PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page One PHOTO i)\ 1/ jhig" and a .on i ' . 1 , .; ikMunj* Os the jo). ! - ;■ " tail : i.' ' ■ ' ►n. ' Hubert R '1 inm . Ki ■■■■, •' ••■ • ■ 11 • t;; S«.d’\ :i i ■No ! tvc* ■ :t Uc |V <>sf t *i*;n i ■< 11 : leva ,:i’a ■■ i[ ’ Vpal •.Ilill 'Villi II: plo..'belli ll ' “Since ikings • have been *> mgh * W' aS thi’V ■' *V, t t ' OoWit. ; . Air. Tun* » v , . ■ ■ ...... ... A P*U‘'-S I.U! • ' ' ; ilv* mar. I '*-: :A- V'* A' ■ i ’ because tii v : i -> rs •* me 1 ••••- hi! h : . . ' ■ in t.i ediCt 1. 1 :‘ ’ ~!<>; ) itK:- - ‘ : • • v ’ l ' t;U‘C A» tx : : i bved:-- hii .* liar huh it • - d f.cpir i i-v progno^* Jut WOT'.; ' . .A. 1 f-rv- D.h id L v .•• /. t: - ■ a.v. ■;?i•' 1 f '.' "! think Odd • -5 *• - . * JI : -r“ • ••• •*• .... ' * . ■4d r[ ■ ll' ■ > ’■■Si.x"; ... i.. M* I*4 A ; ; . . ; '"Hi V* iLMALiT .Afe: *:l >"f W. j;; . ■ . ,■ , . v . - y Wii i oi r *vh<: wok kit if yt-iSTiji i acme~realty" COMPANY P' al Ks»st» Rentals Fire and Automobile - n.Mjin i.m i_ i * For Summertime Goodness Eat Delicious Creamy Custard (IN CONES OR CARTONS ICE CREAM PINTS 25c QUARTS 50c Com*. To See Us Often I*l JI h1! 1 UNIT.!..: 415 S wc'f!h St. '■ 86 Proof rut sr*»iwi v/MisKivs in ini', moduct *nt* -.aks on moo' ou>. 3f-: «.t» *m»t BrjSKIEY 45 s. I’ICUTWM i».R!TI», OISTII.lB; FROM (IH*IN ttmutat imn imt*. mm. «t*w ,■ •! '.vim sinilfuel ui ih •■•niiic ;r; i ' ; \s. ptMiifonl tb :i l.:l!kv(1 v ;:h in" mother, who bod h.ut •i i. \ ions o ■;«; 11 :. S Will ECbt. ; • li' i ■ c: s ni i iiei. ivlr.'. So ■ •nil Y.nh.'iuiif.b. talked Uv ..-itt> i .i ci i . ;. ci mu d who ulifted , - it liis wHi to ink. ln;at i I -I . ..inert, ' •'• d ■ I.iii-ly d’.ic;' st’d ns li.- 1 il* O I: ;. Vic CO "C ill -I I o. |...c f«> ii r.crfcli' Hie ire’ t . iiiwa.vs v.i> tin :i --■ , '■ i". ' !’ Id' :■<■■ hoiii' v• re i.■.m. kci .. ( pot>, anti im-lived Uie . oil othei mysterious • -o ■ i '•>. ne»*. fu I icc V -rich totaled ,i!414 ...... . NKK4SARV In •.i • v ot t'. *r.•;dt:H ts • > : . c- ,n v 1. Yi. ■ T'c'.'ilivxl . ~u • .o. .v Tk-s. oi> .d.i --i J ii..,!,; i;“. Sonin l.liil'o! 1.1:1 fnr ci i. i< n.n. nr tti, dov - i>n . . 1 i.tre ■ • • i-.. ne ;u < • pat;i> .i lihvi on .1 mtinbtr ot >h ;t --> • * r.iis to tit. home et .j Mrs. c", c. 1 ir.c c c ii \i:c3 •. - • . t , j ,c later !- .'■>l.. was told tllct 1, WdUiii b’ iv •■ :• to leave nonv. ibis tunc :■••• m.’k .1; ’.vh-’ie )c S.J' '..1 1 .1 I’ • ■ Wick'. Al’l. the mconn we k Vetliiord »r It < i.i.'i . ski’d his v. iti* ti. 1. i ■Jo. r , i;> li o::.’h’c-i. Til-. \v;J< < . r:.e "a Duiitam tvith ;!.