PAGE SIX f Beating The Gu. j s*. V At .MOSES ; * V With the ,t *■; 1 1; seii.-.on l■: fiurti bring over Ji.ckk- Itourov-li la iiili! (.)i Is :11V humbie B-t 'i most valuable player In his league, i will go even farther ;i!id any that nc player iu organized hull spark plugs his team as dor* Lt-km Rti’’- save 11. 1 ole "CUpp.i' ..lia sclf, jtinipuiß-.loe 1;i Miigglo f’ i\, y . <y Stengels’ game \. y. Van Tees. VlaKks shotton LOOK BETTER A bar-ebnl team if. just what tie* wok) implies, a rpatn. All must pul! the eat •• together in orcß.r t'e.r tlm propei momentum to I- *r. hievp.l. 1 iion’t believe tin're is a ingle baseball writei in tin- muntry tvl-i wo ah! disagree svit li me on the mat ter of Robinsons importance to Bun Shot tou and tin Dodger--. Biioi ton great handler of men. doesn't to tell you that a ■‘Robinson goes so roes thus glorified bums of : rooklyn.” little inter in the <a. nun ! v fit.-' •on to read ejo-erpts from the col umn Os n tofi-di :> wet st riba wll', goes all out fm Hobby tn this ■ ■ flection. Harlem fniis mil ! in- - column winch iiinieai ■■■'; lti et i tin colored • n rtstiii " . tit out tLI «> went t- pie >tid v- old t i: fur i 1" dolh'ii oi 1 honest, input. ATTENTION Ai.RKRT C HANDLER-! iS IT YOUR L\TE> uN. V!r Re'eball t. .1 ni • raliy r.istii -mine athlete *■• silled by j '‘beiiii nr.ti" bet'or.- .no do t helVt-* aSKry] yU u !«) G* it IT Hi Bint any pitcher rani .niftier istrly throw it. e ,u . ft. - t f.*i the ■ ■ ■ no .Atease tro iSllfilPX'H ii'feiU ‘.lit JilvijOlT. i iiß v v ha ii Ui (»r t i■ > ■' :j> lAci)< TO ‘.-Gnu- to it.-e • • A* I'. ;.. i:>U‘ vvfii; {»• I I ti K;il iHtf* If j V. iU« ii'l it s• 1 ilitJi*' 14 0-i {' i bat* bu lk \-nni< h* .{ s.e% to" ’ ducting 4»fr h *m-.J >te ?:rv Thomo:i. N. ( . rm* in tht 1 • im* fcanif* ♦ *ll. l.* i saw ifnnK Th .?• mg thev w»• -•,> bnr ♦ *.. )m.f it- bo tai»e<t b*f«»if* h*> i ih! rt that voone t Irvin kopt hfj*> from hfriroi *.r«-****k • ■»» ihe h» u! as re *i * r the iiiri Unit r-.-f. • ir;<K aje 4 1 ftlU lU nlavins Onlv ?}** tv.J-’ Ktin* ro d'.utJt not#-d \ mi jv.i \»‘i 'Uih Whit* ii i ! K‘- i* rr-'-pitt’Ar unit uteittv a v-it* t cilrt J.',-.; uebn T b- t ?. M pit .rcfhnr* t■ i-e tie- nim-.iO . - 1 r;'. ' ,0 el I bn. oil ! Si orem ro d DON T EttßllEd HA V tIH PM.V N i.OiS . < ’otnuiis- i u.i-i I'Oid I*-- yen at s taniitiar ■ o yon -in aid l**-t mit Ii the nature,' .abb f.r ■■ ' :!i.m. Clfveland sie ; t-e Ray «'nt.j> i.intl i - fa. Alley bin.) a mu.-, fine OK it pttcle-l ot Seine ‘(-;ll tiSck liaseu.Ul -.< \irtaaMy to k-i to It' f<- aoia oa i.-v hi- fa-.di: ihst is.anv ni» is them to « t-v niUill Jill :ei nii-.’it bn lilt'' pen.i'uis’.! :.ted v- ,tl: no .. ftibtlet.i that > .u v. t-:. ’ • I'-itim-; for life :u yenr fnd us sn 1e r O C TO K'-te ..A Mo ; .m:i-l Landis \ o,i can lest uebiev. t:d .ie.- iC. in lay opinio: n.-ui.. ~tcl\ iirdt-nui, ffsorm.- 1 li■ ted Ih-m -at b-im; '■ > - 1 - !l ioPnnrt of . > w-ch a.ud in a .-0., unanswered tti;*-t to y.«r head (quarters.- For the pet tn.uo ut i-s-m JeF' I • v lew tie aUa' (1) Ai'iKiint cotopeivtit ' t'-ba - witters as oflf- s< of.- ■ a-.-s --;| > It now t in' job I", t .... ’ h.i any one else in has,-I gill. 121 Hi each cjijiie destsrii .