TO FACE GAS CHAMBER FOR FOURTH TIME pJMPgpP 8 jJßff % JjLalfe\ , S 'l£| |B f » «BHH|BPPBBp.-».»%ij£#y ' ’% * llMff^ ‘■IBwMHM! l WffiiliMC£-» ;«!»-" ■' •* YiliTTlliHfflißT’ 1 ™ w«-i ..<*<&\- Mm &»&&%•'>*■■' '■' * ■ >-w.' - fe-rrSBM -♦S'o ■•' ■■••'•■ • • -'v4 2k .“vv2v■'•ft. ■*’•■,*’ ' »jßWlffimßgiy3W.>^>>M<v»wrW*':<Wß v .■fftf.'fev.y jBa'MBWBPWBiM WHERE SEVEN MU DEATH . ( st n.c-t liuatdsitnm and MiTOh are shown as they re moved thi iniitii *>t live lItMM ifrt mfti sod two women from u;t nil t iieviolet which tar ;t;d them In theii > inula \ f , mn> RMI'RN MOVU •tttttlive misses have cm-i'.v re. sun to smile amicably tor l'-ej nave just returned from a much treasured trip to Stfichwclin. feweden Where they attended »ne (i ini World « • ner* \ tsar NMAFaiis to Vote on U.S.Healt DETROIT lANS' 1 The ,\ Medical ~-i a!i;m oki • OtSC i*f i r S IVKC't itCIll" 0:-H)(Va itti histoid without • ;*. t'tii t On big i-mae ot the me. !!if' -i 1 1■ l the NtiA support President T> -•• mart's eompulao: federal health ins uatit r programV Instead ot taking ;■••• im; the o«*i VfU'lPn VCtf-d t<> Hi Mr 11. - SUi.jt-. : jfideft-riiiHly. Th. \un-r--un •*40:.«, »»»cd<tlon tvas in the enter ot the Hi:hi because of its obvftair in i(.n. ,ii ■, stjOucncf tft «• NVki medics to adopt it* c.tHhd agiiinsi the ineur&not pro?rani With that toot tonic off ii-t hand - the NMA voted *o In‘id i* !!».>(: ventiiin h) Atlantis : it. N ' Dt £ i Hertie) ; Marshall of UsHiniut f*ian Suit in Test of ■%lass firing in S. C. COLUMBIA, s’ <"' i'' toe filing ot a suii ->•-> 1 ’ : a < State Department >*l KtE'crUon ahd other state and school o4f.cial-. vyhu conducted the ». •. into al leged eklffi frauds which tod to ihe tnaaa thin* ot teach* r*. last February art bcio. studied tins svsek. , A group < : twelve teacetii’s, se-m ct whom who have had Mi or eei - uifrftss revoked but all cf whom jer.y av.y pav.t in ih« cm is; \y o„ state i'board us. h ive re tained counsel f'-t tuuu-. >f the suit it ',v«« leatsocl A s'mliar action i now ! >od • i > th< S ( N'AAt P, at s, result of chat ~v. •• that many ot it i teachers weft ' - > d on heal - say evidsrtco and -vie given no chf.nct. to disprove he chaiget 111 court •Whil of the teachers ha r t admitted using tne fraudulent an swer lists", it v/a: pointed, out, aitt-nioon viirn it fia-hfil ihtu tti tu hi nlv.t s,ti.u<t r tiling and p!tinged .5 tret mlr, IV Icot tit vv.iHr. os this pagei I’hnto I v Jchunks tiiurtesy rtt \ews! Ol.sers t r ■ l South V!k> ( iiolyii Scott It;ft n ]ir>o entert the B't t of I’il ; :i:i Htpu-t Church in Chicago t r:,! Miss Helen fohnsnn. tltc (i ; piiti'r Ml Vernon in the satin city Both puis look u> active l>,;t in tin ( till, ll'S!-. '• ’ *ll Ml ,i. 1 1\ Hies \\pi ton l» r .vt!.-. installed ■ piv-t isiii .ii i!i.- NMA au.l lit H it v\ oiker if Nashville. .Vun vs? .. ’ed i resident f leet Dr i '!>:• Grant DaiK-v well litKiwn vhi list. :-ti; /’.-on iv a .- ,1 urJcJ the NMA tli; tinuu..-h' 1 .. : errtcft modal He was cited a 1,,.. . j.i si dent m .ho NiVIA, past as ■ eiat' (1911-48) and pre:- rnt i d ll nr in ohfei or ihe N.\t A Journal, senior surgeon and heft i ■ i resident tra.niing program at. throvid -ut hospital in Cltlcfteyi a®d ,i iidk'« ot the American ami th; International College <>t Surgeon■- ~f ihe American Vi edit al nesoclu lion. i.iKt of the Institute ot Merit ri in mariA iTTjerg v/iio het-.-'v cf'iHid domy to hav» a k>si their cer» lit.