PAGE TWO Notices • ADM INISTRATOR 'S NOTIi. K \OUTJ( CAHI)I,L\A \VA K E ' t' VTV HAVING ijrAUFIEP as Al in,.fni*Lr>nor of Hie Estate of »it’<>:■ **- , A'l!»ii Hinton, deceased, late of | V.'n\>e Coun'y. North Uundiiu,. this, is- 1" notify ail persons having "Claim., ngnim-t Estate of . ■ xhiliit. Ihunt t-> tli.*; VUtkrfcigneil at !1 r. East Has-- • get I, SI root, Raleigh, North la j 1 Rr.ii, rn »i before. tho In' day at ■ - ,?ni; , i 960 or this will ho pleaded in ri their remo •. .. All pel roll.' iqs'lebt-’d I" the U 'it" v ill plesiHu make immediate ft;, intent. Tliist 1,-'t day of .Inly 1949 K .s. CAI; \'A(.',K. Adminim nwor .Toly IC. 30, All' i >i. 1:. i : Aijjmimstp .vn.'i.vs vorm NOKTii UAROE.INA WAKE COUNTY 1 1 AVI?-- I qualified ct«. A- 'i ii'n- Stint;',- 1 ; :t the Estate of G-V o io‘ V''(Vbl , il.-coa-"a. lab i! V:'::i.v C ' No ■ ■ (..Vtl'idip . t rm'-f- a.-, tiavir,. ciairis ... .. lim i " ill .> E-of ;;i ;•: . t.-u at-cd , to ex ih'i t'o'in to "'to under.-iqnvc:' ; fit Ci! Oi'Crlin Hum,. Romiu'h. N, ; r i.’f i. i. or or btf • rn> i : , of t -;,l r >i I fr lice- a, ■' he pi i "if of ' 1X...- c ■ ■ \' ;u - ; ■> .-l I ■. of Fsxit, • ■: u a.aki i'v . f:x r,P nt Tilts CD- ... > of Jont?, i'Mfi. T< ! Ihm-ovxv. Adou I.Anx j F .1 Con":"- A.'-umy , Jutte tl, I!. July tl. IS AmiiMßiaums noth? xoti rj i X -\n< >t :A \ WAKE COUNTY , lIAYiMc i ..ill! if d ; ■ Afhrx'o t-xf. r .1 tor ?' b» "f M : V "o' " hi i< 1* Wake Count;- E" of- 0.-l' - x o.t ' .:,-o o iy.. -ol ,,--,0 or ox the x ll .1 ay o r.f Jo;,,- ... u , si tire will ):'■ Oil O ' . I' o v<" V All j;'"".oo-l to tho r ■ .•, v. ' ..... .0- r; - - A 7P,: "!'■ ' r.( .Tssoe 1940 !x r CARNACH. Axovu ADt||\l> tKM Hl\ \onn ' A' RTH < AKOI.INA \v aiv k t.. '. a ,tc ry HAVING quaiu .'d i>* 1 rix.ix of Co fx-ioto of Noah Hi ' .'-‘I. ' . 1 Vv ; ('■ f o' 3' tl'.. 0 4 (tv J!i pf 1" '.US- !'■ O1 • l-1.0.. , •; t" E't.Ue of sai l dcee.-.rtil to nvj'xit them to the ig' ai r o Box i6T, Ci - • f". '. •: • ( s' or before ihe- VAr-ii day r. <;F -x o Pnrvson v:! y HOT DOGS Sandwiches * Dinners BEER WINE | / * 'SIsV r-' * J>< - —-r--- * they i shore ; EVERY DOLLAR EARI4S THE SAME c!| l< e -' i RiTUaK AT FIRST F6OERAI : * Because I irst I cucmi >■- a imuual savings institution, —even dollar in each Fir.-t roUcro! n-vj;-.- V \ .r- ~ .''' l • a the ’.aim proii’n’ ■<. wfe of :•• lv:r i There's n-" •'ideim! tvpr A\ -N t-'s ' ■ ■ : ’’i —"V j el save-! nr nu.,;c.»ti /u’count W hi|« h caniinj: y> ; kind- are * .he; ---i Diet, ted Start sav-an, v h < ' Specialised Savings Instituti »n -sVm we-.-k. / y. . 