WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST 27 1949 BRANCH RICKEY BLOCKING JETHROE’S DEBUT sports • 'O' ' ... \*J fhe (jun i BY VI. MOSES UaK i • - i Even when Brooklyn’s Burt Shot ton told newsmen on local dailies that he wasn't keen about Don Newcombe coming to the Dodgers with a sore tutu, we continued to argue the b»p guy s fine points in this space. It was more than just plain faith in one I had seen the towering volt red youth pitch in the Negro League as well the minor; and I know how good hf was. More than that 1 was on die m yae of a premise he had made t” his daddy, uke U Mag go and ether bsseb; 11 greats who all but burn themselves cut trying to keep premises to sick kid.-. ..ml I c-nx eri my newspaper reputation or. that promise to Alr Ntwcimiti di As I passed along the sport eon* scions streets that make "H iien. a playground for Americans of all colors, many who read m> opin ions complimented tm on ■ ,y con iidence in the act i the Burns' pitching staff. Suppose you read a. iP»t Don, lid Newcombe thought abo.u L chances of playing with J ■ kit* Robinson. Pee Wee Ho. ...ud Bruce Howards. Dodger ir.atcs re told it t< New York Post'.-. Jim my Cannon rec. ntly “I look back to that day wlu ll l played with *Ha Vlaniev * Newark Eagles and it someone soiu nie 1 was gomg to j>!a\ with the Brooklyn Dodgers I d say you're cratv in the head get away front me I'd kick him in ihe pants and >ay. . slop araditig me fan no n ray* in winding tip nis piece on Newcombe: But y*u wouldn't be kidding lion aid Newcombe if >ou said he if the best pitcher to work for Brooklyn since naans Vance quit." DO \ til REMKMBKII AI. BROW X We just left Al Brown 's we Write the hi- 1 .:. much ;.-ain in <:< hospital ward . n Welfare !-- !:.nd with a broken finger the spot v*. ntre charily case.- end up (_w.iy .. month a> • we told y.-n of our : .eating the ex-world bat.- lamwtignt boxing champion on West 111th Street m Huien, ami new fie taiked with the Panama terror about the evils u narcotics. Back in 27, re recall necomporiv ing Brown .nuJ hi: pal i.-te Gordon Croque-*. t- luxury inter fctunc for Pur s Edith Wilson, great ' lues mi.get. wis oi. deck - ■ uor. vcya'A- to the dapper, six-foot. hhiiiiiuhi ei»sMwwp»ii«»i>«wißn*'i»iHm nagmiwwiitwiaaiiMw—- wwa. AT THE RINGSIDE BY El IV VIRGIL OYERBKA FIVE I.'HAMPS IN ONE MG SHOW fiMi Irvin veteran Negro pro moter. will try to do something no one else has evei dene before present five ring champions on one i.-.rd He has put up a guarantee of $16,500 with the Illinois Athletic tcmmission as a guarantee for the following kingpins: Ezzard Charles heavyweight champion; Jake LaMutta. middle weight: Ray Robinson, weltet •weight; Ike Williams light’-'(-isn't, and Willie Pep. leathtrweight. These titleholdcrs, however will not be defending their crowns on thE scheduled night of the fight September 2 at Comiskey Park in Chicago; they will merely appear ;n & series of four round exhibition bouts supposedly for chanty. For what “charity" nobody has said Each champ has filed contract.- agreeing to the exhibition except Willie Pep. According to Irvin. Pep is holding up his contract until he- defends hi. 1 title August 28 against Eddie Compo in Water bary. Conn Charles will get at least $2,000 lojr meeting Jackie Lyons of Pitts burgh; LaMotta $3,000 for facing Clarence Wilkinson of New York, Robinson S2OOO for meeting Char ley Dotson ul Chicago and Wil li, ms, $3,000 for fighting Art King Os Njhn’real Pep’.