WEEK ENDING SATt KI.MY, AUGUST 6, l«4i» "PINKY" MOST DEBATES FILM OF THE YEAS CHICAGO (ANT' I --■ f), ;pi'c !w>c i,y Jeanne Crain us * Negro anci Rthi I Harriiyuion- as southern libera] Saplen;b-r Kborr, declares that c-astine of Kthel Wat er? a? an cut".::id-out Di.s.<- mam my and Nina Mae McKinney raisr-t tin hussy, will make D . ryl F Zanuck’.: "I’miiy' the most debated tin.; ui U.e yea. Ciiißy ; moving im murai,lal.o story •:,! iiitat-skinned Mu issi;-pi Drj iJeanne Crain) wiio lares ct^> to i,.r Nogiv. unoi !■: *! > tor it, >vii! come as a shod; to most whites.’ Ebony state-’ ana conylm ues: "But the roles created T'.i ' Water; and Nina Mae McKinney air cettain to • ner.u Yt -.- "Finky ts ba-ed on tile story ot a Negro girl who passes and rets involved in an interracial romance with a white doctor DaiTvl !• Zahuck has planned it as his hr pt.t and most costly production ot the yeat Running to Imjn and JO minute* the m.-vt.- u ill t i sued ui Ci u 1.11:'. .-■ t iai.; ..-1 -. . HOUSTON HAULMS MANAtiMK l 111 l li The Houston tit .< ‘.hakt • U;1 iHit WttvK lit Ad A/i &1 1 U p< 1‘ Re,, ccn Js.iifcs ixit d a*ecreLai. > i....*.>.>» - m i I :¥" **#»»»*.*»*» leak years yaunger Cefsr taOf Hair this f«»y Way •' fcnv« yo-.ii hit f €v«n)y. ti>'ly - vJI 'ritb ttal n ty b«*4 tc.'iciU ptrriß*r.<r s ti *-df >hm*h K* fcd;v»*..d wifd f w. WVCt ';0 yea » Yk,-bi f«* U i *v i! t live )iu: ibi.lt b*b> g" jrw •• « not IGv y f HiuJicd. Hive «i) fciC-fcjj.G- - He ,vt>- . . .iy vU i UvcMc fec«-ty shop Cm buy «l *.,y > *<W «L>*t ft«,| h*** Loi Rmj MU •*<* |K2a jrivt i)( f-*4. tax «tv#tt l« IfOOtlllOH '.JtVlitAl&£ HAIR COLORING UOiHtUQ'i MtC CO • IStC OUVI it • V> lOUli 3 MO. ’WWMIgI • ’“'-mnn-him ■JW.'iHu<i.,3H„ l - W Ill> —-, - IN RALEIGH IT’S ■' "fashions” INSURANCE BUILDING SUMMER CLEAR AWAY THURSDAY ■ FRIDAY - SATURDAY T-Shirts Shorts r Jilt * GiilDCtl GOttOtt -'i at LuTjifV kill! ; -bins in pa.stwia •«« i«■ ill. Pocket arid | end sinpf. .Si a- J, *OO >■ nti t• it < i( „.. 194 c, ~ . . Whitt*. MjiZi N,l * Sflinii, tViediuAil. and vv, orowh. .'Vj/e,' iw L&r|€. v | y BEAUTIFUL SLIPS U»k wearing French (hi-- and Hatifome-: 2 FOR Cottons Lace trim-top and bottom. Pasiel <•*.»] sr% sizes 32 ic Hr. JvOO SUMMER BLOUSES viany •*tyies featuring &)|ort or on p sjUh vr-s tu cottons Lsuv and eyelet trims Pastel coho - Jr HO Sim S 2 id 40. Regular to i 3* *"** Skirt* Handbag* ■Gathered and tie: Washable while pi , eh cottons Sulla fy i, iW h and m 4 colors and ttrint- d&'BU aiyk-s with X **'” Sizes 26 to 40. Keg ha.ndh« Refjultti to ular to 4. 