VV'EEK EXDIN'G SATURDAY, JUT-N 30, 1919 WILLIAMS DEFEATS ENRIQUE BOLANOS BY TKO Gillespie Says Bop Is Here To Stay f BY DIZZY t: ILLHKii K (PUR AXi'i Why do ! have to write ;tn e.r tiuie about bebvp being here a stay? It shouldn't b* tic-cessury ft should be obvious to atvoiii that a nesv style of niusic, auv Irtish that adds sora-dhim; to wha' wa•• there before, is going io become a permanent addition. A!! art gne-’ forward, never backward Art bebop has had so much bad publicity, and so many people ar • ready to dig a grave for it, that y< Sj have to send out a little 'Dim te:-bopagandsi. For exampl* people say h can ; last because there’s not melody or becau v it’s loud .at ! tost. Those people jiv«* haven’t lis tened to the nmsir, or they have been misinformed. The truth is. th* re is :-o mu 1; !u"l.r; > m -\ ,{il*i don’t b»*."!>• it Huh* th a r Sl> - - ftrtv tine's don ‘ follow ii n dSprstami it. •jlftlusir. ail mns-i* :.- ; i •' u' til! VI tilings Del",' ':• ’ • Btul hnnnnnv. The kind . • ' that's. come to be known u has taken jazz a little fort In-r a lon in each of those three d<--psrt le’iia AVe play notes and phrase arid ideas that were ‘•wrong’ by vjons standards Well, it von l ark into the his?":; >; mu-n • ■ am other art, you’ll find the pie who really cot . oniewhere w. ;he ones who knew the rub - let' also knew ho" t« !■ -k I i Bret t v soon. after the rules hav, hffti broken so »jt *•:, Dur e. . one I : aoeustorned to d. \..i| S new set Os nibs BOP IS DANCKADI.E Another eoniplaiut against G- ■ is that people ran t <! -nro to it. 'Yc.il, [■. ■■ s. , u ni-oide thtnrim t ■ on band and to our ID’A Vi. • ■ recordings such as ‘ Sw< d • 1 Suite all over the country, as a t> 1a• r. - of fact the' think ih" Afro-t''ul.a.i rb.vt.hni effects an t -p*. i;dl> inter •st. ' •». • - |he tjur || j BY A L MOSI S | | ! m ■' * • * Ql 1 SIIDNS AM) ANSWERS NEW YORK ANP P A1 M so.. Name t..a i.. vs ight- of , event 1 . > "■!4 "To ir V,j•»t:e’i • .id Ike Williams • tin ’ d .' K ■•*■ - V. d, Philo.tDph.ri, da •’A. Billy P« '■ lb Bailey R Hank Aimstroin i.ou ’ Ymb i>. Tony Can?on-, ri or Sammie Man dell. After Benny I.oouard's re 'irenv nt, it v ;. p , ; . ,uei . i.gi.t at hi bs t ); A wist r ng Who are the Negro fail pla- • ers 'haring the I -chill snot light with Robiiuon? A’lrgiilf sim| kins, V\\ Orleans, i. :.y Dob;.. and Sat. "d i\ ,d . inci; , JXd N« .v. .it. ?. Cc.n'ipaneU, Dodger:;; -. v twin »r.•• Henry Th mpnv N ' <«.:•. Sarr. Jethroe. Mont:.,? ■ (p.fon.a -tirr.jl league.; Lu ! -'..- 1 . • ;rc- to Mi no-,. s;, r p.drcs, wio Liar- Bar;kh* d. S’ Paul. Sutra- There art more in cngnnizdfi o il! bp the above ; d standout.- just now Who is president of the Negro American league? —l.ll J.. Raleigh, N. C. Di J B. Martin ... Chicago, ii, who also owns the Chicago Ameri can Giants club How many home rims has Rev C'ampanella to date? How many have Robinson and Larry Doby ? Joseph Rawlings, Bronx, N. Y. t\ Up to July 17; Doc.v had i 4, Csmranella, 12 and Robinson lo With the I, rooklyn Dodgers lead in jeopardy - according to Branch Rickey, who do yen think wTH be the pitching staff workhorse other than Ralph Blanca? Roger Thompson Last Orange, V ,1. Don-uid Newcombe, vi course What did Joe Louis say re cently of Ezzard Charles? Bob Towsand, NYC 'Hos like Higgins ■ Detroit Tig ’ ■ the fu 13 pi r,y e. s nc ft;-slit Now pTaying! ! JAMES JUNE STEWART ALLYSON —IN “The Stratton Story ” i —Starts Sunday— Barbara Stanwyck Robert Preston —lN— "‘The Lady Gambles' 1 COMING SOON . , . Clark Gable i “ANY NUMBER CAN PLAY" s i • di- : > it anu “i' liui very ofte.n pcopl.. ilont whip hi dunee, thev j t;., i wuii t to eerie uj * tn the band and listen to tV nuisb They pav tlvir money and they take their ehoie,'. is Unit bad? I’ve ;i!.