PAGE TWO WIN - NOMINATION tt’OLUiUIM S, o. i aXp * H'-B.'am 51 CrooliA a lout! al tvas Ib*’ ■•His Negro muninMed to the Ctdnmhu, Cil comn;il in a veiy tight v«le at the !>Timar> election* Fiat Vi ’ok. * In-, mark-, tlsi* second time th it Brooks has hern a Candi da* :••• the council in ti)43 he iwi! : i !aee on the Fallot in the non-partisan v#(e, but Ik Put VI !l; a :»C;;i. HAVE Y O U J INVESTIGATED ISUNGAS; !f n-’t, :.c:Xt> us a vinit*. ;i V «** It "I' ' (>•»••• CJi -'ll. iiii- "■ ■ is in) ior.. \V. kiva the :h > n.!. : r- r n ivofi.-’- ■ |,.)r ! i . If yi• i; 1 ivi. on <s (arm o>- in a ciiv ; SUNGAS 'ill-.''"'’ to ii i<n;i’ i : inf, ]!>•,':'■■■ w rr?- j f I-;. . bp.i I ■ -j, :■ ’ ••• 1 i \ SIT US ( Al l- US OR WRITE US TODAY Ime inoiv i':-i:i •nv. , it , I •viiuUl iii- nnio. i __ I X * b' Ay* ft < II I | Ig? \\i i j s-3i msflsl 1 g;H\ -&ls^ fe - f WM: ~ iiSEMf Pf* medc-i-ft sjjm; SiAS SERVICE; g- FOP : &y. FARM a I p ! Ip; »c ! » ii< 1 ou» N c ighborhood ; V.» ' fa skatTHi. ,*?. »■ SUNGAS SERVICE; | tY- MU LSBORO ST. j Dial 3-824^ | V. m.a Gre-c~t>btn*o i [ _ _ _ 1 —lf-MflT'-T' t" .• --mt-wm-rrrr" wr ~ > . _ . .... - o^. ) 1 he Slip that s •' *■ \... . s€4tom~ exited | tr ; •4, * ;‘ ? . | i,' 4 ‘ x. i for vou 1 > ■ /' , . ;\ You’ll marvel et the ,• "V r \ dr*ait given to the warns. ~ > I i ,/ fU . i the multi gored style* f ' designed to prevent "riding up,” ■'l to give you longer lasting | I quality. From the first wearing, r f you’ll he sold on V f j IsunStTifll 4. ■. g tftetie-t Jg/iqett? u $2.95 S-'ies 'i 1 0. i adored or ia«:c tnmiu&d. Colors: tea white. !■!«.'• k and blue. MAIL ORDERS FILLED n : ’izt* Quant •tv Color 2nd Color \ *' ‘ i ■■ - ; - - * . ! | \<ia /;cr cent *i.i \\ ( pap po- tape Your Shoppe 127 E, Hargett it. Raleigh,, N. C. *»**•■* :mom*-;™* nmnrnwniWK*.. w-'*m«ih«u w J UgaJ Notices IN Tlir SLI’FTUOU COURT !•')!, i‘H CAROL! \ A Vv AK K C<. U.’N'TY NO f t( » HELEN SUGGS VS. LGANDERS SUGGS CUE DEFENDANT, I .tvi ridei -Suggs. Mi’l take notice that an ~c-(ion (ion entitled above ha? been : • iimi i:i 1 in •in Supevii : Coni'- I ,if \V.::,,- County to obtain an *»o --! vial'.' -avui'Ci "ii the ((pounds "t tv. -) >:• ii j■-. mu !u' pr- -. id. i*. p, Statutes of None G. . nlet.i . 1..a till one d<-ion do nt. having iiv c! -• a. i : 11 ri .ipart iot 'not'- ii: ii : •■> v ears- lit* 1 eri t - da u iht .n ' didip of thl - ■!r. and 1 1t.• | i-i. lt. !P 'j! :t >.v '(I ll.ii t s iii ii'. I i 'if - n j r, quiet'd b- appe t: ri the of the Clerk of t!'. ,iij-- ;;f ■' (' " i ' - Wake (.''lit' l :■. Iv ( a’ • p.e.. in the Convth u i; K; leigh, N- ith t'artilina, "b fe. ,;’e i i lif Scaa.’m!). I'. within twenty day.- the'.caftw , t.- a'. U'l'r i - demar to tile ron,['Uua‘ i rani act - n "i pi.' wil! •'!•- |:ly : 1 ;ii' Guild for t!i;> nfii.l ci; . no - w .iu itoriij'liiiiit. T' ■ ,'i 'o a i t .