- purse and his eppenent were not announced This will fee Chicago’s second tig outdoor promotion of the year the other one being the Hazard Charles**! arsey Joe Walcott fight •CLAMOR’ FOR LOUIS Everybody wants Joe Louis to return to the ring once more u> meet Fzzard dttrle* for the heavy - v. right chainjionship of tue world Thb ••♦fvtrybbdy” meant individ uals wbu stand tis t/Jn Jinsuiciul'.i ■at of such a -le d It. is cfcviou» th..t Joe Louis to the few is still the- best man in •; r.* box trig world today. At every fig-ru he tßttctids he ?eU ty tar the loudest sheers. Me it reapecied by 11;* pounder who hud captured the imagination •>!' New York fans as no fighter his weight since Genre Dixon's time We Ml then that gay 1-arei; would unbraci Brown as tin- Parisians capital did heavyweight Sam McVey some j.O year.- prior Few personalities possess; d tin ilitelligetice. charm and lunmu ' iat Al Brown was fitted with To sec him iiithting for life his teg? so '.mandated that the hones protruded, or seemed to. caused us to bite hard on our lipts He could hardiy speak this turn A damp of whip cause fumed .• fnouttipi.ee ;.».d to*- shn ■>> j arms Ilia' one. Homed a 20c . »niid m• r ring partner wei*.- nothing ir.ui'i than pencil->irc Once Brown \va* ui. rln! have moi* titan S3OO • 000 Here indeed was fate writing in ’he sand: d* timt. \t e ;i call lovely women of a!; nat onalities, . sta ble < i ijn. horses .the finest Lin coln car I ever saw back m the lu.-h .mil roar m. 20's. m- ve than 100 suits if clothes averaging St 2". a suit. >pv*hkin.Li acquaintance vvit-b European nobility ,Prnie< ot Wales etc. ■ iru-mbers of tin prvte ol . I two continents This pas: uakt's me or us H?idt an on.-sham V V it BANS I.OOK TO Con B 1 p< springs t-t. rna! tie or» ga-ih-n: oiii Alex pompez. the ; man who pays the bills of the N. ; 7 Cuban* of !i - N.-v. o American i I .eague. The 1: *1 .ippearane. Tie colortui Cubans made- on then home lot, I the Polo Ground- 114th Street and K, hth Avenue -n Sunday two weeks age faitnd Mr Pom pea look ing la the 19.7(1 s, i with charac- As 1 chatted pleasantly with him 1 wondered .‘low much Negro tasfct all had a ; . -..fit *o tv .to for to sav nothing of the Cubans who s-ld three ot thei> txnhtest young .-mis to Horaif Sumvbam-s N Y j Giants of the National League. FONG ROAD TRIP AHEAD i- -. >-x; let. ... i i m H. . the Cubans have lost plenty et mi noy this yea. Wit !i Mr POntpez wis non-committal in tins ton i n.ction, we r<.-railed the mtimatc chats wed fiad and merely had to p -ir cut- amt niii tcig.td'ter to i rive -;t the ci nee ;,nsv.ci With tiie T- nciusior a southern road inp that is booked solid through Sep tember the Cubans stop «>if ~t Kan sas City on Labor da-y to tangle with the Kansas Cny Mot...robs. persons’ in kind out *>i the gaure sli over the world Jake Minti. the m*u.af«r «t Charles, gave the key tv the well wishers who want Joe tv return to Uie tint* when he re marked in encouraging a Louis < haries match " You owe it So the public and to Charles it would draw j million dollars. " Evidently. h> -s •e • it to the mill inn dollars too. He porters seeing Joi at the rings- tic continuously inane chiding remarks to Joe during and after fights They like to him that he could whip both na-:i in the ring. So tar the Champ has been aide to withstand the pressure and merely smile away their remarks. He probably knows that he can spot a. weakness in another lighten immediately, but he also realizes that he hlmsel does not move with the swlftnc s and certainty that he once did His fate might be the same one that met