-ceU 1 ; et th him »i persons '.vtio it'n .1 1 red ■r, pm/e h tins sectiont \KC TO HELP tmi OIVIDKND FORMS Hi-gmumi. August 2S, iftlt*. your Wake tuunt> GhspHu ot tne American lied Cross will tie prepart d to assist WmTd M ar il Veterans in Uiaking ap l tu-ation for NutlonaS Service j in- insurMiH'e f>i\'i(|{-tut t><*v liieliU. shoutd iiiy veteran desire us.- i .i.itk-f or informatioti in etiiupletiiiii of aiinUriitiotl tor I nyntent, contact tne American Red Cross in the Academy Building: 304 S- Salisbury Street, ftaietgh. N. C. There will be fraiseA workers tc assist. VRSOMSTS lIESTKOI 1,01 iSi\N \S< ilOOf. \KW OKU \SS La VMM 1 ire, always a good servant hot a hurt) tnastri totally dr troyed a Negro s< Itotd at it here, last wu'k at Violet. La ua I. rtuid parish as the result ot n.t mliarisin. liu* settool ttas not the object ot the tire-van slats, it mi first set a tl.tfaiitt; torch So a Negro rt.itnt- hail against which there had been numerous complaints. Damage ha- nut been estimated, neither has anyone been arrested tn < nnection with the conflagra tion. J hr destruction Ot the school, tin only one in Violet, had an enrollment of LTI lUtlilieu m tin' thr SUJH 1 VlMrai Os two It s(h cI - Students Will flow ha ( I*, li avel sis diUe* to Hit n, urc- t sot-tool lor instruction ai VI. i » ~ ii\\ life. CHARLOTTE TO GET JR.COLLEGE AFTER PROTESTS CHAHI.OTTK Following a re-' ft-,mi. tin Cliai loitf Brunch j NA.u' P i . ii.ti'.:. rau-d junior i'Olit r. i:i!i it *r ■■■:.*:,.• i?U.N last C.v\ or insiautptr w !t.h “he t 4 xi~ling; white v olli / • operated by; t citi ' j The bn mat roinol tor n. Non ill tiif' !'i;y'-. 'i.n|.is li. i",i scPi!' •. as ,;rk'.d !.■> 'he local 1 ii • -..Ti nt 11 u; NAACi 1 ii Uu* wake ot the scboul board's action in set-; tiny up a token 1 ' .on college i> t Negroes m thi Sevoou Word Hi el i School Koi]y M Aiexandvi president ot 'hi stall N \A■ 1 nfere.'.se, told a rally oi CharlotU citizensi last week that the settin;: up of ; t; ser;!Vf | .iit..d ]ui ; voilegt at; ’t '. S| iti:,! VV ;ti . Vr -V, :iad end .dby “h i-p>U ki d eft* 1 cess a'd.. doy‘ -. ■ ; ,>!' oi hoard; .ud not b> tile pe> pie •'The fO'iy iv i> t.o insure the, rights ol tile colored pv..pie in the junior i .'lie 'e setup is tiirough im mediate . our' actiei*' ’ lie deelar ' ed SiTioo: ofiinulf. stated shc.rHy ■ afterward thfit the Carver Insti-' : tute w.-aict i e n.sde con jlt tely •.(pul t; i i *. 'f standpoint oi cour fttcully ud plant with the white institution. Vi-inon A Duck. Jr. acting di rector of u - school said that class- I e me slated to begin on Septem iier lfi . n on aIH i uortn-evenlnp , schecul- »nd thai the curticula. j woulJ include :il! regular m’shmat:- -vp b < >rn or < co ii r m c RAGE RELATIONS TO BE BAPTISTS’ SESSION THEME RIDGECRKST "The Next Step .in Ran. R. iatior>s wo*- the princi pal subject undei discussio;, tins week as the Social Service Com mi; sio/i it the Southern Baptist Conventi. n began, sessions attend ed by white and Negro church '. rid ; lay leaders from all parts of the I country Dr Hugh A, Brimm. executive secretary it the eonnnislon, stress ed 'he act'd sci a religions op i preach to the question, declaring I that too often the mot ve liar been, (“social, political or ei onmi". ' The' workshop dis itssioriti, i)r. \ Brimni ;. id, will center >round the I principles of race relation whim : were adopted by the Southern .Baptist Convention at its astern | bly two years ago in Memphis, i (Continued on page 6. this section) WINDSOR Tried three times and twice sen tenced to the gas chamber for ,in a I Jeered ciminai t\r~ ' sauit upon a's4 year oid white woman rosidom of fier tie County. Raleigh Speller, -JG, is .scheduled 1, go on trial for his life for the ('moth time at Windsor u*-'xt week. >%. | Speller is charged with a uiminal assault upon I Mis. Aubrey Davis which was iiilegt diy committed in July of 1947. He was* first brought to trial in Aug ust of 1947 before Judge J. l'aul Krizelle. At that time Defense Attorneys Herman- I. T..y l 7 DIE m IRISH MMMMM -Y'. " JV . ' > C 24 hagw void Ml: XXIX UNO TO FACE SUIT STUDENTS SUE FOR ADMISSION TO GRAD SCHOOL Durham Plans tor the tUite; rd .-.mis to sci-itre Hit admission of Nr- i'ii students to the i. 1 rad tia l o schools of the l-niversitt ot North rarritina ww disclosed ’ wee by C O. Pt frl-8011, \ ( : o.* i ,-serU stive for the NAM'D Ac ordirif; to Aifo’iisy Pearson will Etc that of Harold Epps, lot Asheville rraduate of Nonli Cat ■ Ulna Collepe at Durham who seeks lo eru< r the I'NT Law S hool. Sect al morn It s agv, a group of - stoil.-ot- fin mini an aißuriization at. i’ls s; 1 Hill lo work for Kpps’ a’. 1 mission i,» me school, hm Ho croup - ea-ed its aetivjtv at the r<> 'Quest of Pearson, who *t«'wl ib.-.t plnns wore bcinu drafted o>, .o” 1011 |h> ii - VAACP MAY FI M 3 OTHER Si I !’.< Mr Hear son said I hat ot iier sft . Cents in whose behalf suits will i»o : t.' ':tlftlifil -o_, pa.yu h, tlii -c..t 1 .-- Mediin to Go to Trial Next Week CHARLOTTE Monroe Modlm. 23-;.e. r old forme:- butler, charged with the shotyun slaying of Mrs Essies O Anderson, is scheduled to ~ 0 to l.r;a! next week before Judgt it H. Bobbitt :ri Mecklenburg Ci m.n Superioi Court W. riiin 13 charged with breakin tt into the home of the Andersens, by whom be was formerly employed n't August ] and : hooting the 63- yenr old Charlotte ..ociai leadei nd (.iubc'inan to death with a blast ;rom a shotpun which wss hidden in the house. At the same he is charged with, h.v-iusi slashed the throat of W>!- ford Randilfi, is sttccessoi as but ! for to the Aodersons, and hav.ny j beaten him into unconsciousness Shortly after Ids arrest. iVlediui | Scott, Graham Open j j Shepard Fund Drive J DURHAM —iii'U'inoi' W Ken Scott and • , S. Sen ■Jitor Frank F. Graham wore animig outaiaadinp North Carolinians heard on a statewide radio bremdt ast Sat nr day nijfht which marked the opaninir of a drive for the erection of a $250,000 -memorial to the iate lOi .lames E Shepard. In his trUime to the form "■ : founder and presidon- of North iCaKolitiK. ''nilii.o Senator (Jrahaiii , exhorted his .1 ir.teners to "Fin 'hands across North Mna to built! the J limes R. Shejiard Mem jortal Fund to u mar who built i> j great college, and w-Im was a Mostv .to his people." i Senator Grttharo spoke from I W.ishlngton, Ft. (iovervoi S '-of j spoke from Kale.ltrli and declared' j "lTr Sehptml made n rem • ortrl. 1 butioii in the state Met av«s a cn;» ! slant worker for h-iter racial re ] huious. He aisi, sough!, to iui-proi’" jjiubß. health in the Rln. * and 'a i estftb!i."b h Scie.ol of i'litj'ic Ht-alth .jnt North Carol 1 m Collage Represontatiive Robert Gantt, a j inombor of I he Board of Trustees ' (Cor-ti, ue on page s. thb, section) NORTH CAROLINA STEADING WEEKLY iiAiii.iT; 14, NORTH CAROLINA WK’-K !: XDIXfI SAT- iU * • V d * < - Ai' - i * 9- t' at4g accused his wit- ot having partici pated in the robbery and slaying, believing that she had given po lice nits :• rrattoi. wluch led to h. arifcst. He Ini i withdrew the r u;- ■ fessien u;d ieared is wife oi unj blame Randlenvir. ho was critically ii - jurod, i- sufficic-ritly rec»ven d to • testily, a! the trial police said, Mediin became a suspect in the case when police were told that the a in with which Mrs Anderson vis shot wa;- usually kept hidden ir the And... hi house i(d 'hat. mily -i.rnfone fnmihnr with the hi use hold would have known where to look for if. When surrounded by police. Mediin surrendered without 8 struggle. ion-Year Old Is Freed From Penitentiary COM MIMA S. C' ( AND, Little I'n-yeur-old Hubert L. Hamilton, center ul a iiHtion v. dc navi nt protest when is ws Iciirned lie was serving in » prison with regular convicts. ■vhs fiird last week from the state penitentiary. Robert will live on the farm ul his uncle, Lucius Hamilton near Abberville. He was sent tu the stifle prison tor stealing f? tu buy candy because he was two years too young to go t« (Contmuea on page 8. this section. l.oi of Raleigh and C J Hates of lmri arn presented motion for I’d* (flushing of the indict men' on the grout d- Negroes are e<insistently and systomafic ;tii\ barooti from grand jury duty in Bertie County. The motion was denied, but the case ■was contin ued until tin November term of court At this time the motion wa.- again entered and denied, with the ltit that Speller war found guilty and -unnoticed to the 0.... chainbei b. fudge Paul Mdniondson. Tito cast 1 a,- then (ain u i.i to the N. i ' Supreme (Continued on page eight, fiist section ) \s ( nszi;\K oi* >sm» i K:iicii*» housing cmtiwvvfN)'. rfnipimy shn u t plan, for construction of .< low reus apartment-type housing pro ject in the Longvic Ta»k area was under discussion as Mie above pirHire was made at the ISJondwc-rlh Street >MI A TnCs day night during a joint meet ing of the Kuieigh Civic Assocta tion with i.ottgview n sidetrts. (Story on this page) t AlttlMMl. KOOt/l tli Shep hard PLAN COURT TEST ON LEGALITY OF 'DUETTO'LAW B 5 Hr-lIX',- . ‘v.vT, Mo . ir.fcK that legal cases will he fi!» A to ; s; ’ hi- Y-imstltui i- - l e. ii ■ " ol r< ■ () jitial laming laws in this < : •' r?« ,i«fif this aisak by rh.ii. 00-i Marshall ,".(lal conn el f'-i 1 XAAOP i-lv Marshall who Hev to Birin in i’ham 10 investigate the recent bomiilngs of Negro homes and to , ; on fir on T.'ipo-oei nr I ion ’<• it) i the ■ -j ll v- * onmiineo «>i Hit- i mghsoi ‘'ranch of the Assoc!,;; w, •-ml local NAAOP Attorney Arthur i I). Shores reported that Negro ciil smns of Ehrmini:ham have not. Iwn intimidated by the bombings and Com.'iiuiod on page ft, this section* ’ NAACP DEMANDS ACTION ON FEPC V E W YORK- -A renewed replies! for completion of committee action on 8. l? 2«. the FEPC hill to *ja sure the bill a pla.-e on the ScnnAe i calendar, was made this week by ftoy Wilkins acting secretary of the NAACP. in a second Liter within two weeks to fie?-- -. ,-*'Vrt T> Thomas (D., P-tahl chairmen ol the Sen ate Committee or Labor end Public "We!rare. Mr. Wilkins repeated a suggestion that the bill he reported favorably without hearings in view of ihe fact that printed hearings r,n an almost identical bill in Hit- SOth Congress, as well as hearings I before the House Education and Lo t-Continued on page 8, section 1) i Gunman Battles 200 Cops, Slain CHICAGO (AMP; An appar . ■!t ( raz-d tfiinaiwu pitched shooting battle with 270 Chirac |tol:c>iuon for three hours last \te»k while at least V *>oo bystanders b "'keii or. The man, identified a* Eli p.-s»: Craig, 2a, was killed in th, warfare. but Inin■•>«! six persona i‘>- eliutiut lour police officers. Before being shot down In the Ctrl it. that around bis hem* on th" west side Washing, to- AA'ti. Ci ais had *'ithstnod re pi-.ilol barrage* ot tear fas hot':!-.- h'i.i ballots. Police finally hit iiin. fetatly as In: tri.-l to <■ scape thru <-«Mon of Di'i'irs while bln zi tiff o-. with two kt r:.- i(prodivt?s .loft-.p.i; £; wemw tim] , lb «nk Andts-syinl. »pi>:> e4 him ' v.