05. 2.93 V ' Why Walk? 1940 DODGE s Tudor. Clean, N worth a lot but s reasonably priced. s Mitchell. Outdhei Leon Ruffin ha be<=r. named act in» manager o) llr , fillfc. Accurdin.'t to co-owne. Ur. W. H. Young Jones and Mitchell lost their jobs because of a disturbance be ;. recti the two on the diamond In hrarikfnrt. iil, dining a game re cently between (Re E.U’lCs ui.'.l " «• Chicago American Giants. ”1 think it was for the be: ’ 1 said Dr. Young. ’.’We have n il 1 .i'or>. tjav-t .- •id 1 since Ruffin vv.n placed nit he driver's seat " Ruffin s 37 years old lie first •. .ioit.it the lei Newark R.iMe- in 1 : PC-). Lotei he played v.'iili team in ivtexico Puerto Rico and Cuba Ain ■’ throe years in the navy in .v jbinc tithe Mia nit.- in lMti Me lias tiis ntme in ihe town ;-t hi birth. Portsmouth Va. wh< <- > i.v e- w nit h.s wife and child. . Dr. Y.iutii and liuglt Ch-iry ol . Blv'.iit-vilie, Ark cough' tii’ Regie.-, from Mr. and Mr: Aba Man ley ..I Newark aftet they decided to give up the team last year .ioiits W:.: named manager last I spi'iitH just before spring tiairu.i.-y Mitchell joined the c.'ub last spun - !: also, ASSAI I T AM) liAi i i;ky (;h \ki;i;s DISMISSED IiKIKOIT I AMP: -- .v ..Milt and l.uit iv .le.t’ce arainsl 1 iitlui Webb, funner city t-ili itn 1.0 tin- Detroit J nbuue .v o ilisini*'t it last ,1 i-ek ly Kcrord t-i liiiitje O. /.. lilt- vi til 11 tin till- M-ioiui time I lysM- Hoytilli eJltul pubiishet ut tilt lilbu.n ARewvimm if/Of ttuii KILL ROMANC£? Gray, dfob hoi' cort moke you took older dijcooroQe invitation* to hove a good be cause men thir.Jt you'r« 100 ©Fd. Don » tub* u chance with your romance. Give your huir ruh, noturo! looking color and beauty with Loiieuv®, Your friends will approve. 1 A \ ~***~ - ; v / • •' | I I • • a Small Payment * 1942 PLYMOUTH f Ford or, You don't l need much money [ to buv this one. i i CHIiRCH TO INSTALL CAKfI LION OF 10 BEi LS Ui Joim )i .Tf.hnsou, brilliant , shcpliei d ol St. Martin PvotestaiU Chiii'di lu-ro ,s.enounced lj.-t v. k the tTumii will install md .ily’H second .‘argev.t eanilion in I rite September or tjii;. Octo- i | r. I'he ciii’ilio - n it bi'ii' iover 'i.:- Jint- .r lid »i half fhroinatu. oc t.s'.'