James J Jeffrie* when tii rctio nrd *i tlie ring, to try Jack ! Johnson. Ol Jeff did not went to light a. . in, but his “friends" egged him <>n teiting hin. he could do it just once more Os i iiii'sc Joe probably gets hc-nricstck of the ring when be viitches some «>t the good ones Out for film hi is m the brst spot - on the sidelines. A- long as his , lute;national Boxing club can ar range the best bouts possible for 1 the fans hr will be doing his part for the garni that has helped him SO. LAMOTYA CKRDAN Jake LJ'Motta will defend his ; middleweight- title Scpteixtbet 2k at the PsTile Grounds to Now York ;< gainst th« vmn from whom he took thi- crown last June is, Mar cel Cert!:•>.' Cerdan. v.-bu had said be may quit the .ring after wlttj kayoed by .aMotta, dt-dried that be is sti good condition at-C if lead/ to tig..! STADIUM ECHOES BY VERNON J.VKIU.IT CHICAGO (ANT, Tail, eu.-y* to-meet Hartk Grecnuerg, Cleve land Indian executive, hinted last week that u another Metro is ad 'did to the Tribe rosier soon he'll have t<„ r e great It was jus. a lew n..notes before the start of the East-West game in ' Oomiskey Park, and he had just explained to reporter? that he was ••just here to see a good game and ri t to eout anybody ' Tiii: tieparimt: t then -juvstioned Gt-.tvnberg as to Cleveland.? plans for Negro big league prospects now i piaying on Tr be farm teams Orestes Mi.nosu -f San Diego. Har !ry Simpson. Ai Smith, and Roy WcUiiuker ~if Wilkes-Bane. The ht.ndsome swat king of y-?s --teryet r del nded iiiir.seli with a bit' hunt: t grin and said -hula on a .-(-(' ond ' Aftei all, in don't have toe mam places to put them We leceived some nitietsm lor hringiiig up l.uke Master, you know, some people arc already calling us the Cleveland Buck eyes" he added jokingly The Buckeyes art- the aii-Negro team ol the Negro American Lea gue. Gricnberg w ;< ., asked f■. »r nis . turn, . : on Wilkes-Ba-re's tl\x*r<• Nevrn stars of the Erc'tein Leugue during ins visit to tin Ih-nnsyi alua Ua'iin. 'Geuer-diy .-pc.-kui; they looked - ltd Huwevci I have been some what distil pointed in Al smiths batting tor season. ! .xpected him re. lly hit that ball this year Ptiipi who believe in tv!--inthy r d mind reading may have a point in tin Smith case The thud tase ;. unciied t! new hitting spt.e duiiny the Greenberg visit. Tne foi ; lowing week, he garnered 14 bus in 24 cham-es twice nailing fOtii h the last ft! tom-* at • ' he llr.d .’ innated fai 24 hits 111 boost t.vi raa,.- n on. 279 to 32k Mranwhilt, teammati H.uiy him) s-iii continued bus coinn'iar.ihng lead.* it' ll; mi runs and i ui;s bat ted in The centi rfii Idee .s expect • eu to pass lh« -i.i mark ui llotaei at;d tile 1 1 >0 mark ,i roll: batted .a before the end of August (»r« eriberg seemed to hm e rnjoyt-d relating how be me< Welmaker, the Eastern League's top hurler. tValmaker wrote the Indian: telling toein of hi* quail cations a* a mouiulsman. and Greenberg answered. e\ plaining the r« gular proeedurr tor troynuts And When the Indian* pened spring training, up walk: Mi Wei maker disg lavtn;-, Greenberg's 1- 1- iti and d.-m, ndnn* a chance You knew he had , lot ou LV bai;.to- " Giai-ni.fr: i.-.ddi-u "that s hy -.v» sent hr-: : 'V’Uke.--B-ua e for more seasoning VV< ir.iake, practically Built bis 1-. tern League ‘crutatior: by b at ink the circuit lead.in Albany Stn ■ alt r.‘. F.'