PAGE EIGHT FAYETTEVILLE »>•>••• - ■■■ ' ,*r •-? :> 4 -jg* NO CHANGE t "Don’t change horses in the mi® i 1 we »• 1. ; ’ ’he major'ty of the citi huv. satisfied In , p-evtou: meeting of the ‘ ity c nci; called L make out ; 4;utlt‘v t or she year. ...- apprepria- i Bon - i >n r> for the police re- j pattmvr; tc hire three Negro pc- ***&? ~ p MR. 'fs . 6 | ' ’j t I $ ' Sell Your Tobacco In FAYETTEVILLE i Where Buyers Are Paying : top’ prices m While Here Make Our Store Yem Headquarters WHERE YOU WILL FIND A COMPLETE LINE OF •'Furniture •Electric and Gas Appliances J % Building Material f Farm Supplies * I For Y ere police. i Ai of us should fee! croud that t ur cty has begun to respect the wishes of tbs members f our race. ft is our sincere hope that the j powers-to-be wilt look Jong and hr.rd on ‘he applications of the ! 5 ersons they hirt on the police j force One wrong person can tie jstri y all the prestige that has tak er! years to build. ; Yes. “ere hot-headed, d:n't care,* | prison can ruin every thing over ■ light 7hr three men to be hired on she prhee force will be pioneers -r. the they wi)j be subjected to a i! t cl jeers and criticism from oui tocle i.h. refere we must approach i every angle with caution. Wt feel, that we ear. rest assui ed that cur most efficient, chief, L F, WcrrcJJ v/ili give them the be 1 j training fiossible. All the training: ■so knowledge he, himself veeiv-' if at the FBI sche-ls and the other police schools he has at tended. enables him to have an • abundance of information at his 1 finger tips, which we believe 1 win impart to nil of the men in 1 his department and will delight ml doing every thing possible to make I nii. department run smoothly and, j Jficiently as it has done the l«. w : years hr has headed it. May the best men wen the up- ; p intrrent. Good luck to all of you. i Send all news so? the CARO LINIAN to F. 1.. Burn*, 245 Rabeson Street, PERSONALS I TENTS MEET The United Order of Tents cn- | joyed a lovely trjp Friday July 29ih i t o PampersfOrd PrcsoyC ri; n | Church near Red Springs Two j fuses arid many cars went from! Fayetteville. Deputy Cor.i Crump mad*, a vuj! inspiring talk, again pledging her- j self to the Ord‘ r for three hundred j sixty-five days of the year. Tins was ‘he District check up; meeting fc-i the year. One hundred i iid thirty eight dollars were col-j ! ctcd to help with the expenses! t. the Grand National which will meet in Connecticut in August. Then was a donation of SI.JO! ent to each sick member report-' < d from the different Tents. Many ; of the leaders and de-put vs ren-iv- : ed gifts ol appreciation from their j members A very nice dinner vra- served. I The session will meet ,n R icford. N. C. next year. P£ RSONAI. S Mrs. Lizzie Freeman Terry and sen, Mr. Henry Walter, spent a o. -■ day in the city recently Their' friends were giad to set them. Mrs. Beta Jones is spending her vac: tiei: in New York All of the friends Mrs Lucy Lewis arc glad to k v- ins! she has returned home. She has been very -hi; since going to >,'• -a.. x New Jersey Mis. Lucy McNeir Nci • n was thf guest