WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, -lI.'LY *2. UMT ROBINSON’S ALL-STAR PERFORMANCE CERTAIN Sports S“. • < • “ ' ;;:"7 • >: ‘ • • >v •" '* • ,: i Ideating T he (jur. BY AL MOSES i NEW YORK 'ANI-’i - \Y;itdiin r ; a el< ck.imit'n worn Jike Jackm Rob inson. ,1 jot! pi 11-fiu iliWn: Lat ter -itU'e G* I'L:'- Sl'lr-1 t ■ * i -,!.>( 1 Irnii up, iii- niiti.into ui - - iunions Uie :iMu; ’• < » of tin- D d««-riu- and Liny L)«>by Doby ;:i ‘Mr Powerhouse" tlx sort of polyc: ;z;m* : :t: t- 1 .-t v.-.s the late Josh Gibson T<>doy Luke '."liiM-ii.ii' '-E<*.-ur. :•! thy Path e.- Os Sail DiggO. Pad fit C list il.'.-.0l- WHIM Al t ION SIT’EIt If We would ilk-- to si a film on I)ob> altli he svi's'.Uil thus Two long plows tt.at .'inn.li- tbi.; spurt headlines thi.- I «.u, ima gine that tbu com enti .dtun back. .ilia and shoulder mi.-iba* fm 400-SUO too: smash on ins part might or like to . '.run . .ms. Tom Davie of tin* 1.-Ss;:, Struct Y.MCA when lift);-:* pi tiiii. ioii.s weights It is amazing tiow wrist hitter.- pa-t and pre.-ent. ■.* tin D oy lyj;.* puw - t r H tluls.'-h Ul. nut of t .it World Bal frtril! ns h w1.,/ Watch ti:*- climb this im-dust ex. Newark Eaglet of Eflie Mm n-v l. m- , moments did -hr ever have , • with her NNI. outti: *y m . :b< a I'Oii'i: ti nt 30tt hitter;- -f the ! Wanvi type in less than tv < .-< • Tins but Hint tiv.iv uevt : c* n:* VV, SO'- fid- despite I he Is; t th.,: Early u -ui friend nbovn \vduct: «-f Ore everlo-tutf-l} - • tit;: •:; n,; bale--Or-s<, as y*-u readers; veil know T:':-' Mien.die id;’.' IS I-: th-- Jackie ft- d;n.a a type pose re flective picture that links boxing and td-.w!,, li f. i is. ;i*e i ■ 1--■ * - 1 h , - s Fight fate -.! course divided into two .seho: Is- the v. ho thna- tr, tiie shatpiliooliti'- Jatkv Delaiity- H..V HutuMruT! typi aeu tin -Ti e; tid'd goad- over tin Fool ihiln;i back-Jake 1 ..sV.iiu.i -ulom-eh.- rif-wui breed Tt.i Ih.i \Vh- on i'.i.u- Si ..: •»-, Stall Mu.sii.n, Itjjph K r.ei Hai l. Gr*'enberg /. vk V a H...-rv in iic> iatnl T< :.• i i-usli i - are ■ : u- IV speak me. term' with the Wil lie Kolb Ed Stanky J... kit- K* 0- -n**, n l. -u Hourdre-'.a 11..1 rim.- Beauty Bancrnl. Johnny Kv .. Buck Hi'M'.f Geo:. e- If . ns. type , : ion mole- xitu-le.s and d--lible.s than they ti., triple' .fid I<■ i ■; et- * r i,! .- Thu «prill ot Doby ~..t is - me tiJJiii? llut Cl ''•it* ”• * ;i • I ! , i.i. > the "John Hi Ic. i lid th .m. l jDfkit* RoLiu.sofi jit but is a po ii* out of the tiers "Thiee Musketevis” u: ever niu'Jiiu .l y i)u....1a Fair- Unks and f. tadl Flynn - n.ov.e . lie... if, - ihei.u leaping din k, is -iii k • f plash- in- -,i: a rt-kij,?' -sd that fairly shirk “tout he-tei;ebt'-touche. NEVER SiHOrri) HAVE HAPPENED With Ezzard Charles the Heavy wefht i.hainpior. and Wtilcxht iii.lv bom a memery, we are thinking back to an all-colored World Henvy v. tighl championsh<p contest that never should haw receiveu official sanction. BOUDREAt MAKES CLEVELAND TICK The resurgence of Bill Veeck s Cleveland Indiaits as we near the July 4th ’Gvpsy.gues.su-d'' dead »inf Lri!i;"s us a rout id to a discus sion of a man, Lou Boudreau. Cieve iai id's playi r g ■;'nanaver, oft«*n < cih-d by writer- a class guy.” No we cannot, a pm* with that statement is. its entirety as fai as Boudreau is concerned The Cleve land “front office,•• and wc do mean President Bill Veeck. has not seen ey.