PAGE TWO YWCA ACTIVITIES Tli'> PuF.etit ijdi teal Jon Ocmintt t.-e v'!: ji )l<( its flint picnic on S.uur i'iiv. July 2 u.{ Dr. PluturnerV Farm d 3:JO put. Pari-im, members and fields are urged to meet at she "Y", id K. Davie Si. The group •Ji leave the "1" at 3:30 pin Ev ei vosiu is to briny* hi.» own lunch. Coim ami enjoy a plejoant after lioo.i It? the country with your faintly aiul friends. Th Women's V'tlviiv Coni mit tee is sponsoring its Adult Sew inn r lass n,t the YVVC.y each Tuesday End Thursday night from 7 to a 1> m. Classes ore free to all. Each Hji-inbef niii at furnish tier own sewing material nnd patterns, Mrs jvf O rayloi is Instructor the Women’s Activity Commute . sponsored a *o% •-!v lawn party a* the home of Dr. and Airs. L. K. A(< Cantor. s '• Tat boro St. A la rev group of "Y‘ mem tiers and their uieuds uttended this event. Orange punch and cookies were served to the guests. Mrs. Maebelle Wortham Notices ADMIXISTKATRIX'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA w \ ks: county HAVING qualified ay Admini c.rutiix of '.he Estate of Gertrude; Veto ocecased. late of Wake ( i.i.nty Neii.u Carolina, this is to tcuifv i'll persons having claims f.jhj'.y". the Estate of stud deceased to > to the unde t signed . l . 631 O.e .. th ad. Raleigh North C. /oi 1... on r before the Ist day if dime 1850 ~ this notice will be (.haded in bar til their recov i All pc: on.- indebted to ’. c i- 'atc \v il; pic..; i make immediate pa on lit I'll:- Gtk day of Juni 1949. 1.t1i.. Holloway. AdTuiustnx J- J Carnage, Attorney ■n. • ' J US a.-.. Jul> 2 • 1 • NOIRE ill SALE OK tit \ ELK REAL I ST A3 t. LAt :R AND BY VIRTUE -I m i v.e: and authority contained .!.'•{ Deed of Trust exe cuted > Jm n H. Walk.ns and l.P.e ime Watkins to r. I: 1 a:-tee which Died Oi T. C tilted the 26th day of, •' me ib-td. niii.l recorded it. Hi • k !«'*!; i.ngv 414.' in the Office of me Ri.jpi.ter ot Deeds if Wake Conn -I y. \vfifj6u* uii the 2brci <ii»y * I v!k-j y My. J II Stockland w % i?» <., ;u Substitute Trustef ii» "a< j t-imi *■ t i k' K Menu k by instra •j.f iit :* t ovaidtet i.;; licvk 1021 1'... r ’.c ’•<Gb. THEHEFOKt. V-e i> •« • k • * ! of t/it: liOldtrf ci the* N.U‘ tit. o tiivieby cif-d pt wf; cciiT* t .cd by the at'.it-iiid i /V*. « ? Truit .»<iu !«,r tht* purport ebtii* ah? moi a \ to bnXii>ty <;»:d i> u* tei« dlit . i L, vi-iii ofter for arni Reu the highest bU'uUri at pu*-- *‘ :j ‘ ! p Tor* cu>ii at the ('*.•!«; t h' lilr do* i . W%;kt* Ouuiity. Xt iti. < u: tht? City ot Ral nfn * . the 9th diiv of July Mj 12 t a k No h I\u t\ llow.ii:. at .t rt-rtl n ' tfttv. d 11st Ot N.v]' Wokt CcUl.l - ♦tati. of Non , Carohm. pa:?icularly <f«- craix-d a? b lot Kf■ 76 in Lincoln fhik fi<,«-orto a map mode by H. i Pook’ C E which map is regis tered u thf %>tiicc of the Register cf Ijotuh of Wake County Not In Ciitiioa in Look ot Mips ItnL })«' »'*•' ->5. more particaiarly cic m i ii/td 0$ follows: REG INNING at a n.