< -XROLJNTAN Saturday, August 20, 1910 rCHARLOTTE || ATTY, BOWSES WILL DEFEND MONROE BOLIN GY KOBFRT ( If i.K ; Court .Inch: • ,V. p fl >r ■' ipp >;nU d Atom- J. , ■ ■; e!i.'.o:- -r anti Hay Farr;', v imr M"d!ri roni. o *h..l ;> Tri • s »• halin'. ! 12a Q ■ " .'til -i | ‘" -,;-lo on t• u {. s■;»>;.-, , .a’ }!!» i-i ; shot gun. Lawyer I, .vvsot. will is chief n: nander of division s:< ->?' pie I>• d.s. S. (.'. He is the >.nly * >lor ed mem bet of the Legion'.-- o :<ecu l-ve board B'-wsei i s t'iu'd his idur r.i - at Friendship Junior Cg I, ■ Shaw i L'niyersity How;o ;l ; . ivn ■ij - S.,h iol of Law arid ‘ho ;vOrriU I Chirr.:.:.* o. AT rncy Bowser ii ads r e d ; j,il staff of the State C inference of NAACP fiionf iH' He is a ire-'o;in ; ; of ; ; eldest !;i'. firm ilt th 1 si.lt-.' whi.-ii Row »or and Harr Bow ser who is In;;:,I idvis :i for tee ilk .State A ss< >ei; it tan ,1 er-m -->. I • . die Mas -ns Ml I. \1 Ev CASK A fit i - v.* as' talked v t'i ‘Oe. r - r !;< i• 'called -a;me of the Js-.-s ite has handled, Lu? State Thi' -!irisen arid Lurombert • • The Brown baby case, aid ibe f,arrier i ise s ari: year.- a- Tile liaw ard law graduate who is a fisnin. ' i ha' tife V, bbsst ■. . ■’ ,i I**.! to the former .\li.s.- Bes-ie f.. Curt"-, f Wull). i S C ‘it 1 <22 He the father of on.- eh id. Jeanette.! | , junior at West C: arlntte ! irigh SehfH.-! During h... early ya : ee h taught at Allen University ,J olumbici. S C NCGPT TO HOLD WORKSHOP HOAN'OKK. V-a AN P> The National Congress of Colored Par ritts ti it Teachers will h id its m-; nual workshop here August 1 *l-20.1 The theme of the meet ■» w re •Dynamics in community I fe " Mr ; J. S Mor..an C‘. L- ville, Ga.. >ati,>nal rresident will preside over the workshop which will utilize symposiums panel,, and talks on topics referring to f.umiy iife. Participants in the v«: : ■ panels will be, Mrs A M. Jai o.i-iin. edi |jr • the oij/Hnizati ns m.-i 4 ■r.ine. ... Vi Henry. Mrs. M. ii vvo ton Mrs, M M Caldwell. Mrs Charles L. Willi.uni. Mrs B. M Eb-ivrry and Charles Cornish CHECKER (;\SI \m !>F IROIT (ANP The wrong move made in .» checker >ame Monday evening bought the name of one of the players inta reality. frank Moody, 18. was sent to the Receiving hos pital »n a "moody condition,” nier having hi, lo,ver Sip hit en off hy Albert Biddings. 16, during a checker game. Police sai<i the two rru n h» - .inf engaged in a heated r tu rner! t \!)WIS HAT aw* ITII SCHOf ARsHIf The Natim d Urb... Nf-a , for be fourth cHtseeutir ; year, r.'eeiv* ,d renew ai >C its t'?!!ow>, > .‘rant from the Adam Hut w :Uur<' und The i i fr rr> Vl.in Hr WeliVirf- fund penvidna tuition tnd mainb'tinWnce for gradual** .dudy lit sociology ‘OU -coiiomtHs,. and ut •mjimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmem m HUMS IST NEGBO DELEGATE HK TuoiT 1 -\ N! • < . 1 of the ; s U !']/!' I S*'S Ci>it:i |;C <>U t of th:' '•xiituif; aiHUial m<-i tins? of tin 1 N.i :inh.;i 1 J ii'a i iis.s,.K tg ‘ 101 11 1 ’ j * ihi. •. tens the anicnrC'T.iniVt that .1 V, • Ur. i’etei M. Murray -.i \, v. York City v.siiiUl bcsoiiir' tilt 1 first T Ids race fa I>e arimirted ».) ! (lIIIISO >li ; tat-'.S of t hr, Ar i nil Mefili iii ...--.-a-uition ib .Murray . >.;-i jir-'-ui'nt •.1 .\i \ ... :: ":l to ‘tils l ; it I ,' by ; !n> Ve'.v Voik State Med it a I . I ■■ t • | !,> Will fake his S' it of tit" 1 a ■;:|;! i R.->et il;v of the AVI Au, s,t 1 f'va nr:s,'o pi Jsii: ;‘'ao Tho of delesttti.'-s s t h ■ poiiey. 11;: ; hiidyof tin IMA *hi 'll ha ait inconsistent record in reyard to Nesri'o doctors In annotuieiiisf i Murrav 1 uchic vement Dr (b-ors-i F I-ul! Chis i .... s<* T-Os rv ~nd gs-! 1 <-:':V manattfi of th.- AM A. said FORWARD AT HP • Dr, Murray's (-h-i-tion to oip .house of delegate- is a forward 1■• j 1 in American m«diemed A native of ,V-w t >rl»:an:' D; Murray i- *’>! y-ar- old Hr is a graduate of the Howard rnivrsirv Si ho ad of Modi. In- At present v : ; holds tli. following; pos.Uons liirectoi of depa.rt.in--nt of wu” rologv .t SViicnliani ho't.ital. New York, arid members of the Commitia. 1 ' Min-'i-aa > -sc. utive .-ominittcc of the medical society of the count 1 -if V - York 1 He is also .1 triirt-e of Ho’-varu tin i ve- -it c ..i,. 1 ue-rilH-r m thi hoard of directors of the Supreme Li hen y I.if" lusuratnv - com paw 1 Ho has iieeu a member of th*- state i Till'd! |! socieiy's hoUS-- •>! d"i'. val" - i for the Jifcsi 12 years. ics.-: honor.-, for fir 'inn- - r ("lude his he ill ir a foil, w -it r, \'i s Yoork Academy of Medi ir lip lotii.it of t’l" Aincri.an Boaro . , -dheiet 1 dcs and Uynecoloiry. fellow the, American College of fii in-nns. and fellow of Hi- Le ra : 1 iotia CnSlefr* of Surn-otts. RK VI, ESTATE MEN. HI II.DERs TO MEET | I'i f KBIT (ANf’i Under a theme of "Down With Coats and ,Up With Housing for Minord The National Association if Red K-: r.■ brokers and National Build «*rs asMx-iation will convene here Aug. 22-24. During th" Joint session in th>* ‘tft< rnoon on Monday. Frank S Home, assistant to the FHA ad mini -.trator, Wasingfon will pre sent t tj. p; r s l Ip:P o- ak-o Ray tn.nud 'J E dec, f 1 H-\ f f l --:- I,at": Alit.-rt 1,. Thoms *«•!!. FHA /ont 1 ■ ,i< al relntioiis advisor will had 1 Ho; lag Production'' panel. Mm d. v night pm , u-li -P - n.-.-sK cr will be Arty Trnnfuui K Otii ,<ii: Jr. Chicago, and Dt 1 E-. Walker, ppresidant. t'niversa! Lit' Ins 11 ranee company. Memphis Wednesday iiiornims th" two gro: j-r will c.onven. 1 -eiiarathly .'•it rficers and 1 eve ret.ort-. of committces At nisrlit. they will he joined in a banquet by the Na • lionat Negro Business leasni- . Hou-evv ■ v-y i aeir- National Hoiiie Loan lea cue and :Vattona’ Teacit-rs of Business Rdii.-ation issociattou The keynote address will be given )>v Horace ftudduth. president >f TEEN-M.ERS MEET TH s \<iEßb MEET The i •-c Vg,- C'omt>anion * Tub met -■moljv. July Tt. at the home *>f Curti Gatlin. The next meeting w-.i heid I* the hume of Tames Forbes »* -SL> bbemierd Street, on August T at . 3. ai Wdicim < herrv is president :>f the club Miss Gloria Thomas is •secretary. admit i "ffd ny : )u* ■'onruc-t if .he National L’rban 761STTANKEeS TO HOLD REUNION f ley land O. . \.\T> Korh.Lt ’ nit mi)t rs of the Ur a armored unit 'all - . or.ri-taading Negro ..oil hat utiil of World War 11. vis! gi flier here Atig. 26 and 27 in their first t eutiion Min e the >var ended. Hi ad a aar tea's will 'oe 111 The far it .•!(■ hotel and meetings will ate Place a! <h« {‘f-dar VMCA. The fornier KTO tankers will fia »ti,- Tfii.-; T auk Battalion a.v •cltiu.-u duriny their ..’e-sing here : i;d then ei-o-.y - 'me good nW fesh;oned pleasure as they v!*iuiri isce , .a-;- ihe. L-jtUefield o.i-.'oits wiiii h wens for Up ir outfit c»pn,m<rn d. iha s iron! four major g< .sevsds and the then Under Secivc.ar/ of War. Robert T* Bartcsuon Tr vill be the fifth anniversary of hi ir :-.aihec for overseas service. luiri ig its con hat 'service m - < Kui'ojH-ari coantries. the 761st sired it tfiius in five maim ca v cp.iie« s ~f Me Third. S venf.h and Nin'h vnisi -s and wound np with a 465- mil" drive spe<ar" adinE' the 701st dud cire.i" ' if entry Divistea .•-res.: iicrmam' to a iurieiion 'vitii rhe Russian.: First Ukraniac. army Si .Austria i't May 1945. pr> orient Truman has sc'.t his - I--' .j. j:, f.h,• ,fiJ-'t Tank ha a ton. h e.;.;! .' he .-ii'inr.t be with forme tßcmb-r of the first armored mu' ~ s \tativ i is'oi v over to 'c v 1 ;r» - t: n eiiprf'V «>r this rountv v "\ i1 h Xf uto v» : •1 - • >p, net m anni o z i * V, M .eis atid '.' •!,! when diev If - * heir rent' ion to-xt week POET'S CORNIER ' CHALLENGE" Bv John Hcc.rick ( iarke for ANP t'h. west has been won ;It ie. • et\ d its days of woe. ‘T:.e pioneers c.