}\' I JS television Progress ™ ' ' ' ' ’' %~" - ' y - C’iertmiijc TV lnap H i|§ % V y '*•«!««’ ctiiiode (Mr I k * ; |A «% aV * ' ..{»• ’ <#»a«ai 1949 >*!♦’ j„ rV W > j ./i/ % iii ■HL. |L PATENTS INSPIRE INVENTIONS...INVENTIONS BULD AMERICA! USERS DEFEA T ASHEVILLE 5-2 IN SUNDAY TILT Ash-'vii!t* Blue of \vO t , .-> v T?test .•-<•< H-. 1--0. .. ■ j,,, {,.•>-• ,iv,»i the Ti.ter.- Ihi year s>-, o well Any teair, .v: - lin.' to c-s'iUti.t the Tigers -v rite to Richard Hub 1 .,.t00. 3!4 S. 's:i', i - St.'"", et Kinston: Open date- In July M> ':;. t • 17. S t NDA A BOX S< OR! KINSTON \R K SI II K Curwct.v. 2b .5 l 3 0 J Sirov*, !f > ) 1 ij C ! ■ ■aip -iii. lb 11 1 : w,,:!= ■ -. SS 4 <1 ! 3 1 Kon rs . i) 1 a ’ ••' i :• <■'. : .: o Bry it it 4 ■ l o -VSHUMLU, Li It M 1 PlutTiri:. r. -■■ ) 1 •> i) Biotin. >n |L 4 :.) a Montgomery :il , ; .\lfX.,rid,-r. ; t .1 i: u "j StiUo:;.;. •>>, r, 1 :■: o c ; isfl!:. v' 4 a :t i l\ . ... j }j > Q t* '/'.fTf SU GGLRS \UN OVER OKI i NVII.I.S ,11 MOILS Til'S t ii’olnta Slime -r.~ ,v oti ~i hoi;-> loiiti.'sied bn-a-bali gam- from: the Greenville Junto!s iv 'hr t lire lit Mi , o i'll,»[,.*! t ie’ll .. . .Mon, ■lay lit tie [im-ti;) Wore ,!i:iin . ' Johll ~' tt-ln- , Atnl.i i-a 11 orUa ~i. . pr h ■:•; Sin-Iron Willi,- l-t I be • Abr .n To 1: J> 1.., - | !.. : .if i -. i . !:,ihl.ii- 1. I- . u 'fi. i i William K I’i'i-i ; i Tb- ti «£ii im-i-i-i every Monday; ll! ,L'i tin Inline of Ml- Johnson.; Quinit & Miller COMPANY Furniture of Quality KINSTON N C ~ DIANA "SHOP Combines Style anci Quality with Economy Qussa Sf K :-.i van MISS \l! I{|’l(\ WEI) TO Mi;. HAMILTON Mis-; iv.i'is Murphy. daughter of )?■ a .mi Mrs. Edgar Murphy war •-..it rid Jntse .::: to 'Walter H im!! soli i-t the Hi v itt‘l Mr. \V Hiiiii iit i m -4r ot Nut folk Va. at tin- St lona L’W U ( hari-h hem June. 22 Tn in i'ie was :-dvo?i in mnrriujte i-y het Mil her. Kdcur .Murphy. S.y Mu-ir vns fui nlnlieij by Mi - BvCt I. ■ Wiiliatns. solo!si and h> Chas .VJurphy. hroih'-r of lin* bride A; teadai)! ■ u -r- Hose Whitt . f iteilie Tavlor (iloria Green aiui f : .!ln liray. I -!n were Kii. ii Murphy. Sr. John Murphy. Huuh Matt tans.,r. siud A ohistnn Best man was An* df-v H.imllton. brother of th-- i ai i lie niatron of honor was Lois Hamilton, sister of th*- srooni. Wed dine was direciuil by Airy V.'ilii Anderson. Followitn- the weddinv. ceremony a r«n eptlon watt b ift at Mitchell Wooten (’luntnun i1 .' i.’i'ntei The bride and rroom are adiiai.es of the A and T. Col lege, of !!rentisborn After the hon eyßioon tln f > will reside jo Norfolk, Va. V E \l SOWI.S .Miss Ruby Lee UaiiK.htey who was yr.nHiuted with honors fro’ i r'ort L’.triiweH High School in .iaue ha ■ i-cetui.v for Sialtiinoee Mary land. She was iicroinpanied by Mr. aad Mi-s H