-- will ue 11. tall e rl <it the ;)0-' i i'GO hell lt)Wer. letal Weight l thfi Id-Hs Will be I'S.C'OO poimtts with, tii» largest weighing 3,100 pounC.s.. *kJ tht- .smallest 20 L»; Juhi'suu .said ‘.rut Kairuei : 1.. iTA-i vt, cariikaD'U; rtt Ud- Kivief- | id( Chmen. ivueiv New Yurk V 1 iaegesT cariiiion is located, will be jdayci at the »i».w ication ir«f*j - - t.Jndei ti ain iip tor pc r manent assignment to tins vv'Oii: arc Albei’l Hrancn ]?-vear-old, rmiSiG • t ad*a a at Ne w Y .11 . Col lege ot IVlumc and Wiiirarn , iornici ru'scinpaiiist ivlarian Anderson. i IST KITES HELD ! OR ( 111 i.i \l)l’,ii ■ CHICAGO iANpi i- metal - :-. :Ct - Were held ill-! Wt“eß l‘Oi | Mrs. Mary W C’iai kc. -pionetr civic ’ ..u(i ].:ol i tc-.il Ie: di’-i -d Ctiicugo Mr-- t'i'iike':: j. litical act ivitu-s , )'! fw »'-nt ut iic/ civic jiiui'i uitrs n vVhi*. h lit* hVv .tv. SiU.t politD 11 H • • tiOn Wiih titfiv.- -ar v to solve ca vic ' i problems. Nile i v i. • .-1 Known 101 hi*)' woi a ■ a.-, pivskdt-iil ot Oik c'aioi fc d WOiii • tii- Kv j. ■': i 0 i; c .11; vva: v* t s activa with tin. Colored; Women Ft tici ated t. ‘ic.ta- here Mi' l iarkf* was t.<■ ot nin s't L..ouis ; 'mo attended .srhuoi UieM .S/it 5 ; vunir to Chic aro neai'iy *to vi ax.: year? aho, She is survived by her r;ns-t;ai»d, F fOdst E. Ciai'hfc. ioi .ki .archU*?Y.*t alld ti V e R-Stei::. PROPERTY TO EE SPLIT among kin OF DECEASED A liillt’l Will lie! nil- h..W -: e lit ipiirt. r u! p.roj-'crty valued at JCU. the.) will be divided suvioijj- to r«>.l sins, the last ~i }a pier*--, of pro : m*rfv h-n Oy the late HjiTuird P. Col Hus \i> lie' rend.i fitß in a w-’il ({and A silk ns k i i;?'. t‘or surh aet lon . u iiS t iled hist v.eek U> one of The ; hem-fi' iai ies. .Viis:.; Mariot* K. S-lie ;j nd lie? uiin- Ofausilis are e*i of bNitlin-o w: tiow, vlrs Ktzabefh CoIJiu.H, He or:i --t r iiially Milled -t"« pities «d’ prop* tty to iiis wife which in turri was ig CO bo tl»eir three rhlidren w ie- ■ •he died and lisuiiiy !«> then lieh linn iiieti Ot iu*!> 01 ri.- vlv.- jv'irn (.f ! ; 1 : ■ property are Mi Aim tie Wisenmr U; hii t'U‘ii . VI i s RiibV i'Ok its ire* \ N1 ■ w Y *..- i h •ti \ ■ H e nr\ E'o 1 tins Bah Ui 1 ore and Hi V\ ill) via till* a ilalloran hospital. Staten tr iar.d N Y BULLET UNDER SKIN CAUSES FAINT SPELL ST LOUS .ANT) i oi*s ptanojir i f ** 5 jiut spelt, WuSht Bin /it walked into Ifoniet f* hospital I4sl weeJK tu his stiipiLstr, tests it veiled tliat a 32 eahbre htiliet was lodged UllilfT the skin i*i his head dvtj the hit Ca/ latti, Hieiit fev taied that ivtilh he was drunk, a mail ideii tis ietl as Chaile* ItOMthuH puilt 4l a i-. ui» f>fl hull add shot w idlr they Hi 1 id ah ilietit He lh id ive did 1101 kfiftvt he wa.