-.vc lad down their ;• Xov. where can th.: young men go! V iiuiy m;n. I h,>v*2 an answer, Uu.i nt.-t.-d riot ait ai d whine; a risu arid tuild a heaven : t .Ls; heritod of iron kind. MY I DOK OF VERSE P> Vt ilium Henry Huff for ANP l said when l was but a chad Th a are day I would -write a book. riders Us-kci! a me area smil ed- | [ wish yon ("add have seen their look. : jmsaid *h\t I should dream r.’ - m others so id I w. : insane. But. after ail, the book is here A book of verse. 1 think will cheer Unnumbered reader young and «ld. A -s pure opinion mould. LIVING FOR TODAY BY ETTA DONNELL FOR ANT Sorm- people iive far yesterday Arc! some the day b rorf" Why nut live just for today Because. "Before.' will cam-- v more * .suf u- ; vople say 'i '■ isii I had So,(Hi say "Some day I will But t:’’- "Wish 1 had'.' arc always at:d And Mr.’ "S rnedays " ire wishiing d't • ; i If yi.n •; v 111 live each city And d all you .su worth while iv r-.dt-y viii sunny day .If vi we as ;> pleasant smile EARLY M VriRITY CC/LI MBSA. ' f . iGlobal) —Evidently the penai system of -'With Carolina, feels that a Ne gro is grown at 16, since a ten year old Negro boy has just been -.entericed to one year in vhe Penitetiary for robbing » .'Rig station ,f seven dollars. Si vernit thu. be was too old a w.nu la % .tatis reform rihooi. ! MINISTER’S CLEANUP DRIVE WINS CITY O, K. BY ORAL L McMLULK.N Sa!isi)\ir> N. C. With tii. itc a 01 exhanstiiij? your own refouirccs i before asking .; 1 1 ■ ■-ither u llow fur : help a "i-.-an i is up. fix up campaign has bon started here in the Dixonrille <i‘ t m this i.y 1 • when one -f Ho worst .slum yen- j ■;loiis exists by tin- ip v H 1 John-' son, Jr.. tninis!"> of Firs Calvary! ,J.::|iTh-;. <‘hur>Ti. which is io- j 111 this district. i Opening oh londay Aligns s, j ilie driv" wiil close out oil Sarur I day August 27 at which, time 1 .s’l ! awards tcualing will pro-j senied ’.- the r - -iiL-iUs of tuiy area j making the most general in,prove-1 jnenrs i Sceiru- tie n- of ijunrot at ; etand-M d ; »f living in a ; .in- ; it v tv her" run down houses, iutpro- i per sanitation including outdoor toilet', op-n well.:- 011 td ool water, i eis inmpe muddy streets, snkept j sidewalks.dmd o*!.i crutio method.- of living were p!C-"iH the niiinsfev derided to n»ak‘ his gospel that 1 he preachcl to his membership on Snnd.'i y jinicticai. As a result of bis effortr thei ••tty fathers have eodoiseT his , work sint! have in line v.'h ! the project The city manager h".-» ■ agreed to set"-'" as a jungs. out of the city countiliiu n will h' an other a worker in the Health De partment will also serve ’’of or with a member of the Home f m or.';ration department a m.-mb, i of fh r - city library staff an! the fire chief. I RADIO AND NEWSPAPER Bc*h radio station WSTP >n d VVSTi‘ to tell Salisbury ot the work licet. On last Friday tuornius the Rev. Mr Johnson together with a •group of hi.- workers were riven a fifteen minute space on »t •: ion WSTP t<> tell Salisbury of the wo k that ts Lein? (ion" Daily until tlu project clows radio station VYSAT 1 iis vjvinc space on its regular news Mast pe.riods for the proitnno Tite local ii"vvst>Bi er ais(> giv- 1 tr '’ publicity t : the program. Bump cards streamers stickers and but tons ate beiny passed throu;iii r the l omniiinity to advertise tin itn iportaic-e of the clean tip paint ip. • fix no rfltnnaign : FIRE DEPT. DEMONSTRATE-; j - Members of th • S-ilislutry Fi> • department under the dircciion of th-ir chief brought four pieces of the latest fire tilth! mg and rescue equipment into the Dixonviilt? area I ,where