Putin iiul family 2dv-i Annie C. Green, widow nf FSGREWRWE AVVAItmi) I'RIZL - Some very nii-c j»rl/c vvetc awarded i to fcsiiii nis of I incoUi l’ark i 1 home Negro bousing develop merit built by Wimberly and | t leip)!.: in one of the et.oifr lo- j eatiotis in this riSy. These awards were made ! tlirou;li the eivi, lorum to the 1 r. iiienis who have done the best : land-.apt* and garden work oa | their j roperty this spritig by sue j Lull decs «f th, proj. .*i A etui- i uni tee of -»v ladies of the Civic l orum did the judging and pre- j senled the awards. Shown above is .Mrs Ad die O i’.vrd i nan man of that commit *• .making the award to Mrs, Henry A Flower first prize win Her fm ha v ing i-ii-* best- s e<-atable spa: dm. • Kii-lt'-iiottd '■ f iii-i ti. died at IVr i !>? ■ VSeincria! Hospital here haM iii'i i Kiiiifi’iii n.-Vvo’-’-s were held : from t ti- K'niih i .ii>erna< h H-ali liens i hurvit aii Lincoln Si. at j h tn. ’l'uesday The Rev. it li. Jack sou. .-: s i Siam pasii.,l ot Hi i-ttfed. ATTENTION ALL READERS; In nddition to liraiilr-..- you ni’t and complete covet ace ».f major ' lieWH events J-.ifOUl’hoUt the -tat--, youi newspaper THE (‘A.KOLI.o IAN is inu-i esti-d in arrylrn'. tlo news ami piittncs of your church, oiy.i and social aifitrs 111 Oi'l Ie r tn 110 til!' We as: !■ <|in-siin}f >our coop i uiott. Kind!', .a'- that- your news is placed in th,- , hands ot ihe ( AfiOt-INTAN r-pi sematice ioi iimr particular town l.y Thursday or th week before mihllratioii is d.mired. 'When you do not have pictm of voui group or organisal ion. (ontiict AVillinie M liuriiey it JiiJ F Jllth Qtie, 1! S' reef, Killstoi: dial ettMS or coutnet th- li.ii.-a! i -:,ri--■ > ! failvo m your town In (ii ifton new n mas h- 1. ft at the home of the Rev. .VI t no. I in. In W'hiu rvills th- hwal repi •. senfativ e is I va! Hrndertsou Kinston, Greenville, and Ayd.-u readi es may c-lunet Mr. Burney •' tlo* ad-ire:.a given aiiuvr. Help us to give v.ni a fit-tier pa Per Head und subscribe to the <\\ lAJLINIAN Tei! your triends tha’ you os it mi thi < AiiOi.iN'A N The pri/c amounted to 525 and unotlD'i firs! prJac of v!~, for hav ing the best di-play of shrubs and Mowers was awarded. iSir complete iisl of winners aside from the Flowers; Second place, shrubs and flowers s, -fit. And* rson, fceH Mlutgtun Drive Second place Snrubs anti Mow ers- Wesley Williams *4-1 Leg getts Road first place Lawns: Horace Battle KUO Mini*bm drive. Second place. Lawns tleorscc (•ant, Bi 3 Ellington l)fi»c. Cira-o* and vegetables seed wrrr given to homeowners by the builders, tlewbeis of the judgiu* coiusiatt tee were Mrs Adti-e 1). byrd. vb.ttrtu.tn. stirs. James L. IKI- Uniy Mrs (i. W U Minsk Mrs. >*ran S LetOirg, M , 1.. p duai »troijg mu Mr >, CJ*ar*.e •. | j! O' IV/ f -|s- -alife ' The ~h<n i- croup of rf-yidefits- as Mit'-hrM < aurts are inrmuij a I ojsutiumly < im> the oilier is IHHIiK 11.