* "HiUt Hue’' Itltruiri-s v “tl as Vc-u do in a) star and world series fa rue Tht« w rod elir i’ tt‘ j n««iB-ss bi<4 f rtjig and Wi.tild spe si up bn: games. t 3) Do hr N'egrci 'UiS'-lc, 11 what yo inferred you'd do at the pro’s tiin. ny rts-ogiiizing Negro cVttb and o.’ering; them full protectiou aiding them financially profectiu ihe right* of long-suffering ownet of these clubs; giving Negro teen r'gtrs s-om-'thing 'o shoot at. as i done fur ohsi-me white (Bonus plavct s HIVi .vi Y CAN VON AND HI B ROBINSON RIECE There was n time when Bobov Doerr and Joe Cordon w. -aid l ave chuHeuced Rob; ueot. as . pdaynwk 3 fjf JMSfr Jv A E/feL f N T O HASP POMADE ; Used t•/ lively popular women tor over 40 year-.. I j._ V *'•• i 4 ‘ • You too, con have sort, «, y,r Pon> ft . | .■' 1; £toi iou* hair the EXEiENTO ' H ■■'l,\‘‘- 1. $ * .■< j s*oy. Delicately perfumed for •>>' N ® ’•■• ':■ odded at amour. •». jT 'J f.XitlSiM’O beauty Aid* % Gkmi< ■* Pressing Oil to £t*-C (ii.’i, o Pointy dpodot oni lv r * one* g*** ht origin j! t'i * Bfeoch Cream, ter t.ri(Mtr »U* *'- *«"** con ° n ‘* 33t 51 <il *g ktortrv AGEKTS Mofre BIG MOKIY tosh ir o' rht tong-established popularity of EXE LENTO beauty products. See how easy it is to make e> ra money, Wrlft for full details today! •r Rut they hart Flowed town 1 >nlv f-‘(-(I 1 a lun ;i li,'. i • mi- . j.■ - I to 1; i.'n. i . ll 111.!1111 mi '. , ; (J(, b all ni!(l do it hell nr than any second baseman now active." Spenking of Itobinsou':; aiiivt.b .in sl.lidutn a tut reminding tlit* read. ■- r that hi-re is tu flash iti tin- pan j v.-ii'iny type of diamond performer At- Caniioit’a prolific nun writ-Mt \ “ft is not a temporary fl.’tfibiu' What bappeued Koldnsoii tins yi-ur is the logic-:' 'it-v, i.ipmee! of I a great athlete who wen subjected to .more opposition than any plavt-r ' .before him. 11 is doubt fill if tin v -o- r. h*i> ; route' iiftei him wilt in- asked to do what h< did. it is not enough | to describe him as tin- fii-i Negra .ti play iu organized Doll. It is fleet , lug him of pra im- to mention hi - j gram and dignity and hi: st l • r t would iu f hi- v.rou:- t(. rail hint ! w crusader because this is an Intel i iigenr man atm wha: in bail t. do 1 eras always clear to him There is nothing accidental about Robin ' -.i.11':. yticceys it iias mr as- a hal! piai-'o tiut Hold iisini c ,!,, tj: i .■ I jo n,.' . Icas-m- ft Win a- an funhmsador i t-pi nuro; lAs people in an eirnc. laud Robin son w.i ~ r,,-: who 11 ved i n allot her ere tip . . 11,. !n:l |. ii it |- -.nil ~'U our. r oiirs ■Mi! ol ?t i,otl i a •xpiaifi. I Mo la-’ to:- ■ Hioohiyn - there iior. ti, ■<.pl ■ iu ilia sraiub, licctiied ;i;.u • lot rea -.'.n-'. tint made t-i* at Rm • ’ tne-'.n ,inr-'-n’t find this -,nus-> mv.-- T - 1 'u 'a 11 a o , ied ■, ,irh,,nt v Oil !e . Kli.ig. The banter of tit- • ,1 ■cr id a vet ■- w- r. dis. a- tin-i bar ajisrn -d him fiom tite dugonts ’ And in titiiii sutmnation, an at. a:'-’: I ha' eoi„-lualVt ly =rt , tot Hi JiUiitiv t auboii . studied e-ttioat-' *-J Kotuiis.iii tt,. b-iseuali play-: at:d umhiit'-. dsc if tells his. Hit lions m i.i-s t hi-,; “i 1 t-. not n, c- 's.i r.\ -!; ,: ia. i.: Ht.feU'oi: pa..s tht.m. h at! 0ut,.,,: unj'ia- ~ i--n for 'itch om pet it i.v OS! Si lie., s ;i' basetiait, Vnu (hint ' ho ve K, r-f- r to his proud and an ■£THv GMfj fm!' sorrowful! Ir-StnilOliV hi-'Hli'*- <» ronßje- -i. h .ii ‘.‘OiGmin*-* .-..ii. ,-t n»Mt with nis ojih iifiiM-: ;,}] sh • ;Uii| ‘p{»i si !!!.': Gii I a ;* t (g- m i tti-' ! .»• * in hi*- n?