-to-eye with the debonair Fri't.t hman m this or other base ball seasons But all baseball men agree on one thing: Lou Boudreau does an honest and extremely cred itable job on the diamond wheth er as snorstep (when ho has few equals a round > as catcher, first or third bosemun «nd. »f course fust-iate field thinker for tin vh >lc %'v| f ' ' tl . three ~~1 j ‘ ! iilmtt SAX j I i urn, ! —I *3*o 1 : *'*<n *2lO ■ m.- -7-- - n j i. Sfrlrvse & Vsrli, N. V, £ jW***N*' vUM****.-. * At. h’jWftiilftiiitllin I~i»1, i-a. ... < »!■ I.W* ... .iii oi t miiiiii * i ii'i'i a i vn « » i ; skyuoodle. That hi lifts been mow than kind ' ito hi ri whurn wo Know 1n..-: arry llob-y Satchel Pstef ..: ttl Oil Cos ill no mi m-.v in PCI. circuit •. is lutidatory but mi stilt wc u! •; y mandat ry ,ia Bill Vei-ck P ’i I <i i I.i!. ;il \V(" Vfl t’l'l : 1 : Us 'a K'il bun hnvv ta treat his Il'Ull.v-l! f I'l II" rtiatti.') what til i. . oi or national urispi: misid ’.I;-: •:!/.:! i- writers navi it h tvs bed ■ that ; lint without :,ny ro.-urrec tii.-il ->t ‘.be sa.u.c :-cil:g net i:. -ai'.v , ■ on ...tr part. \V< blow tru- T.un . ■ia-ka iar A1 Most-- oitUiii;:; noise- I ■ a.a;,- ;■ i j ->r 11 ai-: lad bi , in < l i o:n 1 lit:a:. a ;.o;i.,blt- '■•ourev.-, ho rate i it - (..thou wise, he j vis t iviHildn t: ■ t il and t ; at':, that. NO V U ANTED . ; Or: .K: e 10 th M aa.afhuA tie t St "t• Hoxii g C‘)'nmis.-i m ii-.;.tod u'lilo .1 s'til- it) ft.-tic oil 111:.- when It' ■ announced the iiitU-fnuTt- as, ia,- : t. •! VVi'lte: v. eut.nt ia .iinpion Hay H 1 an. Son and at- r'rtati; at: tit:* iae - Oi a fur. I f. : failure to 001 IJOI UH- ’ wdh the Texus Boxiiip cominissiui: -aid to: •'taihue " it'll QIT-.STION DEI.M.i: Did Kid Norfolk, one of the j • li st IV , j-Aitid; is I ever s. a., , *■i *- * ! 1 a ,t A*t!: ur Pci-vi -. i::e it.,,l:' I who i: ;,!ii”id to llaic killt-d Luth-j ' . . McCa: ii.y . > i eat. : I ~! la, "-a MtC . 'hope ' heavy ueij'i.t.s i larni , , :*i t : after a .cs Join.-.on toyed; with Jhn Jeffrie-'/ B.'-bbi- Sand ' , t-r.i. 11... U. l '*,:,n O A \W hiiu ;t iViay Dot ; t'jl* / .traMv L#. known. Kid Norfolk was’ m-vywoitdii . Vu<\it | • out Hu won that litlt.' fruiTi none •*• tot; than Arthiii- Peiky of ("oi- ! '.>rv ( .li ii.: by knocking Pfiks ul iu i.'.i heai:- N ri’oik Eoulted *», ' ' , , . ~ lw.. 1 , • . , .. Mr. , . !IVJ S y 4 A .t : A -v j t - v‘. •• 1.1; .>»' ;I « ,tO i in . . ~t -, emcikabie Ibtimlvy Ketctu-r- '-’ .a agaiii J, * r : Jehu.N al' ik .iiiiiii nluilv vv., , 1 ... 11 v>- of i*. : s.'iiti htil ot WilJlr VV •! {' DIDN 1 >\V SO KID HAKHEK Over i iialuma! radio hook iii? during the bioadcast ol the Dodger tliicaco Cabs baseball same on Nariilav lane 19. tile ohl redhead Ked Barber, tav in entire! - diltiient ver sion to Jai kle Koliltison al h tied -alary dematid- next year upon Bran, u Ku key. Coca! writers and special-staff-cor respondent- tiad Kiii.l \ , king [ for a 'gate tuf with a con tract in a lucrative bonus plan. Said Ked l.'arber i had a long chat with Jackie Robinson in the due out before toe s 'me and Jackie say s h has talked with no one at -Sfc. eonceriung' his next season s salary demands. He feels that at the end of the present season that wilt be time enough to talk with Branch Hickey in this j connection I guess Rickey is j j -atisfied with what he is get ting for -.vat he-is-paying this year, ave?" hite Sox Manager 4 Accused oi Striking Youth in Ball Park j CHICAGO { ANPt -Frank Lane.' , petimil manager -tl' the Chicago 'Viiti-• Sox bast bial club, ha.s beeii. accused >f striking a Negro youth whom he taught snenkiug into the - ball park with tTv* white hoys, Eaae w as; a rested J une 11 on tli< enmplaint of hid ward Wallace EE who chute%i him with, assault and i butter:.