-int on tt.e Wmt s di- at Lake Street 146 4 fed '•i -.di oi *,!,r S , '.hii> ; . i-,- 1 inn oi lake Stix-et and LiiK-tiin 1 . • i ,i. .S tali c We -it-. oirtetion nir feet to the corner of !.<.[ No 71; thrice in a SnuVn < ipv direction with the lint of Lot No. 17. 40 feet to a point, thence in ru Easterly direct a... I2u lt«.t to Lake Street; thence iu a North miy direction aloruj the West side nf I.aki Street 40 feet to the po ~t of BEGINNING. Btii.y lot deeded by M. S Hol land ..rid wilt, Ti IV E, l.awrtnee and wife, recorded in Book 860. c ■ page 267 of toe Register of ; eds of Wake County, North Cu loliuu This Blh day of June i 949. J. Stucklarui Substitute Trua lt e F. J. Carnage Attorney .Tub* 11. 18, 25, July 2. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTH i NORTH CAROLINA WkE t' COUNTY HAVING qualified as Adrnii trati-r of the fixate <>f M >ry Settle, dt-i'i-..v.-iJ, hue of NVake C'lunty. Norl ; Carolina, this is U.- notify all persons ruiving cluim* against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit the,!. 1 to the u> -dorK.-giied at 516 East Martin Street- Raleigh. Nortf* t.":,vollr.a on or before the Bth day <4 .In..ft, 1850, or this notice will be , L ided in bar of their' recover> AH ,-iei'sons indebted to the Estate will please make immediate, pay ment This Bth day of June 1949 C BENNIE McCULLEKS, Ad rm ni stru tor F J CARNAGE. Attorney J.tiy 2 9. 16 23 . 80-Aug 8. v n hi x tarn atrlv n otice Ni )RTJi CAROLINA W.-.EE COUNTY HAVING qualified aa AdrenuD trati ix ot the fe.-.tnte cf Noo.h Hril. deveasod i»te of Wake County this is to notify ab persons hayiu,; ; claims against the Estate of -vd deceased to exhibit thur. tu V‘ r undersigned at F. Q Box 187 Wake fiwr:;!., North fuoiir:: iwi nr before the S.'bti day of 9ore. I iftSe i r rd;, »’.Awr wb |.it pies.. ,*d m be of third- recoverv All pei ..:(.ifis indebted to h.< » rwitt wiU w r . k*. imimrdiutt: payment.; Tun 2l\h day oi June. 1948. ETHEL M WI..L, Administratrix July 2,9 ; , 16, 23, 30 Aug. 8 ran;,'. 4 s<'io: tti'ciinii'iinieil Mr. (Vila Wortlimr The )>r rented a «kil ’ln tin -if Hu- Railroad Track'. M:.~ J.iiilia D°- limey recited <*’ Living" by durst. i... De a:iey also served -us ini ai i of ci-i n i)M'!i> Soft mu , sic: was ,da> • J while i )io utouj. ; moved alinul the Bn at ii'ul g.:,l ib'ii. i Mrs. M. U Ta> in is bririnar. of this eroup and Mrs. !. K McCttii ley. Co-Chat mum I'll? sl.Tieeu 7 Teens .vli ■ went te Camp Klennoi Venrn. r-turned to thr city oi Kri.lny. June 24 t hey received nun U iaspivnUon and trainiiiM and nin veil a inv., of wholeaonu reiTentl'-n. These girls are all unviuiis ; , ),«>:! i.hei • Information on to *t:* -* ■ Y Tivus in the Citv Schools this fall Tie YWCA is op-u lor cst re creation and for use i,% e.roups at' tiurlnir Hie summer, "he \ also serves all age groups Come to Hi. "Y"! Reilleinfier yte.i Need ! h V The "V" Needs von YMCfI SPONSORS BOYS DAY CAMP I Th<! Bleed,vorili Si reef YMCA will sponsor a ti, -. • dav ramji i. Hie "Y during lie- -ai. v. .