PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page One TO SI i: TO KM'F.K filed ur* Thomas Via lout* ai.,i Tlietotif Hulilmrd of Iha-huiti. horn graduates of NCC. Both, ", ->v ns suite" have applied for .•riiiiissi-Mi to l 'SC, Malone 'o ttoe\«raduflte uehool and Hubbai ! to tie school oi medicine University f>i f i.-J h I;- hi. (’iiajiel Hill, liiiV, ever said 1 1)i,: tOpps' at> Ucatim had been receiv e nut MTredite-l by th* A merit Bdi Assort-,i.ti'iv, witii tin esuit that its graduate-; or t Hgihlo for bar examinations only ia Nonh Cato l lie ur those state.i w i-. i. • n maintain reciprocal sgi *■■ mi- nis | with N mli C:., ro• tn:i -V.- e n.-i b of tin c.t ... i rcuhatH* for the SCC Law School '.vht.-! : : terns prinnrily from , the lark a a law library and sip' > ticlfii: cu-.s-fivciii .-pure, itn- Her.- I et-i- ... nr, i;,". pn i m !;.«* *v, n * t*>* M.'<"(111- who deil'ai'd.’d tin mediii'c -Turf ol ■ .iiiornr' , ' v. i id, •would Kao. to am!.-ilitiition ..t tin v-OUOOi rY-ib-.Viii; 1,.'1l ■ .!) ••■ . I-.'IM crM NfSro -tudents :<> , m ; !*e pt a’ : ' i < r-.. J-V inro . t.. a year ! iie •xerii'iv. cot •••:.* tee ui the I.'NC Board of *! •. :-i • fesue-i a statement m wh ii declare 3 that sin o.iard ot tni was jiev.erieto' uo.iei the law admit Kiie Nooio -Stidt-i,— 7 die IN CAK (HASH faiKne at tin* tiioo Alt hough there were «*• eV-w P now to tin* cratsh. according ’• tnd toned that ti.» cat travelled tit ty or mob- after crm.-hlnti the Highwav F;Pf skid nri.irk • ts-T.: , i ; . Bno«rc f end* - D., -d I lid-: iii.-oii V-Jared the rime o! the o-.,-i. i 3 30 in, si,- operations vvejv sue ■.-S > I!, he ■.■ i'd ’ • r overiiia the 1 n-d’, s ot os or. ■: pants 'hive hours ! at.*i C.Vfi KM'(IVKHKT* A Fort Ainron ('eisf Cuard )h*:ii located tilt’ sh i! ClnVi'o l -! oa*ll with arapjiliut hoohs md -t raided from the watet by Marines i rcvii (henry t**iiiit operating: ,* ia) £r * * axi* The rlrTwhrtdgc is located on r A 101 wiilch i- a* alternatf i.i; ■, wav hetween Htaufort and Chert'. Point The (ir --S iar,* m;, „f »h --i ift-li was cotidia fed l>v ( til t j, tfr; ■•*■;» "••! t.‘in- i t it v. . H 0 'ViHard and H H F owp of toe HiehW vy Patrol nn* .tat noied at Beaiiioi t Ir another w. ekcini ;oii*i ;.*■ 11V Nr tin-:, -.vh w-fre riditti* with tl sp uenoiniy i>;jure*i PLAN Si IT IV TKST ns'rt n ' leyril r ght * grounds witndrriw then Jcne; A Hintei S < State X a. A. C P prefcidr.'t.. indicated tliat org.suization had prepared Fst :i Quest','r:s to be «ofcß:itted t • the State Hoard f Education "■ i'n effort to determine the <-xact mattner used to dcterrn’ne «rui»r or «• bests for withdrawal of the cert'. £' cates <;ets foi inn mi u. Court « hi eh ir* April. ISIS, r rder * ii ’li- eaa chiin her Another app, ; v. s*. . f d r>y Th .or sn ! il.