CAROLINIAN Saturday, August 20, 1949 BONO SAYS THAT GOODWILL FLAME IS NEEDED NOW LINCOLN UNIVERSITY P.- ••American <■-! u :.!( i . have largely i<- i £i«ht o! the ereat traditions wYk >•; their collegse and uni h-ite: \na founded' Dl Hor.«;i a. !';■ Bred. President of I,mi ■ ,tn l'rjivf rsitv, declared last Monday : iihf t. ■ the members of th> Insu -1 -* O’ Rae ...d and {'ills;; i . i, Rela ; f ‘ I't held on the I incoln U itv Campus this Week Dr Bond pointed out thoi the ’’ .’nders s>l institutions knew ex actly what tasks confronted them a■’ e hod a exact prescription with "i. eh to erect them That presorip t r, was 'Universal rc-liance on rs.ij love nd V octw:;; tot r> on" a. the ohn f “bjectiv' "f ■■ r needier al instiluti n "The state of education tod.iy.'* < <>. nCnued. leads (nr- to belies e tn- t ih'aa entr.o ted \v;lb t.:r fu ttiif t tivl'li/.i.tion had never heard il. • : >ve Os C, a. and love for f ! Y Jell< v.. mar Educators, in •i. ’ ( nn,; ■•](■■ orfYii found in# princi < phrrrif'T; 1 ,y (.■{•,,,•• lu: \ y;i :<*> 5 INC OtA F \NS FLAME i-.nd in i.h; 1 hearts of other < r f the F t‘si yterian i. l,e: e Tht 1 j ■.• !*7 the rtoterv after '•• ■ -naa h-o him from Mi hsters, tJhe sheriff shicL i.< - ■’Mi- shit the captive could Ihcni to the guiltv person w>i< aFcgerUv attacked ? 40- yi-. • --.?d farm woman while - took then ehi!~ :iic- . Mirny, Siht.iJ lan officer railed in tin >*&*'. ;r--t -m■: - io save the mob h R \H \ \\ ; : "5»5- K? "IT ROt.TRS .!; M »t i!V b j,- \t (i >! PI ft SON \t S ?]i .c r k’e- ‘A-, V , ■ 1 H 1 Yfr-S Aletist Tbt;it !here i Brandorr* and Mrs Cat Ate Bratid'wt i cr !h-fc wetSs Mr; 'Heroic! TroUmger i,; V tieat at Aiantanet gtriertil Ho:.- THah Wf wu.l for ht»i a vpetctv , ‘) t r; very M - Mi Annie ford i*Ht Set-. | ii,r. tv visit ht:i tire tlx.., Robert : {lonrii-y !• Pel-.tfbutk, PI; Mn HermcretU New Tis ot New ! V k vteitihg tit,; . Mi:-, 'i;.Rogers rod t rother. B‘-n '■ b, , : h - «'V‘ : : wo! h: Mi an. Mrs Clyde JsJey biivt* : :,Ci ' !-d inti; then- :•< *> up: • nt ; v . t i ><3 Co-iit ;. t S’ • et"! '■if; Call.e Bra:utr»r- Fvangrik.i, ; . was guest speakrr Surid;:y night tit' Ir ; v Chnpej AME Zion Church [ She sL-.-’M frory; * »• .subject. ‘‘The : Vain* ni the Soul Fw what c. m::r ; profited ,1 be shaii gam Ihe whole world .ind ii'.se b-,s , v, : " Matt IH,2f POI.L«CKS\ if IE Rt mrs no u Hll.t Mt ' Elizabeth Gray ; v. •, ' <‘d non K „. i. - (..I jrnif • v, 1 Sehoo; at N c r.ll,F‘; LurnTro ' ■ M ' ar.d Mr V,, ■ , G E’ , :n --w 1 j. _. j. j*. ~ . ,i - j.. ,' p ; | h-;^r I " OC&H >TH iS PLACE WO ILO 4. ;( tB IF -T WtREN T j > O' — - _ - ( *t . ■ V..., / A A 'iff. T"' 1 ; /v—• j j i .4/10' \ ( TS /-A uT x ~G x / • C\TG A j v htuoday -at Coofters Beach r>ear ( " | Oriental yi C. j- Ueo) Austin Murre.n «f Smith- >' field merit the w'eek end here visit- 1 ift* in: wife., Mr;; Etta M Murrell Tt.i ‘uner.i! services were held 1 Sunday for Mrs. Haze] Brock • Stray bom - i N Y ,md Trenton >:t tin Methodist Church in Tronicr> • North Carolina U l’h(.