>• months from ! pm daily mlierHs of r : ■ AssoefaHou u. >“ it ~ ()• signed To r«|-t!isi ..a,. i v |e stirt-Ume .i(*,viii. ;.*i 'si\s S. 1* the artivities will ineltnie ;ii'N and crafts, indoor grans (falde teiiai-. I‘heckers. howling bovine i vo'lev bafl. all. plie.**•.. rap!,n ■ ;. talent shows, steal hours and d;s ( ussion groups interi sted (..•'■ ■ are •m •.•eii r- • ■ iste: at the Y.MI 'A of! t, . YMCA NEWS HTHIIW'I.K (i 1* A TIV IT IBS , tf'.vK an ,n';.v : Th ursih; u .’ah, a 1-a p m p.e- < U ; . 'OO pin .lute. i' ..• h'rhhiy. fit},’ > : !.»»> YMCA Health Clnh j f it* Until It. .ill!:/ -: 00 Softball mid Yi "es-hall gam" 7:00 p.m Move and faKiit Shi.e >'b?,.)»//•!/ :•* 3:00 in. Hailroad Men •- 1 ulmi ’ d*l piu \t, >je TI ~ bnable. Jutn 4 1 P.m. Bovs Day Camp ,7: ,'lu Rhode Club *To<> iu;; tfjn.-s’srial Cn.o.n T lt , aUiv, Jaht ' i 1-7, pm Boia Dav .'amp T'b" | n: H..h ...< ii /. ~s t- -n. ! Oil ,a O. Y( ,1 ML- Men - I 'j,, f v 2,n p.m Tmli Had Meeting of v J. Iu Am.-: a;) '. ,e; \ eve ’•> - da. Tv t; /. 7 '* ‘"f/fjiiff t t"*! f (H f .-rifi TYi ».’-»* i ifi ,r\ T I |,r ~ v L<ris.Ti r <*. Mi!ft» Hot ra. udofi I whl*' {li.’itKlilf hi ii t: v (»])< V ‘ ?»aIJ f L rn . ,'.f.- • tool; -J]*ntf. i'-ntorruiHloii s ; n !*•• a ! uhiic ?•« vtE.-ai*? ’ • 'Tv • H • MnHMMQSBMnnHnWMSHMnHPWMfttIfHIMnMaKVu . Q/oer HAIR • c/\r)eclly 'Vialchct ijour 3 '/’a t /.''tti Jn .Muir .. ‘hta thm*n 6 .ts ;t* Kjuv - f*v ' full j* 4-£% ivn A \Z in»it< \ i)t. It en •» b* vvt»i i *t tV * new r*'M ft » bhu*Ai». i>* tt cm l- ■\k fuH Jtnjftih. I'm t 9 ' in j ‘ m* r A %rp Our »c:ii.i * T Atrhi ten? ntid j. ullv OiuV Vc R tftt 4 ha*i '‘.ti ytHjf M.tV U’M ■• •*'. ! M 4VIHI :hv .1 »”•*’•* . K h »•* t-m:.* r'vi*9^i»o CUSTER CttRU You sj ' l ** your dwvi hud whv-H you a \n Jit'tSS&t K KA Hi 1 ' CUi.'vr *.I Citi’K. Hy v*«.vii’lnv Oiin 'uvorHir ,’ou T'« away wrtb the Okw ot hut Irwflt* tiVM'hv irivirn yuur imn un**. f<* •xyttifi »t* •*.! ronsf?/». 3u ' Hit* s’UrU i ct* ii»|> oi’ voui ov'd hut.. «n this *»’ < gLylev . ... hicfli.'M j S Of yow •>&!* Os »toi€ ml or OKOi iff TO DAP 8k K D N O MON K V — P*-> poHtntfto on (Wivory.. Dept JESSIE KARE 1 *; tnr, $ yo? f Rh Ave., N«w Yew k Citv TUTTLE CENTER MAPLE TEMPLE SERVES ITS COMMUNITY The Tr.tUi Community Cenlui, | a eomiTiuuity chest agency closed ts first ..X irionibr *ai g. ogra.o this week with an wutslanding re e. rd oi service to the people in the community The Center cared ha mi average daily attendance 1 'orty-six pie schcol ehiidrer. whcie they enjoyed various activities.. 