ROMM AN Saturday, .':iiv ■ -M!> Seating T G u; BY \l. MOSES 1 5 a i« r * , , 6 » TAKE \NY RVBJid'T AT .' I *o.vf ;uni you‘)l i'. nil an ? ra-Tfti ..• :Oi!,) W.h t> t'Ux) 11 {»> ? his ; h * : <> ininiOi tai fM’sei-ndini ? i i.» ; *• yoii; :oH‘k siiouhl you t<« his train**. ! n Kb*»n yni.i■a. zi i o-' A»i yu sf >on;»* .’■> rtv*-i j-T**r.- - ihn }} ?r > i,i | ?v . r n f Afrn-an h!o»><1 ■an S'jHobf’? } s abn* Hiun Lanafor^l Mild Master« C, ; ; } > HarnKon '•non.- *" Dillard, Fmd «' Fritz) Poll# tvi a tkJ dark Job ns on in thn.r .} si s» o; ( o\i rw n js(>N's s.\ k '•: '.f * few brief ns in. the Khui,' ’>•>!} : t sh-nVI norn.l rk-o • • f;jjT % ltr },,n" Tli<*r*'» »< * • -on Langford. t!*e Nova y-iirs Cailed tin- ■ l Han T.* •• haby who was in for aimost a - } her- is Sais'ht-I Pa i%i- who *s;>yfc h • was horn in It*oT. anyway ’. • h, ?.s he*-n pi'< a ait' ov**r 2*» years. {)f s-r .iav.*l Da* ..tme a Jong lime a- r** l :e ■ a Pai ao * ’ '• shin k r- ■ t*»«3 !•<*< fsa. -vb> r- Un-I as h«avy%vi*ht kir\z f-.r 12 year All ?hn mor'* n ■• *i O'A f}i P.ikm!. Ko:, ; : . on :.n«} Vrr-isf wn£ iy the impost remains Um si,i, hi s• rt>nil over this arrar of HA SF!t> Af. r ■ \ 1 , w , U’ 1] i 1 p’- v f c . \ f**y Dol.v Kov r:,nr ~'i. 3'.:-.wn. *.?»•»?• v** r; r*ij 1 • Par io-i T->rr k mo. Fro ok i . t ‘re • Crn *v ” [*i T»eM s S'-;. r y-y--t 14}. Martin TMhii?<> -- ■ 1 ) 1 eo r 'Of i > •“Oft i>;l i i;: , \ v'•■' -. rs: . - . , . !<■ r. B A S EB~A L L] SANFORD GIANTS SANFORD, N. C. i -VS- j ROBESON ALL-STARS FAIRMONT, N, C. Army Field LUMBERTON, N, C Friday Nite, July 29, 1949 i 8:00 P. VI. ADMISSION: Adults 75c Children 40c j ; "There will a SSOO arize given away :c» Uks i-:-r cri' the lucky a*jmi>er. The Alb-Star haw won j 10 of 15 games, C’jme out and see Wardei? aad < McCall. s g j • i in 'inurn "i hi iriiiiiiißiiiiiMMßßMliiiii i i .. »i a: ') .. ■ i ‘i: • vrj j,„. (j.n- "Mv .-h;! < h:u!:! • .-.<•! ! .«• kajro Ills- Po'-Mi ; T' (i n (Vj, t r- 4 , [oe .feanett ”1 he Ire-fi H; !i Ho‘Yl Meve-y or n< named him: A3 Brown. Hass of f'm Hinall Te r Jrrk Bhu'khurn. niv ' ' O T. in/ford i;. - *h » 1 f a aho* ■:! h*v vv-a o.;hi- oil . «!;• r» 0!o t.< e him; Peis-r Jo V *u. | w ho ) f' ny 1 ■ d t(> hee>>;vi *■ an Ar v ie r t - •1 n eh 1 i?.» :f. < f4>r trim a book, was wriib )> railed Black Pnin e , :> e- ' tH: ‘* ; ami Kid Ok*okr? • A.lso ?;• • i| kings lik.- Oorilln. .fori"- ■ Tom.liiiu ::.iix. A ms-ricvn N ' ■ •.• who I«•!<■»» it with Urn '■,/! Tom f’rihh. a ;r' : a-t cham . TRACK ! H. Trtvi >r. Bor,on. TU- -i P r>)-< w: McKonloy: E’i::w, r- :.. T! r* ; e; t D'alViOtli!; N'-d '!onr ,}in • first >0 iiro.Kljnrnp - >r > f - Wskivarf, tmnquoror of t,ho -Ts t .foltiir'on: B<'l WTm**. !' r : ( t.irics Drew. Kent)'. W.i-'H-w!,,-! \V,«»ilrow VVtiwm St.rodo > at! ii< -• Pol,inson'' rri.A hml,. ■ t Chuek ; FoiiviPe. h. -r in trm k-hisrory ’) V >n-nu! .if ; w<»j)?hf-ii('•••• r .foh i:; Vur>. ■ ■ ' I'*l h'.it mnkit. •., n , !!!