*. Latii- has d-’-nied stliking . thr* youth, CHARLES SECOND NEGRO TO WEAR tllir iflO i A . P , The huge j dtaiiK/iai-studded world heav weight 'han. ptoitsiiif) belt on-'e ; won: by siieh giants us lar k John -i>n nmi John L. Sullivan, fitted f 100-.- ! onmnd t'.t - slender hips ,/ I.:.tot'! Ch.irles. :.*.!»• mini t*i win til- title fit Is l p..i: :!il bus., -it til*- lii'ii’ ' : division i.' T-'ptc d th-. Police (ia/. ett • jc v.'ei i y will; geimltie liiodos! v. j toHo-vvinj its prcsenlaiion at the PaldiC'i Itniisc by t'otinnissionr-r Abe Gi-r-i :ii> t !.' ilv National Box jin?; association, in the presence of thi- nation'.-, top flight, buxine writ : era. The (ni-a: iehn /. :he fjr■ • * utii-'.t to wrati ttu silver arid gold .rot -t.'ikt h.'ii i i-./innJ hie 1" i trie lb ilo'.v iii: , y Sup! vaii-Kili-.'iiii h.s' tie In Rirhbtirv \fiss in ISstt (la -et te world hen v v vvi-ight beits vv*■: >. also voin by C'.irm.tt. Kitzsiln toons Jeftrii-s. .lidtiison aroj Wii 1 .. ,- 4 | Th. .iw'ird .* r .■ disrotitinlied dur ing Hu- fit sc World Win -md n<u .revived until ihe disputed decision follii.vmt: !ti s firs: WaltoUboibs ; fight.. II II Boswell, publisher of the 'lnin'- i1.,.:. i•• pi i-vioiisly :<-<■*. : aiml Loul.- as * hanipiun ami fid I*j v. it?" the lisiit presented the hell Walcott, vie wed by the (luzet'e , - “in w champion." flat don't think that the real (litimpion t'orgin thi- backhand - 1 •:;> Tl,.' (iaa'- - anted to trsla i s he diamond belt award to Chari,.* after tlio Title bout last W.iim-s day in the < umislcey Park ring Ini' I the man who happei'.'il to he the i inonuiiei in * barge was Joe Loin brontofer Emits promptly Ignored ! in* (iazeUi* just as the (Eizette ha .Liiored hint. !,ouis wa- con-tpieu ei*,: l?y hi- Itltsen**- at th*- !’aliner hotiso altair. Chari* s. tie- n*-vv master of all i (I,- -iirvcys in the tistb wo: Id. \v;, . late :>i i-lvinu 'or the <•*•!••e.iony. bu‘ 'hi- was gieat as far • taikativ*- ' Vlanage;' Jake Mimz vv.« : coiowm i i-i tl paw him a cl alii-i to siraiKU , M il oat the ('!-* >.- on what <•> i xts-c' of |ms pj. Si* id ill-- Mini? ‘W*: are not gonna liviit no !,*■' , neviches. w.. are not Kontiu fight a. Al.ixims at th,* jaeseni tim. We jaie mama aei-ept a clialleng" frun 'i he Fa void- Wood .oi k w inner W*. i iiave 'hi •-'han.-pion tint vv* will he ! happy to aeeept the i:hai!t iiip j with 'app.rova! of !):*• .1:,.*- Toni- ouifP : ami Hy.i- Mark-.* in *,| New York ’who vie coin;.' along with In** 1 t *’v rent. \V. ar« also going alolr; wi'h Ale- Cr.ari. who help-.d n.at.- this l.out lie should h*.- con. lliele.i* lt, to*' being .-He*-,*.-' *ll. '( tia :! i la mama ha v< * lip; ■ -t ai plea, -"ire for Inins* If \u whf.h he is Hllilled to" • < 'ha rles Eli ih i, u-o S., t nrdav iiion ,nt r lot Cioi-iiinat i, w here h<- ; tiiach l/oif ~.•*. he ;• '■• a-. - The new boss . f :'i A' : mu-: a,■<•*-■-’nilv d* :'"?id hi." nlie thr.