WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 20. 1949 TEXAS SHOWING OF MOVIE CAUSES BRAWL ijNITELIFE IN N. Y. ! il t BY AI.YIN MOSES PROFILES. SILHOUETTES AND CHATTER NEW YORK t ANT) PERCY VERWAYEN. »uo .if professional theater's .standout actors, worn!- why producers of handling on roift?.’? That has bee:: u s2i!*l-ij-,ie * tion in This column since ?li“ dr cli»ie of the FEDERAL (Old La fa ye tic) Theatre when Orson Well.-, produced plays on 132nd st. o<d and "*h avenue with colored stars hi e Canaria Lee .Jack Carter, am! eu ere. Canada Lee of «-onrs..j h•: - Route on to permanent stardom and his Drama Workshop should < i ;r:i out stars within the next 1 1 months. 11.1 FNOIS .TaCHI'ETs niacf Velvet" recoring has hit my n of Manhattan hy storm Most Hi lemites who prefer Rebop to H i h or Toscanini have literally b«uu>h: up .HI available wixiut's- this ,h.e i vaulted iti the jukebox I.;i>-• win niru: of a two-year ('outrai't ext on sion hy the RCA Vi.ilor >' who I* was to have expired come Novi-m brr The MILES BROS, .i, vr year absence from tie- N r <>- \ ok preen were hoard at the ADOLF : THEATRE a fortnight -ro at*?' were as terrifh- is eir The fie ! boys wills ;i Guitar are cialm*,) i-J thru mo h agent as haviim sol over 25 million discs since G.e> j assumed qualte.!. lia-h ;->!) ip the long, tong ago The '-lassie P.t !<*r Doll" number selling i* 1 ■' waxings on its own merits w U v REE WEE MARGI EI TE a •oiid-sendei as the slangsc i s . i < trill hf* a billiotwioHri rs-w. »rtto-of fun at the neat HA HA CL.l’B Thanks. Mai Ei-eMer. Junius Hyrri Dr, T-eslie Carter, Di .Toiin Davis Mrs Carolyn Eoimne-Si i» .i u d "Ekitfs" Rem t for Re notes . ; •rent me Au at tins ■■■>!>inm. D aiwavs a pleasure '•> sir o!: ' and do an honest reif.irtitnr job. Ami tci you Miss Toni Lea eh .. Boston. F"i inv pi- . m - Hri' ■ Muggers and Kllt.h-Di-.nens.es Vo • i ■ Rating Hot Records BY C H RAND.M.i. Hli! VNP THAT CAINE" FEI.I.OW I RANK IE Frankie "My Bey ' L.mif is sti '- ly top-flight with h..- iatest in ,\h*t • cure releases The item:- a pan J ti. chics a; d i co- s of bail-ids, tie admirably suited 'u the rel-ix eri Lamp style nd t me among the best he- has d n< T .: ■ f tiro YOU, a slow tempo'd tune cl fee by the CL rl Eiscoer oi-,w. Its n .-.-U v tiich seem.. he -- e-r-S'ji 1 .: ’ 1? good) bears the titb MY OWN. MY ONT.Y. MY ALL Fo: hs other platter. Lame pick- Tc. up a rit -' - - o'ri.i : floes• i-a i ~ lad flavor. Libelled THAT LUCKY OLD SON He spin, a tail on Mi is. •- • : dreams, desires, am on i ns and comperes his plight with that You'll / the Hairy Gfiler prk support, which is inci eeibei to (he tune the Judd C\* Tr ie rr’s Rhythmaires v< -cal support. Best of all, you'll like the steady ai.d insist-. nt rhythm of the jjuUar ;• ring Lome during the first hall of the record. Flipcvv? is another sb w-tciT.puru item 1 GET SENTI MENTAL OVER NOTHING, with Lame yetting a bit romantic over his -1 nnmentalism A i' utile . ?her tun.es of nearly ’hr same i.k art dorse by Jack rub tor: -with organ assist on MGM. Fviton. who au'hored these items. BE THE iX)OD LORD WILL ING a tender prayer and L.iiaby. --.nd ANGELS BELONG IN HEAV EN a fine love-song with unusual - !