-.o .-eer, at»ides .saying ittnt bop is a flop ('.ntninerruiH? iihl Die pub]ir >vil! i i'cr take is. it That’ a buuti! Cop is ntnkin,’ so nuic’i headwny that you > ven 1 lieui little snatches of it in stncly i .-piTtren'iiil bauds ■ r. toe ratlin, in 1 lip Paiii'le typr irrangeinent . evn Bing f’vnsby and Franl. Sit tro ,iv» ’■ ■■ ■ .yni/ed the news value of ]ft ), and recordeti songs about it UKOrLK DC)NT rNDKBSTANI) Tbe only r'-.isfiti people tn to iear dot'll hop is herause tht* y ’ .b 1 1 *'i understand it. ff ’bey would v.e: lmld of Leonard Feather’s book, ''lnsidi Hop”, travbe Uu'V’d *lia ll c. ; heir mir’d !,. ona; *1 lias Iv-.-n sigh! inv tVe- nur kiln! of music rir-'i: 1 f'.iiii ibe -tar: and in the book he foßs the whole storv of how dr 1. V' V V.;-* hern Ulld d e Vi■ i. "S'l I Uiir, be . a teal • na'' ' (lie music, so that pi otyle who .• j ■' Whi4! ' :r liiiitll.v hav« that question an<">-'.‘ • *1 Am I t'ours*‘. on** li*.*" \*:y import h r.t answor to t)?* • }■. »>]){ -* who soy Ih>;> flying ! ti-H t)iom to look back into som; \ oi th:: maazino nnti nr fill's iiml ’*l7 Pcopb , wprft sityinc RX A<'THV tho sa:. tbitn' about swine, which wjis sii| v.ftt, ,j to ho just it now fml Th< : };m . w. u stnyofl ami tndav i t’ > tnkon t’ui uvnntoe} th.it jns f ah ,, 'i 1 • v < ry jvopiihtr hnnil : wir ; a r So personally I’m not worriotl Ibtp licro. and it’s hi h»- ■ ar mud a hum time, in so ! .it all -hos.* p.aaiib- nho arc s a bus nia paring for its funrra!. ' ’ very T don’t think he can Do you recall that clever re mark Jackie Robinson made io an Evening Journal reporter in N, Y about fighter Ray Rob uiMin? Walter Battle Brook lyn. v Y the Gavih n-R _ bn.son tight, the ball • \ Ion? ..• P. y Ror ii’ ,-n keen ■ r winniiii; M'o’ll k'Cp him in the Sniit. • P. S. i Ray R'-bic .-e s Ch iHcn •••cinKi is . . Waiter Smith > f ront iPIO thru lf'49 who would you choose as tiie four test heavies: th* - two best 175 pounders? Roy Lester. West Point X Y AH chan.uuvv - Jol'.iise-n. Demo '*.■>. Tunny and Lfniiu. Sam .Dan/?- foid and Rid Norfolk for 173 . pound*’rs.. f S. 'N rfolk, tc.iyht them .'.ii with one eye Winded for 13 years.) Has Dolly King, ex-Renriais suttcc basketball star, really re tired to the Riverton Housing project as an athletic coach or lomething? Pat Williams, x Yc ]>• j rt> iwe it that King, has tlgm.'d with t ic 'Hhicuj.*. HoruT.'. -Jimmy Powers ‘Powerhouse the authority for this statement KEEPS PIT Wrestling with blocks <it con crete i- Tail ’s football i i*p taSn-chi't l.evi Jackson s way of keeping iri shape during fnr summer, l.evi is currently cm pi veil by a local contractor cn ~ crew repaving a section *f ’ate street, one of the city's lion nlown thoroughtares r? •' ’ . ' Jfe " I NOT WORRIED Dizzy DU ’<••‘l i o net worried about the intm'i- of hel,op tn fai t lie sacs tbit it- going to be around a long lung time, in spite of all the people who a e -o Imsity pro. paring !' r it- funeral TRACK STABS LEAVE FOB NORWAY MEET n : :vck nv-n '-vht* {i . i »n: Nr\v Vtvrlv Ui-t week to t‘ri-: i :c in du-.i • tr.icK riK'i'is hot cp \ 'iev- nd • Se;itnp!;r»\ im n;Pi u, m (hio. Xor\v;:v ,?niv 2d < win: hn ninvi i*. m Kuropc- ; ! ■ ■ ri ;•.] ... .