* ug.irl. Itii'Jt. s,\R A /iL! FX'. Assista ll l | Cl of Superi ; (.'oart j V. J CAR NAG r . At torn ." " ■, i Tni: si chition * t»t kt I ■’ f " I Vi, I<l i inv IM, ~.i MMONS ' ' X i t 111 .It VIIOV EHNU’ST M nX'HKLU. SU„ 1 t v. it? t ike no* ( lli.'jt iti) at «u i •:•••>: it I*.*ti .it übovt 1 bus bee i ; . ■ . i >i:.. Superior Coin-, v • \\ .i!g C■; f ;?v. Nui ih r.'iioUna. • : -1;• 1 • - \ > t. t.; the - U'u ! .•.;{ . ; uu.k. i ban two d<v .c, \ ; p: ; Ed i:. .. ' ht* :u. ; (!••’.iii... ; ; : : ■ •; • . ;,.uu the iiiild be • • ,l, r ir*P ! h u r\ i-■■' the i.' v 1 ■. l :. . i *iv d n i f 1 \U i : H \\ *. j: M -rit/K A.-, -'t : .] Ts l !?U U v A; a>-■-1.. 1941 k i r\ rur •• *. f 1 isiou i ox n i V/ COUNTY WI N I M ridZABMTH AKINS i .it* <i•'*.f(' j:n t«ut. W .\ki rs, \v’ * * I ; a ft of 1 ! . > )},: . , ■ I OO.VT r-f ...y : Sii-ii-odii' t! 149, Oi within '• E.e pi. ' 'if'' vsl a, ••••!'.• i,-> the i r; .. !?! .' of A o d4d p >, V. t!.Si IN ,-f the CHAVIS HEIGHTS i" 1 - at Kendal! of n 1 Chavis Way • a./at the wtvkc-iul in Charleston, \v \ a vislilDK relatives, j Sf-'.vard 2-<: James Dover has re | turned to Charleston. P. C. aft a ; fiendlim a few da» with liia moll; jar. Mrs blanche Dover of 208 ' dl - Street. ' 'Mrs. G«la Kilt rail of 204 Fro' j , St left Monday morning so. ..-'ail Fiat" Calif., where she , visit n-latives and friends. | ,\lr.- Mary F J . I.ant of SO.'i South • ainuli" ;. St . ha; returned lioiti" i uter visiting relatives autl friends jin N. V. C. j Ai'i' . Oilio Lucas and (laughter. ; Mahi" Joyoe of NYC. i.ave returned Mine a ft : r visiting Mrs File'"-' | mother. Mrs. Sophia llr-ant of 211 ; iUeo op Ave I Miss .Joyce MeX-il of No. 2 Hve • ; r -n-a e celebrated her IStli Hn ' lay last Saturday. She recoil ml j many list ful prerrntr. Happy birtli , lav. .love" Mis; Barbara .! I iftle and hr;;- '■her Richard M. Jr., of NYC or-' -pending a ft "' da v s v.'itb ilieii ; '.l'a’uliiMitl'.'-r. Mrs. Jannie LiHle of Vo J It v (1 1 forrace. M ; ; A reel 1-I S',' eh of I !' ' j.| J'. ri';M' h"S riSMl'iiod lt'UT)' j - ■- ncud io " .t 1 re'.' vvcpks vv 1-0 "vi< this In NM C. j M , .( ;)( ! >"• v of ' : ‘d; S fi ' ; s: (~;•! Mi'-ii iv morn hi' s---, r'alif. v.!' • • j i,,. <i (R j («■*•-’v •' the X.'.Hotiiii Co!!- , rt* inn , C C=- ■' Vi«'! Cb '- Filth < Vo 1 •, j**. i}i \* Y(" '!" 1-. , ~,j ('! ,-(■ \i • ' ■ ■ ■net at (to ii.e- - of Mrs, Bi-i”-"*. j iv.ri r ci' de'.i t'uhn v; t las* Sund i’. ! mm- th- -a i!> iit f'1 1 ; , .. (•••' ,! M S”e- ! . »i »" '• • • " vv - * ■ ~1 M, . !•’ r O e i, ••••!> - j'•! , ■ ~( ii ■ (1- ■ -of ‘’b er V’ j v TtU Ml |*l-'K»OR (Ot KT ; vi| r-v r vt TN \ 1 • akf, county \OTICK "ItOM VS K FORI). Pi.o-nliff, s '-t M 1 ■>;K FORD. Defendant ' I rirP'j y;n ANT. Paul : ! ' 1! G-"r if 1 U iC ■j( leeiled a- ahove ii.T- Ivc.