( \Rf 4/INI AN Saturday, ft, 1151!) CHARLOTTE person u " •-Vs: -xmUir-im ,Tris:,: YMCA fun ■ ; a ' ' I? ‘ »! :s•> n of Win:-to’: ‘ ‘-1 m, Vv\.< •. V :•• ill {*::-• fO liit\ V : :• **£'>'• Sadi- Dell William--; ; rhdcideVn-a w,n. bnrv visiting :.nvu’<- El .!Kl*S Vl.lV ..Sui (Jiai'ci *' /. i '■:- Simdiiy Mi ■ M:.- !: f1,,. 5 ot Wmiumjun urn 1 >;i S t . My >. Street I.AIVN PARTY HELD V! :: ! ii F R McClure y:r d .'i v*. i \ tici'esrfi.il .;iv;n pa: • J v 2S>. ini.i This activity .< .js -••Id the inten .-t >f i "Thousand ic whim Presbyterian Church. fiddled. -Man u: Faith - ' ami •S; i- ,ng«* God- if India were, -•h w»t. The McClures had U ■ ft -I':’, candy. pinner: arid v. itci - Tame --s' : ■ e pr,'Xim.iit'ly 150 f-'i cns pr -mit and most passed '•r McClure ; captain of a group .* ■ en .'-aiilidl . d d ear . ri< Mt ?: ■ annua* picnic a; the B dcik t • held in t Thur.-d.iy. jut s 2d . »»<» a' Plate Price During the day hoi -e-shoe oitrh i . watermelon > d.t a. and U: r, rerniinc of iipsUots were enrn m.-.n .da,h: in the attirnoon :na,.> euesyed :>!cyn .aid ‘V rt t h.: a; SOH *>,:!. Other • -.seat iukin .. h: tile he vy tom, : hs, led by B.y an (»• sip.nh neat tia ; . -a; l T ■ • nit lilt: vv is joint • .nr. an .. ,-j BiddlOfiUe Sunday School < HI Kt II PROGRAM T:u> Sunday School M id,; Bidtiie cd a very beautiful pro Tarn of ’■■or ■ nd made Sunday Everun ENGLISH HEADS CMffIER OF COMMERCE BY ROBERT CHERRY Organization of a Chamber of C euneice -was nnaour'ced Thrrs :•<■*'/ ir-rj a men: b* rah ip fernpa.;:; .y Spr ret.. - . lbevv .lt Ant.iiOi: ■ 1 i -v itudent ..t Nonu Caroline : ■ Ga w Schooi, The new chain bo: meet.- ever Thursday rupht at rt:3U at Beck win S! irtio. 2209 Booker Avenue The general purpose and tunc 1. An. raid Ylr Anthony, “are to ii ■' yreascr inteie l in NetfCO “ a-* trends. !•> study specifically "■I . > < u cre-.rst’.' and the possjaili tj e .f enter m; into new business, ■••••rm.ttion of poitcies and roprtoen : it:-hi to vernmeiits m r-. urd t' domestic legislation affecting cotr. a ! i'“: taxe- at:d rci'uhit ion. ana othrr matters of comrr.or interest to tils members. ' All manager ■ >rai owners of bU.*‘3.n€-BSfcOS 'i Vi’ :• vj.U-*d ;'o IXfOAAHf •n* it; r?> >i Ua# ■ n w r y orgaijiy./fU DRIOKLAYER 13 EXCELLENT o;l painter BY KOBi‘3ItT * liKHUY VS, -it,e-T Kr,:-| whit, haired; brick iaarea , i \ Jones (‘r>j)- st mi if-in to. is a Charlotte oil -n'Sir! ife '-r.irted jiaiii'- in: with .el forty years see ‘Th‘- a.? venr Hid •>: - iek!«y*»r start ed rubifim: when he was ftfepn -lit When asked a hour his l>'fntmjr iitspiratiot he smilf-fi and -:od, -.M> irmtivi Sirs Bit h *' o*’ . "Vi i! eha I’l .1,11 aat tat :i t Chi-a. hnol which still aft tide cue. ;U .s: a ft.. . i!. •; rv S. -av--. irt: [>j rat ion to paint. Che saw- tin- I w.i- interestr-d snd she semrh; me the niateriatr to work with and 1 have been pain; ill ever s ii,ct*.- Foster's unia/ns:., paint ine has a definite air ,»i the professional. I.aml va, j.i n ■i ■ ■pfa-ialty Hut hi', fra; done several portrait s. A ■ ’ item i: on fie : e.ted 1., a ; ’em of .1 tote .- which is m>-,v ; ■ ,e*-”ey hi file .f v Jones I.lhiavj. v.'r !