The Carolinian ahLfcnMj'UU-v : M.-:,, ,■ U ' \ VF.Fi\ RNI>IN<; SATI KDA V. .IH A~ 2. 1919 Three Jailed As Police Smash New York Dope Ring i-'i' r '< JviLS sy •>.!'. n.i/t:c dopr - • .a ... hearing b< ,f ore Maj fii ■- - a.*. ..t rcre on Faa - y •r led i • 1,1. William Lein :a- r a v .7 DtJ ivt :•■ J( : oph i .«•!!. ' ‘T'jiK I»c L.,t.. •• (, ;vi il'ho('; liiTi* ice aLso -«. •>. ■ c JO j. n rsors who C c.-r.- to the apa; Imt at Phy? icianh Civil Rights Legislation Still May Re Passed WASHINGTON ANP > Pas-: sort <1 tivi! right;, it g. •!. : t.n; this sts Lon t ccnpress is not a. .'os; ;' -ss a. cord,no to Democratic Q < . Howard McGrath of Rhode u bcr.. Scott W. Lucas. r. f Illinois, anc. Senator Herbert ! ;A* - f Os M: y. ;; !j were cptin.istic c-n the passage of some ■ type of i.vil rights laws The great est ficr< tor a is apparently a kir.d M omnibus till which would ■as ’ :r, tv,il rights commit tees one of congressmen and the other apr-.'n-.tx; by the President Sen McGroth heads the ..ids tiary ct- .a:nuttee v/tlii o-odiruM y.f - j-1 j-j (if) if}?. j« , v ,-. 4 ; h 14-man ccrnirJt-te of seven; vent.Ur- and : m • ntatives •*- t>e know; . - , jr ■ • congres- M » vt •: < . ' ■ T rights an* a fivv-ni..::. commission or, civil: n>. t; r.\ poir fi.n f y the President. T Lai ur t n.■ tt< would make xu . coo. report : • the president UoiLr-'r vl ; ht-ff committees v- cd ?..•■■» er.f.'-rcernent pow 10,000 Delegates Gather In Memphis, Tenn. For SS BTU Annual Conference 3CEMPKIS (ANP • Speeche? ’ hurch iicclfrs and a-* d music are the -.;if rights o: the 44 th an* raal TTiOeUr-.r the National Sun day S‘:V El pLsl Training ! ir- rted tei ‘ last *''.•(} : Auditorium. More than 10.000 delegates- and ... d visitors frs-rn it States have jammed Memphis for the religious ; onff-renc e with sessions at Ellis audtior.urn, T. Washington high, ,md variou- local churches. Opening profra.T, r, the parade • events vus a eclorful musical pr.gcsnt, "Dream of Ethiopia.' The great story ci the A tricar: nation was directed by 1_ yy Campbell of -he Washington high music d<- , arlmsmt MAYS TO SPEAK Among the ieadniy speuKcry wire SECOND SECTION f( •?y *. . ft • • ed : rt j- • n 'P c- >ft the m(.;t vicious ctr.p.; rins i !..-«* c enov-u.rv? • in years of police Th ‘ 'j! ; . ;:d ;:s CC pi-te a. ft,: - * ? ino ,»11 tx •< <,-f dory arid - ,:.nv ; f it.-, victims ? T:r: .’ec: ding K* the do'tOr fjv, - iir-? started operations in tims Loth the* city y d sur d:J t. a, :«jrr- ■■ o financed -he ■'its They would be empowered to ;'study •!••. question, h it ru> prwer Mr conduct hearings. S< r Humphrey proposing a ■n. tun 1c ret up a tivM . ;commission which woulc. have cul> pitt.a and hearing powers. Both t ■ i. .: and d ave ccmmirtff members cno-ur, on ■ a se-ctiuricl basis. Tie c-runibu.- bill .. b.-n v :•• m.ted very carefully S upper Vrt ' *irc -vei, :t,g approval of souther n •senators in advance in order tc avoid a filibuster. SEN. LUCAS DETERMINED SpcaJctnc of the of civil rights toils passing. Senator Lucas war iptimss-tie. He said that his parts was de termined y: see that «ivil rights legislatio ; saeceeeded. He ti<- elarrd f intend to continue the fight for civil rights until that fight has been brought to a *u>(es ful conclusion. Blamir;? Republi--. r:i #»>; be ' ii t ontinued cn page is. hav-.: trlkeo or .-• . tried t.-ed to ■pp-ear ire Dr W. B Jernutcn. president to- S'.. -... >• School .r.d BTU Congress; Dr Benjamin L Mays pro-.ident, Morehouse coi !*. go;« Charles- H Bynum of the New York attic*' of the .-laiiotHd r -r- i; t*--i ; :f.. : :- T'-a. :.I v. : a-'d i 1 - The Rev. Roy Love, paator. Mt. N- b<> Baptist Church Memphis was chairman ct the plans con; • miitee of the c'agres,- After first pointing ta.i the oi.ns of the coheres* which are to Uoc;.