i I NEWS OF ife* | * \ !>>?% i | NEW BERN tjmm\ BY B. O. WOODS MIS Bryant Street „Vr atia Mrs. George (’rooms iuv. • .••.•Mimed to N-nv York. N v . < fs,-.- visltitiar ruli-ii .•'■ a .siiri frit-mi-- hero, Xoi <’ii;id\vi'k, h.a i-: si Hi ; rating front .1 »outsit jlliics'i Mi" lAiyy Powell ha" lieen is-’:-, fi11.,.’ to her hono > >. U l '. •■’ dtr*-s-t 1 •• week. If- :• er W. F«.tine!) ami Mii-s Jun ta. iu-■ Gocri Sheiihoru iiospitat sv ■ it ina the K< •. and Mrs S .vi. R- ddkfc. They are •• • . !’.•« and »!.- - ■>! Mrs. Roddies iw T. "Walker of Newport, tiv r or MU' A. E. Walker is il: ; ir. ti. 0.-d Shepherd hospital. Ts • *'; ‘ — Tv;' of the 2a- * Sa'o -:e ve.-wan of vYoilfi Wui ?. vt,:. way 7 . nrs Tune So a 1 :: - Vi-*..--; arts’ hof-pha; Roanoke ,Y . w-.s onduii-u .0 the Rivers ? Jessie Kate nil! match If y&ur hair perfectly, .. 3* A* r BOY --*2* 7ho »>-.ojtt useful hah piece blends . •; your own hsit and keeps lit tough ends even., hitting from «tii to ear and shoulder length, the JESSIE KARE Page Boy makes ■ «t; • o\» hair length look so nat- j ' a ut no one car tell the clif- ■ Tv JESSIE KARE Back of th* S-tab cluster can he worn in eight •r\ styles as a cluster or plain. . ‘j c . Jo away with the use of hot ; ini • hereby giving your hair time t;c regain its strength fET HALF GLAMOUR. When’ I 'it .t length you ward, the JESSIE | A s L E Kali Glamour fits your | ■‘taste- As you see, it fastens at the : •troi- r, of the head and hangs nat- | serai.':-, down the bask You can wear j £*• an upsweep or any style you i ike. . It is 15 to 20 inches long}. SIO.OO 1 t, i~rnt) tempi* of year heir or t 1 *•*?« taler. o ߣ>£» rODAfI |/ FEND NO MON~ E Y . (£• “-pay postman cr deliver, JESSIE KARE Prod, * 4■ Nfv Horn Nuib-iial - rfurvivine ere iwo da tighter 5. Mrs. (Hi!retta Wordlaw .« nit Mies, Margaret Moore, both of >ll 1 Hen: two -or,.- flay field anti Ja 7 Moore of Portsmouth. Ya. ami two biot-Vis. Gifford Moore ot ibv-on •;!!*■, and l.'li-vf-ia:;d M‘ loi'i oi i'l - treland, Ohio. - !•>'*'t: M ,Tin: h JUn*. \V H. A. Wtaßin.vs. F;,-< -r The pa.-- tor preached at 11 .1. m :-r,d 5 ~ in. Sunday Se-honl •■'.*> v ; j*. rn. The Senior - -1. •• i 1 rehear.-- I | *> ~ t ; IT) sje ~ v A' Ff. Stepbeit FWF Church Ri-.v. tv L. .lone--. fN.-ior Th- tV-.'-niasi’s Ilona- iF-etion was at II a. ,n. and Sunday School was conducted at tjKS'l p. 111. Thor*- was ••House Coat Weddini:” forth i 1 ei»*. fi* of ?ii, fjor,ijiifviny {'lo!» ; 8 I VHKAT SEP!) F ill s SHORT OF DEHAW •” .1 1 * * releas-r-ci thy ,-te-ne. K-’idn Caro! hr;. '..-friciiluue.! F.-.- Vr rimsnt Station. ;!i aot itl - ■ ■■'■ He - meet the demand. Dr d. P. Mtio’-c. direct’, r in charge ot | t.'if North Carolina Crop Improve- 1 'Rent Assi/Oi-Ojon. said today. A nee.H'r •. it I- r, of the .-ecu prttdut <* this vcu.i- will r;»-t read: com mnreiai channel:- Dr Moure ex- 1 plain-’ ci f ifty per cent f the pm.. -nt •-v- .p as bt'-i'm t?ro.T, cd i- i small • h product!.)!: contest . r.ci the r-onjir.d-.-r oi e: a crow -.s e. u vv 1 1i he jp i;i; ted iocn.Uv Dr. Moore said. The 194;) crop of Atlas 50 whoa; . I:reduced by 25 growrr.