«r, when in a pitching •lump he can always review him- If Jong enough ti s> hip the New Yorkers Welmaker who may win his 2Gth pt-rru- lx-lor, fhi fir-t Septem! -i h. . delisted the ; .Senators l'-vt straight times. Fish Bowi Classic Pits Shaw Bears Against Pirates Aha a University r grid pro* j wets l will take the field Thursday Sep - tember 1 to begin preparation.® for ih" HH!* season Sixty or more can didates will be on hand for-the initiai drills. Oi this number more t han ton y w ill !>•-- vctei am from ,last year's campaign since (be only ■ seasoned player, Kverette Latti j more, end and ream captain. *n - lost by graduation. Loach Howard K < Brutus > Wit | son. fi'esh from a six week’s siuii.< | cession ami coaching school ex per j ience at Columbia. Universitv. is linger to launch plans lor ;he nir [ rent offensive. He will be a idea jby A saint* nt Coach Thomn- K*e forni-brilliant (jiiuru rbaek on the ! before-rln-war grid aggregation 1 Kee assisted Coach Wilson last j year j-d was an effii lent scout i on the Bear staff. POINT FOR PIRATES | The Bears wfll a gain K- point i imp for Hampton in their openim; j | Tilt- IBC • p re/nutin:-, the light, | their fourth championship promo- Irion. Kid Gavilan will return ito the ring- September ft to tail-; either Robert Viiiomniu or Rocky Castellan! in a 10 round biff at Madison Square Garden also an IRC affair. Either of these two 'should provide a very rugged night : tor G-vvilau. The IBC is planning to promote ,70 indoor shows in New York Di • i troit, and Chicago with most of j (.hum going io New York. Gotham , v.-.-ll be the hr-rdquarters of the ! IBC rathe.- Nr-ti Chicugi. i First light t»n i’n program will lbs e. Beau Jack-Kid Qt-vilan b'tut !at the Chicago Stadium, September ! 20. Tt*.'s bout, and fill IBC indoor ; touts wl.ll be ' televised. Many or i vbtia will be broadcast dlso. ' JiP«a®ilS,'%W ;■ -t-m ."'■ ■ ;3#- 'r ; : 'i ■ HB ! f*i wßf®S®§ Jr- ' : H f®* v i%-W i - ■■ '•’ . - v-' V; ; • f <|y E/ b, - w uSf *" «f ' V ' W jim I jm£''JßßSk lali'if. ••' : -Wr&sw. hLu |epItSJHBP Sera *J®K£?i#o!W - t.jMK iiSr wpi’ - '\& SPf 1 f 1 f • > Iplu 'feaa&ffOg J* jjife ■-• "%v m\ ,*% 'WwliMff • - : nSH «W»=' i.##W:\,-;\ ~:£•• ■ -. v SSS. . <Xt4S& V:-^v. ■ \ &MMKH TO ABVMAR IN CM! V 01*1 N BOXING TOI'RNET This group of bovi'i s atiove " ill ap -1 pal in tin City Open Negro Hexing Fmiriiimii nt w idcli is he ing 'Upf'rvl-ed m Kir Kali'iglt Rerreation D-partnu-nt and si>on sored by interested eitiz its lin card will feature 12 bouts The entrants will pome from Raleigh and other cities in the state she local boxeis left to right, kneeling are t erm Bennett. T> Albert t liras. Grurgi Baki i and Milton Cole standing first rm. left to light, Joseph Speiuer. Carl Baker benjamin Moore Billy Williams and tin- coach. Jehu Winters Standing hack row left to right leaf Abram* Otis Hunter Herbert Smith and Raymond Burnett. 16 YEAR OLD LOSES OUT IN GOLF FINALS CHICAGO (AX'Hi \ l'-ys-;..' e-id boy Ml.i it *') it mix Zeal the ge>:. world !i>-r- lust week a* In- me • iinals of second lumual Windy Ho Pi pc |) <» Ponce Hut after giving' Gojcloji ii.,,.d malcjl. G- a ai.- "i J i I le* I *4 * .oil,-! Golfer: ,;.-*<«■ Hi i.m . ,i,. s :r kit,.- of .2 on tile fsar 71 cour-'- Hiaiin >• uj*rli 72 WOMEN'S CHAMP Mrs Livei Mltchum <>:' Itidian f-fbs lud . defeated Mrs. tun., T-1.-11-V ftoh ill soli of Chicago it: the 1 in-Ms for the tone-!: - - nan; , i-hip Mrs CU'o Hail id Clip ago f.n mcr I'd A ehai«ipn>n. »’a? me.-* ii-• and won the i-ousoiaf.iuft flu- it < liarnpieuislijp. game oi •be si-.i- u! Bust yt-;u thi- Pirate.’ broke Shaw'- ten , am.- aim niiig streak. gai!k ■•-i in the H i letjr.l! clbl.i championship YU. c.'iuspu'ri. Many observer:, sn> !Hi.