•'•/ t «-•- a rin ruber of tie-, •hi -oti,- Board Ilit-eetors u! the Fust tipn-u riiiuvh K |> at;.l ! f *(id t elh,vv - 'ui.s ;>;i m*. scent d 1 * * ii'eii ca oky .Vlounfains. Dai! i ‘!id ‘he F.hiii.x. Flesnla. Virginia, i Vslt"Ville Metititabis. ."harlesr nn. F'Uff) f'arolitiit and Tennessee. Sente of Waiter’s paintings have , h•' a. <>■* fiisplrr .t -h» Mint Mtt • ••urn. He has otd a ant deal of i Vs is j’lll n r \ ul'.'-S. Post ft hi its c*d r iiar ! itt* a*ways kt-cpj a sMiali 'a,;; whfn Huy- ■ vaftte th*> ijH’ruro 1 d to another j ' - ’' ; : I■ w ir. hrau* any rro'i- ! r wno is a hohhytfit. pain*- i ft. iTiivi-r aad s'-ulpruror was bora j (Vu'oiina, He* earnp raj ('Harlot!*- at an eailv ami ; <*‘ l ivpd his Bfinirifsitii at Myers Hr. j School. *a ; '*\ VV., Ik- r 'x a 1 . niarr i ed t*:- i i'if* Co rner M;-. - Pdna. .Hnikin: of | ( ha t loi tF 1 . VVju kor is the • r I Ia ‘ her ol h «-h •* Id ;a;*n. W alk*rr .1 r. Ma ? y .: n. i Mart 0a who • *'■ ■*' twins. Jcso.m Ma-. and S,\~ ; Wfiior ywa AUhonzh brink lav- t ihtr ’■< my 1 rad a l lore pa inti list /’ i M'. >kij■s fiVr < a.h wy : .j A. JOl > '■ Vn-a riirt ion was at ? bf- a of ‘ourTo-n whou he farcied whht for ‘ha Hfdw'yji f[of>d ;ob. Thonct-- i•’ *?J' f i 7} a;; V ‘ ),■ l n h i f i f*" - flf!C \i ■ ■ • ':<• Ic ■-m ? 1 aad titE'V V>orh -i - rill v'■‘r f; l n«r I<> ad h or Fosr or ha s 4 ■ ■-» i* la vin 1: hr irk foe 1;; y etlr - »?• d he m -Till afjivf. CITKI) foi; DRIVE EFFORTS ATI .A .VTA AXP E5! . p R. R v'/t ignt, ; : . ’financial wtz d ’ht Atlanta Constitution. Whit- daily aed thf AMETs of oe ctxth F .iscop'il Dietriet. The com* lim-nt to the bishop vv;e made '■ ~e' -e ; >-e ■ *!!.■■■ I if H>. -c u* ra Sing &21-T.OOO within a oi to upj! rt $1.1)00.000.000 : ■.,n ■ tc-!. irotjpm tor Morris* Brown - *:.iy e ouuinect ... t*'c .■iciioo, -. trie* -t- t>- e-'i ote. trig in June if*43 ( tair.b, r>f Commeri’t," A iAfinbc-rshJp campaign was, tespr«td ’ *)t Th tired ay ni.ght Tht y H tend intutrs to Negro busi cm:s ,i ;ktng 're m to join the or ganiztti-e.n Fersonal contact. w-.li A. ,’e n acie in order V- increa e the m’-mber-hip Thirty three v >‘j>- jie:xj*ey are n w Foiding m, ra: : ■ : • nip in the organization. Ol fires *: Fancy English, op-- r c r of the Fabric Dty Cleaner- t: ' t.-iewr. A\. ,ie. pi- „hnt. T A Air aye v; president; Dewitt Anthony, icenhary, John Anthony, •rt.-asurcr: 3a; Stinson, assistant • -;■! . raduaty study at N’° , '* h - 'e:;. University, recently; * -eased revesting that both em-| plover- a-'ci employees believ N’e i?vPe.< are be iter producers in ir te.'i :*•:.,) ’her than regrei/atfcd ’ • ( ,’k units. U’td-r the direction ol Ail’ftrt f F■ lc .esociaU proi'es.-or or one... ed; ion at N- I’thwest- Crump interviewed employer and emtnyees in 19 ccmpanies era ploying white aid Negro workers; ioi the data. The study also in clude. a treatment of fifteen exclu sively Ne.c.ro e-n ibh-llments C-. imp’.* study indicates that vot: | U-ton between the two races serves tr -tiruuiate proficiency ard persona! endeavors. Crump was 3 ntijos in ccmhierciei educati- a at t.inei h . -JXTY RECEIVE DEtiREES Wiiliam (- K -ttymeycr, outstand ing r* ding spec Mist of the St —out: Public S,. <>ol system and . clireeliic • f pcivor.. el addressed the 'iimmer "e. ;i-u . raduates at tin * cir University 1 Mo.) on the even- ; Mr at Thui-day .August 4. 