* 1 till At r» led Oh suspicion us its* atilt With iirttnd lk» kill, i*o %\’ mall said tilt* shot was acciiteh tat. LrCfits coiiditioii is i*dt st i »OUv. tailed lit appear ih court Vt i hb was charged with steilc Hovkm about the face sfev einl Weeks VvllCll the tViO on u hecanie iii an ai- Oiim m over late pasc-heckfc. "Old at 40,50,60?” Man, You re Crazy your ] 1 Hiujfcbdft urn hr it. l ■'§ WW-LM ui- nrlUi Osirn Coauite ,‘omctu rOD'Jc'Pk I««)iuk dm. .u.i*iy t.> * iai-i -A i.-j* t-L, .-. nirtu. uiea *,.,1! Aviue-i. ..jUi “old' 'l 7 * osir*i ram*? i iibik 6 ’n for n ■ .vo*4i*»vr turn vfij (l'it "sew ' -ill t» :jt..,. u'ew ’ *.z« oO*. A t hU lit ng su re every whC/ftr*—in Kalcigh. at Wa^reeii's *t Lcktrd’% M k i s i Try It Out L n I%J 1949 FORD k N k fN Custom convertible L M Coupe. Fully kj Eg nipped. N Lj kj CITES REASONS FOR INFLUX OF HUES 10 RIGANS Ovm'ivopn'auou, di rcouiviit wit I’ | ; iholt social j-nn \ ai-: aud .•■duitflaial of ■ living, pini the L'oiiiiwtroir* 1 Iniei p . sts of ;*i* lint., are ivr-pOiisibie :• loi mlgrarioh of large manbo's of' - Puei’l ; Hicarm ;«> New York buy ■ if was pointed out b, Dj Frank ' V\ hate'll, assista 11! \i])erim ee,doni >1 schools for X'-w York FTty, )<» j ,an address before th* (Tit 1 1 olio tu I !k racia) Con 10 U, last weok. ih. VVTuiieii win;;* w ui. It in the jl New York City school svstohi licis j( ilii'ougut him info co-ntii-dt with the y j.idhlein of tin- ciiya ia.'gest Cuer j* to Tin mi settleiiieut recently was I u at the inu ueurn i ion ot I. «1 y aI vr 111. iVhii’iu, Puerto Ricos »i 11 h idee led r\iven;oi fhere he made |( fltsi-hand obse; vat lons, of cumii ! 1 lulls on the island. ■« ‘liTe native P’.ierto Rioan is lim iied. in hit search fur pro • perify j ! ;on the island.” Dr. Whalen said j: ■ IB* sees in America vlsums of ;• land i f betterment. Thinks m Ame -a d a as the pot of gold at tin end:: »,f the rain how “Pe'i’sorf i miked to Turin." n • j visit 01 Puerto Rico seem tu fe-T j; that the coming of -malt ami c |. versified iiitimd.ry would help solve | V'lieitu R'ane 1 0 'v- CCi :fif»m i>" - !: •» nv j 1 rtiL's»‘ woiilii h* ii» tu effect tn** r \ hind s dependence uii ii.-» sue.a* aiDi i | pi r?c «nine cropn, would develop j ■ h ill*-? worker-; and ra i the is- j Jam! •' v.rami.\rd of living Ur ; Whalen said 1 “But it Uimvr he wo id h whi h- f.