-.r --•1.e,; .fl o the Superior Cr y t \V d.i C mtv hr T'o -m-k K ,-i" > Ih abt '•-kite dn ore-.- on the f rouivG ’ fw, vr .. -<-,-.not: n i ~yovid.' .' th Ft at i; of N ■ a C.'o " - i, H.i'ntiff and defendant h.v ! lived :Cj.-M;‘n iiTid apart for *■ t!v n two v .-ars rc-xt p--e --"<iin't the institution of this ;r --n . rat ti'.t.f i-(ild defendant v ■;! rtf; i - - t-.'.-o i-.r tier- Mia' she - •aired tc appear at tic office of the ! rk of the Snj.-unr Court of ■ i-:r C 1.0 ' • North Cat iina. in C.-"-air. Raletitit. rn the- Uc. of Sept. H»49 • i within M- -a, ;m ’ ft' i and - v,v rr •h. ;nur to the complaint n said - lb- e.-iitf for the relief demand-' .1 y. -aid eompiaint Th:- fith ’J»v of Augijw. 1949 p h \VU SON. Clerk. Sanfrlr- ( - AVaVe County i-TRMA* '. TAYLOR, at'v iNew & Used Cars j | J,;:;: $1695 ; ■;,:; ; $1275 1 J "$1395 ; ccr ” $595 1 :•! 1 $1295 | ' , ',:; h :,; r ' $1195! 1 1 V. •' $1395 Vr*. * $795 II ■/.. 31295 $595 | I AI WAYS A BETTER BUY AT I HA RMON i OTOR CO, INC 515 Fayetteville St T>ml 3-5454 | % <5. .mmkmmmmtmKmmnmmrnmwmmmm&r&mnmmmfrwmmmM...' STOPi i THESE WORDS MAY CHANGE j YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! ; N! <- you discouraged with vOur dull. tiresome job' \ro \ou breaming of now, surroundings in v > hto .indy for future security ? BEREAN SCHOOL DF PHILADELPHIA OFFERS I At. finpor:,miH\ for advancement In 'h N'a.tlerd ■ < tiTjx.dlt.ut area, rich In tradition, Mu»> ihratr«v t:-hop<s, and ». • *• ••ation ar as. Seventy-five minutes n-r-io Nt « York. Ailnntic C t* Sti!<” v all phases of Commercial work, Dressmaking; Mfltf tieiv Mon> Custom Tailoring. lie ?r,dependent! Learn a skill that c-ffris future rewards in nil fos.ppJii»*K r.F.'RTiV'fKI) HODS IVC FOR WOVir.N Writer The Registrar, 1926 Smith College Avenue Philadelphia. 21, Pemteylvania ENROLL NOW FOR THE FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 19, 19T) Louise 8. Yergan, Principal THE CAROLINIAN Join* of 12 Hyde. Term and Mis John Chavl- if IP.” Kdciitun motored *o '.Vim Ftoii-Salem. N. C. last week. The. 1 icported a very n'ee trip. Mii-s Fannie Mel.; an wa« the .]in lit r gue i of Mrs. Mol villa Ferell Fumliiy at 4 Cha'-is Way. John N. J; ill’s el 1.2 Hyde Ter rai.’i’ !."- lfiui'iied lioiiic after vj ! iiing hia sons end relatives in Bit.' fain N. Y. Mi s Marguret White of NY-.' w.'is home recently visiting her ;.ar --:i ; ~ Mi. and Mi's. John White of Liiu oin Terrace. \ll friends arc in deep syropa• •:hv with Mr anti if -- OIHe D. Chn vis and family in the passing of ! Mrs Cln.vis'autii. Mrs Mol lie Win slon ol -tr'i Smith Si. Mr. and Mis. Richard While of No. 'I Chavis Way had as tiny Mi-st.s Mi". While's sisici's. Mr ttosa J innt f i und daughter. 1" ! Rose (:'' NYU. Mrs .Maiiel Ratterson Os Bait inio’-o, Md. and Mrs. Cat he r ine ’ft illtuina of N. J. CHORAL SOCIETY GIVES CONCERT Tie Fail "(I ( horal So- tel > wIFa is a ii;.' prcsajtifed in coiieen. ( - tit a) .it Crnsuv Garfield Kcliool here. ?u!i(la> .n'ti.