< 1 *::b.nd Be>t. I V ■'■ f lord fKre .'n'i !■ 1 1 ’.ill 1 .. . ini lc Dnriion .-1 c .• 1: d 1'..! .-in vciitkin'i do and c. l ;.. ii. ■ : v. iiuotit Me oab;- 1V : c nia; .1 w.ek Hitt t’eit • ■: vi ot.i :. ■ hi: trv tiier-ln !.»• 'A .1 ,■ id rn " t*.at Mrs>. I’eUifo.d i cl huir.e. v. .11 Mip.i.; nc ■..1. . .-nd ’till .■.iiiiied >:iid u l . ■ .. hi.Mi" 11 : car., ~1 s• ■ 1.. r'.,y. •ii;. wasn't at .'one Sunday 1 v. etu " ehori’n. ami tile pcdjm wue all 'tic :■■■’. 11. belli .1 .V. i.\ troll .;■)■ o and »! i< man o(>i..iri • to tec At first ! started to ra t :ny 1 • •oi;n -i m.v 1 1 lon Is oid ‘re Mill ,t. would be belli 1 to eel. ii;i 1. w ; r . o 1 . ieu Jo; let d " W if». Mi Petnioi'ii ntid i1; ■'ivcd oil \1 'nor;. He ■ I!.' 1 .ok’ o tin- :: i v iit.-ii .n.'- iimiii md • d til. • the; ban 1.. . : it- New Yoiii Mf'ctl e- J:i tile tTwafll/ne .-•OHM; fnenk " ;.d o.a-u Bi’.’-F. c.l’.' sitt-iuk, in the ..‘it ’ill «_•:.tfe-v la •.••• and at. utit nw; rrmi and Ire police• man i inii. back a.v.t nro’-sted him P li \i , N ini- •..Ti-i Pittifo d •Id t hat .•!: wifi told him of It ■: ;,-■ rd t at she look the trie co.iu'c shr w.v "some" Viol Pius r.p- ’!" an;! thai the (wo •>£ 'unn had si-yed in *he sar.ll phioe to ..(•*’■ r f< vev-.l r iftht.-. Hilo •n.’.rtht’i stated ti' t •In Ask ed ‘tc-i. sc.end line v.b.i’ !-. cl n- .{■• he cieoltirifi; that ';c v.r.s a rtAirrkd woman and had no business such S ■»(.<: th : affair. Fevtilord cte ckres. chat bis wife h«? not been ill! ~)!!"■ (Old .lets *■ Humph li* wiic still end- th” •heyerV to .jitx Siu ho: not c ; o! ilit illness since IDSKD Hiol fired up'-vaiil ovor lb" lieuds of |);c’:c c;| l||. ‘.'iili lie clall'll: th i: he .J id 1;. I b. r v mil 1! In./llmnl; . hd"l I led li I • ookc hail beetl it 11 1 1 ];ci 00:1 ; 01 ,:cd on .|i> ■•. ’’ii Ulld dlcc.ll ilcil (h" ■ I d|>’ 1.1 ' ' ti.Viiy f 1 mi, .mi -iiiy.i’v "lowil of iih-ict o \\ !. i. h lini! r.i in u In a 11* 1 •i■ .. 11 ■ 1 11 i-V i" 111 iK’i '•.ln' ami \nsro l't'Mceineli >« •1;1;i i1; < j il *al'n cli'spiia tin I’lius" I'roi 'he c I ov. d ,11 il iH.-rlc;! I'r.i tiler racia! lnuliic \p I'foA i’niUel.v M in. I :,', 11 iui'ullcd ■hi sit foil iiti'l • !■• *’i ’■> *1 mab’ t'rotu pciict oil;' als i- ' (lieii o* t ioll. A ftt 1 ■'■!•■ da '.' ■■. 11,0 . • ■ 1 a 1 a-’ ■ n do ATI \\ cl : ! "as !■•:•»! d Under bend mot cctitnie'l «r» his >;. 1 ■ -1».• s,< f;l fir. ;•■-■ cunt inn.-d to !• • . . n ,•!•••» k * ’’i th VIC- 1 II if v Mr-s ('coke ).• -H Kctp Ibi! ins* ! !