<. AItfHJWAN SatwrrtHj* August 27, 1949 FAYETTEVILLE PERSONALS Miss Annette McDonald of E'ort 1 i 1 i "o, Fla... has been the Rii*v-’ .if j «In.* Titr#- 8" club for the pa,tt , two weeks. The club was entertain-1 •(I !>v V*::- Ks ba Daniels ami was! reverted Miss McDonald with box of linen htindkoivhiefs a*. ' e •'omit of Mrs. Mamie Ateivin. M. < McDonald it* a m-isic r *«o r 's Hi tha Honia -e.'iOOi -- 1H -! She the dauifhter of a. form* .• 1 Mrs. Franeis Morphy of \ o ; York City .vs, also a reconi. gu.-ve f fh> clwb. Sh- was her a visiting : her *-■-te -iii-te vv. .Mrs. Htruia ('urn. meri r i of •to V aiist,icy savi-y i ■ - 'Three S* Club gave i May io th<* maternity hospital on ■ ■ Sire- t. a lew >.v ks aTh<* if.- of \’ys hiia Ntevill-n 1 Mrs FU.renro Garris >f i\an-a --t d.V, Mo. is visiting !u r ;ie;s!i ami f’v* Thomas Garris at Kor Mragu. To yy ,re stopping at. ihe home Mr. i.r.d Mr.- Hugh Collins it 130 Turn ora fame. •Mrs. Isabelle Wilkins of Gastonia was he recent guest of Mr. and j M it ugh Collins “'he is Mrs. Co! lins' ao!her ,Vr; ; L.rUian Hood McCaliarn at tv v Vark City a-, v:. if.ti.g h r sis- [ Mr M Ij. Shropshire Dabii’.y r~. '.he hou.sC i :.a ■I . a . Vlvs s S Drake. V1: 'ran H. Sparks >f 1420 Mur- • s.neon: Road hats returned horn.- .if. vi r ■ .-i tin.> Wiinena’ . ; Del a . Hhil idei ,-h.a. arid New Yok Via"a Eva Hal! :.- -perdu her. v at on in New York. M-s Annie Jones :s vi.-tUt i r.•lu hv a i.id friends in W-» hir.gton.; :) 'lew Vork C!t l:ld Phlia {■■ a a- , a..-. Taylor was ~ - vent truest >? his mother. Mrs El zabeth i' Ta. Rev A. p. Harr's >f Has- V-J -11 l a.,;-; ClVtiriifl Su-'ld .*. A a RAPID' BY WVI PITTS REA IVAi..- Hi t,I) ;. . V, , ,•] m iv .V .: -:• ii ■ ' . B> rd ,i.- -a a.a■pa 1“ •• - b Rev Watson assis’iny rtev; a Will .'art -i! Tw-Ua’u .1 lot, r • tes Sand,r. A J/i..-.‘ 2 ■ - C.' V . .t[ Sa. tl :.’t iS i t!C p:ilp.■ >Y* . PERSON' \l> V At'.me M. Milts h.i: ■yturt’ d from N I folk. Va. where she hr-., V- . Helen Ra ta- a..,-: ■ -t ire n a: At mo. Pa w.rn-e ast a, nn visiting her attar. M - tivoiyr. Carte 1 f Norfolk is. vra ting her aura. Mrs, Luzemtuu ■ i; >n r Whitimire. S C. The Rev ~nd Mr.- C B 3ar;v?s •■; -i.r; jfiter, Met Left of-lit. V - v with the r son •iii.i ;:r a.har Air- F .THHe V- .. 1 a -! '' her ition in Durham. N. C,, wttd her ■ star. Mrs Bertna Da.ay Mr /. y- e McNair 0- - isy.in. .-.or ■ - A'; D ras ill Man us e Sti.w I iay rsify Ryiei;ay. N y Mr a R. ai'tc i Carter B.arra-s a 1 L - ■ . 1 . •; *- i'lvaP kix r ■ •! • Lei;,, Car' r Sac uis 1 '-v ■ , r sons with lie’. l*■ oi ante St-a-:,ay is -i' ■> 7y,t --1 a , ■■■ a,, trier, Mr,- ia im C.-ti-t. M- md Mrs John Wii paras and ■: ■ a yea at the hoir. I a !■■-.- their vay vi . :-a are PSweil e!t for M u folk, Va for an indr fin U tine. Mr-. SUoia Garner end daughter,, Pwothy have returned from Nor to! k 'vh.Tv they tlu? .sd ro - rf\i't. yii'M-- Oornfhy C<»nn >r iod t>«*ot.h- ' ■r c*.r? ; y'd . r .-to 'vuiou'w M. ; .- > , 7 ** . i member .w • !r cuitv ■' ' :<;h••**';] KTC Mi ■ •; ‘onuor -vu; manage Uic* .ac*vv riere TEXAS NEWSPAPERS MAKE Ml YEAR MO) .-TON Tea iANV) —Thi w—k The T.xa Informer and h la-ruio ;>.! dia’.a il in H-aUStoll is .va . . > bintriny This - -- N-h h \ jpfHi ■m - ±\AjQ I " ""“J i! ! i|/ “ - a*. i: T j 1 | (y.,1 1 i ill i*.■a ■ & jffm v & IpU. \ 4 , m Ml. m m A* 1 : Si HHH ! REFRIGERATOR j i 232*> J'n Lfi. ■ w ’k fi r- a is . . *he Phiico TV3 • ■ Anieru.il » greutesi retrigeraior value -% increase sensational 7.2 ci nic foot refrigerator thef jm 9 occupies u» bore floor space- than a ice it icday: ® u| Hunter Brothers, Inc* j See Your Local Phiico Dealer |l | FAYETTEVILLE, R C. | be-wspaper ■ at- S 6 is* ono -of the na i ion's oldetA Negro newspapers. It in the result of he merger of wn famous old rexa:~ newspapers. The Informer and the Texas Free man. The Fryman was foundetl in IB!d’>. and f‘- luforme-r some years later. ,Carter W WYtskty and ; J. A. \i ; kins. publU*em, jfrst. 'btoebt The To former in 1927 tre-m C. F Hich ardson. in 19.30 they bought the Texas Freeman and coinbineu the two into what is popularly known os the Informer. Today the lu£om«»r enterprises PAGE SEVEN •te the - largest Negrtr bocines* In the .Southwest. It. hires- tuoro than 70. persons in its fatwie plajif. At the saaao time it ruiia three oilier newspapers, the Dallas Express, the New Orleans Informer ..Sentinel and the Shreveport. i.Li) Infor mer-Sentinel.-