WALTER WHITE RE-MARRIES SGŔFRETG m, t’KNT.-S AtU.VV UA\ i - !!n J>«,M i' S 11.\ \ | - At.ilVV !- >s shrv n Mr: Am >ni!.i K;i,!■ \:i. tfeonv '.Sim >Jri«j Snnilas in it Point at ;iir jRf Mi I ••;! Vi-.; IK-:.:.:;:J,f'; : . Smw. s m ; &#>dMiLyki&: •*■ ■- Iv.. ’ -^-i? J Sfc -'s-\ * mfcmZ*#***. } '# * ~ ■ : «l s> - " a* Is % - ;**r* ■ ■ ' st\ti- y\\cr i«» \r* rs • ('Ib.IVES VW Aim K<’!!>■ ;»1 *»•<-< .rl- (he- \ r, st>fr r*,>it< , n( '• \,\t r- I St'iWcht'- , i* h *» j, f'.r Ths|J»?in»«r \ i.t>ci thr fir i Pn?f *>* -i’r orj/ri }li . •!■ athivrm™) i, viif j* •,(» cfiHfCS'ej’r.f: »ji «■ 5«-;*r ->i Tbs Jty «'llj t 1-S •; - A »*i 4 H JT! *s+ <>»< ‘T A f f t< > om rn ((>.., | f hritij; prr.rntrrf h iii'f /i j;* Rep. Assails Housing Spat Point !»)<; ’’it s )v : (£<'./■'■? foj tl of RfloieJ, Wake ('iranif . ■ < ... :n;■«tiv-• .i.-oo- C ! >?)/<:. .It . >:■ -.v (•**•)*■ oiiT< -j j fl .. J'teCM.ifP Klifirrivol ItV fJ! (’ J>]!'Jinitf Ch u rch School, VCE Convention Holds Meet f*v iva m m i.i.oyr* ffiANKI TNTON _ Th.’ f; \V T Jeffpvjps deliver; cl 1::c oi< i.jny sermcn m the Pul curb D'.-tru.t Church School *id V;i• ;,-k Chi . tiau Endeavoi ( n- re • ? •- ■ n held it th-' R.--1 hk-hem AME Mother Returns Son To Road Gang I A ninpimi •year old rbiifiiyli yon 1 1» i Sack it n h Count.v j prison ramp Out ivtvU mil will proinb’-v cccain fro ii mi in ahmit Hln* riioiiiJjs his moiher didn't at him "dodtria* i lie j I?.*f lanviry fr--=«i V-'aVe Ponntv ,S'it|airior t'.m:-: fir »•,/• tm t; ..i ■ 1 lav;" The Wa ’I li-nuJay Imwovor. ho trap SI- .. f, ;>n , t j lt j WMfcd sung wl-.ifh 1| find horn ac-sDnefl. Pollowins hit oncape hr -■•■ni to *he harm of n mat Ipc in .\ H County Hi ft mother Htaroi"! whore hr «as when be sent her u mow *a#e atkit.g fur -Ini r in* eml money. Aft'-r »filing tier son ttm« l> ■ ••■'inldn'i earn a liv'.ne wen- dodglne ♦he lar, th*- rnni'h- • was ahle to po'-uyil** him t. himwtlf tm and escorted him l»acl: to the Nash Cos.iii’, Prison farm to conipleto his term. Pr.'.-‘oi. official* said that owing s., his return upon Ins mo*liar's ro they would class his return »s i a voijqn ta rv »n trend or alter having- Kutsived inur hur i .tiiiis anti '>:> of iii-r 17 i •hitdren, ■in- i■-: l !'•!") living lie-< r nda nt - :>tiry i n tins pa,. • I’htiti t 'Mu tt' > •- • High Paint Knit i ,>ri . k/r IS'VL’rs,. mfiniicr ,*i J.ju* ?v.