'tv-eatnm, hot inmjier. and a clean |f < -mfortabU' bed for nap each, da;. ufU r .■•.•hoi ■ Twenty six came directly fre-tr. school and enjoyed ; the '-v.-ii (nth .nd c-mfort of tin ; center 'irit.d their .parents enme . ' front work An average of ,-cven -six boys took p.n-t in buys ■ ; Hvil'tu- Thirty ehiiditi, ioun. u to make beautiful and Hsefnl things with their hands. Twenty non girls learned to spend their iti-nre tun ■deriding their voices ii son; Over t'e-hundred adults ii:a to the "enter for relaxation fcy singi. jay in a gain's, at.d dcvclopi.ig In in to skills Thiei I onrired . : d venteer. garmems and eio ren (lulls were madt phis many am..lf tliclt T.'-cat;. tw girl sc-. m; lit the cc !0! ta.cii i■■■u..- i r 'rk ami phi ■ whi <• t'ivi: o: hci -.1 oops I <: it ' si can ill:, at.c'i I won’ . H r. . liH.imc fan ■1 -. s v. or. v.: w on. . !.... .a,.. • at itu:< .a iw cost. WRSEKY :<( HDOI Til. Tit;til C ft:..amity Cctilet i Nursery Sch-.0l is ;, in tub ■ iswuu A record nUindanct ai-rtves vi I.' ■: ot .a. right alicl !'•. a i n v util Lit These children .re ■■■ i.'lo read vvi ite and aeuii.tint ( i\ e- with "trier children A wholesome l.ini’i ss sei ved to them oVo: '. a.i.' in. j.:i a ... : .:. *, lo'CC'-vl :. '■ thre skilled ns’n ctc-iH vviiii two assistants. The tiiret softball teams are • vci y vr.t.hustd i*vi r the on-corning : Üball !r. cut They dev te pc.-; , the day .• practice to * keTl:.'. !\ e • 1. j the . ellailt rue. Tat* : nrst game will be held Fr iday at four o'clock v. it:, toe Soldiers Home Tea it. Boy s cocking class will be cor. : dueftd Thursday morn in r undet the direction of Mr F J Carnage • .H T . ■ :lt: s \: .uritetr *'.' ik t-rs. This w. vslaldjshed pr!tn.j! ilj ' '> a ■ : ta.i . "t < i cm ;,. Soi u-i d* .a iab;. i*j\ boy> an H will a. held K: .day night ..: eight o'clock ~t the ctaU r All fun lining l- \ s and girts ••n* invited. l.r -n t f ■»!•,•! The T.ittit ( ■ rmtt.ity Cent.,' I o:r-:, whitn ••'ii! e ii-lu Juiy g- 1549 at the l .lciih- rkii .tl For, to, to. yoi'l'l' lll.H.allll'M the old ST, PAUL CHURCH HONORS GRADS Or ryj q[i. tut os ii om ti’it 1 Y.u j ui nd Steward: s D aid No. ; oi v’ P AML Church Following .. short uddre s by the pastor. The !'■' T R D.iaaat each gradiKite :■ piventt.: . -ift from the' L'',,ta. by :> a -idt' Mrs Adchfc G I ga.ii lj.'i'. u . Ireshr: cuts v. • .. u rvf.-d The follow t: . .dilutes were :•• • i it- Miss' h ssyt Wild, a Jo..n;';c Moure, Gcri.idine Oats. Johiinie Hat Ft It.; and Bobbie Sin na l .UHt.l! or YLAK Mr. Archie Sir. ’n. Sr was pro :ai: a-,j Fid of ha Year * -r: Day M:. Sn.'t.h cori'.t s .•> 'a> ],«•»;•.