■' lovely lyrics Franklyr, Mat Ccrm.ick, one of radio'.- most papu lai narrators, joins in m b- lh sides give i poetic narration of e: - tain section*. of the lyrics. NETT VAI f.HAN DISC La I aughari Sarah -,i*itb *hi ■ - ice that comis up like rhur.de' takes *he Ellington tune TONIGHT Now Playing! | VAN ' JUDY | JOHNSON GARLAND “In the Good Old Summertime " IN TECHMCOLOR . . Starts SUNDAY! AVA GARDNER GREGORY FECK Possessed By A Power Even Greater Than The 7 Deadly Sins’ j “The Great Sinner” COMING’ . . * *M\ igh ty Jo e Yo ung ' ’ YOU’LL GAPE . , . GASP . . WONDER! _ 'Go" i hr'.the hoodlums and the-y knov it VTouM tu Got! the decent folks ot Harlem Mould rise In their I ; humble majesty ns did the "Vi**l lauc.- of the ,titer ISRo’e ROBERT L BATES (Silhoti . i*lto• M el! known pi "Tan • | Mii'ii iy" in (his Metropolitan oasis. ; Bobby Rates outlooks Col, .Dili.in ! it: his ' lollies He is a toprai(•- tail jor designei . fitter, and (ea-ther ■jin the art of making the Amiri an j lead tlo world as tin best fitted | well as best dresser of (he lilt j tt r.-.oe Foi a tnotiih he has been ; eliny for All Amerfi .i.n Ciot be... Iniv, hitting some 22 i-iftes ami as r a.i south as Miasihippi in line of Lis work. He is wonderful (■• his tot It*■ 1 a liancer ( ( ballroom t of the Arthur Murray tyoe, an >x -■•lidier a.r.ri be lo\os tf> tljontr*-. ■it’enrifi premieies of thi lalflst me ; :• s. putronixes «. , ot*c , e rtn i Rebip as Iwell as svnij.hoaie) and fights for |•> bet tei* A umri. i. one that b j hope • will bring bis people I'm! j i.!' a; ■ ri-1 it ii-. n?b ip lief, -t-e b" i.- D> years oiri* r : "Pol I‘Ot'Rß i 'i'" I .eat','. I Ft-uhit-cli. i artiegte I'is'h eolleg-an. S man' tt. -t-ks s>.»your letter prais (iii.n in.' nii'le Daw a I'aUiit iligb ' ,va'" in which I I'-uk of CR\Ni< !d ETHERIin ;t; really r, ; \iiii rie.il! vloiiti Ist. pianist aud ] writ' i You may recall 'bat l'\ - Mi l , ill -to. I' "I' hB cla ..' < :ii, A\'ti." Ila - Mecunie t ;li:i" I’ri .’..idire." Anil thaiiks lor auree.ii;. Midi me that my l i i"iid 'iTII'iI • DI'N'CAY. belongs in .(his lounny’s top-drawer bracket ire of i;e-id ill lime" singers To ul Wbi'e, Harlem tea! 'tor. vr»u Mere quite correct when you i ad 'hi in m\ sfeuts eohinsn 1.,., 1 njr irht-r s,i'a without r-qui : . n Hi ory , Hank i Thomy . ,!H \( arc- SCI "lid base'.nau ■>. X y 11 ; . hall dub. '■xi , l hie , !;iit-;,.|j l-aseball'Y fines! gwav-lia't 1,. n,o midway ha '-sock no lad'! r SHAM, SLEEP for Coloini'ia n i.efnn-., Pat tn’uhud !• ••to whispered "Goodnttrhf. sleep tight" «t the end Paired is Sara.t ? : is. ■. r,l ! Me (~: A..-' WHIT E YOU ARE GONE .T"c atan's >.r* snpM'ds ne-- un both Vr r ■ , . . . ! f -j ,-, nr i ■ "its YOU CAN HAVE; HIM. SOME ENCHANTED EVENING : v Eve Y ■: '1 LOVE YOU hUS T sKT AN OLD EASHION- E.D fVALK. Johnny Bradford; NOW Now N<iVV: TWENTY FOUR HOURS OF SUNSHINE. ’ The T.;l tier.- and V.'Ho'jaO YOU N AAV IX ill WEN ROOM F l!, i OF Bust's. Jut it St eit Discs ora -. ! r.r-ii-cak-ibie m.-U-dat retail '.Ur 48 cents plus tax. and are 10- in. trrs ..J th< 7<* rrn.