( AK* MLJNT AN Viiurti tv, August 20, 1010 Mr. Tobacco Farmer Spend Your Money In Fairmont With CAROLINIAN Advertisers FAIRMONT*! JAZZ COMES BACK IN NEW ORLEANS I Ai ()i N : -v ORLEANS •AN P» J iZZ *-:a: numt;ible '-reiff >r. ->?. Negr )oS tier 1 rnare than 74 y ii . , ; • •>, L-, i'?surr cted . - h** last E"'id >y night in Bn-■■ j.. ji-f >v i century tgo ,jj;. 'Ltv •« -ngtigud in triu.j! ri-mees t> delight -;i ‘i f * f ilk., Pj O: • m CelPstln, fryn; down >n thj •I-,- ju f, Asum;;* »n u.irt -n biiy.-d m overwhelming audutnee t that jazz sh.jii not die Cele .tin and h:3 •) ; tz •et<ir-n *rs"' D 1 " 13 ea be:, t the j; ZZ I - , ~ I ‘be late William < Buhkt f th-. zoa':.' I.i e n that Illy , ,i p. . f . jMI • .did ietui :>. . , * : 1 'a.> >t ei'.'Vej by car, -i. d ir’eadejli.-.lli’n. lit which hi itself is - -tu.. ;f ,-oin rcumdation. e'r ' . \!M. of ,f' , ),, ijiujs, Buddy Boldc-Jid -o' it; were ready the b-ru . ; -i. band C Tillmar • h it: the i"e>o, Willie Cw m t :.* m, , sue, if*-' Bolden and D J )hii.;oil, trumpets; Frank L. «.!•:>. <:», B. Mumfird, guitar. ' -uw la.m.-n toss end AI tide F *t >iu Os or: ioave nainci t t.y Book." Tthnam and F - i mld .-.* * ( entire week . , U jazz red many »>f or!. . rdu ’>■ 1; showed th “ y '■ , . },,j « VITEK fOMMI.NUM BALTIMORE, Mi zdo, - Andrew Helm, waiter-io-einr. 4a -..0a ‘he Saltimore and •.).!> •< .nr ia<i > ’Ciricmnutian,'' was * -o ~: . > .o; "lee,tod ty the ■ *.O 1 nay fat hi--, courtesy and .six- a d 1 'entibu -V'fli Di HaS unified 'II > ; IV H f< •; t-ie railroad. ri?.S 3.SSOCI >.JV til.i r f-f -■*ic> • li.ir •aciLsiblt- i->r A\a!iy irtoiti Oi. H N: •_) Uium i.i -ii h s netful - > lt»:- nun> bvsia. ALa men he ••■rj Gaddy Bar In* r Shop Hair Cut? Shuiv ■ * V! 1. - - 1 ; e Sa.»e Shine" at- 1 Ht<: : -V COMK W: oiiier St. 1* in' moot “ImTsK'sliFi'iT k ST U ION t.iAS - oa. El BKlt \m>N ( ARS WA.SJIt t I t;. Main and 1C t n. '.la. FAiiiiioNr SEAFOOD MARKET tl.l I K( SH SF.Ai in si: \son We l>r«is tft’r >• - xr.i r h*»f» r St. S* or ill on I TlinilN\l T\\l )\ U.'K COI'KTEOt > •STR’VICI- Da.y or S at phom: :u\ F'airtnon EARL FLSHEK MAYFLOWER COAL iPhone 3SH Fairmont - - ;nUs -'h ' > -pr -id 'he hone H New ,r ' '• rs Uae center <>t whit wu ''* ‘Z‘ n 1 n iti .in Many are they ahi have '>_*ez to-!,- ;e-.| s but ilw-iy.? ■ :,i 1 ■ r ona ■,.* ■ ind -lible •o'diorv >f Clalbora Wuluins ’ 0; St jjO-.pti P, ... Jand; |S.,„ '* }i J ft.i ■: St. L->JJiS; I Tm Robichatiuz's Bra , ...i .d and ,<lO. . •; orca-'Jstra and scares jf nth ■ provided N.w Orleans ■a i : f - 'St er * *an if .1 ii anginal '•■ie .>t music vhu-oi .'is iestined 1 ‘titivate ah jso i >vers ayery j v. here. RWI'VE N A ff.l) .) a/j Cd-sp.anaors in. file revival if ' -■ -* ’-he Amenea!.. Set whig C’a ' - if Ragal beer who fa de y S'M.iay here aver i ohiue Statiaii V/TPS, for halfh'iyr the .anginal “Papa” 0 ltd Dixieland jazz O Yea ’-'ipi : lues nil 1 With bin, nr- tlie rejuvenated remn ant ■ r-year. wiin then wondm is. Jamazing ilaying :>f t■ ■ ■■ml >f musi- which gave ti New • »•••■ -ns an • ai; v Arnerw a tile juz * o'* iriciudtoa 1-0 -:„■ . , A1 j.. : Ifo Old Tuner - .