jCAkOiJNIAN Hatu.'d.-ty. July Jo, 1049 I H \mmd TT TT E | Personality of The Week V ;: Y UOBKIRT B< >U CICKftRY t 'tiarlotte is very forfiiHaic to I ", .. , . t.l!ii‘ of its <i> l/.t-tis Dr 0 , , 1 Mi'.'> r <> r At.iiorfa ami -, i'sii-m haptjsr rir.mli- F‘>l" J i • • ■.: ! ■ 111 M’Xir-' has »U ji , ; til i Ot ills 1< •;iii<• t ; \i* money aUii Ufa-om - ■■lOfi: -.■A : !■ ■ !. 110- -li. on | ~;llVii OO;,.-- il 1 1 *} i.-iris ill r,>HU« ‘i' . thi’ir .itiiiii. so tin,: iin>y ihe oilsi-n ii .'onft’omine : , !!■ I,.is . : •> ~,j ;, . nifi 1 ~nfidt in ■ lit order fa ■ ni.it-'iy {•r*-i, ;i - i liojiiM-ly-- 1 or *•>:■ i'oiii of reiicioh Or !» F M or.- is the ->r, of the ■ !U.‘ Wylie Moo; Honk Hill S' . r Dr, Munir lioiii and roru’-ni in R,*yk f * iU. Ho -i-vur-il his for- 1 (•' -..JK* :: Junim Mooiv i- Mo bolder of four ; oo.n'io a A n r.ii'' Friendship <■*»!- o '" A.R from fohll ->m: C Smith T.'nivoisit.v of < ’harlotft*, ft f t frori ; Johnson (V Smith I'niv-i Lf.y Tit o'.n=, v Si'iiiiini'v and s '* D. from Friendship Collette departm-at of rid iff ion ffe is n mrllrfirr of Pin Rota Site 1 mu Fraternity. suarkHng Diamond (old <,i i hinriot: o Sub- Hmo Prince of tin Rov-ii Semei iff? ' I“l.' r- of the Am-lent .ni l :ii'ni!isi| Hoof! ish Rite ot Fr.'sm:: so" -y. and; rim Ratin' of tin My s';, s rin 1 rs T.-m;>|.* 51. M.VH'I. is.is had , .trait dfiii PERSONALS Mr. ARh-’H. Fhtv i>i - liar ton* i* visiting hi> father m N -v\ York Mr i*H-i 1 Rr-sfl ■'*¥ Phi Li., Penn ; Wotheiv v?nitinT reialives :vn Hast Fim StmH. Mrs. Mi]dm! Williams l-Mi Sa ; tarda v for fI a Ives ion* ‘Tmas f j visit I Tv '• li.-Vf r‘l'. iin r a rid Vi r f. C: *. >V U i U fin troif Uo-hik.nl spoilt, r’lf ‘Ao.ok.nd ; wir.h Hi-v mid Mrs '■> F. >{<».>■ f <>n .iva tty ford Mil. Mi,s Mary I.ouiso UnU.ny.-r ol Mt. Mart-ii' i K (’ v-a■ here vis;: !rien-'s and s'fd.ffivos h'-r* on. Bt'jit ■. ford Hi! mid (’uidwali Sr vVitliam N’Kil. Ja<-k Stovall, J* , Wilmori-, ('harlfs Yoiikii-'-, Favor Ho,.y. and r.urfM ‘’.rr r :: rnej to the i ;*’. U'tor spoudio r,,tsr da vs In No w York .oKhrseemg, The boys ai'iovt- won sh • trip by -a,urine star's tor their t>ai'oi tii'ias. This, contest was --"OdiH-tod :,v ;ns f’hitrlo'ii OiissTVel' Mr-- )••-.. 801 l St.it* of lersov CM v, N .! was here visit;tie h**r t.U >! t ! S, MrYav. Mias Mary and Mamie r>- ,i wools- le M'asbo>eu>n i> r JBBKRVk.S B! RT i f !>A V The 'J: (, birthday of Dutton ! Mt• V,i v ;» m<| r] a’ej r< «>••• ■i• j*»'■<* : *- It Ant toe Is P-n !-t I '• was oh -•rv.-l rin H>: ; t m At” ■' ' fir-' R. V. 1)0.1 ’ . •1.-i '‘d '■ , ofl) .»rs;i rv '.orir oti Afoko- "> js is Pished irv tie- i i ior ! ’ -'’-is fr. / -ti!.- t!\. .-llll«al 01.5 e.-.. ; ino. A *ar.'i> sum -a ni.iu-»v ”'s to'**- . "tu.ol to rV'aenn J ~ M-YiV for hi-. ’-iSHOoI - - o. i ii.i : ha ■ ~-i. ’ •(!■•!? VI - • r< T - :i> f‘bs> i-lott < - Mi V* f 's::o*ti th's fitv ■•" >o nteesam -'.ml , \i... Vi 1 - , '., (■.. - ,'.f \-.-v n....