< • '■* -a on .t hall Vt.ii hhin! cfii-fij \h>, : !h*» most • t•:ii»• •. , , Nanoiiiii • uin in \mi o >v!i tii. X V l > ., <'* *• * i; i * nid.’i!) «‘l] ti‘! iiUJiMI.) M.h!: aini r*«. }uU<.n for ;.ii j A n:<*r hui is. )»-;.! nih-ys of the lohj: of hih or »*kui LiKi- rhv* tint that ajiHais on. i u ri a-id <-Ut- .ih -a it ■ with humbU* SHORT BIT ITI.I. uF MEAT -*tlea i \i-, in ■ V'.iii artich-s : ■ • it- In- •t --loil.-b to hope ten -<> inueh to !i\ Thank Cod fm !•-;. u *.ke Dr Ralph Bunchi- la- k.d- ibitutison, (■ •- !.»■.i -■•sin-in W’tlj-iiii ltaV'Sni ■ ’.--ii.i U-.- nt and ~ i,-is yon wn; • - 'IV nefnit.giy ai. ut in hath our ih-airh al and . pot is column , hoilist- J L'i’t *>'f y. Gi. O' * rill. X 1; ■ W - ■ t '• ~. .. , , v . ; : :ties. our stnrins are alined : : ns-tiiin tin,! faith! trust in i - i-w itay ii! of us fight intelligently ! ’'or.! Did ja hiioiv that Hula ft- Pc:,cock. ' .die a Temple university student, v. ice te at the immortal Jesse On us in the sprints and the broad ; .i:n;>.‘ THAT Jack Blftik : nnn Joe Louis' iaie tvainer, beat | heavy weigh) t white) in a six mind no decision I,out who tit; 1 revious w-ek had st&ycd wilh ; *ack Johns-tn? Weights were black uni I2K. John Willit. Udf. ' shat Hans and Jax-k > 'obnsrm did fight once the year i vas 1906 thi place was Chelsea j * ; i *M»t Boston i Mass. Johnson won nil ft was ti victory lie m-v«j r.-ived bit.cti about lur thi e.y'.vileu, teason - Langforti sc&l»a IV. tohnsoi. Bat, Anti had t go tin- 15 ronrids . . . ADIOS. STAN BINOS N£MHO AAS I.IMC AN LEASiCL If.ASTtTtN DJYIMON VV I. I'd ’ Nev. Vmk M 2 Oiif •5 incliauapoiis !•) tl DO; Baltimore i,i in 5(.i Philadelphia J a .37 f..- (it. y Jll l a !M I'.t WKS'II'-'hN iHVISION VV 1. INI Birrnltu'hain 11 fl tN 7 b . Kansas City Htl ~itit I Houston ...... 87 .ST: , Chicago 5 tl | Memphis 12 lb Ail lilt. SIX IN (All f.Ntii Ait It 11 IM. i •in:; Ind 179 20 7! ,;tJ7 '; Da Vi.: Bii- 248 at! 98 .395 Boyd Mi n; . ...24!i ,VS 9k 384 VV asli a? y. tot t. fioit 1 l-A lit titj ~’u •B> own. D( ' 209 Oi 99 .add , N«-ii ina 277 -H 99 .J.., INDIA I DUAL J 1 AD! Ks j DOUBLES— Neil. Bid. 25. and jDr AVi'.. KC, and Boyd Mem. 21 TRIPLES Foiiiu-mhal IVieni 1! and O Uiam, Balt. 9. HOME RUNS Brown KC. and Davis Hou. r 2 RUNS HATTED IN Eh own. fwc . /O. and E-Vi iiiciiihal j eii;. o.‘ RUNS Gillian. Balt 02. .aid LM’e.Vi, KC. 6! H1 o! !-.N BASES - H-erreit Ki 12 nil Bakeihi, ICC 11. , 1 U Hi I '. B. id Ball 9.-2 a.,d tv..i il Butt ho. STADIUM ECHOES tty l.tlii V iigfti llvri tita I'll .y.\r CtilCACf; UNO Don't tel ieutunii vilien your favorite Negro ' !'<-■" 1.0 Ktrikes out with the base.- beaded agauirit a iiiajOi Jcag.iir learn. ■A roil ■,! Negro piavi i s ,li the Natioji.ii league reveals ttiat cm,-,.,... tt-tiily good pitchim is the biggest mad t loci. glory tor Class \A.\ i'-'tyc. gTaduate-, 11. .- o il. on t ihi'-] v,( A With Brooklyn IB y t'ainpatietla mis department "a.- tobl that there i - i..:t; m th>- argument tuut there is In- ditfereiuv biM'Vten t.'iplcA ball and til, iiiajot s. Blit lit NO lui OOHkH ti-:.. jiOiiitcd ~, ti i: It-ad aiili -‘aul, l iieic's a li*- 1 (- it ts. Every tnro you Mep into that latte!- t'"\ t lit , , • a plot go mg Oil to gel out t it- s»-en some very eve lien! li.-idine in Class AAA hail tin kind you set hell- in the majors lint nig league pitching is mile ioii-ad of the minors.’' i'flt what a hotit iGlows like Don NeW combe ' He Wa s ill t lie tllUiOi:-’ ia few week* ago. “lea i know/' said tlie stock ksekarop "But nciw many Nrw , oil:!.- -r aIT there in the !V1 iiKIV“ A week taler Rian? Hooke- V1 otite Irvin halt, -d lvi- t-a 1 1 ii, , |*i act ice ijef.H ea Cull game t-mi: ■mi.r h to give hr-- opinion BOVH VuLXGHK ’ in .lit National league you no - giu/d pitching every day Hi the mi ions the hoys.are usually youi. - amt wild. Yon meet a gut a! hoti-' lit rt- and theta . ;ni’ te : the most part they don t have tile control i rvmi was lie- luieitoi Lonai '..-ague in hatting but "as hieing around 2d for the Giants s. o.ud I;.< -i-n . n Hunk Muimpsi.ii i a!. was. tit’* -J:g joy f(- .1' (So ny when tie auu Monte Were pro moted to tin Giant roster "a --,;B ! ing i\i .i'7ti win u i,- |di ked , n; \n.-iy Ken - oat fur a pt.'o lice swings "Vo ■ p.’.Miets up here art real <v ..u to get von lie said f don': in car. that they j*}» fry to dust yon oft. it's simply that very few ot -!u s-- it iiows re!av ,-n tin mound.' ARK CHARTERS Sc-iC, Class AAA outfits bav te.pc-si-d major league charter.- whip, teams in the Pacific coa-t nd the Internafio »1 leacues hsv* ( j been rumored as likely candidate' The only other triple A i Hi. American association Some trijde-A teams vow th;.’ -toy ( .Slid fieri! the two Chicas-i joe •aie Teams and - och *"*' ii,. in! e< Bar ft uclers a ■' h e •' . Loiii---. Browns in a bee' t«ur nu, i# S'-vt uv it's luaif-n-cjs to iTtentiot! ,t. | several rrionlli's r.eo the limpin'' ' tVhiß- Sox told a Negro m-i?>i ! j they louidn’t find a Newro r- <■ l ‘ -nouph for their rosier 'REVIVE WOMEN'S SPORTS DAY BODA | PETERSBURG Va l ANB ■ - At !~. fvc year lull in activities the .. Spot cn i. it was announced not this WC-k. Under ii plaid an ijr-grain the ; raociatioo w ill sp.«nso» twe r,ports ; ..v- a vc. - ai u.ic ot its mernbei I oßeger Schools cooperating under ..rftgram are A and T C.oLege, lennett Coi'i-i-,. Hsiopton b, i utc, Howard Lfniaei'fejitv, No,ti ‘’ai-oliii;i C-- legt and \ ■jirde College ('.ampy Pulls Must'll •HlJ.Abtlf'tfiA t ANB) Candicj- i:uy (smpancUn h»r a ! T-ail mi liuid here last wees; j UKD.iri:t the I’hiladetpliia Puil lie< that he liau to leave the (•me with a pufkit muscle in his left -irlf < amp > smashed 359-foot line vingD off the left field wail iri the ' -urth timing but was forced to leave the same bf fwt(«e us the self-inflicted in- lir; CAHOIifNIAfV sports ,o j a STILL CHAMP l. ‘ Hinh point.* in t/n tight rt txprt in the lutlotciny \jotoi I hu ‘toiin v li. lit oil /i niti, 1 31 X (Juk < ood A’* Mutmgh -V < Lt 1 rs ; Chaiien vl ’toi'y wap all the i.alK, • By ili». Tans iii th*? oity ot New York. ; r \ li - wa y Lee uev r- h bled it \sa's no jo k , 1 ; ii iooked like Charles, had cut ms throat The sad arory by many w il-J I Old ]!i i hold uti any man .46 years old, j j I rhitilt it i.-* plainly understood. | For hP, age ho >ius pretty good. . .. I 'or by ; !ii audience it war found, i Chfrlen vv.i> r.cvi-r aid,- to Knock him down. ' But one '.nine ( haries' n iciids could appreciate IHe hold:- in tot' > -•-- n statt-s. Aon 11iii y km." t,. a. tin.* it .l ii > it. t, n; h. i Winn tic- Referee "as told that had eunited, i: w.'i". at tin litin- ti- needed every breath. Fm It seerrn d like Chartes would be:.; him i- tu-rmi lt TVuS i ad sight tOi the j-.rupW To eeC ! I 1 or he Wo tiled as he c-ouiit tie. Tile g.»ttiei iiig had been to the AluiiageCs dciigl.t Foe iiftccti thou-ind to see the fight. th, m it t harte- beiieve it * ii,>, i; the ..ue who whipped .ie - «ej Joe Walcott i, 1 ’ :t'i: SS L ins t -eVfweeks, ago. Ft* the my ui i. tiirago A 'in the mbit of fee ■> was found, Ihi . if 71 7,1 li i ; eVr i, li, in) la -in vK-h h- .- Kiiti- rv ay I, what he i h.;,i gin. 1~, his .ii'tu .- , i- just t*,,.- -ne.rt. i ii' indi -ii eiu ii. I ttath-F -a ehitd Vet}' - .olid . To fight :L,y iViGi that can t;e found . He -an chaim.-n FMgen the ta-i. - To find a man in in,, class. It si emt'd like t'hari—- "a- ~n :t ti i tl. And would fm e, on hi.- opponent at wip •bat It- m nil! by vihi't/e,! lot of pent,, thought but:: tiny au 1., si.,, a ieh'- nitn-, was y. -hort. ’ bx.iil I ii:!!!-- It has hern a lot turk. Pf-in?t v--i.»ujzcit :>)! xtstes ' ■ u; New York 'jus certainly vyg- 1 - tin ttirt F. ; when t.< tot it would hurt i ■ tt. second r. tihil it <-rned that the vict.o-y y-y- nigh hti.ii (lie! .i. id ,< .1 ley. -3, k ',i iiu? ~ - ! tie sine n, th- t'.nnd wis • o o«-v 4 ;w,r. !i h i.ei! ili.l fit ■ W Oil ii) put that -- - ’f tie U • I'm , 1 Ma.ja.t, \t;•■ i. a ■ Uif duiii iii«il:, giMitf to tt:. s, eii!’, , n t would stop tt.v t You may know the decision was touei, t oi him to :• it i tie .nan he had enough i .be lie* . - it'll Ot l. haries w.»- c , ty, fight ,is -oot, a.- in- .an find .un-th-i Hian You ti.ii a.i-et ijjiit ~, n ' jiV i He can i. a ihe world Ur i- alright AT THE RINGSIDE i■ V l.t iv tlj; (. II u\ §l,>; < S 01. GUN BITS THE t ii. H ; <j .A »1 E <J i ■ ' l.'-tbs s-it Hie next one ir,.t. ; p.oliahiy wlicit O: Gu.- Le.sileV|i It , fold Its- malia):: : afit j- iiis IHigr:, ,oti: defeat at tin hands ut In as j we.put <ha tups--it K/.».,*--d rhai his! Vk'ediiesiiay uieiit. .1) lie mn-s throirgh svijii tti ditl.-o Byli-tW' ight bout with Jo.-. Maxim in t/im'Dlimit f.-r the Am. ican iT.b p.ui.nj ebumpinii.-ii!, v. !..•■ svi r H. :* !■■■ hi "l vi*. Oily e.". in t ll'-ta to ei •!!« . ; a ;..J . •In ■ i an.: nothing ei-wi* Afti , ': is ii. v, ai. . !!• - Gus din-ked > 'll a i ie- -a tl. n tn i hi? own 17b pound tit: It ■ u sch ,'astia ti* doda* a i - ii'*l l -vln a \* . don'' fight than .: ,- when v i y iti tlte !•! 111 LAST FIGHT I Li-.- ocvjeh, a SR a V*- etfy <»d4 I m»h ir, the rlnt pi-ohabH gave up j after the seventh round hernuse he | . vante*: to save hitrmett f- , that 'UP ... -.* fit'-'H Wll h loot YffX ie. ! Y iniini-t Mux is ik- has liOtMne to bn 111: j.' tiie P'". (bo puff Jo." Hanri'.' hurt' and ’‘’ill ■ t ’.ct th? prem gr--s tut: ait’ - ; is and i-.ii- to a fi m :■ New le.-ev All tb,' cidniiin ami if- t>«lit ■ -.■ :- ii Lem ■lit i. Gooch": <■:li s. ■ ,4 tioinetovi n crowd ol 1 ‘*in t. liilipAiti-iis bat two ills' twii and stoic once to help tire Dodge fs Ui It) to I and take a halt gaiiie lead over the St l.otilt U uraii.*p SAY Hit SAW IT IN Till: ( AItOUMAN smtctswn—mw. m—manna imu n wmt* ,w «nnT-w» n»i \ * fti j SEVEN l tn. JR ! | STAR *. 'fr $Qk Itlended whiskey. "The t j straight whi*kie» ore 4 ' / Cjrs|y j year* ur mete eld S/'ritt .sale je > | sE¥t> / straight whiskey MJ-iffc jQlffl - f Sk / neutral spirit* distilled VUrB I f ?i, / from grain. Is% straight Jy /* * '*"• . / wH.'skfty 4 year* eld o*''v‘fS£Stj./ IS% stro sht whitkey 5 j&tfe flftC k y ears «td. straight # Rv Ml whitkey fc veer* *!d," "*IRWe«w eu&utiihAW *■ WOKfi ItitntTCb. ktfeklA ii; INOi * - ' r >■>> IU 11 h//; iit I ha s'!