■ -pita 1 villi ii • i1 ' t i ■*. ■ a;- ii :V * "a 1 ilia,-Ii b Wi-’i al| vs . jiortf.f! tmit her rend it boi "is nor «')•:!Iral ini s>i'l a* ww* !f s) 1( I .v: !i rammli she H|t| tesiifi ),l AA'. rat's uial. in iciibii u.u) i\ ‘ 1' uhii;; *(t ti v u m hud \:,u\ \u- x .•> :<-i fj'.i i U * 4 :: ?p. ;. 1 .• i ■ ■ ■ • .: • i•: c t*: ’1 ‘ • «ill !!*.>? .. .. .t ? i V*t.t i- A Tt jii). 'll i‘ 'tit ! ,il , y'R lit.- »>; w.\ * 1 -■> i.'C *t.*Q' .v' t iil't -w' ' Kutit I’K lAKSIkIiS :t. iia • .. . .4 - t/ueti h-iif-’. o»v«-*u (jilt* n» Hid:,) (DU) im wiiiiK SH mis *T AT Alt you GET mOK *■ Howirmtyoufw C£% 0% A C for this mo WISTiNGHOUSI j / l~^ — V I Fre.x.i Ih4 ou,CK ‘* I fcrtas&fepsfr*’ ‘ Store* fr©**« food* f / SAFER I WV j ■ Free*** lc* cwb*l j| ; FASTER * S t .-nJga^a. J Tj'O ‘ ffAJI WtOTtCTION PLAM 0 * Os cou/'se //'* FLEi TRIC I t SURE,.nr sr'sWcslifi^hoiiSC O' EASY PAY PLAN I f AYES-JACKSON ELECTRIC CO. 133 EAST MAKGETT ST, I rep I c d | 111 I|c 1 1 to ■! ‘jll.'l* so ]l.i ,1 pa s bcfi.r’ tlirt turn Tile 'tins appeared to hr uheu! ;?n 11, I" mill’s |w 1 liont. in im nio'ved liinvu he looked iii !:.: ’vai view mirror and lull'd jth" mil's trip k lic.idcd toward him Wlna tin- ous was only a short dislaiio-' ! I*lll j tit * • '.c. Stewart said licit i.n hoard 'he dr'vor sound ins horn twice. Tim head on erasti " cut red' .1 Mu ’iitth truck oviniK to t.he ieft an , 1 1 * ■ 111 picii It Ste\'- a*'l A - \"i;icl"s coiiid.'d. ;im rear of Mm milV. truck iau")ic’d mid (‘truck 1 lie sj,i" of Stew art's cm, datti.-i". oik lie rear Vendor hadly and si la 0 ina ill" iddc of lie automohUe. , Sie"ai l ■-■■ iaf! arm, which was oip "i i.h" widow giving liisi iurn sin aa i. "as injured slight ly. The has j was *ll its Sill" o! tin- road wh a Ih*’ nas’li took plnr.p, KICSIT : W llltK sscT-ral (*! (he mi'll who real lied • seem- went n'r and down ..ii'siilc at til bus liS'!>,iltfii>. wii.; cow . -o | asmuio'l's C'Tiiii't lie rci-'Mc -1 d Tl > • made le ' "io effoiln 1" res ■ue Mi. :■.ei ll*' - .''lt N* t ci’ wh.. Vv. '•:' ad c : .; 1 1c.l 1., Fufioiuro t " tv■ a 1 mon’ and ir.iM- lb-.'is 1 Lad were Ali- Madge (I i *IJ ov ■ , '...' of ('!■."• (oil -a! fi red a dish" r. ,-d ieft shoul der bruises about the eve, ,*; d i-(hr r injuries So-- "as raid to he . , • | 1 , ■ iii. -- , 1 Nii • vlahH 1 lit. \ViT !; 2- ot <'Hn ti chili HJjur> ah-i \ sTv n T] \ KJ" AROEINIA A _ -T(.y oid ,Mol ret Hi own «’oi|<". t- Hr v< ic, ah-o a nienihoi ol Ik" Alpha f’hi Alpha Krtilcniity and lie Sir. lna Hi Hhi iu-uorary aclioia die : rati ."lily ■\ sl'L'i la! * ollsuUant for the Hell 1 'ai K'«tHi"'. 