PAGE TWELVE [GREENVILLE ABOUT THU TOT % ... BY W. H sLi.e V SERVICES HK’.D fl'orvlces w.- r a b ■j young sons who were iu •■• tints of a double drowning- Thun-- day afternoon about four <> clock. They drowned in I tie Tat Rive be Tyson and St ' - St -•* The two brothers William .n : Thomas Daniels, were r.-jiorU s to having been swimm;«g :•• ■«. ether boys when they sndtn r.l> went, out of sight aoont “<• * -rd from shore Larry Knight md Charles Morris, cons panions of the vie-timv. went after rem but were of no help. Police amt firemen were «-.m monetl to the - cue and ■ s: dragging the area ;i an eftort recover the bodies. PERSONALS Mrs. C. A. of Washing tor.. iV. P. recently vidtH tier daughter. Mrs. l.iliii R. lay’ ' Gre-enville. Mrs A’cy Vine-, hss returned Baltimore after spending ’is weeks with her sist to . vesting relatives and trlr-ml*. ■Mrs. >f -y flav spirit Jr-- werk end in Fountain with her sist• t. Mrs. Qwenie >’>tt and was '1 sup per jrueM n r Mr and Mr? i» ! m Staten rear Ma--c!esfK-ld The St Peters Willing V. aim . Cfofc met at. rise hoot" of Mrs. Re---: Pervorn on Tyson ->’ r ‘ The me ■ ing was opened with a «/w and Deacon Joe Flemming, the prc-. dent, made an interesting talk cc.i eeming the club. The next meeting will be Sun day. August 21, at the v of Mis Nellie Langley of West 4th Street. Taylor. PAUL DONALDSON GROCERY Phasing You Have Kept T's f r - Business We Appreciate Your Patronage Coid Drinks. Ire Cream, Candies Dial 4650 305 W I4th Si GREENVILLE X. ( j ■ j BLACKWOOD'S ASSO. j STORE GARRIS. BROS., Owners j Bicycle and Radio R'fiain t Trade ins. Whisier Bike j Meters Terms iIC W.. Sib Si., Greenville j Whites Stores, Inc. WHAT YOU WANT AT WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY Greenville N C. | GLAMOR SHOPS I SMART WEARING APPAREL I FOR LADIES & CHILDREN 404 Evens Sireei Green ■Lie, N C " .«eareftjsnecw. nnnu m u wai mm wa BERRY BOSTIC & SON j Home Furnishing and Appliances 2CT E Eih Si Greenville j (Kesri Dee r io While Onev. j Co ) i r m i a i nnur ewm >■ -mu i >■ mm m a«■ in anea*- SAIEED’S “FOP. EVERYTHING IN WEAR ARLES' Greenv-illy, N. C, ' ' —-Mil _ THKfI —»■ 'jJWL !■' I i <£gh~ \ S-AfiUh I 'W-' ■ I " - v 'V s' ! ----- v--.... fins Carrie Summei-eli of Farm ville: Booker T Payton and M - : Lillie M. Darden of Griffon: .lamps . I h-'-lps and Miss Marv L. Harris of vVr.terviJlc* and (' rer-milli iWiHie R \\ n«on and Miss Lenoia Mao CogdeH of Washington u#*«’ Greenville; Preston Green ami Miss Liii-e Mae Harris of Greer vllle. tv H biliey. « hi known citizen «<{ Greenville, * ecn made an . agent for the CAROLINIAN in Mre est v ilia. He will collet your news and pictures fur publication in the wiper AT.-!. NEWS AND PTCfVRES. MUST BE IN HIS HANDS BY WEDNESDAY OF THE WEEK BEFORE YOU WANT S V < H NEWS \NT> PICTURES. PUB FISHED Mr Lilloy may be cottacG i a‘ his homo H-i 11 " Z Clark Sire a If o»u wish to have y.»ur TMper d ijvered Mr I.illey wtl deliver .to v.-:i. rioorsiep NEGRO APPOINTED TO OHIO IM)l STRI AE (OMMI \ S I 0 N M yn->r<- .: local a; rnc-y. v.m>: rwtr: m rcrcnily as ' | 1 • ! rv Frank .' L; i-< • By go n -.arr.- the lint Nrg;-«> \< ever : chv.- A ? .Lva'c i a U! ! *- \ ;-nd- inr y«>«s£.-.toven CT • Lg. ot .;■ V Dickers.;: !:r,s h.:d a • ! disi n: -airbed ceres r as a public ; firs', N< ar .i := . serve as :ii< r !r:• -t • rt f n sic c.t • -a hr:. !he ■ :id * . i •• n Y< gst • PROSECUTOR if. YEARS AJ-.e: ser. at JO r : ■- f-cuif ;)f the college's Summer School Acini; nistrut ion, the two-day pro : grain -■;sessions on “The Utilization of Audio Visual Ma ; terials." “AAudio Visual Aids in the School Ptoonin ” Radio Kdui-Htion." and Totnmunity Uses as a?i.•!!<> \’i Alia] A ills. An exhibit of the latest audio • ,-s’tal materials was prepared for the cons- sekee by flic commercial firms, tv- ■m< s School Supply and Xati-HVi: School Supply. Raieigh N. 4 : and Radio Ele'-tronies. Win -• m-Saiem. N 0 LINCOLN (Mo } SET> REGISTRATION DATE JEFFERSON CITY Mu. - - The efiiCi: i * ; ltd.,’ d .T.. ted opt n u.‘ dates at Lit.'•'■ln’ UnhersMy .'lap. for the Fs.' ,'-'*e.r a> S- . - -u-rriD.-r r fhrourh 12 !• .