PAGE FOUR ! HIGH POINT i h m team * m /umi i , sr Mt m? ,itl : ' ■# ■ -.•»? gg&S&Sfc: .■■'•■■• * ■ -a- -' w&feß& . P "■ "J, # * OIS< ?OfKEY Above is i •us Bostic, iOeai young man •.. • th>, paM Saturday began his •.• „ program 'AR lIS IF.Y BY KusTK"' over WHPE The En tCi: ris..; red to StaLan here Bo>- tfi -cht duied for each >gtui ■ tia • morning from 18:39 to 11 a. *’-ri his program he is featuring Nation's VCptli.gbt Negro (.■•iritis and plugging commercials ■•■> Negro busin»-sses. He »s a Sum graduate. A. F;. from John ■ : »' •'/r.ith University, a native i High Point, member es \lpin l't r Alpha Fraternity ,;nu lh< tu Negro in the eitv to do this yj of :ulio erogiasn. Ht joins : Negro d:-< jot-keys in (har hi; i>urb; m and H!nston->>a w,j in this ar ea doing sinul.u bre.suca : - YMCftBOARSQF SiRECTORS SET 1 VM( A Board of Birvcibr ‘ e- Tuesday with i>r. J. 2 t\ l son Rre-ddciH, pre-v'ding and r ■ i-nr’.t e.i ,'efi !.v the follow ;!).•. coif mi-,to-* .'l-airmcn C. \V Robinson. ;U-i ion.- En plia-ls ( 'o.'iimiftcc-. A . ¥ »ci hmuoll M*-’.iihershi:> Dry. t’otiiiatu-•- !)r J. V. Morgan, Bui'-tLug }'n:i : Comm it: eo. Ed'-vavn . a- Industrial (’mmtittee >!. jt. Byrd. House Committee ** boy's between the ages of It! to - ulki are interested in J unite LRV : avoir were directed to Pan'. Robins,v : . in-.• Bitter oi the Ck {’sis ior icgistratios:. Adi .‘bin:rets in tin- 3rd t-.n.i 4fh erarb s -yii! receive their card-' a to the titvi-s a.-id day of their swim t :-!anrj >io later than the Hth o» i \ i y. The YMOA has isstailed lights for the play or-a in. bee'x or > ; A MCA so thus the vaiious p ities, bnsl'f.jbtii - !. ’oH-y ball h<-i 'h*-s and nr, siu-t ,m ho piay< d after dark. FO' TBA Li, AT A N T)T -NG.-s W h Bomb- viiiers . 14 ! < iiTdiokn HaHdor- 11 2 Barbers ... .22 Eastsiue t ule > » Soutlistd Terriers ... 4 Soathsidf- Dodgers ; ‘3 Professional Men .1 4 ]?] k* 0 J ; 4ih Grade GirU and. i>N»> \y f. Tank-res ... 1 ljoUf\rei*s •** 1 Dodgrers 3 l i i] . ... i ' ■ .Via* 1 \\ Hu?v Roe* I :> fvt.h and 6th Grade Roy's. W L All Star-: K 0 Bandogs H 2 Pi rat-* .M 2 Rov* i »« Tiger- ... .0 4 Pth ar.d sth Grade C-'-Ps VV I, Iseßßsseftes 5 o fiietiS'd ’ ; -;s ‘j lio-es ... '.I Blue lays 14 Lillies 1 4 SI CURRENT CYCLE HIGH POINT. SPORTSMAN SHIP: A. few slights ago we did the public ttddres- work lor a base ball game between the Itiph Psuts*. Red Sox ami the Omar (h bs. The inter- 'ting thing about t* •’’> n ing was the way in which the game had to end. riisagreesn’-sit ov n a decision by the umpire ■<• Sth .nning brought The Cubs off the field to end >b- game. We ire not attemo'ing ft- what was judged there by toe official but it s-en:s that with i grent Nubional same with nil*s like ther> -!■ mid have been another way for the eioling. No-.v with so much inf r,-i and (ipport tin it y hi ba.~ -bail fh'.iis N- ■ clubs ami sk club- r: gilt do themselves protid. r.> iuak - then pertorr.j.ntes .at > > * 1 fans will apnre, '.rabbin:: y -or uui ' Walking If the f:ei«J the game if 1 -.