-l! II Mr Fc •<! niß h>">! »•»•<* S’H-' i. - , ' .. iin-io !■;! I." ■ 111- ...... 1,..... A,. n. 1 ; p Ayriil. - • ■ in ut ii/ttri tOj*oUier o of *■ s r‘o i';s. :;. s a pastm .t - - i>-s. tored a* Providence Baptist t'lnircn of i. iitro!?it(>s. N C fur 16 ye,it ami aided i:i> buiidiin. a n-s. ( htiri.h For seven .iiid a half yea; s t- v/.i i?:e ■-.! Kiizuh-Mi iisi * htjrch of Ahu'shviHi’ i' In Moore ha* been pustoriHK ’ at s ilcii! ifa.ptist Chuivh for <ix y, a is- and .Ail i urii for ■-. yi. hi ifofh cbarches are within tie.' city Uliiile of Tiie Qilei'i! fit; ] P- Kx- JTi-sid* id o? tiie Bap: Minster la I font'. and iTvsid-n' ■ of th • interdenomhiation .Mitiist*'.'- Aillance. was married to the foi liter Miss l a (lie Ma-- S'mith os N- a bt-i rv. s' t in lio I ’’ Miss k’li'oi is lie- dauahier of Vir and Ms". Albert Smith -a Newbery A jnember oi th- Bvan<i'*Hsi Board of Xor-ii c ro ! s n a :i i . i fiaprist Siam y. . . kii ac!;-ury: Ini .-rrarial Bttpti.at ('<»m)i:isi.'.on. and < 'mmselor of fim ! f Lite ( reek \V. ■ if, Anxiliar 1* Mool i- is the- holder of a eertifirat > from the Board of N'ationsi Vli - i.»u- of tiie Fi*f.tt»yterian < ii. • in ih. I n;ted Stores of Amerie i ; i.,, K.-Hstion Train’..School •. . and I Mi nisi. i on;-. .•■-;,••• h-H al 11 ao! otott (nsfifttle in Pc’. 4 Ms. !>i Mooi-e fas Pee it in in pit -i ; , lion Ist file ifeopie he me *-- As Dr . ehan-d with in. h- sm't-i ; M l ill the brlKht side of life \ i do rii'it look t'»*r the bad in -ai-tt. j but .*}•, uvA whir 1 1 > valu.ih-.- i oiics Os Harmunv Hecomins lt*l! Known r* BV jamks h wu.uams Tho hbve Tore- of Harmonv . leave made a wonderful record ! throughout North t ai ditui and Vir , xtittia as spiritual singers They; !e,mu- S,l! •-. on a 11l s a* fleavett.” V. be-! 1 I <'.et I s My H-a vcnli Hones "Ood S Now Spe.ti, ms ’ and many other of the imttn itrv’s top sop. Tie Five Ton.es -f Harmony ara c’oiisidi-r'-d by their fans a» great spiritual si mo- s They- -ana in Durham Sunday nisdtt ?.e?..re ~. i-a: .-•le •• of >v,-r . pul" peojde. This group is headed and man | aged by Isirinan Richardson. He mice sang with The Broth- .i' Cospei Siiiiters of N- -a V ork .: i ' also with Hie Hackensack t.oifepei Travelers of N-w Jersey. This group <an be heard - > M Sunda y over Sianon VV <‘K B at .:, if> ViKOM, vm VIJVIOST GOKS FOR f (IM.- \l \V RIDK C! - . i:,i;d. O. * AN'P) - I’h* . war; a,ail iillUos l e- s' for a ow av ride i<> cerra!!i atid sudtiCii death hen lost Saturday night a.- ■ dis.tnatic dt-v eiotducp! in tiie ciii lean trial of humhers racketeer rad live men are be os s' h-id by a " lire 1- ills neitr-murdereis. iit orgr Blond, fit-vi ur old laborer, was leaving the hms, of a friend when two men stepped out ot th-- shitdow.-. jabbed ' ■ - is.s'ols into hi-, .lie. and told 'urn You a r<- fla redd Morwsui -M ia (bis air'. The car tiorc license platen truin iho in tglil.ioi itif state of sli«-hig.u: Bin:id told tin police rb-.i! he did |(if , ■ f'asf tiiikiiii.;' at si, i:- {kHfi* t i i,!!.; \s ■:Blti n#; r] ; c Hlrl; h>ok .?