-: jui cf Tunars iu . are, iiup in.' > luzn rolea ‘'..Uingiy, and w:tn as .viurh Jig-., o-i ch irm r ; -- oil-i grace .? ' L -d.y arcU.-str = under the ba of i Walter Damr isca oi II ■ ■ ■ Rdsent'.-Md, 'Papa" is well into l|v id A I tie -t:. r •>>•• nave ail l-i. »vd the h ;if-.cn'ary mark !ao_: It ■*- s n Ol easy .i.sk r,> Und men who auJd uiiv the kind a! did time jazz •n u "Papa' wanted • revive, bur after -r.search- ‘ tai auchozit 1 city Cele.stiti revvui lei. aad raw hi ha band w'fwh aa! phi,- again the os.c if 'a. S iijth. Way Lf.iwn dt:r : n \ - ): i-.-a; s.’ FOaying the b-ias tiddi. .3 K - - i . iex-. r .-• ' ■ )•>(•* is VV t; - .1 01 . yr,. Alta• inaii Pie iu days the atV* diet. ,* an div.ru t. Coistifs. At hoe ;>ii:io* - ia ' vo C Aby :i’ J p'.gyfbg the ti .impel. :s none ..'her tc.an ;Papa' Celest.Ln '1 11 Reg d Brewing Company h. ... •id no cxf.eiire in furthering. revival or New Orleans jazz u istc. There program .: conduct i by Ole very talented singer. El • M Smith, who starrea t« Broad with Hazel e>coit and Res la Snath ha-; t \ ry pleasing i .’.one . nice and hi.-, end enthus •ic zo.il r o pul tile program of a//, oyer, all rver igain. has won ■ ■a- him. the plaudits f the Old Tim, i s. "BOP WON T I AST la an interview Cedes Hi: was ot th.- opin: n thit nebop is on its • oul. h will Imt a little while longer lie thinks, but go it must. . !*ai the classics, we!! that’s an* ‘the- story The wealthy Ce lest in 1 .a wiit always support the w rk ice masters But Celesnn had 10 take another ii ei ;elo Seeuiiegly he had tv deal a de:Hh*blow before our , .“ ting. Said lie ‘Bebop tb.-re s nothing !o ts. It . n’t last. man. It can ! last. F /S" ir.stance, in bebop all you .. ’nose jjugi ng chords. Just' a. But in tzz. man, you can b-v ; ys hear the sweet melody a * 'a- trumpet a«d the Mariner sir.g --i. g th; augh ■ lie aord lr.‘s swe-' : music, mam and jazz you'll riways : hear Celestin’s musical career has <i*>r always ceen a bed oi noses, md it ain’t ow Oi' course CeiesLi' ago war well on »the ■ w#iy to I f iftia, Hii a jig ■ iv, o * ii' iz it i * ..,■ i ■* a ,r •: mi i J-'.-fi ; .A. ,r * - • * . -n Ml it'O S'l 1 a y • a if , - "Milletiburg Joy. ’ “A Tige,- Rag.” L ! iciiet M.intj! ij • ' , in, .; Whence a VuuYv Lonely; .ml Ju a l; , r.laphofm Me. Yes. jazz is ob >a,t fa s xir to ill; .d; new-hi“|. aad file best! ■ "VCimam , s -p , a.i Ceicstl:: i 1 ; 'is Oi -gw d loxedo •- a c ' i. wuoi ; can't comply the demand. NEGRO DAIRY SHOWS STATED NEXT MONTH ' v - if N > a Jli oliaa i wtH compel-, tor rbaboo, i :sh ]aw irds it ‘ series as d: u ;an ' ior dairv otti ■ *;■ x • field :’h s till ;t was <■: Mil. ;d this week u -. If f tV >c .: o Ora-.