- tiutes hefei'e he ('ill! herono? iter- WILSON, EASTER IN BATTING DUEL OAKLAND * ANP: - Two play, •rs took betting honors here last week when Thi Oakland Oaks de rated the San Diego Padres in | two Pacific Coast leaya* :; ones. The Padres big Luke Eastei hit his 25th homer of the season to ! muintoin the league lend, but Artie Wilson Oakland shortstop, former !i v of the Birmingham B! >ck Bn • -(•*':•*. was right on his heels with well-timed hits. In th- first game which San Die <■ I .t 7 to 6. Foster batted three five, includir. .* a hernier ,nd ;• but Wilson hotted four ; fiv- m< id mg two two-bagger:; nd drove )r three runs in ’.he see i d tilt, which the Padri lost 2 u> 1. Easier baited •• :two, M’h.le Wilson tut or.t: f. i' three Oreste Mmoso, optioned tc the Padres on 24-hours recall notice, went hitless in both games DEBS GIVE NEWOOMBE i FIRST LOSS | CIXCINXATi ( ANP) Bi:r j Bight hander Don N’t-iv* imho !*>.-: . his first major league assignment j last week against the Cincinnati s Beds, the firnt team to fail vi'-tioi i to his fast bail. The Ked won -I to 3. j Newcoinbe gave np nine hits, j two bases on balls, struck out one battel* in IL innings of pitching. Jackie Koriiimon, continued to bat ;*t a terrific fiure, by hitting three for five, including a double, and scored once. Roy Ca nt panel la’s dou- : bio to right centei field in the ; ninth *sr*»•••*- In one mil to put New- j combe hack in he running and] extended the game two extra inn- J ing-i Tiv * home rum* off New com be. one by First Baseman Ted Khr-- zewski in the second another Hi the third by Center Fielder Harrv Walker, proved to be his undoing. He* is now credited with tour win.- A&d one loss. i AT THF RINHSinF /i. r. .31 JL J. Ji xIJL A’S JL_4 HKPI/Et*TIONS FROM A 810 FIGHT During and utter the heavy weignt * lintnpionshiii fight b./iween ’d Chari'-one could not hi Ip hot. think of 0 futility /md ft a•• t ration ot J •>:•.-!«'»* Eu Wulcott's quest for the coveted title. At the 'iK'td'Oiiwz of the fight tno *t yr the inns wei e ro.'i'ltig for Charles, but h.-tori: i’ >*.'" over tiny *-viiH/Uthlznd with old men' YV'ul i oil. Alter the first I * .v i ound.-. !; v, as oilvions 'hut 'lY.■ r-. 11 ' , ■ lit lull «c tv. ,i ei, vnts Fat!'. ' Time and K/.mrd t'ln:ao Did nee Took ■ , ~.gii l\\i out -if Yv'nlcot: :<i mak- him u. d )"-ev fm ( lia l l**:*. Tluaiueh ni'i.li of -he ■ iir/y pur! *_>f (!. hcil he was th aggressor but the :n:.v clia;u)ii'u lo-h iv, is too -hup that nig hi Mr did .i hi' of • tfi <•>!•. •• coun! ■ ■■: qui a mg Mid never "..u VVaiioll .: I'lie tii-i ; ■ o. m ■ E i ■ • ''.'uld..H in Tie built was ,i man *vlu> hud u sharp fight in:.- bruin. one i hut kiHui bon to mm now v**- "Hi of th*- u,y ■>i puni-hi; lilov. how to la-h out a pun* h sis th'* right moment, a bruin t!• •■ 1 1 was a‘ home in the ring In thinking uni ter one would call In,it the World ehampion. Unfonuiiuttly bis bed y had. fought its best, fichu \m. - ago. It had passed jt« peak. Tlu- rubbery leges « arrn-d ou because i. i :!e i r iu! ; ' u hulil up a t ired la- l Walcott i'jiuli! a bruiuy hat.llc bin it was tint i-uougb. Chat lr -' uppeuM'd .m a b-trlew , in clifp- l.'ioti - ait . .lor Luitw. H will iiroiablv 'nuke an tiiEqaale ■ Eamnien. b"i nu' a v* tv •• < iorf- I out lb- will have to put a ,ii!!*.*r* r.: kind of tight if he van'- to rap sure the fans' Imagination Si I'FUNKS AT T!TCE BOET A- p. r us tut I Joe Louis received tin tiiggi oval ion from (In * i own He r : ia* Ml tin illitioi: Sot-- A tide uliyshoun !>• t \| T1,,: ■ on, Tl - i ai i. at 'h- I iiiiis: b and a! -e i X;,:ainrd lb ■ “Lost Coiony ? ’ To Open Ninth Season Saturday Night HAN'T' .O N <’. Tin- 1.0.