PAGE TWO X Sumy County funnel. Hoyt liaoi'i'l' ul ii■ • ftl '1,,. ro 'f t. 1 1 wheat vivid ii| D i bush el- pi" iii. i u* Unit- tiii- tea a in the Ninth Carotin;, wii .a! c v.-int’ ton- P.: 1 fi: BMI). HEAT IN A FLASH | COOK IN A \ JIFFY REFRIGERATE ALWAYS I THAT’S WHAT SUNGAS Off e r s Y u An d It’s Most ECONOMICAL CALL US TODAY FOR DETAILS ! _ i Fff c n/*f * Neighborhood C SUNGAS SERVICE 1305 HILLSBORO ST. R.tleif»h Dtni 3-6242 K. >nM nn Green shore. 1 I ATTENTION VETERANS Fight Your Economic Battle With Training \ < .. .i. J'lmcsumis of v€tfc ra n s "/ •'*t ;a\-M acted wisely used \ ( {s&£ \ t!1 1• i: t; } funds to tram 1 , ’ ti'-omsel'-tfs. Presently thou ■ ' ‘ s .nd auc professionally and r n ■ | • ying positions because of their training under the I Bill. hhi tii bar. i the-’. ;:re thousands of veterans j h‘b'.. out it;* - made uy their minds as to the occupation or vocation "hey would like to pursue. Be \ - lh. n't ter off mi> longer. Ifmoll now in our to bt-to-i m-et vihtr econow:a problems of tomottW. I ah.' aib. a. : Don’t be sorry tomorrow for the ; things Vuu could have done today. Certified For The Training of Veterans Dormitory Space Arranged CLASSES FOR PRIVATE STUDENTS AND VETERANS Fall Term Begins Sept. 6 P\ PI ’ BEAUTY Dejnazor s college 809 FAYETTEVILLE Sf. DURHAM, N. C. artt-TH inn,—nine run-ti-r-n nr’- * aar-fo. .%*** :j. a.- A«*v i 'inUmiiieHN mwmwtwnMWßl* IN t IJf. SUt'ERtuR COtlkT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE HELEN SUGGS VS LEAN DISKS SUGGS THE DEFENDANT. Leundeis 1 •Sugg.-. will take notice thot an ac- I tit-ii entitled at above has been c inmeiictd in the Superior Court. j1 Wake County, to obtain an ab o).iU divorce On the ground*? of um .years separation. a< provided in thf Statutes of North Carolina. ! .ntift anti defendant having liv 'd sty-.i! ate ami apart for more ;\vo years next proceeding the institution of this action, and that i:d do fen. ;i.;t will further tak£ hr.- ; inr in is required to appeal it he office ot tlx- Clerk of the ; ;n., i. Court ot Wake County No:lb. Carolina, in the Courthouse i R;i:ej(»n North Carolina, on the itL. d:* > ot September, 1949. < i i bin twenty -lavs thereafter and i. v [- a- detour to the complaint f ! actxn or plaintiff will ap ply to tr Court lor the relief de ’ 11 landed ir. said complaint. h d d.l v oi August, 1949 SARA ALLEN. Assistant The-rk of Superior Court F ,) CARNAGE'.. Attorney Am: fi 13 20 p. JN Mil SUPERIOR COURT viOKTH CAROLINA .WAKE COUNTY NOTICE SERVING SUMMON# v e has bet n need ir tin Superior Court V , C’l' North Carolina j • o.o’e divoi-yt uii the grounds \ . n tot mort than tw« i-diiA- tht bringing ;m said de t...* notice that , ... i o to ppeai at the . c;> . :.i thi Superior ... ir Hie court ■ N C within .her tit - L’etb day of •. -f h e :.c. iti-.MJi.ei 0.1 deiliilr n -in . .. ;;; .--.iid action. or Mi. pi us ;t will apply to the i1 ; i ein J deli,Milled it: HAT.I.i: 1- WHITLOCK A- -si iii.:. ; Superior Court of Wat;.! County. N C The-. , ]?i. d,,;. --t A igust. 1949 i H.MINIsIK \ TOR S NOTICE NORTH CAROI IN A \XF «;< !• ' NTY HAVING v* ALIKIEI .