-ite the .culls- ’ l "-' thev haed ,*t South Mills with a jury whm- (■„. drawn either from Martin oi Hertford County HOI SIXC S JTDY , < Ct *'B° tifiSfd "11 IJO grottflds oMier »b«n ”i >e of proporfv value and AwoitlP’Vm density and said tost they would not opp<-«e use of tie site io :>ro\ nie honres. foi Negro oamersbirv, V&ijowjaf thm etaiemeai origin all’, made iyf"'• •* - *- -I C of the (Fit / iTl.mir tiliil !: 10*111;. OorntriK *.U.n Mr, Yore stated that lie* would tie willing' rr> use >he sire re, sro,-' home? for Negro iywner.-hip Shoe 1 !,♦'?, i ivnri tho Zimin... oonuriissom m"?mniond.e.i that '.he Citv Cornell ano rove the ;,r*,i which would f« known as the Washli,»{fori Tf-rrnne prmect. At its las* n-,rn: tiow«v City fotinTl (ioiavod t:thl uatloti on the ptt.iert />(*>"*'n." th* raturo to the !>'tv of Howard Aantiin? tr. ♦orney for the l,.>i,«rview grout At Tuesday r.iyn'a meetli.e of jhotWbfb; *f the "ivi: «nd Tort"- view Kropee hr..|(l J,t tho Rfo-'x't worth ‘-f. VMA \ th*> "'f.'*vi ‘i ntrro .■» at rift o hdtit loifuosi in th, City Criunci't *i‘-Vlnp t v -’ ncthm v *.i taken on the pro’cet u"t*i « ' ftttdy ia made of the p-.-sKibiktics fr- )"il' *U\n /■*' !jo’d for vrahSo mi that site and a rent ai fr .-. ifl,>,fre.r t’*a,et in the Src'ih«»,»*»orn nart of the e-itv. Kamesi to the ioim oowtfnitteo Vtfab will tit tr& nim mi MnMtiMHStUm —... In-a. ii mid <*. Irvin" Mr. i ■•• s.lltiilg ill.* civic u ru'.i I'* bring book tv(’iH'iim*ti(lii.tion to Hn two group- were Aiiss 'iubol f.,:i I* i‘, til'di ge b O’Neill. Mrs. Iliilli ’.Vyri.l't iilili I! Hb liliU: e. rfcpiVPetit fn*_■; the biau;view group, and C. T. '.igiitnoi . F. H .lei",',iy I, H Rob iusoii i,ad C. 0. Ivving, i'"pn‘?erit iny. the *'ivlc group. SIIFJ'AKD dI'MOKIAL ol Nortii f"ainl'ittt ColK'ne. 'old of ;;> visit to the hi.ty edti* a lor 'lliiinp his last il l ir: about hR and in ;rlitb "On lo - bed ho (urn;’. ,'Mi'i' oiip b.-t'oii 'ii- death in which be deciaied: "We cannot deci'ide any race nod expect t!io hrst coin i: Yibi can ; not -id; a person at his seif-re pec * rood i" pw! him to In .* good .'it; <('sl ' a sms !)i ns I ed The full' d'* -I.arted wi an t'l ,1 o* I lie used f/i\vr, 17. wi*- ’.V’ hren hlreti bv bin. t . clean hi * '!< ot .if sfeuji'.y one c.l " y*i *i A*’’ n \Ta."t( denied 1 i'i.-t. 1 o ;,i bint "int tnlc-stst i'lit :r li’tie i.'-i ike At"iiU NKIiiHBOP.S CAf.T N'ei:.' fibers notified police as lie 1 lioy ~*■ lafo-n to ilie County ho 1 . (.jin), iad t raie ran home. M'heii poHee knocked mi his door Crar-.- i'i .a ted . '., 'n with <. y*.'ii<' t.t bu! ‘r;<. 11 . tirs’ .1> ad ivti-c iter! and railed for reserve'- More and niofe i• i • ~ . imc: ■ .. o: v < :■' t to shoo ’ out u• b them t.j •* n ’ln fii •! '• d rein s iiitiov.s o 4 ni honic P*>|.. e is*-d lent ear bin - • ho: i„o pa oi" *mi macb i ii" Suit Cinie •••ettinuct to -ho d u;ldi\ 1..-* bis iioido Fuially e ti.vrs o* ,do-t to tire to In huIDP, .•);;«! Sll' 1 • in routtivj < , rrowiK wjjTrhhitr th* 1 battle sa? <«ii rooftops • o>i tht 1 street :■ mi pfe.cti [>mju OpHj* wirujov.s ne'- of CraTa s sh.»?- wild. !, t«r»’ peool* 3 liavi- been vvuan rr*i)]a«‘o tlo- broken w he-u hornfs <*t iw- N - uro uMinb ! ers ju .ireas zoned sx- 'uhivf lesideiiCe .