* hi> fYHTUt! security rani ;uhl other ifieiif i fic;it ton, Fi i\n 11 y <*ou v;iu;h! hl-v let hint go ooi Hruvo on Iron jt•:; i1 y The* man F suHJ'hf. a. k‘y wirn* - - in the present ?riai ot tin ?a«'k* ‘f . vv.is in a hu-use nt’X r f] nor ' the f i ?vn •. r H' -vas In tor %v:iru‘d ro make hims.elf si’aroe. As rls- trial ot* the numbers prim x js c:i-i wtuif into its thud 'Sru-k,. a >• suing oi w itn -’ill <on - iiruirw! • ••> ?eAt;iy to she hriherv. ' ?hrea s s and beatings? w'hish hav -■ ■ SDiii" into the 16 n;!!isn doil-ir o •» . r \ ; -gn> dolSJJnateo Bixa:be”'S moke i. I\M RAM I! Ml A niiiian:\ strikk !\ I’llllADKlTHlA PHILADELPHIA. P:» • ASlb Agonu-- for the Proved,at H- rnt fu du-'lual ; Lite Invuraoc • company slaved a demonstration in . from of the U tilt' on ire Tuesoay -ria.-rn.iig after ~ in. nth and j had! of -trained bargaining vriiln the curuFany. The den-esnstration lasted from ld:3u a. rn to 9:30 ,j. n, witji ageras | i-caiTving- placards which read. “No i ! pay decrease tor ihe third straight • year." and “We want to arbitrate. ”->• strike.'' When mu.-r\ ii-wcd. :o: ,„•{ uie ngi-nls said that they bad taken a pay cut bn two straight ye.:; .= | il'-U t'be.v well, ui:Willi) g t- acc.p! a third The )b i, on ! tion drew ... ,/j si pn-the-wsiy ts -.s’e-rk people V. no ] Stopped ts. CKjUire about. tri£: event.. Otic spokesman told reporter, v ~ the a, , ills wore first to ask tpe f Str.te f i- an mpartial arbitral >, to .-radiate and that five Pcntrsyivamu • State iVledtatioii board had c.-mact 'ed both the cutnpuny and agents 1 (The latter was reached through thi i local oi 1 le. . ( the United Office- i | !b-,i.. . • W Tkers j It was also stated that :he cotti | pony had v.-itndrawn il; .-.ecc-.stance Mo nicdutu- because the agents stag j -,l tne demonstration. 1 L .. 12 UOPVVA -d tiu CIO.' Miccu-'c Jos M; Faison, president of i Inc- in-juranct company, of using | personal reason for his refusal to j j renew the contract calling ior the j . cut »■ p-y The agents told report ; ers that they were not askiim tor a •list, out wanted a prop sed .w> I ..ut stopped ; Faison, the company’s president, I was contacted Wednesday aster n-.-on and pi. said that the company ; had agreed t.. mediate and that ; them h«d bn-n no ch.-u; ge in its at- * J: .Hide DALLAS PUB *HO TRADED DEATH THREATS FREED !IA LLA.fi, I' x i ASP) - i >/./..■ "Watson, .'il, and Any. Noah Koark ■ a iiiu- tVi-tn ~, ~,ci to r,- free here last week after siiey took hue: j death threats they had made to ; each other. Wat»nii was jailed ior threaten : in.- to kill Roa-k and as-ana his : wit - following a minor collision or th a i its H was fined #2.‘jf)o -and .-.enf, )i.‘e<t io two .year.