WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1049 Capital Comment BY CLARENCE H. HUNTER FRIENDSHIP On the (runt pa- < this week v? are carrying a picture of four ynir.g white ladies and one young Negro lady who are attending the Western Hern’she ere Encampment of GSi' Guides and Girl Scouts tow meet ing in Manistee National. Forest near Muskegcn, Michigan The purpose of trie encampment is to find ways o.t catrytrg out on a large scale the theme of the en campment: “F riendship Builds A Better World.'' Os this encampment Ails., Con stance Sawyer, a Nogn high school student from Tope!:;?, Kansas, said: "Titis meeting will do u great deal to br:ng about better inter national relations, because each of us gets to knew girls of other coun tries, to understand their customs, and to develop a feeling tit har mony which we can take back to cur own communities.” 1 agree wholeheartedly wit! this statement. Like Miss Sawyer. 1 believe that one of the major rea sons for the wide breach between tbs. races is simply that of not knowing enough about each oilier. It seems to me that th s cceainp rftent proves that there is no dis crimination in the minds your.:: people. The discriminalk.ri is in the minds of the adults who tench and preach it so mutm in the homo that the children :idopt :t just to keep In the good graces of 'hcii par I OPEN FOR BUSINESS I Reliable Loan Company 307 S. Wilmington St. DIAMONDS LUGGAGE CLOTHING A SPORTING GOODS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OPEN g | MONEY TO LOAN J i I USED CAR BARGAINS Check Our Prices Before You Buy DIAL 2-1279 K. & W. Motor, Inc. HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE RALEIGH’S CLEANEST USED CARS 42S 8 Wilmington St. - 118 E. Davie St. ■ '«***!»»* IK H OFFER a limited Timp Only SW Z ' GET PROOF THAT * . cmom cmo | \ FIIIIIS FASTI! . MIPS FOODS SAFfI, MTTtt .;* Lj | i SAVES FOOD • SAVES MONEY Ol Oi! I I GIT YOUR NEW 1949 WISTINGHOOSI REFRIGERATOR _ E { |j] jL wl*i * ft**!#* limnl m{ Jllryi f SeaUaal *?ga~U FROZEN FOODS 1 ngjjg ,j || | Hto 31 PACKAGES ’j! | (ftxofatq-tMbfwe* I || I*4* MOOtt P«iC« YOU Oil ||/ AjiSSlWrefo !j; S' SUMP* )»MS U> Pud"*** IS [7 li D«U)XB* »’**■*» 3 J fsdajEr, !'—f W 1 j f|, woiin iuwitmtip 9 | A—~Y^7v~ jj j C1 toxin S3S».*S 31 Pntkcans I>N V 'i' *»AMUP*en»«*r> ricommthoto eftaii price* FMtftf \ WESTINGHOUSE REFRI6FRATOR C I OU<4 \ TIKIS START IT \\ \JI j il-'j \ 3 , ****** \ JMittteg* <»wMr Ms « WESTSHGHOUSE IK YOUR HOME . 24 MONTHS TO FATI V ■ „ you can t( SURE. IP irsVVestinghousC Hayes-Jackson Electric Co. 1.33 East Hargett Street err If children of different races , v. (.re mi: wed to pl.-v -n_ tudy ' ' gether more in the South (without the supervision of prejudiced par 'd . ei' course) there would be a different story to record in Me . next twenty-five years.. 1 main? on that if the adults who raided the Negro sect on of Grove land FI or- Ha. ; .--ecntly and the group who ; r u-ficip ited in ihc bombing of a Negro home in Chicago last week, had beer able to have participated i f-iy.