■■ is!),.to. ol the Estate it Leal me hi • u. law t Wake Count;. North C.u i n.i the !? to . ;.u ■ mis hovtr.g claims ...niist the i raid deceased xh>p>t ti'i-r. rrti undersign; d t S:--ci t h Ni.rth Coioliua on or before toe . a. . .i .ou-.ui.-t. 1951'. oi nos ■’: - u-ii: h pleaded r b..r ot the: i-i v.-ry All persons iPdeb't d. t. the E-t dr will please moke m . meut r )s 24th day of Aupnst. 1949 THC-SHY CHAVIS SARA ALLEN Assistant C:: COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED at vd -1 -Si .41 \i i tilt Estilte of L’iyssf * e.|-ee...eed i.dt ill Woke v Nil'll Carojiiiu to -a-ii 'i'is :ia\ lin; eiaioife K it »t d« r used RALEIGH BRIEFS .viis* B. Gwendolyn Lukin ha» returned to the city alter six weeks of study it tiie New York Univer sity School of Education. Miss | Larkin also vudtad Canada in a ; tour arranged by her workshop j .olleadues. Dr Lewis S. Porter, pediatrist of j Charleston. S. C wss a recent i vifilor to the city enroute to his i offices m Charleston. Dr. Porter . as accompanied by hi.- sister-in | aw. They werr driv ng from Now : Vi-rn City and Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller ;.n --' iounce 'he- marriage of iheii • daughter. Margaret Ann, to Jem s : J. Etheridge of Fort Belvoir. Va ; Miss Miller formerly lived at 327 | aiiiuh Hr wood St.. Raleigh. Mrs. Ivory Hawkins and Miss Eu i ‘ice Hawkins are visiting Mrs. Lil j iu Wynn in Baltimore and friends ! ind relatives in, Philadelphia. Mr Henrietta Penny of Louis jriiu. Ky. was the guest of her ! niece. Mrs. Josephine S Thomas d 2-8 B( .:uty Avenue Joe Louis- Park Mi- W.llian. Cannady. Raleigh aublic health nurse became the r:d. of Chi.rlPs Wudford of Aphe vile at .. ceremony conducted Au to 12. at Charleston. S. C. FoJ. i -owing the ceremony the couple t-ri-si in Raleigh for one year .tn 'v-hi.-h the couple will live n Asheville Mr-. Mahelk Wortham is back ih* i ity attt-i spending won .-sorful vacat'd) in Wilbrrfdcv 0., ir* witnessing the graduation of itn son. William H Wortham trom that institution Kirs. Lula Kittrell and Mr.- Ruth Davi art- attending the Elk- Con ■‘i■ t . n i- San Francisco. Call! Wnlle there they will v sit Los A'O’vh - and Hollywood. Mrs- Nellie Bel) of 515 S Huy '.m ixl Street has returned n. the city al'ti r vQcdtioning w ith her ! hv Qui McCuller? of Med ford. 1 I :■ exhibit then io 'he undersigned : • loly South Person Sties.t, Ra " h ; !> North Carolina, on or before ta- tuth day oi August. 1950 or this ■ ice wih be pic sided in bar of ,!l: ! ’r recovery All person? indebf cd !c the Estate will ploast make immediate payment. This 19th day of August 1H49 THKf MA BURROUGHS Administratrix F J CARNAGE Aitc.-im-v Auk 27-Sept 3 JO. ]7 24-Oct *1 *V THE Si PERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA iWake county NOTICE THOMAS K FORD. Plaintiff PAULINE FORD Defendant THF. DEFENDANT Pauline r or.: w 11 taki n. lice that *n ac tior. entitled as above ha- bem commenced ir, -he Superior Court vl Wake County by Thomas K F"rd plaintiff therein to obtain 3.1 absolute divorc, on the 'rounds f ' Vl ' >' •- : • -t. n. *s nrovid ed in the Statutes of N.'rth Caro lii s> plaintiff .mil defendant hav u s in d .