-ith maoliii! gun i« !hc.s. ten to: • jirose to shoot, once mov . Then I>e ■ Joseph r.loti filed th fi Reach Agreement On Housing Study Coni"OYi-rsv o'.pr the proposed con«tn>otioi! ol a 272- iini-l low cost housing project in the Longview area seem headed for a quiet and mutually satisfactory settlement this week following a joint meeting of mem tiers of the Negro Raleigh Civic Association and I -ongview Cardens residents. NEGRO INSTRUCTOR HIRED AT WEIXRSIEY BOSTON <AXF) Welles ley ’ dlegr, «Re of the cation's best and most exclusive schools for women last week broke its faculty color line end hired u, Negro instructor, TVilliam Cou sin.. a graduate of Yale Uni versity. Cousins is a native ot Am- Himift, Conn. At Vale V major ed in sociology, the subject he will teach at Wellesley He has taught for « year at Knoxville (.-allege in Tenne*see. The new Wellesley instructor is the son of Key and Mrs, William 1. Cousins. m\\m iiimo SlUli (I L i - I .At -ii polios ;*ic JooMuk tor a “diviiit it'” m !h>hi Ui> } /rotisider i .uv • Uiinjj ItHt ifivirit iOr f.' .ter, si whitr WOtti l» .s mail! tnrc'<* 3piir.9>M»t«. .** I v\ i’hll> ,;s iuanv v»ev-.s itij ; ' »*V !! .'li t'US • jcti’-'.l) I SINGLE * COPY iO€- SPEEDING AUTO TAKES SEVEN TO DEATH IN GIVER BK AIToH V l- even ps* ‘- jv» mv killed is at i day nn i T t; Tiig'a. ID' B- •; iil-.n vi, w i . at. .o'u'vHo iofu A**’.'. Mg'tfO *5 ' -sci. mo. •!., Cok- «' ■■*v The i • v . ,esig.?r.U of Bc.iuO-ri wire l ref .ipci'M! .si by la;n. v- }* r w, 35. whirl', < rash ad thru 13*0; lit" c. ..ii. y;.-i- and fell into &,;psox iaifiL-j) IT O'-o f waies. Listed dead in tt-ldiiloß t-j Carter were L!.>w<khl Carter. lire 'Vi-lintm. Aifrea VViUi-n. Wil tiaii: C. Ftticher and his wire Mr*. ? ,-u. ;■ F'-tK-li.o- anti Mt;:. s ElrtCiV Sam y:- ct WXCE>SI VL V: ; i.’Ki' ■: HAjRGrD A-ciiiulitty to 1 dl. r ft Tsiar, S-'iO- Hiph T ■■ ;; ; tra?<:'ly %Qis dne to the e*ces#lv« ep.v-5 u\ which the <•:>• was :rival, i- : and ■ ■ Ir.vy ; ~... wTUcL .ve.i '"Co’!i’.ntted y..'.-.. t On? vr-i) htilh-t. that, killed him. After Ciaig fell to the vT.-urd de-ad, several PoliiYim-,: corn in nod to pump bn’- +<-ts rito iiis body HIT 18 TIMES Ail told Craig tv as r.daled with if hulot. Hi- Uied '"it'll i 45 c&il l'(-r ran in one hand a .88 :n olhei and a 42 in his i •icfeets. In the neighborhood hr was known as an ivid lie- -rot of guns t.b-i imm whirr; -.ratted the Ah: i$ trou ble. Shot in tlic deal were /cur de net ires, Lloyd NebergaJl. .u:ks? Ma Mahon Marshall i-rldgecn. n- n K-.-rnard Med'-.-.ui. all white a wom an bystander. Mrs Mary Starks. 21. .the was d half bio V t; :r tlw ‘-. •nr .-.-f o-’ioo. and <: ts ' *4J oif! bn pc. Drake Atkins. None of II victims were setioasiy vouad- Cunrinuea on pag» ft this section .Vh-mirf*: s oL the Civic uss.'.-iai: n .find lioineowjmrß in the Lor.gN'ie* - nreu had been on opposite sides of the dispcie which fololwed the an . pouri'-rjueiil several months ago of J. W. York to erwt the lev.- rental, project in the Hong-view Park.S-'. Ang-ustine's Collage vieii.Py. Aeoorclipg to the Longview resi ilcnft., coirstnii-uon ot such a pro ject wiih the increase la popnTatton t!e««ftr for the area won Id result in a decrease it- pro pert v values. The civic group members cited 1 1 lie extreme need for improved and ! increased Negro housing in Raleigh and went to hat in support of ap proval of the project itt view of jthls The Longview roeidsnts poiated 'oni that their opposition to -the p-so -1 (Cac,tiaufd or. page 8, this ;-:ecti3S.) A' (i. EilyH 1

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