'Jr. .... i\ ihe Nvinnioi; cot hi NORTi f '. A KOI 1\ A IVv AKK (•'. Krv non< i IAI FRF.',. GKf )RGF. V K '). : MARJORIE GEORGE ; THE DEFENDANT Marjorie i I Gt ol ':n. will t.<- r Ti.'lio that ail 1 ( lim entiiled o ab,.ee ha: liuci' j icOitimencOti in tV.,• S'.:;x.ioi Court; .0-1 \\ r■ I I. ‘ Ijl.ii.ll Ull üb ; lute divW ft on the Sl'OlSlid- al i.v\ i y.rit s x. ',aj'.i:. o,i. ,>i-eyidcd . ! is, [ho Statutes "f North C’urolu ! iiiooitii, and dejiriidan! having' iiv-; .'rate and ays'-t fn, m ~i- thau '.wo- ye.irs fit s, preoecding the sr.- ;. i itutii f. of thio acl.i"n, and ih.o ■.ci du' v, ill turtl'HT l- kt n tie,* i .i- . ill’ i. '.'•■(piired 1 e y • ~o iio- I'm- . f U:' *. .11 ■i *, of ihi Superior Court of .Vai.- Ce.'.n- N. it'i C..r< ; ii ■ in ire C'Jii:'.- h. .. I ;lt jc.ii. Me; ill C;ji line. ‘ ; 100 !fith do; t ! .July, 19!8. "o'y.. illda> .; thfilenft r and x o,- .'i r- nur !, ;he eei iphun. t; ,o tv fe thf C I’ll U.o ,!a-> red *'. itit ■ ■ d-,!;-. t-lELj- N t ONYEKix ' ' t I R.'if no:' C'.-ro ‘ F. .1 CAIIN AGE, Atlorf • y y- T'-Any.. si uh;\l mm I -H ■a: Air:' T- .mk Ad av ; t i''x;. : Jiia. Pa., arc itucvu itlfh- ye roriy. Mi*, xx Mi f>. U ioi: .spent tin- eck etui vviih Vh . Ail ■ parent;- oil Hiiiioy. N C. Mr .: ,1 Hr 4.Wi: -rd oi- - Ixtiiv I Wiili.uo -,-nd eliii -lai 'u .of No- Yt'c k City ,"s- the ; hio.-'s of Choir y. Tvlr and; i)o; i V ■ ,-) f": ■- I.Pi wo. O.' '.Of ..; r-; r-f : "e : : f'a the:'. }■ y, V-. c. of AO 1 I■' * I , ■ .: . f... 11 * -:r :;.vry 7.7 and "Kvs C. x -,- .1. A. . ■; .. d ro ?.'!•:i O' o: til; f;- "Xi l- .;!! o.i IV. a CY-s o.; o-oo o ot'n-r et.jiissifeitlly -■, ,1 Java i - % r"" — * ' ."V 1 % ip I p#"' M' H f *°°' nr I i i. z:«’ ’ i . " 3 1L *2l« I •- y K""- - Cr. j : j $ l Vl«-iI'tief Hi ( ,nmpaity» Tm;*, \r\\ )ork, ?»-V, ARC CERTIFIES V; AI HIGH H'-''fi.;t has tee | new water -x"; inC-wucfur.-. . 'u'x before the neve ir.struef >» ' -voi'a ee.titled by the lit d Ciuvy, ; (iiey p• iv• a swimiming and life ' uv ir-g ('.ration in Chavis Poll; pool Sunday afternnott before evuwd of ~lm rt .n)P peryon-' ) All tv'dvr stlidcfCe .jartici . paled in the how. They cU' .or, ■droted til' nine b.cie h-rpi. of svini' and the eleinfTiUu’.v | i io r.prraJhins. maltrau use of iil'.i- nil;;.-,. 1 (.11 lii-dn buoy .id t' IP ; ii.ii'd, The der> 'ns'i'idieu "H - incliided. swinui nr. roseuos. f"- i;. o t. '.o hoid". ’.vadirir, rosaiCs ; ’ ‘.tp.rchir.y voder !'•>• a vietnn ; ■ Cli the "i i,i(3..,, oh. a; ' method. ~ .' pit a-""- OHu -on I ;■■ ,op .0. ':;i: vicitui hi Albert .’e-n::-, ■ ,o.v ;l\e oio'.vd K't.n'y xvvVir : o ■ i'l.r-s,ly ■ f list ii>«tnii:ftf'f! ! X: r -.’id diii,iiiii pi'ii given ■ , .