PAGE EIGHT II FAYETTEVILLE I | i I i'" ~ ' n i ’ i 1 *•••< 'i:, r: h YOUR SCRIBE I >i rni'Kcn i. Brans J | ! i. There is a prcposa) before iht - .ity • council tc txleiKi the eii# liscita, This may be. a geeid idea as a majority of the citizens would like to se t our lair cily, orse of cic*t ; of the state, and which at one time served as the state capital, become one oi the largest tit es in the state, T>, extend the city limits should ••'.♦•an rri -j c than a gesture UTILITIES SOUGHT A few years ago the city limits ' extended to tile present boun daries and some- areas taken in' | Arthur’s Seafood GriH j | 83? Iverson Si. Phene 4690 1W«. serve anything from s 1 eandwiem to s chicken dinner. Kri Ora 23. Williams, Prop. --- --■■■_ ! v 11 |! MOHAWK INN Peaceful Among The Pince Parties Appreciated | G. H MeDouigßid MescfcetJtT l ——- [glass Cut and insl-a!!ed tor Any Make Automobile j B&M Motor Co. 454 Frank Sin Si. Phene 7042 WE ARE GIVING AWAY ALL OUR STOCK AT THE BIGGEST SAVING EVER ( RECORDS ALL RECORDS NOW 25c | ALBUMS ! i T Cl A CA I IPR T C F ! 10“ ALBUMS * $2.00 each OR 2 FOR 53.00 I MUSICAL ACCESSORIES 1-2 OFF I SAXOPHONES COST. C MELODY SAXOPHONE ONLY $ 75,00 HOLTON ALTO SAXOPHONE ONLY 150.00 CONN TENOR SAXOPHONE ONLY 75.00 CONTINENTAL ALTO SAXOPHONE ONLY ] 10,00 AMERICAN SEI.MER ALTO SAXOPHONE ONL Y ) 35.00 •j * HOLTON TENOR SAXOPHONE ONLY 185.00 \ CONN TENOR SAXOPHONE ONLY 195 0O [| BRASS INSTRUMENTS ' ALL TRUMPETS PRICED FROM 535.00 TO SIOO.OO ALL TROMBONES FROM *50.00 TO $75.00 BUY NOW AT THESE PRICES . . -Y CHANCE IN A LIFETIME COME IN AND LOOK AROUND | The Carolina Music Co. y - ”4 Anderson Street Phone 4 767 L art j.till asking the city fr.-r sewage,! larger water mains, l ights and J paved streets, and trash collections.! That Brings up not very impor tant question What does the oty <>w t these new-comers' Truly they owe i-btir than ;,r added cily tax. , URGEfe INSPECTION T r ‘ support my argument J would like for you to follow mt tc two! new developments ;n the city. There arc mere but these two are si me of the more thick populated. May 1 suggest wc go down Inc South end of Robeson Street be-; ginning at the cid silk miiis. turn! right at the mill and follow the • road to Brandon s Crook, turn left 1 and go South to end beyond the Aberdeen and Hcckfish Railroad; track, turn left again and go down j to Winslow Street, follow Winston j Street, north, cross the ACL tracks' and back t< or starting point, the. old silk mili We h*rvt circled a thickly j populated urea the! was once a I I mar?n J; nd. The area >< now almost 1 filled with houses But not ore pole light, can he seen m the area No sewage, no! .arbage c:flection, no police pro- j lection SECOND AREA The Second Area is on the East side i f lower old Wilmington Road, kn .r• ~s the Buxton Development, nearly the same thing exists there. As if the above were not enough. I ihese fjers*ns pay city taxes and must send their children to county schools outside the city limits. if e city wishes to expand there' should be some inducements for. these communities to want