-nninmont- similar to •hat ot the Girl Scouts, these incident, would iv vci have happened. They would li.ee under:teed what it I to have to work for starvation wages and what it is to lit denied ! the < ppertunity tr lire in a certain , neighborhood simply because of your color • White Americans see and read about Negroes having to live in . segregated ghclttfs, having to at tend inferior schools, hav r»:. to tr; mi tinder jim-crow accommo d lions and having to work for wages oftentimes far below a d< - . rent :-t;.nd.:rd of living, but they don't really understand these con ditiens until they have the actual ,ya-rieec,? themselves. • It these cxperiencs c- me eniTj in one'-, lift. they make a grater and longer lasting impression on him. ■ The rt the possibilities th-.* the in • dividual will work dining his life i to ehmirste the bars of racial and' ! rsigiou? Mscrimination are greater If the leaders of this country: mean anything when they say that | dkici iminav.icn has tr, abolished ■if we arc to retrain • the leading • nation in Hu world. I hen they hod 1 better devote some of the funds ! now going lo ail sorts of investj . glions to rit.rraciai encampments • ! S'O that tvi.- can learn more of cacti cthe; The ■"! v -a as wo rail get to know and understand members -ill . various i aces is to work r.tid study, with th on I his I'unnoi. be accom-; p! is bed in a dual system of r-duca-j :i r as we here in North Car- \ Hire, it i- -mol be accompli, bed a: long is tin? Gn 1 and Ro” Scouts have !i work :t; regaled set-ups i War - people of different races and | ; digit. »s ‘c able to live. work, and • i-iud.v together in the spirit of Mr i Girl Scout Encampment, in Mic.hi j g.in. they have the opportunity to; i discuss racial jnihUin.s openly, as j well us establish tasting friend ' ships. In this way we learn to ad- \ | mire the virtues of any group ] while possessing an awareness of j its faults. i Each .summer a great number of |' ar teacher- go to norinersteru and j Birthwestem colleges and jti ver i .-nit ■' tor graduate study These ’! Indents attend classes with pen- 1 ' .:1c of ail national t e. . They are ex* j posed to any number of cultures i tnd profit greatly Irun such eon j I acts. These experiences are re ; talnod and integrated into their !w‘ rk with thoir own students in j southern classrooms. The result is j that they are able to mold the ' i lives of the youth they teach tn'd I d the same t me break d wn the .; barriers -if racial discrimination If wnites .nd Negrer-' do this j with the sincere purpose cd tea eh ■ ing Mr- duties and obligati n- - t l people- living tn a democracy, '--urn as we are .striving foi here in thrt I; country, the:; their education in ; me schools will not have been in ! v in. CHILDREN EN.IOY READING CLU3 Th Richard B Harrison I’ubli i Libra iy N. department ha,’ jr-o :ed its Vacation Reading Chib. The j club provt-d to he one of the mo I siie.i I‘ssfiil projects whir!) Use :i --i hrary has sponsored. Any school j child in the fourth grade through ' | the eighth grades was eligible i n mumnus’rfli ip. fivui on** hundiU'i j uhi!dit u joined K;e I: • hdi! ivas given a miniature i lovvu as a token of membership iAs the child's reading pi ogi.r.i, Sand for each twn hooks read, he . v> an given a brightly colored dot l > j plate on his down suit. \t the I dost of 111. contest. the pc : i. i whose clown possessed the most I dots was named the vvinino STORY HOUR Once a week all the club mem bers gathered at the library ... stories ami music, appreciation. To stimulate further interest, unio un surjii ises aw tiled them at each j ___ _ _ "', vMTT .J".' ' "HM r 777 STO' K V idOl'U Pictured above is i group ot vi-ungstris in at U-nd.ince at the 11 gular Tuesday / iv hour it the Itieliiird It. Unt il in I.itu a. v h Raleigh A- thi- dub meet ing. These surprises were niii'i" possible Ly. t c-'ii erolls firms in the ci‘> I S TH.KMK During ihe cut ire period tlt « children's librar;, room took on a I'l.