-r . rh Sunday wiUi h.:- '■> acd children ..nd takes an no ' ■a. gnat in ucfivitic-s. He- alst ate.ids al! other iictiv it it- of the crura , -ii.;.: v.He. ch ii>, and •at cab.. th« .vi'. klv meetings. Read the Carolinian! ! NEWS BOYS ' i! Earn Extra Money During The Summer Selling The il CAROLINIAN j AH Over North Carolina There Is Demand For The | State’s Only 24-Page Negro Weekly. You Can Earn j Easy Money And Get Valuable Experience Selling j The Carolinian Each Week. < TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C. ! * i I THE CAROLINIAN BY .lOXKI’HINE TKKHFU. ■YnuJ. tu the .tt’pi'l of the !n Rliihtileii.’hia write-; These tonics saiilth he ihaf ; s holy, he ihat is true, Mi that hath tfiy key ot David, lit that open eth, and no in.;r. shufteth; ailu ' I 0 m.-UI eth: ! know Ihy words; behold. 1 have sit before thei an open dooi. and no rnun .an -hut il for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept tnv word, ami hast not denied .VI y Name.— Rev. ,'t;7-8. P.egu'er worship service;, were held at Pilau'.. Tempi.,- Cengregn ftonal t h'i i.stinn Chmxh Sunday, Jiitu 26 Music fi: the tiny was furnished by ‘he junior choir Scripture lesson was read by out piitfor. We were -ed to ill. throne of grate in prayer by Brother Ch.rinci ilenr.v. Y. - Mere li..ppy to have the Rev •'ii'. G. f. Hail, our ex-pastor who now piutoi • t St. John's Baptist Church in VVilliamsburg. Va„ de- I■' l er ihe n omine ,w .vtsage He . preached u soul stiring sermon u-.' as :«!> -x' Rev 3:7-8- "Be hold I h.,:\ o' before thee an '•e:> c.o' which no r.ian can shut " An. r this wonderful sermon, vv. |i’; yed .n R] liisiilon-’d ’ ’ "u Kcv M -ex Henry. ’’ 1.. Y. ruu' 1 .ove The fd We m i sli u, sny vvt had spien did SifUfay Senno) u The ■n.iin topi, was -Jesus Continuing Muustl 'll-. Mem. ry V. ;s, w.- "L lam with .* OU alw ~ i... to tfie ,1.1 ft t \)t. t . i ;; t\ j \)< . i'liiSf ■•{ tiu- IfiiHiit: it’-rm we we wt-jltl »■-»t hi»ve «*> t \ MTvjet* b : vi id nut -t0..; Lift \\ e i,; ; .. Vit}' .v.k'tici .-^rvict • 3i\i\ the Rev. Ivi;. Liuoker lieiiveied tbe even;nv: >'mk} His tux! w-.ts. ■T\-e \V: > Tv Heaven. UM. fi - 10 * : *L « . • Hex Ek rvt'i '• -Vb!ftv ft Y l . nival "Qo>un Tt. Dk ibe Staff hi Mv Kami; The womoji’s el«b met .t? the l cJ>urc' l i wit., t-reftident Hayev pre • icli‘ On T viv.p n-ei; it:> ;.nd frier,ds visited 'i, Eugene Ten.pie who E),.*- been te. t*;..;* two weeks, and *.ift«> Mr I.7nit Ti'.ompfte.n on Eaft‘ C-; b;n* Stirct sirk member for ,st.v at years Little Buunu> J,nn Booker. dau;? i > r <»t he\ ojni Ali'ft. Ho*>.s.vr, : ‘‘ten tor.lined to nor h- me because i * 2 ; -s- \V» win, the M, k a Dnrin.i ilie fourth week in July ; Lev. (_> i Hail win reiidei sev- ; ' iu. 1 at This: church. Or: Mur dm aftdi Cecil J: j mb Iliirii- .'vl-’.'i m i a.).,.... ! Sfvcv: O'). : i .u-vi *: .t-i (ai-..: jointly by tni. : Liig.i.g ovu fifty gi.Cecil Jr., vv.u five and Rickie- was - : t* .cat old Tin- home be**u lit id !ly oet orated* • They were ail >e: ved ivC eri-uin i iTi.