CAKOlil'i NJA.N Saturday, July Jfi, 1949 OPt % HWSE ; t rp: boas* a* Uioir n rm*d‘-‘<?i < ■»> l-uoux, ■'<•] SJuly •'$ Dnriucf. '.ft: t K h< :••* -, ?•«: hovtosy rat i ;rf mu ms Mr- V>r yr r> v i; ’ r r ho. ra m sporm rvd I v* V mn- * hy th'. V g vc'.iX} Mucing. T. nn - fX >S' *■ ‘ • }J , ' f iV { \Tf J \ .> P Vb-bmi hr :ir . i Ou- vows. Tl. »s / -' < ' ,vr j I . A if|§ ■ w ‘ -jkJV ' PAGE ■ ■■ B ° Y I jyxMp' ' ’* w,de ;, M fii- to 10 long i o^mm .t-. 00 I fer , '■■■’% %*->, yy gs -,«• X**# ■ y BRAID . J i ; ■ ■ i :: -' rjn ho^'; - : ~ b } U£jili«,. Aw-’” c*»w.' •- jt? ~*x mwU»b GLAMOUR { CLUSTER Jyp** 8 * Double J f GLAMOUR ’ CLUSTER Wv W Njjoo , ivid*- t'fi’: i<; with u* n> ■• • if* ;; . :■. v.u. v, • ..- fri v r * won ;v v* •! (>• /. j;!;* !►•{ <ar ! ?If Mi « yyv. : i-.OfS witi) ■ 1 , ; :i' RA H V *! , *- I"U jMp : 5. .' <‘U V\ :'•; ••> *; 1 1 i L”! t> 11 S'. • | ■ . \ j < \\ { \ ? < '. v; \* | ' ;-"|' ,•• <•■• r }>;•'.' •i« i ? {)•'::•: * i •hi I ri }> L' ■ 1 ; 4 >*i»i - \i i{- i : ‘ : r . . ’• ir-'-.y. v'- • >i ' \ f ;■■ lit #1 LL - '• j ’ "v ; • OPAUSP U r M% yfir. IVi Wu.fl O '/.;, • ~,■■■})■ M; nv.! .; •: ;i Kv. .V> ■ :. .. .. ■■ l'■ ci'.. Ai j V. : }.; I I-,';, ;-;, . j 'y' ~. A.:' . A!,.. f - M.vll. V « ,-•• Inn. ? t., : \!> K;iW I. ■ ; •. m . \■, . 11., >, * ' i- ..•• -:n , ; (.■■-■. . in:-:';- ■ I-.. U;iM Sin).in : ■ ; (!: t :-' Uc <-,f ( r: !m :n n, y, b ■■M.n ni ti ■■ f'iP: ■ A i■ ? {A nn r ■. ! . ' )S? in' • \] ' f'i: ': : ■ i ‘ ?:A l ■ ;:i,A ' ’■.:)? . ’■■in. 1: n :A. : ; rs ( > i:rr h r ' I?-.,- ]• :/. • -n ]-,* i.j ’ • ■' 1 n. ,4 *'■• -;ir,nor i: ’ ' y.._ ... .... . -.'S'. .v. i? A ; 1 ! S 1 !ON V EXT ION S » \l)i.!Js AVhiU >)r. I> V. mi.o:: frc: irjput t>i' the Xatitoi ) Kjpunt {A'nLCßtion US.A. ? i'l!v'd Hip < iviier* sn UKhen* %■ l;i*t w < *-k in .Memphis, ‘i'll!) n-v .'■ral other ministers were caught on the platform wjti* 1 * .r mi A j’- ihrssi*: Rotors i. ii. :..: i7< A')t an \isiins Ur- If< j;i I• .' y ; n ilt ;x l; aiVt !’■ • r a s *t *v vi \nn \imiM; < ni*nued from t-ipr fear -at ■ • •: it io r> ip Mitvsi'f.jtf ihv- I:; i: 'u-udancf* a: th «» ;■ ; ?M, -• chni'U": (ft ! !:• N'AACR K Krilum j-rcsidr n: of t.b( k V'n : aa. •'•jbail '•>;■ ->t* r who ware !> - y iruro'lhtW from thy j>);vt.R>r? 1 i\ f-jtvfu*•'-! she -a * oi f h*ar f ?>!! (H, .. ; tie!*,.;nio!, U. S X. ‘ . (!,) VS at ho")". >! : and Mj *. AS) As ,;:>?■ i torkery ti -n * liraice^ ; ■•■ V : Jiff htlSi)) !(! itTKi S.H.. Dennis <*|' 'A'.isiii 1. ' - tc*ti. D (!. in the plies: *k‘ .Air and Hr' n-1 iu smith. j'-iittUi' Sintintois ot i»rooklA*n. X »' ho:.:» visiting his iriotbor. . ■ i;))! •:■•!)in Simninns. ,?, . Mn A Ki ov-n lit' Vasliiiur .. : ii. < ii"i|f the Hii ot July iit hi m ) • v.-iih her par ••tits v ?x sHi'i Mrs. T]ion>as .)*?ny>on an* < •■aw*- a- v. phhdimr *»f tlif i•* «i.:'? w 5; ; i Vjary f s v.