TROOPS HALT FLA. RIOT ..... , . *». , . . , . -t • t *K / i- - - • • . / & lv/- ' . . * ! iv . ;. * * ♦ ; * ■i- ■ ' ‘I 1... ...... Ai V CONFF.RENCT f IIAil? MAS Attractive Ruth l Omw s'n, rrfsidfnt «>f the Kn**\vii)< VIAX' A J’-n a»*4 Prn fjo ?r») ffirlfj rlnh ! **. a ry>r (hr fir .i gro t*> *l«Fvteri chairman <4 { J»- Southeastern I ,-m-s r?-.. ami Intlu trial Plan Meet To Aid Doomed Cousins. DL’KHA ! . O. -T-:-. !;:r foutvrr A j..i ,»t t' vs. ,-i .. a‘ tOSOfV C-CV-STi! tvoi-i ;■ , 1 terne? tor st\ ed to death a? 'frentm:,, v .t. b JU-! o:'''d tiiCi! .. r; s h!: t .p, ill ■ Saturday July n * ««' >■ > to found a North Caroliiui *.*te ■ •»• • mittrs to ■■ t r. f p.,- ... add L lo;. tl Rry DaruaU’. !•> yoyne Negro cousins of Greenville, N r under dfatll \cj.tcs v nr, i charge of murdering n ■hi • .n driver hes win'm Dela. Trustees Suspend Gregg .DOVEft. Dei. ■ ASP) ->u trots Gov Elbert ( ervei and tit Democrats in Unaware Gnat!? woe oat las' week, and the board ■ trustees of Delaware Snji® •. •»?t»• t• suspended Ur. Gov.-surd D Orr.*, as president of the .-rhool. Only a month ago the board torn headed by Judge Khvood F Me: m of Wilmington cleared (in -g of all charges of rnala.dniinistraUon and gave him a vote of confident' Judge Me-bion since has resigned from the board. Since then another board chair man, Caleb Wright of Georgetown, has resigned iron) tbs. hoard. Both NEWSPAPER PLANT BOMBED; ONE HUR T CHICAGO t ANPi ) hot made mustard gas bomb -*i thrown into the fihic.iKO Deferulat press room early i i> momin during the final press run. Defen der offcliale hinted that the prin*- crs’ strike now in its second year may be the cause of the attack. On % pres sman, Melvyn Granper , - ~. j-»&fW : :S m MMc s- Jrw ••« W&I »*•*. «Bb#>:.'.. a^j^&? jl" J iHHB 1l - SI « flWgßlWjflffaffiM |K.,jf»i •'■*' ii:,:f i:,: ' v nnMßiTOTlllrTTltfflMw^ w«EJm wSKaP^ljpKßftßSCSffi^ 1 - i ** ■ ■' :&Wx&BwiiJE&fc Sre iforat■ ft-7 y •'.iraf ’vrfPff tPwVkiL, LJHHHMR jßiWߣ&m SI ■w’MKBHHKi UISCTJSS PROPOSED BUS | SALE—Members of ti»e executive ! eemmittee of the Raleigh CHisrcm Association are shown during a rail meeting , held at. the Blood- . w:«rtji Street VMCA Tuesday ••net I«m wefk i? it mei'ting it <' * rTsj> i'hriiin to Sailershnrs. Ind Mi*. ! ijtiuHi .on, i natiy r of I,l'iMiK Turn is .( Itonv 'inn n ti iHc-n aseiit of ill. 1 S 1)'-. i.'fimnit oi Agl'ClllUHC inj tti r >S;»te iif r.-luu >ci Stic i a i; i .tin !»' »f V .inr! I State ( dl l' KC io A.nlivil|c. ■ AM’l Hi!) ir, . i. e; relea • that r:v ! : ■’.od vjolatier- rnjrt) t > that ! »tt;r» r i m jvjgr tins section he .*nd l:-rjy- J■■ it; d'-rlarcd thy l ’he g.’v.