PAGE TWO [GOLDSBORO I f I yjig THE WEEK IN Jj|j£ GOLDSBORO ®T £. A. THOHNTON Mi. ai d Mrs. Jordesi Sbearare of Philadelphia were guests of Mr. Sherard s sister. Mrs. Ludie E. Hcimes of N C. Mrs Eifie A. Hatch of New York City sp-ent the past week visiting fct:r parents' Mr and Mr? Frank Atkinson and daughter. Barbara dear; at 416 West Pine Street. Cor:. Kmmiiie M Meadows of Fort Bliss. Texas, is home on a ten day furlough visiting his fam ily ;■:: Brokden Street Miss Annie Ruth William? ul! < depliia. Pa. was the guest of Mi aud Mrs E. A TLornton over the weak end Miss Wiliams is :ht cousin of Mr. Thornton. j DIANA SHOP t Satisfaction Guaranteed at At! Times Iff? N. Center St. GOLDSBORO l __ I Service Beauty Shoppe | IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL I I Treat Yourself To Our Service | 6iS tievereaux Si. Goldsboro Miss Willie Faison, Prop. L. - —.—.—.— f - j Clothe Your Family Oh CREDIT S>i KADIS’ 123 £. Walnut j .—fawn ■ *i !'■ 1 ■*' ——*»**—— m-mmm fa \ 1 Y o,ur Credit is Good At < I (Ljoua/^ j u i FURNITURE t Ti 5-117 East Walnut St. GOLDSBORO I i _ ! N. C. Consolidated Hide Co., Inc* FOOT OF WA Y N LSB OR OUGB AVENUS FORMER WEIL’S BRICKYARD GOLDSBORO, N. C PHONE 1532 OR 2330 COLLECT it Called Immedately We Will J Pick Up Dead Cattle, Mules And Hoigs F ree Os Charge THE HUB DEPARTMENT STORE 105—107 E. Walnut Street Phone 1180 Goldsboro, N, C. Miss Edna Moses has c-nr to. Cin cinnati. Ohio, to visit her sister. Miss Annie Rhode of New York' City is visiting relatives md friends in Goldsboro and Kinston. N, C. E. A. Thornton, chairman of the : executive com mi tee of the Alice ;H Brown Public Library states 1 that the work on the arranging of i the furniture and library shelves in the building is making rapid i progress. All arrangements in the : library will fee completed in about ten more days. The opening date set tor September 1.-1. AMERICAN LEGION TO ASK'S i The American Legion whl insist all iota! vete-nuis in applying tor i their Nations; Service life fnsur ! ence divstl nos. This was announced jby R W Wright, commander of Bryant Rest Post No. 215 American | Legion of Goldsboro. N. C. “Our Post have the necessary' | applications w hich veterans will ; have to make to the VA t>- get their NS LI dividend:;. 'Every veteran who had his NSLI policy for ft'» days oi more will have a refund coming to him. The VA expects to pay out appro ximately fC.800.-JW in these refunds Payments >per veteran are expected to average about. *175. according to *he VA. Applications should Le filed as quickly as possible because it will tike weeks and month- for a veteran to s • his refund check The American L; gion will put on the biggest manhunt in history in trying io locate veterans who are eligible for the NSLI refunds. “The VA estimates that sown. 16,- 000,000 veterans are entitled to NSLI refund I Venetian iliind Shop Qt ALITY BUNDS I Also Complete Rrronditiosing On Old blinds I '6li N. IViitiam St. Goldsboro | 'hone 952-W C. R. Pate. Prop, j GARRIS DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS "ONE DAY SERVICE” I 2Dft N Center Goldsboro ——— ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE i Sales srsd Service Street Floor Borden Building Goldsboro, N. C. Phorvs 2186 i 'Actually t iday the VA lias the h«me address of only six millions '.i eligible vetemc Th- AmeiT ui Legion will help to locate 10.000.000 othi :s.“ : avr Commander W rlgh’ Rev Kitchen o; phiiadelphio. <-.■ . was guest 'pei.ker the 11 o'clock -ter vices at the K. ! Mtn-.-.i Bi;- tist Church at whivn. nme he preached a .■.‘.rriiie and m art-felt sermon, subject. Do Lik< I Say. It You Need Ale. Call mi Me;' Exodus. 