\Ktz. t-• A ' .•h on Ju; v ,! ai ai v M'iSinh'l oi s -•> \a-itirijr frHaob* and ivh#- '!u'. -me ait. Dine an.l (i AViiPoli WJieel lei ate. 1 miii .hiiii.u of J'liilorksv f. \V. Kr. Ills IV ,• A: ~:i• -< \ir- Ai. Derr and lianuii j, : (!,. Viirv. X. t . m f;e th.- '-.m s • of Ur ant] .Ur:-. i *•!••' -1 /. .in); II * 1)0- oi Ri■ - ne.IK? As '.V, i hr <fU"'«tS if M* . ■; Vi ;-; .)..(■ R osks •;(-•; MiTi‘ia •'. Ur- fi r- Hrimmage lias left for Nev- ii- oee i.o spend the sum- Mrs, I alljv (Hilfou Mri)a.ait-l ia. I’aa-wisr srhoo! u 1 Klixah«*th rr •' •a- a- r. I. -(* W ■ Maaly . ■ ' m ] • -.f-i. m h\ m s;t Mis . >5 K j,ii \h! ft -ic Ct-- soent he v. - -U end -.vith 'is-' y: r. •. •: d : tfts here -V . ir.€:n< earn k;iHo Wilks nr: : - ■ i rh ’ od friends . •>. •- ;! :s fSi' .ie; hi. art-t!*-. M.. - .All's. G'-on-e -i.i 'the - >\ •Vr ; of XOV'- it X . in: Wilks and Cn. ■ ... TA J Hj.... i; i the holidays : '• if f; ■ :ius an<i rrlativrs To- .•■'. T florhaviS and sister f Bait.•*• '» *• aisc in town i-r C'i ntci. V r -c<'y f . t lot 4ti:- th < 'ii.— r.-s, presirient, I>r. \V. ii .ternagin. SiioAvii fioni left; President ietoiii. joe Barbour iciito; of file i’.jptisf Voire ('Pester, Pu. Ki'v. i W. Williams. Fairfield. ■Ala: Rev. J ( Austin. Chieago. lowiy elected pre-.ident. Illinois in K.u ::>vi!u vi.-Rino irh ivis Ro ■oft .’n.i ii< r. Jt.. threw d ri.i’y for Lcntue Fumpus b-More tne ’.atter telurntd to Washington last week. ■< '■l'tnm'r vV- r>t* .s home • v. s .c?i -- t MOK(;\MO\ V-y VIslS. Ki IH 5 VKCKST - Mi.- iui was ! ' o -»rct »-ii-. jc.yed Mi a ver? quiet a-. • ;itl| y t tPton. Some W; MI f-il i • •■ici’iius ’j]- oil i.3a. while . ot'i > s ei'.» jovefj ; i i'ip, j rot timing honiv ir to y* <■ bi-Ii y a mv 1 betw vc n i h*. It! ■ • rge to 1 1 n r.‘cd;:ei end the Ayrton Black f >ts ' trill'. I Ate:! Va The ,-c >iv -a;,:- AV, ■/;i id M>>r?anion (i. After me ..ami Hit- fans and nt ■rs ; 'tender; a '.:oho!jt dance shon £<-'tl-d l.y tin Chive Hill Ahi !u Assi eiatt ';n. Musi; whs i.-v Qians' 'i itne Cr .• ;-!,d his cOiTibir.aiioi: till '.!i -santen Ann> Au'dr ,-nir. I’iack i-c-rries arc plentiful this voar end manv j Iks an taking dvanfa: r- of t'd- by picking, ear nin'; and snaking jeiiy. d heist- herac on visits ere .VI. and Xli - Robert. I rrgO'H. fr an '."•.•veliMv.l. Ohio with Mr aiui Ai: Pn-Hhv i. Soott •:. w. Concord St. ami ‘ tiii - relatives anri frit-iuis. Mr 7.a iiiiriah W a ;ht t, nn Xc.r 'Cork smd Me* .Jersey is a 1 home visiting hr- nm!'. : f.irs (iirni':. Wvigiit on Hoe,:y:!.in y- Tl)* re have beei a mi ins f va ■■ ’ion Ribie Soho-sa- rai iiu'i.s.: - •-•tnnriihg the Jit si week ut o. ('nape: AAIF Chcrch. the R.s. W. 1,,. ). n. ..- -r:, -c; rib Pivst vu-nan Ci f'vri. Rev C.u tr nastOf. 'had and las’ veck. Slad-.-s Clr , .-I -A UKK. the Rt \ H J : i i: ‘ r r day p AI ,ddv Ist. A pi r r.OATS BRIEFS Bv ALFRED Sj.