1943 Sixty versons received bachelors ; degrees from r..e College -f Arts •>nd Science and School of Journal “n'i ; ... master ,-f a-,;.- degrees were awarded from the Division i Or»d>taU- Study KANSAS CITY !S AWAITING 36TN NBA MEETING KANSAS CITY, Mw ThL- mid v '• re c:tj .oi:tal Asso- '• .•tat on. headed t • own as gut* -i i th.- Hear: el America Dental So * iety, which wtl! entertain the : : Association'.- 36th annua) conven i-n. Am;;-’ 8-12. Dr E. J. Mo 'ice, president of the* **;■*. i society and general NDA con- , vent i n chairman. ha> annonaceci t hat more tha 700 dentists from all; sections < f the country are expect ed to ci ;ii': p. Kansas City for the nru, i n„.,-t. n _. t .f Negro dentivU. Local leader • n the profession, :• Jhlic •/tfa.iaU. and the general citizct:rv have extended to the local t tnrmtfee full cooperation ;r. plaa ir. for :ho important convention, i Ot runt iiuhtit concern will oal -n cj -:n mv-eling of the convent ce ; be ncld S*i i - Stephen., Baptist; Church on Tuesday evening. Aug.; u At this time City Manager L. P.j (. tokit yhan- will welcome the con- j r- ntior; to Kan.sits City. Dr. R. Gor-b d n Ai/fivv.. mi.ed dental educa tor will address the public meetins* | NDA E’re ident. K.ir.r-as City na-i five. Dr Rus-ell A Dixon dear ol •he College ■ ‘ Dentistry, Howard; Universitv. Washington, will re-! spend t" Uu city manager. Dr ! Moore will preside Federal health i gislaticn will ' be discuss* d at an open meeting schedule c! for Wednesday August !i 4-On p m t the Lincoln High School headquarters ci the Asso ciatio;:. Feature speaker for this discussion will be Dr Daniel J. Dale'., chief. Division of Federal Employe Ksaith. E'vderr.i Secur ity A. v-'ey Washington Di. Ch a : -. M TF mp-.-on. NDA ieais i-.tivi cha-rnrip. wh:, recently went from Chicago to Washington tc testa;, on behalf of health iegiala wiil moderate this discussion. •Several broadcasts involving F’rcj.id D'.xun, NDA President i-jct William D Giles. Chicago, dentist and ..her leaders >f the Association, will be heard during ;<■ . nv -pi.on period. psi *. . n on iuv ariivai in Haiti or, July 12. A full schedule of nferenc; - with Government officials and lead ers in 11 vie affairs has shared •space w.th reception given in ner honor at the National Palace by : Fipsiden; and I'i.w. Dumars.-.u» *Est me: a reception by the Mii’is ;* -of- Foreign Affairs Tiinoleon j Brutus and Mine Brutus; luncheon • a the Are -ricar Embassy with Yriroas.r Jar and Mrs. de Courcy: ’? .Yrti.-l; and Writers, and visits to schools, orphanage--, hospitals, the celebrated Haitian Art Center, and! to national shrines and pant of scenic interest. Mrs. Bethune showed partieulai * concern f...- the Haitian wom.-r ar.d ! their problems, and in problems ot i education, and ; penr much time in c nferertce with Haitian leaders oi nucati ■- including the Minister BARBERS KSS'N REORGANIZES BY’ ROBERT CHERRY The Negro Barber, nut some, i time ago and reorganized and dt - ! Mined to name their organization 1 i the Negro Barber Association Officers were elected and u ban-' ! juet followed Officers art. Ciajcl ; Stephens, president; Clyde Steele. * j vice president; Mary Hairston, see j retary; Lawyer Gean, assistant ~ec-j j retary; John Anthony, treasurer:! Waiter Tay or. assistant treasurer. | and Dewitt Anthony, chairman of* i by-laws committee j The members of the- Association! * have t'i be registered oarbers. up- • I prentice barbers or barber shop, I o-.vners. 