PAGE EIGHT SSP ; S ' Q w ' M ?2 M wdf Mm C S' *' Jb aS* fZ&A i fclßi- -jklsmsßW <*?» vfihsesdi W li 1 1 FAYETTEVILLE 1 M W f* m PROGRESS M-m BV % HENRY M, L. JAMES progressive p \stor '> "i - mont -:• w tin- lb ; • F■' - - C A. CHICK -IV IJ'.I li. c 1- T -'.it- Nfe’.v Bethele- Bu .• Cl urch '!■ •< '• id vti ir € - li F Oi) til 1 ? Ruud. At UJe tiu.e r, •- i ■.’•••.* :-mbei -h'o was sen-' • U i, d arc; complete];. iis tc ugost as a remit of endem •i --*o erect church building. - " tee service.- wes te!d unriei a > - -of today the i- diffev ■ r iseveral gesptJ ser- i ■ . fci.c tend r.:> a few e.etfe-r ’■■ C>’e. acted i.y > ie p aS f o j the. f‘- : teg lion ha> tukei on new * and faith Members who difte-ed t their view.- anti T a ,;t?nrj sluJ ate now hold-, <■ foe ivoa. v ; ii- the" drive :■ uie. Toe i.htrvh is irew r.eai ?* ■ eonspK'tiou and a proud and sn-. .jz a.;-- d rnei.eLe: pi g not ajt c? tie-.- hot ir>. a bu ldiny. ■ li; etrend Crick is a great; a keen thinker especially in ft id economies and a b'' - 'o“! vhe be-iievt- :r. "th -vt t *■ • - --'a-live religion A PROGRESSIVE VA( ATION Bf£ E ?{ IK’-01. -.c;.y. uune 24Sh marked the " ’• Os f. SiiCCCSSiU! W.!'.; "• ’ -■ ’■' School i the Mt Si';..i Bi. ; - ’>• Church which a located on' ; - Hei it The ahooi was; v ii ryanizetL h -vir. pc n St-;; : -n.«nt the Pcvtrend A!. L ’ . or;-, who also served as the, * t instruct' r. As; - Sutton and Curd. w rk«-d with titc Pri children while Mrs Brovrai ■ ’-■•-o' ime: .nediates M v - served spec a 1 ir- . wtor in the lieid ,1 arts and* ■: : The student had a very rich! 1 • • owe in Bibic stud,- a; v:,j • PHOTO CENTER 481 Hay St. PHONE 377? ti< Horn SERVICE ON PHOTO FINISHING COMPLETE LINE OF Cameras AND Photo Supplies FOR THE Anna teur OR THE Professional ifeLf I DIXIE PAINT & HARDWARE CO. ! We Have “It” Can Get ‘ It” or “It” isn’t Made SPORTING GOODS—FARM AND MU L SUPPLIES PAINTS !09 Gdlespie St Dial 1119 Fayetteville . i PROCTOR-BARBOUR CO. j Hardware. Aihey’s Pain!, Farm Machknery Building Materiai, | Doers, Vvindows, Ccm?2vt. Mcrfar 2? Gillespie St. Phone 2080 5165 | ~ i us arts .md i: .md ; . ■ . eaiie.i it activities Afttny nsefui iH.-u.-v-huld i article:- wert rbn'tuic-trd. The ] nct-die ' jit., paiiitm,, ~nd dr. ..v ins altractvd much atlciitiun The I eurolim* nt for he season v-r 7. , PROGRESS IN BKOAI.K' \STING Tu;.- o, -tv i.- ;j e-:>nt .nujtie.'i o.t Oast veek.s article cotuernhir "Pi 11 ; L v.-vis Program " Ti • new :edie ui ograni which i- hcaid over WFI.B each monia Aien.-ii--. ; throi-.