PAGE TEN wii n■! —ii i i 111 i ■■ii ii n ■-[ - , I NEWS OF NEW BERN |||g|| B\ 1., I>. WOODS This is a hr-- and humid day jvr-4 anyone living in eastern Cn \ I beliesr* . is very t•• I* r rare ofthtis fr.<~. The ribbon on my typewriter hfpj- s -to |>o Spared the flos-ging of i:.- daily vrorl; An.! I am \ -ry much in syn - j-athy with Use whole tnaeliL.e. This kind of v--ather w uhl ho bei i.t for the typewriter and the wri ter to rest But be if a?- i may, j-ome things and me people imss* tvork in order that some rrTftni lake ii easy and rest. Speaking of the heat, -omo pet>- r'e who used to --'ol off by in •Juicing in a frosty beer at their favorite “Hang-Oni" »vt!t find it i 1 v difficult in the future. The state who nays who should handle h->er has stopped a number of places f ront celling it After 11 pm. and sLLi day Sunday, sr nl. ni be good idea hi have lemons, m.,ar .’-ad jr j Jessie Kare mil match \ your hair perfectly. , t¥his most osefu! hair piece Wends jin with your own hair and keeps tfhe roujrft ends even. Fitting from ■ear to car and shoulder length, ths JESSIE KAP.E Page Boy makes grour new heir length lock so rat ers] that no one can tell the dif iC!s^soEß This JESSIE RARE tack of the head cluster can v e worn in tight Esther styles as a cluster or plain; ■Vou do away with the use of hot irons, thereby giving :/our hair time so regain its stre -.gth. fe length you want, the JESSIE »A R £ Hsif Glamour fit* your ■Unite. As you see, it fastens si the ; «rows of the head and hangs nat urally d vn the hack. You can -wear it as an upsweep or any style you like. C?t is i-5 to 20 inches long i h . *IO.OO i s€smoSfi of RO}V of | i *Hrt* takzc. Oi*&FF TO&AYt_ f J SEND'NO MONEY, ~gr —pay postman on deliver^. JESSIE KARE Isesfy Prod, • &%? PS#?fe &*«., Now City to make lemonade. During that time, ih-i stat -- -c ■ c-- l you must not buy beer. Too much beer is n :'°< i ’ In 1 spili'* of the * aft »h:it ’he Use of L peer might huv - caust-d * c i.ill tfferts on urn morale n so* —,t> j* the state permits the sale <-‘l’ it dunn- the day wnat barns could ;» do at bed time? Beer takes a Jot of blame but ait the law violations art not caused ■ by drinking beer. Nearly c vet v time a eriiri- is ror.nnittcd and tt is discovered that If i> due to idrinking, the person involved says that he wars drinking a little beer ii a driver has a collision and kills a half dozen individuals, he .if Its ift«- court he w is drinking jus: little beer Most times such driv ers have been drinking everything 1 else. Boer -eenis to be the escap able excuse because it i- a lrgali:>-d drink Ko it co<- mi re<ord that the <l-iver was drunk with boor. PERSONAL, Miss Rita Hrrisfon. a Hampton Institute student, wii; .i.-.sis- M , Sadie McManus, (he librarian at the West Street Library. TENTH ANNIVERSARY The tenth anim , rsarv of • - pastorate of the Reverend C. ii (' Mint-: begati Sundnv v- ruing n 1 Ehenexer Presbyterian charcl V • following i- the prog-.itr. for tis * week, including > c.- spcs-Lil nnvlv • sary speaker*: Sunday Jttly i, 11 a >rt communion service : at ? p nr.. Rev ft T. Baker m u the j . West Nf*w Bern Presbyterian U church• Monday. .Tilly 4. at S p m. Rev. T. T. ShTv- r 1 and Guild j field M. R Church; Tn. Jay, July r>. at R p.m.. Rev S. 1, >-ue and L Tic Clin*..-. Chape 1 AMR Zion l church: WY-dm-sday. .lulv fi at «' • ,p m Rev. r c simruva N and :he ; West Street Conc.-egat -mal <’hric tian church: Thursday July 7 pi r n.rn. Rev. s M H id i, •<•-.. the; j Rue Chapel AMK ehtmh. Fridas-., July S. a’ ; pm. !C - W ii A - Stallings. r>. it.. ,r-i th> s,«>n ! John ! M P. ciiuc-h: feonday. July th. -.t ,11 New Life Alov i\,ent y.-r --, vice and reports f ra p-cm Rev. P. ,i k, . ,-i th. S: i Peter's AMK 'ion < L .