*■. h;i n taken care i>! j. :>«,•> b*. v*. ;.b ,dt s*tl«l <• UN i. * ' Vi< j: !:t ~,||| > ~. |. A s*h broken and a <!•- ■ire u> reiire. \\ ..uilci.. n i.s thru i illi iin ? • wart an- Savul.: ijj train ; ■ j ;• i>-iiiiircia- oik- n! lvi,t..v RcliemH ’ till,- traifiinr, !>1 Hit- K. iI- -1 fivijl . ’I - Ja l ;:*- 1 * .1 J>/a<iibw'k in i* 1 *' i■< ■ WOU M t.l <1 «<>: I*ll hi i); ■ ■it;'. <!- Si. I'll hi C'h&rles W 'mi Ji:i ■j i t-i i h i.m v> w .a hi chat! i: -1 'ii ri:t- world than io rak a , . 'tail. wl 111 !I:g ltOjppod in tin jaw i iii.-.. iiijiniiii usly by Ftvddst >1*1! - Wot ds Ji e ? 'it heavy Lint HA \ >! I>-OHARLES A .Savidd ("harles boat would ; probably attraet mure money thru i the till than any other possible ; : heavyweight brawl And agains* ■ • Charles Savr id might land a : ivuiiiti and ivin r> a kay it :• • iik*-!. ihat Charier w ill easily di‘- ;.i.m- of the oO ivea’i-n snv-iui .ul - :ii,i>h ihe las’ of the otdtimei ■- Tii j * bout would offlviali end i ii. J- * Lot: ic era la bosun? iju-’e Chariei would then hn.e 1m 1 irh.ii aii unfiaiehed business lei: by The Champ. It would mu '■>* ria a Charles era berate*- i;r>e is aO4 big enoagn and he no; ; punch hard enough to con. •i.n«: • authority in me ring ot money To n in- fans. Chari* . proved in this fnrli! . h.r . be will be an wmiert and ineet • , cham pi-an cioitit hit; best i,. tut? :;int New high un s will appm on ’ tbe bor iron to rhiilleiige him. On* v.iii probably win me tine 'o'e 7 - ciW’ or three years fuon, now oin i.. j« nobody knows right now 1 bo: d'-eryiv.ilv ; ; ioolattg for hun. 9 - -- ■ pifitf.--■£&'•'?•s■'. * '.' .. x •^>iji%;:'lvL’^^vSv^':ii. .■■ >• .'•''* {Su idle 1 i. ru V tii to bf* man *» ;1 to a \<*vi t'il<4US brill' Uc<oi<|il)j to » s t poi t from tlu- \i U Oebuu Gt niiru‘! fill oi inn . I lit |n if i>i rt»vr bliitr i. \JUII to be /r. H,i. IkiiH H-iT t ii*iu.roi;i of ,jU pi* 1. ball*’ *“-i .Vfi'rv- tili v i i~. 4 UU iuiit-» ol tbs? tiXt i UU> r ; uMunUrf t>l tilt Sixty Hopefuls Report For *49 Pirate Squad PIGSKIN HUDDLE l*,» V\ I’ list Ft.tiki Hi l; t i.\ IIMUNS \t. II I ill Ml K: ‘tie- 1 I V•-j-. 1> (I Bi i.’.V i l.'Ul.SJiii' ‘ iHi.-. . . L :,. t.„. : : !!■ a ’ ■ ... ... I■. Lilt!- !■!... l 1.,1i fl„ • !. 1 Hi ’ i . CVU- I,:M ts i'l 'ill.- ; - jin a r..r,1 l.n t!:r< \v. ■!• :.. anil U; < 115 «.• ■ It, utiiiv. ;n .van; ’ o f til-,sr i kaimm; cams- Miii -- < l.ij i- mu V. G/|, ■■! t,, i; |>o ii - ' Ol I 1 U'. (■’ Oilt.. T.:: it ir. J.J/.4 c : i P E'JIIU .i ii. • .. J I Hill ./ ! Phriau v! L I.v ■ . All r i• ■ ’ DOiiG -, • AH Sin; • n . : rill< I | - * Lhe I'AO pound 6 fr.t-t -l l iil».. • r < :‘t; I ■ »,. u : a»ti "pi.rrd Will Lk •■.,■■■.; . live Jhp'trGttfc! • oio.ijiU fiid in i i i.-itvi • He has : c Is i!.: . Iliii \iu V£• t-ii Ot. ■ ( re*:£.t, toi d has speed on v»xi£ i.dtlOri v/t'ii oil id . Utrong hands.’ EjP Heiiipotte hv s-.* \cj ' 1 .. i« U'ii?h ’-itii Uic n ;iliu il » jurdt;: . ii; ■ Ki.s' oi.pi k ca a o':ii iu'aai- t /t : y 5U bothei ed ail i A*:i v. »th the Wo.- ' vt'i'i.-jf- i /-.op p idi Br .v/n n£jd vl* r tt j'itied 1 j ..! • iiiYii quite .. t>if Hi ; C;i '■■■ «* i -i:d E;> v di a fled UiUTi i Hz>t • .*.■■ ii j U *.( aI. 11. e !< a g tie >o<■* 11 ri Eiii. H deiuaa;e]y id -■ ' Lie iim« pro U otuall The i fueagu : He.iiiPts l.'irt year pro fooiqbil i • worse u :■ it-agtie ' • a*., the K-,-; h jer U . up pr dh• ij » .ViioDr it iI ii ''Di et J the Te'on !