s * W 8 Ipk ? k f if §§» m S lB 1 tBl % 11 ff IwUUil I Prisoner Pleads Fright To Prevent Return To Ga. NSW YORK - Pursuing its court struggle lo suve Ci.reure Jackson. 35-year-old Negro fr rn oy.‘-r 1 - .'.i: r ; ;; ••>■. . . pr or carr.p.the Workers Defense League has filed notice of uynval iror;. a June 20 ruling by Neve York S.:- tt.veme Court Ju.-r;.ct- Erne.-.t E. L Damn or. After t'.vo-da\ trir I in -;phi..-:i a number < f Gcr,>;:i.a of; teals pre sent it c: rosy picture: of i -.-ndi thins it. the stales prison, untu-e Ham inei ordered Juekro" oul Loci: U> tit's os ServUEp . twenty-x ; -ar sentence for liar at the Bon Hill prison camp .Tor:-.ri escap ed aftei being thieatenco with death 'ey one of Uu- ards. De spite iestimonx bv Jack'-.n that .• guard had bork.-n his arm and Liinded h:m in t t iott ye inflict Helmutr said lie hso iotied b< jarinfc his charge of having received “cruel and unusual punishment" Curtis F McCtane WDL attor ney who tlcfonro d j; kson had presented in evidence r< recent d«~ 2 DIE IN HOLIDAY AUTO COLLISION The -bra!in tras s ad-iened Monday SKOr-.in,/ ’.clu'n / .-/•»:• local youths 'let t t < ■/ ;tt cut ■/. r fn.V arti'!'i;l >;*iOut ten I’iilfx up Wiab iev our> r . 'hr loaner Mins Jii: sis Taiil'C . lie lad ■vine he re *o > »><--.* f ; :.' h ■iiii’jy ui > his amity, 2 and sraee-ting, ar.d there ire no r«an,et s and strain, ers to wash, no skins and slippery seeds t clear axx-a;.. ?)r,inec Juice lee Cubes 1 *abiespoon sugar 1 cup xvarm water 13 cup (B • ounce can) quick frozen concentrated orarri! juice. Combine sugar and water and stir until sugar Is dissolved. Add orange juice and mw until marge juice is thawed and hlende.d with water Poo* into ice cube ii ny* and freeze w-th ten-ijr-rstuie cor. trn’ st coldest setting Makes 1 \ cups mivture llßimiitfli btth CiyiLIZATION OM WAY 001 AT; ANT A thhr - T.e i':o f,• Tan: the v- orki. civilization i . un tm way eat. Rv v? :oral WTi:; ’. |y. ; ■■■ I Borders. oaG ■ if. : Wheat . | Uruversiiy Sa ....: School For-uu Sfu* in at trie seconb ..f :: !stmmier forums on “Reheiut . Pi-o --f-lcs and ■ IB v. : e-i Mr ' I gence of Rir-wa , v." ~■-( powoi. lOf v.'hi.i - ih-'- , Ti Gw b!t:.e w.U O ' ;o.■ \ ■:• : iead<. in ibe rid : : : • ■ ' !ye;ur, v.otbo L ,t ■ , u ; Car. 1 munistic Hu : An.; , o m ■ of 0., ■the core T.vr .•• , r, o .. y re ; Ci.’j: ;C: i... d :...• : J . i,o O' ; people: -2- tin ■... y.00.h 11 a fu:o eir.e mir •■..;! ' - Defin.ng th>. i f do - o opeakfr o-rerti'! inn; Fro on! o i;: tern’ ; us r>: • do ■; i-'1 Bo o: wj y t no no T ~:. -a o: '■Georgia, South CoioHna .nor; Aia ; butr.u, r.itiiough . ho ato. o ; Oil 'all of the race prrjudic in t::e wfifld found m the Se-it: The audiciice o,v ‘old ii at , vr-n --tua!!y r ‘ ".'al.c: Ti r -.noh sat uration point o' the United States “for there to nj . : do . t ~a: is and vhee ive.opa- jc g;n to get h..ng. - y, th-u" is going to be trouble." He -note:: tlv t be Jure fan any pt an e. there must poi.taoi ar.d social justice ; r d fr-. 'coo F v opie Ti'C o 0.-al'o-r beac 'ces th■; jo crM.-iO' - numbers of o" UT .ut Cjll'iot: liE f-sap’o :oa ’ . : oc’ id< - la-‘ v■ i ; .. . ripped off ‘ , 0 ‘... ; vvutri Avenuo YivlC A. \ . , lu>:-c lost v ek c ' ■ ~. ■ . v .i : . rid bed in Far 1.i.-v-mti-t. c< .coed basctr.t’t:; .mi \ ; : ~ y , , | :!U t oo LO T'. 0.0. To o:n --,M; E- V L 1*1: iv hu IT-ii \•T .: - • ; T'. ,'. ; one corner of ?h- ooj ono Nino room , im *- o • , . L . . j-wer*; d».‘-noiLou-ifi 1 ■ •• c.n*l rubble %\ .-tfe. • tiie ; ed PERSON VI S The NV’tl<;<)••;nry Maj. - isf Sun day S -L. ~j \v?n ),:OT With t :! •• E h'iiozor I - ;: ■' • -o: • • of V-:the H • \ T J-fc - pa - tor- J'u.-y 30-*< i . j Th* »wn-dav siort u it; m- hir:o ’ idlUiG.'i bv ii j ;•• i lift \ an I !if oi t ia* -'u?■•.«! t. .'•< j ?>(;' > ‘ !;u‘lE-t.