•(: n-s ■■ :•! :■ few 'h ■ V.hfSf' : ■: it me.-; time 'f.hemsoiv.tst to; ; . s . ( f tin w;’h 1 fn’ftf.hon • 1 ih), iij| '■ nit. isrintt,i for NOT iiWAl.lfe! Ttf - is ilo it 11. stmt; r ttiv v'-.j tut. that RJ’.ONY s'-reenod ih ■l,l. -.'(si ,■ ; c among th • .-\rier < . finis its reatl ‘s a M«tl ■si! ■■ !| n. flM«»d ah. s-; ’ i! fhf 1 ■ I ::■■■■ j.a rt v. ) " in. ♦h--ir '!! U INS RESIDENT IS SHOT TO DEATH H'j.!f)c fa. t s >TuU*n-.. -> f '.vr shoi to death by his broth er ii hits Arthur (. oj'ijn >t l iU Wtibe Poe v j, ■> f! vs tr. >f ( o.'fin v. i~ irre.t 'J >, tji- NluUsn.v > C Poiu'e, Mr Poe was shot n '.is S:>.) »ia tu H o’clwk SanJat tn*re ins luiv 17. H»- died i ; •-* m fl ute; after be reached ;.Y- 2a>n ■sfa! in Mullins. msmusT SAfS BIAS COSTS 5 BILLION A YEAR NASHVILLE ANP> An f.-.; • : - 1 • ' * .* n itPiii'i.iii ‘w-iutd . rntr ..>: ;r. y l 36.000,00*.*,- • .i. . v. a rrr.df- by ■> : "‘';jL j him raw. personnel rnan- L' r r:- 1 v-H'.vcs, Cue.. Stam -1 "'i‘- ■ -r.':, r. an address fce-! : " L'it ->yr annual session ;,f the ’ : :. -u Ut u; of tht* ■Nat.:. :) ->i- unary association ■’ 1 . »"r:i verSity recently Avh ,n art.rt she aid hjyir.ess ai ■ ' - 1 e rsti n and pin ; C.|; ail foreign •,i every kind a a r i v. v:e is a tre ;;o 1 a r ; htvh needs no a 'a -; • rsun- selling; r‘ui:.ty to increase ’• • . the g.;ods ‘ '• aaii is already willing '-Lb,,: - : H Hotiston. a STAACP ' ' ■ ' .! . on Approach ' c ■ e. rtieni Pracact:'' He. u;;. the Cuarls." cited the •' ' -UiL fro-* .; , co ppration " ' o' Minority groups in : a . t ,ii i.nmit’ ai. - ; r Ah lie L ampson. dean of ; .o. iv A >i Hc-tvard ijrt Avar ■ ernpßisized that ••racial '■ ■■ ,-ible no v ir. many •' d : n the south and hd '<■■■ ;■* lone s to facil;- A H ' addressing Lae ••tR-mar or* iuc.hijn in the south. TOP POLICEMAN IN NIC TALKS TO IRANIANS ’ • A'.'Pi An a ;,1 ■ as Lr.t .A;irt-ilcvE,i ht- n s -ting tile Bronx L ■"■ ii'd Acting Police a- : ■ u:. f .a ... 1 rCline declare '• ••• is . : 'Every home it::. * '• a m ! become a sanctuary * . ■ a .and ayt, as m a. n•• tan<:,••• i breeding K1 ')• . New York's . ; N:-a. > faiice Cfl.C-V SpYkc * -hi a: i: Us at their re/tdar asa a. a Thursday at tne 'tztinr con-course p1.,7a 'as ■ ’• F- SOvas X C ie.nan. i a ... roup, and John A ->1 ■ .rt vice presidtnt the Nat. aal Safety Bank and • , sv. ae among the t ’ aa. It j decs present HOME IMPORTANT if :;ii parents and guardians u 111 iaUtituliv dwlarfe their ■'LLnation-- • thr r cbiMren." i.. pta . |-i jit: said “we btculo •sen i'\m . itner a crime The some is the n< st :aij -nt ia«’t«r in the nTtian ,e juvenile ce'in *u--n« . and crime among the ;h. 1 . not ,i proMem for 'Ay O'ds ■, I! i> the prob n rb, h ;n• htirch. school i d ill -:vii and social Organ • 1 . is. individuals a.s • H Ref.;-m.»iori > do not a! • • reform penitenUries «1. ! .n { ro-iu ■* i penitent It Ls •r 'hr- miliar reasons that - • >, r i tvy enforcement a., u ,-s ,t- r - uime p-flvention ~‘' '»*-t than as rest and punish ment for crime.' 