•;:•; jirorn U'n roster. t r: • ihstterf.w.r hi. v. e* ■ j-. it do- ; t mg goad v/dtfc ijj ea. l; : UijUs whu s i ll* • ilO.Tit l: ' Wliether George Talitieri'c. pta - .. .ed or r.cT the *. ... jiaTiri c;;»jfiuot «**£• v 5 • i Lai he war advei tised iruaKe 1 :r:\ ayr.rsr.iijce v. rrh the Dons Aug j 0 ro a .« 11 ynt exi iihi’ ■•. n ran: v oc- - L > v f.-eii t. »r lions fnd the San F l un* t tr*'o •iP.r-.'S. .'.r c ..'i diii.y to the? CD • » i. vi »ala Dt I .i..!i * . 0. a- r.t;U a 1 \ « Crdtayo at time tvilh the i i- } If-- ior ah 4ar vUsi <e w>m *h.- PhiJodeiphir T.,n* • L Mb., fct-. iiife. j -0.41 rbj radioi 2.!u ,»h fi«-u to 2.. A to i‘:ouKe vl'a ; • | :P>}C? the.-; br'.'k »h ’£y. li 0 he <Ud plo> it coord be .■ >'<) - j ■ • en rlio wine; te Cause h< p.odaury j not nad me time to levao ail .j ; 11.6 tCan.'- p'iays yet I i BANS TO ( tOSI AfUINST EAf.IJiS ;•: k:w yor<K. n r - i u : u ' yi.-h Cuiaii ilo- ■ or, % J'Oic : "V ’SuJidi.j stteruooQ a-000..c- • i ; B«aiosl the- h ...Uft r. Esgkt st 2;oc F. ii- l.ram'i, NAACT tar\ oi Uu* X.VAt E anti -* n » puel Sll l,t i .V| i !) .i v i *>, !i, i nr it is ts t uMliriiu d ii »j ih'Dit ti i uifi 'i «•! an «• Hi*ayfiiii lit vviin u»t I .iitioii' ( lc\« hunt liUliiii' jiiti. h » i .\ ri •>» ilitp tii oth* t i » j»t/i i I’u- »- iho'v r Air 11. iv l n uuiu! I i»< « i »ii hn C VV fie a , hr 11 4' ll* :e hi iy-l'S. llAhi« IC • a Vh - lU. re Us a2 : ti Ii • 1 G-* !•' :,!o), :■; •t t litr Uh r : iddu ' D < ... d;d.:U-r :u'r ' ! Xj-rGUT hs CrpUi ? the Now i'ii -Tr !b .■ it om.;!. iL«ii> guard w-K>ip- ..- Mivh u:i-D ,<r dliu p. ..0n ’T.• ai VV i. 11 a xu- i" Jy ar i hrta ..iid ■ ol ; VVTJhv.h.: h. , . i .oyd ; e-'i 1... tin: ! .I• hi . I.' J h.u .". will be it.4'. HS : . j :. Leu r. h Mi.: ' -f, < .‘sh-.IP-M'd tu. K i<- r . .ns. .i.iv ei ri • U. adii% yrt-u >,ci- iy. ji-JloacL: IMI .L>V« IT • tui i H/: /, La ' .! .lid I I.G Liii hi i:aL:.. ..i : iIL.iC i-; IV. C' o I 11 i r L 1 gg tz t ULit:it on in at hi sir- wiio • -ii ti*i ’Ton'* Kiau s sh' es c* * tackle - i»d who -a til ulos i.-oiTi into a i Gti&ztem offensive 7 .' Se • lhi ir v furl, .. ; t tO It - roi r 2or pi, r i -• a tit C u 4eJ hr"l j - i.-.T p. < .ii IDs-;.: Uiht (eev rs.,l.' c. aufic-tv in Gam C|/rmi:g Ihr Ivur- 1 .;«49 whv'V.niL’ •’. -si j . U-.-* O h --v - ; O/r Vs ;th . . O'M Field cn w .duosy :.u;hi Sv-r.- •j /Ojf'f '/a Folic m erj ch-e will : ... iVio: i . Bn •. ii .. f Had'! plan, A o*llo '* dt IjFBC).': mV; !. 'Eli: 1 .di ' vV..-hh'irh.i. id Uk N.dtoo.ii v 'ia. vie •a Gctobi r jli Virginia State Cob IrnA 'iT H..i Dpt OTA LlDid >Jo J,t Hcii/ip ion H v. .■ d i r\ Wat’hiyt>;»r. :\iv ; - sv.-.ii fal .Hump; ton ici iJ. O'jit-C'‘.‘liihr or. Nee outer 12 and Virginia Un ion o riii-hiuoi-cL. * naiiKsgi my i i*-r Cui !... >v. I. . rii j U-V 2i*t-'i! lean's sc ?. .sovi. iinr. bony lowtr th».*< id ri .re *.. the “ 1 : id*n y t r.ld j'i tilt: ■ hjd hCi £OW“J treie oi theac .fti id ins? Nev» i ofi. Gi.ahi; prOi ■•ibJy fv'V'ulcj i’uive node d run avedv race or r;o East• eTfi i)iv zHSs'i Oi the dtp -* A/hO.' 4- t'ji'j 1. -S-’ii yu c U M S T E AD’S " TRANSFER CO » .GROCERY STORE eight ANO HEAVY full LINE Os HAULING ~,n LOCAL & LONG i Mt.AIs.ANO OUtance GROCERIES V,HUU ";z ,ifotupt * I Vo«r Pat*v»»*» * Efficient | t M i;.