• stries 1 Toe Great Mr. B eunrisU-ntiy • ber.a.t oil! v. p-f!ying ballads in hi» ie ijßte-tyliru His latest A' to, MGM. vr'th Jack Miller and : | crew a-- tst pairs 1 LOVE YOU. a| ': Berlin i- w t‘o GOODBYE Vic Dan. -r n Mercury ’with Gieii Os (! erX -• k, txprcSMvely s.n.gs THRU' ' A LONG.AND SLEEPLESS NITL. and then jump: Latin-Amerb-mi 'jui'h MY BOLERO . A romenti.: • | atm '.sphere is musically whipped /around TELL ME WHY Hr Eddie, . | Hvtcard s aggrtgaiiuh. v.-hik Eddy . and flu trio make with the query . i.-ig lyrics. Pi .red is the familUn . MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE. SHKfH.VLF THADITION Al.. N FAT Th. Mahal!., .Tt ssim MOVE UP i LII’TLE HIGHER gi-ft. snirLto treatment from Mildred 'TMh. <•. Va. " with tl’c O .::-t 1 A :i' ‘ IT: irc.-J'iettes. The Jiarr.iWiet cs tui.n flip It tr. tionnt • mt of THIRTY PIECES OF SILYK! •, Twi mare Jra.itticna. lien;.- el 'A. IIWILBERFORGE TO j BE SCENE OF ATA COURT TOURNEY UTLEERKIRCF.. O. iANI") The 19-13 na.ioiuil tennis i-li im pien.tu.: tnt-et of tbt Atncri ' n Tennis \sxoc-iatinn will he held on the courts of the .-stall t olb’gc of Ut’ncation ini! In (lustrial Art . Yugust -M-27. fiourge Stewart will defend iris national title againat such I'V.tis as tile sensalion.il Oscm ,?i hnsun of Los Angeles and .lehn S 4 Garrc-tt. veterans sin j;!cs champion from Tuskegec. Oilier lie! ending champions expected to he prerent include: A tin a Gil oil, women’s sin gb-.x; Harold Erccman. boys singles; Helen Aliimiy. girls sin gle-: Mrs Elcese fhornion wemen's veteran singles; George Stewart and l)r. Hubert Hatch, men's li iubiiMaryard Driver inii .lames Thompkins junier riinblcs and Altliea Ciosun and Dr I{. Walter Johnson, mixed I doubles. JACOUET ANO VAUGHAN PLAT TABLE THEATRE FHILADKLPHFA ?c --ut*t. iho renownt 4 • I>vnnn i ' CM Tho Saxcj.hor.f*." and i.-.c irn-om : ? Sarah tr-c "‘Girl •Vilh 'i iu M-'-ir-c V<')ce.* whr ' avt . <■’ - bir.cd To «• /- A r-jvci-al rd’rd it true - :n tl > the iJ a c q:; et • \ r ;q. •; gh<i i•, tr« ill the E-a 5 i«. • , AL ■ •*' ?:.! *..»>.< .0 ; •Jqp •. Ka .. Os ; hestw,. and it will be recall*#* . it .' i *■' -* ip-'i t 1 ‘ i.ij \'i t* tlrree years a£n as :• featured slh 'he- Basic cr*?-\v. Ja.a.act and Mis> Vaunhn shaU ■: ‘.V•-d 1 h•: .itorid.ir 1 ft• ir.it} k st t j .>\ I iHv Eckstinc m their engagement at the Neav York nil ran able ex'- s.'-i.cuiitr < \ concei t t jui the How id in Wnsbington, the : - .:'oi :Ci' ■ inot e !it.*e > '■'mu.-:, i 2 f e.i! led ou ' u. . j : ! 1 the rccor-i '..-u.sk u a- v. d- J . -v.a;KK'J u tb.- U.imu-i Bern .1 erjin-.f ufnl Mirs Vougl: n .•r(' ('1,.; Irr: f:ri; e-'Tseert tor.-;••• ~ i t U'ren? cs vci v cor:g i40.5.-;biltJv tlicy xri *i -n up for ns. !..■ vi Ah' inmugr. !:;• ct-r.art rml) >' c nit i.vin ' ie " ■ t the fact A." M V., : ; terms for a tinv.U-r tour w.il. :ni ne-.vlv Art it Shu w bmw it:v a nritfynni fh..\ Jo; i quet and ?.I ; Vgj-.ej' wiij put. ; ii frthri." '■;■■.<■■■ very likoii be f.j-t.h rhir.ing (j.ir.i-j, ilicir l''. r •ilnilclphi.-i , ngjKjifietrt.- CAPT. e. PEKROSf WINS MO. VALLEY COURT TOURNEY /'APT DIT Y Mo .AX!’, Cbarii s l *. <,C K:i.i.,e I'hv-: play'd a strent? garni- ;b,.eu , b.;i : the • •! in -»in th< ir i s. ■ h.-.;n iDuii.x'iip ’is’ ive k in the Miss tni Galley T niii- ueirn e'" :ri o' ih • b . . f'.ty T I ■: rs dish Cap' Pirm-se uelo-tUU E;-R..