<. ?i 1 ?ii*! hn/i ir3 of '1 h ** r - i*■ s s >f 5 h*> V;\A< r. ■J'Hf' <‘ji?i i > *'■:■’{i hu h ir-rt Ihr V * \\V f* •n 'ecal «sr of fhc fr»fV- j civil * ■ 11? > Hs:* * Cj?.!is(!*>** j fiitip'- ; fifi'.An :«nH i'tiv'v fir Ht. Th* Th3ft , ? ! AWfr * Mv:if d m:•> f?f »?r#i n $ 11 a. J n {; 4 ' ons r. t « errr wltph ttr ♦f* { .irrtttsiph .h. meet-, rhtrmr the <>; -'I J•> V*"- '' * > 1 f; J 1 1 1 ' j* jpf’t ; : for the ;*art of I | Hans fur thr prowt h ?f v C he-r. t«-rt by the ,1. W Vork firm. if V»fH tnijcfl on p/HR-r* ’t < n ! ZiA/i Church •*)? K ip’in. T: C. nn ' ' P id P"' "doer fur i.hv District* i. Ot.iir: s:'<- ke>> tnclijr ru ;: u }{&r. ‘ •O-M-inueo on b. This 1 THE CAROLINIAN | 24 Pages VOLUME XXIX FIGHT TO SAVE DUO pr> ( > Tf' ETQ R I iO i• i . ,1 s , :; - -'r -M s£. i ■u...,* i J aS, JLj$ Ca '\V J-' ?, .4 , s - yJ : I*J \j? PLANNING BOARD DELAYS OK FOR LOW POST HOMES hOiMi'l” i i'ojpfH nij AT j 1 hi!miO ]{ J Son?* Augustiv.o's t>)h j’ isl 71 of} lll'.'' io f '*ino-> i•’ {1 *.' *)S { * y , ' T( '(‘ »i > • {) i . ) ’ * j . j •fji o A* MI A f hOII j?p n - \ sst »■-;■• j nrolff t .! \v York, who Mm ' - Hold Riles For Young Gun Victim % tnl ffi !ran,cht :^ty'■'■■■, j • »--t|* illy ,ir *■ • c) -i if ! 'iiliMt-T s i'nnfi.ii .T * -.r* ;- • ; ■ •;; •■. >*- ; i;:.. i•* • ' ii- . i'l.Jii'ir .)I*t s<’h(.n- wl'if- ‘VI.' i>i i,i i' i*i >■ * i ii-i'd* •*' rifl-> in 'hr liand- **t j-la’. mafe- Tl»e mother was Mrs F’ ••■•!» Witlj-im wb-. <- sen. V:ji;k \\ jt liam- Jr. was instantly kilim Friday when *i *■> ri;; k -n r j h ■ l l h> •* hi ;I -1 from .-n *•• ■n I j ■"ter urfghhoring ohtldrer had bee” playitt,- ln yr-session of the - rifle at the «Jir- i lint '!!'(«' Hill. ~ r one Os 'he if <-1 -1 1 .;jJ -1 . i-!s \*.i s t - A: rovd'ns: to '•igh be - > ty> menuiei .nt the so > jji.mes. no 1 r< '■: rs ■' that the rifle H-liill over- five 'inf- i! ]:ir| Si-on 'l,-..; arouj'id in the hack yard aiid njiler the tiofi fi in- - i-uows wh■ - J % r.irir \\ i|jii*tns finis hod the ''.evoioli :t-. -j f V.’Vf hi’f - ■-i *-Itr;- 1 in Ji'iie i ji/1 would have oufimf'd ’-ii-h !.■ f-j This fall fii j iioit.-ms served a* patlhonrei :• arid tons: was •■up-.dif t >.v oii.-i j i 1 h fdT-in*< who wore member*, -if no r'lniottfar^ 1 c h r»tv] glee .‘sib 11 ' i! 'r s ntdffd by ■ r s a ■' hi fiat ..i . ’if. j ; ore v, P:;if f-h rroir Greenville )hr -0 vr.f . .