-d : ■ t ■- -ui; people Themselves \i: ~ . |- ai 1 ,, , f AS,.: V if Wo- ,i. ■ ih. j To a*'t‘i Jattus Fr.. cch iaak- up ;h. C’i. Th" Rev. i-M.iic \v..- : • a--; R°v. Howi.i’tj Ka i nwr a;T :a. ;; the sermons. A ,\ ~.5, 'vill Ih* ofi -rec .n Jam. IR-..-V **•••' i pi • : : ,0 .o. e r i •'or, Mr \o a T-o'.'-, a j-f Tar) . Read Ihe tarolintan!! MISS. GOV7WRIGHT IS VICTIM OF TRADITION ii IRON I LEWIS A-.scoute Utiiun of Alias \>n s Scrvii e : This T the M-conii in a -r far - of article-, nixing .1 first hand si/' up of tmutrin polili* .an-, that hax *• l>m->\ (ntetw sewed .Mr. J.cxeK JACKSON Mo. VT o. -. t - E E,' E,l V ' r'CE *" h • - »> -1- t ‘ Fi*'ldii.o Vt’T-igr t Uv. p-, ... Far south o;o. j-.r" ■ css 11 s>. a Tu basis of "sepo i..: t Pat .. , : . TTe is r.n cay f«]i to ; a-; s .Uli’. ,iR-:i i :ii 1 j.aaiar ha ; My intervie-w with 01:51 was : |;..a linos of educational and i -l> o. ;- ENDORSE S REGIONAI EDIT A 1 ION o! of integrated ..>d'scativn ':n ihe south, ho related several ,1 -fu. . .-• of school strike.- above th* :.i.. •n- OlX'. 111.. voht’;! wint* TIJ. -i' ll (.f \E - ■ H- .... . tT in tcrested in tit vnTipii o the re . 111.,i 1. ' ..eat aa 1 p! r iu. ..nd lea.: tin < a:- r n'S<: • mm 1 . ■ ni.i ;n >• ,n nf rm goVtr on: a:.: a: - ti.o Sr :!ir- a (it.veinolG a‘• ■r; po * .it A- ‘ \ in October. Ti ts ami 0 VTakiT Sprira Hoyiila Four entry 1.048 Incident.-!!y he ..Im. ;:• .. n ; ' cep led, and w:;.: o ma. rinup..: • .n- \oi’ T Gw, fin- Th ■■;■!. of Smith Carolioa. r * ia,- iiwm-oat' t i ck. ck . •vc-.; d i-vvv 1 >;•. •:•.. j;.- L* o- black :• . xvht’e i: ma. -. Fail , lie' y •;:. .. a-; 4 -. s.i I I'-' M ITV r.mher-: |a"a ■' mid tm- u-e 1 1 '•* 1-■ * }i< : ■ i .«> ~ .1 .• t '•v Ti'ii. he (.'Ha ::ct tqUvd. He eat mol ? iiti.lii pH-judiee uud prads -..•<• it i. d j auC ’ CrO\ -•• •: \\ fit In -lilut* (i hvi- * OUTLET FOR" PAWNBROKERS CLOTHING, SHOES am JEWELRY, ARMY AND NAVY SURPLUS GOODS You tan save bv trading al THE WILSON EXCHANGE 207 So. Goldsboro St. Wilson, N.C. ft >• ’'T■ *t ; ' { -IS ;CJ OS )>- nt . • /hi; civil rights i • . - ■ i) • nut: iie sa d the • : • . ■ "iilli BOVS" 111 WILD IOR U.\. TERROR WASH INF TON tAM’ U the -hig boys' tn the sm ix el< rs ( nr- crirriiting from behou! the elaborate mahogany a -J m tin- office buildings in n nigh a rn. n’-.i :.re resjev tor the brutal beating- of ,’p u’ns of Viabama according i 3: • '• department m\ .-i tors, lb fa.! ix a- revcab ,1 t cefltli by \ A- .limit haet .Alabama attomyx general, and the in!urination xv e- passeti t.. Atty Gen. fom Clark i xvtek b\ the FBI. The Alabama attorney gen era! x* a- referring to the p- . ' 1 a* iTg business evseutive in the steel, eoal oil, utility and railroad Industrie,, who yon triil the e< onomy of that s',it* According t > the im est tors '.esi'iit, i umu bael ,1 :. ed that it was (hose hi: u ness heads who order lhe tfot: gmgs" for the Alabama rc-i --dents. tt xx a- further stated that these T iMic interests eolllr.ll the D.viecrat lead< 1 in that state, and ’Si- Divieerats rub- the State Dcrmeratie eannni'tee. Adcotding to tin. federal u f-enfs the hooded Kn KSuxers Jr. rl l ;i; , : . again for ti'c deli!-- eratt purpos;- or -tll.it:, up <• prejudire in tbf.'.itiM be i ■ if, s primary yampairus ne ts ph?! Ihe ( arolinian! I WILSON ARMY & NAVY STORE 123 W Barnes St: V-'.hon ARMY, NAVY AND CIVILIAN MDSE. ! i eni. HanvnacS. 5 t i c sen. Trunk", and C rar !iag Equipment, Clothing and Shoes \ 'THE FRIENDLY STOKE I •« a. ■mainmimamitmmmiM mimnwrui 1 —le-kiw : O. R. Roland, Own r | BLACKWOODS AS SO. STORE Whizaer Motor Bikes and Bicycles Sales and Repair 304 E Nash St Witscn Phone 3204 FOR LEADING STYLES AND BEST QUALITY MERCHANDISE Visit BARKER’S DEPT - STORE Cc.r, Gcidsboro and Barr.es Sts. Wilson. N. C. OUTFITTERS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY