YVEIYK ENI)IN<; SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 10(9 Dispute Follows Bout LOS ANTILLES (AN! 1 ' The LtS and not V lit pieo-nt .r advertise!!. The 8.-umlat ieu vereiv only •* ,1 'vOlif.l, tin hue id said at'tei makim- ii "ml'h-m! mdit Bei-au of (hi. tlie in/Sl > Vi denied ih" jo audit t lon tin- i(- ht to .-oiHMirt any iuf.m t mm r : i fa.i ra. a -tatemeu! by Abbott and <’•> • teilo fUfWc\ • 1 . ii- t the eoiniii s ion’s report and : aid me a nil.es. ■■ Os the audit fViiM.ill'is I>‘a ifed on ly 7 1-5; percent ol the i* • • >pt • candidate named E fiOOKLYN X v (A Ni' i ivirs. Ada B. Ju.'K-aui prominent civic leader end churchvvomaii was ncmin a ted for 111 oft ere Bo." president by ti. i- aa- t'm.nty committee i.j lit. Amencmi ir, 1 n party here iast w*-*-,? Mis Jm li fer 9 nutrition! I Lv pi t- s' ■ ;, -n was substitut' d r-M itl X'X'-.n Whitt ii.bOl . -|>i 1 i V.!\- I - ». liHcd ii'j lit' t. v't ii" HAY-FEVER Sufferers . . * 6*r«’» rea .«nis *»d ccvgftiftf- itching teftaenl &■** cu -f**' Mt«sd»l.7S iii« M Stt't .apply >»a si.nl ii i i- --‘ >* f c« bo* •>* ICO cig4.-«t»»-i Money .etur.aed it lActed Use is directed D.t- sl i"" *" . 12Cf Spring N W Atl.nU ua ; ARE YOU LETTING \7%k -/TT, /f’ j \o u» K-# rs § U* A j KILL ROMANCE? » \ >- -c, C.ray, drab hair can moke you look cider - !%J/ ■-s& r '"\ CiscvcToye irivitafions to have u yood tithe tc ’T-r-jf i ao:e ih est think you're two old. Don'? fake a vDa.'sv.e with your romance. Give your hair tjch, jr' looking color and beauty With Loot u**> * ' ' " -i Your fri«ndi will approve, *************** * * T k y" y t l 4 + V.cr* l iv,t s,‘t us v.«sti oat U T . C'td Gy tiea’ j W\ • PC..-...1S ceieencnu »..d »t> .hi, 1 ( , fity v.,J K, o**r 60 . 1 ( *s -t j fits'll vv I g.v, you mIOIYk i back «l Jv, .< h-.. l | / TC::.:;Ca.„,\ fjrC-'.U Ok6^: t >hiip i. I tuy Lcf iwt i-l ;,.ty I \ \ its* dST lOUtS ). MO, UHflUmi Has He lped Thousands IIAIIAvUIi —lt Aloy Help You . ? . §fltOM ERATH. IA. JULY, 1 ?4i! h sis/ 6 yean ) H'oer#d with my ilomfitk My o take hADACOI, After u tew I Lcooi | f 'iE'- ' better Now 1 feel fme oi-J sirony. I wuk c much, if riot more, than I hc.vt tr.ei worked befct*. ,,ut. M r weight is now normal arid t eat anything 1 we-'il wtll und i canno. pro‘»u i '•-•*S>KP r ’ too highly—MßS. OTTO BOUDKtAUX. f * *' ' HADACOL *a Miracle Formula? Z HAiiA« OL except that it b» y -n. * . i r«ipai titi vt*ly i.evv and your doctor can tel, ,oa chut a continued la k us the it V itamint* iix,A certain Winer ~s iu )our ijetu i i f> . aUv- todih -iiso i ih’l SUi’ii ttd r.*t v • u..l<•• - . U. r ul it(.. n tu-fa wct. &r.-i digestive oi-iurbuiirfs. And Uirrt i.*> V. uuw»; HieJicintv. »■* t.rrat• lit K : li. ri- iv in y disorder.- «x --ce*. v tin j.H'ui rl V ituiuiio a<-*.! Min ■ruin Os coura* ccrlaln type: "I :t o rr. a cl. t vO' jt) • *•: r:m> Collie ..i'd Yu a ahuuid • t ; our doet >i reyviii.r ---t i tnkmg HAPA •> riamivarulb f i»e;— pjo with th»' :eV-i --diva t.-u&ni h an tiardfc »o* : Without GXkftr! ,tsv •ill*. !d «»!!••'•»* utter ward.'They »weji with g*-. ami bloat: they fc-uffer (ran, *\t - t- ►a- i. bin? tv tUiuaco ami cl. e-f-l .•uint'iiUi''' *J] It.gilt lens: this- continue* . tuo.t si. cp ami res* are almost itr.poas'bk. If yon from •tn apjet ato’nrch y u .{now that no greater misery •hn bet?,ll any tr.au. So, if you r tvc ibled with i,*jT.fwl Iwart* burns. sru«. nu titom&v i , irdtceulior*. or if - you after eating. then try thic twna kAble vnred; H a lMfVu ftuudreuwA, Dan yj T Meson dr, Bad il not L-.**n tv. HADAi Oh the #to*y of Hr*. Bow.ireiad> «*.■> void in hti iet t*j* wight have had tragic ending. He syiteai *b ; run down to the dam er point. ‘Medu-inih and treatment* didn’t Lcir- *t»e really needed win « suj«- *. ly pi vt»a Vitamin •* and Mineral* ft A**A COL aontaini:. If?® leßlanc Corporotioin • LAPAYffTTI, LOUISIANA. U.S.A. ninhmomiwwimm'Wmw ■ mu Capital Comment IS V I'I.ARKM Ti II ML'NTKK OJiSICHV -VTIONo ATLANTIC HKACH, Simtli Ca. I to!ilia is ! .msitb-n-d by Negroes .. < a st-as Hui *- resort \vh>-l>- the\ enn igo ami have a >•....ni time.” Iv. is there lasi \Ve ,, lt Riiil i fa'' AtliUltlc Beach us an e.-rai"-' if r.iich ii word is apt'ropi ia!e 'i joe the beach serves as an escape 1',..- :rues from tie- while f.-lh .- hitcl.eii luuntlrii ; ami iim crowlsm. '! he bench is a steel! eommuflil > i hick! v itopu in t eil with “lintels' ", ah: n.- ea! mg ;ha • - aml mil • j,.i. ,1-- Tie- ms all l."iil Is not Vei roiel for • •.viminiup the Alhialle dot-., noihitij; hut htv.tk f-av,--. mi Ihe shore all tiny Imif (lamblim i hei e j ; will up, n. am Bl ill Neerovo a*- tie is- 101 a t'oml .rime 1 %'. * 11. I saw trri ve in allies, inichj.. hur-es anil eVel v other vehh'le of 11 ansipoi'i ,thill ami ihaucihe ail night to "Alj Baby Wants to Roclt ' "Hudih'buck ' am! •.ti.o'l by as they had a , ■ •»! time ts they i ottsiilnr popjriio sum; all types of blues numbers: gel till- ilrtiiilt from diinkiiig wine ■ml beer: ami losing ihelr ha il eaineil jienuies t) > Hie. to heat ihe TiOUse ttuili . roll, the-ll !h ev arte a -ooil rime It iluse activities e.ve 'h, in a i"-' liny of freedom uml !h> 1 Pi'"!'! nni'yto befulVt like ea ts meh ; in", .net, •" aud • non ni'-n HA’I H 1 NI; SITi’S 'll :io he „-!i Hi, ;i kiv to htehl'hi A (h-ntol.' a tm- 1 noil 111 have ii Held da- hi !t aii Veil,! of shootiu You r-.--- every l-athtu;. fa -.horn iii.hu lie- o' put an Victoria t,i the wte-u H’rfra’h ‘now ■ ■, can t-cer, t till) Cl i atioil The on- ' lioi 1- Bastille Oitt Ail Ovi.:;.' Coil hi h- verj Wrii aphlied to .Buv.it Hill j, '.ill ol tile s.du, til 1 i :~w Ea tin day and Blind:,' -ml in some instances June wa - : uc, • fill In ioine 11>.1111ah>■ WHILE YVAiTIXI: t.,. has V, ilicii rieVei caim- i n a fho-n a ait* into Yin tie Beach to Lot ip a lid \ i leu o! i.rho- ? fii i» >Till HAOACOI ic likf u tloftor':; jmAxYj v*-- tiun urn' ,'illlll -r o H Vitaruiits tiiia *• Miuor.. In a- • u* v-a* .HAJ/zM'Ui. Wdrks ••• t 4 tu-utri x - cesu at ui L-.0l iu s ("it up»«-t Htomari;. You tevl butti’, -t yl- U T 5, It*. u4z,Ht and painful ht-a rlhcn. . :b *?.; Y.»u can slcit-v • • Y->i" t\.u ut\l . . yen k *-.u wt/rk! irj i'ut »,>u . f ui,J ml likt a dflfcront p. r.-son. Pen .ns .. m i*ti, waiti'd ..t*/i litzpud fur hh lot.; ~- 10 to 2v* ■AdUK. Inal \i trccuj'ti k li Al.* A.CiJ!. ruiit'd.u «* tbc -M Ui. - • f l 'fir- a*.. V fie j m-y diftt-lty it „ J foniv-• tu you ih liquid | tsmii. «.I -<*«> - JKfMl' "KifeS •''l'" l a wii. M - L.--# i/y# tu JrH.ii!. 1.1 l i Viivily 'WioJ/ W&L'* ' ab*M>rbcd into u.e h! * d atrchiT Hr fin, to > ctirsdf. r i‘« ri'licf is no* m ukL, izikt* HAL*ACcI. UxJiv y ! S<>. no mat Ur u/i»rj*. you livfe- r»o i**at- U-v -h. -/uu urt 11 you ' uvt ' . |*'J *»',) thf iiJiXuuijtct- uiidt-r tto Lu, k'hv tliir w«»dr• *ll * ;jj. uratian u i's'. Don't g on utiering! l)c . v n iy, t tt Lk ! H Iwttlu L* Aw i\ >\.u* drug utf^r ‘-HAL-\CO! I’,.' „-.' t 't,.iULj ».b> h>- (ittittferou- ! Hf .’luiX;', you. energy vifc-Cd.: Fit jo\ lift : Yes, t* ft-., your tov*l tu 1- < i.JfAIjACOT. SoUl ,n two con- VCliielU '*.« • 4X% 4llj ili'Uj; hlml’ Jlll l si/.r c*v'.y T-.MVgo Fan.iiy Ecoiion.y s e fii.SC if vjv in ri 1 U*rniise of raaiT elinrycs. iin-si ness men like AJi Long realize thal as hum us N’eci'oes continue to rot e •.( h i i hei iin re* win he » e. r , Lillie ri .nip i rogn-ss ami .veil have a ha der lime beconithE itnicpi'u - dent of the white race Thi ■ e bust tu-sjsitn.il siacrifice time, talent, am- Litonev to help those who need o ,'!:,e-f One thing has uivv.iy: bas 11 led me f,eo{>le never se-mi to up /predate the vita! task (lies*- nor •inns perform. Instead, they willing i> use their money to give banquet' and ail sorts of commemlntion.', u ; fieit» polith’lacs and ministers vim •ell The race down the river foi a Blit i believe thal men 111 - .Vlr. Long and Allen dmi! have to wo'i’y because their is ward will come from a person who is .real . r tfisiu arty of u: here on '-an and the One who ha..- the final m I .--d i. lion .ii all matt err. THE t'Ol'K TENT of tie- Or. ' hound bio; driveis was also m. Lied. Tle- _v •• - :ii ! - ii' he, u lau; -h I i a O',it ~ii pt * i u." i alike ivi.oil less o: southern o . tition It * air ■ hlllll. Hint these It lie Vo I Cl .lied t.o 111,* part thev ale id.Olio' !u U.ifi.hd (he dl; nit > >■! 11U':!i i i,ci' thin/-’ demanded no at lelito.u v-rillle I idl.ir 111,- till' 11, th* ‘'coii'ii ed sect Urn ’ and tl/ei e i: ,'oe • lie I b ,i,r is title, mill ! ■ : tills ‘Ah'. CO II t \•• >,» rid, lhe mi s;.-, and treat th. equip ill,’ ip do the white 1 ? Wh> m, i ! i.rV ha > e i oil ol,', a'.io , ! ’I 'h" who have to occupy the Hat- at! thf\ tiiM-mti-,ii i; ’ i ih\ l>l CT on public trail- p,l da tioti .. another thing vve um-i ban. a !l(t traeil tlto.-e .vouttgi-i' tha u I -d," an adilll Ii a) t-liiir wiili , lev e: about stv.-u or r-ietit and she did mlthinf 'o I, -U 'III hi ti, ~s 1 realize that children ,1 am >di!J j ming myself i l.u'e a lot «/ • •ii, r. v and at> id is. I: ie\mn But l- ItOd, ili > V'.l II.'I to allow a child to continue tu pull the sigir.il , ;>i i and t-hiv V'dh tlo- etto-i geli, ' tin": handle.' i hardly think so 1 vvomlei ihjVV what Would l.avd happ-'lied tnol tie dliVi-: bee*,liit iiivolvt-d in a wreck la-cau-,* m in signal ini' an uniiei r:-acv slop m v.hm Would have liatd'eued had I!. eiiierirciicy ilnm op, m d ami tlo I'./ld killeil oil thi- titcliwav If (h --- romoaiiy hail soucht Io idaue the !. I lit tor Ho 'a:-: a' m— ha ' rhev haiipeuttl. tlo-n the parent wotti ! jmitiaidv low veiled "p, / . rothd! b cm .b-veli n into adult.- who will I now ihe value sh. ir liv id die lives of dndi 'nlow pas singers Wiret all of us realize ~m: dude 1 as w. afi •tilt rights, tin: tlli.H wil 1 1-e :t bdlri Wot'id ill KIP L KAHN IS COM. II CIKI. 't h-- current ••Internal 'mnl I■> ' i ( ounei " edited by Alfredo :sa ii.lt yy 1 lifts honored the piMt.-d i piuivo. Mtiriftl RiiiW who appeals a. Cover tfiri .op ti«, el aim rate peiiod • ifaft Rfthi* appear.- u. the. up peqiitvi? V.,;,- of "Aid*.'’ Bm r«le vhv Tnadi L'iWith with tijle- oixua com . party The Gotham diva' wm ii: id ‘ revel gijri ~-q thy sa’uo by UifHl.kat if M/mjcal lover.- VJI be happy l ;| fc&k! that Y’XYC'.'i most popufa ‘ the ii ,i^: vv«;i k irtiir lunhl i 9 Pin ;uid 7 will Ik *X? ftiirvj «J. j*h\ v :g bal' * v '.v i* . i K.-tiiU' D o'lyt : alii 'ft ivri»jil *tl .yikphOlii ■jiUSi l '! vva. v ’ ! i V<\ liuai 'J aii tliu Oil* ijJtuHou in Ih2S, Pear! Xia ■< U - *,) *‘o on Fi. howlry in t h ■ -. dditioh f-,r a on: r in ~ view pi * huthm to he entitled “Pllr nB o . flappintss..'’ for the show win 1 do- Tin ad'- yuild wni pn-. -m m rtl'-j Vway i his fa. 1 !. M’sS Eric ,ml W c Handy have be«« ru ~nr. at Bill' K"-,''- I'mF>- m' Hoc-: ho* 'hi • a* oh Pare ;ml_ for faun p* duo• re , .iiiis iciauvelv b: t h altnough i |,: dii.iiif! fcndcncie- m various se.r incuts id the economy pfcinl t* ware erne- forth r wonkening mm: th record level d last y«ai Th:» >4}? tin- large 104® - u in 1 likelt vtsm in i Fight fur i d.-cim- in the level m lair,, : prcduci prices dm mg the next tew month*. The .vgjfegste v-vluir.* m all crops on July 1 was in*'.' ’>‘f at lit; ,>n c<-/,t ol the 1923-JV aver . a-ae. if ond only to the record vol ,i ne ot 137 per enit harvested in 1918 SUBSCRIBE TODAY !! Oft" Scandal Hits V. A. In Mississippi Office JACKSON Mb,- «.- ' l ' Kvi ii I h.v ol' I: a i nl. ill":: i r 1:114; [ net l-OliLckilif: in th .1 a-'k.-nii re '.iffii !ln- \ "li-: .a .nl UUi Ist 1 atua: rev, a 1,1-1! in T,i: "ii;. mil VV asl' /1. 1 11 iml,":/ti- till.-. Vi.-ck til at H hi. -1::.ml ill i: 1./rc, l , • | -gll h- r. C.-iKI I.:.'*! m the '.vie.l • -lip re (.' i.'tm 1 j m.. 11.1: ,i-r ’ ill, re i'.nal ■ Ifh mal .11.!111 T Simtli ■: is: mut u .mu: - i .All liu-.n-h 111 • 11e.di: i.n i 1-■ ■ nil :llii' I: je/di Lutec- l."- !.-.- ie vet.-1 ~ 1 ; . lie! 1 lad ii . . '.j e-. •: . ! Hill I r..,n I 4; - 11' 1 d.. : 1■:- ': vr- : e Cmilj ).- lil'i! : .11.1. re la r . . I alleged gr:!' eVIHj. d any M'h,i"i id.:, 11 a .aii. 11, \ <■] 1.111:. IT- ha.. ).'< •■ 11 .in :e.! . d 1 ■ ■airtn i • f V tuition I", -ti lit ■ ■CI 101 a (!;..! V. Llil 1 II: d ' 1 .ill i! UIC. S< HoOI.S itl.Of lu.t) 1:: V'C-.tirat Ini; of tie a-.Uwi: in PHILLY CO’JRT PROTECTS m HUM KStTM-irr Hid.A I .-El BUI A , •vr.iis i>i lit 1 ) t - 7;' ' ’ > ! no ylvitni., cii.d (.. v.ii'.Llt u .’vie- \ IV v 1 U :i:f • r m ‘— I i t ci 11 B-iai.iv ti iVt -.ji. !., i dii\ p i , It-lli it 1)11: VIV V. U..1 \VI 11 • ;» ifl Uyi ! ■ Uif IA i Vv.li >• ?).« HliJ \ i v'll l ift t Otu t I A| >t .«): ! h<- «■ ■ ' t invcU-tti i .t-fii jd!iii • ; 111«* ii-. : bait 91- iViiij. ui i . .. >ui i 1 i Ji)< Miitfikt- I“1 iJitriif-: IxH c nit In i • i lift. Ir■ ia*; fult-.t : tljml Jin •uu h;r tilt S i/M t.> fX i/'l.tf ,» i l i£,lr!H*f V* ’- i il'ui .. ritM I While* ill J*:!; .Mnl \\ ht* ; i/'iiv.’it ij»- jHistn athsi r ..ir. aunty C.i:. . 1. J.tl» ...i v HIM iu •!*•:'* in j\{. S. :ah Th ~ jj» x n 1 i*. tXC -ikti lu t'HM.' yi \ ./li'./ 'i x • (. ilj t- f 1' ]l\ i { .11 ■ll • , j hi. 1 .■. Ait'■ (’ t n '! !,.»•; , -t~y . J| L’ilt I Ih.:! 11-| -h ’ tSHi Ijiif.. >. iKoiliß'iT l! it* 1 \ '»I hi eta vk lit ' rV^sjrjf , ,~ ■ ■ 1 - V IN RAI.EICH IT'S U ?p *2 ’ FASHIONS , UNIFORMS | KOH MA. 1 l>S-NUKSKS-WAI TJRkH jffi BEAUTY OPF.R A TORS 4W SIZES: jgm «i* COI.ORS: : 9 TO 20 WHITE I !(1 <° 20 ml& ' GREEN 3« TO 42 BLACK , ; Mi- .sc Would Ordnarity Sell ✓ As H.iil. As $5.00 ‘‘ Smart cctton poplin uiiifo/n.. . Designed for ntyie as ’A' !! •»;: i •‘Hiifc'i'i. VI: lr* anil daii-. siuidf Styles w l li, slum! atid I'inr I vt-.