-- • <e K. ’ (’ (J- '•■ ' '' ' • tuk tihv r-oiui. He v.i-i: from lY,nj V. > , li; •• .To i i. f. 1. R■} ::! I*o If. i.-.s \|: >' j 0-I-. a!,. ■■ -i !F:'.•• • - I ,o'ii * . (; <5 i i >.! *« r. i-nir Up'. Ros- itare • I fit .rivs La i : ,K- '.'it'. 1 i ■■ k. tin <'■ elt:' . 'til!" iwn.i i«'n hi-.rth'is from S' L E: i;ik oj.i K -ilv • ; ly .i I tj." I Ali "! }|" • -“is ' .ijr, wi n th ir.i'Xf/1 doubl-is tj'le !.«» Fine A. - : (> ■.;, is otel . ’arii • *.. V•i. • U i . Gitv liars il, re"-, i -isle' (•'v-M fine a’.iri Mr,, k T‘»wn*i-ort < ■ M , ri, • • '' mi- col•• ' Mine' . Uroivn Kstnsui Uitv V«. hi 'b • • , \viib- (inaTe 8 1 t> •! Eeilv W-.l \ ■■■• ii -it Y"t. f ouis V(ia Un- "ii'ic : !. - 1 vi,*-' - <5 v 4-t'. U< from W-.Uiat-i : Fn'it, • Kansas City. Km-.p - I I I .( hsii'i in rhythm" lyp.- done |. by the Si... me Cr ifa f • V',.?.L- I ssm • tii'.y hamonL.ing sou ; voi: 'talk about ve ;üblv : 1 ,i ijv.vuir -'i -ph-i.! a‘ witli w.v'ui'e j ' fed v.v* ; ‘ •J,- ..* i .’-11 1r;r‘-ti i : TV'EtY. L' 'F.> AG AIN if " ■ 1 pdee 15 Avj'.-tavJ i -• and ;.r J.tre-s- • I jp-iere t>f w. : ;u>ux awe is ■' t«: • >■ t 'h< nini.'-ijiil i'sen.e of Its . .a’ F, . v cfi'r. .t.i W'rediiif- Tv, i • Tri j pairs -v-i ’fee. DUAVI- ON ,fi KNITS • [ ii . ,-.?.t i.. cm i. . tu REST PR* MVI *Vi j* J,\ i■; > ) . x b’d fvl? ,V. Hll.E, Pr-i/ffWmd l J ' '' ; d, , jsi I .L'/'i ■pfj 1 mhßl mmi % m 1m? +* & f* i ■ ku • * vot thi i ! < osr? \ sixri- Vli k\t « ,en-yt i ai dd i ,'leopli'-is lit bimurs is crc.uint; a <;n'..itifln ;<mi id,.;- nation as the "’Yirndfu ?mt\ gos'j>o| s isq;q*r. ‘ from making r tht makr.s a HUin/rr D.i‘ pul If ;i.» UK-r- U f ix- H LET’S LISTEN nMD till i*!.i ;* ii< c s* •: ,*m if ■>^rjw r HOLLYWOOD • ANR> K Efjiei -i'“m -.n. line ai X 1 : leg's veicrun nrasrea) < a, . 'arf-' i has enlricii r nii - L-i: •i"d i% nii-ring in .< situ.titan crjjriy rs, ex jr» Mind: ys i'a NBC. Mi-., a’ lrnan is e.’-l is f'.ri-li 4ml (h.- pJi'grnm paroi le;- he I et' frfe - V "i - ineirie- NBC iiuation .'."•■••■A program debuting T, in>iL urgust will star ;u ar-U.r Robert young- in 'Falb.-i Knew % Be-;i ' Ku» tr and Allen w ill (>:* bark e.JI tilt* <: - !his H) .-.l*l .1 mi r ■, in s. i '»;> amt ,■* t spi*n- r n: vi t. iiat.niiai brosd c “IIIT J - h-.-.v will start n’* *»■■ , t n!,< r .i :ri .. Al I:,* !.. ~! i'll T\ ■ ’ i . ~ l.’i' ..,,, ': * 1 1 '.) :» ,1“ T i:".' , -jla f i:m.- rial ,a:‘i: : i. : t.-i ii 4 (t.1i.l )..- Alt * i ft*■, i, li! ia:. m ' * ' -b* :f. ,ive-; iv..'-. how ■ I, . ru '■ •1 O' . i ,-j Oat) * N< ..*oij -..r-.*s Hu. • riot H ii.'ard. Th<» w.il ;e --ly siiues !■ tin F. ' Camsm nituitr il T Kalten bt-iii • "iriri : \:U.-j slii*. sum mer . J.ti SUi t'!f; .»» ;:nd lab < ih* m . were :.cD-vi: /on ta, !- ■ r I'd vt! 1 v uiT 'f i r .J Ihe Tcv. -> \x\;U -l * N W iis -. . -;i -fr/i ,1 xn angrrr.ents :* r<' • cast Cr.uwpiri.Urip boxing bouts Un Ok- '-iic;.ng year . . FA M> 11 r. nJ’. ie Lit the first major i ■' en'ii vre: -.ly trir visii.a ser e.. -a i-njaunte r,-<i;n Roil' twnil Dis ..ut:ixn;i l.driir VJberi. • -‘age *•• n 4 ht- ■- > :fnr. it *.s sign* grt mik the .X tie u- *ior ', and ■ ii :«tq **, i" a rtail-. lia'f' boar * run-. * i-g.un.ng ir. Tlil DSAI AND DIsU ; Rui!- CeSs. t-iAidwct-'-v r > m C S ROTJNIA N tr* iii beard ■ ; t!