-i : •"mail rniimn it- to move iru - Pner j m >; \i'< ' *. - -•- ,m 'lir.r'.i **i 5 H - j ■fine ni iivii (•’ N' i--nina to U>- j ; i'h a* p<l. then eay eprevieurs nva v | I'D IK* if >«a vincro pav much hn tv * , 1 Mum are now paid 01, tv - ! : iidnnd.” f it 1 de v :Ci ibt-d tear, iUp a*- ‘FIW ut ! Hie surest needs, oil the ibiaud, but uiidea that t. fir* new covernn ; eiit : h; : i.-- the CijU?*U’l|Cl iunol •• e 1 ; *•) ai huri..iiiC p i'm}* ‘i-» v; in nil »-T tu; i ,Ui eradicate the slums ami the*)' a e*‘ol i; pan v iny ui scares. Uj Wltaleii .-ited Hie hi.cti nw deuce <1 ! nTwu --:: hvs.is in PllnV: Rico as the Kreatcst me mice tu tin -■ hen it li u-i the islander.*.. Here aya 1 ?<. :he added tin i nineiH is lei hip the lead in measure 1 ' designed •Mo iinp i uVe ht a! f h I'' fn ies IC.'< Puerto Rican** roy.mfki: i:\PIDS Ah-. Halih- 'Turner us L!n«-o*n iivii.ht o ielKUted belio.. n‘i tui seme lime. She c- the sister ut Sh (‘aroHne Ciiiutori. Ahss Murtiee Brinkley h- visMTne if; iUOlher. Airs Mamie BrinkiP'i >Tiv ... ifit sic ti-r t.»f ...vi i . tail; Bn in • lev ut ttusiiiv a.nct also Ur Wiivti’ «1> R fin Kiev ot hut ham who vvms . :ai.-u home This v>celuVml < oust i ucf ion -ji ilk Bine :;<•»•*? li .Mi JeJeitiiaii Ivey of VVashilic parents Rev a)ld .\Jis. -I Ivey ul Li on f 3 HiMiselir RajbJs ! .vB Tames Su-d;n oi New \mk ' 4 By is vis.iiinp, his brotiiei -h *J 1 Kawß- Blank Vv ; J r .vi v. hani <■'■ 1 .«11 d •a 1 a y Hutt >pent Sunday ut Sea v iew Bt-i !in Nuriulk Va, \ va me was yda y**d in Mir Park here m Ruhuokf Kipnls : . *.: \ •’!eil i’» li ?Vr -f YV *_« A Hie vV *.» I Bind Timers and tin AVeidon Ah Sea r - witlt i ht- hi * r takii:g Mb ; : iiO V) Ui ft n b>VHD to TCi t. Aiir.s Zeirna Rf--vi. and v'h s <\m- | mu BBT £ «Sa’ FOOD BUT: / \ vi • j 11 i. MtlVflil j | DAIRY Milk you ftiDle vOfjiiii p*rl CM iu. iliOll Ul') tcrud j Sri.ilh e.Bv.lU Milk u iu.ii w-*J j| bic-aiT.) 1 *v .’h a hr.fr, tr«ih twin lh«* tiiiir» fUivwi CrwifrCf yiiUt foiu-b * tirairk iiw; •. uy t!. <s.* Yvifißi rue (Mill Ly »t- v j fil.lk c.Y k'tteiy Hl« !*•— G(<d Iwi &%’• J i I WOV F\- iJiiswli HiuAv j j halt £ <JH$\ fwi Hvfr>« Dthvtry SMITH-MELVfUE DAUfV p C. I | ENJOY LIFE... WITH A GOOD USED CAR FROM SANDER’S MOTOR 'tgjgfta COMPANY * am, DAVit & BLOUNT STS. RAUF.IOH, N. C Open Until 9 p. m. Monday Through Friday THE CAROL-INI AN RFPORTER SS'S XKK ISN'T WHAT IT USED TO 3E “J'!e ]{KK bn'l whut if it. •• . be,’ • :*>’ •, Wpmhii chm I ‘<; .