-iWART ifr gUMi'inee of M D. McKs-y. very (\pf . fenced pfacr. 1:H - t-a.L't-■ i !i:w as . ian ag* i m enuse of iii.-r i-iitstsnduig pi,y. in;: last year whtk* pi. yir._- who C.mis Tigers who .-. ■ r iiir■ i hy Johnny (Ir.-zart. .VmK-ys gre..t '• petti aid i m; pi -.vess played g.-i-ai nart m H wae ‘ iee-od eapiaiu ■ i tee Tig ii s, i- ji a D.-oker. l* du’dng he U Iter rari of i.he season kept him ■■ fit t she game for quilc seuie ■r • . Hew >. e:-. } c has a t lost his bai::: ; *m a:.:. 1 lias fiei. n /-i'eatinp h.-w o- ur-.eng opp- sing pitchers a:- . litter. Tcpi'ing his left hander- at Let - "ijn f ec'j Ga: *: nyfcn. end Adams of XBf; i»r Mar -:i 'tale l.’uvtist oinveitfitn; v-,. shepherd. Pliiludelpihia; R-; v ' iar,d '-mini. Uittic Kock. Ami. and Dr. V. M. Tiuvnaend, s^. - t-iry. Sunday sciioiii RubJish':..- hnatd Nashville. Tern*. —PHOTO BV ! iU WILLIAMS FOR tvp • Lilth" John Hayes. Cecil ay.-. :t in. it and you ii .- - » .'nek fur m* Lcir jehn .-is. "!r y >a put tt aert'-s th«- plate i U hi: nand he does. Le. Ting .he nerd handers at vat • ts- r.uci; stJckmen ~s James ■ d( r. Jasper W •: Jokr. B. :j;-a •; in ■ r VI J (ion. Jai-es fit ■ ..d Joseph Walden. IK ISSUED Gfl FORE ST FIRE j NEW YORK M- Tne forest me ft really might t<> be the a -t fire pi cventii n season nsiead ■- c 'rhro: i ■ the Notional fi**ard at fin Under writer.-. Caniper-' •rt.-'ts’ and resident? >f forest rs should use Increasing cure and - lion Us is year to prevent m; d -s i- t r t!,:i.H>:! of ts. 5. ’voode-;: sources and m a hr.-sheds. lice's how fair, help :m ue f, A *<>-1>:• 1. '.V itch your 3m k ns. Don’t /moke in dry Iw.nidt ..- card nig them. Stamp out v ty • igaret le tjuti 2. i '■ e •..!*'• ir bid 1 ants tr- . .. your 3ijt \'- r ii>~- s?hv r •Jfcrrifi o'.rth bef<*rt? leaviiig n. r» 'tin off ire bes- rt burr i 4 bnich or gras* 11 err.ember, b .- mg ti< -e.* n’.orp h.trm than good r u *+ Make and ':ie senvtson Pled ,0. which -a ~ 1 give mj pledge ms m Amervw i 1 save end faithfully to defend 1 rn w. . *te tr*e na 111 ral l ev.oui ee> i m / com tr its .- ii and miner ; -. ,*.s for- V-, waters and wiidilfe/’ JUfiORS ASK NEW TRIAL FOR 111 LET PimLADFJJ AHA. mi, ATI AS) Ten of the twelve vre.- .to convicted Bayard .TenScins. " • for■:. id " ii ivf;s. vn Mfllo November :IS. hew -;i t:d < Otil : to:' !'• 11-'"-V lid d Jrt ti.e cattipaign to free :h> if--' ...r old t ictim oi what has be*, r -/yi v nor. perc-ra' ie'.ters frtrn ■- .va : Prank Smith the presidrr.g ; - who now -vie :ri*‘. :U„ r-- . o ; All lie' jut Ofs 1-li ed thiir -.■ o f.-r Jentesr* on new evidence •>- c< (acc alter the. turd convi;-cd the ytHfl!) of murev r lasi June S. ■: n : thy .-■ , v ‘■••ti, - .if a rep -J. i “confession" which Jtr.kv f < o o- .le . iol'ccti *ro Ci'i PAGE FIVE

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