> .i: i.-. A'- ot'v«-r t iisb >r thr tff , i is. but w.* ■: ’ mak - ill.- ysisiie and w, oelicve th-.t the Red Sox and it her sest - r (so happen sn-t >o :.s T -•...-gaaiz.xl L-:is>- bill won't forget that the wav to keep th.- great >. o'er' i innies-t ;> -p --ular ir to Hv the fans a g»-d r fon-..m>v. Wr.j knows t>:i' w hat - ••■! • is not s. > it"i us v.-lieu w plav settle j'.'.i' er liu-y go up \Y-.-li we : comm* s:d (kirtirhl Cumpbi-ll and P. i ■ Mi'esieli f,>s trying to keep this stt-.r* alive here the publi ! IJlti We hop*.- SUrll 11, idclPS ,VIU j fie avert il !n future games “Ami; when the great scorer e-ures i \vnte against your raisw. lie writes , n--t : tie games you've won or (>-»t ; hut how you pl.t veil the game. .SihiH Tr.M W.-tii! P rc(| ui r c • siri.t adherence to Hie rules of the! I frame, and ii also tins some give j and u\>r' lu it d >*t boys g*o ih -is' ' t ; first it:? roliuet io'.i ■ good St'S-!.:-, ■ man ship from sot: - athb-th hero ;they t.ipov.r Olhm-'s its ’ares life | goo,: s;s > i'i r, r: -: ,sl: i o . oil he stall--> ! fei rtul Is happetiesi that my !i!t!" hi \v--s v is!: i!, h- king :<• the irat.'io aßd »ii t:’.- way* house lie ; nsk.-d me. ' S addy vis.- cirls.'s they I pri ukze f s-.ii-1 'AVlsat .|o j ’.•/Si tu- in Ronald'.- hi- tsd. 'Too: krone that vtird you -aid nu-tiiis : ! o tak- a point from ;! -• team ' W laughed and ?:orre,i‘d is *o Penal-; sae. foits of kid ; !.k-- bsisehuli. SIP )\\ NSH : P Tio- '■uSoi'Soi” .siossf world suss a gall- s y of Great , Shown est. Any ii-t. would run us . out of spa :e. Ho'-vever allow us to com men t on the -a.-et of .Vat j "King Gob- Aside from being a ’ g,x-d liassji-iaii Kin: ('• it- is him-, seif a good shov. so: . in tin- ssms • • •of Us -Pig- world H- has tltit re-• tain fitsess' that rs-f'i-m.'-' notice-j able ns p»- -p!e vviso enta-s ta in Don's , you bf !k-v tl's-t is - bun p> obabiy . bad greater influ'-re e on music : than maty me:: in snuny a day. .suss : Insist ev-rv c-rord over rtidio ; :s t fc:.; or that Trio anr arts-, ! they ' Tutsday. .fitly t;- '. Roses vv 2. Tigers vs. \H SUirs arid s Pul y fb-.-s >. ■- Dodgm-s. Thursday Julv It 1. Lillie 1 v-. Blue Jays. 2. Buildovs vs. Itoves s | X Rosy iiee- vs. Psvigero. Ti:>-sday. July !:•- 1 Blue .lav: vs, Ib'tinisettes, 2 P _ vs. Rc i vers and 3. Yankees vs. Bouncers Th ir-tiii.y July 21. 1. Roses vs. ; Lilies. 1. Tigers vs Bulldogs .uni ' Tu’ : rvs vs. Mathefti.e-s. Saturday Lhe ■of T's-ratay ;si \ •;.-** wtll be the Champiori.shij* p;ay ift s';all 36t‘,-( far c.tiatige or rain o-u giii-es. till: -e. all t'ash'ontNi after pa style ail :hc way a .’>•>: • ->;r cons hi na rio:i •>f : n.-t <’ ■ '.Veil that's .11 o-i-.' i • ,--i 1 > Ds.x-i.-i brio -s: - --a the other night. N ,v s a group of fallows P; • >ii> a good j-.'h ta . s - t i.'hre but t ; le y ».:s. . a-a. • i - -ho •>'.sb’t, v 'A as> y->: rad station has given :'- :■:< a <us’ : ir.g program. It’s .use g ><ks is- ■ the boys get us*' : 't. from time t>> *irtie. and :t just. pens that we bclteve g-i-so -no,-- |>i j:> >r maybe - o 1 i . ic- .iti: it ioK-ing >ver »ur n::its!.