*t vhite.s w i ovnnrni’od week •Tije NTAAi’P \w* .t Song 11* • or*l \\r Marshall said We will con linue !<• until oi J. n m* , ij nJ »-i- * >:UCP DBiVNDS 'We tw-lieve Mia: it would be desirable to have KKI’C Rcislat io.t . .41*11 u' ('..nito;lle* and oil tile onieti dnr of the Senate Ve for* the ex joCrttiotl ot this -essioii ol til*.- y1 st Conynss.’' Mr Wilkin- wro-.- Snell act i.. 11 si niltd IhUteat' ’O liit'g.* yroups in ih.- j*opul.'>tfnti who »air. .* ke.-n inter* st in this tegis bit :"ii th:;’ the < '"IK: os 1 ;-s i!• d to aTKi'.ld*)!, nil notion in this s.—jiun TEN-YKAR-OU) r.-tnrui school, and nobody <>! tend hiin , to nic it he were parched She -tale web*.re department bo i got in touch with his mo (k who agreed to take him. Robert is the ex-Mttt* ■ let ever held i't-ie. SESSION TIIKMI Term L*t**d .rneng ' .ittcr.dsvtg the ; ess: .'..s as ***:.• t.F.tartts ait Or . b lljaiTiUs Viav>. t , e-,fieri of More* ii. of- 1 and Dr Gordon T'i.- '..kv. oIJ head id th. lmiilnte ot Social H( ■ dioi - at -In University of North Carolina. HHLER !H NTEH each time hat left some trertu tens person power. Hu* ta-t victim was aged »nd ailiiig M innie Wamble who looked in her slocking where she had placed $335 to be -'prayed over" yiiniiie found paper, the -am.* siiee as the bills DAI (fHTERS Os ISIS CONVENE IN DETROIT 'DETROIT ' ANPt - The Dau?n --r... ol J. is, auxiliary to the An- .■. lll. Ek.v ptifiß Arabic Ordei of the j Myrtle .») North unci South Air-.-i'icf and It.- Jurisdiction*. Inc., (held tbi'ir 3.Bth annual convention 'here Aufdii-t hi-20. 1J g'hiichU 'vne an opening pub ic reception and rm -ting, an »d --drciw by Miss Louise M Darpas and * ptfeant co.rnir'e'iUiiy, the found .ng of the order 1 Mles Dargans told the group . mooting at the Lucy • Thurman brunch YWCA that Negroes must laky a more active part in legisla tion affecting t-U people, partieu ;.rly minority groups. In Washington, D. C , Miss Dai gans is the only Negro member of i the Congressional Secretaries club ‘ tsh* *s Mvom-y to Sep. Adsaa C, hsdobe Shown above is the architects perspective of tin- new B. it Dar. -by Hall of expressn e art* •>n which construction witi begin August 3t‘, at Jacks (in < oilig. .Jackson. Miss. The .structure, o I ich will cost y.r.(i,llbii. repre sents the largest singie imest nient of the state for tlu* educa tion of Negroes. Although design ed twin to Johnson Hail which was completed in 1:-)41. lianshy Hall will have a sKimtai.riized thi atricai stage and an auditor ium (bar will seat 1,000. '.AM" t BILLION TO RUN LIBERIAN MINE WASHINGTON .A'* F j Exi-iit-V.ripuft Bt.i'k W •.••inngt'u'. • h;.s tn.tiojri/Cd credit ~f s4.t)(io, ' COO to the LUvcrhi Minin;' . ; ~>y. Ltd an orgrmhatK"' c intai.a d or white A;•'.«•! tc.tnr- , nit .wi undo lilt- *,:f i .lbs. ia Llic '. .can fe. n, b’ u od to assist tit I* tl r'L’U iilr>. deposits st BoiVii Hi is. Libt-i-kt Uie m oict or * 45-i'olc ic*iirt.aa tr»;in the ot i.a to Bonn H o* or-.