<• Sunday School wishes you boti* u hai-i-' birtiiday TWELVE ENROLL AT UNIV. Cf KEN. Li-.X: VC.TON K - ■ •AT'. Muk 12 Negro gradual-.'- yfudi-nts: or.rolled -,t the IniuiMh of Kia-i lucky summer ... I without m cidtnt D Maun cc F Sony. dt-o I '. and tegiitiau. &aid most of thin. : re ttactii-rs doing advanced 'vojk ii oducs-tion These -tuai-nfs w;h attond ihe R-'iinc c1..-.M-. s Mtiitc -tucien:- , llu.ngh Dr. H L. Donovan l'y .•> tty | ro-id. :-t ,j . max:'. '.", .•'gi.:. ti ■: i'-.nsl-writ ;. 1 1 ■ .lily .o (‘ I'pi'. r:-:r.»- m w:i! ru' rr’. nr,;- :i-t..-; A icoont decisiuji hy Ft-dt-r. i j J'u.L o H. Church fora in a rui’ ' ' tiled hv Lvman Johns:..! Louia 'villi’ ill: h .arbool t.'aiiiiu'. cpcniu 1 the way for Negroes' being itcurbU '. d t- il>r univ .'i'sity 2ETAS HOLD BIKE CONTEST( MEMBER FETED dmicron deta chapter of Zelu T hi F.i'hi Sorority' held the ki.-'- of: ! for it- annual 2eta they, to ( ontest and the Biu.- and White l(rvi:e t ; ton SnjoUi tier " : ltd. YY : ' \ Fu l ut - ! tiny ei at: ine. i he Pontest along with the Ttbir ; Mid Wiiite Revue will ronie to j climax on Oei-th.-r 7. tit-la at tie j |"[ (.*: iy Gill field Senuul. The e.e.i- LstatitK an : Wy.ilt rnnilm. Jatn.'- Forlics. Fran.'S Haywood. Helen .Lilly. St,sit ’.ii Knight. Theory Alit , cheil. Ann Pulley. I'ai leiip Rtilley. Willi...m Thomas and Maxim sum. 1 Mrs. Cal I't'i'i tie W'ateis. fur t!u " h;.it", p -renttal ~ g,i; to Mrs Nora i-1 vitas l.u I: ..rt, for i n:er l-nsileiis. as a t.ik.a. apiire ; eiat ion I'o: hei -l.leiuilil -' i as ihfis'ito'is iluiing hr. t« 'yen' ' Til’- Mas til.- fi’uiiui : ta;t she 'old aorv.’ i ~ ,ivo y :'.; :nu r, I’a.. of !!:•• ha Mr !...- ' left ll.o' }.■<?!! • Ifs'tFrinclpa! of I'.o-i-" Os the :; . : . e;; in sciKHUft and *j r !•*sic*~r the < » I LL.i ... .. P I . IV. ill 'disabled voteransi in North Car. '•lt. '. 26 It>-i . . o : 3 pi wot i are i tig-lgeii it; in • ftramieg and -ah’., ay i.iiittir: : o.gocs. - RIPAT the heat Vfi ** W,TH A LONG ■ ■ \ \ COLD GLASS OF m SSIITH-MEIVIHE ”Ts I MILK t v i m The heolth food thoe keep, you J. ' Iff i-ov '" 9 '* b *“ y Mimmtr v Iff for Horne Delivery 7 ISlinKhßyjl'ifl'atf I'fli’ii ±m ' V wmmmwr' r>i! Y r•' T;r,: ; b ; ; : :';T.y'-' r j-TY 1 for the rest ©f yowr Yswr vav'.ngi ctcount book with yoot tecorded in fovi - stowing regular weekly entriet iv a goccMuck token that never left you down. , While today* price* divcoutoge foolish *pend:ng, tcaay’* bigger pey check* con insure voor future if you start a sovings account Why rot see us i now? Yco will find a friendly welcome ( S3ZKSSX2I Mechanics & Farmers Bank P # DURHAM RALEIGH i . A ... CHAVIS HEIGHTS ! WY MA’; ! URO.VOIK Mr. Gnston Pullc' <;. 