' A'.FtOf.JMAN Saturday, August ti 1949 | Rating Records BV J HKNRY S.4NOAHX FOR ANP FOR VO UK COLLFOTION Or* • ' ihe rr,..‘: things whi< t, ; i .i the kVC: fi jr< the ' •' 1 f ' I ■ l ; i’i'llii'" fTuIHiC t | 'Cvl 'I / . /- li; e ; J l !f V It; /U/ thi r-. iiii i the >./; . who ' ■ ts (to. roui on the n< t n d <. u ' ; is the per-mUICi, the igb/h nUCI r. Inifi of other pertinent -ntormo ii< T; if . i arc those disc . ftd.l • •hi < in, without M'C'P'.p, (he reeorct. ; Os / i i : the title ami < : ,ir>it ! wed-rounded rundown on it * nis ’ 0;- pCCmI t; ue with 'if tr* -notch jfz:-, swing, :■ ■p. sweet. f <r these who have not puk ed up ihis yet. {'ulnmbia has ,v Mied three new lit I c»ng Play ers roiiidf which will help the ‘eager leavers’’ become -omr a t it of an expert in the art of otihying hands h> their di«- t . 'five arrangements of some of the popular hits of today wxUrdaa and even tomorrow. ID< th- i e ~,i e cviiwd by !r,f ( " irie Thornhill. Benny G -odmf))’ M-ei Wr-ouv Herman crew.', and ;• •’ ■ - some of anaapeinei vi - . ;li l- gioups are well known t n ught'ut the country and abroad j eti iYj --o^oruic> ■■ ! t * • ti' » norn lh< Herman Herd and the ••av.-inV*** I to • i the Goodman vrov- .sir’ "r.sji; identifiable. Ail the tunes are < id. but ; < still popular. Th» Thornhill nt’gregati- n chest Jr: 'heir eight tunes SNOWFALL *: in ■■ -! n i'( i'.'i f : d... - . \ SUND A Y KIND OF I.OVF. GRIEGS PIANO •-'( NCEBTO trenieivtl' / Fremiv Martin on thi:-?i THERE S A SMALL HOTEL AUTUMN’ NOC TURNE 1 DON’T KNOW WHY. '- f i’ fT AND DAY, YOU WKRf MEANT FOR ME With the Herd it . wartime r.i icily CAI DON IA. HAPPINESS IS A TT-VG CALLED JOE. Hl .»r >l -’he Kerf > ,;i a [-«!-- V.. <. ■. iu/::. i. YOUR FATHER’S YU TSTACHF APPLE HONEY. N: IT 1 HWES r PASSA IF W ILL) ROOT T- • f.>< dr n nf the it’ ir Wf il rer-ier: nted by hi : draw.: arr.iieefriicuis of JEHSI lOUNC SOMEBODY’ EL.SE IS I'AKIN . MY PLACE. A STRING ■ r FEART.S. WHY DON'T YOU DO RIGHT Tii’ . Peggy Lee. then Inc P< r;?iV s f Si. voc-lining Remem- I• . P i Green’. «tm. r- 1 OH BABY GOT':’A BE THIS OR THAT. The HOP FOR THI II TI Itl Rrvt'.s A UL „st OAt , jvv t. ..'of ;!' > .•' u-n-■; p LAY U ON TH! LINK <„x )i git gen hts thi- sev Y Septtmbt before hi? ; /i let ! " --lit ;• } »• tmber wah .1 Johns- n. whicn « t ! i’O'l’ x• >it breua i i tit'-vn; :t dx; r-j.i.vs the Illinois? dexterity with i- i With puns by assist ‘ • • • ; *g' •> ianc Sidt-tntn alsc tome . i 1 bn go ■. -c.-.i :. Mate . t : pewb-i-rdrive retign yurap with bas p-.i :r. cUitlcd BIG FOOT. i Both instrumentals Vnr.f-r iaoel, n/id/mlnj3y over ::. n >:.. Anuir . idaWc :: Brando i ; 1■ I .a Street • N;.m- d G :.g. ; ■- : n „ ,; -RioqueCi prop'., t.-c; i9TO Furopean j! four pas:-.jns> Jo -ijtict biscuits | around. i Ai d ak.;,, .if Faris. !j;i . . ioHy interiiatif'i'ai Festival of Music ■’here during M n o gated quite a T’.i; Festival, sponso; c.