& tij6 cortsti : id ? It is oxpovttd Uutt the toted csip it. : !.<•: t til thr- jit '{.(!. - , m ' tilt* V I 4j:t JI Ot o'huh o il; be i.- Mohoti o- irit tankv ]<*on Aj,jMnx iOdU iv SI,OOO. 000 has been < t*.» date by Uit irmmtg cump.iiiy ost dt'Vtlop ii‘. nt ‘.vh.i-K. T)ie loon o»n.Undent nu-lH :> Jvvu.n ?h» ia'Oei i.i Mldii.f’ ' ! ; i.y Ltd and the* BCjiiU. liv eo’VjjcLix undt;r v»ho-h t lalte-r w-h invest n. i;l aoniiu vonipaiis ;.nd ■ • xu. - .* lot;: t x Mil tifi- pU’lO.’M .. i!,i feITICIi t T i his j r-i tHUrS in. 01'- ( i iripsny which . 1.> piamiod U. dt vcfoj the Chro ’it* C«il Ci ?sti< u w'!.:’. ii' .u <•:*. .t !\ u the .•« nee . I . U:r I. - bernii - v \ urnn - . • 4 • » wro i v<*aj*s l‘.t *t Detroit It toid tile .-• i*ry of the Impel ia! Court lion. th. A u:,u • da. ,n if (Ml when the wives of five hie*, at ilie $1» jntr.* i entioii in Icednitnd i of ixj-gar nn■ u ’-jn auxhiai y ?<* ’ day when 'he i • :in*?...v. .n oat • t . ’i. 1 1 meirmershi).' 1 . r .. 000 in ioc. s;;i (ird;i'..s e throughcnat tlic United Su:. • Mr- i.. ara \V iliknts w«- tin- first c--nmiandrc.'s. and vi. Lucy M. V. i borough was the firs! itoord six «st in,)i. :i. 1 < r. : ’.l • rtsscs xv: re *; w c Sts Uiis pageant Ti.. v..,. Urn la Hines Bet '- i.lliie K \\ -.■)i. VVliiu j Button. Elizabeth Graves. Beui-n L McK:.\ at; :i Shn Si m,. . , j jUOfIES ! COME AND GET ’EM JHr Che *rluT R ° y «lFal ‘ Uan toss' JMEi lb?I Su 'H - c " T^o t ° rtia " $395 JP* R ■* «to, ‘‘L/c, ‘NVy, J 1 You Can I ru»t Sanci«r’» ‘ H A Ask Your Neighb or ----- - -- - | Community Hospital Gets Budget Approval The '('quest it the Cm iieimily H• s[:r} Administration sot ,i qt,,J» . irod id... i- Kigi.*! was ; rantij:' b,. B*e City Ccoi'icil and the Boji-d of C-iunty Ci.-innn'iMr.nei'S meet.r.g in 1 .01 0 'i'll L'lldgft approve;; to; the Hosyital amounted to Sh.'i I (Mi'.OO An ruittiti-ii:..,' v- ...- alK:i:aleft l the nisi.-et ~o \ ,i ■ iint'inckd ••x,X' c . autl'icheJ. do:-’ mg t.’ie !94d- ill Jisca.i year. The 1 i- 1 is pita IS Adm.; ■ i ?.■;:• ti ■*. M i auk Adair, stated ''Tlic m d.-. j approved h.v tlie joint cocci idiij.; *• axis eneoui. iei ;i:. i.uu ;\ hi I'll OVII ilfl In nciel to t: .* *l' -' F pilul ; ‘"i ve ('*- i i.-> ;.i;. . v. I til .*t am lard - .'•■(. D’-.iieiiClch 'la. Am; i"e. an \letiic-.! .v** ■ s-iatl. : . ;Ilu se . .., e- -.'u-M immediate Hi'ui l-C:it.t. i* turns fttin: labors if cur medical and technical staffs in t o ' hie i■, : , \ cii! 111, j;.,... of dlSVi.* U* to eili'i fill int- -Iti. pt;d v'UtlCi 3!| Vtlld t . pfLiVi- Ir- ’lf growth of i s die.-.. it'bc*- Al th<- n,e-el sag Os the joint boards the Adn.inistt pointed out to th. ho.- cital's policy to Keep the ■ :• (1 ( *..,iß1y ""VC, . Ido ;*- U - ! the hi itiuei 1' : HhU il hi paiiliC atnl ahull lal.ii - ..a;uj L. tile Otht i m* provv-mi Db j. -\ i .«- ci by tlu* iu '.'jt.ti rJ4i'-Jh » u.- ciudt an additional inytriHtOi ar.d ->! Nursn- Ono vt?iy nj ‘JHlfivoVit otto jt(>i ■- ■•-'■•h; w hi.