■ Upset (jlle- r(- (1 ! h-‘ local's fit:!'-. Ifi-lk si and which ended in a fiv< wins-i'iVf Kisses recui’d. This year t.b.- Etm aggrciMt a*.. •i ill tangle wills Ha nipt on in tin secoafl iiiiiuiiii Shrine Fish Bowl *f'lasfia- SeptemtKr 24. at Foreman Field .: Norfolk, V The local-' will lay great etni>has's on prepara : ion tor this ca-mc. which is sJtuji it4 no ft* a kititl of revctige battle Ffir the IVfi!';-■ to revive thcii chan'. piiin-hifl hopes 1 |',e > Will have Ty : whip the I’ira»i s decisively in the Fish Bowl The Shaw team will he ti.eiUv up piv<U>niinant!y of seniors Tin hiickb'Uif nf the squad will t-- men !iki Captain Jlttt Jovner nt Ha h*igh who came to Fhaw in 1 . Con oil Wii.son's first vrar at tip* illHt.il Ution. They (ire .-eltaili to hi' tiirliting to emi tneii career in hlaz<- of glory. Aitiong the inert who v ill he playing th<*ir final s. ; em are such stellar performers as Twillie fife lainy tll-CI tA. bairiiac.k and lead ing ground gainer; Rill Wallace uml Rostw Fl.iyd.. pile.-UrH in*.*, fullbacks: Jame> L. Jackson. «*•«• nans luirler. Gladstone B'K.uh, Wii liatii Cannon. Allen Groom.,, .lames Tavlor. and E-i Itoimr hard hin in" tickles’ 1 e-.'iy Way AH-GIAA and John Williams stulwaris at th< ipiard post;- Bill Purneij. Unvlit Muck, and Itobei t .-.fartin, iwkficbl reirukirs: John Goodrich rehab.* ! offers-dve end . t 'haries brilh •nt atiii «on«iMen>. center; John Turie-r and bet'i.s Sellers, :lashv halt tr.-ci 1 at unurterhack: cm l John Wor!bum Bears' pututitig ox I>ei; The Boars btve Uuir first, hcnie nm CAROLTNTzNN What’s Wrong With East-West Classic? ! 'M ut\ VIK (* 11 OVMIBKA CHICAGO ANi- VVhHi tin: F.’Vt i.. ~t th* West -4-( in tin i/lh K,<st-We.-t clasnk only ;ji,- :K.7 fans sav !hi* gam* Last year ... .h,jn 4?:;.i)00 viewed the s'ova, th». contt>i and the year before nu-n th:.;. 4*ooo view. d the star.-. is h.N-Wni j: ame -4,. ”> jvh fc*i !o she \*. ;;nin:v of the ny K‘<nie lose «1,000 fans front last H HtitK H Mvf Bf.ST I*LA VKKS ’ * oei c . vita, iitiOia whetli* * i or m.-t the best player,- m rat. U . es.a. wert- thr r-»tne Fur s :••;• ; ample how i* it that Boh- V hor- New Yak Yankee- tor its New »G; Bt-ars was not i-vn: a memfoei 0 ht VV rt team at the time Os h 2•- t .rc.ua sc. His si akm tola] >• leads ihc it*,u . arid hiss ho nit* •iv COi'6 rate- high. O; anw at-out Dinymu ha in *> Nermau Hobbtsoo . battiP.t; ,342 a;iJ second on his o-a-rn to p.pei- DaviH m naa hatted . oY‘ He would have het-ii a pin. ky i D; venport ol the Chicago American Giant-- or Johnny I>Sv^ /-,« "How ~i ~|.i iJx, ~ ... * I'l.AYi Ks SulJl .1 V>l i nforest in tn h> yo • • ;; _a u<: e «n a y I>e t. i i«•;! »n ; N<*% i * i» in ft r Hail; ’. .*x i 1 e ’<•<> las! Fur exiimplr. inis t.e-a :■ iK<k at tilt j.lnyeii n.i.viri. n. - Art Permingtco of Chic-up. bal t: ~>!«•:- Bob Thu! t i.- i baniog .321 ii-cci; n : U.H ! v.'i./ i ■ in : l ’ n Em i T.'b'. i n ■•! the M<’>! j'.Ay ibt- 1 calchfi i m. •-. {ait. •fv r:->. Rirminuhitm j,s-:< to irnk : £'C. .rid i/i I nr* gm pile-:. , it. - Kon-.:.b City 4 ~‘i Wnat excellent addition.* t.. Tin an st<ii lineups ii only the owns rs •vi hav«* waited month. Ptpt-r Davis is wailine. until 19Su before f >11"| \ |U » U HI Its 'ur-.nv j- ;uls t rir ■.! itb«.'Ut th, ptggfd J.Uiivr ftn .iii g.uiit. S 3 for :o, ui. <;2 gorioro; :idrr.issicm, :.nu $1 f«.i ' lt-ciit rs. '! h< bit'< .: i-:- ■■ ; - iiit’H.N eo at that East- West fiiicno. and so ware- num i.ioii/ other ~aotiui,s. Most peplo ftl' iha! Ur SI,2S. and iWj or. r“ul: r n'.tijin U'aLiu. ■ Acs wi?rv high emnjfeli l B• ; ....... ; an,, ifl’r, t. k-a •ptiblio l) Mn public rtlatioiiK- pi. - .nary ol tno nr v. siru-n and eer j: iniv cu.Jy a low lan., know vel v much aooul !ho pltivt-rs n flit, yarne nor did too many know the back* I’rfund .: d history of the —am/' ' it l 'ell Aceordiia to the Atuericim Glantr . .'