-d ■-• Chui es ,• Delftuin.*y‘s Fedora I ion of ||e; Clues. ; brought Dr: By or., Li.- Page, SUd- Bechet in . due! with b- p ;r --,'.-b Miles Davis Tudii D. ith i : D harlio Parke 1 ’ Hard driving jag/ i„ Pote i Pe-tt rso.n group s offering E.x --: i'iusivi ROCK -BOTTOM / wdorhoused beat with Pvt.: on ; in?; i-registered but frantic s.ux; In BUTCHER HILL BOOGIE a pin reverse, hut I’d .all g 3 bHin/ I noj , boogjp. DRKAM OF YOU Tii Sv O-iVi r-wvuten DREAM ■Or YOU w high Sy also- -ung .aid. • • -layod wit.’, the late Jtmmie Lime.:- 1 -1 crev.u gets a goinu on ■ f,- •- the Tommy D iscy jn-ouri vithi Gek I) !fv or. voci.i Th- T I) vor-; -b'n ■■ slower- naced. b-udt arout.d > thi Dorsej stvie bid in all other, j respect ans t.-,e same as the Lunge- 1 £Ol d .11 -'ingement, »-vou t: 1. Duffy voccl. Flitv i.- .:> n.err oalicd £ ! FUSSY WILS.OW whicn should• • quti(» follow nj*. not mly i l) icti}'. blit others A rood- ■ in tempo bounce. lowrogistererL j it foatU''f;s ii-i” roods in <j light off beat dnve. A single by the CU.udc Thon> ii- cj*ew on Victor In he! puts K-n ;• Ml li’lvgo on ve,c;il> of WHO DC \ VOl T KVO W l X l {K A VEV a O3 • : OV THF, 0.-i-’i. the iaitfj -a im : Nuncy Clayton nnd the Sno^^!;jke«! • • -i • *:. Ha ;■ M< Ki v I<-*\ -. i ves <• 1 hi -sotoi. fine ro. rotechnies on tho • V Ic?’ i * v f V. V KKY N}GHl' ]S SAT ! - HDA Y NIC;H i and ONLY FOH •Y I fall 1 CANS a*r; Irvin Ber i■ 21 p Y, <>\»* • 1 1 s no There's Vatu*hr.- wU-U his Mnon Mcii. a iso on Vic U-o •A-.itrc S< bviBDAY unci IT STILI. GOES HU f Finn I.ABrF* fs fa, is Btuebirc label ! ■. - rjo Yi w~h ‘C; m :-n> hc-si - ** ::llin it \ me ::ch Snao/'s "Bri o : h<* Be ceC MillorY '.Sunrise Sci>:nade” •n-.d •'Chatmucga Cboo-Chooc ‘ere pie.-scd. First intrc-duced in eo'YH. Ihe rev \u-,| o. ■;] ';>c 3 0 inchcr lor conventional players. Foul t e- . eo;?' p jrj Wii: be .0 »> *•;. f() 4 ' f’-tM-cr hit tunes Retior 46 '. ’ it pi:;- o v sPH ,;> nt ■. •V: Mrt 10 And li-.c Deep : : - • i' - , ? .. •*veek emetit at t » I r: - ; U'n, ’.v: [ ] re fur n in Oct obe r b t a 'Hot the No w Yo ParamouiP 1 t.; 1 • ;.ii;d Jerr 3* L• • ' s tPer; ! SACRFI> The St. Paul B&pPst Chmvn ‘ dDfillSM MrißO tohnnHK Nuiso : • ’ ! i:. I'- U - ,:>ul R.-V M- M-. E’X’fF! FT A f N S Mi- .i/1,. • ! i.g v UHOIR JOURNEY'S The Rcnsor Chois of ;be bind : i-.; '"hurch 1 ■ ’ui' -t lb for aigi'V M iSSI ON ARiFS ivl FFT I ’I; o Yi sl.’i >n..,; - X***-:t*h ill'*, n 1 Happy Khmer New Year. IHE FI.OWEK The One in the center that is. The bloom <"n the talk is the '‘Night Bloom ing i • reus” of il> eacti family " L.. h bloomed here this ec-k at ft r home «?f Mrs. Carrie Smith, i.ii UntieThiii. On the night it I'Tt-omed neighbors and friends tame by to sre its beauty and -meli she arflma. shown in the picture looking at the unusual 1 tarn are, left to right: Yfrs. Lula Knkfatriek. \!r-.. Zeffri* Hunter 'frs f’.iine Smitli who culti vated the I lower, ME - r.vefyn Drake. Miss Wanda Hunter and vt r-s Marian Brower, i Description of ihe umi-ual paini in ’ f urrean ( ycle ’ tolumni (Armstrong Photo: Mi" bomt- ol Mrs Russrdl Roger Yliei the business meeting. 