2nd Chanter . r:ri 2nd \ erse. Music was furnished by Ch. ir No 2 Mrs. Arlenu Park-, sung a solo. John Stitt. 415 W. Eirn .q an ncunces the mar Litre of his sister Marie to Russell Frederick. The cerenvmies took place in the Bethel AME Church of Buffalo. Nov. York Tuesday, August <» at t p. m, The Rev. J W P Collier. Jr perform ed the rites Prevent were church -ita : is and friends of the bade and groom. Mr and Mrs. Gun Dudley and family of Richmond. Va„ ire visit mg Mr. and Mrs. ii. W. Wright id ut.4 Seaboard Street SUMER Pl.A»fiEO!'M) X GREAT k( ( t i>s ;lTir- summer idaygrounds at School Street School. Gr anitaf School and the i'on.: muit- Center i lored Friday after mx we. k of operation which .-'-howt the great st sucec sin many y.o s With i i;t tr.nd'.ii'.ef. jj.Ogj child) •: q during the six weeks. Act vitiea on the .Jaysrounds , siftl.i'U, : : ■ Pali, .-lOcker bail. vollsybal!. hoi .-nee • itciciw. Checkers track. b.ii, it aft and lemonade and watermelon part < s. Tin closin ' Field Day Event was held Thursday at the Comnv nily Center at which time betvv er 505 and 700 children .-. 't- served fit e waterrn.'.lon and lemonade. Little Washington basketball team tv no the tbail t< arn-.- ment by detv-tiny Webbtown 9 t<* 7 Wchbtown softball team d seated Little Washington by the .-con of 3 to 2. In the relay Last place went to School Street School playground and 2nn place to Greenlee! play ground. HorseshOf pitch ng first piize win:;* r was. Clifton Dcigla: .- cc* nd emu - -James Ki-il y. Gr--Left til right Mr. Laura < lark Smith, airs. Ileih » ( nfr'- smith is a graduate 'it Winston-Salem Teachers College and a member of the faculty at Central High School Mrs. Harris is o radam of Livingstone Col lege aiul coach of girls basket kali li am as Pikrville Training Schorl. Pike ville N < Misses, ftarncs ami I oster are both grad EAST - WEST ALL STAB GAME POSTPONED UK:It V ini. N < . The Kid j MVsi N.’trro ski cluoll All S»ar run." !g- birdnPd to be played here t Fine:, Field last Sunday was nos: i j'Ollt-ii heifiu-. as"iiuin w • Hu IsJaioiU Bliii? will managd ilv Wes<- i n All siu- s while .toe Craw ! tor-i n-t pitejn-r of (.In- High f’oin* Ue>■ will manage tin- Kitstei i. All Stars:. Bs lean. Bet; jam in Moore Aivin Hiliv VViibur Birinix am .0.0 ■ -.. w !'■ oo! ..1 tin High Pol id Ho»l S".n)|er Wusliim 'dr a toiarii,'. Car ~ of tin i."••wi '• •. Red Wing.* K ciu t - li. f he-*ks. and I’ ( irlor .of the Win-ro : Sales Poiiii; Lefty H. . and Janie- ('.inn-n of ibe Thotnaa ilie Tieer.-; Fred Dawiin- and , Hobby Staten of the Hal -h Ti pel'.. \ in. of Trim! V. i \V>-:,t . an; Clift (S li<- 'i . • Mobley Tayiivr ('li.'.tisn. iini (%■■■ ■ We.':; or. id tin La ; . ?U-' ') ix. - Cat i Henderson and Simp;- a Di. h rt. Grit" .i: - fG-ftv Davi-x an;•<• •fasa!'. '.'nv. ■swMmm* * ■ "> mM * % Wm- ' T ' J|f|§ - jmgß uatis of lliHard High school. Vi lostii will enter Hampton !n-ti lute in September Attendance «n tin three play ground operated during the -is weeks pencil, v» as 12,023 C. A. Thornton wa- ‘up erviser of til vacation activities. WATCH i 'LOt k «Nl> JEWELKf REPAIRING LKO COHN s I its E. XX VIM T SIKI.n 1 | ALL WORK <* i vRANTI st> 1 I 1 BELL-STUART Furniture Company Quality Furniture, Heat enable Prices 227 28 N, John Street Goldsboro, N, C., Phone 1760-J SINGER SEWING CENTER Singer Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service Demonstrations Without Obligations Phone 130 Goldsboro LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Home Os CHRISTIAN AID MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION Ambulance Service Day or Night Phone 3181 T w. LEE, Prop. Fremont, N C FOR THE BEST VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND j FURNITURE CO. j 207 N. John Street PW* 1055 |