1 10 Fr-mk- Hn Tt.n:Ki .spen.'jlng ■ few day j with his cousin m Loijjsbui'g. N. C Tlu- Silver Leal Juveniles >f Elks held thei. aii'i'j a sermon last Sun a.'v .if 3 o'c'ock T the St. Matt.. Church on L>a>. it St t 'Miss K Smith of Goldsboro. N. C was the week end guest of Mr and Mis. James C.uvley of 1407 Lincoln Drive. Little Miss Madlyn Yarborough • ' 61.1 East Sdcntoo Street, was honored at her sth birthday Juno 25th. She received many useful •; • s(• i’is and mo i.v of i.u ;ii>l<• .jieymoies wei »* present. Happy birthday darling 1 . Mrs. John Jone ; of 12 Hyde Ter and grand daughici Yuietta are visiting Mrs. Junes fathei and fie relatives in South Carolina Mrs James Burns of 729 South SMair.t Street fia... relumed borne alter spending several months with her daughter and son-in law, Mr. I and Airs. Geo. Snowden. Mrs. Arnetta Bi iwn • t 6 Dare Terrace has returned home after at P'v.rp a missionary conference in New Bern, N. C. The Booker T. Washington Club met at Me home of Mr. and Mr-. (John Chavis on East Kdenton St., ia-t Sunday with the president, Mi; John Chavis, presiding. After "die bu. v.i ms set ion, a delicious e-i served The next MH-eiii e. "'ill be with Mrs Mary Wiilial:.- 7 W. .. Lenoir Street Sundav. I. iv IG. AH vltiepfs end 1 ' I’rnbet; Ad.- J; C eeiin- end chi’. - . dren of 615 Sooth McDowell St.. ’ at* planning a hie ever the week end to ve-if Air- Cogdnß parents: Y I'; I*K 1 X’DING SATURDAY, -lI.’LY 2, DM9 i Me; Ge-er:’ei McNair of Btjffnl*., Ur I N i was ealle<J h> Hit city toi j the dent-1- ot her husband. Mr. .Ben McNair, who \v. .. mire d Inst e-A i All friend.- are m deep ? y>i;pnt..y ; with Mrs. A'leN.’ir .aid family Mr. and Mr.- William Massing bur,; New York Citv ait the bouse ’ .guests uj libs mother. Mis. Martha •|M ; senbut'i. rs 419 S uih Hay '. wood Si roe t. 400 HACK I’AHCEY Mm '.lia.fl 4‘" : prominent Anu-r --iraiis to date have uoiioum-vi, ilieir li'vllSot n; i. O' ')o- Biii of Itiiers i Coiife'cnee Hilv lii-17 in the lin. rr Hudson Held. V-w York City. Clark Foreman, executive dltvctw. reporit *l yes. c: de v. ! Scores of Anierieaii:; from all walks of life, added Mr. F"reman, write in daily to signify their sup -1 port. ,' The ('oufeivnce vas • ;:.i• ■< 1 to j'oM.iiihu and nrotcr.i pivsynt in I i'riiigvmeiits m tin* Bill ot Rights aihl naff,'rni our traditional liLei lies of speech. ]■ re 'is. pulpit and po hi aa! advocacy." Haul J. Kern. ; form.-r New York ('ity.*Civll Ser | vim (’onttfiis- iener. is acting ehair - mail "in fare oi the miprcs’edented "l ies oi violations of •. ivt! liber ;Hes such a tespouse is the best ; demons!cable proof that all Amen ■ n- ■'•gardless of their personal i'idittcui views, are eager and ready o' l ■’ ‘eilli the liilfcl-- 1 iVcdotil oi ;(it i.'' declare-! Air Foreman. This he asserted, is ‘ihe most important fa-’t i>: Anu-i ir-au noil jti. al life today.' th'.s.tb- Cmii'ei .