'l-- :/*/■'" i- enjoyod c, lelicio'i - -f ' I-at-f. ( pastor visits iC-‘- Rife, paste; of the Mission Pi rshyterian church in Burling- Ain. N : was the i.fn .! sp -aker 1 'be While Preidiyterian Church ir. Rurlny’on S'unda.y. in the infe-i --< of .Stilhnan Coiiege Music wn-- I'lrnUhet: by Mr. Ernest :>nd Cbas Rogers Mrs. Ri. ,-. Mrs. p,-.. Rot-- 1 ’ •. m-d .Mr James Loath also a‘- , tended. SUNDAY SDR VICES WAY’.MAN CHAPEL A ,VT F. t! . >'<> a.rn Mornine worship ’■'sin p.m. Even in Worship FIRST BAPTisl' t'Hirßf’H on fi t;i Mcfrning: worship 7 . p.Tt; Evening worship i-OVi, CHAPEL CHURCH s i 'V .; ni. Morning worship 7'3<: p.m. Evenin': worship PERSONALS Mrs Russei! Rrerer- has return*'-! !<< OiAihiire. N. C. .titer spending .-nvn! ‘lay-, visiting friends :r N'l-vv Bcm. X. C Mrs. Ctariie Collins Mrs. Evu Miller and .Mis;; Hannah Everetts; speni several days iii riladeniiovo. N. C. visninsr relatives and friends The -■vhi’dts. of machine ! v and •fniir.irunt Farnr- ,mi Home Week promise to he really out ooeriie : ‘ids year, ai cording to State Coih-g-e official Ail of the •no. jo.- niimufaettirers will have di -;p 1■ - s on the campus. 1 laTrriV 1 j C'OMMJSSIONKK AND BOYS • !i“u »i >n flic photo are Boys <"S nrrnisssioner O. E i>avis and a : r'io.rt of ibe 165 members of his b<>; ■ dab Consmissionfr Davis is ' >- t - »i <}■» Negro Bays Crramis ic-f-erv new emnioyrd j>. N;>r;.h WELDON j Ail. ind Airs. Son;-II were ilv ; we*-kc-nd got sis “i Air. -i.i.i Mrs. Nfiitiions l.ong : Little Robert Lee lohnsou is home, afu l spending iris vacation jin New Jersey. Mr. and Airs. Hardy McNeill were ; flic week--nd guests of Mrs Hattie Bel field. ; Air. and firs. Donaid Chr-atnat.* , were weekend lines! of Air. and Mrs Russel c heath.en. ! .Mrs. Lillian Lane nod children. DeierL •■■ul Louis a-e spr.nuin-r their vacJition with their grand . parents. Air. n:td Mr; Ophe’i l j Richards They hav- i>—: Ining in INr w .!> r; • ’ i Mrs. LnU Gilliini has retarned I home after spending som*» lime in d Newport New/ with her son I Mrs ,! \v. Brisioe is home to spend the sur.inier with hei bu.-- i band, Mr I \V. Brislo*-. the North ,Carolina Mutual agent ir this dis. t, u»< •;. I Tit- Ten !>• it •ovum Club (s -turn !soring a bus to Sea View Beach. !' promise*.- to give a -nmp!