(.'Aii<HJNTAN -iAtNi'da/, •A.oiruttt 27, Mr. Tobacco Farmer Spend Your Money In Fairmont With CAROLINIAN Advertisers FAIRMONT; | PERSONALS BY DOROTHY FiOYO ft !H RATION CLIMB The Federation Club of ibis town Mtinues to exemplify -nergetic “i-t >rt toward carrying out its oro l«vt that of keeping up .tie -:eme '••ry. Thus far the project Mas aeon • access and through m si* >rt to '<''f so, the club presented in i' ' program an Sar as . August I*, a? S (>0 p m. it the St. f v l !n V-t: > i;3t Church. PROGRAM f a ■ prom am was as follows: Opening music by Club mein 'ers: prayer; Duet led by Gardenia Durant: Solo by Mrs. Juanita Pitt man; P rein by Miss Shirley Future; Duet ted by Helen Granger; Solo by Miss Dorothy FI >yd; Poem by Mrs. Thelma Humphrey; Duet ay Mrs 3ern.ce McGee uid Mrs. Anna McNair; Solo by Mrs Blanche Bethea ind a Quintet selection by Missus Jeanette Malloy, Doris i.on ion. Gardenia Durant Shirley Fu ":b ifid Lucille Humphrey Mss; Emma R Pitt man acted ds eerercumy mistress md also : *.ive i short talk on the club's ouro The offering .mounted to st;j.To. A THOUGHT FOK TODAY BY DOKOIUt- FLOYD Is' you are confronted with tr übte fn tr- iting your neighbors dent, Ti v .•xehang ng places ore.-- m a while A d you'll Un i to your delight I'h.it :h:n '-s areo r iiw i.y,s is they Jeeoa F« there «re (rood aits u .very -0-116, T'loui.'h there only seems j be a cloud ti iderne. .th you'll find she -an. Mrs, Marie Sutton and her two children. Patricia md Andrew >t F'hiidclrshi.i are guests >t he.: Uncle and Aunt. Mr. and ivu-;. Alb rt J-'oes. Miss Emma Rath Pittman -bent. : ■ a I Hk in R.I 1 / v. - >or i attended the N C. All Baptist As-. mbly to which she was delegated i b; ’’be First Baptist Sui-lov School. Mrs. Joseph Arnett* of 133 Jack - >n Street is away on j f< > week vacation during which tone she Gatbh Barber Miop M-ilf Cut? Shavf* M!ji j » • >*. Shine 1 sad Hatr-Fix? COME is: inter Si r liniont ROl SK~nKR\'II.K STATION CtAS OIL - LUBRICATION CARS WASHEO C >r. Main vind HeJ >tv 1 F\!RMO\ ! se\food market ALL FRESH SE.ACOOILS IN' SEASON We Dress tree >. l 11: • •nier St. !• i mum J TKHAiIN \! TWI <>t H K < OIRT K 5 > ' - SERVICE I).tv !>r V. r ** PHo.n:; Fa.tr m^n;. YAWL FISHER MAYFLOWER COAL Phanae JBH fa.x.n'Mit -i: Visit .-datives i d friends in Philadelphia. Mrs. Arnettc « a member of the faculty of the Rcs i enwatd Veteran School, i E. Shaw :rinci ai >f the Ros env jid Veteran. School and 6th grade teach;: • in regular day schmi rus reamed to his home or. Jackson Street otter spending a two-weeks v.-ioati-- » and 6 weeks of study at Co.uirua University in "New York, WOULD IT I*rtBREST YOU To KNOW THAT. . . The Rosenwald School wiil open on rhursday. Sept onber {to. rairmont. has a city his system Ahich so far *ss oroved both sue* 1 cessiul and convenient.. . . The pup.ls at Rosenw aid are looking forward to getting a new t>ig« i school build trig this year with a bus nos department md a music' ■ room The school boys and gins* are looking lor ward to • getting" in- j struments and uniforms tor < school band in the near fata re Although the school has six schooL buses r.