PAGE TEN “17 “ i NEWS OF W'tfw ! ...s'- V-~-I NEW BERN f.:•>! By L D. WOODS .g j ■Vi-? .-lory B. Joti;-? *s rop'se* 111 hei horof. old Second Av- Mr- Jo- '-phifie Wh*- is much ilin.jr-ved alter having iindf 1 ! wme k w- y *c-riao i 0.. -- at- n T!■ young f il0»:; Os st Peter's AMf. /-<«>> C hurch mw tb Senior (-henr #f < isn fon (.'no pel \ t<j- Chtirch 1' t ?-ritlty for Jacksonville N < to parti'-ipatc in the ciioir foil c«:;* r e which was held at St Julia's AMF. Zion < Imrch, of which the K<“V V . lltufsoit r; pastor TV.. S'ar of Zion Relief socic• Wil| have Jta annm-i sermon Sun day. August 21. at 3 jx rn. Rev. .1. L. Dark will preach. Ne , Chadwck. Sr continues ill at hi-' home on Bryant Street Mi Lour, i Moore is confined to • fme on Bt ■- ant Sir on count of illness. • Funeral services were held for Gc os m- Baker Sunday : ;0 p .n. f»<>m f.“*lintt?r» Chapel AMB Zion Cht!'-.'; The pastor, the Rev S. P. J . >.- officiated. Interment wa* in ih- Evergreen uemetcry. Surviving the deceased are Mr . Alberta Bsker. his wife, on* daitgihcr. Mr. Minnie fi L. mt rev, and tine graneirl;mgh- U-r Mjr*ha both of Ff u.-bo- HAMPTON PREXY TO BE INAUGURATED B.- MPION. Va. Three ay- i , cm '. nip.- organised around * * . gtaerel theme oi “The Coiicyt, The Negro, and ftidturtrv.'* w.!lj mar! the -nsugtiaration of G. Moron. B. J»h., M. A J I. P. thi eighth president of Hampi >n u.-t • ♦use hri *» ou October 27-20 Lt-eot-rs in inf- fields of eo tiof government, and indu«ti • wdi )cin of!icials of the 8! } ■ <■ in stitution' of the VPgific Lofth ' Peninsula. founded .n it!!!:-- ov Gen ets' Samuel Chapman Arotrong and nn accredited Class A college sice 193243. in developing the main -her e through four sessions beg-n --f!m:. Thursday night. October 27. Among the speakers definately scheduled to take part m the pro cram art- Thomas A. Morgan Ui ; ref sind Chairman of the Board of the Sperry Corporation Chun xi!i!g II Tobias. Directoi of the Phelje-Stoltes- Foundation and Chri; iign of the Hampton Board nt T. a.-Vces; F D Patterson. Presi de!’ .if Tuskegee Institute and a Bar-, tun trustee; George M. John son De ii of the Law School of Howard University; Lester B. Gisr-ic 1 Executive Director of bus Mate nai Urban League and'Hamp ton 1; ustre, Chevies Houston, prom inert: Washington f>. C„ attorney; and Lit Stephen J Wright Dean of Y sculty of Hampton Institute Names ol other speakers repre-i sen'ntivef. of labor, 'government, in dustry or edueatio will he an no need in the near future, D developing the theme, the sp-. a: u v-ill review the history- of Neg.t employees in industry de* {rioting the progress in their inte grr.ii discuss case histotip,- of tuccc vfill integration: outline some of the saferuards Negroes have to 'ketv ;he flock from being turn 'd ' ack" If this fount!y should pa Into a major recession .or depres sion; and relate the material pre sented to the rolr of the college In pi -paring Negri/ youth for do ve!*,: jug opportunities in industry. Hampton has long been recogniz ed as one of the major inst tuiions offering training for Negro youth who are preparing to teach or to practice a t*7ide. In late years, the college has developed four-year courses in Architectural Design and Architectural Engineering and j » i vt year course in Building Con- Hritrr-'h. alt trading to the 8. S. iic-!. ■ e. / ' offered are thr-« -/*>»£ di- b* ini. Germany; two sister. ?fis. ( era >fitche)S of Hertford. N V. a«d Air* Etta t ivlL. of B* rk lev ta. .usd three Siri't'ier'--. Alcro.a 1 taker of ll* rtford. tt ii liatn Baker of Votfnik Vi , and K. V Baker >f Ncv. York t itv. Mr. Suite was ;■ native us BttC’:- !np. N ( but ";•* !.-( t" re.