-sh Friday if «-30 until V ■'Clock iia. been given a name. Amorv. many names suggested t ie ( ' judges selected the following name;. Mir EYE OPENERS CLL'f M> ; William Ti mes Bowser wish. / to i i express his appreciation to the ,tali ■if tar- CAROL INI A N and To a in in; radio listeners for the many ■ cn r ds and letters received. BOOKS FOR PROGRESSIVE VflN'Ds “The Epic of American Ir.du ;t!’y“ ; by James £. Walker tclis the story of the n.-e of indust :■■>. „■ tnmerce. cemmumcation an 1 business in If is :< r ccord oi the frials; and triumnhs if little cusints. and | bi. business of trader, farmer.! workman, ent-eprenciir. merchant a; 1 u manufaclurer. “The Negro in the United Slates” by E. Frankl/i. Frazter. Dr. Frazier. tor.UM-s nis attention ot’. the N'-'.o -’orruTiunity and in stitutions. and * innhat-izes the pro- ! cesses by which the Negro nas at> , quircd American culture and the oxter.t to vhu-i: he i- being infc-j grated into A-incrican society. HKMiiT UNION PROGRESS The program committee .1 the j College Heights Urod’t iJriii*!i his selected Th ? Beverenc! M i. W>l- ! 1 1 . - tv- as the inest speaker for tire { regular monthly imeting whidh j will be the lace oT meeting • .. ■<• ‘ Hiiy « it r P M Th. Hi- Center . viil beti;t. place ■ i meeting where' visitor.; are always made wclconic. : Each member is cxpcvtcd to bring ' in one or more new members. PRAYER FOR PROGRESS O God of love mty we be wor- j thy oi the great live whir a Ciir t hat revealed to us. Many of us have 'el . undone tho-e thing*, which j wi. ought to have done; and we. have done Truce tntr.&s whii'i: wr •light not hme done S'i>are Thou those. O G’.-J v. ho r-ruess their: .au’t-;. May oni be a place, where Thou dwellest. We ask ;; die tiame of Thy Ban Jesus Christ, who met and con- ! queued the tetri.rtation- tro;.. v.’hii *i we suffer. Amen. According fs tac- ovcruriissiort senu 10. tis of fin Broth..’! ho d of Boi’ieimakers. AFL.: accepted Negroes as, iuii tnembors. ■ It i!s i reparte I ’.hut 12 Negro men were opeiuijog lin-.-s m th..- ! siatr- *nd Tl - i W'finen ,v oi*. [iV; rvj ir. 1 1 kind: - of busmu * : ? ?. ]>oV\ Read file Larolinian! ' I VK H lIKV. 6) m i OKD Surd:a Sr: • .w- • .■: tho ’L'incl S:!ao> Gr<-\e H-on; ' Chy ? At 4 P \.i. Th*. R. -v J K. Bt 'to .> f Tur-ii'-t: vilk S. C. *e rj; ,ti> f jV e UVh er fj.. . a : .i , ; ■./ 7 ' ' i‘h- H r 3;-1 \ ; p J **W'ha= M -st I Dr, W3V. Jl The Sj >nx . k*p;p :;V 'he jtill" ■}* t' t* Vi ‘ / 'n ’ •.,. , | Choir und*>< fro ct- et--m-r> -*' r*i pTaw. Page, as-a-u-d i Kattie H; \<} !.- i the- ho lie .v. J ; If *<_ Kmer ,jr IPnilad.iyh.a. wsgurn. h; pii. tints. I Mr. .arc Mrs K J Ha iii; .- Caid bwtll Hayes o* NT«-.v York is visiting ■ • tends ..!..-! relativ - Mr ..*.d ft. Hii ; •■ -Vi -jr. (i | mother of \V :-.Mi in S!.