1 N'. war is tub officials mdi ate-t that Captain Klin,- was the : *r v t N ■ . -o to address the a i sit >t hesr organization a' ! i ssi.. « a-'klv 'Bronx Hi v . an,” the ’.veil known po >ia ■ jificul's picture wits prom- Ly display, J r»a page Me. t VD ail KOI BIAS NO .YOON iANP i An end to '.acuf bia., in churches was um chief item of discussion at Uie first meeting jf the central. < .tnnmittee of the Wirlft Cau»- i sil oh oSurc.ncs, meeting in CKheJiWteT, SllHsex, lartt. wc-etc. 1 Augusta Mayor Bans Sale Os Telegram AUGUSTA. G:. ANPi A poed ! preacher ' suiting s;.t fur the safety • his race las: week reported axi ' ,''oj ylior abl c>!umc pi ir.ted in , Negr p.-ipor » the white folks, anti the mayor aad it banned Tie T legram published in NVv -' irk, NT J.. vv is token off the -lards , after • y Hnua had hesn f.?r ; sal. ot-iy one day m Aau=U be- ’ c :.-:e rhe Se\. Wesiay H. Morris. 'ur-erhiN-ndent. ■> . -1, tile dis i trict. African Methodist Fpiscopul' •Tratrch, did At>t like a section call ed 'Augusta After Dark." Ecv Mcrns told Mayor W. D. the column was '‘causing ; fro" lie" am .ig L cal Negroes. Ac coraing to the mayor, the minister : s.,id continued circulation >r „i.e; T“P ” u.ight cause a riot. George a Ross rad recently ac quired .1 iiccr.te t:i distribute L.e;' new -'pc ycr in the it', one day be f rt- th .- reverend’s complain 1 According to tile minister, the . co'.ijinu, Augusta Alter Dari' 1 ! f really a gossip cn c• : like a ' n'.' No. PL -Lo , silt,', at this: Scivncc has . Lved away tc ] upset the sex 1 fe of a ro. . ■ .r tem- I p .racily which will moke daena uc'. i d Lock Like he-;;. .This -hanging ‘ n sex wis n'aortci at the ■ ir.:;ry 3d l tion m-sstisir r Hi hi v. :! According to F. 2 Tuck r. veter-j j inarian sf Claypcoi. Inri, ..•ortstocsl loan ii - made .as 'or..; and tat as I hens Lo.- about one month by the ! use of certain female- sex hormone-,. Th„ io'ir i : . • n of t. v hos i mom's ls done ,'o ut a m nd.h be-: fore siaugnter. Within three v eto. the rsostcrH comb fades out aad; 'L to ins as like : 11.-11. Ti [ i j r, : -j r i 1 The treated sow-is hr.v to be separe-.’ed f’x-m r tmai ruostet:;. | becauv- the effect wear' off aodj they become tough nostes: again. J mm baby 1 LOST HAND BUT IMPROVES FAST PHILADELPHIA (AN Pi Tiny tiiree months ol«i Roofrt Wiiikec wn.j was, burned so se verely that oae if bis hands dropped oil, is thriving m Women’s Konteopathie hospital, j was disclosed here iast week. Itobert, the Airs, baiiii Wai.iker, was bnmed almost to i erup when only seven days | old. Thi» view w'ss advanced by \ an American delegate who urg- j j f-d that iaeJPor® the tc-ok j j attiou on racial ,Jwscriminaaoc, j { the charch “r-bould iTrst .of ail j j 1 put its own. iit*uiVft in order. 