DISCOVER 140 IN SLAVERY IN MISSISSIPPI . 4 mm' •«. I w M - Jfs g-j U. 4m I'OI’THH'L Hill) Dr. .1. Clement PMgv. nineteen - year ; C a Hill) oi Slier City, is shown j receiving coiigratuli! Huns, from j Sirs Mary McOleutl Bettoune at tei receiving an invitation so ' present a paper before the Bri tish Association of Science. Dr Paige, who is the young NAACP Official < Urges Rout of Civil Rights Foes •Jackson Teitti. "We are swine :o work for tin* defeat <*t every c-gisialor who civil righr.^," dev lared C.iosu - ft Co. : t at, dire, (oi of brunches »i th* tfatloiifll Ass*x Oat ion for the \1 rmry and eic jr.«;ta: \ school.-. 1 A grad&ate of Wn 'ton-Sab m Teacher ~ College Mis Blount li*s a ijrsastei of arts degree irom Nev. York University. She taught at Co lumbian Heights Elementary Schi»- here for six yenrs Jn iJH? s'he cecariie a veterans t.-ainint* advis er at A and T College Vira. Clara Ellis Douglas wa» : n pointed as the supervisor In the county schools Mia Douglas is (Continued on page E. tins section > SUPREME COOPT FREES MAN IN MS S. C. MURDER AIKS>N» -S', l . (AN Pi ~ E. O. Hartiu. freed several weeks be iA XT. S. Tp-ap-reme court ruling, wae iU»n; issetf from prison ln«t »*‘plc when State Solicitor B. D. Carter inrounced ' Hint the state of sou Hi Carolina fond droppeß its **** ayainst Karris had \ been held in the state prison for w.'t.ks although the Su TT'ertif- court. ,V?d ruled That tVi e "tonfessloii." on\ which he was con vie tort of the SmtiVder of two white? Mr. and Mrs. ffidi'ard Bennett, was obtained through '.force. H.fcrrlt was ori t' uni lj convict ad bfiibQti ). Robert \ Martin Jr. The State Supreme Count by » 6-* vote v.pXh)'.i the coatiricrSnrh bbt the hivh *4* cr>jct et the mtiett,.rwesaed the Cofeiihuftti on page B,\.tids section est Negro ever to receive a I’HD cli glee Irom an accredited Uni versity, received his I*UJ) in tbr field of physiological psychology from McGill University In Can ada, He received his masters dtgiee in bacteriology from I. ('. N. V in IS**V and his B. », m the biological sciences bum A. and 1 in 1945. "Kvery member of Ihe Assocei lion,' "Mr. Current continued. "inu.M eimpei yte in ibe drive tn register one million N>-e i" vote!- tn th** southern suites He must inereus* the registration of Negroes an d other minorities throughout the e.dintry We dial I -pm or gel-out tln- vote eumpalt'im ;ti -M" and national elections, pay-your poll -.i\ campaigns in those states which still rtquire it. .Mr. (’in ivut also denlorod the re surgence of mob violence' tfirofivlt out the South, a king support ir particular for tie- NAACP fight t-> free three young Negroes false. > accused of rape in Grovelaud, Kloi’ula.. » oiiuiiuult v recently rav i by taoti tf‘i n»run». and fnr tho fifshl & £3.1 nst i t*h id€*ntis 1 zoii i hii ft IHi lY'r 1 «-S 111 Ui Ilf. violence ill Him* nijftifiiii. Aiabaiua. BirrniiiKiiuui Ala. Pontinulng its catnpaigvi for abolition of local racial zoning h. u.-• following tb bombing of mo Negro ministers' home-' in an area zoned ex< usive-iv for while residence, the Birming ham branch of the National Assn c> at ion fur the Advancement of Col t-mi i'l-nph last week wired Gov ernor Jane : FI F'olsutn urging that "the prestige ot v.nii* office be mo bilised in the direction of bring lug harmony and peace in the Bii. iiunghajii zoning dispute within the framework of the federal courts.’ During the past t-n day.- wires insisting; upon "recognition of the utict ut ionai ity ot all racial zoning, laws and :i .set-tins that the P “w 11 settle ter uothiTig less thaii total nholitinti .--l all racial zoning." liav'i U>in di-ppotolled by A V. Had a pr>-s if! •• >,* of the Bit Rostov Conkhng Simmons of . Chicago No explanation of the ab- J si lie. of tee Rosed diplomat has ?