•>:: > >:; ?o , James. Ford 2; nT. - p. { i spending -■ r. -* time hor nmth er. Mrs. Emma -Mrs Seios :. :> .. . d Jailer visifii'*!* in \\ • hii* • ton. D. C- end pt-p- v. -p.- vi r.-. Gracie C Pa.,-' of Balt n.oi ■ Go Sundn July 50 sSg l ! . , T ie My Ur I jrd. ; ( . will h. i J * :j t, iV: Oil . u lat u'niun AME Church The (*>•. ! H. P Biiiip’- -i 'vluUir S C. • .i| aelivej il'ie in.-v.; 1 B. \. Utley . ■ ... .1 g\ i!: . ! day Ivi; !;tle v is .feat v. ii. ki'r ;He h iicl■ ■ nich oflievs in -,«■ v «-; ai jganizationA He is the son >t Mt and 2,-ii.-. W IN'. . ? Hollow! I Springs \ c Tile Guide! Foul sysop; ,il. !?o back into action s Si.-nd.e-. July 10, at 4 I> M. They .. At !>■ •■'!• !;t tile r. ■ seye: ■-, C ,-n IH 1 Mnib.lL p / ‘ -1 o I V • ; rpv i,. .iAKMi.iI. . K , t a? a r . avi. i i\p - ben y Grw-i.- B.- .»•. • rmsA WJuteviHe Th, G iden F-- ■ av iiiable foi er.; lie.edieu: Writ. ;• ~ d •, j r ’fi» I- it: Quasict. Box 472, ; Vit’V.'. s ( • I i’hsv have so: t- f,i>: • m-w added: Jo, their program:, ie,. f 7\ v><)[ j;,; . I IAN. See and hear the .. | ting P :r-.-:i.s .-m, ■. to Mis: •» - ‘ G edit - stive .-. ~ ; jof the Childrcr:'-. Aid ■■ !-?■. She said this ;,,.-0,1..,. ..... . R( . limited to N0v...-;, ;S ; if;. - f ' te>. as all over the e 'J ne , - -a; j cause i>* this sltyotioi;. .7 a said b 'the lack Os I ■<'; ...- ,; ,ij life .; 11 --■ i! g Negi .e. For white b.ih-!e-- flic re nr, ‘ I ever abundance of |..c -sect ive p re.s .n Mi in the , ! class. .Among pfegro Ismilies there white coll:,! vorkc: Sin-.* Negro i f;.m;ii>nave, to t's.eet the amc 1 cj’J‘j 111 ichtiuus :•;■• whites thi:- had j . ,1,1 ’.ti.’,*- I ■ k ; Kcail ] lie ( iirolinianl! } Crisaie’s Bea- i‘ho K , r jinnont Fayetteville 1 Thompson St 113 Gillespie j W e need your l ead in our Business j Crissie Mclntyre, Prop . - SILVER GRILL Home Made P e Tasty Home Cooked Foods Rev D. Mom or Mgr II; S.t j ; , r@| YOUR SCRIBE j ;i J t'V . y n- 4 I fi i i PERSONALS Rb • N Y . h.-. .. rr'.i■ ■ ■> l. :r. a, ! U-r visiUr...-, *r.-- - aunt hi- - ;v] , -.- C Will;: m Prof. S B. Bin;mot:.- and hauiiii- I el Gl fi’li vgei . N’ ! ■ •-. veil end Wee-’.- Os tb-iv f. the; and ; ami rnolhf-i hi: 4 A. Sc Mrs 11 , igje V-7..; 1 New , V-uk City 1 - pending von;., tint.'- with bet blether. Deck Wiilum,' A! non R. <1 of We. h om , . If :C. 1- visiting hi. grand father. ; Lew is Brvar.t and hi ,-unt. Mrs. , Irene .vi ■..;;;• Alack Davis attended the funeral .oi hib br<'Xh> i who w,i- luiUyl ;n .in automobile :i<.vidt*ru m Fort Pit re<', FI 4 { ! i. "h iv> t i>T A *.it ! ■;i.k Vi.. ;s Vi-ruiw gruud ::a-;;-.a, M. . ; 1 fa tinr- Ci av -1. Toe A'V'V Vt’. yi j . , - y ; Soviet-, -:f Kvi.iu 71 viv p - - A M K 7,0 n Church t lb, borne o£ Miss I.ry is Bald. h:.;> V “ -'■a; Street. Jmn !yti, . * 4.",. Mrs, Irene Mfintagne e.k.urnigft ot A .