-- 17 -- - Hit -t •’ rod the crop t At!. >O. iby 52 growers in i:P. c unties. A io h ; -.1 . :'M aero; oj Atlas '>o and -:>:j | acres r-f Attar 06 v.-t ro grow'n, and 1 ail were inspected for -seed certs- I :;cation purposes. Moure -aid these new' mat [and rn;idrt-'v resi. tar.t wheals, . .ew* day in small -u .j» prod Dion in N rth C irolina and perhaps I neighbor- 1 g -tafr-s Tin varictic-s. which utyifcJd standard strains by ; . ,-aßSiderable margin, were do • vclored by the North Carolina A..- 1 .'.ruitvmal Experimant Station J. W. REESE GROCERY GROCERIES AND MEATS 1048 Broad ST Dial 4451 jl ,r -W'’ir-»i« a I—l 1 ■-*■!• ■■ ■l‘m«MMl>«tMEi, «i> . NEED MONEY? | w'e Buy Or Loan Money On j IMost Anything Os Vaiua 1 NEW BERN LOAN AND JEWELERS S i 215 Middle Sf 1 We Buy Old Gold, Diamonds. | Silver, etc. GET YOUR NEWS i IN THE CAROL INI AN ADVERTISE IN THE CAROLINIAN NEWS DEADLINE Thursday ! EACH WEEK L. : { ATLANTA UNIV. S t S. PRESENTS | WAHL QUARTET : ATLANTA T ■ V. u: [: tC’t. C'jV;': -C I illij R.tV-I'c Aid ... 2. !, P or, iST’ia !.Jukd bnroisL ;:-y . .« 6 '.o- ty L-> ■ ' ■'i i io-'ilst. v. ill be presented at. thr \t ! inti* UaivLvsiiv Surnrra r Sc • ; d.n Fride j . July IS. in Cat Duv.gj • Auditorium n ‘he Clark rump us. On its first s -utht-rn C->ur : ibis : .:ruLp ■)£ tau-ia.T;'h artist- ; . ■ ,-v hom hw. vo •**l i • :* j*n>ed aud tu ; i d tin ti:e 1n a j «.:• r cit* es: o f *p e Ut ■ ie d ! Stains tod Europe, brings iw ib , Ai»'Gi Cj'o: r nets stano on ;le ; i flip Ul : - 1 .... a, 1 ■ -• L) : . i a i.r icuKito ei the fpii.ii:-; SrP ioi. •>) IVIu-a. N■ ,v V-’i k Cu> An mnl p ... i of 1. Ihiivt in New Y rk. she u i i.a. - r >( t’.e widely know n Ben.. Caret H -Ensemble. Mr. Gothir..:he pints:. - a ,a li.-'U- of th-; TbJ'. er.-.’y if ~,, h ~i;, re be earned 11 d, .-n n.i—ic. and where a w . a io;ir-iii u: . :rn“ ox the Odv Oils:in senuiarship. h addition, no w ;; a eutnpeßlive award i£T,;cl lip, atuuy w its. An 1: r S.-haim ;a! : vynr 1 Ci-t arnOas ..a r -: Mr. Got;', if ' been feature ui.; w.tii iia -.Vnch.t.i S>mpfuiiy Oivu: yira. v ;a : h. Flint. Michigan. S'.n,. and He has t pne -reu , , ivviiu Unit {•! si! \ Oix-hi.’-.-ira. , Mi s B: rta ;. the : < ..-r. - .-oueated n the Gal rison F; : - 1 ; '.he i aid st Oyx r, M . ; T.j.j- Hu ere Bile se n.- iu-r i 1;-1 m- . ,e . !•<’. r Pit '.vilh tin; Balt a: a- Ci>, 1. Opera Compor-y, v-;hnT, -,, . : if,.; John T'hailf Tiiumas .- . i'T;!. Aftex her New York h i Miss Barton sang in canteen- a- i i-. during the ear tides tin luspiee.e oi tl'jt AsTU's Ino itr.,- Wiry, Mr. Mumore ha- made >. ; a, : ' • for hirnsei:' in ansra. coneeri ■ ■ iorie. and Or the s'-r -vav,-- iU ha- )i ad r - l ir: ia: fan; - ’' • r, . 1 with the r -'k PadA .'- a; : Choral Fou rty, and t h , h a; m2; y : .-tveral shorts for Warns Hi . - i. it:- is lie *. s-i ■ : ' taihlner.t <» : . • t’-.e A- :i;, ' v JrS -a :r. *r -..;a . ! SAY YOU S VW IT l\ THE CAI»OUM KN Keeps Kitchen Cool b '' i l 3hx22S¥ * gtfl - m %v ., r '~*l ‘ 1 ' W K.l * ' ;.'U —S "b- 'So The rtiodern kitchen of today is with many corf to lighten the burdens of hmia tr.aking. indauing kitchen vcnrilat it g far.s. While the ob ject, of course, is tc- remove kitchen odors i’ I grw-.sy Si’ 1 -.