-rno: t«.»id *itr--■ ■ ■ that tin ' - - the! on■;>i'd Pi. Gregg, the school would not ■ vc. y n iy a’-upriution for a. KiWiy bo tine -selnto] building •be :! ■ rove: ■■ .. info f■ fir, ;i]is yea: I: has corked to eu-i Ur G .-"g,.’ ind use the sob■ »«>t fin political .H|ij>ointnu:nt.s f roiv. jan i! or to pr»- ■ 1 i -i: i. A t.lirt’e-insifiiit-.:- .’.'iministrative i cure ii has lie. u pc; up !ti run TV-i --: awar< ■-t ft- during Dr Gregg’s ;i: spew-fion A mem bet of this hoard is one of the- president’s foes. Ed Cr-n'inucd on page ft. this sec-lion ■23. was r..|«|d by tbn ca 3. and 19 fi-lii-rr wen i-nub-r! Granger tvs a rtJSIUM! In the ;1C h. o.‘l Re—e ho l-itul tVork.-rs finished ihoir jobs while wearing- pus masks. Tito Defender lias offered h re- ward "f $1 for the. capture and eonvt- non of the person who threw i 'Continued on page 8. this section) night for discussion of the pro* post il sale of the Raleigh bus per tat inn Go. of Asheville by the franchise to the tytuie Trans- Gnrolinu Power ,md Light (,'•*. The Qlinian 24 Papes VO! ,r M K XXIX AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA >A A A A A A * A A \ ti ' iy%yß MEDIATOR SETS SPINGARN Umi AT CONVENTION P;i:i ’-iv . .* *. rv: ‘ : 1 >-4 X■, • !•' n - Th'd vwar.i ; .rrnled in Dr. j LTniteri Sf«?- . *r- Use rl»v.-?n-: xi-r ! V'id'li,!’ "... V 111 VmV.d HEART ATTACK FATAL TO BAPTIST CHURCH LEADER j .if the Ti iniiy Baptist f’bnreh of l'o!unibiis. Olile. uni pr»-.-ii!ei>t vs the Lon (.’a rey Baptist Foreign M Fusion Convent ion of Amr-i-i' •, died of a ht'iii! attack Tuesday * J ; av tfn -v!:;ie -e - -V ; c.: ic Giiio State :*.und ay .mJiool r.,invention n Day mi, Ohio The Rrv Ml Sea rbnru- . w:<- a odiV: of Moe • .- e'ry ye., .v <•. and |«-M<)r**d in Winstoir-.-Aiii’in ■ - (>;■■ ii a ' Jt-.-i in several inrini.-, in A! ii > , in Hi ,»«. - - i.f tin- i. ■ I'm < y Gonvetjii. Hi. and i ■ civ-1 ■ ! .ei-vt 1,.l I I ■•-< ri: ui' bin., i| in irnmle of ills. Work a till i-a - i-----.1: i j Till’ MTsMoc bead w;i - sebeduF-.i l-i civ. -a. : - -ye add res k<-.-- during the North <’ ruini;. Ai! - \ .. h-igti. Angus' To. 7 Steps To Harmony NASHVILLE (ANPt D ICh tries S. Johnson, pi evident :>t ! Fir.k Dne-err-ity and US-UNE-SCO ! ticlegntr inojsppft seven-point ’ j pr’-r-.-arri f-.r immediate develop': in ifeia of r-'-i: onabji pub- 1 ’ I.e :-(.;i(i;ne: s’ ir- the field of i aco ;■ J-Vier.*. .ug bis addi'CS Iv’ : fare la-- ,-\ ?il A 1 .- ixti'i ibe i ; - I iioiis ins-i ityte e..