>etn announced. Only four days ! oefore he was to apeak here. Di Punch appeared at a d nner in Eos. Angeles sponsor; d by Be lly wood | '.coders for the NAACP. The disappointed public was. : ~'hjrj rvi ns high t: $3 admission to near Dr. Buncht- talk. ! More than tl.rtOe members of the i JBI-OEW hove registered here f Ol 1 I the v. eekloru convention. They rep- ; ! resent 2,400 lodges and temples' i throughout the r ation. Highlights of j ' the convention so tar have been a ! , series of civil liberties meet ivies, j the gala parade and the cavalcade , j of jazz ; James Roosevelt, son of the late ' j President Franklin D. Roosevelt, j : headed the speakers in the civil j j liberties m clings He stated to his j | audience in the Civic auditorium, j ; "You.cs ; .net win this fight alone I You must b&ve the support of every ! • swtriotie group in the jj^itddi BY JAMES B. LaFOLRCHL JACKSON, Miss. (ANP) Approxi mately lv»0 Negroes and their children, and from 3<5 to 40 poor white persons n. e said to he living in a state of slavery just 10 ROBESON IN RIOT The Carolinian ay vv -‘ ■ ' a Vytei i S -,v. A? '• •• •-> ~ k - ,i ~, s '■fv - V>:. hi >• > Va a '.-■'-W ~f • ■. -t .■. - 24 Pages volume: xxix TRY C.ROVFXAND J Elder Named To N. C. Board NCC HEAD NAMED TO JOB SECURITY ADVISORY BOARD F ill .wing tin oi.-h mi h.s cam- ' , a. i. pledges lor th< iianiitif- ol Ne j)o reprt ht'dauvi-i . n board* and; ‘ i-charged with a-dm Lus tra tio , * f affnn pertain nt; to Ne groes i.r ail of the cil.?eub oi the ! .date. Govc-riKU VV. Kerr Scott lets! week announced the appointment ,01 l)r. Alfonso Elder prcsitiont of . North Carolina Cullen’ tn the <*d vism t:0..ul •' t the N C Ke.q. ny n.i ; ,t Security ( ..,nmi&aion Dl Ehifi is the only Negro iiitifi- I .., r of th.- si vv:.-i-umber board , ’hieh plays a vital nit- .u me economic life ol the state Governor Scott was: til* naming ut Or Harold L Trivg. pi c-sld. nt «>t Si Augustine’- College of Raleigh ..- the Ih.-t Nt; ■ men.mer *d die . State Board of Education. Other .ippointm - ir adt suu e • l.v (Buveinor Scott have been ] iContinued --n p me 8. i-'-ts s(-c;r>n> : Truman May Speak At NBA Convention WASHINGTON iANP* Presi dent Truntii'!. ts i; • pi • - ’•••is»-'d ; the National Bs Association that Ik- would sei inti-lv ; -.••..-idri its invitation to peak <» 'ue commith-i • i h.ivvvtrs kVtin visited Mr Tnii r ian at the Waite- House last W< dnesday .- told the ' PifMOt-ni ’.h..' Has .1. social:an ha States. The cm ink- of democracy hail with glee any instance of (CoVmuon < n page H tftis sectior» '--” ' " * ' COST LOWER THAN EX PECTED Above Is shown an architech’s drawing of the pr»- pcssd library far North Carolim NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING WEEKLY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, Sin*'!'EMßEß- 3, 1919 ON ST All BOARD D Al foiiso \. i ider, president ol North Carolina College M Dur ham, w lio>, appointment to the Advisory board oi the North ( a -1 inpt-iyinem Security < ommission w ,» s dimouiurd Wednesday afternoon !•% t.uv ernor \\ Kerr Srotl !'..' n "ceaseless, battle i-u the • litninathm of second- las- ,-ituvn .s!-'p" in thp country He furtht-r .stated dmt u -..can • moos i-esolutio.-i has been passed at < aii; iif the associations' annua! conventions r r the past three vt-.i >. comivn dine, i-Tesidcnt Tru man !< • Hu . n'lßistoi:-tlv hi::ll : round on v, ilch I’.e has conducted his luht tci civil rights. PAYS TRIItCIE D-u a ibid Ml'. Truman Unit be had lent di-. nity to the Piv.-idencv it Id's fight u. h us no othe ■ Pre -id.-rd has done since Abraham Lincoln. The President was reminded that bly very presence ;:l tins convcr ticn v, uidl bring hope to tin op -a.d ;oupies everywhere. The tionai Bar Association an b-rganizaticn composed of !»ut" oi the 1,200 coi -red lawyers in tills coun try, h - priev o’.isly corresponded with lb.. Prcs-id-m? in 1 g-rd to the appoiiitiiH-nt of .-jitalit -d Negroes to fill sane 01 the 27 judgesbt-p vs-' I crncie \ hicb now exist. ' •(: aii'.ued on page a tills .