r' Vi• )l ii! jN ■'< '■ ' ! •li-. .J n y IG, 19-1: .■*• MB• Mi‘l- MRHh This Is Greensboro saaeKb«» f lii'-s kiiis-ILti ? - \ »'.» \IY V ~ . ;« -.■,.- t ; T * bride • ma:i r )r .is T v ?.':j-»lyn Gilir. a ' • ill (i \; > : ‘'.it;i with Ib-ras r a, ■ j '• i v ccind •*> 11 yh ? Mr Harns : s i■. i. r \ and L\ if Grotrirb' 1 ' . ’ . j •>> '■•r.n. Mrs H iTiGaif Lutheran C h ‘.a G - m-.- I * S «)T THFKN NEGRO IT V i I Y. KS IN Vl'ff'll TO DKIXTK M>l ( ATJfON ( ON 1 VIT S i r ■JA TON ROUGE L h .». N‘ ic > repraa.-fG i ’ - dad ta *uend m (1 a •' r to #• ' j t N > •!. *rn UiiK tirsiiy. . fair r; m i‘2nd. T: ■ ConlGG nec* :S d. v. ;o*i ’.*» P-: 3vGia davit. ::GiGa.i: • r? j a *tii >G i:i t: aft' r safety bin- G ui Xl] t da • v : - duration. “.-era ••A : : ( .1' > bt; p r«.* pa re i l ; f a 3 : 2 irt - - a -1 J“iSi< i. cl r ■ ißlue Bonnet Scores Here a smart Blue Bonn.-t de signed by famous milliner P«g t l.srher, introduces a new style >n sunshades fur Summer, I ft ) The pretty barbeu-ue cook n J -ris Freeland, who is concocting Blue Bortnet Hamburgers, a sa . jry n ■ v version of this classic picnic favorite made with bleu cheese and n.a.garifu that scores high for *ia vor, nutrition and economy. Combine Vs cup margarine, 1 jar bleu cheese spread, 4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, and *4 tea si*wn ..nio’t juice. Blend thorough ly. Mix together 3 pound finely ground beef, 1 tablespoon marga rine, h cup soft bread crumbs, *■» cup milk, ; egg, well beaten, 1 tea sp«jon salt, and 4 teaspoon pepper. Shape into C patties. Saute :n 2 tablespoons margarine Cut in half arc! t-*ast hamburger roils Spread <•*«.-ft generously with cheese, mix ture Place cooked patties between halved rolls Serve on plates gsr ttished with pickle relish tml ripe tomato slices. Makea 6./ , THREE HELD * iN MURDER INVESTIGATION i L ,’* . r : S'.: .*-.••■ if J £ : \ {.•Jilin i at ti a i\ .*cv>?i,-ia-v ».Hi ii*.*, / 'M.Ui i ... --- S . • 01 an ii'ltvHot? ‘.V 'iC -'iiinmGd I . iUy .--mce January. . J ■ . a:. /? aavt ull j * *r» MSLLS-BYRQ VOWS SPOKEN ( KKF'NSBOKO ■ The wedding pluec Sunday, o' high noon Or :ee-Lu'tier Memorial Loth ; • Cnoi'fh. t Miss Oilit Mac Uttghf.r -.t Mr aid Mr.-. , V. r ! .m Mills of Rcidsvflie, N C-, John Edward Byrd. Jr, .f -ho ft. Byrd. Sr., and the lute Mr Hattie Gwyrt Byrd of this flu Rev, \ Hum. officiated. Mo tor the Muos.vr. was furnishc/i Mrs fuvid Morse, organist, on! David Morse, baritone. Mr- V\ uthimson Attends i iie bride had as her •. | ron >t en.or and only attendant. Mrs. lii- Wilßai.i s-.tit i>! Beiesvilie, N. ( viin v or«- a dress of i. . .t tended by Herbert * - as n. s', man. The bride .. a street-let; a';■> dress of white t-aher linen with eyelet embroid a white halther linen hat. : a- in with navy Her othei >•- »ie. wer. of navy blue. She - .* Bibu siiuweia i .t red la- . is-,aa Ti.e la id- mothv r choose ■ iaa ana ait.- Betiubc're aiieer dit'-s ...a black accessories Bluefieiil Grad Mar Byrd was grad-anted tr m T i lefield r: ate T. aaher- College. BiuefiMd. w V ; and is a m an .!■: K-f •!.