-t Col MU Paul Cl. i o'* lai.-r nut -dm'iv opens tor ti-* dill TI .* a-OU a* r,- ili ' ! h> Wat. ; siit. T .-ai it S in ii;-. r 'ligh: al -1 * < • lock On Fndpi mgh! c-v. the oi filial open.p.r ape, al full dr* - priivui- ot ;he si;.,/ wall tie pri sen'- ■ d honoring members of tin N,.i"J 'new jml improved s. , n .-s alonr IvJjom will be half] mxt I'hip ■, : s ol : i;is u ltd -a !:< r tjialc I ';i-..«r dl- 11, -I dill i t ;**-| ; K;.> tnet S'i i.!• • ii. mcioE- i '. ot ill" ta hav- hern relic 11 - in:: for The i.o- ‘ Colony rill'll day and nit-hi situ. .•ui-Jv hm j to • Sold*-!! ];,v, . tfii. I that hr believ. lid- vvP; E- the h: S' ! , I ■ i-i to ■ ' uet m the epii di u; a .;m • - premiere here on Jt<;:in*>k* I. iu: ! ha. k ill J !*.'!T Most of the .'titters having volt"* this wor have played role.*- for morn than hist, one season The* ,nre so well versed that hi aa cim-r s.ency m«ny of the tetors could act a s und in.- for rPhri memEa' . of the cast. On two recent vi i»s h< ••*• Pa’.t! Croon *vho wrot* ’he play ha-, ••on;- ’lu iitct! f-iv u-ab 1 . on Hip pr igrcas that, is being made for its ninth season premiere :> x: SattirdtiV. Cri ""l has cb.'iMgen ihe lia >s in .111 soripl to: s*-v< mi oi the cast m* v. b*-".- with n’-ior sneoiting mbs ami be his added one very dramatic Beene which will be shown as Act 1 1 underway. General Manager John \V lhir krr is nianngiag The Lout Colony for Ins second se;.so*i , He has * - ut cor in.' ■ in operational expenses and directed on- of 'tie most va ried p: 'e-season piiblic relal iom cainpingns it* the show's history. Th* "ornrr cutting lie has done will in t;o way lower the high sta’id.'irds and qualities that have made The 5. -t Colony outstanding. Jdfce Home JWW *Mk c c Case Wjttfik 24 ftOTTIES WKnns $1 00 * i run m*osb m :Jp A»i ffi . Strf v 4 4| Hl® (EMtOEINIAN L.Jltc.'H b-fete Kie bout .YE ia ali. Negroes had nmiv (*.- do with this match than any othm hi,.', event in the tuition's history .i.i: Lou at lr director or' buxlnKl ..f .In: la ouio'ei:; the it.-Ir*vi;titi*•'..: 1 Boxing eluu. Both fighters w< Negro. .\ o.umhif of me nollce ii.-'f- ■ ■ dmv at the park wer.- N. gi a'".*. On. of laioiiherr. of the Illin ois A'lilutE- ('!’nmns.-,ion wliieti mci o ned tie- (-out. is Hal pit Mel • calf**, the first member of Ills nt Ci te serve on Lm- board. The third men i; the ring of 'ls * fit s' bout was Bill Doty which pMibubly makes bin; the first No pro remr-'* on a heavy weight dKimplonstiij} curd in nioiiern box :»tr hlsuiiy Ho the bout : e tween Joe 'Modzolb and AVal 1-. f-r, two '.yjjlt*; boy;-;. .tad to *<>’.-■ tin promo! ion a'! dot,ills of (be even!n.:.i vv* re ear id* il oiit on tin;* Mos! ot the p; • iinii.iia:-" tight.- wore unei.-n at* ! dull. '! bey iletnonsf rated a kind of l',ipelc>s:i,*s-, file- heavyweight di V!" "• •’! i*. ill today now [lint is :i e The t• • -11 n;; *i;t r > bout a (.trading ’be nn-st inter.-si from sports wri ters and fans featured the best «p:i I'l’ing partners: from the two ti aiding (amps Gene Jones of Caiutl-:: N I. from 1 'diaries' camp and il •• Itti; *t Hae.'Hl o' ('hbag.o fiolu YValoot! '*-, camp. It ended in ii diavv. I {..fore He !" igi-1 bol!; m* n wi r > eonsiih'fi'd two of 111*- bright i*»;t looking young prospects in th rim. .I*nir“ had ail but uul tough; Chal ks in • ia aig "ssioti.-- and lia gun In.d trained with Walcott a till Joe 1,011 is. N. i! her ai; u however. bio- .'ta in.- ,-iUiiiy.h t*. di iiioli.