.lie:. Dr J B Martin, hi; a-., n his pubUcity for the dailies. Wny me d'ssci'iininaUonV The .Ne a. baseball uwimi expect. Ne -> uat; I',;: arid e/iteinly should feel it necem.u \ t, giv< the ste ••• service 1« the Negro press as th* white, perhaps there art; similar SCOREKEKPER SCOOTS The official scorekeeper aid not i «*on stay m .the pr. sshox after she game to give- u., newsmen an oi eame itt. st Augustine’s Ktgl.tine Horses SetnTfl«> Oc'obei 1, at. •! : nr>- riway thereafter until Shurv’s Horn, '-otning with Howard Cnivcr sity October 2k. Tfie echodnb is as to] lows: Han-.pt/on institute. Sept 24. f Fisli Bowl Classic l Norfolt. 'a. St. A l‘tn> Stine's CoHefa- Oct I, Hi ; Virginia State College t». t f- JVtersburg. Va.; N. C. A. and T College. Oct li> Greet.ehoro Win ..tor.-Saler Tt:o-h> r s. 0. . 2‘: VC in rton - Soieio ; Hoh’si >i I’iitversliy ; i let. 2n i t |omeeon v, , 1 stat.-i al- Virginia t itlun I,'n'verßity. Nov. 5. mi>igh: John on C. Sntttb ivd rersiby, Nov 12’. Chorlott*, North CiTwliaa CoHege N\t. Hi, Raleigt.. . Ui* ; .ifJ;' t.vcri 1 Utr i-it'-- i t >U-as* cc iniihJ ]."M: the I. ag.te s: , •* .. ~ !• C ! 1 . y > • i \V . - . 1». iCC U - , to 1C iv:.*‘ veil wtullfc For Ot ! on. -..lda - l- ::* th, E -H- j West cins-ic. tm- lei-pul- should be, - h-rt. accur; t«-. .ii>d :ntVrnu'-tivc lo ; vvlu. a u ..new ,-hoftl ; £■.*■) S'K-4 Unit It.: Will fV6!» 1 :• xkt A* ■ { vVsi'Ht r? I'M: ilitt i t?' ; t ; Hit \ ! it MM'KNs I'D MONEY 1 his tilings up the next ques lion*— what is Die |uipi>*e “I t!u game and what happens to !h, iioui. y7 What Petiei its d<e the falljUayte- get out of the g .me bee- it help them a* the major league game doe* dig league players? MORI QCI j*TIONN y. . the unwmoi! that si.mild huve ci. me 1 rst ■— how Why sh- uidfc''. t.w fans vtd t< ■ After all Hu i d; put -.iow'ii tin ri*,t :jt'> th; I lift' I!’»**' Ail-Star Game To Be Played Differently I :. j 1 "i'i- All ’U 1' 11 : - the -ip.i’iin.e of a new coin r:,rt •> to,ecu th.* Xalioiud HViiiUtall h..i ;,nd the chi. as.) Tribune Chanih - Inc. promoters es tin- giian I'mtii the tit-tv contra ; th* All Pt« r s'nin h.-i/ ri •' - . • r ft 1 ol her ,i•! nit ii*.-- of ilie ci.SJet *• pl« v ers si 1 eel ed to participate Kuril [.layer « T .l Is insiiny) for f u*. Hi; Ctaills: hljilip hr J'OSiUtli-' i'm hi ii.ei.tiie through j.lay n... in th tans'. This veal’s [sme, the worn! "i he hide.ry of the series fiott! th nil stars standpoint was hampet'ei! i/CCimKe j,/., li-atm .- ■ c.nfre the het ic: withtield ihciii from No [ilaVir may pa c: s*■ s i : e u: less his class has neen cradukte 1 h. has left ('..Mere with no ii tent im <»f retui-tiing l odor t h ii* w lin •• <a ;• pace a liKiphote that ihav inn ate a possible peart- be twev.it the rivti! Nat ml:.it h agin and Ml • Anntrieti coufamine wj»p ah •• “me I qitcd ins se. rii in states that whoui'l ihi N'ai ioimi le.'c lie cliaiiipioii <•;. gayi a phtyoif with the titltst > mi i. her jn-o lcagne. the promoters loiv, :h> right to present the witt ier ot said cuitic a* ihe profession al font hall ri!prcsi’]it:il ive in tin hie; game. ii . vs I KTK CIUISSMBN On: ne-r it is reporteti that tb“ Hi- Alttf I*sns Hi: I.IS. spot U.'IS S'.