( • !.er lit'Ui Brice in Kepi ember Pv KfO 1 M»(* j t ' . "li. «•;) «| <■ .SOU) 11 ‘!i whiles and Rk-yv<< <* alike ma laugh. Big .he IwjoJetui she*; ters oai of ( eX! S4e i'i vi ‘ Heru r Ui 11; (mi i<-. a' l-'iah fit * »t-: ■■ wiiiCii v,ere »r- 1-1 *■ ii iut>j i•«»tliiii ♦*- ness Price i opium ’*l >u *• ine il’,., k'lan pai nde t i«• •»i I lie roloi tit di:d<dvl i»l' Buimsviiie Gee;] <*a, a Ni-£J*«i v•. iiidl’t slum tod i i'roiii he! h. i*e ‘kiur dm i. ‘send us vonr .sheds while folk we’ll wash dr. A.i oi’hu- svamht ; - Ui tie Udi and a fto-cli of !\*" re eh; j <)i ‘a j,. i; hi hehilit: :h e par.- m : d i'U'liij ■;i iu y lou(1! v on tin nnii As an exainple of the ? i >a- a. d<'•]■» ion whit are heaping on the Klan. i'. null: i Price is-’ *i‘; uim Columbia, S •’ ill( ii'ent in tin f‘iu Digest stoi'v ' I " Grand Dm von, in. Samuel liivc'ii u>ld a ci*s>w(| of Kidnsnhn ; ami ( tub oils that anh. . ’White ?-.o preuiuey is lnamla hied, tin day wilt to me When a bkmk buck pro may ask I'm your <i.tur,hi.»c l and in mui riant*. "A Video on thi etlpe = d k i [mV, i drawled v.ejl, sio- < u; ways say no .-un’t stu.*.'’' I’i 11a- .semiuu.'S “Aider this .» link bomb w . thrown inio the mhhdt of ihe ivn • 1 fvlUXfel':'-. ;Uid pi iher- 1 •; -i' Up ? l-r lUiOeitup l tie \ c lii Kit pin t ( litih iu s i.d W.islifup loii iUrOliUp ill 'ith iiUlu.il i '. iifrmia hie Si k t with h ue .1 in iff li iriatiiili Os loyaih t» th* i od d staß . in aUs Via I lt» Utr iSPeitf 4 till* lilt lit *»l Paul ItObesoki datum Ho 1 ley have gm-a To Ah,. ; iul U, \a. JO . -iid a !■■ vs v ; :iy i Auk list 1. for Norfolk « :-Jh • p:! i>; -: IWo weeks' Vi ten lion, •Miss .\l;:rv Hanbo is .he -e • - eided ns to vvhei ■* sh- i ye Ml* and Mi I'li'driek Shake <•: ' ■ | ’ : J. ■' 1 " Vt * Rt * move a,f whfee,s IMMItfUTI SlßtMtf % -fa Clean uiiiJ iiiSfiteCt brake <i.t.-iv•: IASV TlfUflS Jf IJ* 4A L I £s’§ A L ■A Replace lining" uSiii# Ccr.w...tA I iV| WW| f I Clean, repack and 0.!,> 'f<s • I /.'M... . |*M 0 wheel bcarmy. }mj;; Ifl/p i /f} * + Adjust brake p-.-dal /jf/ • Thay*' IfV \y(J • * Check brake fluid |* ■ HO h|i A Road-feO your car |J, Wi km:- /pv 1* ** H f \X hen «>uc brakes m c.'-.ecked and re nr jii m ,-s- |f| * * Sdiy, bv vinir 1 inti Dt-.ilti. yiu'ic mu e*nl) inr* .'t jjjgl fe," 16 ;jjf getting loiigdasm.f Oeniui-i.- bur a1 .m bar »ly» nT" ru . 1:31 vhc skilled lan ul .mi 11/ I'd tia'ncd Ml • bom s wl..- 1 " "»< i tf^ ? *' v - S WjK dse h/ieiwi %-a j .pi- cd Mil. d, and Sp./ciui lord liwjl Ecjuipinem. Play sole and you ll nd_. silf Catholics Send Letter About: Death 0/ Bates I” 'AM!■ ”• Py hjiFurHt 'lli: T!:- \ v iiuijj i,;- id Ih «* h.