-h will bo pi i-vided in tin* • t\\ bud .f! will i.< tht tMikn f n.un tv vs no ( ;l siio-vY w> oi>i ! int.’}' Ui't' Uftl.bii to a pi i vMO ’ p.tiy:-cia:j JH aciiiti'. i' and pCn-soiint?l : wiiJ be included l'»?r SL-rcening. one tu-i eli b*. *. I'ou Record : - .j" i l <-J lbe x tm. : .: ; h b », tid X-• - < . V-. ,V f !* - . I 1 <4 . « , the actio? f ij. t joint boards, Rx-al and i’actio n< !.;iihu the H .aid ,>i Jjmncos ioi thi* eftßSt-iH > v)l the b >spiia]*s inaii a#*eme«t during »h fiscal year At a nreeling of eii. ( loyet s, Ad;.*«' took ■ cea; i : to thank the pump tor the , jvtng His ruru»rk- v bvougru forth ti 15: then. .1 pledge t:> tn;-ke the jj fiscal year the t ntst vot. \n t.ilnr ; t-;>-* •rt tbr Duke Money When You Need It VfONEY WHEN YOL NK'Kf» IT. BORROW A UTTIE OR A LOT dN . JEWELRY OR OTHER V ALL ABIES, i. VIS.KK LOANS ON JEWELRY- Li GO A< .1. LA\!> INSTRLMFNYS SiRiR'IS iiOoDS, . CLOTHING - L A MER AS. RELIABLE LOAN CO. :;07 S. \\ ILM'iNG f (>N ST. ri . . - ■ T'jgjiftwa-TvJMa*-****** THE CAROLINIAN Endowment rt-veah-d the fact that C' fummi:y Hospital ,i Wilmington i:; i-rated ■ t a per diem cost which '••a;' h>w» \i ct 'he averages ot =Jj , the Negro hospj.< Wdl Joseph Smith T? 1 Sincluh etit swimming ;: »f us ! i*‘: r. ti*c |< ■H&'.'laj'&L l.u; Co.. -.iccvrauu to tne story J To-u police by v aneiiur Stneiau Roberts hi other "'• !' buvs Cornelius void strip ; {•■'• 1 ■ •! then eiaiLP l, ,::;d dtveu i "• > the .v« r whUh m its ice" a: ;:juu Nvi liter w...r ■ it-, the .- i fact- again ■\ n.*r. nr two playmates failed. , ...... t r,. X ia i! all lei help It dive!a ..lid persons using jrap- • ■- ill •: !a ;!y *n:!ll short !> before • ink when the body ot the Smith, hot .-.a-; eetne. t*o a t 0 >.\ i, . fi dir •a. A- he v. as believed to have tilt LIBERIA PICKS ON DELEGATES ] MONROVIA i AVI', An j Hefi:-!Oei(tiiei delegation lo ihr | l S headed by i harie- t» B I Kiie . Liberian ambassador to I Hit l niit-d States tilth Henry 1 I. t otijjt r minister to I ranee | .oMstaiit it at announced last wet H 1,11.e Liberian depart meitt t,t state (111!.: (lit mbits ut the dele - nation to the fourth session td lin I N are s. David t oletnaii si-eietar> of interior; Henry K i t-eper senator; and the lot h'Min!; i t jirt -seiitativ es Albert i> Peabody John fi. KolenKi tVtiiiam ViUiierspotii, aim Samuel li George. Ihe I N tin sting will open at l ake Suet-ess \ 1, September h; The stleetion ot a new deh g a tic n each tear is in keeping with President Tubman's polity ot having a permanent chair man to the I N but to rotate --flier members among lea ing linn and women of the nation kills ()W.