-:. - , r-> No 3, ■: y spec! iUst for State ! Collegi: Extension Service First hi the series will be die A-aw d H iky Mount hi Septem ! b.:i !. iis-jre .1 b> the Hoeky Mount Chamber of Comment The • e.em a- Fiyetteviiie sponsored oy the Cham jer >f t"ommercc, will oc •’old .in September ) I'!'-.' Oreeiistor .* sr ired by th-.* Chamber of Commerce of :t: at City L stated for Septemlxer id. cii lit. .-a :v. it Moor -■ ,oo - ■- raj by the M .*:. :. is As . .-ooiauo!. will dt L.oj oi Sapusm-. bat 23. r-vv-1 .-hows -'-d! . • d a See t-.-niher : ,- A uv jn Ourh.eu and’ : he oilier i:i Re Jsvi! a Ail breeds >i ■ ' 1 dairy, f uiiie .ire ejigioh? ’ * > - -.o ,vn The Danish system of judging will. be UScd Ci.iiSiflCitl >l3 a :ll be junior C'jif, is ii*-•irc *■ f, .3 n I,*: jr r -*; lin*, two-v *'-:iv—A is % i iii .: • > .-a t jijs.. si.ti f-year- ;i.cis An i WLSERFORCE GRADUATES 43 WILBER FORCE Ohio • ANP» - ’ 3-i- l . - ‘ -< eienccinent fix • . ' I-} .i. th SfU' - ( ’Ol tcev i Alts .Hit S*. ieitc-. ot. Wilber fine jus! Sunday Forty three sen-' tors received tri.li degrees Stadcailr you must Lev, ifi realities of life, resolve Ms con flict s anti develop a phi! thal. v lit -liable you to follow tiu »ugh.” vas the challenge given ,> : > H C aclli Trank.-m. prcxideut >< the state Teach -rs (Tolleg -a .1 * gomery Ala In i Coi: a - udrirev We nave g.veu tho-.u exercises a religious overt-tie because c ree. gfiize the need for spir-Lial guidance in our lives " contended Dr Tivtilioim. The apgaker ad further, ■"Thcie is some concern as to whet, ei we are cuing to liavs ) well. '.t i. "Why not." Mitel lie. do wp t.--t hold the best kind t life fur our people?" Degree, were conferred h; f're ident Cii-.ru’s H Wesley, . ~u tfi.* pr>!ar*ntatiun ot the candidates by Dr Howard H Long. Music for the -ccasiaa was rendered by H’vtt ' ue.'. guest soloist from Columbus. • Ohio and iviiss Erma George. /u> X ; ariosi from Du> tun, Ohio. Mias: ge was a member of tug juuei ■: - ei i-iUn..- class of d major i in the Music department i i Seasonal changes in the supply j lor egfcs J-'c reflected in the priae *>f: rblK“. HA. UAKBER si HOOL f.lhtWv INTO i MAIN TYLER, Tayas sANPi - r- . u t- Ue town if Tyler, Texas, is the ■■ iu*4 : f i ‘*n -r *• -;d taring Lie depth jt the 1-iK hi 43 ens ■“.* H ,-n.. j ml-. chai-. a Uiat - : ! Las t-, n d HQ ,M-• nr of tug N -' > baraer graduates in arac* ’■■:<!ay. was founded • 1:133 jy H H. M >rg in it now >wna jcat'ch acb-xois in; Houston, Ten u ; Jackstn, Miss.:! Little Roc;, A* k New York, and Dallas, Texas This firm also -Jper* “ s ' . beauty schooie the Tyler Beauty c dlsge in lacksoo, <rid the! R »c. C:r : Beauty CoJege, Tyirr. F-a j PEA( fi MEEI NEW YORK < ANP) Shirley Gn'Citi. ell -known writer, ’s Jr.e ■>f -tiz syeakei? at the National tn tress f :-r P>- icc and Dem'bcracy o*! ! in H.avain Cuba, last week end Mi'- jrahaiv: also -ar-..