■ ’ n?.: t/1 ? • com PH HOC if CO( *fst. 7’he candor.ior mM-ru,'ey rc ' . , d tod, tv n u. of if. ■' C' .ot i. i. i for v mcHluii'- Tl.e f’,'-' ', i \Y ill; tn :Y1 i) ; no id. . t, . P M IP pi >' • c ; .it t r s.'ifeP' Servlet'S cl iue .".cnp h'd t ■ • .. to-d. iKf-i f, i io fir.;, • lit' O' he,lf'. Cltv n;d> ■ i!r;;cl'io:V i ii.i' don v fii 4"h: and; . o otiite t. ;x;i .u o.X" ,< v per ’ , ■ . j-, . ' : * ini t ioks Jyv R Aio di.iiidnu; C ex ,;H !. "iweici e'hednu .- James 1 i - , far.,:. a-.e- If Green. Ginn- . v. u d P. Cw-. James H Mill; r. ! ‘ y ■; NT, C. rr. ! o o;H,i F. M.m;;- n Si \ i>on P. Poo.Je, Clvuv H S.-tVKicr-s.) : . . . • : [ y i*‘ i•( li. pi i'C;r«»n*i di••! THE CAEOLTNIAN lEfiGUE BLAMES NEW YORK (ANPi The Na > rial Vi ban kuffue issued ~ -tatt uiriit nuie last week ;Cvi,-v Inf the inti-Negrv t. iwioris which have 1 i. i- p;.i.-d up during recent wicks in .'hi ; widely-gbp.M itcd areas; of s,. l.ouir VVashnißton. D. C. . nr! Youngstown Ohio ! The statement entitled 'A' • ■ ltrueiit Call Y Aelbm Te KiTon.i •He It. ;h!:■ of All Citizens ‘ .Y'lfk. o Disci iminaiinn •• To Use 1 iTiklu'i.v Owned and Operated Itec , mo,ion Kaeriitnchartwd that '-I," ij, - |-,.! v. e,pi Nt'.i'i oo - and jij, t-- .vi" 'planned, instigated .nut i,ir.enq d" i.y employes tutrur.'.ed , u tiiain'iiin difi.iyiine at the swif;- ! Tvne of fin- eitic- have laws, oi ii,i.:uu:es o, i";Ucs denying the stxc .-f f.n ;ilti li.v mfi.oPr iiivausi: ■i t ", x. ,1 ■-r color. Said the i A' 'pur. fajl.l.'t part Os oil'd!'' 1 ff tear is inti iiir.cntly to pr<'U't< Cn< hi I mi, q. s ' i Is"' oh • seifc to ini yi-' d'.r'iy -owned n'-i 4 ft;.i!,;d laoititn ■ !■ Si. i uc -'oitc an tvo , ■"a Ui diri’ctor of welfare ... flu rii oci r of I'-.-'i us ;,nd l■ I.y' ri niiti;,- t .at -Negroes nt permitted ’o use ' nunicij.1 p I ■ emp,:--yes ~i (he ; nr,!■? ‘'lhroatcnCfl to waik ... fio'.j inbs .I Negroes were ad niilv'd Thin el: ni apy.ijcnily • oid. i ivhu, youths ti aitack No • ' '-'OOS in V- .shin;;'on -- here -, : tn !iey wo • ei-t.iblished in 'H’-T' n.v tile D, c:r.! n’cnt if Inti", ini orcnoi v (Ho ;-fx *,X>n!s it con *!*>’- th, di.-tiii't u'crcatii-n der- r'- •d u; Cl! tins v. as continued ;o •>r N*"->! 'Ot '- tr m ttic free use of ■t. Ynunystov n no no eine. i n , cad . • s.u areas h,.- • • o, . eu Nog, from liMti. in- facilities The last poo! built ov.