PAGE TWO i (ji JLj : » P i r 7 ? •'" '/? 7 I # Wfrf» O- f; V I &*s*■-' ■*■£•*■■-* / r %. .*-«- • ! mf^#F i - I - roj nsßnpn i -V#' -:•»» VJ \JjuUOxJ 1. L*’ 1 v*- ' V. " : 'i : ;^ | S/MkMrf By £. A 7HOPNTCN L f Mr. and Afr*. Glover 3bKina’ -, con Mr. and .'.tr-a H euanl Crr'r. went to sc-e. ’ 1 -• "Lost ! o;- ~.,-.• mi .Man i o Friday. A angst "• Vio ' r: • very tine trip. Miss Jolmnie E. Holloway is re repeating iii-cciy at in r aonie aDe, i-.iv.iergoing an opr ration at the ‘Vvnvne ('.•iiiniv Memorial Hospital. Mrs Lillie K. Drown of 811 K fry.-- :"s r r;-ei. hack home Hirer i siUnsr K- v. and Mrs. P. A. Hodge of Baltimore. Mtl. and Mrs- Adam ii. Jones nf Washington. D. C. Mrs I' -;. Lanriiv'. -i Kn, i)t;h H-well. ?.Ir-. Bertha Feutiell. or;-! "-’is.-: Joan Wilfolk attended ft 05i* iioe-u-y tine Saturday :oid Sunda.i A-rugs’ 5-6 at Dine.- Oha l>ei chrrch near Fayetteville. X. C. Mrs Robert. Williams is spend iar r r vacation with relatives arid fri*.-!;*is in Washington and New Y., k nty Mr-!. C. S. Dixon Airs A. W. 3fc- Kinnie and Mrs. M. B. Green u' lend;-- d the S’late Missionary con vention in Raleigh din ing the past week. Willie .‘u:.* of >'leveiand Ohio, f nri ]- i; ■ tV* v of Florence, S ( viaited their brother and uncle. Fr.'iiklii.' Pop-- on Canal Street, rMring the past week. This was th» f;.-. *int- that they had met in t-’vY p ii ry >t fi rs. REUNION F A Thornton attend; 1 the an n:vJ •■Thomton-WiUiams" family retmion in Four Oaks. X f fun <t. v August 7th. Brothers and sis ters present at the reunion ditnie were: .Tower-h Thornton, and daugh ts-. T.-.-ft Theodore CanvH and daaaht--r. > r tri* of Richmond. V*> : Mrs Di ;i’ Themnson. of Phn»- ,s’- - - \J ;• and M"S .1 since fr :- i : - :i - s ’U lim-Wl ~f fem f t’l f i f.]|| ; Mrs. Ophelia Williams of x°””' c - -s. >; Mrs. !-d n.ri Artis of Ra ViM,: V -,-. md Mr-. T’hilander w- • i.u ■, Benson - Uics i- n ; ... »f XV if sot, • >Tv.; Onfv-lii V o-..i •< n,u mily nf T-’f, Tbn ’• ;*i ion ’vis h-YO Ih '- T.r-”.- --f T - and Sfrs. T D Carroll and fa r<>il v Kev. F\ > dorii-1-: Dove. Mrs. Hul eah Do-, Mrs Chari'; - Foye. ;iod M r«4 .Ani.o K. Forte, attended the ii; fit!;* Afsemidy in Raleigh dur ing the fast week. They report a very ii:’-' meeting : n'Mr -: at'. pded ih* pl.-iv e•-<.'to !- 'irrmg the past week, -o f; do'-'- Si’ "eric: f Si hooi. T!‘ : S'Toei Street schooV V r, c:siiMv-ii .up! Comnninity f’etd r 7' 7 ■ gj ■;. :t, tfiu < lii ic, ,-n i - . v’-.-d Irr:i-*si.-.-'I - M < T l . rany was made i-o- .-i'p! • by t > me-- -hunts of t h AV-.Brc aeion. Three hundred and torr ciiddi a r-.rti< ipripfi ip snri'-k --1" - on Tuesday ami Fri d;n- T. ’ utrmei rd-vv g our-ds wili con:-- Tr ;• e Tlr.irsdav. Aug--- 11 v : 'h : field ch: v ever* and .. . . ; / 'I DIANA SHOP Satisfaction Guaranteed ah j Ail Times 116 N. Center St. GOLDSBORO j f" —-7— —~~ j Service Beauty I Shoppe JT BAILS TO LOOK WELL j ■"oX V'. f To Our Service I *'! Si. GoWDboto j iVi}«> Willie Km:,or., Frop tt-r from. 1 p ::. :- p.m 3it = ball. softhaSi. :k(’d-.i.P, i,e|--whm pi 1 b ii; tr. ping pons. l-:i.