PAGE EIGHT Continued Fro«r» Page- One SOCIAL SECURITY around 4? mllli n. Tin old-Hsre InmiMc will h-- boosted ‘Tom 50 percent to j •>»» »»• . '’Wit In some i'ti tegork-s Thin wii! »«*■'!>, :tut,e Inri-vage ot s' K*>otri<j* tax from un- to om- Mii ontohftll percent It was decided hv ihc committee that thin ina-caae would effective by .in i, hi Mnl til at the lev'- Mould inn ease to two uiid one-ha if percent by liuio and in three pei-curr by 1 JiBB The bill provides that the ieti; brent ,;ge of fi.i yc.n-s be lowered to 60 for women The totally mi ! ptminnenfly disabled hers- ns 'ill Vecfiv' the rr.riie hcneflin a~ tbei would it they bad rimheil retire m»nt age, A t-c tired peroaa would bi p* t ni tiled to imi a ■ iniu li \ month without loss of benefits end Jtrrton: over 76 would bo paid re gardlfcSi of employment. VA. IKK) 1 first shot itepuesod the side nt Hall's tar, m which Clii-ek w,- Kitting One p"Hi. i ulunrtMi -.o Cheek':, face Cheek was ti<ln -• ii to Medical ■■ •> 1 lege hospital Police. however, we unable to find ilm pistols who O.'rc.vs alleged the white m n i • ■ d to flt-c :.t. bouse. .N'ltber were they abic to discover any bullet boles. Both while nu.m <cn.>d til ing at the house Mrs Crews said sbe. had < <■ idi-a that any trouble would develop is a result of her buying tie bos,. , Her fftiully has not moved in the bouse as yet Iterant.•• of toe i and tlisni .-ind of threat that ' • •, had Ik ‘ic not.” G.\. IMRi NTS bus t.ronspori itj! c; iu>* ; >nl m* fifth of the < d o-"ri child rn ’e reive such service 5. White schooN .v« 175 teaching days a -r ; > onlj ltd ri vs foi Negro scho - 6 N- .:. • (oarin' , ■- than white tenrhe’ 7 There aie 2ft non-ioactiit . em ployees in the whit- system ,■. ri none in the Negro. While sclv Is get janitor «erv;r- ( not :t i iutions do net The u d i A Walden. Atlanta Jf ney md pro-' sident of the Atlanta Urban L> gue DUBOIS Aide before - hf> joint oonr = it ter . < I K'orel.:o H> is' I. : .cl Arnior! Services i cur,..quo: C • they approve the revised ;r,* s ; whi< h provided for M.lbb.Edw.noo t , furnish military s.-si *se to Monh Vilantii y.-.-aty iwin’C' .is cfi n - geld »<i we cannot rule Ai 'hmoi We tr: ri to rule Puerto Rico and gave it the highest suicide rye in the world. HV sought to : tic China and have Just confessed mir failure Wo sot out to rule Herniat y and apparently our only resu’t is «»rr‘.ni>r tr> th<- very forces "fit b tve fought a world war to subdue He tsked the Reprc.semati'aav . how American w.i? op nipped ?n tfain democracy to the world wb ri she cboc»ecs a Seen tary of S' ■. train-:d in the democracy of foorb Carolina When America wan* •: to linietvel the worst cconnini - snarl of the ruodern world, co i tinued Hr Dulloia, elm ''bom „ general r uicd in military int'U - a» West Point, and when she wan ed to - t.dy race relation* wi-■ >in . bur own borders she aomm-o'icd a baseball player. fJ iw con i nation wh'-h »*-• ... rp, and d.-irki'-.’ eor | .t’*' i world full of colored tteop 1, *- asked fn c.nnvpariae 'be hysteria whi b existed >n America during tis nine t*:en’h century with * - win- a frightens Americans today v it. ness sefd that, an' tit Iren who •!’ ■- liked slavery In 'b : * sac’s vves c :■ an "abolitionls 1 or a "n.v.g» r lower". H “ was a- • "'••• of V-Br-vm ip free love and i-uc -cr ><i be., slave masters. It w-as coot >i TRAIN . ; THEM -YOUNG y/ f You "an do a vounjrs-for WJ . * »y"' on ifroat r favor thiru *. by teaching the va iu. of Sfey \ thrift. Start doinjr this t JffWy \ 1 \J| today: \ \ 'Without “pinch inir <*» “tL : Ayt “scraping” sot a id. a ** ** portion of your income every payday. •Open a Savings Ac count with us where your money is proterv I ed apainst loss, fire and theft. •Make it. a policy to add to your ■<-count regularly. Before you know it, regular d • posits plus interest will give you n substan tial reserve of cash that is readily available when you need it _ jFiRSt crnzENs] BANK AND TRUST CO. Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. RALEIGH, N. C. (he! be nupht, to b- lynched or mobbed. tiuiuy whin anybody qucu.i,.p. the nowet u! wculth. oi mi oeot '. the buitllng of l'v: •», or expresses 1 jit f ii! civil right oi. IN: uloda ll<- I- briMldcJ .-is U Onnriun .1 : i ovniiitl-jhist, a ' oundr-l ami is luibi - to lose his lob or luild ni if, .tills HKKK'v lt;< KEH YiltvV Hulloit. "«■■! .Mten.ptiug < vtrn! to defend the t.’omniuniati-j point ol view. People run being aught today j (i-iii Hip'stiiti i'oMinuiiisui i- 'one I hi up. dii.hon.'K’. misled and esnati ! ir.Jby- evil”, doclari 'I lb - spc-akei. : 'wb ; i they are made r,. think tha> our e.ipitullstk ay.teni alone i light. and Iru-h. "1 i.i.i -I fellow-tiavclc, wlch t om Imuntsls in so far ns they belie'- i h<> ;rt ip ideals of socialism a.- :lu id down b> the world’s Kf-eal thinkers etnee the 17th century.' flciliired i ! I'd leva l'u the .’l*' Jit lon of poverty. 1 boh ve in -*”'•• i-ig the Soria! and politb-al p«»vv**r of wealth 1 belP'v. in planning oi . 1 nstt y inel more .mis! dlst ribii. ion of income There is in this body : ~f belief nothing r< rolutjotvi -> unless human progress is revoln • ionni rivre is nothing which hi , no* been advocated 1" the be u * rbiukers of Hire- i enturics." M\t l> Si’F.EUS All) loud .irea. rc idling in the burn r. . i ’brer Negro hotnes uc 'b them 'ha' of Shepherd’s father) Mr. Williams made on on-the-spot in\e.slijffdion of the Groveiand sit uation. He isMhc.ed evidence indienting that 'he prisoners are innocent of .h. ...: a• ihem and *hat -. .• jvfj 'i n ti-Negro sentiment tf:c behond the rioting .\<'yi. NAAfP Secretory Boy Wiltons rc that conlrlbu „ f o i ’, ,i ccli.-Pse of th( trio .0 in ftei tile. Asjncin tj< n amiounccd its intention of :p, r .-..■<■ A yip . f SH7 3R n.teivcd iron) Ihe stutlerds of Bethiioi -Cot-kmon Colloae. 523 tjii. {neulty and students of it •; ind i trial C i* ;, C c sunener m hool. and SSO from . n Fede; dion of Colored Women’s Clubs. A n,.vv meeting tc, protest the ... j_,v ■ hriri in O ! -nil .on Aitgu-' 14 icier the dn-ecti n d John 1' gljj. p..dt : i of the Orlan io r.-m tv of- lie N A ACP, and it- ..*' h Florid-. S’.’e Conlerenc- "f MAACP branches The Association s prd.d:sh ng pain > del pres'mi • vri.ii.. this uec k sen’ a tot lor of: (,f M-IRK UM)S damage to three v«-<rro homes which are located as proximate ly bail block from the homes o) the i ,vn ministers in 'he \orth Sn.ithfield areas. On Sntu-'dov liowcvei . oii ; i nurci.nscn gclherod on fho p tcSck iof the two hot. ms and np. uc f v j upon, the first, of three errs which had been Kchc-duted to .. al -.. ' , boinbioy i 'jn. A :• revd. to ■ . huylAy ,l»■ -o-■ .. ij r.,' ti-: • T>Jg ' - f, K r : ' ’f . tht r. K k 'di Vi phj ev r.w it - Micss’ tofidid --U the le-vr. and c-.’iiG’* tht' curbin'' A i'b’>ti a h ti'* bU’ ’’ ; rhatU red ! VI dnv ; b Uu- m ;!'!;< r:n od -M ‘ loosencd u-ver:!; pis-k■ n • senou* d no to ciV-o;:- nouss • r.%yy ■■ >' Vs- ~r V :;f '..fjf f D»* • rches mjur cd. Pdij-p Commis’.loner t.n-eoe .Bull) Connors was repo; ted ‘highly hieenscd" -’Her lh f »«• cilflenf and declared that the t TV.. ;rj j - t-1- > 'Oilid ‘"hav' called upon Die police fo r help alter getting wind of tor plan.' rather 'bap ''r-'lliog Upon rie.ghhnrs Occupant; -of ih" bouses damor .ri in Past 7AoiCh*s *oouut.n : li.