«!•■ State, ami Ho»:> 1 . if .If K c.r ri S« *ti! * HICKS SCORES IN FAMCEE DRAMA SERIES TAT.I AH AH SEE Richhrd ’. I]-,.'. Ip' * -. 1 (t ■ t TC'e t . ; ■ . t.i i ■ i ■ id Fine Avt.- f;-.e Eb : iY anii W C <- , Jays Jijiy Rt as cm of hi- major; He p* ft i ave( i fiatui-eri l* 1 les ini One-Ai \ pcjy ,j, - . • j Over :I j o th M . ... ■ Wilii.un- "t tbe r .,,i| , a, a chaß N'' l and i;. .1 Ra:idol;..', ly.! i.c .! i.. i •,:-•!• the air. Hr \va i.” n m Ab.’x:■>ndot i.i,. 1.f0.u •: ,r:n ;rr atf: de c! roabody | High Schoo! ih a. H 'TaJiCd ..t Delaud fie’. . ■ c . ..me s- mesh.T bef'.uT i ■ ri t.'i- Arrr od if., re.;, -erv • , 42 morti'ns .n the-! Army .vi’h 27 nf the-n si.'ft'.t i.v*- seas, fiu.d ill jnen the rank 'i Sc:- tn art. Hi . . i ’•• ;.:i (i H Sc-c ■ The He ’.’ .jah C..rawin ’ wf.ii.h' traveled iov ,::rn f: r ’■ . E’trsian Gulf ;> ihi Co-piar. So. Upon discharc; irnm the A'’mvd F r(•;..-• lie si filed at Dillard Play er- in T . v With Tiv > F ” fit- the e ’lb ntruriTsii'v of the Amcriciiti Miuhcnarv A-. ; - I ciaticn ai Cm:' ! Cohep'O Life 'o. adnc :.1 *“d . full ivt*e pic ’• -e of aim i tin, tui).. the n’lc wiisb it DiHr.rc; he red sttccirFill - ■ 1.; ie h varii. roles tc.'rr. fee iffi ii. iH'.- "S. vt ’With T'v) Far -’ ' Lh'-v .iyh Dentn in ••Death Takes i i Holiday,' DckiWii in ''The Gc. Fa tier 'it 1 1 a Be’ ::ium ' M;,.' i t.;u Soaeiish An*bassadoi fhri.'-T mi ..av.-i.cii A’ Florida A. ..nd M Colldkc he; --tvi_*ij m Stud nt Director of the F mere PI, ■ , .kers Cuiki niri . i tort m plays . iTurmilatiim 400 , y infs He )><v n.p. nied tin Gulhl < i ,U lan ; ■ '.HI' u!u hi : pne.n i. St; i i.-i fu. i* the Ann raan . l R' m; < ,d Jiidson in Fa. fn i :T.a eh iv A atie y Since then tic hm :pi».'iircd ’. wetiiy-oru; |UO- I duct;->n • T "Ki'rtti and Stars” in even sinter, Florcla. Alabama. ! Gcorm Ie ai 'insi.'i. Maryland. • ; N r :th Carol in; ..nd N\ v Jersey. H is , ‘O'- .ii -.,1 the South ! evn A. soeifiturti oi Dramatic and ■ Speech A’:s o te • Pm Phi Fm j ■ornity. and a Mason. BUFFALO BILLS |;SIGN OONWELL BUFFALO M. Y. For the f -si I tin.< in its chive year liisiorv ! Buff'do Bills of the All-American I j Football conference sign, d a Negro ■•••. Eduard i Comvell, noted cast. ;orn track star. Con well will occupy a halfbat’k ;spot m the Bills’ T-lonnation. He ! holds 'Mi uerotis sprint chnmpon i ships, f.a ' * ear be was a member of th.’ t... nn Olympic squad. K« •is enh' ’ T the 60 yard dash J record • die ilUlaiy Tn A<Wf‘tW' ; Raleigh Monarchs Defeat Eagles, Play Here Friday Nite Th* Durham Kudos wore del ril ed 3-2 here lost Sunday by U' Br. Io eh A! - rchs. behind the si:: hd. i in.biny of Knuckel W rnack In nr.‘licit. ’ fifth ctciory of th( i . eriscn. Yt "iri.u k v in rar ■ form, | .’arnhii : ‘’rurtcen and p;'-:inp only ; f., t* li Barber twice. Roberts Kr-gle hurl v. gave up only right liif bu' iwo crvor-i pr ved hi-- undoii'e. As early us tile first frame bins cti.-cd th. i bolh club* had come to battle I" 1 ' bath -iiU" < ■'■:<- ro • Jreii on makes Durham sco’-cd in i ihe t.ap of the second inning when | Br.rbc.