( ? y.}iJ MAN Saturday. August 6, it»4o Mr, Tobacco Farmer Spend Your Money In Fairmont With CAROLINIAN Advertisers *■■■■■■■■■ ii FAIRMONT! PROTEST FIRIM; OF IK < I.EVOAM) POSTAL 90RR£R> Wit 11 the M! ‘.Sit ‘hat iS • p>dtU employ ms v Hr *1 r.h, . ■ a,*ek iit t.i ■■■ s.vji I for allfc'rfod Communisrif :v. i i vit i •->. Ashby « t Ar, lulth/ilal f --id ‘tit. .\ .ioil si ? LiiiUC * >f G .-Dai tins pp! >Vrx‘6 pro ‘ -stAd i-txt.’i' what he claimed #a.- sxs sit tiie i>\- - >tfloy alty hour tags. Rotating -fit t.kx,r It* of ihot-*- dis shstrg.-si tver- \. r a.-,-.. tour .Isyw-y. , ii: .1 inly fottr while- t art»-s' suit! ; site Cleveland action ■ > sttttil.tr : In like action tahell in oi.ii ': i:irie-; j ineluding Philadelphia Ghi* ago. : Kansas City nati Seats .* Also denouncing »t ;> action was Bertram A VV.- -hingtun. I; praaidont t>r the Ole .-land branch ; } of 'll- XA PH H • 1 "Judging from tho .v, ord ii flies*** ruployeea now ••• . • -d*-d. the ut rion confirm > ' ,c nal t , ■ >n>icii »n rhilt rh -* si'u- ; ! Aiki nt*‘ proiU‘-t if t.h. 4•) vf* rti ment V 4>oli< y of «r ;stu : '-MEti-NVgrotsiTi in r he pos- of tin*? ; j-epiirtmeui..” r irfer cf»n]mtMi : -mphiv in (Tieve! uni coupled ; ! TI RVIIN \I \\\\ •.|t l< K ■(‘Ol'RTEOrs SMtVH f. ' O j, y or N is* ht PHOIM* 2ihl Fair moot EAR!. FISH EH MAYFLOWER COAL Phone 3SI! Fairmont SELL VOLK TOBACCO IN EAIRVfOM SEE US FOR YOUR CLOTHING NEEDS WE SELI. QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT LOWER PRICES LEVINSON’S DEPARTMENT STORE FAIRMONT, N. C. L. . J WEL COME TO FAIRMONT AND TO Page Jewelers A COMFII IE LINE OF WATCHES, RINGS, 51LVERW ARE, GIFTWARE, FOUNTAIN PENS. Guaranteed Watch Repairing' * R Center Fairmont, N. C. '■ :i similar sceoersioas ix Phila G’oicago. Kansas CUry. . i i i iLfciig: • X i .."' :d j loving Am.mica 11.3 < : i< agnize and com hat the apparei* • >ru> of somtA)ti« in the p>t a t of-; d’ pirtnirut to d ssfcroy tfc« pro made against tvudU ii ■•;r.ip : : ■ :.xt:»>*! ... "The NT APE has ■■--ry confidence - loyalty 'St su.-peutUi-d coo:. .-.tid will cab upon every loy al American to out in the tigh :c.-Ucs» those who seem o be blend •i against truth, justice, and fair | pi av. ' ! OR. hITTRELI. TO \ ISIT MffiWAV NEW YORK LV.NPt Dr Fier.i --! 1 s ! t P Kittreil. naturally kr.owu' si»:r economict. has o-.en prograiji med to tpuear in -i panel of the futernaf: .nal Congress in Home ‘ Economics which is being held ... si . Norway axe second w-'-ek :r. August Dr Kitt-wil will deliver .. . set paper at the meeting also. She wiU fly to Oslo Friday ad i expects t - be gone for six weeks.; .-da ‘ ill spend . week each .n Nor way. Men<nark and England, am li>.- vst of the tint-- in Fran;.. 1 !M(,IV, r RIPLEY Wh -u L man <• or; ••s up with t id** Keye (>r broken bone and putt the blame on the »I*l familiar door, ’hat's news of everyday life. Bat •y hois, a man sufo-rs j broken bone / xn .lUtMiiediie *{•..;r in his hotac, th;t.‘ s a ppieoe of news to be class! f(*»,i u-. true or 'ai' -. in ‘his ti: ,J it st true. vv ill Moor*. Ti sun ered yossiV . -jeutred l«g-ht>if* Thurnday fight wf. ■: an a'.Hom Vh’dft door viiicli was in his borne for unexplained r usons Tell on his leit Moore was carried t > the Receiv 1!.: tlOSpiflU. The l rst w*>rld-wido confer rce i: ag-icultural iXtctision v/-..i d i n !044 > *'.»■"■> - | Gaddy Barber Shop Hair 4,'at? Suave? Massage? Sn«e Shine.’ and Hair-Fix? GO.VIE IN; ,-nter St. Fairmont ROUSE SERVICE STATION ij AS o*l. U MH ATION gars washed O : >laiii :>nd Red Gross sts i i UHMOM' hlAfOOl) M VKkl I j AI L I RISH SEAFOODS IN SEASON j Hr l)r,» Free ;■( Gharse ! inter St. J airnion* j.. . ! j NEGRO’S HAIR IS A ! PROBLEM IN EUROPE «V HII.UAM O’SHKli.ia* PARIS Fr nice >A> ;• - The: I ?