*c Yi'.ir NB'ine .nunto: iurn in N ( in ilic, T rm. on Thf son of YB mi '■ tr- i m Robinson. 1 orrr.'-.iv <ti ('non Miss. who :»rr m.- 1 ng tit- i> Iv r-ic ;•> (hi I’ISO, <lt oyhtiv ntmrt- in- first PuhM, appc.-ii.ts>* n Hi tlx .g< of Wl’i ■ I’ f'vt r-t 'ißriarlor Jfikiw f: rttihi ti a m> St in pr»n --■ s tit s irt It- vv.flt his -f re- in spcllbf'.-ntl Lost V-ofk'n«l. fit. . ntt mnt bo adds ! hi- tors -h -ft n ith hi.* music for the motion j IMure Madam I J.l "( •»;,, ts j • Into MOM : <i li.ivt 1 .just is i : util Hr:.’ ,i - new • r:i>u»ph .!( in all urn til font sides recorded liit'< tit iron- the tSicker sound tisrk. fins i fleeing is -.eetiei'ierf > font divisions. N1 id.ime Bo xy > - V'altr. I'irt I an:! 2. Pre lude and Uom-un-t and Tm rent inti Dasscpied In light riassatai m*»<*d arc the ■ iviii:!• ■■ « i K-.ii'rvrt <lr a v i- i.ginj, the laminar >!wm time Tim Didn't iSpJit t tie tml '.Vx\ ‘ - Serenade. the l itter l.skrty i■ -j 1 -1 a lisky s ' .'-"Ti-n; rt-• :{)»• vtrni*;.. ’ J'ne •..•ra! i;v.l r 'inn ay tv; v renditions of pb-usi slar Celt* fiat retl avi iiv a s -'■ 1 1 fentare for ii. i ..' h i --iwris of tt nv Won't Vj Hand lie'rtin Muik ,i»d her duet si.j< with huhbj rd! :■ -L. I ... : Baris; lidiltf S til ly *i,lc .Hid Uviltar. I'll! in I nve. mi. m this good did r eliable way At the Hr:’ xxn •' t!.,e Dionne Quir t>*p! -is eat .'iiit:'.- e .J—• -'fiy. ‘., and 1 i '•:11 -..-. re . ti wit>i Mu-ho-’ e—ft l»rtdi.i’t -f.-'i.- 'ly to proir-.i>tJy rel’tve hie* : • sa of r-xd-- atij irenrhi.-il and cr<..upy C‘-'i;d'.:,. Tie Quinta i.i.v. aisua;.? rati expert rare, mother —! •* esrura-i of j;.« t a’.-nit the H'KFT pru.l i.t made tiiie.n v i - Ma.-tt..-of'.- ItV inert ■JliitTi i r.Jirmry ''suit btarterala , hel; a break t;» 1 -cal conprMioo! IN STS El G Til Sr Children’* Mill Yw«te- -'e. Also Rc-spiiar end F:<tra i-y- -rX'yf ’? fr-r - 1-0 -'-n-v:v-. v/h tjfffflr it stronger protlodt. Ail drugstore*. PICKETS CLASH IN AUSTIN BI?UV \l STIN Tex AXPi The ihosvins •> Home of the l rate,’ the Stiiulcv Kr.tmor-Scieeu Mays produced '‘picture with Ruts" uas indirectly the cause, of a brawl between pickets and i a>si rshy at a first-run theatre house in the downtown area hert last week. The pickets, calling them selve- "Tfoiuig iiistin Progres sives" thrt «• up a <in«» at oumt tile theatn in proti st to the .egregaticni ot the audience, and distrii-uted circulars praising tin in-.vie story of tile exper iences of a Negro soldiei dur ing the war V curding to police, there were several figiifs between the (iikiis and passersliy. tii one, a si idler siding with the pickets was slugged The brawls were Mir In the time police arrived and they w ere unable to ob tain names of any persons in volved. Ihe pickets were order id away from tile theatre PEARL PRIMUS WRITES ABOUT DANCE IN BOOK Reviewed by Gladys P Graham WAV YORK CITY -AND, i far! I’l'imnnoted (ianeor one ■n the 33 eunti-iiutec- who have dr vMfcd then- efforts to iVi.'ike "The hUiir Ki!eyelopi d by An uole Chup'.v a m'onurncrual contribution x. at t wti, lilcriiUH- M; > s Primus yvi ttc*.-- ■ 'l’vimit iv" African Dance • h>ch they w ere done dances in til* So,-.hern lw ist chun fuv -o cixof-iv rf;-c niliie- tor dance in mind that the Amer.'e.i-- form ; id! narii. With frw cxr.npuoo . *t vr if,l- -<ic:al and political mir ! ml the psyi h.