‘.uiPCvr .f . a.,- were clayvd Mis- Anti -" 1 Westbrooks and Bi- Kiev Mtur ; A d>- iiciouv ,- mu re freshing ATTEND f ONVENTION *!"!?<’• M); | tv j- % ■ i : ‘> • ' ~.j S'- Annual Co,: v, fit lot-. t th tut- N C J,.irie ‘lofa- -b_ 'HI ,(7 -a!-.,- b, \v iliiA-o i; 77- T’iif' v-rivhiv M: Ar ~-h.i P : Avar.’ Miu E-.-ih' vi, Wilii .nr. Miss - fi- : . ; ! . i : 0 Wr y-i- >!:: iuv, Fisla . Ml- Maude Via .77, Mr; The!).: a Hen • . icy. Mrs. Tabu Jont- and Mr Lizzie Hunfe-r, Mr?.. Ma-j-n : Vli Then wa h.ay- I ,g.,tj. M:- ; i!-! S- Da vis Mr- CarifU M. Donald.' JMi G ’ina -R. ;d. Mr.-. , ]t ; " : : aid. ,\tl: If at iH. 1i ; vi- oi; ?v!a a ' \\ t; Elliott, y.;- Nellie Uiuhi v-i j,]"!. Mr : iil-lle ’ IMtuT-i Mat s G< , : ■: mv ! ■Jr ! >l Tu. ru ! Mrs V:'. ..'thi 1 i Arthur’s Seafood Grill j ! 637 Person St, Phone 4630 1 ; Wt serve ycu anythir.n from a * : sandwich to u chicken 'dinner. Mrs Ora B Williams. Prep. MOHAWK INN Peaceful Among The Pinea Parises Appreciated G. H Manchester ('A I’iO-LINI AN S:%ivrdtt&, Jmy IK 194& C-urtc’ ru.d 'O- ‘ t ■■ s . v -1 - and Pit n tv the- ii.-yiutn t vLs an.l ir ; fnds >(• j?..t,*-,* * cn?e •/, h«w»-c- comxr-’iu 4iosg.edr. n.’tori ltih’! . itr- t vvilt* '1 h C T; ■l O h*l .S’ p r*. V•d i■ J r.l r> V•' • " ri;ind.- The mst it ha.- a tra o'. vd '-'off t - ,*jv them tiie ittem• ’>*i 'Tac can* Ml be had Hi a ptif ■; It in'-y M-em rii tiler er'Kl i.-i’iv e your i v* d ones theiu.;: i hcXU-i *. •>). ice them Mere rcP. ■ than have them commit some hor h.-’-’e •an - W> know V ever;.: r ; in the eily who nave Ueen 1 n tlie insntUUs- II Lnd he ra se •; f i.;ressui‘e or political puli have com • hack hofT'.e and ate besre* kept j I heir parents, who kn i\v>. wne jrmnder^ ! A lot of crime can he pre vert ted ‘An ounce of pievemaon u. eound j -f e»if*.» “ FOR SERVICE J. Sc K, Market Grocery artd Meats 14! 7 Murchison Rd. Phone 2890 J Quiet Tactful Service CRUMPS FUNERAL HOME •I Mutual Burial Association I 515 Culbreth St. Day Dial 54? g Night 2a-5 7 * LIVING STONE RADFO SERVICE HOME AND AUTO RADIO REPAIRS 1.3 Gillespie St Fayetteville “---nnrmni Mr -||||-| t ||, iimiiui. 1 n,, CAROLINA 1 Music Company 1 Finest In INSTRUMENTS RECORDS RADIOS And Instrument Repair 114 Anderson St,, Fayetteville r —nri— iii-T irmwrT rr-witii ur-nnr—lyrruraniTi -mu » m lnrtrr ‘ | - Ir - f DON’T COOK—CALL | ;-6426 and DRIVE TO j Crissie’s Drive-Jn Luncheonette vVh- re Curb Service Is Perfcrmed and Delicious foods are Prepared ANY STYLE ANY KIND j j. h Mclntyre prop, 1903 Murchison Rd