-l i alt any of tlit- fin la had . down iii training serf.-.tons Junes was a Ini smother -;t to i-r iii i-i iiy bai :t l.ii-'iws lE;i:.iU a marl vitii e\piu-i\i- fist** , as ou Hi. ifi fensiv* most of i! V'l'OlTl ‘1 .9 ndb-ip I ~sj F,.lonv ttL %• ir will b- pi tie* famed Lo--t 1 * 'c'- Clioru n i, | . .j} t . } i ) | !{j • ' 11' l 1 ‘ * ; l oi \\ * - ttnini '■ < i < • »i!* • SlUi'illf. - )‘»i‘ fiijt' t 1} iLi u 11: *!! c . :ih t ; t ho rust ;•.* ?ali I.* !ww ti -Liir» or if,,, .... j.rj, . • J , .<>."(*. Ml.-.'! f’V M:=- Igi-t: VS "it it .• < i::; •' : t if>r» X his|l I‘Vt.G’ !.?♦'** til '■ ‘ CATHKOKAL HY SKA Ou GR’h S:i’ h.l!h U./'H) iUL <i U! : I The I >*’ CoUni V s- -■So n oi, a |,.’il;. 2 tins ye. *t the \\ u i ,-rs l J. | Theatre • II be'iititf «*‘iC at Afile’ - i i**a s m.is: unttMtal i»l:• <•• -fs wo; i sliip. I Trn- vast ou'd -it amphithca! r ‘ overhiokirir io* waters ol Ho.iiii-Ve : S*'uad and 'i:t.h ;'u* dis'ani <iunes iof Nags M.-ao as a backdrop w ill i >e- 0.0i.* lit:- a I iy, -till Mlir ! l-e>. i iigiotls services, a euth-dial by tit j s-a l'Y>r eouitor! of *omci- ■*.•: nnr ! ii.to'ioing servi,"S .*n awnirt'-; ••*.".■ i ets the seats. Ten s,-rv ires ar*' planned for Hit i .U'i' iit snnim.-r beginning *>J. Sun 'buy r.mraihn July ;. Spiritual me;*- :s;)g*-.- fro>n sc-mt- *u (lie outstanding ! thwilouEinS and oiEtcalors ,f Vn-r --; ii-a will bo featured at:,l denomina ! lioaaliy tile -peaki-i • will repres. nt ; sever -tl rel'g'ous failbs. A s-jiycial feft-tnre of the religion j wiu’si’t, r » pi-ri*si-. will o*. eboia) mu sh by The Los! Colony < horns tin der direction -f Giro-- Cronk Mos’ r*f ’he niefiibf-rs of the tdioi." an vtadutet; of ti:e 'Vestminister Cftoir 'oil gi- Princeton N BANKHEAD | MONTIU-laL :AN Cl Dan Batik Ecu.;, loi-mwl.v of the M: r.iptuz It. .1 ' o', -.nd ‘Jr;u Negro niii'lou to bv . ijaivd by u major I cay ip- t*'.«m Ti.odi"-;* times. hu:h-u a five-liiite: foe ..iontnal las' v,u e! to sh .o :* the Newark Lours In (o it II" cl nick Oil* six I; i: • 11 . T./Ve up • lit*. Eases on balls, and aided iT j cw.-i tiiuse by butt!tig Gtree !<• ; Ihrco. Tills iva.* l>.'uikii(.;:,t'•* hi-vi '.!’- Will iiguiii.J one loss this - '.o n. He was sign -.'! by tie- Brooklyn Dodgers fio.'it the Memphis team -i; jib:? und got a home run bis first 1 ' -at hat... ali bong!! lie lust the s Silm: it o' the I to,leers Sammy .E-'iiro*., cyrniw fli.-ldet ,itel former Cleveland Htt* 1. y. isia r. snpport.fd Banicbeud *: La! .'ting one : r four, rf.-urina otu* run. 1 ,ml Kloalitifi two bsuses Th. due ; previous again-! Newark In al: o l-.-att* on*- for four si. red tw . in, md stole two l.asvs. FANS PAY 5246.546 TO SEE TITLE BOOT ( II Ii E'J iO I J Nl’ i A e: ivd of j 2."*.3i«2 i * paid i'l'l' lij to --■*• K.-' "a I'd t * I■ • lake t!i * ■ 1;* aV i /Vt-;;; 1- * i ham p i bi t» in a 15 round Din m . cion.JJp .1 with Jersey Jo. Wa' 1 "t! . • ! 2 inti's alt*: ! i 1.0 Hi-: 11,. .1 monniHd V of th* title Net * all VI as 3 I-X4 91' H*' b ! .id : and televi-iou r* * -»* i;■ t-- of about • bun :i ii ii liter received Lb ‘2 *" f. , >i’ - 25 percent of radio ..sd E feViHl .11 * i-l'e-utS. ,T!pe w;jt bp -in r*)nui*'h if t'n. v< Me. o! .Intiies D. Norris, a ddi as ill. filter:; i! -uiial EtoXo. . ill! promote*.- of :h* light enn t- Pel: v: d E rent fans' :• • . • lii.i I* b would ill iv> i * ■ -.10 It loan- i ha; V- s'* *•': ••• J: a. : m be champ. Mi it lotted, a • iikelv i : •;:<■; i ••: i. ■■ »■ ' ’ ti.i lies' n. \l ii* tele are Jr., v :v • it, Die Aiiiiiii’.ii i It E- II." vi i ph! I’iia 10 pa.U. ami ."'