- for Hie ; death X h rets! At a habeas- corpus hearing oa ttie i >,.se. Roark told the court he would post iwoui for Watson just for the pleasure of killing him. lb- wa.. arr» >u.l ? m jiorarily bur I'lctHl afi'i promising not to »at ry j out the threat In Watson’s i a'*-, the julci re : versed his ruling, admittim.' he had eoiu:i,enleft tby. if he h-.d been ; in Roark's hhaes. he would have j killed the man. Watson's release wa- straltß-d he 1 cause he told the .-ours hi would iikt- to move j.. Fort Worth. He was rep-;, .. 0 on #25.000 bond. A.NM \F WAFF meeti.nl GOING AI.ONG SMOOTH!A I,uS .WIiKLF.S • \X!’s As th - HKh anmial mceiiug of rh*- XAACB reached its half-way point her*- this - , week, the program was proceeding Very slijoo! hh Hllle'.l • i of delegates tViini .|U i/isfi ihe nation have r<;«isier«*d. and newsimui from both fisc- week iy and daily press are i-ovcriug th - i meet) ag. Highlights have been speeches ■ by Roy Wlikins. acting • ' --'u* v - ; sec re- jry Oov. William H. Fr.sr.ie CoS fan Virgin fsf&bdu. fharlca W Hot.-stoii of Wadhingtoa. D *'.. and BETTER TAKE A LOOK AT MIS PAL&t , Sglte|| r ( ><in l COME \ so9§ !-! m, J x j -f j 1 AMl> ! iWjfe I f' i' IN ‘iDWc / fit - W ;he Her ! Raymond Hcndei-Boa, ; ea.'i.a lie heisi . iitirch. Second Baptist, Thouijs s. Griffith Jr. presidciir - i -. vm - branch N’AACt’, tiie U- t i t! tie* meeting', presided ..vet- the ‘>iienin. sessinn. Mayor Fletcher Bow run of Los Atlgcl-Ht w ehoim-d ih delegates, and Wil li in - delivered Hie keynote address Wins from President Harry 8. i , Hudson i-.-ce li>-al brams'i pmti-' Trun.an. Phillip Wilkie,. Walter; Whit.-. Mrs. Eleanoi Roosevelt, and! c'ii.- s Were lead Dr. H Claud? dent also cave a welcoming ad- j ii ress. Tt, Cat tied ral choii of the In- j dept .deiit ’ liun -i «K Christ proviil- > ed music - fb Albert McNeil coo-| , dueling Th j ih . Clayton D. Rus- i .il e the invocation, and Dr . f.alph May ben v pronounced hens- j j 'iiction. i. t•>!» ot Marshal! Tex. and Dr | Mctileudoti of Detroit pro-j ;,■<! rr.i <: ti,< bu. liiess sessions. 1 Othei ictiviiies of the convention i included various fours of Holly wood and :< ?>';r’i-v!i“ pichic on the | Warner Brother.- ranch arrangind , by HaHie M. Dam.-;, noted screen ] and radio .star. POLLOCKSVH LE BY MRS DKLLA HILL Mirmelia Wooi-ti and Sir.;: Mitn;-oh Jea raid of Procturvit! i..ft cot !; re- osboro Monday morn-: ins* ’•) spe'iti the wet>k at A. and T. Ci.ih.ee while attending Hit annual , 4-H Short iintr.se Miss Wooten i the daughter it \h* and Mrs Sylveofer Wooten. Mr Jeters Id Is the son of Mr and Met Roaea Ji-nmld Miss Ktiv) b.-ih FI vans left Friday for > w Y • j-k to spend the sum-, m*r with her mother. \ ; h , v nid U itulolph Robinson I .mil U: , Roc rs of Durham, -spout ! rhr vv« .-k.-nd h.-rc vsitlne then '. - ter. Mrs. Christine Poonc-. f W. Franks. *B Sunday foe, Washington I>. * - .*nd N Y Visit relatives and irb-nds. M . A H Frank", has returned : h.,n. • :ei ..* tend ins summer, : . ,! s'. :.- 1 - r.