-ie,; in ~ neighborhood • f A . oo- ,n i there is ; f nan -on the -part of th« public 0.0 i ; vxclu.sjvciy for Ney.o u u The. Urban league look cel upon "‘•■i omens ( r fear ot of' ;i.o.' clash'. > :tt their other ;• •:'inputs' in the community' Ii ••"i* lined tlircc-po.nt • ro . o, .yiiicd for conferences ' vi* it city Officials entorc. itient ( io mi i it.v on - > - siito.' di : '.ratio:, ;.nd ss-i»rer;.tiop. the o. ain't that newspapers and sad in ■ "< ; 'f ’■ oiv* unbiased present at: ; io s ir-v-ohed - any dlsto: nee v Inch ought occur. SIAItVV SCIIOOI i,HO! |> COWKNF-S A ,:o."'ta. G.,.. i yN>• i The («eor '.:Hi Mi-ssiorntry Baptist Train in . I oinn ai id Sumiay Aohc-i niiiVOi "ion Hi id one of iis nt,,-" smcesi'i, auf o-!.)! tin-.,! ires iu-r, .-, -' week. ; Hi .nby.i.' i te- - s ", i. ,-i tit- d.: • ; m •:■ i;, H ijvlisi rh'U'ch Th*' IvOV K •r -tun . n;ir-- - ■ h won’t wand-: i - >• h f ;<*> f Hi- --- re i.i i; jo -cram it C "n"-' 1 - UIA\ IS IIKHfHTS ISY MAY i, fvßiOA'l'! K MMarj I’. i ..iu< us • SoitUt lim In N V i . with relatives and friend.'-. .ii:;1l Wit,'! Ol It;:v of to Gran 1 vilie Terrace ~ 1, hi :it,-vh tie- j j week" if! Miss \ Woids of Mer! j di:;!: Mies. Mrs Carl M- N ■ i! of J ' tyde I race who na-- boon ii! and confine .’ ■ iio h"." a part in, nt is ah > I" Ho on, . again Th" Tpats.'. fa' mi-- of At i -ml Mis t.oroy !’ i ,I on <>> 7I s I''.- v. tl |v i 11" (' *I; - - i!' oil tied" fliird amii v< rsa' y . M*— !-.o .Hi'ii Vc-r,. ood of iI• ■"!' s' s ’. el l.her liirti'da.i rocer.tty .Mail i no.'. !o f Mot’" 1 ] Nor V. ..,(>. A) • Nor 's ood, Mr and At" W V\ ,'! ,n ('havis May h.-d Ihm: Ho iso <:\ior'-s nv, - Do ••vc, 1 uid AD Be • \ icivco-j nf \ A Tit" many I• •, ink .if M rs- Melba ■ Tharps of " 1 1 , lcll l'< mo <• a r ■ i , j. •'; r i • •' 1 cry. Mr- Klia n. Neil of Selma V. f i. here vl blisr: her ihiUrJHrt . Mr f.arn Mom,' • f IHi V, Smith SI Th, [looker r W asliinu lon ('>• ’> wilt ne ot Sunday t -k ■' ,>i 11" of Mi'o IHli AHc'n ■*' V,, - fti'oiy ns I lo in l: Browtl of M'o- o- . v , (' who jo a lino, , of tin- Ga T Temple "f Klk- ' •:«< ::i the city t i -• ec tia'Tld vi-oii oyo . n M *»r Hi.'ks v is S'oHv V , !'; ■ n : o" the St:-,:,- \s-ocimn.a nl I :H am! to v ", IV. H Hon - s.i -fan Smith S! Who i. senior M. ■ or ci me Junior i sw yoi s\i n w TIIK i \1?01!NH\ THANK A Ol ! i 17 T> Q Lj Lj ! *3 TRA D E TIRES FIRESTONE 315 FAYETTEVILLE S I HF.ET BEACH HOME FOR SALE "Mod'-rn in Fact. lb pe< (.. lb dlb e ... j ;vmg Kinu.i, Hilling ib'-i-lV:, 2 Sun lbi<’-'> , :-' t Rib t Rat MS, J- ’ ] i lns«-d Back Porch. Garage. Taitaiu* < •.:• System }»»•. i | 1 a; . Avaiiahh - Ii tor injiTi-'diaf n Orcup.iJH',.. Priced bb 1 ’ Inquire Richard Rogers, Dial 964? Wilmington Savings and Trust. Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. f. b ry-^'. v lpr \. .< bSßfp R " “b I "Tv - ;.. ee SURE TT \__ ”T" • r.': ~ SV A Os ALL THE £ ‘ 1 m things you wunt ■t. *» .