-.p-Uc i j in the "pi:,...a cii-fe aa . y in Ne w i V ■ .i the Pji.s Congress for* World Re * e Sac is aptv osie of Lie* n. a- >f e fortricomina a *-u-- : ,! C->r 4-“°:.: ■ >■ p, .... . > I.- i .V* v S p;em ber 1-10 1 L.t? -j ■ I h-ji ifi 4 tn H-iV-iiiu > 'jari >i I:- r,.. ~ . :. for Cuban p ti ll : : /C!r,j: Acle: - t li ft IJI Congress cDr Peace. (>M!■: v.l) JMjOtC OVER TDK o' -i:!l SF.HOL.’ li MU ! vN :) - -•... ' PR, PArfATI-Jh.o • Belldinii Face Paw Jer lAlcum and Sachet Powders Just for your fragrance 40, Perfumes - Deluxe size Vi hi Fin re<-.yr v e -i n y L ?u«. A ; i | erooils. *>x w rii 'to Charles | ii.iit) lir will bx' glad C’iT&s to i your horns CHARLES DAVIS !i! Madison Sr . F,iirnionr. N' 0. LaGl ange Luaeli R«K)J!i AND BILLARD PARcOK * Good and jjOTffflfi EiUeruin - 1 ~v * ment J. R, Riggins—Center SL ROBERSON - BLADEN , MUTUAL FUixERAL ASSOCf ATION STEPHENS \M> PREVATTE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND CMSALIVSERS Will McCrimmon, Ageat FAIBM IST N C. ■ “ “"j TEDDER & F\US k rnmrn i ♦ SELECT GROCERIES MEATS. Fi-SH aND OYSTERS i iDial 4471 Fairomt, N. C. , | PAGE ELEVEN TO UNVEIL MURAD @N NEGRO LIFE NK yV ?OKK (ANPi A histo'.'- , i‘-wi ttiurai. the work *u a N« w Turk i;tu>-i sit;, pruf-i.-,-*r will he . vcule-i this month =*t the aijbi. >l tie ■,!,>! lea -DL-a-.a Mutual Lifn iusuratne ,naw building ti Lo-. Angolas VSiting AaavHfi.itn Bros. Dale WcNtdrut£ was c.j'arciu sinned ia.3t year, ainug with Cb.an. Alstun, to Jopict tile hiai-iry of ‘the Negro in California. Prof Woodruff has he,xn a. mem ber -f the Art Sdacatibb ,!.*f<ari merit it the university’s Snu xii of Education aiaee 1846 Before join h it’, the fae'ilty hei>*. he haii hens, professor and -director of art a* Atlanta univensity for If, yena's. in U'zfi he receive,! the Hannon award >r creative achievement. Prof Woodruff chose the period irom the mid -Nineteenth Oeurury j tha oresent, while Mr. Alston >ok the -jrlier period. 152'/ thru 1340. A SIBSCRIBE TOBAY!! j mmmm ». n ....ih | As ihie & Son’s Place »KfSH MSH .MEAT I AN’NF’.O fi«>-s>i iS OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK, if iOroid i j« tjtrui'yji ART Hit THOMPSON. Prop. JONES RADIO SERVICE TUBES. PARTS, RECORDS, RADIO SALES CAMERAS & FILMS, SMALL APPLIANCES W. L J.xsvii Cenier SI; . ,i , ,nzmw m, .... Visit Powell's Place Far Haircuts, Showers, Groceries Opra 7 dsys Per Wisek POWELL’S GROCERY AMO Z2AKSFE Mi OP Ph.me 14M1 I3S Canai St Arrait Pawell, Pra^. .. J. -II . 11l- l .11l ■ - - —-4 FAIRMONT SKM K YARDS livestock: auction EVERY TUESDAY We Buy Stuck DAily Genera! Grocery Combined Ph. 59H Fairmont, N„ C. Get Ai! ’Round Servica At JAME’S PEACE Groceries ajtd Confection* Gas and Oils BAR BE-CUE DINE AND DANCE Open Day and Night Happy Hill Fairmont When in Fairmont Come To BETHEA'S PLACE F=or Fresh Meats, Staple and Fancy Groceries, C«W Drinks, Ice Cream and Notion:* OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 137 Csnat St. Fainauwt

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