‘Ci j ,i, i, _• li.yp protect ion vc-vera! , -„ wee-ks bfefcri their homes' were at lack'd , l'he city of Birmlngti’.m last week piii "tooth" into its i'.o-i-in: i.r.v; -•vh eh segregate the ari .-s in w.ucn ! N-:gro«-« or wh'les may live. in new t it> ordinance- udv eat d 1" .Police Commissioner F.ugenr ißulli Connor, any c-i-.-on vjolat ;n: »iv zoning re;:illations is rub ier! to . tiiio . I $10(1 ••nd a jail tv. rn nil to IfM days on conviction. Tin: la-.” Conimiss .oner Connor ind ■: U’d. i- desiuni ri In kci ;> lie "N gi-o in I'iplace." 11 makes it e .r ; c.l'neanoi l'< -. a Negro to move into :m area designated for whites i , wh't-> to moi into • colored n. a. C QN.VOK < '(IMHEVTS P; aisinj! his own n-;iv cituim Comn r commerjleb: If something isn S done t« *•(•111 this filing we arc goinc to haic- i looiisbed ss sm-r as we ate sitting here. "Wr have sente colored pro pip in ibis town who are >o bus firing lor money ’lt t* impossible t» oompi'ii mi-i> with these people. They are pu*tiT>ir money nv»-r (heir ran " The; most recent city action lu jimci-ow the laces was evidently ; c.-.s d to try and oust Negroes from, then newly purchased homes in the N.-.rth Himthfield arc, l Dc pressure from many sources di.w property owners have refus ed i■: be put »ut of tht ir legally .M-.ii.iri’d residences. C nnor hinted that lie and his legal advisors wr-iv woUlni- to car ry - case up to tin: U. S. Supreme Court, to test tne legality of the new ordinance. He will not approve n change in the zoning regulations ;n the Smithfield are.) ,a change which the four other city commissioners taw.- Such a luliu.; would lie : 'e. qaickest. an.l h st solufinn to the problem NEW I AH reads. “Section 2: That <t -hall be a misdemeanor for a member of the hit,a roe ; to, for the purpose of ertr-biishing a permanent, residence. ’. hav-ing moved into, t>'- continue i > reside- in an area in * N City of Birmingham generally and histor ically rccogh'zed at the time as aft area for occupancy by members of the colored race: and Setion 3 That it hall be a inis --meanor I i a member of the io.ii .. race to move into, f.,, uio .ao rose ol establishing a p erman ent resident, or having moved into, to contimie to reside in an area ier ocou'-anev fcy- momb*:rs of the HOI MM, 111 IJHII N! Am :m 'ir,* ' "iii g! I : —.m .» F rk section by builder J W York ■ « a sto.;, iii that direction Do-.pite Representative Id He's statement mfl that -i Vttornes .lamt-s Poynter which declared that the repeated do lay arc oniv a method ot fighting and blocking ttie pro iio.t. (he fits I'nunril postpon 'd a vote on approval of th. pi aject for three weeks This IMv-m d»- whica folievy : o'ore sh u mru ;.h s study and in- ; .oit.'Vf-i of the nrapesM hv the. 1 ■,i;' o’; 1':- Piacriu;; and 7..- ung A omini’.sion, h -“ranted oftet GOiii’gc T. O N . ko.. : ’-Mi for bit’ Longview ii sKicnL- urged thoi : i’urth*. r action hi postponed duo to. ob.vnre from trw r ; i> of How tied Venn ,:■ MlUm O.V fill 1J , ’ ! ,o>n.. view grosjip, .’• '■ ut-y pi, titer <■,■•( d the. ■lwf -I t such , >-:poiiw:enl is ceciary ' since all lias beer ■ (’ that (hero is to be .-eci m.m.ji ' : project. ; f'ty Mar».Rfr Roy Braden, howevei, recommended < ">' Ihr I.engviow roc-dents he pr»Mn(e<i before the f’«n r, Hi hv legal r'»tjf’sel befnee the |w*-. act-- on *ne pro jo. ■\tty. Pcjuter duel -ed fbai the ‘ ddod delay const m ntfs sei ious I threat to the project 'lice it will | only a #: cl p* r 'fi ! grace fox the start «.