- the best method,- of icngio.-o t-cia cat;on in his keynote address. Dr stressed the nec-d or lead - rsr;; .?; the w orld today LEADERS "HVMBUR Be c!'*s< ritwd the real leader •us t.«nt»owe«s er page a on AND MRS. H. V. WINTERS Mss Amey V. M7/s Is Bride Os Dr. Harold V. Winters Os Brooklyn L’VRHAIv. - Th* marriage of :\l> >• A;:.',v Vim. it Miiis, only sa.;: : ’.-r of l<r N. dills and the dills,- to Dr , F i'o:d Vo. W ; r.iers, son 'i Mr - ::d Mrs Ii . ;r. J. Winters, Sr.J Bi ucr ;> r., h T , Y was solemnized ' -• 6 clo-.-is Bui .day afternoon. June j tit it Jos- ■ h AME Church. The i-< - D A Johnston, assisted j by tin R.-v J Vetii Hughley, pe-- ! '.rent'd thi d üble ring ceremony. Tht ;. t t... . ... beautifully decor .;u .1 writ a woodward! terns, palms - a _ -ec su 1 ta; - ft-, si white sum ■m l flaw- ••• Li g.-. ted cathedral] «-;.ndl«. in •: •. t■:i br;.r cried candela-I . cast a ••-•fr w ;>n the wedding j ■n* Sprays , f .vhite gladioli and; t •,• rapt. w< :-c Lised to mark ; -array pew- Pries to the core- J ■ M: hi. ie Gilmer, organist Mr . R..-"'. Edwards md James R. H .••;-? presented a pro- j Litra of wedding music. Mrs. Ed- j -a.. GolOv--: it is M urn- j c -d Mr HobssC-s. 'Through the Yea "B»-cause.'' The tradi- 1 tie-.- . _ marches were used j :»- tot- >.roc-es - .oiiul arid rets > :.- : * 5 i i'-itr.tcred the church! with •-■-. tath< r. wao rave her in j I She core an exquisite | ■ g white dutches!- d- 4.-:-.; with a tight fitted; 1 boiU-s- h,.;!l'.r.ed i:i n the back i '•■>•!-;: tel s covered batons. The i-f iUuticn leatun.-d a high | o i s i; ir r;jjd w.-js joined] ! U3£ da witr» b. delicate scroll! ■4 :-f ;!ed ;>■ . r.d bugle beads. I . -• f« J1 to call a points nv r :h< at ri Erona fte loiv waist-] 'hr-; flowed - full skirl which ex-! > ti-noea .at full circular train.] : Her firm‘.-nip veil of imported ii- j • I •-c vas nrrangvd from a tiarfx • pcs; Is and orange hies j jomi . She carried a bouquet of gar-I -.- v.—.;t-- sssi and cattleya | c-hic tied with white satin rib- ! b< o The bride': only ornament was! . s'rina of pearls belonging to her! ’-■-other. Mrs Oh. S Gamble, former; i mi' r:rate of the bride, was matron ! i>! h'Lu ctr, ,v« Mus. Marion Ccrdice, i maid of bon>-i Th- y v/Orc jdenti-; !, c; i gc-wns of yellow r.nd blue mar* . quisette, designed. \vit|i off the 1 shoulder effect, fitted bc*dice end I lull boufant skirts with insets of lace Both wore- hallow hats o t starched matching lace.- The bride’s maids were Misses | Harriett and Clementine Amo-y. cousins <d the bride. Mrs. Carolyn | Mills, -lifter-in-Jaw and Mrs Vic toria Cordice Davis TT.e bride's maids wore identical marquisotta gowns in pastil shades of pink, olue, orchid and green, with off the shoulder effect, tight fitting j bodice, full ruffled/ skirts -.vita' ] side hoops and hallow hats of : starched matching lace. They all 'carried bouquets of colored car nations. gardenias and baby's breath.' tied with corre: ponding -..-. tin ribbon. Litlle Edith Lucy Kerns was j flower girl and her gown was ] white slippei satin and a hallow hat of satin tied with white stream* i ers. she earn d a white satin flow jer basket :.nd strew rose petals in | the path of the bride. In in J "Winters, Jr., served as j best man for his brother and the j j ushers were Joseph N. Mills, -Jr.. !Clinton Mills brothers of the bride,] iDr Robert Dawson, Henry Bur- ; nette. James Hubbard. Jr.. Dr Gar-. j retl Parker. Joseph Pratt. Want! ] and George Loy'an, Jr. Immediately after the ceremony.; j Dr. Miilr entertained at a recep j tier; a! hi- home on Fayetteville (Street. Mrs. Mildred