-i'iioon. Kt'.ptemhi’i .! S ;j! Tim pm is m-i an nl'soiui e ii‘"t •t'gaiiiwiiion Th“ eori"', y was lO'galii/.ed hi •••• Aug. ;'o. iiu-| ~i the home of Mr. .1, (in H. P n-. i Mrs Marie Me : Noil li’iddisk w!m \ tin uio in spirit behind the <■; gniri 'it ion ha-■ been Ihe pn «>.!. nt >\!’r since Tli" hlV.lle l if Mr so; : ! t •'(’.(’ |,( !'(• ;liilar meeting pinee until the in ere:isi> of lrii-e.hers forced the ernnn in larger ( ctiavj« Heights administration lupblie ( ■pi ii'.’d its do is ;u l!*4fi and the roup ha- Die-; the re •".'or siiive i The official chant*' •• in Uo- group seen f. v ,d fai' 1" i vvi ■ , In If* if. Pe-aes Bank-- sumvedi'd Mrs .!,.u*u. Swinsori a r tee president (ir iv to g| v ■ \i i v bpi-r to Mr -. Mice Graiiam. who is inaintainin ; th” ofi'T.'.' to this (lav At th*» ('< ■(, h <» H it. Towns hfMk. lhe eiavw ,|< Hher.l i : n ."i!l-(i D it K - to tbe -lire ! nr- 1- in .! TJ Bare!, fln sir-fun i’’m!" ! iiian i-d ai! i-yu . is con st int! > on the aln t fm talentc-m (acompanit’s and the F -1 row in , imil S Miss X1 >, .- M"t ,1!: -' Mi - Ann. ; Giles 7, ft Ward, a lover »f wisic and cue of the til " spciw.-r-' was g.tvee. the (iM (lion of road manage) and . attends a>l i eht arsals. W't ' (in- choral ni'.ii has in creased its rnerohers-hi;* It has pr.-V’le its type and vane; v m-l H '■ ‘'.oil at th‘ "T( time A I arc' , of me loverp »t U " A ( r mn at! over n* •a! North Caro tina is c\; . • i I to ■ i'no "( the fifth annual eonrerf rfitui t-IT rPiP- a ■ aii' i ved the t"'o R M Sale held ; Bn ra recently Th' erh'vM brovghf $87.50. acct-’C ; i 3 ( , ir ibarge of arc n J hose.;o drv r-xtcns'eri at Ftn ' C'dlegc. AMEZ COUNCIL MEETS AT ASHEVILLE The Connectional Coiim<3-11 ut th; African MHhod Ist Episcopal 7,Sr- i • iu’.i'ch met at Asheville. \ c Hu Hock hi” Chapel AMD Zion iCbU'ii'll August "■ ■' 194!* Bishop Benjamin Garland Shiv, ol Birmingham. Ala.. ;■ uior ,i<'liw . Bishop, led the pron ssunmt of Bi ;shf)jiß. General Officers. Officers of Adniiiilshrattve Boards, a t tn.i'’ : Mini ’U r.s and ! ay men f voni ail - lions of lhe eon lit r.v. All Bishop’s ' I'Xi-i pr Bishop C c. Alleyiie of Philadelphia, Pa. who was ill. wi " nresen 1. B’shop Shaw pr (dad in Iho absence of 1 '.i-shop \!i. yin Bishop W. AY. Siade > ' Charlotte. N. C. pia 'ie!i(.(i tile annual n-iir.'M, ("('innininion. vas admininte.’ed to' 'aluiut five himdi'i’d porsons. Bishop U . ( 1 !:rown ivns ‘(- e! Clia.ii man of tile Board of Pi he.- for th>’ si\ lI'OIM'IS Plsi’.'.'l’ W. J. Wails who flew bick from I-nr epe lo he in soy ion was i s,-c,rc*ary ,'i;.d P -hop Janies Cl.-i; Tayhir of Memphis Telia, l ull st’i i - - Til'.