-re Ind week Hi. : addr- ■' s'lrran-"' iziuy in t.tir- i ■peat;- and findings, wv delivered !3t tin life-’ of the l\vn-v,-cnks . A a.. I Citing the ■•significant- transfer : of the cent.:; -. f ur ,v.iv of ihc issue i jof rare relaiions from svgu,': .Jed : minority struygle? to the realm of • uhlvtri-ai concern.’ Dr. Ji"iii.---nn XV. 11. Wcathcrspoon, counsel for the CP&L Go., is shown pro* renting the reasons behind his turn’s disipe to make the saie. (Story on this page.) CAROLIN IAN Photo by Shephard, |’ NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY i w _ H _ l . .. . x . . .. . T , R ... [.: \r vornr caijui.ixa *■-- A-, '&■ && -nnluiPd the foil r -nun:; -he ru <* 'ini’-ieditife ric veiopinf.-i i in lb,- rue e I'lG tIV fi'-b Com,-Hi Tel e.r, pygy a. -Sir :,< ■ Tarheel Roundup DOrfU.I. TROTT.U’ Mminf Olive The Trniiiii-fn-.-t i family is b.-ivinr trs trouble-i Mr:.-. Wiilie Trouble tv id '■■ai.-, .<• j l-e-sted on a eiiarg*: of ai on afi i hoi* house cntight fire When - ; was l iven a preliminary h’- o. inu l-rfore Mayor ifat- lu-r, hr:- h" -’r,r iappeared In court and wanted foraUia-- odor arid locked Itud fi-ouMoi i*' > ! up for drunkcrines- His wife insisted Hi it sir --o |n-io the house on th« v< > Uetn‘l ntul set fire to leu husband’;, eloih»- -• ; The house ran all* fire ;>n i-deiii ;> e ■ Firemen eviingui !r’d Die 'd os fore il did tixn-ii da roe g-» SOLDIER Ml 'RDF UK It Fm-t Dr -,. Oil John --ovi -. LIGHTNING FIRE GUTS SCHOOL. M ROBESON COUNTY I HDD S TIXGS - D o m 1 •: e lamountinr to an '-.dimcited .-.ixly |to seventy-five ; li'ca'-aro :ol 1-oi \ Wes done to tlv Rod Springs, j ; Negro Seiac.l. Maxton and R.n. , | ford firemen who battled for more i than two hours to brinp th. 'ire i under emit:o! mt.ributed its cause !to lightning | The fire which started about 31 jp.iTi started near the school cale- Continued on page H. this section V,'ii.K VM'iNc, . KDAV, V i.rid' * (). T!il:!;i; inn iii? tcrim <■! lifri Spring V•• ;r<) >’» dam:>«•**’. i ? i •'flft In S7". 'IOO in<- tiii-r iif:or I*:? r : rr w.‘- iltnbnt-fd **> iig h! mi!;:; dining !i t'.i v v Her!: i rat -lorn! i,t horn's * Photo by I it"- reripi- Wnilnrd, Mirrtruir.v of \i".vs in*-u tv-'t;-; •'. - - |jfe * iPS* - ■'■'&&&’■ " ■'** SK. : - ; ’I C'- ;:v : ': 1». *■ m; * V • :i': -W POOL DEDICATED—Above is own the oval-shaped s\\ >mining >o| for entered residents r 's ifunasvHle, f. which was UNC STUDENTS ABANDON I EFFORTS TO ADMIT NEGRO | I , . . . ( ... ....... ~! ji l ri’ih! Is 11 PS I O lili fit 1 --* :1 x' 'tl J ;. .... ii of > reqnrsA t »'■*••! ' N.» I .. ~ • ~ j...,. i; it •. , 11«. nyiyt ,f *. ‘oiored I’t-opU and • : ft p. ■■,*.. nyiMin . ( it pending qvthw in ii■ -X l I'"--.*(•■* ! is.ii l pr'i’.'