..void, i.n I!',*.:- Bruce Wood- .N'k i .' ' d.in tot the Bi'iiisti n.lsiou of Ibe hi aVV VV. tglit < * ,*v\ l>. I’ti.i!ieit v man Itavrv \b itii . ■lope !.t have the Hiysid* tit of th*’ ' Cttlt.-d S’;-', i at tlu :;*i>i,' was • •■!:, m.! vi h . iu <{**ii | ini', ii, rent hit;, :he following in*s--ave' : •I l, ;.* '.!. \|. ml, : ■ |p c, plv V. • , t in* :,-b a i .*tn i t is ii i he inipo- * i ■ !■:-• for Die !'. , -admit ;, attend t It- ■ • lie.iVViVi : at eonmpioi. bij> f all' in ( hie :so dl J iilio ' S ilt* ely ’oai. .1 dpi ides* (, K: . cl* dal' ! *.» t h*> P.*v.x jiN'Ut. IWIU K SPONSORS hams wit A aerie- ■■! exidbili-m matches ’ t will be played on the a- Jar-' t ! •• ancr.i ;iCiritf at 10.00 \ M The - i . u'e fin the fnnrnamciit 'c ii! be Iu id in L<<* Hall A ndHoi'iii ti July 3 at ft:00 P M. ’f he -» aval nnl-.ottai tennis eh:i'-. ruofi tiiie hoiders win., veil! parti- 1 eipeu- in the. uiuriian.v’j; bit T. e i’clecs Si.aers. National I „>-.Hi Lies Cnamp.mi.s, ut Turkegee Instili;tw. Geo. Stv-vvai i Nutsoiw! Men’s Sm ith* flhtuj pion. of S'-oth (.'ar-dina Stale C.'<;l!*ii’e. Althea Gibson. Na tional VV-imen Single Chan.pint), *.f Florida A and M. Cltdleje; arid He I* ;, Mundy. NE.t" nal Girlr C;;;..-' i::or!. ot Florida A and id. Cnh'-gi Wf ii.irii WigfeM.s, Jr d the. hi ••:rta A and ML ColUbf Di:n utistl'atu.n H'g.i Si'l!nol v a Fuji ida High School i c-i ni- E. ir- J : orient G' amj ion v. ill head ’ v Junior sronp WASH ANY DAY! Why Make Monday A Wash Day When Our M a ('bines Make Any Day An Easy Laundry Day. USE OUR I —— l , '■ | HALF^HOUR LAUNDRY § n QUICKER . . EASIER . . CHEAPER HUNT-JACKSON Laundromat ! 413 S. BJoodworlh Street SILAS GREEN y LEIGH UALHTGH The ( Earles original Si Ini Green Prom New Or tenuu :<lh*vv ppi’ ieit -it il.. ’ j leigli Memot ial Y til; .d i i,iic YV'-d nesdey night Pi eseiued by VL h. .Times. it*i m- , ! i-wbvr and manager. I-iila- Grc**;i iii;i.rk( d it..s uhth annual tour •••’ ’he F*iUth and H.i'HheaHien: ra.i’es. The Sti ■■amli'ier, a dance t-oiitinc lof wide me.nvu fcauireti MUi/.aludh 1 Joties tied liio chorus of brov.e I 1.e.-iutli •*, who so! a biii-Kgi-iaini for 1 the inimitable Uing.'ntiakers. Silas I ri-en and bis pal I bzn Tills year's story of Silas Gre-ii and all ol Ins money was new and niftor* a* in man'.' w.iyy yet jt was , ihe same lovafil* end latu’diub;*' Mlir? of Silas' be. omi!ig rieii and ruimliig into a hiit*i ion* and mir'l. i ijl eerie:* *■! !ncaletl'ti* l ii !iv o a , !D k---.-p i! no".' Slim Wits In !>m slum il.bs ■ mi: I iii- ns lo'oli.iblv 1.,- on Ihfiu bis lu'eileei soars. lln hi' numbi ;;; *»i today Wi.‘ii as the typical tmisi* of Ihe H’iL-i ‘ G I'l *li Slum vv,,, gi\*i< Oil! by an eight piece band The eas! wa - uul,*iv hut sum Her t!mii in rei-eni ; V ea! S.. Eh e aiidittice Wa not as large as *•xp t * * • ,-it lc. i In- piniii, -til ■ ‘OLD GRANDAD' IN FINAL BOUT Only a t. vv >n tU* *la c. md- ni T l ■ I s ■ta v, J !, i ■, ■ , • i ■ : r I toll I of Th* Il all' otie bid Wi -'l Y; Smith end I* mu \\ :!•:.•• Here v\,i- ,? |i, ii! tlu*! tnad. a vv:',’: !ling ’ match atipeiil' «t> He level N<>. i lie f ich* "a- is ! fixed or : itvihlng iike ! ha! It a ■ ority , In, ou*. cornec is A) Sm .:* of Sew York weafiter \v<U vv I; ■ > - ares tile tru’ik ' It vo u :uou.*,hf Wa’eo' vv;-.