- la ports of Gi'iieval Ofi’ici r h, van in the afiernoon 'sion and i'oUo""it in I'flivia! i-i del- la ; night suasion tin Welcome Piogi'ur ". as given vdli the Re' (' !/ Smith, m esiiiii!\a Ircss " w.-icoirie v.'t'-i'e made ;v Mavogi C F. Morgan R. • !. P pro" a .fey K;.y. Rev. < Cook "e ' A Haves. S'!,,.- w !•- n-l. '.V Mrs. .! . >1;. Co-, vi, t- Os AGe .iiiie and Mi Meins IV.-hin ton, D f . To i i'.e addres- 'a R. • f; I-',ii lev Fisiicc. G.'tn iai S-ut-' • tiiry . of Wash iligt on. 1) C. respond .(I The Tbiim da ; - hi don was r : veil OVe r to \f 1 asi :: A\ " h \ d 1 1re- - s were i;r,- ii in he .is,a H T a:.viJ ■ d F; h m i ' -In r- I-. B 'Y- ' " of N. C and Mi e ,M de ' d - LET’S TRADE ! TIRES FIRESTONE 315 FAYETTKVII 1 E STREET WASH ANY DAY! \Yn a I-til M ni'u I; i y A \V - - Dav When • Oin Mfu/liinc.- Make Auv ! u y An Laiyv 1 saundry [Tam j USE OUR j A •-* :vT ' ■ W'T V ' ; . tWi " U HALF? HOUR LAUNDRY 0,-. " A ■r I ' v, *F‘ # |! QUICKER , . EASIER . CHEAPER HUNT-JACKSON Laundromai 413 5. Bloodworth Street S -v 5 Si SORE : ft OF Ml THE ,; :':&P things y©st» w«t»t9 8; That new refrigerator, the sleek modern car, new furniture for the living room, the trip to placet you've always wonted to see - they ccm be yours with regular saving*. Save now for the time when your dollar* wiil buy o lot more of the thing* you've wonted The time to start it next payday. Why not vi*H us then, and walk out fjt*. ; o •. * with one of our savings account book* a«d {he ce'tomty of future happiness in your pocke'! M ec hanics fi & Farmers Bank DURHAM-RALEIGH n I.;, mmsEmmsm '• f \ _ 01 . gr > ( r ; ' ' of Louisville, Ky„ Executive f?«cre a o.l' of the Womau's Home and Foreign Mb'iionaiy Boviety. Fvidiiv night, v.a.s givn over lo INly,'tt |i,e and !i special report I - j f’liiudgn M ipionut y No-i(d.y. Friday night wu given over to j I'ktuvution and a special report by l I Bishop W. J. W atts who lmd in- - ' . turned from Amedortlam wher-’ ; Go had. attended a of fin-, i cut' H Commit!' 1 of th Wort i i.Conte it of Chniadies. Bishop Bufoi a !’. Get don of ( dial lot tv.. N C. hpol.e oe. ' /ion's Spcondnry Bcliools" ; !Ht Dr J Van Cat I edge. Jr 01. "Ib’i'iiii(meld t " Out A1 ingjlry," The mid niinte. meeting will be 1 j held ’u Metropolitan Chur h. Ka.i '■m City. Mo Jamlary. 11150. PERSONAL S Til" 'i ell ' g People's VI;; 1 id-"’, 1 Club ol Bt Amino: <• Chuiu ii hyd a i'limiic ai Dr. Plummer's Flint) t-uiidax a I fermion front I to *:.'!) 1 :. 11 . Tile group laijo..'" an an,"' aoon of rishing and a-ing. Mi- .A Id. hruwii and daughtc Gi-i'aklin.. have cei ii i!• .i front N -v 'York Cii\ after attro.dins:. the de i hie w*.!ding of Mi.-s Viiiaa a n d • Cit 'n ;iiline High. Mrs Zuia'' !• recn:.ip. and her ' lea ught er. .Mrr.. Mm.i'Ue .litis, spent ;t.!tur VHvifmn iu M , ■ !.:u."d,>n. D ('. a,;ul (’oliitnb i 1 <, Vi ell ing 1 ! i• • r da light, i .'