= t„ >( W.i-hinam: St ia et H. a. S iiool if Beidsv'il.c, N t Mr Bvrd . gr.tdu.it*' of A i f. C> ! a a . i>i -eii-boro. Jimi i iji .:• !;. fob win ; the eer ■- irtoii; . a ieception was tiven at till a ■ I,- eT tile f!a ■ . .1) , lir . a-.d . leaf r dlHliei '.va> 4’lVtZn by tGc -.bndc's ifUhei in Rcid.-viiie. N C 1 oi’Lsicm" H h liJl Henrik < farki' tor \\P tv • a I ha. . ■, ;<‘-.ved my blot day Ara»f ■t* Li in fi:e death chamber I lay. a.!-, kinsini 11 ■ ii! mint' from tar .old near Ami it.- : < with ; ra.ae., I can' no longer hear. vv . ■ii- 1 i}i .1 !.':c I’iO I Cal’. Cl'J ■VV ■: t- •- Wi.cUi • • 1 tU ihv ,\v i ‘- i. -: •< -ank oven ‘.vun , Milliy mortal’s nur .atill i .»cA jii uru '.r --| tain future Artb ‘ • G..ny of theta : Jirad The Carolinian! I GREENSBORO • i i ELEVEN TROOPS ATTEND SCOUT CAMP IN STATE v - in th. Bays ; rasa .1 Siioday n> a.,ia si •. j.. - a l ips ,- H ; - a . 1::' • • - Luchie. ' C Evichmoiid. H Matthcv a . a 1 .vlcCr-iy, V Walden im . i-r . :' • ) l <. ; r ri A1 St. ven.-a>n if enough troops dvitro tv I’.d ■-‘gi.'-ter with file •iffia.-j r ivic -enter, anoti.. - weel H' - m.ping will be hold r HOOPS I.ISTKO T’ ops iff -ai!!.' the , : a . .--k tar Tr -■,40 of Sriiiitii • i.'i'-atvh. is- ajariiin F HUt»n scout »•’. - ter; Troop V> at Terra C -u.i A k. E Zii'n Church. ?aroe vVallae*'- School. Frank Main ;, sc'-ntma-tei : - » 1 a r ii.i: ter , T. - i*> .a, .»? CaO'ia n 1 a j.-ps 6i) of Guilt >rd ('olios:c l i.a C:\ib. William 7. H-.wt a sCoUfcna-- . Truip >.’■) at Sedah.i Publtv Sctiool, Marshal Vyarieti sc;: ; itm ■■- tot: Troop 101 of St St,:p*.;ea'< SiOutrnaster; Tro :> .>ll of faoer-'v 1 hH;'ti.«n Church, Har ' i i*--.**.•>;* B. it-;t Church. F. J. Jcutes. set Hit • 'caster; Trow 512 >f Banduipa • County Training School li J. Bald v. in. icoutnai: ter. T;oop iM i Hr 'ili ;nan Public School. J. Coin - H'O-itin.i.ster and froop 1*52 >f ii i- ; Chapel. Debr-.; McAJoo, -- ■, at. a *s ; r BIRTHS Tin- U.a-ov. mg > J . now proud parent?. J C. and Viola Ty-a .rt, t>4 > Liu.i --■ say Street, git!. Patricia LnVerne. Jun- 23. • ft'? - ,\l: .1. i ! .1 ihfi-otl !-H iVortii Oilnnir Street boy. Stank-v Lee, June !#. fa-hu and L-ara Kay 230 t East Mar..at Street ..:rl I)i.ni;u Nat j June 23 Harrison and Wiihe f ewis. ;)6 V -T.re t a;-! Ha.a !, J;a >'• J. and Mildred Ne.d aio Si iett- Street, girl Joletha Jure C, Albert and Estelle Jones. Urov/n Summit .* rl Helen Fayt Ja - lb l s m! m 2 Margaret Jiiek 331 ; K •:••; Street, l.ov, Wultei H-miutf. ’ Juti-.- 27 Alphnnzo and \nnie Wlsßains Hfit West McCulloch Street, b lames Albert. Jmu 23 WilLe rid Corintic H .’ 327 •• , Street, -jay, I. 11 ■ 25. Eddie and Lottie DeJourmAte, "ia Haekrtt Str—' girl. A; me Pearl. June 30 Lee and Alice VlcCl i f a M. Reid Street, girl. Joyce. July 1. Eugene and Liy/ie Atterwuy i3c‘» f.arkiu Sueet. buy, Ap; ; 15. FARMERS HEAR SILVERTONES The Advert ties ? Chicago ;t a > L b m comici- -ii Harrison A c} it-jriu*o on th«* campus A& I* ColL»g« They were i-por?sor vfstlgat'ng of recent Or lynch-' utd 'be rolat oirkip ot the v; - , rtlux Klan t > tin State AdminU rition has been launched by the' i'’ -f RigiiK Cunfert.na- it .v-a 5 n > mneeti today by Executive L»l-; ' 'tor. Clark Foreman. Mr. Foraman the former Pr-si lent ’ the Southern Conter -a - for Htitnun Welfare, declined t> j ' et, • pare oae! of the a- ■ ligating staff on th** grounds th.