.f'fj'ed the I'" f - f*'*r Ihc jff-! s *>f ‘it" bus; mi My ,-t “i; rl'Miii r-r v..n>e ’ im when in? I sod > xi m s trniacl Fiid a night, Ha in)h bens b :it<*n ml Continued on page 5 t.iii; eel i.- - ; dedicated Friday night at cere- | 1 monies attended by Ifeoinii.sviUe j I Mayor Hurry Ift. Finch who gave j the 30 acres of land for the pool j SINGlix | COPY IOC SCORES O.S. 3'SS !U TFSmNt ST •mi'or nr ft fvpi \i* Hr n t'ApA I liu..?L •!oLi n»* < a?■.* n<• r \ • lTr>- Aiyv.u Aob''ii iv;.; (’on him -h; ■ 'e- !• Tn r .1 r tier. Co. f Asheville f> memberi ,f ey-oyijti'/>'• gcrnmittro of the B "it B«T»S -A . fir,.' .Ht A Apr ,d ' : ii! rneetinp held Tv*, day A' ,ci:-i4 ! > ;. . Wf:ath«"-!:pOiOi ~o riemnin [or olvctiic pfmer ■=d tin pr'-mbnrv -if wetm,: th I n n Ivr.n mui-ip I .n.'d sniiM ; ! , ): ;, ,• •},ol to ,il ll 'imi r. - fij-n interested tn riiv*vting it if rthrr properties .so that n iv ■. it - j;,s j?■ 1 ! time • ifi ;i-i. ,iion i ,l suceptying . i r."c (Hn! .surd >n page 5 'hi. tim and recreation park which will serve as a memorial to the vet erans of World War IJ. The dedication of the pool was I'' 1 '' ■ ' 'Sp* 1 ! mi t?> Mhr CAROLINIAN* GROVELAt'D At! un~ o.Tsy peace in (trovela-id. • I' !ond;i backed by 'bay* one*.. Wednesday. Tuesday iiijvii* pa quietly drv-pt'e t - lie f:.u • I;. .■• '.'■ ''. ■ ’ (hr bvb o 3 < v ni intti"! on page fs. this .wotinn r IcarounianJ PHOTO \ j i’ll 'II I iir> iro) 11,91 peoplr o/ Mi .’IP ivi.lnr* i;,tr|-»> 1 in |l,f- .1..*?.-), ' i HI \ > IV J-. K .-• I i‘.i '!’■ n p tin.- in il '■*!' s .iaidii. 111-u ..rha-jl I’jLl'/’i I on in til’:oc! \ fry b |'V ! 1 ivi:;.;h 4 f(\ ( ; ( r voun - > , " ' *■ p#»Cmr. {?}f> vO T .!i •' lOhii II Hr«»i nQf t ;H. , , 3 y r ]. p : pj; to say ihat they have beer* ,ro> or rOtfiy *.o lK*:u 3 > a r- To - :-;5 -<• 3 parallel, when v-"u . - .-j bp vpball govie. v :v;i . don't ,"o rv? :.t to .•• ee a game You s*o to • j ,f)rj one. If v r »D fail. t'> j,SS ■ ... ‘"l.’roh 1 frpl I hal | ‘p.n i-| „ ii • f‘“ problem ovtt«p ;.. ■ 11■ I le.oii'o n-p and oeuer ana i ojfan ii, lltiaiifv, -!m!nr. !ii;r.p>: if. ' i : .d!.ei>ci.Hnce, but “■ ■ Jir i or.’ tor thef . ;... .■I (••..: ■ part ■-"» ') ( ' roniry. As l'-ng •i-ti "i - .ire pe 4 l/#s»n I). D*lhs'.?V • ■ • , vu.ll h •pt '''b’l ?: r ipyir pro’»l ?nv hr tort ft in: r.nonp'h i*vy '■dli turn back. ;to the r.hutch. T: ■I - :i -girilual u cd 'Alt’. :a m filled* ",d i ,up! ait ’vhith < a » p ,in;.'! u• • bero ’’ ? '.tv? a the church. A I'V'in bei'oi in bt God, "A'- hr. He ’« the God of 'be • •.• iVc-.v Testatr.t nt. of the tlo lb; mmedau-s or what he<-e you, A i■a ait tiiut'C on p:ai