. ir;. eta i isa Fa : r ad airs Tie.!." ir Ftnirh. Mr. rod Mi • Am!r v ' I nfney Mid «i;iajili Hugh '-.ood N. J. and Mrs Margare' Oirt is I’ll I lev :.f lb N I v r, tin- g'd" st" ..j Mr and Mi U. ( Malone and (hinvißi.e i ilo ir (riivo- on Ol'cadii'! ! I v * . * i Vfi-irm v id - d J t Greer" and ' l-;..-. familv have .-."uiaed 'o th” airy after speiulilig their v o Bio.! Ml New V ll i k Ci’v M r and M Cud'" IFo id ai -■ Y\! vin In m RißKTonwi: WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1949 CW is GWENj ’•'lie fir.-. NVr*v. swimming < etir- 1 ever to be held in rurnl Wake (’omi- | t> will i'-sin Alon. aftenioou, nom i Vend, !! uni! 7.- ><jl« hi. .it the pon-l j of Air I’l.i! Whitley ol Wendell | In eourne, by the Wuk j County t'hapt-r. Amt - him Hod i Cross. is Indue offei cl for the No I eri! ropHla'lou o! '.hat arci. It «\ ill ( hr tauflH hr Ncpro !{, .1 rvu.-i- W:i ! tor S.dV'v I :r-i tictoi ,s from Ra- ! I'dyh, tn-'r-i all of v. do::’ l.itvi' ti pi j omisidor.tole expe-it nee in tearhiny, I rlns.s'as ns Chu vi : - 1 ’n.vk Sivimminp I Pool mi Huliiipi. and eh-vwlu re Til N’t ;;»(• Hoy fronts of War doll, timil ' ill- sop- 1". is: ■ .a of Mr Knil Mri; l.hM.d hay- volunteered to nss'sl. in ciosuing n;• u portion • of tin >|uuid io |tr> 'p;iriitlon tor tin’ I class, Th > admission mi tin classes is j free. Thorn Is a ntiaiinnm u"c limit [ ot ti year . but no imiximiM!) lint;' , Insi ruim-i ■■; Mi in i nine in or- j K.'.iM/- this r oii • . t'e Ml': M M ! yie Kills of Zoloilon. Way molt Mur j lan oi v, end'd! ’lll i lloorge Mi! . > hell. I hr. ■lor of Chavis ! : t rli I >! j iu KnU'iyh. 11-p :st rat ion for thy inns-ns is 1" inp; token in Wendell at the store I o nor re she M. rru High Sennet , and at s I’.al'h t* shop, also • in V i!. Mrs. nil - :,CM stilt; : Hi si •:! r.i’i iv- il roid i: oh' a ■ . Coi)t.c• i until Tuesday. August 1(1 Th" relic, l lie of ,'hisses a 1 ! In h, h<d,l from r. :iitl p m until S ' f'diov.' Mondiiv. \»"U I r . Modn. ils. \ l l ■’! i-1 '.M F rid av. i \ i "r . Mmni'ii \ iicnst 2 1 : j ~nd final!" W.-du. du; August Ml ■ ! • le 11 illt'U Paukv Rnrho i ser<?ce *‘F' r Lasting Rerwlrs” : 311 GLENWOOD AVE. h Dial 3-3123 W. T'.’cb tit) and Deliver •* W lamiu r.IMVWMIIKMMMMCffMIfMnMWIMIMnaiMMMMMW'' -!»»i Mia*. Roi'tft>, jt r j "rojawMiwmw i—miwiii«ni'-- ir»ms.tanmi n-» .:• OK GOOD !CE CREAM GO TO THE Frosty Bar i 507 E. Martin St ret l Frosty Flake Thick Shakes 20c Ice Cream - Sodas Snacks MAGAZINES i » SPECIAL ALL SUNDAES WITH Whipped Ci earn Topping 20c iHSRW" YORK CAFE" GOOD FOOD AT R EASON ABLE PR i CES Dinners Lunches Short Orders | 1 (jr E. Hargett St mi«>»i» ouaiw.'Jtn q—— «y <i. Wtmmiwow ■<*« , HUNTER BROS. j FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD For Quick Service For BAG COAL DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 and “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way” i '# > * v* ! AM*- 1 ' ; Finance or Borrow 1 On Your Car through the dillon motor finance co. 1.22 E. Davie Street ’ Phone 3 3231 :ILOODWORTH ST. YMCA CLOSES 'l9 lEISBITiSMIP DRIVE . A lota', of 1021 memocr« were milled .and $3516 00 of which $lB - hi rush was raised In the Sic dvvoi m{lt Street YMCA mem i r i h',i >:ainpui-n which ondui ~ih victory dinner meeting at a \ ■ r Friday npyh t Fitud i ..ports show that Division A" led by Zaek u "d " "id C R. di'Lend' i • iiu.ed 9dh7 points and wvi.-ion "H will, 2021 points by 1 ,T 'l l ..ict .cl J. A t .mu The . \. oulive .•!>"!' sorinj; committee: d 0050 ’ ' it. and reported nicmhei sh’.p for 037 men and beys !ie ji nrt duet;- t.omits in the ',iriv.:in.;r net amount 01 ,• rm. "i t Teftna 3 Ben | Joltii:.' >:i S3B- 50 'Team 2. IV. R i'.doi'.'i'i.M. n S2!B (/’; Teuml, C H. Mleuuun sl2l TO Team 5. C H i .it, 00 J am 7, Jt C High SICI 50: Team :l. IV Terry Hough •Mili hi: 'Oc,;ii, :< ;\1 t - 1.r.544.00; | ieuni !). Lawienc Lindrey. S3O 50; ! j. :.m 0 !' : . T Bey ne, $35.00; Team t, v;,: ■.■ Cm ;;• 525 00. i Mt. m.-t es oi the sponsoring com nitti. e with high productive re« - ■ uds iiieltid. tin Rev 1) A. Thoin-- ■ as 1, H Ht bc'i't \ E. Br wn. J ;• !;, Di N L. 1V . J Vs j-. ,(-11 and V I Rotford Th • fo'.iewiiv. members of the Cam; .aign organ.;talion in addfitier, t.v the übovt received ‘A" pins ad V re imi;ict.'.ii intn tin; hto . den ,'iub ot i (to Association: A - ■ a . e:r: D H Reid, i; h r.".pi- R'-ucrt Howell, An ilrt v. ‘ b cil«■: .s Ennis Gram. Hermit (s.c;,roll .T' San .ci s Clifton Sills tit,gene I,of tin. C C. Hawes, yv K l etciM'ii. \1 B Birdsalll W \ Diuisti n. \V C Davenport. H t yii: - ~nd .!'• n t.V Buckley K ' a.’.T v. d- Slf R PETE & HIKE cal'Mi-ru • Ai Dawson Sts. HOT DOGS .S.nvtwiche * Dinner* j rf.t'.r wine I WARS salvage co. \ w, Qur ’•'«!> KtFwrTtM** oi V«Ju* { run w rruß f.„— stoves | RKFHIGEJFt ATORS (TOOLS RADIOS J 37 S. Wilmington St, Phen* 2 3327 hj^.iwiup—rnaw mm l! Phone 7159 I j j i SUITS MADE TO MEASURE S NOW ON D»-f» IV i { lVi f r f 0,1 PATTEBN* Snakenburg’s Tailors 123 So. Sali-bury Street J. D. Snakenb’«rg Raleigh, N. C* I \ Complete f7r ; n 11 Home j furnisher. ; | W .-an furnish any room In 11 your nine from the living : rf.K'tn to the kiiehcn. See u? first W. E. COOPER ! FURNITURE CO. f 121 E. Mai tin St. ~ ■... A Lifetime in F'arnei Why taka chtncos on buminr? up a lifetime’* effen-f ui » alagi* terrifying hour wives if* no simple and inexpensive to pro tect yourself against any possi ble rriishap. Your home and tatruly can b# absolutely pro tected from ANY disinter at but a few penniSw a day. Well show you how SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BAN K ERS FIRE I NSCO, DURHAM. N. C.

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