- walked, advanced ‘c nd ;P;d fMii ■ a " > by «;•••:! . p„■ J 1 Dcbli.atn mi . eo. <<l C!i C Snaff "itficld I’lv ’l’ac W"n --: • ,-.fs tic ; m. in their half «mm Life S 11 ’ W;! 1- dr vr • L:v • ■ ~ halls ar.d : dvnncvfl •<• second ,h. n Hollc;. F y fumbled IT ' . -South’s i imd a. Wi.ii-r V di.am ,ih! Smith tried . double ; i YY Mi,mi- \y is nipped «,n a bCiuiUi'nl ■ i front , ■•:chi r Campbell f- rd :...' nt. ll '. i’.-ge ’'Leftv Kvi'iV" •a d 'ii to •• •.■'■ it fu Id. but Bill A ilni'v in led Smith home. Tin' Murrells pp' (he ganio mi . .!•■ tin fifth fi ami William.' 1 . ~n w .Iked Ragsy Smith lined a m left, •’t.cfty” F.v.’if flivd • r 1t,.! Wilder -anglfd. scoring Willi,,;:is. flaggy- Smiih -cored <>n \\ rinack’'' t 1 Idea c'l'ioicc. ’lhe Kagii ■ cr.iiie charging 1 nek .Greene was snR cn Brek(.rvii!c’s Rooerf sacrificed him to ’ seer ed JMumm.-r faivwd but W'»m ;fi sc ired Green Durham corf in. iin!’ v i atoned c- '■■ b’v in * T,‘b ano .inf; If run , Plnircnc, • ipcned fm ei?ih!h with a sharp ■ill do Th; p the lb" b f, !I> ’■ file, f icadyiif itr-elf for the cx !" J,,.: I■; b Barbee. former ; .fa run king es tb« Negr - A met - ftm Amici: i.«n, worked W muck ■ 1 I f, , u - After \V .Ohio’s attempt .. d sacrifice had ebb'd, Roy Dcb !) Os ar;, : ked YV’C mack dm.v!. V' a 3-2 i.■ amt only to go down -wincing. >c,d hue; Mien began iu breafhe pc.vf' t ply Lut the Kae.irs were t."I. tar- uah Atte! <’anufeil had i >on di.-i.'ost'ci of. C Smith doubled ■to th. .rcoDT laid fence Wem.H’R !' Greens bounJor over the : on •; nd ; .cd hin; cut at firs', vitilv ta’iding Smith on -ec-nd IT;!: W.ivier was the t< aditig ’at ter : ih Monas. k, ■.> ;th th; ( > f f, ■ N ■ Fa ;. id;i'. : (•. : nv. e ’! i'.i Dlirh: r, I :gie< reaih !: d i.-e fa: ; upui: tht'ir i' Ct rr m -t u? ITi) >i ? ‘Vf U tCfiTV; H ItilS svc. tor ii! mail) v ur- n. V-/inysti - like C'-dthfa v' unpbeik T.im. p.ec ru. o Page. Short-b-p Won.. ■*. it: 1 ;\ pev-ei i tbe u..ii urki keep i a STADIUM ecHOEs ITv VERNON JARftKTT i- He.nio Run King Luke Ea tor w.dkitv on bi-fn legs and it rumors v.’cic dollars, he wouldn’t :nave to paly another ipunc in his 1 . • i ■ pn. i that wh a; Cleveland sent the wmsation d . okie. AI Rosen 1,» San Dim;o That me- nt Easter was to stay in Cleve l. nd Rosen tias taken over li ft bo.- unci i: doin ' what was expect ( d of him. For ~ while d appeared Tribe . President Dill Veeck’s conretence v. thi.o in- him i ■: ~ ; r bagoi'd •>:; Muster, but not. turn Tiiu- ; ii’iee emld .-tilt* tre case thufy San Diego w!• hardly v. m the penant cvoi with Easter But Fu te could gi\e Clovela: d the needed punch lor tn-. pen nr. ’ , r.i.'n’.e :!.c ’eb Furtheimoc in se'td ign I.cftfießioi ORESTES MINOSO and Ro-\ n < the P. dees. Cleveland I;.-, p. rfonr. d if duty a- a fr-th- M I.VO SO BLASTED ms mylvh none" in the Pa.din Coast leavue Ur.pt week guiu-t Oakland Fine N* n- e ,jla\cd m that ..eu Sh"ri stop ART IK WILSON end Third Baseman PARNELL WOODS i f akh.tnd, and Catcher HITCHFV rod MIN OS O of San Di go NEGRO PITCHERS -n mv >i (teams have proved t > V;e good lif ters When opposing batters start foejna off a.'