11 PAGE THREE At the time he »i- admitted to the hospital, suffering Lbird iiegree bums of the face, both hands and arms, he weighed *tv'c pnuiicis. He now wesg-ha nine pounds and oncces. Physicians arupaated his htJse. hand and during the ,r - ?; -kin grafting, gave him over V),'nto.Bl l d units of peatediin ind i-rystiicillin Although the tot was burned dangerously c.ias« to hise eyes, it is heiieved boat his vision is not altogether im paired. PERSONALS Mis.- Lula Mae Stewart ■ ■■\ Mios E’izat«th Wtnniogham were deie dclegates at the First Baptist Church if Fairmont N' r»Ls Carolina the sth Sunday :f May Mr ar.d Mrs Raymond Floyd, iJr., of Orrum spent tils week end ! at the beach and their guests were ■ M”s. Ennor Janes. Mrs Z.. <•• Mae w- i 'er-,. ar.a E:* e A;-:L •■/ 11 ot ! Wornbcrton The gr •> y an joyed doe r trip. Mrs H. A. Strickland f Orrum, was a deiegute t;> tne Missionary j Baja Lit Convent.,•on in Rale: ah, N. ;C., July 12-13 The convention was held at Snaw University. Mr- Etna Beils -f Lakeview. S. s v ; , visitor at S S:- , • Church Sunday. July ! V Mr-. Bella had quite p. reunion with her fath er. F D V/ashmytoti ira aa- as ter. Mrs Waiter Todds of Orrum. 'Mrs Beits is the secretary of . the little Zion Church of Lake vrw, S C Mrs. B-IL: en : jojeu being it home -vith her £i-r-M:ds and ex pres.-.. : -ncin e e*i 1 joy mant through . r.-. iest far prayer. ML Quassi ? Nance ad Mrs. Viola South-rn enter, arned be W.-r-ar.s Federation Club r. Fair m nt. North Carolina at Mrs. Nut .-e. Home on July 5 Trie Tub ! vvu.; entertained on Mr-. Nonce’s beautiful lawn which v a 1 decorated with ;*iadio!f of ail colors. M - Emma Newkirk W 'a'.iig to-t: is visiting Mrs. LuLe McKay, Route 1. Fairmont. (10ESTO HUT! W ASHiNGTON • ANF, Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethur.e, president of the No Council of Negro ! w-tmen. took it ay plane last week for a two-weak rest trip to Haiti as guest of the latter government. i ] L>\ in & Baker * Tad | IFOR PROMPT SERVICE J DA Y OR NIGHT ASK FOR "SAM” 05 "BAKER ■ 1 WAL 344 i ! F —.—-■ _ j JONES RADIO SERVICE | 1 TUBES, PARTS RECORDS, t RADIO SALES CAMERAS & 1 FILMS. SMALL APPLIANCES W L Jones Ceniet St. | j l anger s Lunch Room And Billiard Parlor GOOD FOOD AND ENTERTAINMENT R. iUGGINN CENTER ST [ 7“ ~ j Visit Powell’s Place j I ?or Haircuts,, Groceries | Ope* ! 4*ys Per WeeL POWELLS G&OGKEY ASO \ BARBEE SHOP <4»l - iSS Cana* M, J Arrab. Powell, Prop. _ . i