-c Button fu nts., p -a.l button* ot-in bciC-i, iare.r pockets f.lur. tuck:, and pleats to n (■'Xheflc'i ty* IWt’Si UID: Ar:-in \ i*thi tr tiHvi 1! ' 1 (u'J- : ii:!, ' iljjt lu ; l "at v;u lja!;n.. f V ml! a t*c ; *fi« lit . rho i ai id ii;.,l N-a’i • •a. a * t l fid it ' ili .i i • iin; .t •. aii- 1 • i hum i an- a>ol | i to 11.-:ii • > U-t :n.. of Uit’ir * v/o race < i i ('ll ‘t ■•!h • d \ , p(t j ;’;t 11*5 t f ...i:i • { l )\t; lit . a:».i v.: i lilt CV/i 1 • «a! ir iNm . >u* .*•. (»] it’ii-' lv a .vhilll. • iii i » . ... 1 • 111 * n liiat abciii 20j Ncji**••*.* w-i h at til, • u ’.H ha? ;‘i. f. ; ;;i d r. not ! i.’ihich Up. • v IJL •*. A I- t!it |V> Tin-* • il« !'• I a*L ■)i ;v< I. . i‘ir ipj l> (Mil!*. ! . <• 1 ' :.I • t «ilh’.i! !I■: l V .IN l r - . 1 li? I, l-l t• 11 ■ ■ . i 'ill 1:. If till:, h;. 'r - LOj ,i •» ; i.ilivij .- nlj . . iiiiLii.l* 1 ! ■ y i \ *\ T"l t n »iit’ ; i • i J M V»i. . p: A uoatiiu * i Vo. a liOllC. | Sill! •’ . lift .4'l Jv L■OL ft i * Jill a *■' .:I ■> v . .llicuai •. I ’ 1 in thf Hr if-ve.iled •! (.i f- id good i Ciiwol. NVliirh (ic-njed ’hair I h, iii it !i i-.ont . ", .f! v A t'lMil iaii ! •Iki h hi . ihf vva.v- they •.tic? hi. U;v; Ms Litilt f.f.r J.U »' C-iJr 10 i- SI Ail’S m i m\ VMb.\ f IN hum* \\ wm \ [ s-ANH' - Hr.-;Ci.'3r!t(K' , a l.'hviii ~i: t Ta i‘-i --• ’it" •. ~ * i. h'*-r *h- J * tulCl ’hi. j 1 PUL- I' I \ ;' aj o I’ersomtl | I DANS | ! ru .,, up r., J(I n ,i's, i. .i ■ ■ I'. . ■ I ' Tits w ...i I ssftHrr I lu* RAi.i.pai INDUS I KIA! HANK S 11,u ftt .nd Sali-bui y lM i-•: v.; ~ , Bi i-, .~d a- .7 ■■ »av iifiv? as;- itiis s, ls -11.siited, . ■ • .* ‘.s'- '.■•t.-v; :•> •■■ ■. j "* 1 I,' ' ■**■’ i > Pare TWO Us! Price , , TWO. and .you* Si •:«? B ‘'■ .Sidewaif FOB While *«fl Fpft , old the* I SSO-1S 18.95 19.95 2? 85 23.55 • "y ! 600-15 19,95 20.95 22 95 24.9$ "= '_ | 650-IS 24,55 2.5.55' 28.95 29.95 ". : 700-15 27.95 28.95 .33.55 34.55 550-16 19.90 20.98 23.85 24.85 ," 600-16 20 95 21.95 ’23.95 24.95 t |V % \ 650-16 \ 24.95 25.95 29.95 ■ 30.95 f\': ■ 700-16 '28.95 1 29.95 ■ 33.95 34.95 t‘ , 670-15 22 85 23.851 ?26.95 27.95 f" 6O-16 27.95 28.95 ij .33.85,1 34.85 V' ‘tS ‘ ************** __ 'l s j, MU TUBES SOLD OH SAME BASIS ONE AT 11ST PRICE v ',| " AND SECOND ONE FOP $l.O &. . . BUY NEW TUBES NOW \ •. x \ ' 404 HILLSBORO ST. V \ . " Raleigh , KINSTON, N. C. , HENDERSON. N. C. ' WASHINGTON, N. C. I IUS W. Gordon St. '> L \ j 414 S. G«m«l» Si, 213 W. Main St. LUMBERTON. N„ C. f BURLINGTON,, N. C. FAYETTEVILLE. N. 0* 569 t. Second St, ; j 103 S. Mafet Si. SIS Hay Si. msmu m i n >i wn Winn mu mi hiiiwmiumimiiihiiiiiii ■■llll 1 zzMimmnrnwm mui—w wwirwi»wgCT«iim^i«iafwiwwij»aw»-3fMrWg^^ PAGE THREE