-ii-gy *>i the poo o. >■; true. The fight to exist then x- • - l-at ii u (i ;*- x • Th- Dance Eiievd. a 540 P a-.- x |Hif iisb' Cl V, A S, H-piv?. v ork t f ii- kind that has ■ Ciui.i< - A i 1 id;. ■n I. X . RO: < rx 1 aid ~-x-v.. ■ a.: The ,thor literary VnatHir? Chujoy’s TiiC n I- ■ i lope tii are -, •]* .'. i .!.■• - fii id Their *.aroincri ■ effort: have brought the dances i tv. thivugh the ages to the lay-) ■a* i, a *- •-! r.bc- professionals in .. : valuable :n;d ;nttisj>«»Rsible i'iiod ■; l- i; vx* : :.hy of keeping on on •, . n t.-ding ?.! ,d refcrenei shelf JACKSON GETS NETWORK SHOW BALT ! .jVK>iiK Md Harold i .! .v: -'- a w ■ ■. be< a -,e th- first Nv- , rr. disc- le.ekt’v iii Washington, D, C xxii- lv of years ;a when ht- • ' i .■ . ihf x.li'V. . yes if WJNX Wil.l; • h piijiuiar platter e essi«>n. "Thej !: . , • Tir.-t .!nck Bu it." h■- -cor • a ims Nixcm per;.nnauty i" a;r; lift.work Di-sc-jot !<.^> v -n ; >’A'. •T-Uk - X . MX, •’> DuxJX-vd I,on j *. « j• • * ll .■ session ••!-i.:ir.f!te> or. i ! ''ii AYS ID r.a., iii'Mi e •md a ;.!'ax< ,ia j to WOOK i!) the nation's c. -• : Dc.ii-s il l- < Itly b'-xtuv xvar..-.iatfi-i f>v .l;.ckson's .-•!• •>• to’ b< carried on new outlets in such ' ! cities as Richtmuid, NerloJk R(,ft ukc, Wiirr.inj.'l. a Hitgersttiwn utto : Cumber Dd. Discjkuikey .tavksoi! wit? soon j !. i.c » .•p-.y.-'ia! them* son.g for W‘-j new «•. • • . k s . -ha i v. . ’ b<- ' AM". 11 ii hi* ]|< ■'. a- ! • X lydlC-Ud t; idn% Soi’.soc; -mi i • .-orded to; ! ;.-.x -• l proirr.ner.'. i»iTisi.s. Iffy . Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin To soothe itching, burning akin, apply ! medicated liquid ZEMO—a Doctor » formula backed by 30 years oontfnu- 1 tms success! For ringworm symptoms, 1 ecretna, athlete’s foot or blemisbfc* due to external cause, apply ZEMO i freely. Soon the discomfort should disappear. Over £5,000,000 packages sold. On* tri.-.l convinces. Only ft. Al»>GWaud*l/10. ypiyi e| .. .»... ®is- f, w « %F 1 W _ - "•> * Down Moils dv l «ine 5 * AI OITORH At It .NIPS Ctarlif Brown and Cootie Wil liams played to »n audience of j approx mntely 1355 norsen; ** the Kcieisii Memorial Auditorium Cx n*i,iv night. The rainy w. athc-r •. ;ui a ciiinij-e! on 'ho attendance, out those present had a soc-d "blue ’; Mondcy o> ening. Nii. “1.-.ur-s" Browtt had the ri i'l h * ■ lowdragging ail over the hardwood! area of the ropi >■••l eil\ meeting place when he gave forth with "Drifting Blue I .’ "'IT outile IJiues." and "Get YoursrUi, Another I aol Co. tic's Hand was a I Üb. off beat j • xccpt lor his tenor saxC'phc-nist , ibis ltd really accounted ter !he j.'icseuee ot Williti bead , xi !hx . iiai.o'siiil d he »i, c out wiln sucii niinibej-,'- at "Typhoon." Olid "Rah- 1 ; bins Nest" fl'Vlilt GIRL On tm- August '!(! issue nf IbunheiU Nlag. Sara Vaughan, winner ci the mail's poll is i-ucalis-f for lyv> years in i i w. is featured as the cover ) 'r anauty. Sarah is seen *s ammint tiashly hop tie worn by Oi/.-y- tiiliesfie. wtlih Count l a-ie looks oil. I In* trio was mugged at Bop i ity in Ootham. NOT BO THE It ED IV COWBOYS * very uni. but Lionel Hompb.