<i the project p-ior \ to th» expirat’on cf options or) the s)!« which are hold by York CABBIE IS HERO ■".■••i killed hi'<-ause of. tni far’ Davis sustained back shoulder •id ho. injuries. Although in treat pain <n Blcnmingtoh hospi ‘ physicians said hs condition '.’os satisfactory He is married and Ole father of Two children. His •f thi r Cornelius, of Columbus, 0., had died earlier in the week oid the body had been shipped to the family home iu Evansville. TOM ( LARK Jihn-erow and white supremacy rulin' and him refuse.! to take so non ogainst the lynchers :nui op. press’.rs of the people" <!■• ch; red Itobasoti. The Nedrro people have rcßhUei* r c Up tr demand (bat in steed of on.iHni'- dark." Robenot) continued 'that. President Truman take th • opportunity to redeem ai least Ip part tils unfilled pre-election prom l«*‘S to them by appoitltine: a Netirn to fill rlie Supreme Court vacnncy creats/) through 1 tie death of Jo- ■ Leo Frank Murph - " K LAX 1 1 !■ EA LS Patterson chareed that Attorney Tom Ola rtfs kinship to th~ “Ideals" of Rlanism disqualified hltn from the bench. "Clerk exemplifies*’. ■ ild Putter son “thp spirit of former Chief .lustk-e Taney who held th:;t ti \v *rro hod no rights that ti white rnf'ii 'vm bound to rcsbwt Murphy claim's) the’ the veter ans oriTani7.Uion which ho n as soda led with has been sob looted to un-American nradlre at the band.- of Torn Clark who labeled it ex subversive. llojcnr" vl, hs.- served as flssts tfiui attorn<•' .mipra! condemned - Clark for the wir-t-tapping tactics : Vsed in Hip Judith Coplon spy case 1 t -This be «?aid is m Indication that s , the ulorjicy gonora! "has no ie- ; i : ganl for human freedom.” Tin Texas burn attorney "has - shown "uiitempt for Negro people” , “ continued Rogge, "that ’o why w> - -ire in easy murk for Communlßtn. * , Vie sa<d that inabad of Ih" ut i tortiey yen.-ral raisins’ th-- otiji j section to a. divh’Uui ni Hu- IJeperf tni'iii nf Justice, he has lot it dl’ib > bio away. N A Arp A ITROVKF . A telegram from Thurgoo.’l Mai 1 i shall, legal ooiiusol of the NAAci’ ! rpprovlmr I lie uppoii:tm-nt of Attv ■ G"u. Clark, was read before the committee -«.t tin Wednesday nigh* session by Chairman I’al Mcf'arran. C'-py of a oitfilion pr'-sentecl to Ly general raising the civil rigt-* - ton branch of *he NAAOP and i signed by the Rev. Stephen Spotts i wood, president, end Joseph H R. j Kvitte, Soere’ary. was also read !» i the chairman. Some of the committee members - questioned the reasoning behind i tiv thinking of Negro groups on the general attitude of the ap , pointi c AI hough 11 was not brought out in the hearing, it !« common know! edge that 27 openings for federal judge; are now available, and that Oho k ‘ciid he would leave the va i-ancles »o be fi'h-d hv J Howard MoGi’i :h wlm ban Vieen appointed to fill Ins pl’-i.'C NEGRO KILLED ! Ibis tiir,', by one willt.- 'nan I.rr.ion Ricks, 50-year-old turpni ; tine worker shot and killed here If. st week Wood row Willi ams, 25, white, during an at-gumen in bich two other white nu-n p:n iticipated. The other two men. Causs Wiliam son, 50 year old father-in : law Os the "layer: and Lest.’;” Mix • on. to v.’.-rc held an material wc Williamson was an c-led -fermally on charges of murder According to the sheriff the four men bad been arguing, hut none ■ of (Ik men would J ay exactly wh'i caused the murder. Woodrow, he v ;ever, admitted shuot.iftg the nru- WURDWIWLH ■ Award Ctafion. Out of the 21 irr - sura nee. companion cited only tne : other in the entire South, the Re | public National Life Insurance i C 'mgany of D lau Texas, quali fier!, ■ The letter r, ( t'rfd by president : Spaulding wa - Odl v • Dear Mr. Spaulding. C :yrniulations! It is my pleasure )to advise you that of tne almost 4 700 annual reports submitted ‘hi..