-1 Anti-Poll Bill Passes BrorCiont.-tii-f. Charles R f»e -lie of T if .*, the , nly ’!... it of J i r .. .. ■f, ,;f .* , ■ rn t hip Iml lot m f V I us 1,1, ••'r.ti-po)l tav: that Ur io'il! n -.f poll tax o vot ini. p.-crf-qiiislHe is "an mterfor , cncc ' witii f-lcctions and ‘an i:;-. rail mint of tlv ropublioan form ->f gcvci rurtcoi." DIVINE ANSWERS! DAVIS WITH SUIT FOR ONE MILLION PHILADELPHIA - Father Di 'ine this week countered T’ublish er John P. Davit,' 5i05,000 libel suit against him with a trail on dollsr libel suit of his own »«; which he crkrgetl that the svuy ■" ."rich in "Our World Magazine”. | had damaged his retputation as a , ecfcurahman and a public benefae fh-rii iiiiKvl on put;,- 8, thin sortion NORTH CAROLINA ’S LEADING WEEKLY l: \!.i:iMi ; (>KTH CAROLINA EEK ENI ‘4 Jf » I # >if- ir JC S 'V..„ . . jit ¥ t - r %'s&£■■* vrs Y#- h 4 * r;’IS; “*•« '--lUv . ■ . ... •.*¥:■• - • j • / : - itiiSfa- ■ ?:•«*%« ?t-.: %» ; _'.St* . Jl.. " 4 -' ' ••.--sgj ?\ IK V TO S\vi HOOaMr.n r \IR - Former -*s i-: -m \ Altorncy (;on r 1 j o ? f *} m f* .»r f . a* he a pr> s* roni^r fjirp S-iM* v at ;h ff W ii{k< (’outUv f ’ ijirl ffoit'-.p pri : j' The mass meeting- v.i> f-aUerl The measure nose goes in the Sensife ... Housing In Raleigh (AS FI.iTT'OILI M ) It ;-ogre ft a bic th.'l t.ho t < or > Apgvif *••* <, :.rd I-,-. ;t«v.!jty»o H'.e posi- -on t o fi'-i-v 0" - • '• if"--' *! '•' ' homes for Nog pops in a lootion •* »; ‘ iirify ’■ •;r o >'• • ' iTutrif. But ;t is hlin be a party t.o sa<-h RCtirm tty hoi-tiry op project as :1 ’hero is some fj nr-lion as to the.* ; :g'*t i color*.l’amjiics to bocootf: iT-.iiicnt * -d i .hi-', ■ :‘ r ..-* With only a mite of land left, in th« eastens ?>:•*i of the city for on. 1 ' use ami with f.lrno-i *,. ( ti.*gnfion 1«> this area through various white developments in other .sections, it is unbelievable that f !v* officials 'wo.Fd n:-'- nut-ely assist fmthi-r any ;• nliotagina of th-i.-, much ;•*-•• dc i Sow.cost housing project. If very Neyro citizen should bestir himself ‘ save i! Greenville >r<>m the ehamher ir ih« ■ .;s 4 ;vt ;:r " ; -’’ll-'i " ; ; ; » . —'.'. ■'-•■•. ■.■•■,§■ ' ?ai : . ■*.i’fes . 5 ■ . •' ' :■ . : - p- J tr , .. fir* 4?,: mr . ■ . v■ 4 : • ■ " -4 4 > ■■BP- - ■fesdl? f %■ 5 -c 'S 4#*,- .