-eps.rsu and .pan for ■norc ths ii two y i aar- next pre c*. dine tiii institution Os this -ip. ‘Hti. -and r at «a;d defendant will tdk v notice ihnt sht is tv. Quirca to u,t > ifict 2 ihe iClezk of tht Sul*. lor Court of W.,k. Cutinty North Car lit,a in ihi C«»urinoust m Raleigh, on th€ llth ds.y of Sep; ltf49 t , within s . r . i.,.\> tneressftei and ..iiswer ■ ■ ‘h ■ t the complaint n said situ n or tin plaintiff w ill appiy to the cu..t 1 fi ; >hr ielii t demsnd ihi- Fth day of Aiiyu-t 1H49 P H WILSON Clerk, S.ij.-e- tor Court Wake Count > LEHMAN L TAYLOR Ary *v the: superior court NORTH CAROLINA . WAKE COUNTY NOTICE M ELIZABETH AKINS vs ! M W AKINS Sr. The defendant .M w. Akins, will j t.uke !iu that, the above entitled I action has beer commenced in tlx j Superior Court of tC ;ik< County, i Start of Noth Caroline for m ab i solute divorce from the bon-'? of ! matrimony or, the ttfounds of tvi o j »*•« set . ration a- set out ir. the ; Complaint on file in the Office oa the Clerk of the Superior C >urt of Wake County a! Ralc-iyh. North j Carolina and the said defendants , Will take notice he is rfiquit • ied to appear at the office of Clerk ! f the Suoerkn Court of said Conn* : ty, and State of North Carolina as aforesaid at Raleigh, on the i7th , duy of September 194:* or within 1 Unity \3ti i day.- thereafter and i-msoer or oerrrnr tr. Inc- Complaint i f ihe plnintlfl in the said action l oi 'ht |ilf.intrif wili apply to the ‘Qt'urt for the relief demanded in aid Complaint This 12th day of August, 1949 P. H. WILSON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake Co a—■ n.—. wwi UMSTEAD’S ! TRANSFER CO » GROCERY STORE j LIGHT AND HEAVY FULL UNE OF j ! HAULING \ | LOCAL & LONG I 1 MEAI s AND D«tan«€ j GROCERIES CuMrVom - fTvtrpt - v n . BlHomu Y «* ur EH. tswsntAtt, M#» j Appreciated S. SkwMt Rig 1 'furtwvt eng touriia Sts. 1 the caroltnian ->?’ H 1 rive .'-I 1 1 ii, Clarita bur;. W V.-- u- \ i.-Jij'i . niece Kslhrvn L Young of 424 S Aloodworth Siu-et. Dr Trice Is formerly of Durham and Chapel Hill. Ch - ytri On ii. the Un ted Wai Mothers will sponsor a Singing Ten Su day. August 28 at :he Mary Talbot Home for The benefit oi the vhild care program Tht pub lic i - vu'dislly invited. Tb.- chtld care program now closed for two weeks. Conducted in ihe Recreation building at 704 L Lenoir Strec-t m Chav.s Heights, ti;: program will -e-open on Se;>- tcniutr at!'.. Mothers are asked to regisier children then The hours 10, : ( ‘•.i-.t:ation are trom 2 to r p.m. particulars may bt '/btairnd by dialing 8389 or 35186. A urprise pr.rty was given for Mrs Addie T. Hinton by her M ter Miss Ruth Taylor at the res.- deuce of Mrs. Callis Berry, 105 Bari Street, on Monday vw-ituc. August 22. Salad fruit punch, and cake was served tc the a-uests Mrs. Hinton received many beautiful gifts. The Senior Choir ol Street Baptist Church w;.