1 The general pm pose and func-j * Lion of the orffanization shall be ,to cause closer coopieration between! the colored barbers of Charlotte, to; stop illegal bartering in Cha* lotte. \ tmd surrounding areas, to help new j barbers tc study new barbering | techniques, tc encourage the ap-l pointing of Negroes to the Barber i Board, and to promote the entering ; of Negroes into bartering eater-: prises, barber supply and b«rbei : schools More than 226.000 farmers w.ast ballots in the recent referendum <-r flue-cured tobacco quotas Os this number, more tlian L52D00 were' North Carolinians. . • uecretary f Agriculture Charles' F Brannan will speak at Farm and Home We vie in Raleigh on Aug, ). PAGE SEVEN ter Ec’i'r, Charlotie bWaklaver. '•ir foster hus never ~. -:■ a tormai art lessen. cf Education, Andre V; a. : ..uscus smg ways and means of taso-yiug progressive educational programs In a stirring address at the A;- a.to rural areas snciatiori of Artists and Writers, the educator challenged Huiiojo ,vf>m en i action w itn the word f ihe *aT.c Fianklin D. Roosevei:, vdose M.vn she gripped tor eraphasis as she -a.d. There is nothing Mar bu*. rear itself!’ and added “This -- tne hour for Haiti; n women >. stand on their fee, and le c* ! ur.'.^ rht women of Knit!. Sr. - stated that re had already received asrurv-cc . from President Dumarsais Satire,e and members of his Cebu..•- that -tv-s toward ft-.*, eitizciisi,;;' tor women through the i->r rn , i of the frnnenise, haw olreud, ueen toicc^n. Haitian women, called *hv" v incir men fo.k.s, ablr : --pre ■ sented m .-cnlcivncc and c'a'vers.:- tia’i; by competent ard sell-:«.sur«d leaders such as 'YJrne L'.-tinse liu. wjte of lire Pr- oido- t Miov. For . tur.a Guery [n-pector Gvhurui of Education, M;ne. Alice Garoub*, President cf the Women’s Leag,n\ ar.d mum ■, thers. Same were tea;- fully grateiri for inmeri., given to ih-ir struggles in -q,. .** o> : Mi’s. B--tC.r.F. A;! of Tiai-i. tv m the :w.l * -lace 11 f.igli: clubs, a pent d .is * doors to the American ie; u. r who oil cnared. -f realize Ira, t ; am tread In £* f,r the firs* in, sen! >t a great cvittry vorprotieij jcy biack people T tia-re never ! beer, so thrilled!'" The President of Hei'i. a i • of feiv words, expressed ttie i -G --j of hL- people fe.r their for the woman whom he called “The .First Laa.v of Color in the World,"* ] w;th a huge basket of Tie hundred, red and white roses. vV.-n s», j treasured throughout her *M** S Mrs 3etui.es party Mrs. Con ;. stance E. H. Daniil cf Washingtam : D. C. and Mrs. Fannye Ay re f'on jder of St. Fetersburt. Fla.. gracipusiy rece ved with ner. Mr,. j Aren la Mallory, Tice Pro.-idr-oa o£ i the National Council of N -;r t Women, who was to have ace'in i panted the group, was unable to .make the trip, because : *.-.s-. ! LOOK FOLK! ! IF YOU LIKE TO BUY ONE OR IF YOU LIKE TO SELL THE CAROLINIAN SEE Sylvester Buck j Either Write To Him o.' Lei Him Kn-cw Address: Route I, 8-ox 11 Oiocowbty, N. C