\ INF VST: BLAMES PROWLER blilt AGO I A.VP) A !, tmiig white mother, airs. Doro thy Skeecii, Z‘i. last week con ic wed that he had kiihil In > us-day dirt baby daughter at - lei lust telling police that a Neg 1 j prowler hail slam her («iild Mrs. Skeeeh. whose husband, Thcinas, J| is ur,employeit. said •!i! took her ehild's life Jieeattse the did not know !io>t she and her husband would take tan ol K. Her first statement clginiing «h;u a Negft muruerecl Uie liaiii eoiilfl have in< iled a rare riot it >he had oof told the Ruth latei on Mori than hut persons had gaumed in hei lieigborliooii •bat-iG .tih-i hie 'news' laid *pr«ad Negnos have recently begun to move inui the U otdl aivn conni!unity in w hich site lives, ('ilie.igo's largest in .vspap»-r. The itibune had headlined the Tory m large tdack prim and bad iiseu a iea.,i say mg uie baby li td been - hue by a "'Negro jrir-iler" The S!uii')'iiise.s gave ffte -toy good play but -lid not use the word Ni gs a Support Your Paper, NOW y'OU CAN GET SCOI T ' S i AMO US BARBECUE IN EAEEICH --At The— WJ.f YARD hUNirt;) AND LUNCHEONE/Tt 4 lb -S. iiloocJvvorth St. IN i KODUCINC OUR Nf w SPECIAL ties BARBECUE A N D FRIED CHICKEN STOVES-HEATERS REDUCED AS MLiCH AS IN I HIS SALE o (M m% Ak : l " ' Hot Blast ( Storage T’ypp * UipOSC flL\ iL KS IIFAiKBs FT um thv »iiialle*t to the iferaest cutik stove —- heater ciriuiator or oil uU at pm.** lower than ©vat dte&mevt of. tmCULATBRS - hot blast 1 N I J I HEATERS ' L L - • PREPARE FOR THE W\ WINTER NOW AT THE Coal & Wi r«d GREATEST REDUCT SONS IN RALEIGH’S HISTORY p p Ainnnv furniture m*M» Ifillllll COMPANY - 108- J lO E. MARTIN ST ' RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1949 Nm *si* Vvianied Fellowship Frank 3 Aa.-nc Actrriin strato. ji Ct iiinmnity Hospii«i. has unncuiic*; ■•■ n tin*) the Mt-en Sitm; Hospital of New Y<■••!< City r.e.- granted a fel lowship t Nurse Marjorie li. n Her of Wbniiiiulor, North Carolina. She left on August isi toi fin sptviiil tibseivation work in the; 'hre..- Pediatric T’aviilons at Mount bmai. v.Tiieh court prist one * * the ho Pediatric- teaching units to be found in American hospitals. The fellowship provides for the payment of all expenses plus riu li stipend which will he •>;v; rt o the loca; nurse riit Administrator stated "This is in keeping with oar effotU to ro.-isU inly improve the nursing ser vi.e a: Community Hospital and ’ t] ~ '■ '' .- v *' l%£ '■ S'" ■ ' -m ■ k Ii«4V»9R aft j |ffi 9ni ft 1 j 99T1» j jlt «B I ;■ I v v. > ' g■■ •I ’ --i , r . I■ ■ ■ _,> L''" • I 'g ; t 1* ■ in this esse particularly, (o bring our own Pediatric Division to a point when it will not be neces sary to staid our senior student nurs.e away each year for instruc tion iu Ihe care of children." lUi Adair, hviiicri;, Assistant Executive Diiector ri New York's cij'denham Hosihiai. eomuienitd turdier that ins Wheeler'*' ap* pointment is anothei corr-mendebJe d, -non.-tr lion that iuti.-rracial cc '; -ration can and dots work in tile strategic iunetic»n* of the mochrn hospital. M ADISON. Wis iA YP ■ • W hen the 22nd triea ,i;tl meeting of thi* Phi Beta Kappa coun-.-il meets here next v.'cek. on Uie i'niversity of Wisconsin ciicipug the place of honor will be- given to Dr Ralph ,i. LTuuehe win will make the princi pal banquet address. The noted T. iV Palestine mediator will speak on "The Road to Peace: the UN Way 1