■ h and . ; 1 o , flock a taif ast a r - pTcyr-uto ; and expressions. FFNBRAL SRRYt -KS Funeral serv i.-es for .M s Kinder! ; Haii-i: sit iron *' • . - * rlu- e j John slid Mary Hatch were b<•:•.* j from the Gui dfi d M. R chut > : last Suncia:- ;v- .:' at -; o , )f>, t ! Surviving re tsso d : c! ; ;«i; , Mary Hs -i, M >••, , M - K j Hatch Bunting. "hree g;: n h;,- idfer.: one c •. - rai-idd-h's i, , j nteces ami a nc-s; either ■ , ' J. W. REESE I grocery GROCERIES AND MEATS 1049 Broad St Dial 4451 I NEED MONEY? We Buy Or Loan Money Ob Mosi Anything Os Value NEW BERN LOAN AND JEWELERS j 215 Middle St We Buy Old Geld Diamonds, j ii - » Silver etc GET YOUR i NEWS IN THE CAROLINIAN ADVERTISE m THE CAROLINIAN NEWS DEADLINE ; Thursday [ EACH WEEK fjvts and friends Rev T T Shiv- j :U- -Jiteri and interments was j hi the Greenwood cemetery. MT ZION HOT Y CHURCH The revival n-.--i*timr began Mon- . da> night, .fii!-- 1 with t-svo tc-n --nae boys of Wine*or. -Salem doitig the preaching, assisted by the par. ; I tor Elder ii. D Brovn of Green- ’ I villc. ST STEPHEN F. W T’>. Gs lURGH : KEY W T. JONES, Pastor j A sertnon was preached at 11 j a.rii l.y the pastor. Sun-lav S'-1100l ;£ervicea were held at t:3i* iii, | Regular worship services were he- ! j ni N p.m. The Unity Club met vri-lt Mrs. Annie Miller ~t r. pm and the Beautifyirig Club met at the same Lour with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Williams. SO9-C Green St. ST. JOHN M. P. CHURCH LEV V\ H. A. STALLINGS, D.Tt . Pastor Rev. 1 U. Franks preechcri at 31 | a.lit giid 5 p.m. Sunday F-hool -■ r;' , vici s were held at 1 p. tn. aftter ’ v.i'irii ?bo :r!i.s{e»*s met. Ghoir re 1 ' heif-srl was at 6 p.m. T" hers will i meet at s p.m. Wednesday night ; Fridav night there will he prayer! and song services. NEOROES TEACH AT HARVARD AND BROWN UNIV. BOSTON < ANP Tvvc of Anver- • :ca'= oki-st waivers Itiep, Harvard arid Brown, last week broke tta diti-'n and added a Negro each to • faculties L rvar-i the nati-'n.-*' - - i ~ t eni- : vci-Mty. appointed D: William A. Hutton a clinical professor of hnc tcnolojjy and immunology in the medical schoa!. Brown awarded J: S.'iutuVf i:: Reddtng of Hamper. Institute a visiting proLssorshp 1 in English. Both me--, are alumni of the schools at which they arc the firs'. Negress t - teach Dr. Hinton was -. nan ted f; m Har- -rd in 190f and from she medical school in lUK? He has been connected with the school’s medical stuff for 25 years. His specialty »s vein real diseases ;to which he nas contributed the Hr - -. and the Duvies-Hinton Htdd;:.- was graduated frOir. Br n. ii-?.; He ts toe ttwft'or ! M N- Dav of Tnurrfi’" which in :<H4 wen trie Mayfi.a-.ya ..ward for . ftis*ir.g;iisTi-:d writiTip. He- will lee- TOWN HONORS OLDEST CITIZEN •JRUFWJLLE. K.v AMP) j 5 r ••,., ’ . v ’• ?5f of * i TP-C -1 fC'iOrfti] ;pc re on? ,n tv'H'n s iii' uldC'T j-. itizun. ChriFtopbrr 0.-I«nr»btis Mar pin. coiled “Uncle T.uns" by leu- Ur.rlr Liini was prCtcntf'd :•* thi* ir :- ;:u I .-i week :*t the Or---.vJh. ' : Sosojidi Cn'cnnied vcllL'rotion He . e;tkin r i e-f his nstiv-i? tuwn he /. -bf - Or--- - vd ;. t c u e ■ ’ *T. s • the "iv.'drv ' rr :•?-'»?.:? lounged on the •:*vcy > . ye;?r- , rd year- ag- AhncrucL O' rn hv-r:\ tTnc’.e 1..i - jhr-y no* lived »-i Groenvil’c-* h-4 ;IV He evct< once f; o of t .• r..- i Barnum arid Bailey cTcn *. In fad. Ihe worke-'l wiTh thf I before icui nn 40 year?' ago A; that tdne he wanted re j • for « tert >:og.s doin» advance ! werk He used ia take a mure a v, d ; v ..r:cy and travel ahead of the 'on*.. Wrcr he saic he vamed to \ retire his employtrs wanted hi:r# !*, cjft v K ( a. time '*.< i,i he v. . .n •to quit me company refused 1i j •-• him Always quick of mind "ic . r’sr <:>■ he wc'atd •<yi the n;aa,.g.r hf wr.s 20JP-- ft* stick with :t. Sure ; encuph, he was paid Then he drov# ' h:- horse and buggy c-n to the next ; I'M':; ... f. , a d - r. horn-' It Pav- Jo Advertise!!! - SatsHfLA luA !