-. enter tained at a social given by the choir members at the home of Mr. •a yd Mr.; Rogers 316 South Hay wood Street, on Thursday nlgnt August 18 Th«- diniii-' 'om table was hcuu tifui. with - .net- flower? arrang ed around tier cluster of white iters. Hoasteu wetners were serv ed with iced ounch. home ir ad,'' fancy cookie? td mi tt candies in •he back yard. All the s-uest- en tertained themselves by engaging in quiet grime?. CHAVIS HEIGHTS RE M.» i t RKOADIE Mr.-. Mary C. G on and children of Nashville. Ten are visiting hi r parents. Mr 1 Mrs Monro,. Adams of 2 Fia lin Terrace. .Mrs. Martha and grand son. Jot- Rich a. Ji ol Franklin Terrace av> returned home after visitinn in Uhiladelphi.- end New York City Mrs kV ill in; Brook- of No. " t’bavis Way < Orated her birth day week. Kite reveived many nice presents Happj birthday. Mrs Brooks. Mr. and Mrs Bt-nnh Ma« k and familv of •• EdeecomEie Terrace bait moved to 11 Chatham Ter race. Ed’x.i Strickland of X V soenilng a few day-- with hi a niec- Mr? Hailir Rand. Jr Miss Rva Jones of K. Ci/st: ru - st is pattern iti Saim Agio ■ •hospital Her many friend.- tvi-h for 'tier a quk-k recovery. Mrs. Eifie Jackson of No S' U-, Ih&itt Terrace and her grane dsm'.’i ters, Ann Mack of II Chatham Tet race and Patricia K HEnron of .W. Smith Plaea are spending their va cation in Hendersonville X C an-’, iireenviile. S Mrs. Mary P Lone of not S satin ters Street ha? returned horn ’• •- yen,!in-- ,>,• va a. m N Y C James Bryan: of Baltimare speit l his vacation with his mother Mrs Sonhia Brvant of 211 Bled-oe Av, Little Miss Sandra Sander? of i" Chatham is ill and towfined Saint Agnes hospital. Master Lawrence Williams oi C* Lincoln Terrace who has her-* i! md confined to Saint Airn-s lu total is now at honir and doiti -er. 'f H" dr- )d:< Allen “l Uhi., S Bum Si has returned b-.-:i- after visit itut rel; tivi-- n N di, V - Mr? Mhtl'ite Fai iis and l-e of Saniurd X Y 7* have returned horn - aftei viaif imr tier daiichter an «’ - or-; r.-la v. vii. and Mrs James Phillipi? of tint OV rlin Road Mr-v i'leo Cat'- and dangh'er Vio let of f. GranviLi Terra > ;ui?e re turned home after vt-iiin;- relatnes i; X. Y. < On Monday eveiiim. Aug. 22 tin Tenant’s league U-ommiitee -a? ot the Recreation Center io retteive donations lor very needy cause. During this time they quite a eift of groceries from jell ■ to bag?, of flour and canned good? aud quite ?t nice sum of mon- - The Tenant Leßjrue is very pr.ite ful to till who made coturitmi ions ter thi? very needy cause. Mrs. Ethel Ivey of Asheville. N < and Mrs Maggie I'L-ry. and > J. Evans were the dinner guests •.f Mr-. Julia Nods and moriier. Mrs A' flu-'s of ft Brunswick Ter r«c*s WINS L \ COIMY HOSPITAL POST LOS ANGELES iAN Pi A i young Irv U-nut; Jci.-d r sa? i*c - cent I y appointed administrative as i turn of the County hosp-tni working with Artht i J Will, .-ri,.- tr.nkndent ol chat iti ». . Hi? work Will iuvt hm admin istrative activities n t-oi nection : with five Robin.- I >n re < r ived his nwsterY to? roe in ho? I >11; 1 administration Iron- North •v«ste-ni University in June, 1948 He i? the s. n ~f J>; SLolby Rob ! in?