- vi-’ir, \(',-r coipinion v ; one : ’t • | the 1126 entiles achieving p "Merit - Av> *rd" t itntion in the Ninth A”.- • nual Survey of Annual Reports, which .qipears in the FINANCIAL : WORLD Please Hccept this ceit'fiiMte a.- ' indy- d froi.. the -imai. mt of erti • eived a "Morterr. Rating” it has ’qualified foi ihv f'.nai consider Lou, iby the Indcp«vndent Board of : iJudges in the coming selection of 'Best Os industry" aw.ud - u ■ results of ’he fiiu.m-ial j idging ferf ! O c-r r f tr>duMr.v" L oid-'e •• j»l . :be araviuncrd u <-;:riy Oefrbcr Will you be so kind a- to re turn to,; M'di'sed iijuesllo!tn:-ue t i ■mm ,-.f -t ' judges in determining; . L,: ..I-’ -a i i:v of 'in v, .a > i” ad : - ir ;t i ” i t> •>i < end pro- ■ | duct; in u; you.- IfMK ouni'fil re ■ p rt, v -d! a- I’cydersn, and ; C. ■ ’j’ci a■ ■ y v-. -.. ; The N (" Mutu : 's aar-. 1 1 report ■ \c.,i. j-jifbl H’b*r ; ir. th; ao Mm nni. s-'-’v ■ d'.Lor. of the Wiicts’one ! •y tr pii’Mi quarterly -pub’ir.’M j-n. , and w printed by the Service Printing Company. *a Durham firm The abc-ve letter announcing t- c “Meril Avard” < RMior, -ws nr,, .•.•eded only two day? by another from the Irsu>urtr Rest arch and Rc\ iev,- Service of Ir>d ; arm»polis. Bci on June LI praising the work that. N. C. Mutual is doing . and the high tauthirds it is main taining : Wl\s FREEC'OIVI i i lease from the penitent lory. Ac- • • cording to his attorney Luis Ktd : ner. he plans t > flic . claim sot j l • SIOO,OOO through the state lesisla- j lore. If he earin' t get tin- mor.-y ; | there Kutner said, he will then I ■eek retmn through tho courts, j 1 This renrsenU the income Mont- j ! g ornery would b. vt earned if he • bar) been free, thr attorney said, j At present Montgomery is living j ; whh his brothc -in-1 nv. Edward! MacKletchcr whohtr vise. Sen- i ■t.owi., ig iti she worked throughout j his pi i> - on term for his freedom As ’isc ;, n her e-mclftion is isn- ' or ved lie plans to move to Wood - { I land Pane Mich , where !• broth- 1 ■ t-r-ir. 1 ;v.- own. five lots. He wont" ito get i.*v«y from Waukegan as j soon as possible j rLAVS FUTURE Os his future Montgomery said i ‘Tir.-i Em going to Chicago and , sci ibt ut that Jot) that was men-, ■ tinned to me while l was in prison, j ! was a skilled mechanic vhc»» they ; out me pv ay in 1921. That's wha< ‘ II am today end that s the work f■■■ -. 1 looking for.’ | He has alto been offered several ' spe.-king ortgecepu ru for carton? : j tours, but tie -ays would r-ifhcr 1 ' work with his herds. ■ At the time of his conviction.; j Montgomery was -entmeed to life j : in prison. i In announcing h s decision .fudge j , Igoe remarked ir. a ion® if. .page \ 1 opinion “The trial of TMontgomer.: was ; jo sham in that <h. the .state's at- i tornfly dominated the entire pre-! ’ ccedings tbt Ino Hate's pftnrney! THE CAROLINIAN WILMINGTON CREDIT UNION MEUS NEEDS I : Wilmincton N ibe Nt >< i H li-v-i- fp'lit Union ■ hi-'h ■n, u'gdnized in Wilmington rhout a .It ux ago is grow ini’ steadily both in membership and financial > tror.gth. As a result of this growth 1 the orgc'irzatkm j. ; pro pa, d to rcnrlt r a helpful service to its members At a very low rate d interest, I : mans are being made on terms tip. ito cwei- e months This very lib- I -ml and helpful * <rviee the ur.'t-n i <.