-- hi .4 :n New Her for tb - pnn 3j y* He way a L-: *ict by *v;ide tmtil a few v; as lop whofi ho lOtta ■! ‘ . frotr the t rack* titui began <* mer-: i.-antile bus!*,, i h<- deceased had been *iiiit< active in eivte ttion for several years, being a M sen. an Kik and a mcrafcei of fhi New hern ( Ivit I •■ague. He was a member »f Clinton Chapel V.MI Zion Church tor nuiiiy years tint was serving as the pastor's steward and as trustee ai the time ol his dealt*. The . fu* til .services and the Lui'.ii f Mrs Lucy Reddick <-• • t t. -t ;.,lact iii Greensboro N C She was the mother of the iter K. Har-»ett. ft: - Poupd Society will hold it.- service . t the Littl .> Riv-k At 8. Church on the * arth Sunday ;n August at: 3 o'clock The pastor. He ' V A. Whit* vul piataeh a. I i=» o rn -i i :oufSes ;r» thc tr^ri*. • : ? : B S degree curriettia in industrial I a;'- and indiuii i - edui '-i s thv»r DiV it* ti :ud> :*t • - , include a^r«--.sUit; o. v>* *‘ nt** t'.duuatfon. enc- t‘ stud v<, i '■ ru- «< ;-nr»rrnc.s *':Vjrso »*dut'ation. i "i : i in utu.l jummiT H AMPTON OR AO Mr 1 .* >r n Vir n Island* a si ■ r ".»-d latth ,• ,a<Jeii. m ; ri' l ? ah ■■mas t Ham 'Mn. 'b<.- came the fir.-it alumnus >f the - : ! • o* nam d head exec live h'-T: tno Bon d of Tru-te*.. tuun ed *i:.- aefino president •* o< t-./l/e; • ».fH md lie v.*as soot. ■ U-vot* i to lh- * ii! yre-ideiK V - in Aura, i IPty A graduate t.f Brown Uni cersity *.«. ith a oi J’hTio *>t i.v Degree. Mr. Moict hold- the S. degicH* from thy University of '»’.Ue= burgh and la.-t year w >n his *L. B from Harvard Law School. As Public Welfare Commissioner .of the Virgin Island? 1933-33. Mr Moron responsible fui develop ing ■ public 'welfare program irt a community 75 per vent of whose i population hud been described as “tathii t-nernployed oi uride;-ei.- plowil He also h:..- bevti /1 o u.- * * • niatiav r |o; ti;- ttait ope, University Htn;*- project in V lanta. Go , 7936-It- ,nd later was ; advisor for 'he building of six ; mote Atlanta hou- ng projects and manager of a second such pi jCrt He joined the Hantptt-r. s* f G- oerai Bisin- M.-.nrgf. ;r, 1947. becoming Chain*.an of the Interim Administrative Committee i*. Feb rltuafy. 1948. attc: th« resjcn. ti--u of Ralph P. Bridgman, as president. PLAN TENT ( ITV FOR VA. NECROKS i ■ f ALEXANDRIA. v * \\p — About !0s peisons, mostly Negroes, may have to live in ients because their housing was declared unsafe and uftsaniitary. The senieneins of owner Ro bert Sisson white, for main taining the establishments ha been postponed pending his m - lion on his property. Civil and Police Court Judge James R. Duncan suggested tent housing when Sisson saw* be would xsk permission ii the *rea r*>at »<*fee io ear Vie cf'veititigs join. fSSHIOM-OF-WEEK 9*-' 7 0^ - • v . ■■ FASHION FFtOCKS of Cinclrnati detuned this batik East India*! ::t*on print in muted desert cob ors. *Vo r r* Here by P.utn Mason of New York'* Savannah Club, *t feature* bow tied adjustable cape let sleeves. Sold oeiy ip the horns by bou'ewife representatives. 15 PERSONS SUE RAILROADS ON BIAS COUNTS CHICAGO -ANP) - The Chica go E i-* m Illinois, t: zj and Lcmisvillf'-NashviUe iveti- naoiod defendari'j hi I*;- amounting to a total of sr->'o (Do in damages tiled 'n Cook. C ***■ Bu-pcrior court here last '.v-.-i-k on imrt crow cuurits Plain- : it* , the suit .in 1," Negro pas-j sen -rv. mciudtni' thri:r children, | who i umplained of being forced to ! !'i"c in jim crow coaches fr *.: Chi- ; . rig.- to Georgia to spend the i,94s' Chi 'stmas hoi.days. The passengers, buying tickets to' v * v ■■ points it, Georgia, were , iac«-d in .