«■ •«t n.. • inr vcort' X _ .*-> Airser- 1 ins cxvc m Europe is war luiix. . . m .>. arry .-J rut r.>.i!a j !>X: jic wh > cio cut their w.ur je - : ceritiy .Vi.- the w m-n worry about I i u<-U.x! j thmr n.ii a. is lied uui a •r. ■ ! -i. ■»Vl>> , d .s ti*. • ;.x Fmce,! -.'a! • >r Sweden new comers are! -.lire to as<c those w > have acvt: o the country any l<*n?tb of • itu *' i-..' they can ixnd a ~r • --.x ! die know. ’ -jr a V. -a res, . , 1 das ei.ouyn nerve . ?. ut u ! lair > Four sepia male Yanks m L * r > , d>.'n had made tile rounds •-> ail t.we j 'cconimsuded barber ship. >.i - hair arrival six mouths ago, and i dill no success. One 1 y they d ic; led thot oarbev shoo problc-m i j ante ><’-d ior all. One of :ne four bad s'daiered x : Italy, and he remembered how well j ms I’aliao barbers nad done > the Negro soldiers down there. H ritrib’ated the Italian success to: Viet, taut the crude - liaiian iwc- ranged from real c-raught N, kinky -jtubbarness sa on that ore u use they decide J to xixr a ! fr-.p : y r«vy Italian sect- :n of L. m ‘ Jon' in ea/eh ■>? .1 barber arhj c.,:j ! cut fr.eir hair. I After they hod examined fix jor five barber shops from -.:• •ut j -!■•» they happened upon j. two' ■xVir shop. One of the barbers xud .■it kinky hair, and trie Oder; : barber had daigfat hair They ae :'dcd ill 0 huddle >CI Hi-: VCI IV Ik i .hat --.lie f*.:- us their group vvil.t 'P' - 'o Oi >J :i LV s.'’ HiUi ttUr LIFER GRANTED 3RD StiSPENSiCN i JACKSON. Mis*. : AN?. S.OI Wdliams, convicted - f .nuru.-i T-te C.xmty in IdJd won ais taud i mdiefinite suspension .v .: hie *-.;i --; toiice to Parchrnan her* last v, . Williams- early suspension, .'runted, ;: the late Govs Johnson aid! Aal! ey r .Vviif revoked when a Chi >.'xi- 1 detective sent what wx ... - x> nave been conclusive pr- 11 >. ; 1 j Stein was one Jes.-.* Wi kam ! suspected Communist THREE NERSES GO TO WAITER REED GENERAL HOSPI FAT WASHINGTON ( xNPi T X iu nure>-, one a • x,a a 1 .ii lieu tenants, recently r--.. i Vi the army medical center heie t iuty a’ Waiter Heed 1 > ai rite taree are r.pt. Ruth N r .:ii- ter Monroe. N C , nd , Lts. Minion E. Templet-n, 1 aut , nan. N. C . -nd Gracie V Re . rts. Siieluy. X t» LNSTITI I E FOR DRIVERS HELD AT SOI THERA I . 1 SCOTLANDVILLE. Y 11 AXt*i reaeffe: ■ frm 10 c.-’F-e. :x *« .tes >rc attending a regt *ndr;c er c-ducatejn institute vx e S'-ut hen i University I Tho institute is spbr-sorei by tar niversity and the Date d> pirtin- u ' •>• education to prepare teach ;■> of driver education, who .u aim I will train high staoc-. te„ : . . 1 C olleges send ng reprasentar. n a ,tj the institute include Texas Y. : University. Arkansas A. ar.d Jl. College, MissUsippf Industri-J. Southern Christian Institute K.cSi j College, Xavier Uaivcrscty and Southern Univecs.ty. gun .a .' One -• .‘uid ihinx Miey - bald i lac .. -mi ai: kflmc’e v-liaared, bury-, -i try hut iney did nut. . The 4- dc : icd n tdo ..tr xgii ■ haued bstfber. because fhey veer*' > sure .‘a,;, of die (w j *-,i -i"o ct>! - ; tne of tier s luitr res*;its , en; ■> . -rd t > | th*‘ir v.s.aes nid mov- there ia a’ ; barber in Uxndoa -vh > we. with not Such %■> u hair, . visit wild -w>unnc'>. Fie hi r-cutting vifuaiton here -s, • r*ac:< hasit's been worked -out very * ' vV * ; : xi! - -r, *he bar rsnua h rp wi- ’x “a hope-— an*;- | f i •• xtuen ave bsen having a! 3 i x-c ■’ -r luck Uian the meu. j iai'.KS to -J’ >■.. new cuinbL.sshair-1 ■trs: ixu-mri,* American 'products. ; The >n*•••- uln® lbouc this method ! ; <s. w-i'ixu ai List briijo a supply i >t rne hx.r straiathener J her ! Ciiuice wtiritei 1 haveu t s-eti -t --<n tin: market fie re. < >.u 'men o-.