-ow it has a r.eei -r at least ■ f.ur more. . Mrs Beatrice How to, who has been ill for several weeks was able to attend Sunday School and church last Sunday. Thar Kiss Georgia Brooks, music teacher at th-? Rosenwiid was wed last Saturday. . . Mrs. Whitehead : and her daughter, Janice of Wilson; were the guests of Mr. and Mr: Robert Alston for .Umost two w..*»ks. . Graham Floyd ot De troit has returned to ais home as-: ter spending a two-week vacation, with iiis wife, M'S Dorothy L. Fluty. James Moore of Un •Ji-p Stre*t aas completed ms course at A. ind T. Colley; with a major in Social Science Sifficient c£i;iHg6s I' l cotton pro- Auction h.iw ilvtveiopea in Vets United States tn the last is ycais. Much progr ss ms teen made in tn-e direction of crop diversification arid in conservation. f-irmicu*. |p| t] y 7" ON VACATION Mr*. Essie S!eii<e and me >tin, la«nus Wii stm O' ttooaok' Sapils, l »fe .leidim tin* in V Mtgkti.'!, Sort* Carotina. ■Mao * $ ■ -v- A . ■' * r 9 .j, 1 VISITS RELATIVES Miss teunnie M. Niies of New iork City is visiting bee relatives and attending , revival -vo-a-e-s at the C-o»t SDr«»» .asapttst l Ourch < i Gary -burg. KiNCSBORO 1 BY MRS. MILDRED HART Rev. Dickens preached for Rev ‘ D. L. Lawrence at Hurts Chapel Tlanfist Church Sunday. Mrs Mary sue Graluam of T.trhoro c inducted : the iuiiior choir with render--! i«»eeMeot mtiaic. Rev. Mitchell Mail t on- act revival service, s r B r < Tij-i:*-! and Rev. ,i. A. Nint.no, 3".. wiil be '-if Sf James Mr. jatT Id ■•%. -a-oey r/ulLtms celehrateti tfteir 25th welding m oivorearv >r. An sews 14tb with a aelidhrfal terbecue dinner, m ftitru-'s Tarnettie Ruffin. Lucy Wtl itarrts. lyna Moshey and Parolinr- F-s--i did the aervin-v. Six / guesM •'•njoyed the -dfair ay 1 fables were spread Some )i tbos*- --ole-/ were: rm i'kitiie Wards, Willi.-mi Battles, William Jones, Loanie Bullueks Jimes Harts. Loui;, Harts Paul Nelsons, Levy Hans. * Tar-roc- Fords. ('heeterfiel i Mosia/s Also present were, Mesdareos Lii! Bn even. Mary Poppedge. N'annt • Lawrence, Li/,>ie Ivory. Samu -i i a well liked person •>« tins vic | .mty Ibis picture taken in : her living raoa, ay dUrrx- *od Piste; -/wsatagrapiM-tn. ; hiwr— *. Raymond flrcen Frank Iohn:-wo ie-iie, Mo->y Julia: Horn i Peri}!- * Wmionis, Henry] Barn-h, -itlav Ford, Kea-v A'il liarni it- Scots. Sam Jones' of B e to i id Ma-'.u i-lano.*. of Phila delphia Me -‘..die T>>i f :a f/siting in New York. Har T s i hap el Sunday School is j .being great;/ b<*i; ed by WiC. ; bert Baker iad others Deacon John j L Horne :» suiMA'infen-Jeai ui<l ' Melbourne Graham secretar* Rev. J K Robinson, filled the! pulpi at. Morning rhar Church | Sunday for Rev. George Throne ; who s iii. KENTiiOKY 44TERS ! SELL OYER WORTH OF CATTLE Kentucky colored 4-H buys and • gtrla -old $4365 woi-ta of calves ml pigs last weex at their second abitual iivastock show held in Rus ; seliviUe. Ky., reports Bennett K. 3rown Agricutural Extension Agent of Logan and Sampson coun ; - ies ..nd -director of the show : Owner ■>? the grand champion I calf. >n .Aberdeen Black Angus, xos Ray J. Young of the Round Pond Community His calf weighed 1.015 pounds and brought $.300. iu i eluding the prize money. Second award went lu a Hereford calf -owned by Oor-s Gas.