«eb.<- ! group singing, foil darning and play ground exhibits will he Cm program for flit: day. All parent.- . a; • invited to A bus v.-'ll take children from the T.ftt!-. Wash itigtoi. and Xor*!: (lolsdineo - i-ti,,:- to the corrimunity center. CHi'KCH HOXt>RS RKTIRIXG PASTOR A fu-y-iai se -vice sponsored by the Missioiiurv -ociety of th" Colds-riro C'tapct Freewill Baptist Church and ii ,; invn bei-s was giver, in honor of its pastor, toe Rev. P Dawson. Sunday nfsrlit. Aug ust 7»h at k, for his long and ' faithful service. Rev J. p Lawson, pastor of tli Goldsboro Cha;K-! Freewill Baptist Church corner of East Elm and Slaughter in Goldsboro so. the past 23 years has -adored his resignation because oi ill health, j The church was filled to capacity • with members .-Mid friends to show their appreciation forth lore Christian and faithful service h > has served Goldsboro and its com mnnit.y. Music, for the occasion was furnished by the senior choir of 55ion Chanel Free Will Baptist Church of Ayden which, he pas ror-ad tor 14 years I Rev H. it. Reaves, pastor of the ; chi'-'di was the speaker for the evening. A paper paying trihut-' and honor coming f.orn tin church i for his kind red faithful services : wav read by Mrs Geneva Council i Others naying tribute, and giving ■ short talks on behalf o* - the com- ! nntniiy wer; . Mrs Bela Fiud«-ls‘.n: Rtv. . \V. T odd, pastor of ?v!i. Ca l , vary Baptist Church and E. A. I Thornton. The program was sponsored h> ! Mrs. X.inijie Thompson. Mrs. Pal j main Move, and Mrs Fonnie Gu i- ; ter All proceeds from the program 1 were given to the retiring pastor J Rev, r< nd F. P. Law-sen. The citizens end fri -,’ds u Goldsboro and Wayne Courty re gret verv much to lose the «• r- : vices of Rev Ra-vson. one of Go'd - ; horu's most loved and leading pav i for. 'Ve wi-’r and t'i-av for him i f[ Five n ;nv IPOT.' ' ’-S to come The u.fluenccK of Rev I nwsen wM ilv; -.-s live i’l tre ilea'.:- of ’!!- people in < 1 e|dsbo " . SPIh'TAL MEETING At a special cit uv>< ring of Bry- ' p--.,t \o. r: . m.o’-tcar V. Mdo\ a ii'. At; •' : v v.-li <he Cointnonder. R '--V XV'ilht tvosidirg jF.e B'l--’ ,t ’i., 1 1 pic,, fur -i ioii.t harooei d Inr-taFl-itiri" scr-. ,es to b-- tc id •oicilv with the Ante, -Lai. T• A. i.xltirr” .August 2‘F S u !tt at '•n'.iimuKilv center A large nn-’n i.ovshir was imesoui. atid reted tc rr, m record to sunpoit the :-n airs '• 1 itt.-r-y 1" • <---:it. in mak j ir.g the !’••• red Gnivr r -me | t"J j. ot, 0 ilv..--- V O' :- i \ 4 >'• F- •; r i 1 c f'- IJI ’ j | y,' a rn» >-» - \ • ;•<. ;>.■. •: r •..<{ f, *•, t | IF. -c All Lfvi or ,; ’id -V. ,i !• V ! C.ei..- •- arc a.'krn; to t j | Venetian Blind Shop j QUALITY TS.iXii' ! I Ai-o C't.mpi .e f.-TonriKiofU'g | On Oii Wine* | I 161 J X ’ViMi. m Si. r ,i-!d-‘-o's | I I Phone 9£'-W C. R * a-:, Prot» s sji * *T ' tt i fc \* 'o 'e"‘ ? P ,} / s i " 7/ _ 3 K. I/J % y ; *>_ ?