1 ion Klllid of New Yo: 1 ' City, tie wad always I'alled in when oi’ald.’. tar \crro si bools were mi ci -ms ulcrtd 'on Ic th, KiK'kc'fM lie i'"i)ti!iiia: pin. li. was an aciivc lay member of Inc Kpishopal Ciuii'i'h ami wiis t'liiaion nt in M" hiisbiess aifairs of iviendntiT. He is survived hy h : s •*■ i!'•■ and a sun "ho is tii' treasurer of Tus- Kelp-. Inslitnte and a daughti r who is 1.1 former inenitier of the Yi t late l y coi irr ri;\ hV fca atid physiea 1 for* «•. Harris «as (•o.iYieie,l in danuary in-17, for Kiiliiic’ .Mr and Mrs K Hcnl " 'lli 1 • rr Tl sp r. i,c,-|.ci s .; • viiU-li ami '. a ■ scheduled to die : iha eiis ."ic <’ha!r las; Fvh Id Hovvevi'r. lie was reunit'd a Slav oi' ..a ,-ni im; mi *i I iia- si! prc-nii con rt h* aid his a ppi a i A* " sip we. the mailer of w'u ti-et ui- I’onfe-slon was oVilpi.Hil in "1 hysiaal force, v iolc'p'i l"a Hit als lilt i.niHi.ltbin and duress 11m Aiken r’Oiiniy court >f .mm - ! ills .Hot tin- state Miprcpr-; of.) . ' Ili’"l t; had ’i reel I .1 I v obi'if ui’ilv i!..iit • ' Ttie hlc.ii t .'nr 'i I ih” la iii! in .1 '. 1 di i is;,m . n’, ‘ < ! he; i:-iv. Tii" vt.iim- lired mi r 'hi if Benner was tentni mortally -' Tiiraitd in a oi open empty i ash 'lia'Aci' Ivy a m inhli.o His wi; slumped on t)m floor hy tic kit.’he door In his. dytni-. tna atl, Hcdi.’i a'dl A hie Xr-sro shot me and robbed me" ibmls was arrested in Nashvilb nd i’lmtitii to \lkei) fm i)ii. • t ->ai ■ Viif-t ili.e.- ?,-i sii.'icd a eonle-siou. The leV'Tsin"' d> i iniim wti.- hand -.1 viovvn ivy Justice Krairkfuiter and was tasod on the atl.-yanr-Ti thai Ha ir: was held lone tins if'ii. sided b\ i'htr-f Jml ice Vm-er. WHAT AIM I At ls'r \ r * M>> mu d? -ovn s-taU- aid to A t"v-- v ' * *'k •• a ‘i L-• i I WATER COOLERS | 3 to !0 Gai. I ICE CREAM FREEZERS I 2 Qt. to 8 Qt. Garden Hose 25 &. .50 it. Enamel Canners with rack $1.69 Two & 1 hree Burner Oil Stoves S. M.YOUNG ISO E MARTIN ST. I>IAL 7121 SUMMER CLEARANCE! SALE | Ui'-*jv firt* ou . faAYM'itt 1 jJ'■ \ I stimnuh' shoti.% reduced i« i j \ B aftvt the* Fou tth .cieh iu n »■••. / | i(V)int oa%‘l> and pick out i l V*' • th * t'C? ] >*il Te .Jr MEN’S FLORSHEIM SUMMER SHOES BiTiwti find -vhc-• f't'iF'* ,l ft -$13% c * o'.