- old tin* v.e; , otthi sa\ 11 1 ai liii, mat- have he*-:; hi;* lathe: Hi *v,•. balding in ■■'■■■■>l spots and had a pot and Well f-Es get to the nth*" f* E 1,.m Joiiani U tl.'ou of < "ti!. n S' J .i fine bi:;;'* ..t bron'.-v tc.au With Hie age, reft* I) and i-verv oH; ,l*t-» !If \ ■ ar: ; Vv'i !.-■:* : Intuitu rd d - -:;; t >!, -il over G - nur -a. iloo o, .- :;id ( *.. J •v !:■ a ■ ! ~'l,O I , - -1 r, , ",l ...... 1,, ,3 ~ . ... < 11 » ? '* <i* ? i. Wil: i:' lih «’-Mi'*‘ h.tioU. h<‘<M «!{• h Then rn >uv:u. n hu .ML . Hi- •a i •♦oi. 1 i:t uh I *-■ •11■*. Y a * l«r- Lm ?Is*lain? * (i. I(uVV» v« .*• h tt'as La I|!<m! U) *!r- too l*:'ret: di't 1 :i;'t u e. , is,! i on :*,.! b m* i wa a !-,;* i, one •'< a I ...in) !<t*her acgf.-I and I I h tnutbled t., Hu- . air, is. So Hi- 1 “Bril! ' War Oil '■edc • *i■ : ", fully I alba! it a di * \I: i: :' I- behev ***• ' ha! V\ .i' - • -I' w . • "tire. :I V- :e*l that ni . : »' - aiiHi will con: in a- t-. ii. i;: an!il be Ris ;i crack , !: decision on the -art of cus tom rs send.- mdlineis „nu root'.'--. tail rs t*- their graves prematurely. HI? 1 r<if<-*fc'„n»| .ttldy. n<vi*-t*ti, K. C. V j PAGE SEVENE ROBBIE STILL ALL STAR POLL ■' 1I ['.'AGO i AX!’/ N■.i'.v ill the ill'.is' best SHU-'OB ill lIMUI ■ • Hi, Si '■'ii.l ’v'lsci 1 "iii darkle Hull iiiisois of the Brooklyn TV'dffCrs me. in fa 111 ml his lend union ' Natioa ;il h ; "i-i , , i the soli’ii roe the lb-lb el! .''ai' \J .-.ei nil rame The lath anmict! Kiim. will be Jilaveii oil ill" Dodp.rrs’ hone' ei on oils, Ml,'hots field in Brooklyn B-. Ve-Muy: for nil el'ii's ends .Juno 2d. Itohinsi.ii !i.!:-; more fanii the nett iw." jiieii oombtned in i!.»• vote for ' nci'iii! base Illinoi s with 552.2 H-1. With tli ivote In* in.i t wains i High! f: ini ovei Stall .Vinslal, top vote ••ciie; Ins' v**tir ill the boil. Mii-o.d one ii,it fielder of tin* nil'- ( e■! i all is V, ■; Alt 'Jilt Boil! , i hell’ o| Ted Wil lies'. ~f ; 1*,., .inn H*’il Km in the A Hie i'n..i II ieaspJe. 'file be.UiloWtl ■ »’field, r leads n!i play,-,- • with itoy t':; lii *■ si. ! !;.i lit the 1 kilim-rs res,.rilled elose to Ami Bc-inhitek o! ill- I'hll.i,!' ' S.;,| I'hillies ill the Hope- r.iee to!' National 'rsrue ' e'eii I'.i'o; has nil.the) Votes to ii;t' J sf>s foi Si ininiek. Ov ;ii tiie v niei'ien 11 lea ane I .all i * -.ill > T•ns i lie;! ill i Vtll like-i* : 1 1 11 o; j j <■:'!! jellies. ■. J, u , J ,_, £J t ■ -on. lie V.,l.tia* Hi ha 3fl, V. • Hi - Mis; re it) rein'll !he form had d yeas :a probably leeiiins him from s'liininp luoio -i,- s ■ v - !" ni iby ' I- \. is ml imiiu ns H* anno -spot his ? Hititti uv«*i im - *-!.- aroiimi the i ;-(* mark sml til UIU total is not Vei'Y hieh On tie- m -1, id .lari ,*• Mob ilised lead; in i..ittins :.*.;! loies- ,-i I!.- iemis it in hano - in ( i'll* ii. • d ii. and is Htk a ■ a in: id. or ••.•oiid in dstih.es and triph and 1s near fiiH'i'-iUHlfi tli*. league on fil'd with is ’n ; tile Stan 0f lli • -■•ea.-.i-l. thel! l:: i s ** a j ,»;• let I off .V S !i*- as niiiiii*- Ilu* I.ark ;• •!.*• ’. :• nil: lit.- <p ,i est ili, SOFTBALL All! i i ! I VJ.I I Vv 1 I’rt. ! d i mil .'til ndij "Vs. . - ,;,H 'Anne;'" ‘ 300 .tiiiO I I \< I i ! I \!>l ICS n \ t nv Vii M Pet. Hi.. . i ■ led o- hiss . A a -i 1 .1(00 •- - -!: . F ' •'( ;,0 * J 1.-tni :'i . 066 i. <: ;i ;> GCsti IH>! I.U S He:’ As i.e. lath- Burton, tyoicr fait exfreitttf matched ■ 5 <|s, !j^^^Ry3K9H|

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