* coach a signed to the ’v*- use ~i n ,;ne> “ Each : set} SIO,OOO from the rail c,m --t. * ■ Thtir respective suits, filed by •\tty. David Wilson, member -A the ■Notional Lawyers' guild, complain ed that during travel on Christmas 1 <y. •ot-t f< rtned in nd about the windows, wall* and roof of the coach" and their requests for a -,v»t m, r conch or permission to ; ent* " ctifs were ignoted. One woman nd her ch Id were allowed to ent. r another roach, but fur a ; half hour. One of the p isseuger--. Nathan Hicks, i- jtill suffering from an arthritic cumlition ;-.s a re-'uit **f the nude.juot - faeiiitie-- Others in tli’» lease, mostly Chicagoans. ■*- Mr. * Lots Hall and son. Robert F.. Ida Mae Cl "tori peacola Howard. Lyle B. Washington. Mrs. Lavonia j Washington, ,-i». Hwnrdl Dr Wil liam F Dendy Willie Mae Martin. Ann*e Hubbu- and Ruby .’ - Dudley BUNTiit; DAUGHTERS HON DU ED LOS ANC.ELFS ' ANPi . bine ; Bunche nd Joan Buni hp d**tighter •• ,of Dr Ralph J. Bunche. nt of the ' worlds leading diplomats, were the guests of h ’nor it \ party 4-vrn or. the home- .-.f £). C W Mil; lost week Dr Hill f*’ted more than $9 members of the . unger set. in his -pactous home f* ■ r his do tighter Cassandra Hill Mrs Emily Pcotvsig, rat'd one of L<»? Angeles' leading social ad visors t ' the yujuger set. served as h-istess for the evening Su intro duced the guest- *.;! h- nor. Among the • *iii.g people pr.---.-nt . a- re Sherrill Luke, newly elected president of his Ltod tatuig rl *<.? *t i UCLA, and the follow ini* out-of ■ wi t-re. Marlon Crump and Bev -"•riy Crump of Pti /enix, Ar 7. . Diane Dicker-am of Chicago, and Ro * mat te Whits' */ fit auinonl. ( AROLTNIAN Sahirday. Atiini. v '.f :2(>, MH > PARK BIAS FIGHT TO ; BE CONTINUED SAYS INTERIOR SECRETARY WAS FI! N<; Ti i X Beere.ut t > of Uu* Interior .lulius A Krug : i* «0“k iUi’n-rtd Hoy Will: in.- <--*'t m r seeitbii'V el »h* Nations! Assure, non fur the Advancement of Co! ovch! 1 nipt*. tiirt "uott-segroKatiuii rettniftt* the firnt policy of the N'a ' lional Bark S- dee nn*i tin lute*'- tor Ilojiannrei)' uud that "the;- will he no bnekwßtd steps of «n ,:orl *' in tb* udmitdnt rut imi o’ ?-.v imtniitg iviois ahd Otlier i i-"!''a f tonal nrox in the Dis: riel of t o llinibi,! In 1 esjHotse *“ a wire sini ly Mr WiJMns -*r. July 7 j -o! ‘-din ; 1h» propped transfer of «dm ini <tration of those ptirk ureas from if ho Interior I'* partmorst to tb D. C Recreation Boiirtl. Secretary Krug stated firmly that "No as iVignm* hts of park land will be ot el'red to the District of Colntnhia ‘Recreation Is</ur«l wit.hcmt compK;- .(ssmance and ’• dear stipulatlo:! that all nmi" now operating 011 • r. s**er;'g?tt , '-d * - w.'Uld reninin ; non-HOgrpimtiai The NAAt'R hue , I r , *r ie *1 the eon*t cm plated t.ransf*vr as j* “surrender to the forces oi .disorder and hlotrv" after “band !of white hoodlums" rioted agnihs* \- getw-s at the Aruo'ostia Dark : iswimming pool in Washington Mr. Krug intlicab d that'the Am • coetia Park pool, dosed when r apiiearod that irs - outiuued 0!.- ■ ration would result in further and fpo.-.sihly more s.-rio,- * disorder.* 5 : will he peoope"' ’ "'on AW shall ; make every possible effort. Interior Dept, official promise,! j |*- s< * in--,uro that, the malority Os cit ; izer.s anxiouh to make us, of *;n. public rftcrcntlon facilities urn** d ■ j -O without either mob mterferenr.:- ! 01 urveitder to vicious pr- an 1 JOB GOES TO VET WHO SUFFERED DISCRIMINATION WASHINGTON An offer ■■' ‘tn pioymeni as ,1 clerk in th* N< >1 Orleans P >st Office with -euior i’v dating front the time ho wu? thi ;victim of discrimination in I:< ;■ was recommended for Paul M S, s, tii. n disabled veteenn, lr. th ‘ President's K a 1 r F.mph , u* ' Board, the NAACP labor d*-T-<rt ?!