-.ex of the : Oimstead community. Her call : brought $265. The champion pig was owned toy Virgil Lee Dickerson of AdairvUle Community, This pig weighed J2O • "OME AND LOOK OVER THESE HOUSEHOLD, HAIR AND SCALP PRE-PA RATION. 3 # BeUdtne Face Pw is* ! i # 5e Scam nmd Sachet Powdery i- .luat y-snir frugnocti # Perfumes - Deluxe size Yon can reserve any iovodialii go ids. or write to Cfiariec Davis an ! he will be gi;vi to come >a .Vl):JI ' /MV CHARLES DAVIS 114 Mudison Si Fai-aibUi, N. -V I "'k laLrawgc Luncti Room AND BILLARD PARLOR I r. ' - r . Good j v |mgWjSfi ir ' and HtifffM E^*-j J. R. Rigjini—-Center St-1 ROBERSON * BLADEN I MUTUAL FUNERAL l ASSOCIATION AND 1 PREVATIE ; FUNERAL DIRECTORS ! | AND EMBALM£RS Will McCritnmoa, Agent | i- AIEMO VI, .V. c. ——•—>— TEDDER & 'FAELK j: GROtEKY ; j SELECT GROCERIES MEATS, FISH AND OYSTERS Quti 4477. Ftunnocit, N, C. |j PAGE ELEVEN pounds and brought STK). Tlic sec ond place pig belonged to Gred ft Sweatt and brought S6O. Altogether, t7 calves and 22 iigy were sold few: i local of $4,365..68. Principal speaks-: it the iivh ' stock show v. :$ A. A. Fuhr, aum n isirallye officer from the ‘Y'xshnjg ton. office of the Farm Ci at* Ad* ministration. He discussed the im fjorfcuJce of c*3opcration net-wen parents and 4 Hers n wittyi*p. out successful projects Livestock judges were Grfc'dy Sellars, swine specialist of j«* Uu:* versify of Kentucky, and John jra dy, Agricuitural Extsia -on agent of Hopkins County. VENDOR. 89, DROPS 1 DEAD IN RAIL YARD j JACKSON. MikSi. iANS*i j An 50 vexr old ossas. Steabva* t I. /ohmon. who tor years < sold oswusts at the local * . lailroad stafeoa dr®?*- ped dead here i*m week he w-ilfesT iian- tae r»»r*#.»© i irxrki. Johmon. the peabai j vendor, w-as - coasidered a«e Os i the historic aai ctrtorfMl fugaiiTs j ' arct&od the radroad yard. iiehie & Son s Plage FRESH FISH MEAT CANNED GOOH3 OPEN 7 DAYS A W*El ! Railroad A venae Fairiwaat | ARCHIE THOMPSON, Proii. iii h-ittiii-i- ■ i iunFn-rrrmr-m ] JONES RADxO SERVICE i TUBES, PASTS. R ECOB&8. j RADIO SAL.ES. CAMERAS & FILMS SMALL APPLIANCES j W, L Joeas Outer SI: I Visit Powell's Place j Haircuts. S&mssrs, ; | J Says Tet HV^St POWELL’S GROCERS' A«H9 | Esfiitfa SHOP 443 i ~ i 33 Lata* St. I Art ait J*asyel|, Prop F.VfRMOiVT STOOL- I YARDS LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY TUESDAY * We Buy Stock Daily General Grocery Combined Ph. 3311 Faimiwit, N. C. Gee Ali 'Round Service j J ASK’S PLACE | Gfxeriw and Confections j Gas and Oils I &AR-BE-CUE DINE AND DANCE Open Day and S'ibt Happy Hill Fairasont ■erriiTaMwaw^a 1 whtma n r tw mr mui w.'.aOTanwß*'. WSten in Fairmont Come ■T 1 BETHEA’S PLACE For Fresh Meats, stapir; and Fancy Groceries, Cord Drinks, Ice Cream -and N otionfi OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 137‘Canal 3t. - f-Hiirmtmt

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