-UTKMNCS The Pastor. Tile Rev it. j. Jonn '"f arid ru- tuber-, of KirM Baptiat ■ iiUi'ch ate j t-i :• ■uiiiunt’v the !r■ suit ol Men rnliy which was j held last week aid .vhicti y-a very ■ uecersful Th. sum raised thru the s‘r ail.., in Jay tiigl.l w'ps 21- I'ha Third Sunday m July will , a- Ihe quarterly ting at hi Jofji. Diaeifil.* Church. Dover. Mrs Lillian Ed:- Had js her , *;iu?m. • is pa-si %vt.v*k rwi iiit*cc om Ayu-n. X C. I here iv ill be quarterly raeelir»,t' l-aUerson Ciiapi I Church Sun day Ju’v- 10 r-u- p.-st ~ tne Jtev iK. ■ Jo' ;•. -e. .il be in charge. The liei H D Riciiardsun his i choir attd Congregation tr-;n i - 0.. v. n will render service • Sunday -,ilt'll,i“)!r Tie re will be a quarterly confci . at:*i b .ptiain at the Patterson (Chapel Church Saturday morning j The Bib's S: a-.!. : closes -ut Sun* j dr.y night do «st Disciple Church I ! her. at Dover with the Rev. fi. J ■ Johnston in Mur 41 Rev. V» EL Beamon was tr.e dir,.: 10 r guest ot the Rev i.nd Mrs K 1 J JohnstOo .c. isU ty afterrio in.' i While In ci- hr 11'ti iiied the Bible! , class. i liit* Uratut M iji nic wlii; have ' 1 r i.anu ! Tunuut the ' onii Sunday in July 121 iii:m:i:miams I .LIT m MRS. BI LK ! Mr- lAip:-! to Buck, the- mother 1 ;of Jt'l’l Is ikii j; v. ho Si..- fct-. t; . er leusly .ii iit her homv at the cdy : ;uf I'.lt nt\ d its I .turn- jj .a tic j i’tpe ..til of sa v i.-i : She is .s-i the mother nf u chii ; villi:, tj eld i t ills Is.’it !..,.ij I -Hi grundch: id.’cr, 7:, '-ii.-u /ratKi- . I liuidrcn ..yd gi v... g. ‘Ui ’ .md I chiiili’ch ntditic. tot.d 1 t 12: lie- i I .- vine e e . She !,.• ivc;; 4 ton:: .did j daugh* | tecs tiviti;' i-i-i funeral wit ue 1 ie.M at j O'. Brooch Fit- Will ' Church. t!i. Rev. it H C Munis ' w il! offnijits. SEEK 2ND APPEAL IN HOUSINO CASE; TRENTON. June 30 Atto-iifys for Me XAACP ~tiiiioiiiivi-'d ‘ Hi a lliiit tin v art >T.'Sidenug th.- best • m.ii.m r in which to yet a speedy , fOiieai iij. Sll: - 1 e i’lllistlfu ’:' ! 1 1 1 is- ; ; Mies involved hi the las-, of Sra j Well vs. McWithfcy, after the New, J Jersey Supreme Court's technlcai revet sat of • lown Court decision j ordcrir.y: the East Orange City j j Council to admit N'-groes to pub- 1 sic Ivi using prof.cctsi on a non*»e s . regaled bas-i.-:. Tnc court did not reverse on it;- Tncs its tile lower court decision | 'declaring sc/regaUon in public i huusing t i oe discriiiiination. but i ordered the cas.- retried to de'tei : mine whether the facts they i presently exist constitute - tree , ! tion a..; whctlter Umitatmu 01 Nc 4r.i,.’a '.a /ccupurcy m certata ..g- ; ' related oats of rity hijssne pro-; r-'-h-s .