-tive iip;Ka:,it!rt.. On the bulletin bourn was :\ !ar;.;o circus tent with \hu i; i 11 i• • ui ■ iU'Vi !ik iaber ii.sit. d > iii»-y DiiHiu ti:Uat.ioiy oook lh tports. star- were adtled to t.lietf • names. Toy singing birds, and large I aUnons hung in tile middle of tin ': o-int. Lining Ihi tops of the shelves i ivere wooden eireti.- animals anti a ngnlat eii'i'us imnornum in pre, gross. I>is|dayed around the room were books describing the m-’.ivi- TTi-'oughoii: the stuumet children hi ri gjv-n Virens honktnarks Dur ing the hist week (if the- ('elite.!, itch was given hook shaped tags dvlMcii rear) "T rood -o tile Harrison i ’lib!: • ■ Li lira rv i n o itrograii! was. tinit Mu- children through' their • nt’ni'-i -tn. brought : tlu.ii |).'m-nts in ihe iibrarv also. therefore Hie pr-icrani sfininlate! ■adult :i» w M as juvenile reading infer' sis. WINNERS Finest Ratllif. of It.-.-rv nfCen-. : School woti first place t-y reading ,;,,I 'i i eportlng on ei-ire hooks th.. an-, other ru-;. c 1 p, RahdtMi and (Yak. ('minty, i 'a'Mine \V o"„ f .*,. mile Hunter School read the larg -Hi liuj'ihi'r ;it •]: ,-jjr ’e'h Cir'Clgc rdae-vt s , Shirley Haggan. third hot*, frot • i '''■'i'Hie Hmner P.h.iot; I Grape'' Juice mmi Pt. Boui<s 19c PEACHES no- «•» c.. 23c Sv i i i PREM ’ «■ Can 39C lona oi Faeke s Label TOMATOES 2 N.. 2 c». 23c PEAS 3 *>• ~ <■■»» 29c EVAP. MILK 3 T..1 c. 34c Garth’s '<Vholt' and Pioc* '. FIGS «sn,.m* 19c Mild and Mellow 8 O'CLOCK of*. . m,, 41c Sunn vfi old S. TL FLOUR '«69c A. & P.'s Own Vegetable Shortening* DEXO * Can 79c ?:i.ndw'!>l. . -or Hd 'tnp ,<tv!f Pi *'n<t MARVEL i <-2 ik i.n,f 18c Rich find orfu] NECTAR TEA 1 z«, n., 49c Ann Pago Salad Dressing o> j*. 45c Navy Crop Sweet POTATOES 2 "-20 c California Seed?- ss GRAPES 2 >»,. 25c THX CAROLINIAN photo was I . -;en a.i- Helen Huf fy. acting coii .t en s lil rai ian, v, t telling the croup the story ol "Aladdin and His I amp,' from Hie Arabian Night-. Even though Lucille H u n t .• r lOlementar’. .-ehoo! students led the city in reading' th; lamest titunher of books. >'i Monica's School had tin trees' number of children regi tered in the contest. AlttHiugh the contest has - tol-.d. story hour will he continued lhroitghot.il August each Tin ■ lav at torn con at two o'clock Mr- 1 Hi ' ii Huffy, acting childrens libra, an, has been in charge of the sum mer program. MVIRR GRAB SI I TO KiSTER (lEORCRTOVN WASIIIM' I ON t AN' Among the first Negro suidents accepted for entrance into Ibr law school ol Georgetown i oi vcrvit> is Harrv Alexander » June lfHtf graduate of X »vic. I’nivcidly in Nev OrlraiK. A one of Xavier's most out standing students, Alexander was awarded the Or. Perry ( rurrot award and the I red • •rick Walter Shea award let tudent activities on < national level. He was regional chairman of the National Strident Asso ciation New Orleans area, and active i lithe National I dera tion of ( itholie College stu dents Read The i.aiolinian. the rf;»d»n-4 omiti “I wliirlj .c.i conducted it;r t.><■ future men im mi ii.fit i' i>-,the regular stoi ; Moili Mill contium’ YOtlK BIST TAT rooo Sim / \ ■1 —. M[! VlliE DAIRY SMITH MELVILLE milk M !i. jtvei you rrto to od valu* Smith h‘ U u i'ip M;llt rt rich a«d w, ■ Ci V r-f. ♦ .