-ffv,;.! frffiMf. •w ■' • i :. ’IiW^SrSBHBBSSaP B zed innrrit';- <,f 1 r.rrtraU eiii drive" r v)NM,tVI.»v ’Hi JO l. V Sl-Jfcrii \KJ) •fimo i r.\u O.L.UIUO - ;,, she «:->.»,'P. ■ ;i *■ • ,i, < tU. fi J ;•:".‘.TV V. n Ur-ifjJc .v , hiiMet iTotn :ji j,'! "'.''..’aiib-i c % - f?ti| li:m Wl&v. .*v- ■ ss« VITTIST \?-*l wpeafcer.*. «t (lit \i; Baptist SING! ,E | COP Y iVC O rti j: i. c: hfinifQ n’t km o to T;;7:v fhTI » * ’ -.i a* ' v ' ' ;•;» Xf% N\ «•»«, «r*'. « • - r „ ,- • * K kT < -5 f , ■'• , - ~ Jf .»• i~m *A i ri'ii • ',\Uh . hi’lt (to < tl-.rr f fit-lid-. ii*«J bf > - jvjiytni. at W#t l-'i 55f iijtj .Tei in .1 and A tun.' ■ A«cu < ( 1-5 in RiUfijh, ivili he Out eaw W Kat Sc»il J<-;t In M<*rdoo«s yi Johniswn. NAACP HE AO WES TO EDITOR THEN FLIES TO EUROPE j J \F,V i'OHK OWP) —The ru in ni'i'fi rm i n'ltice Walter I '-V:;:‘ tiiK.l Mu Poppy Cannon l,c --i ■< 1 onitty ", it van veoorted | n jm r; ' ; ; mi w• 'i _ ‘ they 1 ri »mirrl ;• -J I'.: ,- befOl'C bOtVl j’• f» ■ 1 uop" during the first j work of j'jly , , ip.i "'n f . i-rcuud man -■ r/' ■ •■ir. ' from hi- t‘r;t • i' ,• tro in Mexico after 27 • mi ! >«-e They h two I • ■->! nvi" i , n p.,ge 8. this section CAROLINIAN PHOTO nn <)i ? yriON when yen :, » i t H flOil I fio y M lM»f! th i f you ITC t .. *'!? .i *»f r*lhf r V‘** Ml group?* i Hi \V - H i It S: : f: ,Jj,v WUliam-T insiruc : \ ill ■ ■ i •', ;• 1 r ■ ■ 4 »y i ‘ t!V;» M? WHMawi; rt nv ooii'Un- ->nd j t\ r :*» *•: *3v !• 1 a* ‘P •' ' f* M >’ *"£jt until th9:T t?VO < ?. h 2 vg re »• ' ' ■.*!! * name ' - ;• v. JVo- i >vc4d that by * - aly nr.* ir.i f -tith the i t)*v ,''\f* •*■■••*{ : t •t.-’nd bi'-UTiesvi is - -»- e.)t, aH itil equal • : rt* sv re.- n'OU :: of- - •' -•'Tii •■- i s StiMekl-ibid. 22% Free - "J firm bi'-iv ftnjf J -to 4 Tm glad ■' m At time* ’ :Ppyy- as though .... •? v ' “Th ’• e J ? % -i ;)2Ct\i re re pia..... :itv [ : i" _ f oo.n>idcv^bla >1 r>. - tri ’SKi r - ; .t ».)ver .. *f«. aiiionj as I have Knovt : ■ vV:i '1.2 thb' past, ud while I ;■ 1 • it!lfv ±B.y that it 13 }>■•.':,.r ail staui, "ncr of. aT! ssit-S a opif t line; gain.g ! j • e ' . -v ih '-Vi. ji '4 r -v -er .i fme, * ;Mt »av t">«e n.*eny • n , t . n: r-j •;• ! rs j n Mis*: f h.9mp?*l* rnakifi.a certain ■ •iN :• r o rv:~* ome ; i'■■■ satas... •: % iuel on pace 8. this schion) WwAiiiste. I) C. (center) and Dr Mary MrdLrod Beth one. WtosSs j injrten. li. 0.-Ttaytftn*. Kin, {rlgrM> .