.'Ttinst Me.ntreu.l’s D U ! Bar.khe.id gels mad at the- other pitcher. Last week whoa Rochester drove him from the game it: th ;seventh inning ho had a perfect d. ' at the plate-batting li for 3-- ! li)d a vp i ; I run- Ford Smim ;T the Ji r. •’> City 1-it 11 *. Giants is •v“ the best pitcher in TripV' A pitchers in the Gagin. The Little Giants use him often ns a pinch jh if tor. The •'•amv can be said <’’f Bon New combe of the Dodders. • who hits a long ball SATCHEL PAIGE is the weakest of Negro ! itellers in organized baseball this 1 season. BOOKER T (CANNON BALL' ' McDANIELS, LOS Angeles- boric ( ; lost a tough one last week to the Fortl.TnS Reavers TH.: Appels lost ; 7 to 3. but McDaniels - gave up only; rrm carolthtak? ‘opi'o.oig hurler.- 4 jit'ery Dorn br ,inii re, t end All the fan.; applauded the work of Catcher “Red” Campbell. Os. e'.'.nvo Barbee and Debnam are a - ilireat:-. a.id have a great h eal following. Roberts young rknt ti r.cb.T. gave a good account of ■fnvbeif and is desiinert * be n !•.'* of tiou'ole under the lights. Ihe Menai eh- had a repre.n n'a- I v<’ club too. Hazel Clarke, to:m Tiger tkiirdhasi man was up tn hi« i Id atr.it; in lib' own sp t. ll* laid i :cl \vn a rwat bunt for a base hit and; ’ te: lit for the- fence only to have •Vbnam t..ke i' aft . loiv run. • •e- T’.-ik. -. ""I ui’-Tiffled •nor’ - • : ....... i, . y. , an ; rrn like a . . t>*l and s'vii'.j..)’. g. d .nty o-'k '’ kervi!)-- ••*. ed Li be him - «-11 ,;t second ha>e in U»te of ..nv eu-eue Hn > atting eye w..> lie,!'.;lv -.1 L‘on:.: C-Gradv El..>fi is jilfivtnq .1 !ii>« d< - ■ . nn';. -iv ~n g new. uoi,.illy hits to, , i.hc OifcuU (I til,. • ungvr i.layers I ittv •-nn ' Will.,mis. who etn.- equail> t horn.; he'.nnd tin- but ot ai the (.1 (Titno', with a .light di-plr.) 1 f .bar '.ling could lind hi- place in th* 1 a n .- ere rr.mv days He and Bib Wilder, are loaded with b ahull • ; dent Let • Ev, . . tim , > r atest ball hawk, will be in cen tci field. La.-I year with the Ashe - villr Blues he was the hitting sen-' : on s: the Eastern '.no A' (lie ■ • present bis hitting is no the "P a- ;' Haggy Sn'iitii n es: field ' ev; Sunday gi.ve the tun:- tii-ir 1 * nil .-it. hi- most ("l uiib. Hug . .n\ ;to)! win. ■ 1.,!,*. : ;. tv-, 1 ! '. Bill wi'.o Ciift -: , Kn : kies Won i- BOX >1 ORE K II I : r ;. 200 .iff\ ■ g i DIRHAM 1 AG! ES \B K H t P:.:". i e o l : Bribe. II 2 11 0 Deb: am. i 0 I 0 . Ccinijbei!, ini 0 Ruber!.-, n 3 0 (I 0 TOTAL 33 2 n 2 RALEIGH MONARCHS Alt li H I William.’ V 2 1 l 0 R Evan-. It 1 0 0 fi if. s'net!'. b 3 2 b 0 J Evan.- r! t n n n TOTAL J 2 J 8 1 THOMPSON GETS SECOND HOMER Sec-end Ba-’uuu: Hfniy Tr.o.'-p --•■■■■: Iped ■tta : (’; N. ’ . 1 cue horn: .on high into the rigut i’iold balcony with one man on base . io r : to i.oip he New Y»>rk Gun,.- swamp <n J .at: 13 t- 3 Baltin:- :| to o Thompson scored . I'.yii- made ’> putouts and 2 .ssists.. Monte Irvin, converted outfteldei. j was mi third brut' and hatted ?. for ( 1 including a double. He sc red j iv.iee and also drove in two runs . RAMS SIGN WILLIE GIPSON Tuck:’ Willie Gipson m Prairie View’s 11*48 football squad vovimL ed lasi v.trk that hr had igned a lucrative eont.act to play with Ti, 1..,. A ll g< Ie- Rams ot the Nate nal Fcotbull Hague this laid He did >,”t i- ve i! t l ',. term.; of lb. vntrrei. While at Prairie View he played guard, tackle and center Before goin. !>■ the war. Gipson . nlay(l ftiiiird and tackl" In 1.147; •ie p!,. ed tackle alone md l .st 1 year he played center HEAVYWEIGHT TICKETS GO OIS SALE ' ’’ NEW YORK - Ticket.- wont on _ j sale last week for the August 10 1 . Elizarcl Charles - Gus Lesnevich 1 heavy ’velgbl title fight Price.