-nn us Lo? Angele? In h;s fra terna) work he ie president ot the Los Aiigeie? yradualv clirpt*: <>j ttie Alpha Phi Alrvhe fraternity'. . S£jv ;.N TTA- U - ~:;-W'Ty: ' |m| * \ ffc - - V '-•y*y4kfo : «U'' | ' ; ll WILBERFOKUK GK VIH VI Si— Williani Henry Wurtnain. son ol Airs. i\l;i belle Wmtliam uut tin late Samuel tVot tSuun no p.m. Minis;■ riai Uiii,,n 'i ucftnit. An-/. I f> p.m Boys Day launp U.OO 1A55, Young M.-.-.'s Club 2" pel. Town H;UI .Meet ii,;.- u* the- Ah B ,-d/ic-, ,/<[ a, i] 1-5 a,in Boys Day (‘amp T oo p.m. Men’? (tilliarii < 1h in ailn !.i. St p , 1-5 p m Beys Da> ('amp 7 on p.m. Junior < Mi ;, —n- < 'lull / riiln it. Sr, J 2 ,vde p.m Y MCA Men'- Heal:!; Cii.n mi !nall 7 on p.m. Alovie- and dale;:! Stn'.vv 1 PT’Q JLji JLaJ 1 KJ T RADE TIRES FIRESTONE 31S FAYETTEVILLE STREET ! - WASH ANY DAY! Why Make Monday A Wash Dav When Our Machines Make Any Day An La: v Laundry Day. USE OUR HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY ■• • u ‘.Wi’jK. v-Vis< I -.p -J, vj pr>A .'*■ -•? . / ' , 1. • ' QUICKFR . . EASIER . . CHEAPER HUNT-JACKSON Laundromat 413 S. Bloodworth Street L r - - % / > y ““ , i B-•/ BE SURE £ 3>F All THE I . you want I of«o. the »leet modterrv ear, new living room, the trip to placet 'anted *e tee - they tan b-r yaurt ||| ingt, Save n«w fa* the t»me ■* will buy a lei more at tb* inted. The time t© »tarl i* next at vi»it w* then and! walk out laving* account book* and the irt happrnatt »« yawr packet! Mechanics 1 | & Farmers Bank | durhamauigh^j FUQUfiY-VfIRINA OPENS SEASON ON MONDAY Fb'jl’AN VASTIIVY v 'lit ►! S l.msier'i nn.-, tin tu. Kuquuy '\’ i;n; to'-.iou niiiiki-i widen sea ' 11 cpuis Mummy illuming. is ‘ LvSl Jill; ~ 'I fi '.'lrl, . if 1 11- To i ,- ce< H< <=l-0 - Mr. June; , > < 1 \ i a .’!!■ s. i-' supi-i vitm ut the : ! mm i;ct rin- F.ii.n.i' > Varinu market this ■ tap oi., tu advance ircun. 12tii plac* ..mong the markets in | , tn< state. In the past 14 years, sell- j as. buyers and warehousemen j i have worked together to make the; u a i ket "lie c. i the best in the state! ‘v increasing total sales from 2,- 1 iOO.OtKt pou .cb- It 's believed that: i the upw re; trenci will continue ! this year. About a bait mi.lion feet us floor! , .-pov> for selling > i.yovided by I two ivt- wo rehouses Fkot space • lin s been added from year to yeai bt «i today foeilitu*-- m equal tu any Worehousi. an no-dornly ■ is 11 ■.uruet* d. w ell lights-cl. and equipped with , h facilities to make 'so; lint tu the t tin. re* at true live to ‘ln farmer.'- and buyers nlik,. Tally Brother*. Planters and 'K.>imers No. ! and 2 warehouses; jvy >U lie by R. B. Talley, i W M. Talkv and A H. Talley New Deal N< I and 2 o il) be operated bv K nit Kn.ji rts Oiiei .'iiors of \ , - .in a Brick No. 1 and 2 ill be J Carlo Ad;, , and Jet W Stephen- M i Jotu u r.,.. ,11 ] 1;i 11nu hi ; h« irt.a U. ;.ittenet opening day , i.?i Mu ml ay to ut- suit that : iht \ receive the highest prices lor I their oops The eiUiir Fucjuuy ‘ Vurine arc . s stund;* recuiy to ; * >vt *j i *ht! aa c r.‘ WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1919 Ask Venue Change In Groveland, Fla. I rial lIKuY Kd.AN It. Flat.