s. Julia Cooke on Arch Street Saturday nigh*. July 2nd. This is given for the benefit of Club Xo. a? New Beth el Baptist Church.

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