•(! Ke> I i-c'- SPECSAI IOT MEN’S PORTAGE and ROBL.EE SHOES Brown and'nh.lti" comb;option. $"7% Ic-c 15 00. Ai I. PORTAGE HOB LEE SUMMER SHOES Va! u- t s§9s 1,5.00 SPECIAL GROUP SPRUNG and SUMMER LADIES SHOES Fiorsheim, Bret! Tweedi- k, iNara niuutii, Life StJ'ide. Value-s Lj ROSCOE-GRIFFIN j SHOE CO. j 120 Fayetteville St. Di&l 2-0*.39 j; 1 T lllirinir —" 1 --3 until 19, TO Wl FIRST TO ENTER ST. m is mu. school ST l.OflS ANl'i- Joseph ('. Outfit* ni Houston, Tcsar. will It- tin- iirst N‘«'S'r« ■-turicni to e lire 11 at the St I.unis mb. ver-ily scliditl id mvrfieini’ in Septcmher. it announced here lasi vv red; Guthe, who holds ,i US, dejfi i’l* in cheniis try from Xavier uni vi! it} . New Orleans, was selected us one ol 125 Mudsills from a field ol ii.iii’t than t.tlOO applicants. St Li.uis university leinuv iilin it I iii" Negroes in tin- i'l It • iiniini’c sessions of tin colloj>c of arts and seiesn-es and the graduate school. White lie is nut the fiist ut be accepted hy t. ined'cal school. Gatiie is the first Negro to in- ettrolled. : ike lij-si aceeptee via- .« grad uate ot doin' Cai roll univer sity.. t in eland, whose applira tunv was approved war. He. however, tailed 'to onndi Gatin maintained an average oi mi throughout ins lour years •ti Xavier, Iron; which he ini u. list mouth JUDGE STOPS JiMCRUW ISSUE AT RED TRI AL NEW YORK F • •*-■:,! ftarcid \k. ,i"c, ic;« «'d be; \V ,i .’WKlay to pm :..,' li' fetc e , ~ i for n Communist ieadt-rs beiHR S rate 1,, ii'.ti due mu, di - ' - ■' I "M* -' ' • " t" ; ■ o '- nii- -' .. Ma u.- ami and • ..- t :Nd )iCli OrOW. I S.TiV Wi: p.m c H;?nw.ttiCu : hi- KtiK.rv lu- peim.ited S;nu to The i v!i*> i/lit •= ■ ;«*1 a—;: tht'in T Wii’ TL".' rOl*-' !Vt-i ’» ;• GOtOTtrCJ j .< • ?t'; if?' It c li. r . in<\ Lficiu ' 9. ti-. .Nt s n .'?! er? \ ah o \t. jt: \ i v* r o w. H«i i - KtiiicA t aROUNL.a -Adi' Wh.“EK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1949 TARHEEL ROUNDUP 1 Coni inut-d iron. jinfe i#i ■ ■ • .*i /■iissiuv; aiiothei cor. struck him, Ho was cnuhgt underneath the ■■in' and •ii-.vKc-l about fifty J t'tM. 1 I. oil's, Jr was w.,<; I,M'l ;o > lio l ii/oy ibyaiit 'All s lair'tal la (li.ildw!)oro flosj'iiiii when- la died beJore v ""10-.k las' y;itiiirh,\ inorniM'. lb “kill l Alls fl'.’ii ! a red all) ill- ■>..>«! V Imdly mutilated. His i'a,’a)!,iiiioii was unable to identify Mia "ar beta use it kept on noing. Tba fui;>; 'ireidntit is tieiioa inves- iyaiaii by the highway •*:*(rol SUM I'M'.Vi K.\( i)f I;HAAi Tiia new version ot "i a i' i Know tha Run was Imtd t-d," as heard try Durham, poll.' •■ the d;i '. before independence Dav, "1 dicin'; know n *’n.< loaded witii shot.' Mrs. i;lac!j.< Johnson told policv attf r she >vns acres to. I for shoot;ay Sior husband. Lonnie the court.' » ' r )' a da l' Use ’ v. y. : tbca; :ir ucd that Cotunumist activity in . ;;ositioii t jm: crow and Ivnr.ui ' <'. tied 1 ;«"t' uiar relation !" Ha issue of force and violence with which tne 1! Communi'd '. i.