-. *>- in It; | h-igrh. Mrs. Kila Brown ai.d i-lghtei of '' v. i i n a ,'.i —,‘s f Mrs t):-ra Franks Sunday. iv'': Murphy ' ;-•! 'I •• ms* H, - int-cting in Dr •> i July A pirate excursion v.-- .< ro Tf.o j»:s Beach on Sunday. K<iward Furl Srravhorii of the Naval Air Station of Nortolk. Y-i spirit the weekend home with his i>ar- nts ,\i I ... Fay Kina has returned, hum - She tins been spend it*; -he >■„ In - 'll !S (S . - M«S. Mi Henry Daniel Jeff for D :kc j Hospital Moud.i • Mrs a ‘ chard,, -;; ami , ilauahtcr Atma -nenf Sundc.v nf- | forno-iri her is* -vddic ii«a iefet. PAGE NINE TR -A! NIN G COURSES j BEING PURSUED BY ) TWO MILLION VETS A recent study by the Veteran# Admin btreiti-n discio.-d that the • 2.535,385 veterans enrolled ia schools and job training establish- Intents und,r the G-i Bill sand Pub j tic- I.u» 16 are working tow.jrd a : wide variety of employment ot>- j jecuves. Ir, the on-the-job training field, j more World War II veterans are j learning to be mechanics and «e --jjirmen than any other si igie catc i g ry of occupations. Os 85.348 vet j erans .n this type of training, •>£.,- (6ti wore learning automobile c i pairing, 1,644 were studying to h« j uirplane mecnanics and 1.135 were , being trained on the- job to be rad road and cur shop mechanics. A»- ; ether 26.803 were learning other 1 types of mechanics and repair ? work. I Thirteen per etiu of ah veterans training in scbo.Js and on-the-job, Lv total of 340,576, were taking u»- istitutional on-farm train;ay and -. : th,r agricultural courses. Twelve percent, or 822.264 were taking ousiness and financio! training. Nearly iOO.Oftj veterans, it the : time f VA’s survey, were study ing advertising, selling and related subjects. Another iOO.H.ki were ore . paring for teaching careers Q. What must I do L get my NSLf dividend payment at the e«> - ' Lest possible moment' A. No not write VA about your NSI.f dividend. To da so wiil cuuse '■ delay SpEciai applk ttion blanks iare now being prepared, a.ai arc | expected to fce available .n August | at. ev. ry port office vo'erans aes - • vice organisation and VA o lice. Q 1.- my wife entitled to tppor : i iMinent of my c mpersati m aiksr an interlocutory decree of divorce has been granted ’ A. Yes. and until -lit- decree De» I comes final. consumers paid an act.age price .of 55.4 cents a pound i r :p. iai ta 1047 Os this amount the farmer received 35.4 cents. The c her 2S ,-oents went to marketing agencies* the rcdlfoudif. packers v.li lesaiii 5, land refailcri By eoinparison, in L).t2 eorsumers paid ah average price -t 20 c -ms per i • i'd. fur ir.eut, with i 3 2 cents gang fur marketing an-i only -it- ■■-.to the , tr.rrnw. The Danluers of Zion Con /emion will .-iper. Saturday at 10 o'clock at Zion Chapc-l. and end tfuitnt'.y There will be ouiurtc-riy meeHi.g .at the Hoßaess Church igadair i with the Rev Sister Hint ‘ Rev. Sister Stanfard aaa Eisk-ip Joiiep officiating. t

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