-y ... 1 1* c*a ll / aui-io n : ay i will be announced later. » by \V K lturney 'lit.- 1 t itv of Fust Orange The NAACP mied ut. in con: • , e eutmy on the decision, lu it ua uaiy (ait A-hich has cliarjged -:,‘.e ihi onginai Jcn.-sia was made is t- at i housing project proposed tar Nt gr w occupancy not completed if. the time ol Use ifist hearing, has sow beer. -.inipieted and many a > ,-r intents are nut urcopied. WOMAN ACQUITTED IN SHOTGUN DEATH MB’s Ada Louise GpruU! 22 -.1 i freed Muiid ij h l> ■ - n a .is jury verdict ■"jurtn-c,; Je. • ..* in tin- shotgur slayl. l,' * it*;" tv'C-.a. ; SVVt'Ctlit ~ I:. . sc.;; ~J Will., Biiietds. u ti-.a k uuver eia pi- fed by trio J u.kson 7 mister Co., ot Aiikn. According to Tvfuv Spruill's testi ilti-' I .’ al the inqulst the dead it: I 1 had urcvuiUsi.--' threatened her '..e •5o a* -cral occ-isiotir and hats rna . lestect her e»at t imes ‘.ll he day lot use liiHiiic On the day ot his loath, acc:r j t in,, to Aiis: : isf*i-ii:il aiui ather -wit * I nc -os Shi, !vi ; 1- ‘ 4 - idt-ne i tier •e&riy in the nmiuing and then had i i.-i-ircto iit'r icavi .Her -i». ug. I .imi had chased it. jui iagfund . • bani and tbruivii glass j i and i t JUies ut her i Later he retuvi.id .nc h ase with a knife, and told nor tls.-.f. ns wt:s .Oi: ’~ ta kill lie. of ti ’ -.a : was i. , -*in.; to Kill him Til. ’ email ; s.-tight rrr.tgc in hu* hu’ sc and -1 :s.ed a shOdtUi’ As Snie::: can!** ii- ■ n the porch h t?h th .5 1 his hand she wionec T. j***ay -i then fired 1 Lous' v.<uci n I:is chest ~t:i- k.-l’a.*i : 11: ii - ■ tooUy Eolii-'-ving the rhouiidg Mtsa rSs.uU! .vas nluceU ut.-i.-i an eat by -T: Ri’t-i W Ty-ot and •. - :J.i-pt :* L htil!- .'-a - v. us t, leieu-c i.i Sl.t.lUO L-ail, ■li til-..* inquest held y Pi": «' awiy Cornorcr t.!i itfiii i i -, . -.* the jury -.vas out -..til*, 3 s-'v.r wa:o before return!ng its verdict. Following Mis- Spruill’-; ,-. 0, u t ion she fr*vd :uKi her b nd i eicased. Ssm rust has .•-•used vf.y ’ Li doinatie t.hic s. sou u the princi pal wheat producing ar-.-as wt - f tile Mississippi River, iccorumg to Hie ♦LL 3. Dei'aitment "f Agricui turf TO CONTEST Wf! L I.OS ANUEtFS (AN'Pi —At len Lft* Gustar.j Weed--, '2-’i. r* r**ut brlilegromu if thr Iwtr vb vtar-i.iii Mrs. Arionn* s , ot .urn lih*u suit L•; ww-V to contest the wii! es r.is nil* 311 J former emaloyrt ifi bis suit VV tieda . iaims ill it be? stgeci wife had &i<tei*r« r: • »«nk to deaitey the oodii ii her will which deprived hint ; his wifo’K rs»*ie entjmaiea *t Wferii ihr mliried hmi January 14 she »a!h it wist» make sure that he got her es tate whej. t\u dtrJ. Before tite'.r xua.riase he bad wnrked seven \ e-ai-s lor her .eg cftaulfeau*.

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