-trs.i-- tor . it students In aI) civb-i-'ns of • the IJtiivei-F i y wi)i be conducted u'-i Vf.-rsday 12 # Admission examinations Cor fit yt- . a:!sa to T.inr-oiri l’vtiv., ;>i ty'.t from u.fiaccre. ited high ■ • .els cvill : r.t-!d at lb t ■:s i' iii u Mend y. Kei'.teihber 7. Fmhmer and nvv sfttdem orieu : ;. ;n: p b‘ the foDov.’itip ■ - • ■ ti lt ia Winch Wei r, there C.'th !;■ nif 'Ci! split U'k- toil-'. S'.'PO sp-v’ ;!.ie p.s. r r„ : ;h ;1 • • cr- .. tests Voc-ati rm! •' !' . c- p ' ami sc ndiny tots. ’ Ar ice ; exam I i( ns is’. . Vr.rrr. German or Spanish w ii) be i e\ ■ iiiose students cic-:' .a., to obtain i eeotfmt ■r. arid evaluatioti f foreign ianguaip work H-i-hh '■■xrtiT ,■ f<> : aii «n - ter mg student? *-i! i be c; ndueied dannr Frefhraen week as we’-l as ' throughout The year Reereati nai i ■ .ti'ptie under t;-,-. direct’..-n cf i Rerreai -*onai Arm Harris - and assii-tar.ts *- 1} hr programmed -The week ot ectivrtie? close? wsl.a r.t; induct ion eonv eta on in Page f A ROUNIAN - ■ sari'Kirium. The program of the row semester ; includes the customary required i convocations each Tjesday rr-r-rhiiig 11(5:00 s rr, with “time• fut” for the i observariee oi Arrs : ■ . rv Day ' T;'■:rfk.- n i vir*L r ;»r:d the t\vr*~ | Christir-as holiday pf-rjud. Dec 4 --: ber 16 lo January 3 TIPS ARE GIVEN ON HEAD ILLNESS "Heats-tickrms 44 ‘.a ui..-;r --; r rc-sfonaibii • tin io-s of many j live; each ?umm< r County Agent -VV C Davenport of the State ('«>!- -err Exterior; S' -'le. •-inircmtcd ; insr- ,-r<-k Wth i; gi U“ ture- o .ro. j ih-: rush cf nfc’.'vvoting, it :> <-h-> ,be ov« retime by several fern-. «'f jhe at Uio- - he ;i' | The toumy ar-eiii explained the! sunstroke results fro.-'i pioloimfd • (xposur* ’ the sun ■ ray.- He . - ! XV may 1> i:t - ' i i" . • . • j hei.i O I Xii‘ to " lu- .Ui. | The effect- are Uk -ame in Em if;; v<> fill, b So- t iix ’nr ! md dry i . ' red ~: ri ‘ flushed, high temperature inter ihi i.daci-' . e: o’: u • h :: n nets j ioud rupils iulai.. i bui >f equal j siiu and unconseiouaness The Naficnnl Safety C unc i rec tetrmend for trt-a r inp •uldcrs ” Ay. ly Ee or cold cloths to iK-aa : y.i bedv gradually with c ! baih or wrap the pi r-on u .-■'ntti old iprinrio with cool -■-. ; G>'nt ! y iub limbs toward the hi a ' At; .• fronting foi several lutes, -top and --bservo patba-t If skin, becomes hot again, re-ume ; treatment. If tunsci-'us, give coo] onnk-. M-: ICC Clio. Dr. tvs t give ;t. Hi .r.t- G t the patient to a physician er a " spit a .. soon as poss.i.iO. ■ t;: -. • tr« atm-< lumitv, Ti ■- or ■: - n in u exb i.r . don ii■:; ;; us> be skin Os th puti-. T <; id ..nci ii. 0.;..y A ttimple iule may serve as a guide .„u > a id ccnfusi n r rd, . u eatment - if the patient i- cnid. koc-p n e: lin roeJinc-d |>csitioii give him .-alt. land make h:m w••: •i; if T. a '.o’ i raise ho- head and shoulders and make hire 00l Read The raroliniaul CURFIELD PETERSON S GROCERY Wp In iRfH.'EiUES ANT) SLICKI) JOE COLD WATERMELON Free Deliver;. Service Greenville N 0. | —ill i i ~uiiii 11 in in lHiHi nii iiMiwni mi ir~rn - - , w „ „i„„ - f cattle that he van feed to ;>, ■-« adv antage during u - viesue vi jj - .nd make 1 iem a part 1 f iiis rc'guhir pri granv In this way so .- Case cattle feeding will be profit a! ,»• :n ihc Sony can if eye ei'i-riT; slum, and 26 per cent of the on»an.<. id p-wi pur i \ peai u;r Hmp.v'i -M equipment, dry lot feeding, chm, <: them rouehaees finishing cattle calves, and preparing caUm i sh T' mp nt. Several tabw - give sun . beef cattle. be obtained from the local county agent or by wi'itw.g the Agili'C:- iural Editor. State Coib-iT* Station, Raleigh. *rs and homemaker- are . xpect, d to ..'tend Farm end Home Week which will L held on the State C liege campus in Raleigh from , Mendac. August E. through Tiuirs : day. August i! EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE WHERE PRICES ARE LOW ’ Evans St. Greenville HOME FURNITURE STORE COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS Cash cr Terms Greenville, N C. Best Jewelry Co. “Eastern Carolina’s Jewelers’’ GREENVILLE. N C ‘‘Hone-si Values