Ame> reeeiv- ] |ed at the door and Mrs Lil 3uch • .man introduced to the- receivlny ] ’me comtposed of the hr id*- and : giooni. their parents and member of the wedding- party. ] After the reception Dr. and Mrs • J Winters left for a trip to sa un j announced destination after which (they both will lake up ir.tern | ships at different hospitals. Dr ! Harold Winters, Cumberland Hos • i pitai. serving bis second year, and j Mrs. Winters at Grec-npoint Hus ipitcl. serving her first year. Both iiospitals an hvatert in Brooklyn, j New York. i 71’c bride was educated in thc ! CoUitHiel an page K- mSS FISHER BEGINS CUSSES AT OKU. fJNIV, NOB MAN'. C*wi; - The ..-Mai vdet at?on of Mrs. Ada Loi: Si.r.ui Fisher bog: ;, el long last this vreek, hen the- young wotran was tmsi !y ..drnitvd to the Universitv of Oh! mm v. . alt'r - I ;re : 6 ..r>d onc-ija'f year fight watted by the Nfati'int.l .Association for the Advancement of Colored Pe Me, TTi ...u-e. instituted erriv in -546 : and fed to the United States Supreme Co. I .’! hj NAAGP v.tor n -»s was he dec .or the : ishe-t . art whrr. < State of Ok* laboma ordf r* r d the Urtvers-.u to admit Mr-'. Ft, r the- week At the present • r.te. Mrs. Fuller deti sby a r.di Mo rciow .' ae •.• : have ti .'eatened to erwve the tail aid i-.-poitediy - taken : -,x f:.m • live vote on such action A -P- started ' t I'm ..;- t active young law • dent .••.,•••• • • eti her appretk ion - her “many i friends" who a• • : her in the 4e.T.'C:ith fight t - ’Mr, adnnssio* .to the law school ard statea. "X expect to sucr.d :h< rent :*f .ny ’.lie ; demoiwtrating ■ the Stab of Okoa* j lion a that a mistake vas r.ade jin attempting k> •..•revent in; t:otn j get in g a legal ,'d .cation ,:t the 'state v.niversity ' ASKS COMMUTED SENTENCE IN < IN. Y. CONVICTION NE .V YORK The National As sociation for the Advancement of C dorod People this week announc :ed the intention of appealing l to Gov. Thomas E. Dewey to com mute the sentence of William J. Dessaure, confined e Sing Sing j pris: a for a form oi one and one hal to three years on conviction *1 second degre assault. Ti e Court of Appeals of the 1 State of New York this eC de ; n.ed an NAAt.'P petition for •■■Tit ■ of certiorari t-> review the convic tion of Desseur Tiie NAACP Ap peal was based on an allegation that qualified Negroes have been sy; erratically excluded imra grand jury service in Nassau Co an* .ty where the indictment was made, '■ovei a long period of years. ; j Attorneys filing the petition a er« ■; Stanley Faulkner. NAACT Spec: u Counsel Thurgood Marsha' . nd NAACP A'sistaid. Special 'ouiisel ;iFranklin H. Willi. r,s MAYOR URGED TO IKEEP ST. L POOL INON-RACIAL % NEW YORK Deploring the •{outbreak of violence between ' gro and white youths in r. St. L uus | -wimming poo!, the National As ; sociation foi the Advancement ol i Colored People wired Mayofl ! Joseph. M. Darst urging him to : use the “sternest measure" to up : hold bis authority and maintain the pools on a non-se gre.uted ■; basis. "Your administration casnot ab dicate to a gang of children," the , wire, signed by Roy Wilkins. :.ct« in- NAACf’ secreaiy, said W 6 | strongly urge you to close all pools j until al agree to basdt by youv 1 order," Mr. Wilkins cootinued. j The wre cited the report Uiat ihe "trouble was instigated by a ■| s iwsll number oi rebellious city exn 'ploves.” Mr. Wilkins, on behalf of •the NAACP, commended Mayo? Darst ior issuing the noc-segrega ! tioa order for playgrounds and . i swimming pools, -tiding that the ; Association feels emphatically that ■ tiie order should not be rescinded ■; on account of ihe actions oi a jgroup qj boys'

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