••• ih f f"0 r»t tc% fotm L-ivor your fomiiyi h,r-a?th rj U s, ir » th * hy ifrtng v <v: a, f. ry r■■ -on • i<->r ■ * ini irt SMITH-MELVILLE DAIRY Raleigh, ! i <... I %” ' —» . AMERICA AT PLAY VACATT•■''*’! They’ve puked time ana place, onri rh*% « r< termed and paved sot months Th- (!ip Anieni nn way— the way of free T>jr»*o«—ao familiar we take it for granted. Ar; an pick.-.-. hi;- job, (eaves it freely for a !- •ter one He chooses the town he'll work ..,. it' house where he’l.ove. He saves or spends as he *visbes. with only tus income anri hit- wife to dictate 10 him. ?■ not that wav everywhere. In some fount*'!?*, the government puts a man in a m; . a house, a job, with no choice In the matter He can't quit, leave town 01 move aiyrnc! the corru’i without permission. Ji he ■ s « vacation, he is told where and when '< ,'j. The government runs everything the , eople nothing. “MEET CORLISS ARCHE V for delightful (oirv.-dy CBS -Sundays--8 P. M . Eastern 3 <-f». CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. NMA AUXILIARY IN ANNUAL MEET r<| ; 'TP. : HT (AN'P l 'n • -:.I<■ j• froM; all ji;irlf. o! th<» liaiinn converge’l mi Detroit las' week for the animal i'ouvoi!Wat ol li.i Wnntori'F Auxil iary, to the \ T n,i W;»na.| Medical Me f ttt.i;. I km. Main 'Vt til (if lit, tm rtirtr; was the panel (lificutvkon I beau-, 'Tui Here's Blessed Relief from RHEUMATIC ACHES of NEURITIS If you have hied various things without getting satisfying result* fi <>m the nerve-racking orhes and pains of rheumatism, common!; known as ncutifis, when r a used hj h deficiency of th«* B Vitamins, then listen! You owe it to yourself to try H All \ ( HL. A cs. HAD At OL, lenic*. supplies the elements your system may loch, could Ik the answer to your problem. torn* Gulfport. Mint. ,9 '' 9 For the post fifteen years I was a semi spg invalid, suffering front \ , Rheumatism. I am now 1 3jjb v> C*- r; n mv seventh bottle m *f of HACACOI ond if has given me entire relief from the o'h-s ond poins. I am obfo IlrfJPak j-q i 3 ft; 11 day’s work, something I ha/e no! been able to do «n the post 13 years I feel that the manufacturers of v.:ch a marse'ous rem r>dy should be complimented by apptfr ,.lofjvit. ppcpfe who have benefitted from it.; ut<* —-Mrs. Ophelia Jeftersfrn from flu! Wood. Alu. Marsh, '«?* i cint 75 years old and hovfr suffered with Rheumatism. I started so tote HADACOI, vtitm ? ond sitKff the second Tpr ■ 7 bottle I threw away \ r.. my walking stick, and V row i feel like a nev ..; ffiajfesV-' mait. t# j, : ■ —Mr. Calvin Moore. IS MADACOL A MIRACLE FORMULA? No. TN -t n. nothing mSranutoMti about }i !A( <JT.j o-o the re.sultct j.r.:i.;<i »e* from i» a-p ;t*em a)mn:*t >r r;t' »;'•■■!:.. Y«uir dactor can tcii y-hi that rot,L-' if.'h tnci- of the R Vitamin- .imi ■f : Mineral;- in your -y-tem wtH : .jii •'• bodily di.-orders jmßf&fo, arh .«.• ilireasi-ii nerves, e-iulung m rheums tic "" ;; -ht * and wr moldy known n* net— ; 4ps.| J ; jv | 'here i n-> known t■ > at -1 nu Vkhat «m 1 "IN you V • ,|r ; • i>i VI- relief except the V;t r; rtA ins and * Mi-r M-. Os -cnirft*. , a-ri •.ir. v y i>f.•• of ft -n hr* and »■ aina nr?ay • ,a f.-cn* ther ca’;Dee. »rsd you should .joeic?' reuitlarJv. b;o don’t . fnki -vr H \)>ACOT r,-.w. 15/I \* ON ••• Ltniiv. no tiriiiv, ro «>•.t, t r «> noM'ovi< .-• mly Mother no r-r. ii eh. merit a TJrug« ;.nd rnoife’mf rv n relatively uninu-'OrteT;* j art in ■ h - .V'/r. -P nf any f >rm of Ph-a.m.