-em to <et mdTl' when then I air higuis 10 1 - ■ lad sic-y wi:: try my.j 1 tine.* <r -aybody in an effort to 1 cniedy idt situation. This ui-oneei 1 •iff. . Mined several-fust class * J: •- :■ ■•> ;• care of Negro-j av ." r.yr- : Pari*. And. ‘.'Nth tile• ■ . ->-ar. • ;f :rie subjr-cl. these j . tra'-iu ...-a 0 sen doing 3 pretty j go .J j .: riiis >: 1 ii iruxi-niattoii doss': t I .c ia a ; j. vent need I bar . ; be. 1 nod .. . ir--.- c- is c wisfaui ! NR '!.<r is I th ok there would be u ..x: ..- tor either 1 Negro; usrb-r or a hv.a.!*•••.-■.r to niaka a', u.vmg This rare sent, situation is *; v • ; ..>wever. a: the] a-., xber .•; Nip. ; ■ .n<!, ,-. ntir.s-.-s incr-.-aae ai. : rate tney nave 1 been ir* the a a-: . ’.,r. it might bn; .ene idianturous bavaer and hairdr.'asc. i t-nu ‘ > give Pan*: i try. But .:•> ‘be event you do J?- boe s o come t > Pit is, be yore you; irt a good barber and Hairdresser, •v;t o can doub-e an Doth Neeroosi jnd white' and Ido not trunk you< -v ill have any trouble IwiG range Lum h j tioonv AND 81LLARD PARLOR * Coci _ and w meni J. R. Riggins—Center Si. ROBERSON - BLADEN MUTUAL FUnLRAL ASSOCIATION ■ STEPHENS \:M) PREY CITE FUNERAL directors AND EMBALMERS Will McCnmmon, Agent | FAUt.MONT, v. G. *i*.*m».i.i—■)—<r*i iiyuw.u.^—<t.i. - —° * *, TEDDER & EAILK j GROCERY 1 SELECT GROCERIES MEATS, FISH AND OYSTERS i OL&i 4471 Fairmont, N. C. \ PAGE ELEVEN aiowm VENTURES OMTKOTT (MIPS) —7 m f‘*nna ii;t •••- the “Co'uu.H Ni-.gra fcm 1P l ~X< : o!V a. 0!>;!l >'ll la. " VV i-S 411- ; riouiif:..- i recertiy :,y f'. /ase.i V*, .Jtvykiif a i)h< -<>it puhiisieir «/ul ? u iiitiier of the Dnuiplt Metrapuii r :. A >i rtey.: .1 x i I'! a ! i il -11 a I. >Ol j vs; >a Bp; it ir, sail that the orgaami : lioa vos set up to prom ore, aid i end assist in he development of , busS&a=k and vpsmrtunitiea for the . Negro iiuerliig into the ivHti of hitsin.w* by providing them with inforua’.; >n. f-ceauragement.. and , 301-v !<■ 3 that will aid theta to cant -1 pet. * mors stroegb I “The <:ofities 1, a op*: profit metn , seTibip ixdeti’, cuo aid Negro btfol via-'-i in becoming mare progi'ensuro iby m-.aas .t awu-fde, -terviftSH ;hkl .supisiying iiifuriuM’ jc y.ciDri by !0! scr ; iu. *IU:- -. .Si -U bu. ~ 36S U>w ; i Boykin yv*>i-‘ id out. rewßV*w»- wwuiwan ■i*»‘**wi«‘»^nri Lovin Ci Baker’s Tsixl FOR PROMPT sERVIO® » HAi OR MGUr I UK FOR. “BAML" OR -'BASLEST DIAL b44X JONES RADIO SERVICE i TUBES. PARTS. RECORDS, RADIO SAAES. CAMERAS & FILMS. SMALL APPLIANCES i W. L. Jones Centex- 3t: “-it- T— r Lmoer s Lunch Roosb ; /And Billiard Parlor GOOD FOOD AND KNTKaTAJXMENX ' 1. R. KltkGlNS CENTER ST. I „ Visit Powell’s Place ear Msir uis. sbvwtn, Oprn j days Per W--rk POUTELL'S GKOCKRV AWS> BARKER SHOP s < a ii'tae UH 133 Canal St Ar«h Fowell, Prop. FAfRMONT STOCK YARDS LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY TUESDAY We Buy Stock Daily General Grocery Combined Ph. 5911 Fairmont, N. C. j .., .n ~ | Get All Round Servics ! J AMES PLACE ; 1[ | Groceries and Confect - an* Gas and Oils j * BAR-BE-CUfc DINE AND DANCE j Open Day and Night | f Happy Hi!S Faim^i I ,l ; ;il ' 7 ' "| IjJ When In Fairmont Come ; S To j BETHEA’S PLACE i j For Fresh Meats, Staple *rtd Fancy Groceries, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream and Notions ! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK |:l i7 Canal St. Fafnaast ]

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