-'Joi ,rv bn in : . har:.‘ei:l E.rlier CHbet- Greene, one u < t!in ; 'U s’.;, tiia' had test <- il'.u ’.hat f> !i *. .-.raj violence war new i .ulvt'.;>tvd in (.' .i.uo.inist: ■Ul'-b as be.", bo said fco : ,r Nesroi-S .ppnaseri m the Smith l.v use of ei.e old violence or lynching I ».• Refresh uitit Cokm J *'• • *•* «*•#<»*«» V 114V* . *< * '.»«*««* «t < APIT AL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO 514 West Morgan Street CmmsmOt ' USED CAR j BARGAINS C.'htfck Our Prices Before You Bu> DIAL 20279 K. & W. Motor, inc. HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE RALEIGH S CLEANEST USED CARS 425 S. Wilmington St. —~ IIS E. Davie St. nirnimif winrrirr iidnt Sliced Mid HhUv ! PEACHES N^'.te.n23: {Maid Si ream Pink SALMON > Ci " 49c A. and t GRAPE JUICE * bo. 19c vatithei'r.i Style Vanilla WAFERS « - **. 23c Arm P&j/e Mayonnaise pi j “ 29c I CHEESE -41 c SiriTY *' I hiY• HCi Sandwich 1 ! - )L ‘-at 18c Salad Dressing <-•» j.. 45c Pork Chops < «'*' r Cut * 1!> - 69c | Pork Roast Loin End lb. 45c | TROUT DRESSED lb. 394 I FRYERS dressed & Drawn Lb. 45c WHITING DRESSED lb. 21c I G uaranfeed Ripe WATERMELONS u- 3c Pole Beans 'ender Fresh 2 lb# 25c | Cantaloupes «ge. Ripe 2 for 35: Johnson, Police .-bit'll i >La t Johnson re reived a full nlad oi stint from i .a gttuj'a'. shotgun 'in his right hin. His »’if« ioUi thf.m that she ; i.hutigbt ho* hud loaded tllft gun v. jM-as la shoot dog:- with, and that shv didn't to harm him Thu J.iootint- war. i In- result, of j family argunv 'll. V. HIS KEY SA V F.S APIA Ths urge to gia nut for : lUm<' "tire water probably saved Squire ihivis ft out Irvins: burned to death. His home < aught fire and bunted to Mi ground His wife returning from the store, -aw tin ’.Jane and I railed I lie fire department. When firemen .nut poHremen arrived, they found her in n state of i;> »■ 1 ter la. because bet husband hi. i , b°on asleep in i.he h< n,u when she | left home. j While the polir * wen s t siehi'b •;Ito ruins of the >brep-voom Irautv itouse, llflvi-; e»ushered up li was very much riiiw- He was , trest,;ii for drunkoness. FlNfetn FOR K'l’h.FtlMNf? HAI.iOHiH Rlchord Mhaw of 'hi West Wr'-tli Rtrec was found ' guilty u, i y fvurt on rbarsea of bit-and-run driving ami speed in: He was fined di.'d nut It v, is tha- Mini' struck IW.*. Oldemobile b-mdod w--. ,>r, !i. •• Stre»f near It-wwii.v Mea dow fiiid failed --top. driving »>. tHerr.vteid Avenue, at r.O mUes -:ir. hour.