*j!iUAii Mgr. j Appret.iiatrsd C!*i ». Li'iwwa Leiai biVfc-SSLi j J Tarooro **m Martin on mbi| )INO SATI.'JIDAY, Audi;ST id), PJUJ EASTER MAKES INDIAN DEBUT | CFEV&.LANI.J lANS'f -- Tll.i; Kni;; .K,i!;.: V'D-.5!..; Di'llcv-cV to I.- 'l.t *i. - J ; ii.i!uiat slitter ri'lneo Ua!« Until iff:, u. n -ngntd to, tin* W,.nd CtiHivijjion Cleveland Indian,<t [..iy I.ukn .tpi-.-ai l*J in his iil'ST ni.ijof 1t..-..: in- ; ;,'ii„ '.film night • M il., t till- (.•.‘UCitko White S'JX. Will) th, .... .i f!i in the if.hth m/hi.; 1 i.t ii..- l.■.lining tiit. iViMi-ffi 1.00 houdi.-au ruled on 1i... t 1 .ir ic • Cu.Mt if' -ensatton to but !■ .i J'iti-ii.. :.arn Zcidak.- Tilii. wa-, . ... out aCi.l the vVhl *l Itl V i'Ull. .11 tllii’U !>i, Kxt,-u I'., ■- iowK.-ct at tite tirsi pitta lot .. .-ail .’. tk. i l.t yeeor.ll ino'l U.-'a anil .juifidti Fastea f .1 '. a ;o.:-, :.\*.-il,;- ~1 !fi. Li:!!. ■ n,,i t! -ii .'iua.stie.-i a ti/’ i 1 - tt I.- tl: . I . bhoi tstup l-1 * ii. c ."V ■■ pinif wuo .-fi.’o v erf d Laicince in time to make the pii.;v at. fiist base. Eashu lit - '-...ii in Cleveland for tlu pau .-it. eit.-. recovering ti i m a km-. operation Reports ir'm Hi. ut f..... t had nim re lUll.ili; I. Han DiegtJ h hile tu i.lo-i ;n ( 1. . t-lanct h .1 hiiii in H Ti i' . 11. i,. i. m Cat! ■ id, , A;,.,, t i.,. i. i- card lO 1,..,; Ijtt ;■ . ‘-i , U if, -lit ... t;. -. !‘. i.: .i~i i 1 . ,t , f. ,:: i 51’ a'3S It .'dins r lt- i', i i aSt ie.-aUe v. itli .. ii - .. i ~._. . hci. he lelt for CU.maiv.-i LEAGUE BRIEFS f* AT i i .tint ti vTTi.i.t: LE.vU f - 'll.- fA - I - ; ... I,’.is ;tr .5.11 i iPipen Davis nl the Bh oiifsii R.i . ; I*, ai - .o' has at - i. • ■■■ '• : : i- ..d in. t.dting Tire o. v sv.'iit * .in: -1., ..ii.-id Figgs. lii dM; . v d v• • •t.A■v' i; I t W iUI A - T > Ol\ 1- ('• T . .. j .O.nti' beh-iud wiiu .ii* au ; ,;at # u!; 395. .li.'id !o .'. i i iiif Kansas t i l/l ;.i IS J;. I I,!1 1 i lit d a.: , f igll a Hi. t. -. bat -1•• ■'' !. i.M in tut. ! ,< - nii |, |: ■ . 1 -1 , ! • • - - I\i n g ! iMM a. 11 . inn, .i ii: iy ser . viiii Oi ~.1 t.fd ior seel I item oi-ii io iii liii 1 tO.V-T i » v.itf 1 if - i'.n Bi< u'f.ig ii. 1 . ... K tS ■ !.: -.1. i,. fCI • . . Li lt- .... ■ M- 1 - , „ 11.; the | Mi.i. ■ t ~t i ~ y., .no Coast i - M. ;. : a .ted to ti.,- iy i.i f .i-.i- A -a ai. star V.’i . . u„ it-;,,, ia Ferry il- d .< I.' ■ , t 1 I W'v Ii iii'J 'J iOSt. ii, t: .i i-ilt i.i j ~ i,,s ji nt jo-j in i';*' 11 t!i ii. tli.- ieagUo = i;<.v,<- tj -,-i i mi: and 12;) hit- gv- Ml* ii.; Cl 5 ‘.i t 1.1, tv 1.1,0 laiid StI'UCK. ; at C\ i . H« >iit UllnP Ti n vah pai'bea c....a . ,ud i v . i ikl - - *ie ii..i t twiriea U.llWNv 111! *1 AM li* Bl \I l.\ LAM b»:-DTi r; !?:■• .V -Ltn Ji U.e ■■■ ■■ bail .-iiil • - Ii; ‘ 1 Ultl of '«*c..iK! D.» :f tnr hidbmcp&lli \ iv. lijv piA-v’-r: that tiity ore U 1 ‘-lun i *,. <l.,}/] lei -. j•. j., a; >V< li -A.J Aft S ;.t d : i.ut diitiay • :«•!. *!m -J .a ii-. i - ‘ 11:• Giv- A i*t l '.h . :•! <■ ; U c Chi c. ' A; • . r . ( L... •, b&t.n v' ■! vi »'it ■ • .. - h.inr.ri yur• a if l D--.I ilDir,ji ctud 5 irCOfid •: ir st.-.rt : a t.u Da\ altejvea u. f !i\ ... \ icltViy .*i their last j*x I’tVhi J fir Carolinian! 86 Prtteft »t« i:*.AieHt whistiTi {n rHis wtouhct «tk 4 V£AR» Off v,nn *4-9 STSffuCfKt mutual, tsii. tuaniu >mn*. iMdiufß fiiiito tt*Ju H. mtmm t wm imm, «»<*. tumm

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