tlie ciean tip drive is ‘>n trt 1 'made a public demonstration j More t-haii 300 residents of thir. , ; rf a wniched with marked atten tion and listened the t'rre due* Who diseosped clean up as it t >atwl to fires In coniustion with this display the local Health depart ment presented outdoor move < showing how to control the rat And combating of the fly With a. belief that people can worsbip God better when they !»vi on improve;! streets, dwell iu c ;> foctable homes, and have an out• Ip, tr, -vho ! ."so n, recreation th" young minister in cotijun-. ticn wit-' on alert group of civic minded citi zens made am»» vey of a small area and presented the iiridmg t-. th 1 City Council, wito were loud it their praisr-s for the work ooitig don" and went on record ps •-ndors ing a, housing projett for tae tow income workers of the city. Before the opening of the nsu lar R'ssu 1 n the uiiuistev .V,- ■-- talh -l upon by the Mayor to give the in vocation for the regular meet'.r 4 iin last Friday morning. Tin? Rev. Mr Johnson, who is 1 pjeeiv of Roanoke. Yti name L> First Calvary Baptist Church twa vears ago. Siiite that time one hundred and thirty-two person; have hern added to the church membership. The church building has been renovated inside and out. (ha parsonage improved, and a nursery school has ’>"<m orcant ? e-;i hv Mrs. Johnson. He is a firm be liever in doing all voii can for yourself before, asking the o*he" ifellow for help. An average yield of 66 bushels of CGloria! barley per acre was ■ vyclon a 14-acre field at the ■ Piedmont ’Branch Experiment 3te tlor ne3r Statesv’ile this year. PAGE SEVEN ■a* fiTUT^ ■ HEADS IOTAS C’omeiy Mrs. Alice P. Allen as national presi de nr 01 the lota F’hi Lambda so sority will preside over ilte s<»- rorily's national convention itftrt "20th Anniversary eeletrauon a* Los Angeles, Cali!., August IT 29. The sorority, which is composed of business and professional wora rn, vv»li cany as it' 1349 con vention theme "lota. Yesterday- Today-lomoircw" ANPi ANNIVERSARY FUND NEW YORK - Lucille Trick, I membership secretary of in. Na tional Association for the Aovar.ce nrent of Colored PeopL. trnnut ic ed this week the following r-;,.e?it conirbutioas made by SAVJP branches in fulfillment of their quota fur the Assoeict.oii’s fortieth Jiniversary fund: Dos Moimss, icv.'a, S-TOO.OO; Natchit l chess, • , 3200.00: Columbia. Mo.. s4t- JO; riu hi L.. 1., $65 00: Youngstown, Ohio s3o® 00: M’ridietown. Ohio, 50000. and Oklahoma City. Okla,, $228.59 URGES SPECIAL SESSION NEW YORK —a renewed N A, A. C P. demand for .1 special s»c> siun tj Congress for action ou vfw Adruiniotration's civil rights gram was made of congressional leaders by Roy Wilkins, acting aec -1 etary of the National AssocUt’im for the Advancement of Color’d People Following news dispatches indi cating that the House of Represen tatives bar, abandoned the FJQPC bill and that there- will be no fur ther action on civil rights raeasitr-A during this session of Congress. Mr. Wilkins reiterated the NAAOP re quest itt Aires to President, Harry S'. Truman Senate Majority Lc-ad eV Scott W. Lucas and Minority Leader Kenneth S. Wherry, and House Majority Loader John W. McCormack amt Minority Leader iJorcph TV. Martin. Jv Mr. Wilkins referred to t : pre vious request for a called srectal session, mace by delegates u no 40th Annual NAACP Conference is Los Angeles 'art month, tad ri si'ried that the ‘ most efiecfjv -way to test new rule twenty-two on ffil ibusters in the Senate is to clear .the decks and concentrate on that ! issue.' LOOK FOLK! IF YOU LIKE TO BUY ONE OR IF YOU LIKE TO SELL THE CAROLINIAN SEE Sylvester Suck 1 Esther Write To Him t>s* Let Him Know I Atidrsa*; Rome 1, Bo.* 11

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