- I rutire frem sl6 50 to $4.00. The | bout will be held at Yankee stud- \ ’: him. Ch:n ies : tra:riin < for the bout. ,1 Pomjton Lake-. N. J., and Les- 1 1 revich is training at Summit N J. i We often wish that, to prove ’ i friendliness, it wasn’t necessary 1 . S every day and twenty times a dry jto remark the weather, the state of our senlth. and th* coritifilitlon of; . j business. bball, hut he (s one of the baftintjesl ’Struck out. six and bated ■ne tor I AfcbJ CENTE RFI ELI) E R I. A R R V DOBV was riding Hie bench l uf'b.n while bis team Die World V Hampton < le\eland In dian* honed to Fit’ Nr-.v York Yankee- an dtll tis peil 7. 1-2 games bvliintl He uas 'ufferine fro'.i m mjmi’d Hltityy arid an aching in art I 111 night Jtrexnui- be was the leading runner with the buses loadej in a tight game with the Yankees No t itr was out and he •food a rit.inee ot being thiven in. Hut Dotty couldn't wait. Hr elect* d to steel home plate uith otr consulting w ith Manager f <*« lAoudrt in He didn't make i! He brui ed hi- arme and later Itf.ud the sad tidings of a fin .l taking "to many . bailees Boudreau -aid may In I,’iat fine would tnak* him more careful m\ urns: , ( '; tut- . 1 t r.'Mii r -e onv ; r. nt .vo ie id up u* a r. *n!’ es (>( ..e ,,»111 white residents -,i I,,utg\ :. a u i ernparativ<• Taking titutt. tss’tt with lit* 1 pro les! Rt’Jiresei’.iat IVe Little I til*' i < :;• Unit tie white > osici. iu - had - hose); of theii owti it'<a ■ vvi.l It) build mi pnreh.’ * 1 ll"ti]t s in an arvi ■, j, j - ;g ; ■ [ t/> ,t, |,} tsh ■■ 1 N-ar.. re-ill* t . b »'bl-*n h<« ’• A DYt’K’A’i 17 OF 1 1 ;*< ’ IJN'i’ Ihli'SING ~ p • sf-ti* ai; \v Lit tie. w lie let* long h**eu ,i vii .'’.(.toil i*;’ Ui' !■.* io-* iliat ‘ln : l*:r hour tig n." ie- b* 'ter eiiizens.” th.-n poin'-d out that Rrilevah since i! w-,,tid ' R .*\e only the junk voids >ttd war' on-- lif’iiK -until of ihi >ity for iolor<<i I’es'itl. n!ia! puv|*o.ses ” T!. • is: Ot I !■" !■ r yva i ),..,r M i peden : • ily to exprt ss my tir«- on th* is prop., .’ed l*v .1 AV York. Dili Geih-ral At s'-iubly wt r» told b* Iht l - ; , .. : ,|ati\ - "i it’., N’oti; t’aro Jj.-j.j 1* >arti ”1 Realtor-. Uv>t Io .’. osl I sine pi-..u-eis <■*-;•. iinruu • -ally un.so cift It . :a i ; • Mi. York •i . i! f. Pip:: nr i<l d;-|, >v<- ; Ills. 'V belt , 'to proofired a Doits • :*. o.lee* fn Vr , whi, it w :: wiihm Uk ! rofieh of the low iio ’me groups ’Ad'-iina’e bousing f.n ilii ies i”i tin: colored topiilation of ihis. City, I is. in my opinion. Ral-igh’.- r oe! laying n*-*-d. We only have to Ir.. : vel it few blocks from Fayetteville Street '<> -in the filth ;uul Uutt:; :to which a gi ;■ at many of on, \.s e:o arc Hdegnted. Vaennt property w Ill' ll is suited for Negro hour:rig is at pr. niinro in Raleigh, i "Tbe proposed silt is ahoul th. only ava:!:t!;'i location for such a • project.. ! can of course, under I s!:, ti*l ;ii. a!) avt ion which has hoc ; ta; • , by ’lf r>. ddenls of I.or*-. s'k'W Pa.’k Howpver these peoph i hoos*' to live outside the City and ■ ih&t section alt eat?y abuts a Ne gro ’ csd'l.-nt ta 1 sect ion which at ! best is little more than an t “Ii boon us- of the protests of ; ‘li.-*- Biil.’iifl mi it--idem*. <•’>!