• »-•■-. fa, ; - a-,., keep kitchens much cooler in th.- .juminer. Toe rower type fairs a: ■ t.r :!y works of art, for tr,e> are attiac tively desigre-j to Hainn*:.. u -th moiiorp kitchens For exampie, the A -r. rican Blower Acrope 1 i a n, m.ur: above, has won two rim. arts H'-vards for beauty and utility m the h )me. These fans are ®asy to install and are said to pay for i themselves in a short time ,:i lower •leaning and dccoratinic i | | gSgjgjj It Pays To Advertise!!' ! \I ; L)L;I.NIAN Saturdav, -Inly Li. I'M’) , nT - —TmrawwiiTwnr i «■ in —nim i «i—n mi hi muih in \t cBOiiOO EARNED IN PROJECT WORK BY FARM TOOTH Tbe !10 Li rrn b*>y... and -4iris v. n>..> Hegii;nai 4 -t-f ChYn Cai:n> u- con-: - ’ nleted 1,300 aurteultunil ...rid dr "u■ i t n. • 1 iiy 580..D00 in f •1 . n.l. : tpovi. .* ihn W LI t 1 rseli, I S D< rt.!xi-r:t ■ T Ap iculture TAt.oi-u i*ue UiiT.p Will Do held July 36- ' d >'. Ti/uiu'ssE'u Stale Cul u .a- \asavj!;e. Tonn, Delegates • Ml e rne i>- a )fi Southern States : :.-p’,-a.-..>..t.w - ,>f tile Nation’s •525.000 Negro 4fiVi\ They h been -t'-le-i ted on the basis c l ; i ;r agrictutarai and homemakiug pro jeets Thj-.rojucts e ti-l-t r- -.li ly as raising Lvestuck. pouitiy. gardons. :md field crops .»£ car ry in : -a. f . -a;] pud 'V iter '-on o- nning and f - hid -'"hr::;. THr .products rusult i* a tram t.-'p- firujcct:- .ire eith ; Co-a’ I : si * horre -a- -iid. For x inple, J. B. C tUitis. who 1i: p; n * i;■ Ai.ihtin. Tcyuis. I"* - coni thai; during the iaU y-vee veers Ar-d /.• u , ; , Rubin am u, K ARa,,-. h i-, a : d-ari .' : In "i - instance.-: s.-.v, M. Miichelt :he 4-H cif-lr-gates O’ i'.-u -a result, d a: a -P., , u rts. b-tiiar a/:::.; fur ihi while family. 10-year- id iuw h-->r oi - n ''as been raising chickens, ana - •1 -- vir ; projects cv-.-.r .. n.-- ■ o. , .1 hi’- r .; , 1-..,a--. . 1 ’ -' --, -a - i V 'Sail -■: re’ si o : : ethers. ' Ami Hj l. 1 use. w-iU be one of the wool iu o 'a,.:-:- fr a:: T -.ear-.,, .- rated and all ,a fi U mw a--'e tea-' *a 400 chirkt.tr.s during day ’ dwewos .-rut ; f :' ■, Tin puttßa: a profit -, back info cattle You k»n-« ■‘Tin.-, i,, i\ picul -,! ; u o;ri •he can;;, liirccinr aw;,-: t And h :nr- f.t; neip enema;”;..:; .nor rural boy- and girl, tu , : p: >uwd era farmm.' piactiec.;. fulTern music HOUSE EVERYTHING IN MUSIC New Bern, N. C. The R c-se Room William Billups. Jr, P?t>p. 1246 Qunen S: NEW BF.RN, N C Near Water and Light Par tv: Where Aii Th e Car, dm.-r-p Ideal Shoe Shop Quality Shoe Rebuilding Mitch.ll J Khouxy ?::-c 903 Broad St. —New Berr. WOOD^S~~~ NEIGHBORLY GROCERY Groceries Meals, Vegetables Fruit:;, Ice Cream Noams Patent Medicine Y. a ; ijiealer —— Call d,!b? L. D. WOODS. Frcp. ELEANOR SHOP MART APPAREL FOR THE THRIFTY WOMAN y. MISS 224 Middle Sf NEW BERN, C E ATHOL?A'S BEAUT Y SHOPPE Specializing in Tinting. Dyeing and Marcel Wavin.i Phone 4601 933 Pasteur St. Mrs Mary Harris, Owner and. Operator Visit Our Friendly Pia.ce Where Ycu Can Get 1 hr Best In Pit Cooked EurhAr-bie John Moore’s BARBECUE INN IJM 'A ’!’!•:j) VT 3 F’diNTS 1 b.i'llt- t' iii '■ -,i • ;