*.| \ u!‘ h i auk fi.i II y< a i o-ht N« ,* i i iuue.dii;jt t luhli Vs III; was t'olliJil tl ei'i with pvu «>i‘t.**:t-i.i ribs m a prieeu t'c*!! ;.i' N« : )r lie.;'.:- tv’.o svsike a P.O, in i i-i .:i i*■ nuW aeeouiin: I•» ' J.iVi- i>-■ll 1 : la p' t s'iiit'll! nl lit iJi'Mi:!’!'! j .'.'l! y. diiliv \\ u: )v e r s ; ! Aid. I, Lueai No id Ul ; A; iui ilmy o Mis ehuHi’e a emii ■ I.H*r ui. ni *p*. r (v ju) * ieians mui j>*• sihl}' Id;,- while will k - i*.*.i h‘ ! iJ: to make a dost* Pdiid v \>\ Uu- < orud , >. r’s :vijui r jp an ♦ tlort oj ilchT ml nr- how Bates* r*l.»3 ~er-e hrukcn - ami in w)i,.t i milliner he i ect*i vefl • ! lit" ouiih i t>us body btui.c.r. reifrre i It; *I ‘ !he i 0 tijisj’. f i'h» f, !'u r.d :• av \ Ahn i; iae! kr ' !V, r* l k U !:•■.! C U .sUniOijy 11 UilUee j I Soil -A itil Call s’ 111-dUI S » ill. hi. ' ; thii'i 'Was it. s M'dl'i* i<• a! ev id mice ; per « iPai lo th.Ue lu n I llu ii mi p;»no.nl m any uue. *!' .iiiyin I Pri'ui'O the e,i n i jury wore Suoi 1 lilt John k i ; : ' •■. 1‘ t j sr. \VA.rdcn ! ,):tUie Meeidelii and ill roc ih‘S|n-. ; ate Negro leiv/iLs wln> 'ven* erd! | Jliates. ol Bn I«* Lrrmon vck.nt Jim cl eat h oi Bah;; ire. Urkeii tin added undiool! i* : and Jmd v\ »*•.-!, ; fh<- ('alhuile (‘OS!! Ii!! I e<* id 1 rip f S*»s4l.h j-i-nt ;t lei h. i In [ln uffui oi’ the : :?}?•'* rb I ai(‘‘;tO*> u h ids Matt » ;' i on ri M-UlltMi L> a Mill y.niKi:-. .Ml : ■ I ! i jtal :r! II '.l \. I/1 Mil l i-at in Oli e ? ! V rfulliV .'.P.d ce vu ah'- - is', i that iha * idittei ii doe i ued la a anm- t i•» bis-lied jn \nievkai j ’H- aaf .i.' dim ul Nay e e*k whim • id • il'.lu.'h li leda. ,- i: IW ht-aii *' aaie d e>aS- : ;• ne*.'*;i tin itCe itm v - I j he-, he ] Mik i: p 1 0'i the i’.i l ‘ ;!Pi W’ r•: f• a ■ .'til est X Us ii* ‘r I'rf. hi |he ease of {he de.ok *;?' jwe tee! H He; • - auyv t lid. there- he . {ieuauip.!i, iinpaitiai and hum-a civee ;h!*ei ml a! him eireaiius in e, ■ s .- HI | 111 Hig tils I OhUUi'-nl I r<*fu ; i : : ■'.} h«..*l> wa rk.»urid in his cell "h that the inva - MgvtUou w i:' di i'J"; i-i 'il'-iK 1 ulio ni li) eon •he man-:t jury hwai th ■ mMlmon' e-j m j 4' a' i ' ;.* lifJ ed her:-. H' liir 11 Si V * n r-: Kl K. ; kj Sh* II Fj»)U? * t N UMI BUiCK *, ’ L i j ' 10 Sedan. Y ' ».*. *’• |N It irieisd \vili v.'v S: • M thr'. ’mouth nt; i chi'- 1. h PS’ '•ao ei 'llUtCi km., W hii pu' law eo i"l i o:oell : As r i.ir; -jl I OUll "a fun ! "i‘ Mr Milt •!' ,1.-:. til i: (H.l I'.'