- . - erv - v § • * ya Thot new r&frigeroto». the ste*k modern tat, new fyrnifwre for the living room, the hip to places you’ve aiwovi wanted to see - they can he your* with reguior savings. Save now for the time b* when year doliar* wiM boy a tot more of the thing* ycu'vr wanted. The time to s»ort i* nest payday. Why net visit 0* then and walk oof . ... b r ;. j with one of our savings account book* and the ’<•> 'bb.^fcr. b b certainty of future happiness in your pocket! |SAVE now otj i & Farmers Bank |f DURBAM-RALEIGH f.i 1 > ,% tf6r hapfi?e. S:gfpDßM<^ot«is ; i Mill Rl 1.1 Ol At ITVII II S ■ M i.\ ‘ 1 2;tm pm. Scftball and Volleyball ! 7,ofi u! ft, vies and Talent Show Sunday, July :! I;!';!.', pm. Mu: Sc Hour .:oo i in. Young Men's Club Monday. Inly 25 i -,i p : i Boy-. Day Camp ■ /so p.m. Photo Club , (>:0(i p.u), Membership CaTrinrdyii 1 Tuesday, July ?ii ! 1-5 p.ui. Buy;- Day Camp • B.Su p To \n Meeting ol The i Ai IVedin s'.iay. July 27 , 1 ii .ii. Boys P iv Camp j t no p.m, YiVK A Membership C'am , • i;tit■ lit)a,..a Meeting r-.chii feature; Ci'teU i -a. Dor ni \. i .is r:ry, i joun ,■ Music Ri'.iiii Hi-cteati u R'> s ms *TaWt' • i .us. b. • ,iiig, chiu her:-. whist • i;ovhii billiards>. Room iicai-t.y. i; errs. Ceoi rclHny. Information • FuMii $U n :.i i\(iiu‘i , Civil' tVioet a !) . i..-i "A y; th 785 pointsc o-i:t! 1 K;’‘ - led Di’> i •B n it!>. > ; milt managed ;i’> A. f Turner - to,, fi-nt report | o■,o0 ■, o : : i it ‘. Mr ; if■ *. up io , ',| M, vUjb ■Hi h i l ' t , tv,. M. ( High,; 'or . C i! Mii.rrrsoo. \Y R i : ;io ii• i'sie. ttfoiaini' J./ms n, Cecil : op o p \ i .10 C, hr if Hai r.t -. A. F. ■vn and .1> w fth mir,;., Wed it .al y .uni Friday. .f’ p.m dm bo (ho c .roivugn to cun •iruii- through July ;tn. IJI DH Vn s ROOM AorT's Hospital. :••)-a I-elect r f Co ’■ (7.0 ■ fieid Mechanics | v pacing SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1649 Mrs. Dorothy Tr ull, .ireuv.. Airs- Con is." Nunn Wl ember: r Mrs. I. -ul-e Wel ker. Dui'iih; B,n, Phyllis ({:•> wood. Jennie Ch-tries Ado Brew• io Me; b< lT.;]i ip, t .tlo, in Uml, Catherine Hoi.iut K „ . Hay wood. Ethel ,Jones, it, : • it,. Hand VISITING WliSI COAST Mr- J. W Blackwell ot Roai.- ukc Hapiri-. N C, Mrs K. M. Brili i.f ? ! .rt-o ■ ,•!! ■ i! i<- N C ..rd Mrs. A K wn ami dimshtc ' '• J crab'!ire. of Raleiei. .. C . left Thur.-da.v for los Angelo* until • lie liral of Aunty! They wTi v.<- alion ata.i nst rut file We.-i Coast Tiie pai ly . topped a, (,t ikhinc! and • viritui Mr.-, yji.u'kv. ill's ri-b ,uW brother-in daw RKSCI Ml) B \BY DIES DAY LATER "fOYTGOMFK> I VNPI A nc'vH. born bat>> . buried tfivc hr her uni) i‘d mother, died hr: • July 1! jir t on*' and a half .days (([re *he ha*:! V.e.rii levelled l( fjy,. .iyr* a J - baiir •(;!'