*ent announced this week, off id als of th* post office have ;r!vised the NAACP that they nntidpate compliance \v-,ih the Board r* , eonimciula ions, which otherwise , ate subject to enforcement i President Truman. ’ Mr Saiza.u wounded in explosion during the Italian 1 paigti. Is now working in th rail ; way mail service The train! t , the <>pst office would glv • him tip , proximately two ye a. re of s* ■ •-*> > > In his rase >,< Board sold Oi 1* review if t.licir records, i* - not appear t.hnt the eligible < | ted whs superior to Mr. -vin. n m practical rinalifying civllinu \] ieiH-e and army service 'd'-*jaa,‘e r. asoti was given 1 ing over Mr. cuiizan. While expressing pieasni- -- -v* -1 . the victory in Mr Bai/m - *•:■ ■ Chirenro M'Hdibt! NAA-.''P , secretary, sharply criticized tli . Board for not making 1 findin ■ of discrimination in fourteen other cases presented nt a hearing along with .Mr. Rai/an's comtd;*.int by Mr Mitchell an*’ two rejire.-cui.-it i, <*i th-- N-d ion •: Alliance of Po -i.-c PARDON ME PLEASE BUT / 'JhtfhT 1 AN IDEA ,;..>T STRUCK ME ; ' J*y&/ I'll Let My »»/ " Sell The Carolinian I » For Hits V*c«tton Mtww- L; * tfT III: .1, oil .i’Ui \ ' timr J. f'ii 1 ititai. on Ju •*■ V' Ml of lie-:- - comvii.i m-ul.- in’-* V--I; r.ia 1 ■ <•’ trig! are lie .v wi>r!-. ■: : in th* («’- : off: -i- dels' rime--, t, ; .> /. Iwi 1 ..r 1 h * ■ nj-i i.i cm !>;■,vnmn' '! ; w h o--: 0 ■ a.n:■ ; 1 />!.<>i*, 1 men!s ;o ’.voi'king in t'e, railway mail «-rt r*- urn! 'he t»*t offfc* iu Los ,Au.."i'- 1 'ai• BYNOMREVEALS HIBH COST OF FIEHTINB FOLIO DETROIT. Mai. Hu- H ; cost of fignting thi* umr::u' - ious infantile . a 1 .was brought *.'Ut by f -urics If Bynuto .1 putibc i ’if i member of th: National F m* (ini. 'U t'ol Infant iio Paralysis, a m ul | dress this- week i ddeg to !■'■•' ! 18th An:iu,,s IN’* vc-utiort ”f rn,’ held hi Octror' Art. i stitute. "Right n«V v. a la- e, »s t : ..ui, -Ire. Na 1 ' : ’ datum 'finding its resource tax’d a v i ,--i before in its h toi y ‘‘l -isi y. ar the cost el' : in* :a. ! .ent cine t,. the National Fouacla j lion amounted to ■•rue SiV. MM). Old Our -irgau /ation's Basil j O'Co’.mu! estimate that tti t : i i patient {.Tire tins v,.u» ; '*.* vi- I mm’s polio victim- and t ,-»v ! ! ~-ipj years .■ ill amount to . t most 1 $22,000.0110 ' . i Mr Bynum disclosed that whil" jln fa nthe paralysis oas been >n th . j met ..arc in the nation during the past, few years nevertheless, th' fortes arrayed . ana the d. se is i ok. v, iso nave grown. Under Na tional Foundation scholarships uul [fellowships, he said, th .usawl* 1 more .-•killed professional ivorker.- ' have been provided with know • crig’ < rn- j-nmg infantile , .-ra I. y;- At the aim-.’ time tie said, .r invest 1 anten?. working under Na ti'-nai Foundation gran!.-’ ooritira;.- I tapir efforts apace, seeking a means f and preventi< n : The services of the National F' '.incfaium. Mr Bynum ;1 ar i are mad possible through the ; support of the America pea! .With t »-tr.- a d ■ ippon .he ! the work wdl go on until iniai'liie ' parily-a.. been *"h ( •••’ --I INHESTRIAL THEME HAMPTON, Va ‘NIPS' T ".re ‘ "ay-;. of eerc-rnonies organ-zed . mound the general them : of file i College The Negro and Indu.-itry." ' w.IJ mark the inauguration here >f ■ A!-/nzo G Moron, t ighth ptesiiiei.. of [J.iratn Institute, on October 27-28 In d-cveluping th** • . : . the i-penkers will review I.her history of N ft? r> > *r’ rn pi oy cc*< in iticiu si iy. dp - pirf n:- progress their inte gration: rfiwfus'i case of their integration ,*;*d relate th presented to the rale A college in preparing Negro y.ain for developing opportunities ,n m dustry. throughout North Carolina. ,u- '.•■ !- mg l■ J C Jon-.*: of tb- Stm. .\. e.-gi K si S-■•■ •

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