**tr da? of -i- - enr ei),,,yinei[t Ai A RRI AG K A XNO: NCED Dr and Airs. D t! Cooke an ,nounco the marriage ,-f their son. Leonard Green iV-okr to Mis-* i le.i I-. nee Fenner of Halifax The wed 1 ding look pine- Feb. i ’’ l x VISITING IN-LAWS Mrs Audrey Jordan !.- si-i onna s“v> ra! v> fdvs in .l.o’ksnn with her Go-laws She is *h< former Mis* Acilrn Backus of »:;• fit- Miss Dm:, Adams is visitin'-' Imt •g,:-o::I -. Mr lied M// Angus! o * Adaii’t She is living T, YVv»h!!U in AA'-vshinuten fr C Mr and Airs Fanders oui -on are in" sts of Air. ■■•.!',i F-!r --i .Tones. Mrs A.: v,d< I*- is .!!■-- s--i • of Mrs. Fannie Jones. They rositl-• in Waking!or. O. A -aim teonte-t !ea‘iiri v 'g song?, music, dances, ami -,-thci perfor in ances bv ,/opie f>. cm all uv r North Carolina, will be on® of ‘he nightly enurtainment tcaulve; at the 1943 Farm and Home \Ve. ’: r.roarar.i The event will be he’d on the State O’ here r.:m::;us n Ra leigh. A'.i.d.st 8-11. iaruiina cities. He has hern in the verb i:.' years and raised the mt mhership ri the club sd hoys of various age? ir® 64 to 365. Th tois are shown enjoying tb Ns weekly free s»iie hero ai | (ht. High Poi»il pool The pr*- SISTER SSRY TG APPEAR ONWRA SUMMER SERIES RALEIGH Last Summer WEAL Man:, c : Fred F • A [.rttL-dixe to ivave ,r, his vacat ;j he was faced with the- orooiem 1 tindinc a suitarie sub/Ltute i r] tnorniug record -h v ■•Mch Field , v *1 ftr has ceen eomg for several yea HLs shew. **Tvr. ;a> Fi i: " , oest-i ated show in Raleigh r- d ar.d Fletciier wasn't anaru - ; his Hroper go rivv, He finally hit upon the id- /, asking prominent State officii and Raleigh bustnc* 5 met. to do j .-■how —a differ; m person' -.-; day. The idea wont *ver it! ] bant* \ Mis ;• fc. :. i - Rle; /J had hi? job rut out sot him. ij lineup of ‘guest stars.' v. ho J spin then own records and decil shout their own ad lit , mark* j eludes the follow ir-/;: North Carolina'/ Secretary State Tid'd Zuie. trie chance-llor j { he University X to Car/. J at Chapel Hill. R B House: J d rtet r of athletics Wake ¥\ csl College. J.tn Weaver: and a !-| gh Negro woman ■ ■ ; - preaetJ ft the me st suc-ceshful N<.-£| church in town. Sh call? ht.x-J SISTER GARY ‘ A' gust fi 1 Nine ether participant.- .-trc nroa tuc-tu in Raleiyh vusineyx and > ;-J Se-//et.ii-\- f S;..iv t, : re, one J ict- 1 year’s peilormers. rnad*? tl mistake on the 1948 broadcast I lestinyly inviting ’ail the kid? I town to come out to my h'vr-e f| barmen ca lessons. We’ll practil awhile.’’ ne adised m iLL-nel “then Mrs r j/*/ v -i] -m v> . .‘/.'J ale and cookies." ; Eure was still getting imiu 1 al> .nt th harr.v.oica - ti ’/.ter This year, hr . -y>:. iv.l Wdtch his tongue Head Ihe Laroiinian!| gram of recreation combats j wvj emie deiinojiicriej and the sad I rtallv hike ot! their logs an j get do *y ta thr iuidfi ■ ■ • Wj coming wo ttn citizen • PAGE FIVE

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