-Vri »t new Negro tar*w fc!eil newnne . both •• .nstsMl i,art white, to the n.'i Clark Shnu. i, ocssy it: tio* iir-isr veilimr of the l!il*» teatii coact,ed by Show 'aitii: oi A>. Inti-;iwi ! i»d faine «pons,-*l'<*d py lit*. Tfinccsiiy Os fiod'iatlliß turi d M me'. hatjHn* fm 'AI jkt.-.i* thins. Wilii- Stocie. broad junio star, and Paul (Tank I Youngei were outsti/Viitiei; in the tilth-up. S(. wi,.i has had i,o collßKe foot hub i x |if ienOe, made (.he lodg es-. run of ihe evening, k 90 y*rt i:l from h:s trw-u JO io touchdown ten i’ rv Vivnoyrer was '-irtualiy u t j.,• t< i ini. -i.-'irt," m! fuJlbnck t-i.-vjd-i '.’OK’S NEW OOACH ii.-iiiipi- mV new coach will get : i« fit-v-T. took at his 1949 Phrase charges.. Sept. 3, when he expects STANDINGS NEGRO AM Lit fc A N LEAGUE I ASTERN DIVISION VV L I*o N't .V Y niK B 3 tIC? , Bnitinu re .17 11 ,807 indianupoli* .15 i 3 336' PhUftdelphisi 4 i *144 .Loaisvilie 3 18 .143' UiS r! » n i>l y ‘.SIOxV H I. Fit K 1 j■ i jty r, 12 .336 Chiengo e 6 571 Birmingham i 2 n ,j 22 Houston 9 9 600, IMeliipri;* ill jfi ..44,? batting All it ft Fit 1- Davi: H.r 265 >9 lu4 ;,92 Buy J Men 3.14 53 97 7,3.: Pig;., ii, u <95 22 74 .379 Brown. Kc -‘23 K 5 !u7 3/3 Du'is. Balt 240 4:7 87 3CI ■ Forrn ntht.i, Metu 206 6.3 97 362 INl>l\ tOCAI It. A Dili.S Doubles ™ Neal ind. 26 'I riplt ■. Kornitr.thul. vit ia auei ! lilliriii Balt i! Hi ii,.- run* Brown. Kr Foi - ’ Itm utli.i! ivif-iu J Davp Hon..iai. 12 HuPa Gila.tin D.:■ fj Fun.-. Baited in 9, Kt 32 Hits Brown KC IC<7 Stolen Bast .. Serf ii KC. 18 Litc-he-’s Byrd Balt. 10-2 Su ike-1 iU Collins K.C 131 FLAGI F BFiS Fil'Eß DAVIS REGAIN:*, baiting lead L.LI ViiZC DiiVsif. lit j V I L'.acnt./ta Boston H<-a Sox farm i. iikt. I 'i;fc‘.ajiji.'ti i|i -2 batting it .i».i which lit/ had h» Ui all season uraii avt Wctk He has uu : v».'u ♦ i,\ 392. j (t)op ot li'ircc points irom U t wet k. but Ltfti ot lioiirin- I apoils dif.ppcri IE points to a third piace 37a Bo> Bovti t-i Mffnphi: ; !’.iai’:i«iin4-■ ii lus 382 average WilLru brown contiuucJ to be | ttu m v top slugs.: r. He h . u.* j b*tal ba t ? v\ itii lb to’ 1 it. \ [with 107, and in runs boiu-*U u: I with 82 Hr is batting 378 i tied | for ‘<t ; • :c? in doitblcs wit a 22 b i third -n triples with 10, fend second I 'h lunfc scor <i w:tn 6’5 He played rj 1! i. l> ul his team a j amc*. | this v. GIAN I'S fl.lVulli -tctl-h it lick: liRl; t it. K ... City :vl . 1.1.:. ..:: ti.. t--.itin.-. :-. Elite Giant* :n. ts cl«. ■- i ti.i iev*-iu Tlu Moil.-'.c.i; r,uve 11 ii.,iiiu-ii e,i; fcp of tlic western divisli,!. thruUp.ilOUt tile 1 si hilit and except i-.r the fir.-t ut leive-ti-, ’in *. cend halt too The Elite G .lit;- ci < t'.e Vl: *: ■ t itie- t-a.-t TF- New Yi.ik t nbau.*. et>. b- •Li v ■l* tup bCCUUM- *V/Urii Tli< V . iiiiiip they i.avt- n. th*nc r W e-,(ci. St. IS Hoiiir tip to the i’S ’ Will vk 1. t» Ifji.ir. tt'g.7 Alliiijjjt COi LEX'S d o.n *• - y i 11 the Emt-Wcid fe'.-oue iipt u ’i'Hl. taii'ifc i'b Negic oa&c --t/ .h it it vU- - the v :i*ne dies tco i, ,iv *har, 6b h, ui tiers lo rt-ixirt f-i 1 i ;iti,:V The new aei.ler i- Harr. ] h t Big Jeff* Jeft»rson Amoiir the stalwart•• expecterj u* . -• urn from last year’s .-ntunt ar«- I ;,pi.,iri Hi!! i orbitt a* tei-KK-. aH ;AA 'Soap" l.ewi* aial .Viala- hi v]! n ni ersdi. all Af:ieric;,.n tV-iodnll at guard t*ius vetera»s Jim DiitaKl. "Khaki” Carroll. Hn-huid William' 1 . James Brysmt Dfoy.l 1 anil Arnold Thanuontl in baokfield. Hampton will »pe« is SCitedUle Sep* 24 in the his!) :•., wl gam I with Shaw at Ni-rioik Foreman field BISHOP TfGKRS Tin* Bishop Turersi of Marshall. ‘V \ . .vill [day a nine gam** sell'- „ule i in-iutiine seven conference v;, me* according to Shannon f> ’ l.itllc. dire.