- A tuoliou lor ohiingo of vonu to move the scene of the trial from the hostlh firovihiml art;) will in* one of the first legal steps to be taken by tlm NaACP in ithe defense of the three Groveland youths scheduled to be tried for rape on August 2k, N. A ! A. ('. K attorneys announced this YV >*■ !<. Biased news stories and provoca tive editorials ware riled by the XAAIT as major contributors to • lie atmosphere- of racial tension, animosity arid mob domination still previtvlent in Lake Tountv a month after the alleged attack on 17-ytiar old Mrs. Willi*- l adgett. The Association onteudb that a fair i rial is; virtually impossible In a commmimtty wheie one of the leading morning dailies (the Or lando Xlt.miihj fr.ittjiei assumed die guilt of Tin* accused before their tidal and called for verifccaafp in ni. inflammatory front-page editor ial cartoon entitled “No Compro mise! “ and urging “The Supreme Penalty” for Die alleged criminal?. Assistant Special t mutsel Frank lin IT. Williams of die NAACP. win i conducted an ou-the-spot irivt si bunion that led ihe Xssooia rion to be convinced of ihe inno ccih-c ot the accused youths. w,i* y reeled on his ai'ri v'ul by in cdl torial in the Orlando Kntiinff stn ■;>n ! opetiiv vhrentcnir. u that If Biiwu't lawyers or agents of differ ent outside organisations seek to hamper justice through the em ployment of legal technicalities Mu y may bring suffering t< many iimin'im V» v ru‘V> ” Mr Williams niurned to Florida this week from New York to as semble evidence and hold pre-trial con I ere nee wild Ally, Horace- liiil ni Dayd'ii.! Beach and other Flor ida. lawyers to assist in the defense ot SamUi-’ Sh* bht id. Walter Leo ,Irvin and ('bailee Greenlee the defendants Tin rveicee not; wo. vis iotesu.- uuf ~tt is A counties surveyed i.., t'ji W - !l(’. 2 pi.; Cljil tlllf tn Jn s i f frit* Seaton Ti date Paulcc Radio Service "For Lasting Repairs'’ I 211 GLENWOCD AVE. i Dial 3-3123 We Pick up and Deliver IgggggggiP I l.UiultUl *>WMr * HUNTER BROS. FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD For Quick Service For BAG COAL DiAL 93R3 or 3-1998 and ’’Never Worry, We Are On Our Way" ‘ -.yV.M'V- > ft:%"****& * - -f-’Mi Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E, Divk Str««t Fb««« 3-3231 BEREAIt SCHOOL EXPECTS RECORB IN ENROLLMENT The Bet can School of Philadel phia' after having graduated the largest class in its history,' uh no.jriL'cci tin.- that this year’s enrollment would be a record breaking one Students have *o far enrolled from twenty-one states ana one foreign country. Louis B. Yergan, the principal. - in describing the courses offered at the fifty year old institution, said that new courses in dress making and design would ee pre sented this year. One r th- interesting tacts in Jans connection is that many met: have enrolled in the dressmaking courses. Sue also announced that the school •• planning to inaugurate t.veiiin. classes in arts and crafts which vt 1! l>. extended tree to members of the community. 'J’li'. Be re an Si tioo! divi-ion of i corimiti'ci released records tu hew, SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT l BANKERS FIRE INS. CO.