to come into th. fold. No one wishes to pay taxes and not reap the benefits from them. | PERSONALS On Sunday, August 21 the 5 n ieu Usher Board of First Baptist Church will celebrate, its 30th cn niversa}y with a musical and liter* ! ary program. The public is invited j a. attend Messrs. Burti* . Mc-Kb ren, Seavy | Williams and David Williams j Mtw York are the guests of their mother and aunt, Mrs. Mittk Mc , Kinncn. The Rev Fred B Kmg oi St [Pauls. N. C served as guest min [ ister cf First Baptist Church n 'absence ol the pastor. Dr. T. H. ! Dwelle, who is. on vacation Mrs. Ida Ross was the week end Lues! of her husband. Col. Robert I Ross. Mrs. Ross is a njrs» at St. Agnes | Hospital, Raleigh. N C | The Senior Ushers of Ba{>- I list Church met at the home of j Mrs. Glossic McKinnon at 218* Mc- Iver Street on Tuesday night. There was a large attendance. Mitt Esteila Williams was eject ed delegate to the state convention ■i ushers wh ch will be held in Wilmington, N. C., August 25 through 28 After the business ses sion. a delicious repast was served by the hostess. The meeting was presided over by the president, Thomas .1. Smith. Mrs. Stallis Morgan and Mrs. Juanita l.vvi:- spent the week end a* Elizabeth City, while there they attended the 'Lost Colony’ at Manteo, N C. VISITORS Miss Lcitjc Reed, Barnwell. S C.. Mrs. Pauline H. Parker. Ralegh, N. C., Miss Mary F. Williams, Wal lace, N. C: Mr. and Mr;-. Arthur -i. Smith. Los Angelos, Calif. ..o Miss Wilhelmenia Werber. city Miss Gloria Hinnant. a ‘tudent nurse at L. Richardson Mein .rial Hospital. Greensboro, N. is the guest of her mothei, Mrs Hinnont ■ n Rale gh Road. . Mrs. Letba Martin and her little daughter, Patricia, of 433 Robeson Street, left Monday lot Detroit, Mich, for month's stay with her daughter, Mrs. Audrey Black. Wisely Iht c-ty council tabled the proposal until a later date, and Ac are afraid there > to be quite Lit of opposition whop it e mc> ,ip iDr riottnU *t. f' A WC*U.N>i. A N Saturo-ny, August 21-, 2 ;-4l‘ !j B - Ferguson left Saturday : ’ night for <* whe re he w.i 1 at* ! j tend uii: N-'- ;/■ ,g postal Alliance ' Cr ■ vc: From there he wh- go Ijtc la aru.tu v, by plane ic , i‘iad ! the Nmim-ai Par. ntt «oci Tteacliers i meeting j! T i Summer Reading Club cf the • J James WiiiM rHi . ■ L ; i > c!ca' j Tuesday, August 16th. at which 1 j time the winm: of i. ru c-' wen i annourn-t* Th?. party will h«_ LcitJ ai Th*:- jNCCS’-USO m f- >.< : Street. T.*< ci-iite, v» i 5 > j.m • annc;..? l ct* o l Gt<-; i:/s/.LuSts outograprieci by si.:/ .•‘iayt.:.. will be ...warded u. .to the un-s rt.idiot, th - . nit host KKJ.mi.Ci e' !»(,:- Reading certificate:* v\.:: h law aided by the city to those re if ! ing if - , rv: ; f Mrs j M ■ Forgu-- it lit:-,-. a: I Mrs Herman F< rguse •. one. son j '-I Brockivi N. Y . kit fl i thr i: ,borne afte. spend.}.}, st veral weeks :v- hi a. rt r.i: ~nd 1 lit uti nan! ' jur-d Mr- . Chaili - Easicv Mrs Kei- | gwe:: s a nurse in the Harlem Hi:- ! P-tal Mi Ferguscn if .. teacher in | .he city sclK't -1 f.yst. - . ro cl NYC He' 'its now it: Germany but will return iby S«:fvember Bth t. nmn.i r,. j teaching, duties IHr.ce Fe'rpu.