-* They yU e only temivornry relief ;.-r i fail •• "'.movF the <••: *f - 'o iro'ihk-. I{Af l A. <.' OLc<> rn e : t< > v »*> u '. .■ t <'pi i»i r.wtrerdy tii-- r-<> t.ha* >f win be ! f Dtiily ar-i -a ily ab,orb*d into th- I \ft* r VOO take HAI-.\COi» a whole Wv brin:/>P« . of M.'N; : H S iYaroir?' end b*-' ■ »>•>•■ MI T ra 1•• V' vo.jr (Fbofor* h. h--. Mi •-<* bv >•>«»! miHif'lr) i oaywlves in our o-/r>. con.;--.unitr : Among the persons pattdipatiag !■» the panel were. I•, Roscoe C Brown. S. Uealt-h sc vico substituting for Mr.?. T. (’ Hcuderc-on of Chicago! Mrs. ,!. A r. I. i- 1 inioi ••. Louisville, Ky. ThciKlurt; (> Waikcr fr. CnaA’-ftiat.) ond .Mra i Dailey < h lea go. * AmoriK Hi" new ; iLures o 1 Hi > ! cun vent ion war >< visual exhibit 1 ]• rt-ut ■! Ali - .1, It. Matthew i, i Cort NrMiU! Tcv hii?l Mrs * A ;Graham, cti cinilrnmu. From n.lluinty, 10, "P- My ro >;i ff -rod w'S Rhoriorotorr for yotirs ttk . nnrl hr.H Irir-.rf oorrrly BjNxF^*****®*Mfr -vtirylhino -.viihout ofir. S'ro slollrrt lo Irrlr- HADAtOI nnd <h- !m frrovr.i? -cpidly. Thon, if my fnther aw s 1 ct' rm impro y omf Pt in Hr-r Ihril yomt hr. (trjri.H »bii Iroatmea'. No* iHont* o HAOACOI, th«y are hath dai*a Sr*. All our prr.Dts *o HADAwOt ao-l »’ fa "rid.r,, from I* | WO- from Rhfumotism, to do anything Trird ail mTf kinds of medifin > ® - j^P ; , pod of the b'Y-'t* »-i hospital. I taki- HAD ACC l Now l can do any of my j ™ work end om doing * fin«* t l recomnnsns'i f to everybody I - Ms John M/. Cort'se. ewrv TlVihlc c r • • • • .'V. - and to :aH of yum- dduut" 'i. ■>- a-: vil*4 r.-ga:.?., thuvNxy Mothf in Av b- tiitmiioti pr 'bkly :t - n ■ ’*• r " H,«,»•, . ( rrt the Vl. ir.-r, M ( rat. ' (v*t ItAI'ACOI. pi I" . Th« iirwile .vi-,.. IftM .)•! ••- -i’ •; r tr • !, (■■ i.f f.h" til:."' ■ (r-d i'h...ii - i Ih-.t SiAIrACIII. hi: .1 tr> n;:. R ‘..<i. M-'.t ><■ ir:‘‘ • nr,.i •rrr.tn '»• > Mir,, r:.;* ■ f in ft ' 1 >Af<>t. t ‘ nii'.ny I< > . v f.-. . .r.i * • >t^. , (i... . .1... .. , ■ ;rl;n.vl, h-' (hr l" • „bi. • lie. har-i 1 ■ comfortable |iv*e .. hi i, ,■ ■ fM’ ( O' ■ j - . 1 . . r*. -I • ill /l 14 , rfimedi**;- tn»- - K * • ••■;• - n v « -i-f. ii.' f:-ii ; .■’■■■■•! •* In? is no. .won ;.. t>T nAPACe? ; HA DA COD ■ -s-" i- !.*V* rlrns;.nt in l. No matt.' -ho. :. 't live n- rr.’.ttcc w!',. (■■■■. v■! ...v h 'Ov.i ; : i -Vi m.vtVi... • ih« in. ■ •> I h • or tiorfnl t ro r tv;..:. iro on r-IC-Trin;- ’ I>t>rr I !.'■• n... .. V t-r ’ i.Bt » bntttr t. dry fr m*r yry.» l“»;5 Uro - HA i h\< of ~ ■ -Ait. To c to , ’ <,.. v his- ilAl'At nf ..1 -• I'iiiiVf.■.'ift I. ni/v- * *ti tf.-'j •■” • F' • onlv ft. 23 ; Nm'b */• <»"■ / That. <\-.af ha. •(»•'<># mben a free people him over oeir >•< ••pxns.bi'it'*-* ■ :-air gw ••■-nment. They r*l.-»o I urn -cm -heir freedom c boice So u.li.-rr >« the if-sull How doe« Socialism happen? Not over night It is woven slowly, a thread at a time into the bond* of slavery Little by utile the a, ■ -ament as.- : uoies powers otbei that- governing—unhl finally assumes ai power. In this country the government na< s'**»dv ..nteicd tlic elect-to light and powe* bucress —and is aiming at inedivne. steel, railroads •ind o.'hti industries. Advocates pi the plan refute to Onii ll . on:*;!, in, bu* ihch U how social!:m got It* Mart ir. oibei countries Cal' it anything you please—i-t is s threat to freedom! PAGE FIVE

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