*- if:, •vouid hamper their m v-mer-j , ar-d v -use them to pi.ys.cal % lance, '‘every lynching." ’This much I can say ab -ut -e . director of the inquiry M: F: . •ran said. Mi- , M-'i-iu - - M . F TKiCi €n t J 1 s Gii St .**.s of j-O - 5 knowTi for ills scholarsfrip and;, •os-ra^e The in j»:iry - : • c r :c*utr:iU? ; three r)h.ts» s ot r ? Georgia • ‘••:n of tert*or. Mi F ft a ■ 1 n n Di i ;.ie! Green's boast *i3o! he h is b -*n i ! • i? the iiorsonai t:Gi el G- -ver:.or ?. Herman ‘ rmcw h-tst .% f • vetTihet. Gret*.i is the Klbi-.S Gr *h*d! j Dragon. The mv i-stiget r.ii e ; ; re-'a : f'Uc be state, wifi a'e 1 ■ i ct-tabs :.e i li«* n c&t | knovert * i jmm‘in:*t Fan y :e- uter *?; Qeot - : ' r :,iay w.i: alk'd ->ut cf town uu- | ;-x;jc -teiily Dr 1 O Schaub, di r- ’toi ;t ht- Na th C it-tiima Ex- ; i ;-. Servic • j h •_. v, •!-. -i ,-i --.- ■ j ~i air Exteiisi* n Service' .: the Dc; c jiiuM ■,.f Agriculture, ■: Jh'-.k-'-H-b the The farmers ix-gan attending - l.iSses Hid discussjoiis in com and iijfiii pr> duclion dairying, r. -it ;t ii. I'iiti.n.ala.".- and n-ar.- e* - r ; t. I : , ter the hamernaks-- S included hortu. n, mgery-wt floor 1 ttnistung. .mi food-; and nutrition. The grouct* al>o t:>ured the ware-' L sec-, dail y aid poult: y plants, . d >ther ••daces of interest t-v them • n t city PAGE ELEVEN ac -i ppooitiun ■whioh nvolvb! P'O-iressiy* elements u tfea Oema j e r utir party well as the Ra-juV-- •i • i rid Progressive parties, ui ; eluded in the scape of the invest)* • g-ition, - * Mr, Foreman said, “is U»e | iv^rir-rider violence ago.nst ffe 4woe participate in uay •!•>• in tin* ■. litual lit ot »»•')* • nic.iity and .state'’ Th. lyncamg of Caleb Hr'!. Jr, 'or Memorial Da last will as Uie third . e.: ii investigation .wittt •lie main lit:a .; nuu r> directed t c .. i dacarisncire :'e efforts or of ti Vi by local i*"a staid a'.:’hr>riti. s . : apiehena U»6 ' ytielit-re A full ;•?, of tits committee’s ii '■••ill t*e a:: > fc.-i-e do l :i pi tils f j c Sub i'.itted to tise Biii ■f Right.' C .-nr'irei; • m July iG >V t r'- H ... y ;; i' . K )i?l New /orb Ci‘y. /p . >i Use nation _p cn-tife; cnev "itb oiiic.'i at Suits 3:’j j i We:’ 42.i.t .three 7 , Nee/ V ll k City it '.hide i" rre then iK-‘J :ju._ iters t.niists I riur leaders, i rusts and nit sister.:. \.vn- 'fhVHTISM RAi" PAN 1' IN WlsCONiilS SEfOSlis MILWAUKEE, v. ;s (Global) - Brun.., V. Mitkt-r. a rtcanher oj itte Mover's Committee >:s Hatnap (<■..■• lotions. us cl'iarg:r;g that , i*.i -Seml ttsm Air rim i so; ■ Wisconsin reports -aid ‘The* us - ■■£ phrasers, Gentile <.».iy h <.-sir ; eted a 'SteK” or simdar on American restrictions I-.,.- became so wtd'-tyreai in ee» par's of tie St.. *.: to be : >ii‘ a matter >r shame to decent, tho ighaui t. tarns ‘ FKI.tBOMN RING By Wiliiaui Henry Kn:' far ANR WiJl freedom ring tot me and mine If so, whets .. Si it ring? it rings today for thee .inti thine, That's why yoa gaby sing "Get freed m ring from sea to sea" But I*ll rne :v;w chat fin yoi mean 7 In that, do yon mein imc' Am l considered on the scene? Read The Carolinian!!