*>:• tl resident hi! dt eelopnionl is pT- Ir l itl in the ICastertl section of out Cii\' it leaves ,nly the junk yard and warehouse •-■■eiions Fonth. oi the *ity for colored rtsiden'ial purpttsats. I do not believe that we Would be ;ila\:nt-' ".lit mir N’e pro e;t izens if We Mill-; striei-'d . the- i ' ( will la- .’.i.i■ i ltd \ ot) 1 o read rid- iet ter to * lie full Board I ate writ ; a l -' lodn ■ h*-fat.'-e I~c ‘lm I it- * .y_ w , ....... ...... ...... •* —-•* n ?,X"A SK , THREE / MJ FATHERS r IPU kI: ' A Q<! I ■ ng] i ■ *2jo j Ati irokv dC G.ofipafi.y., |iw* N«v Iwk, S, I. SECOND BOXING SHOW HELD AI CHAVIS PARK The second boxing attract ion ip I Chavi; T’a. k Monday • venirj: ita-i i a- ie fenturr ntfraftiers ;i nt, dc j ct.slon boni bet we* n Ml wood MG I finds ami Raymond Duntetfe. Both fighe’s exchanged idose body and head blows, to give the crowd throe i muk.s of spirit eit boxing. .Told! I.e'A i:, deelsiotteil Willi’.’ Jeiik.ns in the firs' prelim, l.c --' rev Rennet' and Herbert RmiU, feugh' tr a. draw and George Tla 1 :- '. r dcfisio.iP-d Leo Johnson. Bt tdges defeated Joseph Soene-’f itl t real crowd pie. a-r From !.•• -*mud of :hc gone for tie- Nit: retied, both ficrlitei pani'mil it ot;: Urldros wa;i alw.v th, ng e- and eopt iniutll .' key.) Ip bft dl ;’!!( !•»•! ifaec. Mid wtip 11; * d - it’d 'lit y stood too ’it im, and 'Bur_n'il t* mi: :’-*i .- Til*' only TKO of the ■ •te w.i (ii'hieveii by Hiiir*' Wi-Mm C.r fall Baker tn I- -e« tmL of th ■ fit : roiitid Wat km- .le.dsmt.ed R.di- > Si irlh’rnugh V.itknt; brot S, p homueli on th* ru. s t« c*. hut In fought It'* way mu each time. For the 'end st might w*—!;. 1 l’-rbert I.ends inn oe (i..a for •!" ci..wit Mondav nit'hp io foiiHit Untie! Smhh and wa- up *> lijs tp-’iel an; t)'- of niTiiiinfr jtroumi III" fin* md ’• fusing to throv- <• ,r><! punch*' when the opporttinify pn suited • a r Irt :1m /v.um. re-1 P..) Lewis i-tiovb.d Riu’th. throng.. Ih roe, * w jth i )*.*i '1 i irdit A huge vrewd wl ! ue-seo th bourn which wcr*. h. Id jits: he. low Chavis pool und"! the snon , SC. 1-Ship of ’ll" Rac'iuh R.III Viol, D"P:t! 'no 1 11 n-VMFJS UROI P < ■ • t n-u ' *rt; pM *t ; h, .]••* lu'r A'tnnu v JU riirHD f. Ta>lor savo ’ h'•■ n.u«ll ortf ■»■■ tSii-• fart? in >h r (•;«-•- in whirh Df*nni» x «uwt ]*!"'.«! R < Daniels, f-misins of (SroiMivilii* tieoth for thf* of m wlpif i f;txi urivor AUorroo Taylor d* i'lhf* youths. Ho claimed this wa* UTH'h"*! * • 'L'i? Fa •’A iOthfH •<., ui iho .i!' V V *•!’«' ij<’ f A rath or < motional t«n< was <ii ' hairman of Use Foinruiito'. H* rlf-nU'd Hjo « haruos made against him jti an editorial which appeared in • a (’ t*4i|/= n aj. RefU'Hi-r 'Y(|. tl he lit;! no ntioll lie Da; Pis’ ■ MSP. he said, ’it is not t guilty puny but tba) we '.'.'lilt them lo receive a fair trial and lit* proven cnilty Gove: not hour Feet' hud * Itarged • *earli"t‘ in tin week that ih*- coin mi" ec- UUis llsitt; ’it’.’ Ca ■ tc I'lH'.l ! ill. good mill ■ I ■’ No: • " d ill . in a ease not vet tleefdert ir, ten:) ot - •;her the State’s just i- e or th State's mercy." Gov.-rnor Soot; also : expressed the hejief tin.' flit <‘on. niit.tge was ti.-ing Ihi means 1v , raise money Wiit'.ii Koiyiro wrts rpu l -fioned lo this effect, he nnswered '•Nonsense. Any money raised .will not even be enough ti. pay court costs tnd lokul fees in <',ir ,"t : ll!' i r;- '■ like ttl : Alt > ' raised will h* needed for th< d« fens*.. Yeti rna.v hnve to go !i’.l tin way to the Suprt in. f’onrt. Law v ■ must b* pa itl for ■ beir sci vice-. ’’ i 'opies of Rogg e's hook. "Our i’antshinfJ Givil Liberties.’ w«*r*- on sail at the meeting. My J-it her told lb" io watch iu> •tej) li’-' the ben in!rive anvhotly can give Hi aid. ' You tire heinc v alida d ” That’s r ril- too . Biutrdaction in rleln; Inrr approv at. it appeal’ Uu.l thc.-e -"tn. jp. -a ton a ■ to its f t:, ia > . \Y Ut t: ; i. !;•••-( pei-'.on.'* n-v *nls am Yoti't". vert (rut'” .In me. t Little tr • JGLaLa PAGE SEVEN REFEREE STOPS BLOODY BOOT IN FOURTH ROUND 1 LOS .ANGELES Civ raj out rh hi- best figllt of tliv yeai. , li**htw*--ii ht. champion Ike AViHiams ! dispelled all ..nspi’ ions that lit had j lost zip. last week, and uused. chai •,( ngcr Enrique Bolanos of Mexico i City '"ith a TKO in the iourtn j round round • f a :-c*'"ul»'t! 15-roiu** I ooul. A ci* v*< of 18,9911 raving fans dished out «.?08.72.i *o see the tltl*> 1 *,.-out it? AVriglcy field R r the beriti 4 - I >f the Lvu Costella foundation 1 which iiad been in bad financial j *t; aits. '.Villi ans took only 7 !-2 percfrft .’ i.-s end of :hc sat*’ nd B iy no* ’.oak 17 1 2 per* vain Fenner t’..:vvw ’.rln :-in;: Jack D*:mps**v , was ref:, roe. Ill" iv... ot' ti . peoed v»l> .n the ' fit d fo’an i a., if he me-on business ito tin own',, (catnet itii.TiPdiatrly !’• be a id his o" e. in the first. !■■■;» •’.• w-i.s a t’.iit e's! in tin. sen - Itl ill R MAN la • third round Ik* began to arovi alt was tin: betUr nmn He ..lamja-d up the Mexican cballe>.- ca r's : rye as the round ended ;i, '.n - st : ted tin- ro.uci giving .■at I*,’., ~ . *; i Uta h, bu l \V;I ; bets quiciLc aid toes. Alth tit h Bohe. . handlers want <1 the t.ght stop i*ti affni this stanza, he pleaded t<* go hack He i ueM hard foi the fu .t minute. ■ bat Ik’ v* is to*:> i• >ut!h. Hi- ye w;<• -hul Wiilia’!'.' fioort-d him •....... i . Mi- e- . pc’ 1 the !:*'-. id" ‘ aft"! 24" ’if foe f. I, qh , U 1 ,< This " *• .. lltiri! .'in brtv.-*»*»n • : ! ■■ WlFiruns ! ir 111-t i:i > u.i ;*n €1^1) • .-’id TKO nru\ iio " the Ma > * ! 18. i s ." ;♦ 13 round •*; it dtTL-ton 1 -;'- 1 \% f>*k's win vas hL' * !(.’>s*t {io«” i\ c Dr H;Bph J Buncho wait mTtionp • t 'u'.ru >vt c lohrit s os intioduc :, fit” ;'■.*; f?^;hf. Ho n c o*v* %i r*i,! f ii> •*.' cheor fr^m CHICAGO GIANTS BUI RADCLIFFE CHICAGO Tbe Chi. "so Arver leati G ants of th* N' t. ; AmericaTi ; they had purchased Ted ’Double .Duty* Radtiiff from the Loui.-vißp iFuckey*-. Radeiiffe joined the !CJ iants in C itv Sunday. Hadr!ifto. ono of Hu : oldc t v^t : pitch and enter; In Ti gomes w;N* the Buckeyes Kac’olif)o is T uttiUEi Bf>‘B H*"’ hn? s no Lincoln RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA SUNDAY AND MON PAV, .MT V l-AI GUST I Rt berf T *»r. Ave l-sreSner Tin: BRIDE COLOR CARTOON NFM OF THI DAY TCI DAY AUGCST 2 Helmut .inline Vndrea King IN SKadon Os A Woman SHORT SI RIH’T r rVLRSAI. SLAVS VVFDNT SDAY Ac THT’RSDAY, AUGUST 3-4 DO .AS FAIRBANKS Jr. HARD GREENE The } ighting (TFlvrm EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION CORA HARRIS STR ■ <»BEANS’ JACKSON IN ilaricin Hot Shots AND CHAPTER 12 SON OF ZOKRO FRIDAY A SATURDAT* AUGUST 5-6 DOUBLE FEATUKF'i ALLAN “ROCKY” I.ANE FN Oregon Trail Seoul r AND Randolph S.-oft, Robert Yonttg rv Western I n ion ALSO CHAPTER U DEVIL HORSE

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