-o;: is alUnding : |summer school at the University Eficbtste; ir. Recbester, N Y., ; workinj cn his master's Cph and Mrs Chester W lu-.m ‘are heme with Mrs Oden's pan-its. M Mrs, B. F Ferj t£ 1 ’M> on Sti <'• where they will make the,,- home- until ufte-i i Fchi uar y ; Mrs. Lucy A wh. s now • he/ son c daught». r-3n | iaw. rVTr arc! A'lr? H. ,Jr picked iii. the phone last wc-tk to he- , the voices of the Lewis fum ily sinpir-.e 'Happy Birthduv fro, - :; ; Newark. N. J Mrs Sarah Smith ha:- returned - from Jamaica:. Long Island, whe she attended the nisri rw of her ! fraud dvUglbcr. Me- Smith. rcc:tivf'd over 2WI presents. re' £300.00 n money Pi/rf. arid Mrs. J W Pa Ker have moved into their beautiful borne - n Chab-nan Street ‘irs. Nannie Mariah Gill .pi ■ her vacation in New Y'-rk City ;,nt; Patterson. N J IVA VS METKOPOLII AN CHURCH The Usher Board mei -/ home ol Mr and Mrs Taft wii . Hams Mcnday night, August Bth : A ip.rg! number was pre sent. At the ; close- < J toe me-eting - clelioir - is re past wo.- served i Mr. C T. Monrce pres;d< - nt.i land Mis. Marian Sawyer n /i /re-! tary Stewardess Bfard; two jmi! wth Mrs Mary 1 Wti: h: ;’Tin:roy Aurort !J1 h. Mrs r, ■ ; Wjjiisms j! !•••••.’ as new in ,i 1 ; A r ice repar-'t wr.>? served I Mis? M:-udi H '-d po -rid.- t [and Mrs Mu-id.- Wright if .-ecr.- | i tc’ r v r Thr ¥\ ■ Ready Club met a! ti . i f Mrs Hattie NlcCc v Tnniv ! nay \. .- Aagu-tt 11th Pi of Ann-' ' ftr - ric / ve an mti-resting talk -d a till .■ wet-1 :w..- i-ervod by the hostess Vi; ndf Ho d -s p ‘oitien* ‘ , Mo M 1 ■ Wri; lit i; ;i-l> • 'to ry. Kvirmyi tki: \ui;v li! ( KH !•> S.iO.OOt) HKUi f ,S. KEII CROSS Bits 1: O Cennui , preside!/; fu t.-n 1 A i’o'H' ;. 1\« <(’if;-; \\ -k i • •<*•'• 1 st;• * i’Ci.t ft -;'d •/' v 'h - ‘ .!--■■■ J Hi'; • ilit* 1 , lH:v i;-. j : vie!; i the Equiidoriftn < , rtiv ! ii..oko. o,rp;:‘r: . ARC . , 'o-i.iMive- n Kquador to assist :n . !te--f. vVa r,H. Inn. 0 r, ■■ (1 o n: Rn :. din. <;{.•:• of Red i 'r< pi ;aliens p mu Canal Zero, are ■ ■■ ■ r». IN v. i. :< tin s-!rn ken :--.en< /! he Vo 'n Reel Cross, O Coo - .no prepared to ; i •id idriitiooH; -iq plies and -eu:. - da.- ’icnoi roenne) jf icqucstcci by ft Ko ~(j/■ ’ i.o Rto CrOSS C Ce.-nnci ha? outhcrized Hc«: C refs or it nei f>s; roe inruriti > . m refit funds for trr.nsm.ssio.i' I. ts - Eqciddor tan Ret.i Cross (rent 1 iacLviduais anc greopt wjs/er.g o j " /.■' ovtkQnaln. suffi ;■ ers; BRITAUT) CASE IIAMHEP OMra NT W YORK AffiiScv.t.*. .1* jM-rting that William Howe il -1 ‘ Brooklyn ". t.c the; victim oi ‘a brut..],, • ieli .• iul and unjusttfitc - heating by tv.< easily identitisble ' members cl the New York Police : De; , i irm wgn railed to fht at : tent ion of Mayor Wdiiam O'Dwyer ; today by the Natiftio.l Ass.h lation ir-r the Ac'e; He.ornernt <>l Ceievtc ft' pit Franklin H Williams, assistant -pi 1 ceuvsc; f"i the NAACP t • formec tie Mayor of th. afiidasiu ; charging i. rut, -oiy n/ ainst Hn/. e'; a nr; suppeu-t * s m. !denee gat -