-.n -■ 'm- '* be wc.-iTicd nhout site htll ilx 'hr at Hump s. ys; "The v \v • -h: vt-n't hurt "m boxoffice ; ,nsw : to !tic threat sight here in "That's S' nny Parker M, Hi,ue. hmi-a.lf - who sings eov x-x e-ngs with that old spit ilua'i Dieted in semi-range tiding t-. ’a . S'-'iHiv sings "C vreh '(.iml • c -it !.,. mil ht bring; nut ■ -■x..- nil di Hider In The sV: Hamp is right about cowpokes noi hurting him In cause he had the sensational crowd ot Is ii ,’u d.i'hing people t t. \ A B vigil v i leld recently, not to mention the riot he caused in Oakland. Hafnp probably says ‘Bring on iv'or< rowrokes end pie HOLIDAY S\\t. Billie Holiday *av: for three nights at the Con ’.neutal in Milwaukee last month Wonder if the gal i. realH on her way hack and if -he is will the promoters give her m even break? She deserves it. , s unfortunate when a gai like her tails in love nilli a LESNFVICH TO RETIRE AFTER CHARLES BOUT NEW YORK i A.\ f’ i Th* win-; i*er ami still h- .• vyweight i haul jiion ot the world uiimis Virginia, ! Now York, and liv.-at B ila it ia iC.-./ard t'harlck of CincSunati. O. ; thanks to an easy vixtovy by .: i-t'iv.x ’-.’und TKO of (l«> ix sin vi*:h Ol’ Cus rau put cf tr» alt x u muqimg sixth round raiiy in a finh vicwya by only If fijit ;spiritu. fans who contributed -to » gate of • . ..'X J ! it-, won eve: v -xiijxx , evciipi t.h*’ sixth I Iji'fit;evii.-h aanr.-anced his retive ntf-nt th*: day after th*- tight. In : the au-antinie it it rumor-d that ; Chni-lg . pcx; opponent will he the j feather man.. Joey Maxim who wst to flgin Li,-nvvieh tn-'xl month In , ■ Ciucinuaiti for the r-e tilled Ameri can IVS pound I'hair.pionstHp Ae j i-uriiiiii: to Caulill*row Is will j uie-et Maxim in th* Cbintuo -ta*i -j Atm :ti Oetoie i or November utide; ti**- T!fC IsmuLr Lest: vi.-h was a ivit-tered Mood; !}iu!k of a liglite: as he <siwided t" oi.ll it (juits at tin- etid H 1 xe" • nth rouiia on one of New York' |hotte- ; to- at Yankee Stadium Charles had jabbed him. : ;tx i u vj * X ho-'dis and tiph? crosses i nod haf] severely punished his Ixut- * :,n<! f;icc- throughout t.h* fight. Dus | i vuitile on** t'ii.ai ■ it on '<» salvage . ; : virtoi y ami ■ ? -* v - - ; ' '■ ' \ i*--iu-*ut'h. It: th.it evftntfu; "'xrh ; ot. 11 *1 fitli* a tual-v 11*10*1 -.i' oil fii- . ’<)! fens-re. The seventh round w.-r I all Chari!-' ntui Hi! so: D'.-uevi-h do ;die the -jHUiisshimMit he j niwd <s*a tiovar hit. ’if ft*turns. ; Ahh.'ttgh this victory probahl’ j jvi vt-.i the ’’a; f’« '' tli'v h j rer-ogii; o<l by New 5 ork as '-lit*;i’ I pill-:;, il 1 Ml ] •*' os, eliei ' j on Hi. s-i-'e ~l Yirvi:>.■ ■ ? TI: • Vs i fciniti Boxinv ami Wrest 11ns '•-”> ] n-owahot Voted I!lit to rtcxvaiae hi J Nov. vs ho do they think eh on' j Mi- tin- rurii i -. .eirh? Dl\«\ AND DODSON j HEAD FOR F.l HOPE ; j '.'i. I- Dodson of Brookiyti play- j wrU’frt. wo: Dean Dixoi: of Man* ; haft. n. mnsk-ian, will five Euro* i pettns something; to think about j this season Mr Dixon is ready-j] ino to fly to La. !