-:,(■(• leader roll pied "iuereastiH' protests an 1 jA- t mns against the southern hood ; Mien, tin- censors of politb al dor : trine, the .*i:f h-creators and lies-; terra ma k.-is. " “Old at 40,50 t 60?" | Man, You’re Crazy ■ ' •*-j ,’ , • v ‘";‘ V‘ih “vlj. Vrjr : • ' >‘‘ i ■ ••"•!? *>.* >» :ji : ' ' ' vV«. At all di rig Meres ev< r-. whore--in Ualeigh ,«i WalgrectiS j, Eekerd' 1 PEOPLES CAFE 303 S. Wilmington fit. • Beef Stew * Spare Ribs * Chicken ® Pig Feet # Hot Dogs j • Soft Drinks HUMTER BROS. FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD 1 or Quick Service For BAG COAL DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 and {“Never Worry, We Are On Our Way” CO-ED CLEANERS ONE DAY SERVICE Quality • CLEANING • PRESSING * REPAIRING ! LADIES CLEANING A SPECIALTY CALL 36417 FOR PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 900 S. Wilmington St. ~in*. —«—r Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the j DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. \ 22 E. Davie Street Phene 3 3231 LIGHT HAULING —. heavy J LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT ~™ EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Daw non St. Dial 9478 * 9*212 Ed. Urastead, Mgr. »<w , »viiw^Maxr^iy>w(iiiii>wi'«iißi»Li<iwiM>wi , w»iit»iWi>W»'iW . | WALKER BROS. TRANSFER ; 812 £, Davie St. Dial 3-IM* MOVING &. GENERAL" HAULING Wood • Bag Coal Wood Sawing Local and Lonjj Distance Hauling Daniel Walker, Ed ward Wtlkitr Bennett McClajih Paulcc Radio Service Fir Lasting Repairs'’ 311 GLENWOOD AVE. Dial 3-Ji23 We Pick up ;mu Deliver v 11 1 ->»»-awet«>in»>a.*fSwwMiu'Wii»w»>a FURNITURE SECOND HAND Bought and Sold, Easy Term* Call F°r -v Delivery Service Radio Hospital BHI ( hi\ Street I'hoiu- :f-t»SS( WAKE salvage cq. We Buy and **Q Et«tythtaf of Value FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS *37 3, Wilmington Bi, Phone 2-2327 i iiimwn r ~ l - inrei i— nr in - I - -ir'-r— *-—i-*-‘ITT f-ri -in iiiipmiiOn ; , r.inm | Phone 7159 SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Snaken burg T g Tailors j 123 So. Salisbury Street J, D. Snakenb;*rg Raleigh, N. a r - . - |T r -. IfT . , | , ...... For Guaranteed Radio Repair ! < .di ter ,1c Delivery h*ivtce RADIO ! HOSPITAL ! »?3 t lu> street Phone 3 6558 Fomplrle r7”rY Home Furnishers • r We can turn *• sny room In. your kotre urn Use .living room to the kit/’hen. Sec us | Ttrst W. t.. COOPER FURNITURE CO. I 121 E. Martin SL A Liietime in Flames Why fair® chances an bantiat up a lifetime's effort in * * ingle terrifying hour wi«,J 1T» »o simple And inexgxsMusive to jxro- I tect yourself against any po«*.t --i blr- mishap. Your hemt* and family can be absolutely pra letted froxn ANY ditaßsr it but a few pennies a day. Wall show you how, SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS, CO, ’ DURHAM, H. C.

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