« r tendering is rerard-d •worth while contribution towards j the solution of the economic prob-; I inns among colored peoph in this j community Loans 'ire made to iv-ithy ap • pltamts among the wit:.. c pn ?ie 'n the low income bracket? as wc|i ps to those v-iin receive l.avger j incomes. ' A public meeting ->f th- New Hanover Credit t.V-nn will h- neld i t p, ice Mi mort rh'.oeh. rath mci Orange S'rer t . m Wetlr.r o. in.ld. August 21 A program has lor ’ ■ •. • d 1 > make this occasion no out vabls ; meeting and to g v. the pj: in m j format ion in detail about the tnim erf its benefits of the Cr-ri’t Union The members of I unum arc expected to be rr- sent and i-e •nihlic is cordially ir.vil-d to conw nut, get acquainted with the ■ ' ganization and line up w th it T ! * ; union ;s out to hr-Ip the 'Negro to w-wc,me a hotter citizen and 'more progressive ; ?oe h* :I. i*- : n!o hut vital ni‘ ns of noft'ifl ' ti<in. Plans have been made fm .< one day picnic at Atlantic Hracti S C on M-nday, August 22. for the benefit of member: of th >;w Han ver Ctcuit i ■ s . nil so a:-. ers who tic; ire to g.. v. tp jin nn -w for a day of - „ ;,oi ... ... Hie .-i hnre The secretary will oI tI * n. w threatened refn 1 iat on t. v re,.. Klux Klan ii the defendant ; ids counsel attempted to -ffei ? y feme, and iri th. js-uc ■;; jhi- V- : r not file guilt or i.,no. ■ • ■ --.I the ••••jrrie of '• ~ i,;|j !jyU ()f racial subjugation " BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE Rent That Spare Room ! ! ! "=- s (;* if a i> Li H A Sofa By Day A Double Bod At Night , I 7 I 4 [ | CONSTRUCTION I 1. S. ACCIDENT RATE Is WORI |.«\ HIGHEST CMh AGO fi,,- United "L\t< ? i haw the hign t -n ’ daut of j I'"". 2 in the "• I'rl, cut it also ll'.s ! ■nr es the world’s highesl •• rad !;>1 death rams Only three coMpii-tr-s pa, top ped iho ncc ut'p' •! ci .il.ii rfii i dl questions it. ftiw i'.n of the iini-ai .(he puhlic meeibi* 'i tli- trip l" Allan Ip it ich If ir tre ted. pie we rail m t , on or it 1013 i2Hr Si phone 2-38IU 1 | Just Received j I Nnw Crop Fur n»p & Cabbage Seed 1 PI ANIT JR SF.I D SOWERS ft AK f ._S SHO VF.I.S ANPHO F 5 —-SPECIAL.-"- H" king HU). HOES Riv-UMi $1 no S. M. YOUNG 1.10 E. MARTIN ST. DIAL 7121 W mm mi mmm mi mmmwm K jmjf . ' JaSI T V-sA AS GOOD AS (iff' ■ ,T LOOKS • • vV V y yJJ ASK m STfITT SCI CREAM AT YOUR OIAS TRS fit SITTSS rOUNT*l|»$.,.K||P IT *? k homi in your mmmm .. , ■ • : -■ WELK ENDIXG &ATUROAY, AUGUST 20, 13-10 Utu’.fcd fit'Ttw- lceland, ri. va * and Austria Tliwe eountrt 4 - i,*ic j lutes r 71 ,i. h. 3 H and Hitt re ( ! lively in 1946 ' Mauritius ... Biitlrh islisnd n-ui iVlJ’da; .a ar, had til- lo.v. si repo, t- I 'd ! r I var nctir'i.. i i d r :"i rati , ■U’ '-/) n UU? Bilks VI DEBATE ON HUMAN BIGHTS Ni'fi; liSROTM-rr, Urwu'i \Vf-M - !h” orrlleri l- r-r wnc': ‘ > i uni- t h f ti Ktu-.v r, tpe i2' i Lpt'an Consul ;hii'vi. ;emjj]\ Uu r 'U.:i ~:oni-1 1 naittee • f mlAisters, voted lau week not. to discus? the afrolarfetsbr. es hurran right® durhig Its edmirttf j dj •. U: 'Hon Although the foreign tnlnlztivs ■ f 1:k 12 nations in, .I'.-ed gave Hu -ei vice |.o human rights they did •-ot fit\' vote service. It v.-as Le- I'cvvil that enlj Or eat. Britain. Ire | i ud .;nd p’r?,urn, and possibly on **her nation voted for discussion i i rich!® bVatf Flic Farolbiian! Now von fan GET S C o T T’S i FAMOUS 9% BAF-lECUE IN RALEIGH A i TW... | «C I INTI:.K>] AND LUNCHEONETTE J J 5 s*, Blondworlh St- INTRODUCING OUR. NEW SPECIALTIES BARBECUE AND FRIED CHICKEN

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