>,19'59 | ; NEW BERN’ Discrimination At Bureau Os Engraving Protested By Pickets Th<- Citizens Committee it- End Discrimination at the Bureau of Engraving staged a picket line J the Treasury Department ThUrsd.- iificrru'on in protest against the discriminat; rv personnel practices in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing This was the second sued action taken in the past week i.y the Citizens fJornmittee. I .as; Thursday. June 23. t.vfr 500 pc sons picketed the Bureau of L,.- nravinr tn protest against the ss pro u> iriii. Mrs. Thercse I. Roi-in*--r: (,la. u of Civil Libei Elks and CD irrnan ■ : r J: Citis-en.- Cent m itt ee. said “W. < r r det.-n!-*- .’•t-septfuS r.f Sec-re'.,i - i■- statement at n p:-’- • c‘ i«-t week denying that diseri.mi existed at the Bure. ..- of E, . • ■ it ;s a well knovi LGti.tll-tK OIP : ! ■ i ! o -.nati-'n and -er:*i-.t: - L calling press cofereno to da > toe existence of the ■ ■ o kn--wn ■>. tics* of discrimination at the B, ;t WOllld t' ; if -t ■ Snyder and othe- Ti< .•■ar> Do, merit official'- wud t< currs the intent of Pr*sjdsot Ti Anti -Disc rim ir.a 11 on Or-ve era! Amende? by meet). •; - tut United Piiblie w- kers r< - the pr-'blern." Mrs. Robinson stat6*d th-A *u j problem of diserimination a. -i . Cr> w in tire Bureau r.f Ec - .- :ng ha? been appealed to eve-- G>'v - ernmental ievt! withoih - tr. . • ft!'. .. action itake" ficials. 'lf s for this re-is-on , as because of ta- snanc ::; POOL RE-OPENEO FOR NEGROES VIvE FLUFF. A a • ANf ; -. ii-aitn QU C ‘it 1 tis It'! ■ ■ OiT t. :,v.l • ■ >D work to reopen die nc-v Town.-'f-r.d rwimimin,-' unol for Nuj r? T action ■; eeeni which closed the wiru-uiu. • \v n c «iv a l l oi' t c pe 2 \t cl o' es no! nv.*oi Lite i.ruW c ; quirerr »:• n ts. tlu ■ state H 1 .a 1. *V ■ l ) •' pHrUr ent said The »•?*- tratc ii- 1 ;'ie water . : *• re t-a* : bottom of the. pool cannot he ao*. pr-ol was first closed. Craven Grocery Co. WHOLESALE ONLY rh<m<> .‘l4l New Bern. N t J. D. Bn-vost, Owner Fodie's Smoke Shop The Gayest Spot In Town 1016 QUEEN ST Beer , Cigarettes - Candy Draft Beer FODIE HARRIS Prop i • i ______ __ PARDON ME STRUCK ME 10v * Sell The Carolinian For Hit Vacation Money rnetifr . r.d • . - - Lai iC: < Treasury D nr.--nf : we find ii a-o-.iiv to .u',,in 0- tezt th< ; . n ■ iv, held-. 11.: our sfre . ■ , a ‘, this tte.f v; front ; : - in • -e paUmi-iU, ’ she TWINS TO LIVE TOGETHER UNTIL FIVE MONTHS OLD ins ANGfI.iS i ANT :■ A drn-iim t*< separate the me it h eld Si.iniesc twin daughters of Mrs. John .t<*nrs cannot - h e ni ,(!* until ittry arc :ive m«n(t.- e!d Dr Phnebys Berman. m< til i n director of tn-neml iiospitai said last week. He said at tins time it will Ft* known whether the babies have separate rireiilatorv sis tems cr not The-, are joined to gether hi their heads but have separate bodies Their names are Gladys 1 vininr and Mary Yvette It they have a eonimen breathing system, an *>p -ration to separate them will pose an extreme surgical problem. Ttr. Herman said. The Rose Room f j Wiiliem Billups. Jr , Prop. 246 Queen S: NEW BERN, N C I Near Water and Light Plant I j Where All The Cals Jump j Ideal Shoe Shop i | Quality Shoe Rebuilding Mitchell . Khoury. Prop. 903 Broad St. —New Bern WOODS NEIGHBORLY GROCERY Groceries Meals, Vegetables, Fruits Ice Cream. Notions Patent Medicine. Negro News Dealer Call 3269 L D WOODS Prop. ELEANOR SHOP 'MART APPAREL FOR THE THRIFTY WOMAN & MISS 27A Middle St NEW BERN, N. C EATHOL 1-VS BEAUTY SHOPPE Specializing in Tinting, Dyeing an d Marcel Waving Phone 4601 833 Pasteur St Mrs Mary Harris, Owner and Operator

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