-;or of athletics*. Bishop w ii: open ngiiutfct Dangs 1,,*. Si.;,[, 24. 11!Tier earner kill ht co,ii/i Prti.cie View Texas Sue Sa. in Houston Arkansas «t e Southern, Texas I'ollepe. Gromit liny, and Wiley. LANGSTON LIONS i !’, iZipi Gayles director of itdhltfics. aniMtunced a 3<» guine ’ M-hedith- for the Lantrs.toti Lions. : rtf- whedtiie follows' Bishop. TennesHee Slate Ll»c*,L* j iJIc.l, Texas College Southern; Sam Houston Wiley. Ark Mil sa' . State. Prairie View Texas State S-»40 - /f G& w 3^! M SEVEN '2» JM STAR |J|| bioodnf whl«k«y. "T(h* j wttoipld whi*kt»* «w> <4 I j y»or* ot rnorw «l«f >3’'/i"A agik 1 Ifl'f.Vjj.j / •froiQht whiskey. 62h% IS B ff'M j -.s}s■ ' j neottml apittfs dtwfillotf l»l B / I from prain. 15% •traight g xjf * '** j I whiskey A year* old. ! -2 / j 15% straight whiitki»> S -J years old. 7'a% siroigbt I i\WW! -x ! whiskey t y*cu* etd ” th WORTS MMiTiC; t* kih ■ tiithiOtb ; PAGE SEVEN LANE Sm HESO ASKS TOO MUCH MONEY FO” SI SR BV V1JINO? fw.i’ i * HHR AGO t-isP* .* nil*: hoy. C 3 * - 1 1 ft J .1 YF'cHMIH 1 Hr -Ilk .1 in iloyrj LxJ '■ v l l k u.,u .H k.-.k --t-y i. .OOf-fp. MUif’ I»i»- Ivia, l ”i Lc-.-guS dfcbut of .VioiUi ral Y m/^nniy i'OO l.ane <- id ANP tliai a. vi.i; o.isf t-• u*d ir» Tiie lastefci .u.-ui va bass belli and * '*;uid like to pu)\ kiiin .. 1i: .vS-Ofleiijj c jO i Hut ti'i * ihadovv f Blab-.ij ko’kt... D. f.;l : ;l, hc»h iigdtii'. faiiOll Li- 'H the table ■'.ftthror ij ti.j ■))* nip cMt.ti* ft’-'k Siiliti i.iiitt .I*4*l ii U. . kU'kfV .I'dvh -O; jniUl,:iAcil so» li is St* i’vkr*: he *5 ‘loiiip * v*i 12i«> 4- ji ttv t , n?t 1 tlilfijs ■l' tfir.ic 2i,ui Oi.. Oil l! the. HiOjOlS iilhl SciSCtl■ 1 rj ibm ir; flu uik world unit*. tween the « i Hk Jl )..«•'’ a/*d 12 Hr /v . -c. : ~U Vh-- Ciiitlt II lit U i übafn V U*f> J- (x ■ \ man i*t uaiitiitii i 2e.*v<j v. •it eij. Fill .dm k. filing J..> ikii extiu*imam pik’i- I»>» a raja tiial U&s m*l la-ra krikti Ll. Ui »i.:iJ«*i A( t'tijfiiiig in Vt hoFtfc u* c‘j tin Hfiifi Sox H aittCft t.j j ,-. vUiA ■<• JCtfti «, r \ i » .fc i i i; 4 ti *vH.f y t'kictj H . v ,YIU tH>t» jj» f F»r *>i« Ui ik.at fid* ><-.*; uu iH’ii't ft,*, hlteu I'UiuOir.i u { i HI Hie * UHI 000 '« ak ‘Vienne/Jiih m a. ~. ;/,. .-Ht v. :,-1e i je:}, rr.t H u • .\? t ”, .-u ■■ti&Uy Uctni- ih .i. ■!,, do ■ the i VV hit. ... ji u tli. r ...v, Lutie ■■ u tin- point l.aoi*. tui,t /V.vf" "it e, out «lll\ tile (jiujuitv ,i (j.i .t tea.!l l< .»<•> tie 1. .ii i .i huij. ii. Hlilf Hitti u lutine (>S I*l . UW f t Appauritli t»a.Mi,:tii i. i i-, i,„-. 5 1 ’’ h<- 'imuhl out In kept til tit iiiiiors tor tlir ln’-M Vrir: « i ho 111. ill KS, k, . fUiUl.f l . OMitei Utu.it noeii nr t it*.. / • hip! .1 ill,lit f ettii ui*, i-'; ul.cil Hu k« Y I t: ? 1 Nili 10 I!\l i COI’ liltt 1 U I 11 Yin <* HI -1 ANY iAN V } t a -*i* * ll«i l lit el* ui liar oti! till* Oj {*4>lfl t bl UifHU *. Mi c -A ii>kt its tpiHitiitUr 'xtjiiiucji ufj diukd iu t li-«• t k Ai d (oi'- iifuntUni u, c j kv, ikf ’ t - i} A ■hi* «iHi t COiMliUill e e li^-X ht't ii ii ]g Jj%> I#H < 0 1 u k*> t i». t* u i •■* *» J H. i tiC »11 11»’ ti*f d- if t* r-tj.i’; iio iti.;* a iiti ii nit c«.i-.t --r li.avH:-;--1l 1 15’. is ft 11V v I n* ItGU-AliJ if |vkf £ G 9«. f< Uti vii t'a < i bf iff? if itvr.;r i kil, Sf i;s< I;li>| I Oi) \\ 1 11 Jl ill *I {s I -Si r-ft $ f { mk #4PIWrf »MRi william

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