• U r - f * t* U i & ii? f j-’grite us Fr . :f:A Amcor. i with 4.0'A0 nurses ? ! • . ..; i: Tlw- 5 ;;»rida St- Xu;—-'- A -sc- • ’i.’ticn of which Dr. ;: C. i ncr :t a rnember es th«. B-. rrd of Direr ~. - ’ fyi£»i6 cl k j*> t}\_\ tintt t,lsc ■Lip. She i: la t-.’tir-; o. of t. N-: >5 Al l i'.“'-C*s --• »c 7i- 1 • j | O!' ire LOOr r;..: s. 5, <) ■- .1 from the USA. They d .-cu.-fed t: | problems of them grofessinn Dear, (' ; rt. ir- t G l in the Co’umbia U>:;\,-.-sity S’ .d ,Tcur whica was sreremed by t University tr. order that Nur.-o * •America ■ • . ’.i su;-.i> ■ .r-raa ar, - Xursing Education :r othv-r eta- - 'tries Th-- count, c-s in which nr; ing ch oi - horpitais and hen ltd : (' were \ un ths toiir were eis fallowEnflairitl. N T or\v. F tniaiid. Dcnmai k Sn itzerland, ! Eelgium and France. HONORS SHAW* Uharies A. Shaw. exe< vice president of the Watchtower Li. i Insurance Company, was guest ■') ;h. nor it the Booker T. Washing ton birithday dinner in Elks j Dining r'vn. in Houston, Toa. Friday. Shav. who v\ a? recently i-b ted vice president of die X:- | lic-nal Negro lusura:- . Associiitn.- -at • Fhilr.deiph meeting, tvas Ip; esented a r-archmcm ‘'certify v, jyt-ur achiever;. t:t in tie- field oi' I busint-sC by the Houston Near’ : Chamber of Commerce sponsors of ; the dinner. One of the f- end i of the N'XIA ‘ a-r.-i se -etary of :ke rrar z.vkon I cojumittei he- )s nale-ra.-liy recog- I razed ; fine of tan:.' t a-u .ieh! in j-i.i;ane. i'-xecutives .n . i.s Neproc-r i Horace Sudduth, Ci nn ti. 1 sidf nr. of the K.a: -"aN-.-t Bu i i nc-'s ’vague, was p! speai.e: : at the ANOTHER FIRST Pc.vtrn:*il :* Gc f J F - I ncusiice'-i •: i lndinn-:tpoii.s i ii-t the* iht.’ ; s rsi >’ero ; -.t f- - ; MU", would ht op;> xntod in -h. 1 !ocn! p' *t office poor,. Hess }[,. t-i.i ;o t e -n't-un iL:<i four Tv-.-' p-n.ution- pOctul > 1 J . f i •••ft i'■ tlx j hitH.vy ji til: i enl < -Uice, Read I hr: Carolinian!! j - _ - -- - ■ BELL-STUART Furniture Cetnpar y i Quality Fs.-nitura, Bcahi« Prices | 227-28 N. Jshn Street i 3c:dr-borc. N. C.. Phone 1762 T j I i\ i ELMORE’S RADIO |! SERVICE B ] Seles and Service ij j Street "leer iv.rrden ! ! Ooldsbcrs N. C Phone T A k.l VLINIAN - Saiaairy, .‘ a‘ M. ' [ ’ ' ;.r .- p- 'v-v v * .v. k--j, .. I Av ■ r v! ■ ‘i it . v.TT, • .A; ' * **."• \\ A-: ,-V - ' yv.u u... F k:i&Sy -X ... iC'-ffVi. ( '■ ■ , I - .. s - : - . •;... . - ; J?’ " G -a ' r- . : a ( IcM : T ■ " o V/i> ■-. . 'LA'MA ■AI - 1 LifisikTikJtf v'S’i a .Alife-..'. I.! ? M i . - i- - v GIT ATI'NATIONS Bi-hoj, li. A -.r.1 N ch’.iß of- i .. .<; i! fji’tiici Da AMI ; church i .’gratualics K-v. . vtiliiam- y tor oi :•>(. Mu' thew - AMI-. < i ii, h in i*D. la if, FAMGEE Tj GRADUATE ISO STUDENTS TALLAHASSEE FI.-. - T!;t 1P49 S <; mvocati Exes tat- winch enii he Ve .at if n V, :;iu 190 , ana,.a. ~f -a: outstanding tpcaken at ta. hoc,-a a-nd ,a rt rena . amra , - Prealdciit idt it-; -’ . C. i Sunday.! 1). .hfri I* M. hi V. F (a.ajlOi) C :|. eae. ::-:istor. of Centenary Methodist Cii’eiT.h. Qiainey. FI a-.'a will de liver the baccalaureate sei mw:. ii v Celhc-un is .. nativ,. Fiondiar. h-u ir.g rec< ived hi. A. B. D nave from Flor;;:!.! S.