- anyway thus,- who do it we’i • s SC:o.A Id.: \ f : ur-: , vv t>;-;i 'A gs'.-at ’V. >. - , -a J . h.av v. .JifiTciic.y 11..'. d i-a-: t'i-r a l '’ :": Pe-,' - ■"•- vv i w. so: 1 -d - , :' open ■•- in -:;mr. - 'ru .'■■■ . here i som.-t’.it.g w • -(• *: - - :’ he y- a a.g la : • . ■ 's: y ar ■ • : :: '■ A" v ' 1 of. \V- H-isev ■ ; , ! their sutunotr p'.-. - ;r-. \x • ■■ ■ girl's : :at‘.' ' v. i Sw . ; do* en si s play U- P -rturn* •■ •> 1 1 -ie 1 Mini.-' might j*i;,y u : ! and so us ■ Wfiat ha >■■ ' >■: FERTRTW4 \i:hiai VIEW Os PARK X'hr skyview abovu is tho i-ity Park for A grors as se* n froan a pbai'. X'ht Swimming ■>.’>*. and pavilion are snown in tilt l t*/t ter. Just back of riie pool i* Site. iw<i teisi s couiVs i' f ;n : vorn 4 - jf tfie poof ri tie i AROULMAL ~~ Saturday, July Ui, 1945) ■ 2 ; ' - .. fe- .: . v-->L' >,•'.*■ -;:r - '■ a. ' ' ; ’v • >’4%;,w;. ;;x’: >' -f- - . -'' .' : • .Vy V •• ; H Vis %%'’ ' * i' LY I*.K> ?I :T* it- ">•-J I" * 2 ‘. 4 vv > fs;l’ t f. ar- fßiVTib'-rs » K:™** V-.i ivS W tig ' Fs.yin>{ \,lub .u» ierril 'N'Xs'l. C" •!- ' " f.i *■' 4' • ? iilU'S -oWa. !%“■ !•!»«:; O •A- rust/ -i'l yr ■ i • ' .•.fkg'rri'jn.. m-v; •■*Vi-- y ";• ■/ *,>□ ivui Mass Meeting Held In Shooting Ot Girl >i !<?!] i'uin!.. N. ' TV- !■>«'<.' N ■ V i’ ■: • v.m *!••;••• v : n.» i • i ’.-’i ;i in .1 . V> V ■ ' : iky. . : f!U'-'.h A! • •:; 20»; >; rn vy ■ H ;r>ni:idiu;r f";:’! W;:; -■ i-n VUi:>iFJ J.i-rl (_: ,1 P"K :>- ■ y;iy : >r - : '.-■■••r ■: A F<\ Mil M? t, ' .; ■ ; ■ iii <A . :h;:s j .tt..! ■ i ■ w ii. :>*iiny .v.t . .. »i•:: i ts- -i.'< ■'!< - ‘r, ,c ’ I.:::" AMi *•'.!'.■ ; (.! I IV wilil v ‘ i. I 'ill* f ' -. I ; ;’VA ! i K . Hl;i- •yi :n ! ■;- • ■'! ! P . i ; iiy I : ; ,v ’ i ■ W ! ■ V - OpftMf'l T'! S . ITI < I's: s. a* 1 1 W nV ■!. IV t"! g> -.'Hi ; .y i , T>, I . . i ■ -v i .<:->! ' . v- • ... aii ka oqtkkijiig'i W■ r■ ■ tain d u sit aUiy >f '; • <v n j \V S -:-i s -F . .. a ... - k i tmrr y :>;jwh-.s W -<• ;l; Mi’s ik v.'ii: a. 1 Hit' i: w ; a : ■ v <l! v; i ! .y. i- i' •:> .■a .ju .<-i ins u. L s\ .■: circle »rea ts the ■? hi Id reus wad jnj; ;mm>! inti pfav if a On tile right and hm of the *>«*♦>! iF <£ ;5.t * s 1 ,ir- U' u> •» sMtthaii fields. Down ha, k u’ Uic UMifiis - *ourts i.s Uic iiuti *u ’-tie fat t-Hi .unitif: A/ua I’hr oar.k take-, in :V7 iurf. KaynyiTiil Y\;!ls.iaw>. x •'tg, Ingram w.l Yi ■ no -a • ■ ’friv.ite b-cr.-Av. I to:- r a> aiM -i , ■>. the club n.>i vww os a Ute t • fare x.- "* - >x: -«i:c -.i.'-ij; P. : -» licensed Jo®.,-- ’> • 0.,-) > ; • VI, B.- • aao '> • - • • Continued on pagt ',. lo tlie far left up tne ke seen the fi--*using proj* Fhe black line ort the left ot * Pfutur* is the vvi/iij -Out h .- 1 fJune ?n This is one of tig hiving G-'U)s oi : ; |G;h l to n>“ rniur’v >- P. O 'G'mvii'tOtj tor i IG. i tKOiJNSAvN,

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