. .1 l». It< ■' I. ■ i ''J. Ij V it I ~:,:t‘?l 1 III! llki' I'ullfiii;.i V f i vlfi..-.nv to I I'll! I'D Cl li" 111 i- •nI ■ .I I.' t!." pub lic \Y*■ .'U.'.i '.lt i\iv * oiv 11. ’ il' II" In {.’ll II I 1.1 I oli Mri! > ; I: I ii.it," tv i.-l i!T*ii 1 I i "111 li.lllli.il rtKliis svl..-u il't-iv lit til l■ * 1 i I".- ilMil sr.-ms 1., iiumi !<J In- lit "UlelU-.t. i i It. n ,1. ii.i! i,u :i I ul tin >' t ii," k 111 ml ,i i '.•th'.lb- i •;. •-1 ul Hlu .lufitiljhibf o-.-tlui vt Ii lit* 1)..’ l;i H r v ;;s ktitellli;.' li jjr:i > i in l;I?■ . till. -ti i11.,i '■ iii;i:i [!ii‘. - - i ,u .‘in- aoimll. U |.v> t.tiu|u:’!:io ..a-- i'.au-s wan a i'l'Hia ~-U aliorth tlu-m altar ua«J is sai.i I > leive Cuiife- •• -l t•. l i:■■ -.1111 cl.■ i . i ■ wis la i t*t ... it it. tii.' in.l'ish |i. i u: aim 'toll l !.M t.y Um j;: mid jury s.-v .Mill <i:. all.-! lu I Hill .'.lii.- '.Va ■ hnltl Witl.OU! ‘ :i 1 ilia I?* ■I Hi .-111 i: c u I Ot|- . i ll lh*;bi Tin* Carolinian! [ MeWm m. isl Happy Khmer New Year. D A, (,owi f airtiJv (..ir ***! V; M N; Vj \\ rAi KAK!) u ; A sj v ! <. (hr. ih>- f m tor . ; ■amity uUlitu; jsj PAGE THREE PLANS MEET - - .)• iAN 1 , Th. a i ..... i.jtit.iial C f.n VY-Di. C.ti Ji I" 1 . I ..iiibct..* ..r- iity to h" l.i .a i... .■ A ui; .:; ,:o. ili 3)3. ■. .. ii <- "iiii. .imi.vfi a, Cwlaora ‘ ■ .1. I ' : fI a(- . i,a! Ei' ... JlGiiail! !■■ 'a .1 • " V, 1; Xj* Aipi.a pli L'liiiuter : 1 ■. ■- > 1 in., c.i.nwi- V. ,U'i »1a v i omor mi.'. -.t i.<- im -1 v. iii os n.-'d ..! J l'liid h , i ch.arth. i'ilS •it a.'. M .1 ...111 '.' I bill, dliuiiaiTl it :V 1 aliijia ia. ud C't .ai.idnitv chiifch V.' :i i , 'in, l ..I I ' :>• ..•■•. Ij , r-uliSl diu -! 'I" i:!l n! Siliir! li..' I 1 ; Ivi !’■» r. ; 1. u; . N.ilionai presi v't u’ -.!.0e ! Al!t-n P.ivx:.inghani; bid i i - ■/ ■ - . a .-si ler t ic :'■ "'; piti. :..ii (pi. . 1 . 1. v. ill lv ivn. OVti t i. ui: l.' .'v t t{. .1 U'.'.iuliS Witit i.ili 1"1*. 1v 1 • a.uin ... t.ui given 0/ '.. • h i. i-iaii i > l( 1 i-.iatiVfc is - ■al • 1 .\ . education a32oci * lit- 1 In .. '..it.iur, 1 .ii vi 11 high u i. Uif -U'.aai . ..'-iuiat. id.-':. Clisie - 'if.. 1 'ui I.:i.‘. uti t.’aOJ.ter, N.-is Vui'k will Vu/ cicuvriod •‘JVTia.-i - :"1. . Tot: Phi da roiiiy. • ci.-ctr'd .1 0.01. a Ration- V.- 1. i- >'..rUr: t 1- nv. chaplrfr-: jkj You fan Own It' k v lh iM 11 MEKCUKY i hi "N : i I CiiiiVfrtiblu <' oupc' kyj 1 N \ :»u can <wn this, ; x -| ‘ : v itii very little J IH .«“ h - □

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