-aLa: n Uuivcr.'.ty and havina completed li . w a ~ f,,, the B. D. !)• :■. at South,- n Meth odist University He tins served a.- j Missionary in China: as past a- in N, rth Carol-!-.... Texas, am Florida. :n,i he is editor of Mi-si’>n> i'-'uge it; "Tlu Florid.! M: tk; di>! «() MM l Nt I Ml-A'l On a-.Trnda; . Aii'MSt 15. at 000 A M . Mr J, sm O Thomas, Pul - be Relatons Con ultant, American K k'.-nal R, ; Crc-s . Wr-ninAon. D. C. will givi I he Comment anient mem e to ’:.e 190 gindai; ,-s. N•.'. Tr • r . a n who received his academic • silh T. ... c( lost■ a.t --->; - k s . i s- - \y; , y and Chicago S,eU.! of Re:c ah. He i- I ! ii-.: I "fa.erim-' - G-C field r> : a y a e Aa.a-aii ■d’-'h m: •- I • .... State S . . • v:••')?* o'. N*,'.'',..' .> £i*c,riarnica of Kuw SINGER SEWING f CENTER j Singer Sc-w ,a M -c‘ n r -s r*r .;• | “ Vacujn; Ckanars j { Sale.-- and iL-.-vI-: j I Denic rm i • i. .: • v' ,ik -ut ObiKPisti in, j FHane 13 Geldsbsio j j LEE'S FUNER \L HOME Hcrno Os CHRISTIAN ATD MUTUAL BURIAL ASSCCIA ! ION Ambulance- B -vice* Cay or !u»ght -- Phene 3161 J Frevnonl, N C FOE THE BEST \ VALUES Cash or Credit | SOUTHERLAND ! FURNITURE CO. 2G7 ft. John Street PL os*-* 1 0r> 5 phi; iur his *-\vi -;,!• ir-. - » ’■tahilizing m.;t‘r:-, at the imp .u local church Th,- i.-.a IVil -1 u in Ii Ity - v- !lg: , tuition, pat. OI u eiu- Ilia :lo a; i < -f:!t « : -l to; i -cl i e-tar «> a removed. ~\M* t 1 (Mil livvanlud l« mi nail sin i)«“: V ,’Er FKT:. .<jN CITY. \j ■ V, s : - -. It-:t s rect iv6d th 4 . b- i in' . n d'-L- r . 1. S’jr-rtiv.:' >r;tOOl comincnc: rViCiit. u; t. :A ;.tm<un Univorr-it> ■M- A ii. um 4 the !ot l nuni ooi fir ~. DH 1- -n t c- at. t-i a A $ A. a-- ’ a. ait; -\'a* Th.-rui.> Harts. Gh-i'dalc. Gar 'Re-i-us J H; ,-a Jr.. X v>. r-. -a, a.", , I!':,! K V t a i lumbii-. South _Ca vim ~ : lav-. - a- City Cali whi‘l- tie v: . •-* v.erk. ar. advertising auacit-.r \V, ton aid Mis, Atkin - h,\ t* ! huts for work on rt« up* . Mis-.-uri rti-J T--xi-s !!,>rr.s continue his .-tudvas v. ,;h stt. , -lia- t a ! i !11 i• >. p- A newcomer to the Sma.. . < rcurnalism in the tali ”il Km u C Ok f' nut:ve Br;L: A - due to receive the a . :- < of ,r‘r de ;ree m soci; l ; Atlanta Univei - tv this r. nt’ ( i-; ro has won l: S4OO Puibcr' : Allot? M'.-rnotaa! Si tlu'.a; .fourn.tlism ..nd will spend :. I In-:- year at Lincoln. 'I • a , [vaiM.e :r. Ch: -a <f ; S Employ:-., n* service-, ai.o ‘ - .ecreltuy ct Natii.iia] Urtian it. GARRIS DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS -ONE DAY SERVICE -208 N Cenlni* Gc'dsborc j - SCOTT’S CAFE- Re: f In Barbecued 5- ■ ■o<. - 40 !■ G >ll e v Ssre .. t Golds bo ro, N. C . i For Fit and Recreation Visit THORNTON'S TEEN AGE CASINO And SHAVING PARLOR 507 Alvin Street ! Goldsboro. N C. E. A Thornton, Prop. Phene 387-M ! I - ru . I Your Credit is Good Ad i FURNITURE : 1 115-117 East Walnut St. GOLDSBORO

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