-■ tii conrj uc-t ihia.Y ! syrnpboriit concerl - Dodson along: with his Howard e-ilteaßues will; ; ?rform ibdiia to audienei:.. it Oala. , Bet .ton. Sirsiv.ingir ond rroiidhcim itftfi possiWy. Oeuawk PAGE SEVEN nutnager like i try r.tt.l get tne u * r: I i nd its the deal. DORSEY' NYMS It IN ji l t 'I i mmy Dorsey had beer: named in a race discrimination suit in L n . tiled dgamst him a- thief ovu ei of tie Casino Garden--. ii AVS OS. Oiii hats off to Mike Lev m fer his Dov« a Lt.*:t i-olutnn, 'Notes Be i .vecii Note;* The colttmnif.t takes exception to Variety's view that things .ore igloomy becau:*’ d'e night bushier" !iol thrivin::; it: Hari'tir. While ; regretting the Lad busing *? for the Nt-giv night clubs, i..> vjr. thinks i thfci the n. yvs i: suing- of Ihs beet |to appear about Harlem in a long while. Accord-nOv. he vvrite« V i interpret Use events, it means this. At lung hist Negro tvlcnt I- beginning to get rtu ugh of brink In wUite ngint eluo.s, siitu theaters so that it n not ton-eil to display in wares in one ncighhorhiiud. AY hert as 15 >-t,n ago l .ena Herne danced hi the Cotton • luls und the cnttnn On!’ alone.. ’ln: is non a star ex big clubs the country over Ihe same is true of other Negro -acts and ns unci an • Thus, though l regret Ihe pas? lug ot .. Harlem where every iiltlc block !i ts yeimi'i Avenue he! a in.a- little .lamp band and with some truly astimish iig rutting sessions goir.g on evil* night. I am glad to see il pa»s away if it n tUy means th it the people who B e there and who before w*te no t eal part of the night ih» are going to gel a better bleak in both day and night lito .MR I \i v»v Billy f ckstini has been book ed for tin New York i iiv Pau mniim th' atsc' ( hi-islm is she” Ifi viiat * i- 11 n«*i l« d to he highet hs- has e\ er got - tin 111, one *n_ *> .a ash, eg i rire i- said to be S?,000, tioe.3 dongb if you ian knead it! CM TITlx t. YUM . I BONG ,? 'lVxi uVdk'}! r]tO •, £ ; ’!; c-' I-*-- ‘ii i rve-AA- Vovk. -4f*o■ the 1 ;; A n-* .* r'ij \l f -■ < f»r« (»r«d ■ * *■ ?r TMn C,tv iiJitf. whenever Mat “I. uiv doo«-ii‘t n*;rfj ?>>«- any rr»«f t\“ .farlt sai*l T h <* •<«. c*'> - »***; OK long tpf&rr i ranje ahTj: Vnd > l*lto ;a Vand of «n\ own I've talked »t o\et with I tmi& nui h* undeistandt sh» \v,iy 1 frc’i.*' Nobody hav any who will r* place Tea garden if he really mi am gto on sPHfiv i 1 B» %I «HKF FfiOM S I®W 1m %*> ITC« ANP THIN WAIK ANO SIT IN CQW<m Use Poslam—theC OKCENTRATED ointment —es thonsaruls have The oih base ■ HOLINS Pcislam s medlcntlon on the smarting E'xin to coo! and soothe that agonizing itch and burn. Sold from <o«st to coast for 3.7 years. Ask yentr *,doctor Only 50c, all drug stores.^ oatig^i R AI.EfGH, NORTH « A BOLIN A yVNUAY VN'P MONDAY. \CGf XT Y* - : ' ffeyvard Duff Chd? O .'(ls IN HUM AN VO A COL OR C \RIOON ODDITY RFM NT AY'S ML THf. DAY l - - —■ — ~- TUESDAY. AUGUST 23 RAY MIT LAND Os f? Y I DINE 1 IT/I f B AUD IN SO FAIL MY LOVE COMEDY (ARTOON | YVORI D Os NEWS j __ ___ WHIMMIYY A VHfRSDAY i VICO ST ‘i4--'-7 Lillis Hayward, I strict Blair I v fill BLACK ARROW ALSO 808 HOWARD NORM- SlsSLL'h ORT H vm nlk house ?\m\ AND CHARTER 5 .11 VlOft fi-ME\ » RID AY Sr. SATURDAY ACT IST 3«-27 DOL’BI.K FRATIHF-T AL 'LASH' LA RUE DEAD MAN’S COLD AND - Errol Flynn, Barbara Stanwyck i RY WOLF ALSO CHATTER ’! LACK ARMSTRONG i ypiw»i«.X!|^llO*«|i|«*>iat*WoPWw««*lr;3»iMiwJ

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