-rj‘,.sot. w t-r-Aui tainei!' n' Bsrthtff.y Fariy Sunday «f'i-i - • •.•«.,efcraiit. bei fourtet-nth an-j. .- ■ • ary by mother, Mrs. b Thompson The hostess wash • '.s't t. in S: . . ii;g Hy Mrs. Austin; Sit;and Mist Mary Boone The | gi.tsl.s consisted of ..bout 30 of her! ran*. / M Tip Mr-.. Osste Grady, Jr., .■;.n ••uncei tiie b-rtn of tli-elr daugh-1 ir: t i. udette. July 32. •Toni: County Training' P ‘ will per, August 24 VKRSHVIiXF. NOTES iti :xid,e 'I- it :ict; of Wufh . . r L- i vt. itint her par ■ M;. .nd M- • Jefferson Knot! . ■T “ Louies E lukney and and k rert Blakticy ■ f VVasliingtor.. D. t ' e visit rw tlieui a:a-.,u parents, .. Mi- G-irii A Her ana -.Tr Fred Chalmers and j * -«rt ... -, r! i-u Sue-d; y ,> ith ■ - :vts jo t riv • unc !'>.u v ii. F\; li! :• N C M .• d .’>!;•>. . Bracker and , Mr r d M. r•: •, r Tayl- ’ ■ ! W.i teller--Salem are vtmationing with cfieu rnn-h—r. Mrv Ee ;e Tfiornai. Mn Elettic Bailey of New York ■ Cly spent a week - tr, b* r father, Abe SturdivanL Sr. tvi'i-a Frr.nme Allen of Wasliing-. Un. !> C. is visitig her sister. Mrs. Mac Be.hi Cuthbertson -Mrs Dora George, fiallie Mat: and Tracy .Arm of New York are visiting iiie Crowder family Mrs. Mery Ha.-ty Flake's last -•rites wer- held Sunday at Cross R ad Choi, I. Her sudden death :o!;i red heart attack Wednesday inio-nint ~t i. 30 She , .-urviveo by a daughter. Er-i.'e Flake of :vl;ush, lire, a broth-, e. E Hasty of Southern • Pines, two sister;. Mrs. Cora Evans • of Southern Pines and Mrs. Nora • Kellogg jf Philadelphia. Fa ten grandchildren, IK great grandchil dren and a great great gtSdchiicL Out of town relatives attended the furK-ral from Cleveland. Ohio, Smthen Pines. Morristown, N. ,T ; Kahn;;:. Mis Wadesbore a An- -n --vtilo NIKS. k'. TAYLOR IS LI M HF.ON (J ESI f, A HAM Mrs. William Taylor of Pitts -11 irgh. Pi . was th. honor guest at -■ reception and buffet luncheon conducted Thursdt y ::fternr.on -t j /WHY ? 5E0H96 ) - #o>r>/r.M(6-fir u I'i EGVIfc.-YvVfctL-i- '' i, r » ihVY'&BX •> vv / r- r —-/ £czH?iNs J y / % - / o -vT iE. 4 fr. and Mrs. Rii- i!! p. Pentnin -4 Dayton. The bridegroom to be. aho has been working ai Dough's for It months i- the son of r tr! Ryder, for 20 rears a resea;' a chemist a< the Duriren compare, of lia vtnn. The ne\vi\ reds y»fi a to live in lais Angeles PAGE FIVE