of Mrs. Etta Mae Smith recently. Mrs. Helen Murehi-on Williams and children of Alexandria La, are visiting he; parents, M: and Mrs ! Williams. James H. Cnandei >. f Rale gh, : N. C., is visiting hi; sistci, Mrs. ! Herman Sparks. t ' * " “ “T SILVER GRILL Hfine Made Fies j Tasty Heme Cooked Feed* | F.ev D. Mcrris.n. Mgi. 115 Gillespig St. PHOTO CENTER j 481 Hay St, I liON’F 3177 O HOT H SEKVIC T OX PHOTO FINISHING ! COMPLETE LIN J Os Camera* i i AND Photo Supplies FOK TBIT f Amateur f OR THE Professional ' 1 CAROLINIAN Saturday, August 6, 1949 M Mi Paul B Murphy ami dr'Ugtht.r, LiJliar of East 'Orange. N J , motored dovm t ( i spend the week < d with relatives land C if neb. j Mr Murphy ■ cue o: the ;>Jc time imunbei; 0} Eonsa Lodge. | Mis.? Edith P Clark- ; sp* vid ! ng her eacatuip v 1 ;--' ’ .. n inth cs m Msw York. i B, H Walker. Sr. spending ! his \. < •'0 with ft-iatives in Fijuadcigg-ia, Pa Ggorge Bayne- ol ,N< York City i is, \ -•; b S ;,;U. Mr-- Ncihc : Bayr.e Mr. and Mrs L. J. t : uir-: ws-od ,;rio Mrr Virginia I‘ i; wtri I recent gucsti ol Mr. y.n: Mrs W. T ; William [ Mrs. Margaret W. 'sn , -o' j daughter, .-pent U wick <-t»d with ' her mother in Pegei -u d, S C Miss Katie Freeinai. has ri tui ran! jiK'm patters.-n, N. J arid Ntw ; York City | Arthur'* Seafood Grill j 837 Person Si. Phone 4€9G i We serve you anythin© from » sandwirh to a chicken dinner. Mrs Ora B Williams. Prop MOHAWK INN Peaceful Among The Pine* Parties Appreciated G. H- Me Doug* Id Manchester NOTICE PRICES CUT UP TO SIOO.OO PER CAR 1949- BUICK Super Convertible. ;OQ7C New and Fully Equipped v mO I 1949 CHRYSLER Rov rt f Club Cpe. New 5 Z075 00 1949 SI UDEBAKER Champion Convertible. New with .. r) -| pm p overdrive I i 1949 CHEVROLET A era S-tUn. New with beater and. , -f A*? „ defroster 5 1 9 / 5 00 1949 CHEVROLET Aer c Sedan. 1 Af* A New « 1 95O ()0 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetiine . t r>Ar Fully equipped & X o^o®^ 1946 FORD Club Cosine , -f Asa? - Heater 4 1 U / 5 00 1946 MERCURY Club C our* , 1 Heater 5 1 U f D OO Fully equipped ® 1 U / 1946 CHRYSLER Hipblander on£ - 4 Dr. Sedan, Fully equipped. “ 1941 CHEVROLET ch. $ 495 00 1941 FORD Ch. , mrA Rads-o and heater $ f 1941 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan 00 1940 DE SOTO 4 Door Sedan. f* r* New pamt "UUU^ 1536 CHEVROLET sl.9s»<> .935 CHEVROLET S \ SQoO 1946 CADILLAC 4 Dr. Sedan. e Qi>yi»* Fully equipped J 1 ($ / 19-48 FORD 2 Dr. Sedan, .-« *y p<* Fully equipped $ J, A & L MOTOR CO. 439 W, Russell St. Fayetteville, N. C. Dial Day 5106 Nile 3322 The O t|ep< Hf ipfet; Missienary C!u! V 7 I J M B; g-ti-t Churcil met St.nduy aXtern«. g July 24th, at tb<- bf-mi; of Dc&i and Mr- W. J Freeman, 528 Murrhise Ts-ci After the meeting, refro-h pt-r-ts were served SI BS( RIBE TOD A\!! FOB SERVICE J. & K, Market Grocery and Meat* 1417 Murchison Rd. Pbooe 289© Guie; Tactful Service CRUMP'S FUNERAL HOME Mutual Butial Association S 4 Culbrefh St. Day - Dial 5478- Might 2487 CAROLINA Music Company Firiflut Sit INSTRUMENTS RECORDS RADIOS And Instrument Repair 114 Anderaon St., FAYETTEVILLE