. in an eartlien tomb. Tin.' child v. ,e in rn io Miss Ida R«H:crts. nd was dis ecvereJ in the grave by Mrs. I iir,*lp Hum, landlady of Miss Roberts. I'pon removal from the yrave and examination to the count; (\ouftb. officer, the sn lant was found a, iv alive and in a "sativfftt Pr\ condition Hie health «(.: -tid that only a miracle null! have kept the hatsv aliv . in the grave. Ihe woman oil the h .«• lOWlia'i *i*i imiIMIiWMMIMMHaiMmiMMW j m,; t . R»i'. o. f JU GOOD ICE CREAM GO TO THE Frostv Bar . 507 E. Martin Street © Frosty Flake Fhick Shakes 20c Ice Cream - Sodas Snacks MAGAZINES tk SPEC I At AU SUNDAES WITH Whipped Cream .Sapping 20c I\YM YORK i \!l GOOD FOOD AT RE A SON AB EE PR iCE S Dinners Lunches Short Orders lOf F. I JargeE St. HUNTER BROS. FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD For Quick Service For BAG COAL DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 and “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way" Finance or Borrow On Your Car t through f he | BILLON MOTOR FINANCE 00. ; 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3-3231 -i-mr/Ti in jiiritun—ti «n TJiirwrrCtf r nrrr menuninl mnrwr nui T IMMflft ' TO NEGROES " ' <’HATTANOC)G( 1 Tenn. (AMP K; 11 ■ iiti< .s „f the main building of iiiv iiy ; üb'.iv unrary wen: re - , i, . s ,p. iiy»t i; Ni'gni adults by i ’ , :.i * > c;, > y bna rci The action, take: to solve the long . ........ , . ,I I ' I "11M,..1U1 * '.ij i .i ■ ;-'i, . f" i local Negroes allows " ;i! Nej;rc,t’s over high .. nr.,: ,L< ( use tbt t a oil i ties ' ! the nia; i u.>*•■ h whites 'lll. poarh teit (hat it. was not .a: ibl"" t> aftetnpf to build » :■ i p... at. i;i,, a;■ that would match tiio .-orvitiß white persons. H,sii. .'ii i" agr Ne.- roes ami those I ■ ; wi! continue to he :«> • ;cd at the lb ,vard High SchO».»l ii Pins To \d\crlisr!!! Paul 00. Radio Service “For La.-.antr Repairs** 211 GLENWOOD AVE. Dial 3-3123 We Pick up and Deliver FURNITURE SECOND HAND Bough) and Sold Easy Term f ail t <>r Ac Deliver ■ service Radio Hospital so Clay Sfr-'Ct Blume 3 055) WAKE :-alvage; co. Wa Buy arid S*D Ev«fff*Bfc*g oJ Va?u>» n/HNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS - RADIOS 337 S, Wilmington SL Phon* 2-2327 Phone 7159 SUITS MADE TO MEASURE Snakenburg’s Tailors 123 So- Salisbury Street J. D. Snakenborg Raleigh, N. C. I For Guaranteed Radio Repair | O i. ior A Drlivcvy Soviet RADIO HOSPITAL j 81.1 (by Street Phene 3-65511 | Complete frrn Home Furnishers We can furni. 7 on.? room In yeur home from the living room to the kiVbcn, St* us I first VV. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. 121 E. Martiji