-•- ctton> College at Durham whose c«a --| ‘ traction wllj co«i fhr- Stall' a quarter of a million dollars lest, than it was first expected- milpfi from Mississippi’s capita! city, it was disclosed hore last week. A .i l-yaar-okl escapee Waver Clifton who fled from the penal servitude winch earlier had claimed the. lives of his mother GROVELAND TRIO FACING TRIAL ON RAPE CHARGES TAVARES Flu. Judge T J Ft.*. 4 Lake County ( in-uit * • it'- 1 the trial of the three # j.stii indicted here on v c. ue charge !! September 1, . •llej o-.-oy i)g motion for witLehawa! of, The defendant pleas, made vestor- ■ day by NAAC’P rLtv■ r*e y- Alex Akerrian. Jr. at Orlando n t the plea. ; ’-lotion* filed totn.y by Mr Akin ina and Mi Williams lor furtnfr > c-u:uiuancc t allot' a longer per iod of tune tor proper preparation o. the defer, a. l oi tl -■ accused tr.o. tea* araudl Au.-’um 29. The sta.rneys Vo will argue in lav or of a mot; to quash the mlictinenfs ar-ainsi Samuel Shep herd. Wallet Lee Irvin, and Chas tCoAtinued on page 8, this section< FILES FOR MOTOR CUV MAYCRAFiTY DETKOIT (ANPi “Should we hive a Negro lor mayor of this city ? ' that's the 4 uestjon gidng the r hititis as i sort 411 political joke, since Luke Tiller, local real! estate man filed and en t* reit in tb. non partisan pri mar> eli-edi » lor September ! a> a candif te for mayor. filler, practically an u»i known in the political world here, is lecelving no support and very utile encouragement Iron) political leaders 111 his ef fort to become Hie i .rsl Negro irs the history cf Detroit to seek election a- mayor. His e? eign got off to a ti*il star recently when of ficer lit he Michigan Ftder< a tod l»en ,-ratic clubs deni? d publicly t at he is or has ever been a m< uiber of that eirgau iration. Additional savings on hcildingn proposed for Utr NCC camyns. j as a rvs.uti of tower lwdv. tha.»i i were nytded totaled SI3 Mvf' la end fatfter, told in dramutic fashion how the institution which led to the Civil War lioui ishes today- within a shoil distance of the- vai now occupied by Gov. Fielding L. Wright, ((‘onumted on page 8, fii'St section} Truman Welcomes All “Good Democrats” Back V A SHI N< !'i iIN i ANP i - I'res; dent Harry fruuc:,, :-:ivy.)rteil '.is !>-; i. • nt st-vei. i)i;. :f( ran m the ' !..> rU •> • ;;,>i kef V ednes l.i) ni. lit ami hi tbi- ciiau- welcomed all "loyal i» >• rah’, ti.l k lil*n tic- iuiti. Th*- mttiona! • omnuti "<■ into piny the ;>0 ->»■«: old e.vpaba his rule »,nd di-nr:-.- t-d tro*n the pa.r*v Marion Hu«hrm.* >/* -\b it**- 1. B A *. i.i itr- mi Guat 'i ,'i ./i \VP. -.T)‘ T;ii!oi and Mr?. Herbert Agnew of yo::th ( nrt.iina Truman in hi: off-'ho-rr.f) ~ ■< £• Si. told 'lie putty lucinbulT gn tb, n»*l :hnt Uu (li'.c se-vt i«»n of t lie Contitiy won the last elwilori. ill-i all -»• ili-nv in:.-, tlo-i - twt lur ptoAKim over He a'-?i» inuis'atu. tluir ibi- mi!' Ik k'*-(!”il igaili in the next elo-tinn He pointC*i to Ihv tv cl ':..i Cong.ts was griHug ik:" blood whl«-h It sorely need* ed. ntul thft' :!'s- imlux would continue. "Th' rail no loiurtr wag i the d<*g W»* won the ebtT n la. 1 S i vemii*» i'houi New York wi'i. nt the iinlustrio! Exist a-nd v/Uhout it- soii-i .Soip' , ilia' doc- it *i no an we :,!** not liivnin..: the ron )' >••• jo.i. tiro puitv 01. the poop:..' on-i help the • *'tutr * Predict Hastie For U.S. Appeals Court lSp<‘ei;il to t‘A KOLf NIA \ 1 WASHINGTON A 4 •- ‘ reliable Siaire t*. lit ft Gove 11 William H Ha.--tiv • f uit- Virgu: island:-, will t.q.painted n ‘.ne : licnch of the Third Cmted States! Caurt of Aq t ai-. Seen Tor Fi r 1 YJyt. l)tm Ptu. will r< r. . - the rp.; '■'«<- merit The oyrjy.rt unity of re corn - ; mending him w i! L« given to Sen-: tar My Irs is ;• courtesy and '-vill | j aid u n in his rampaig;. tor re- • eli 1" j. in'xt ye'g.i. Tin Governor has: also hewn prc.niLiently mentioned foi up-' laiitt; at to ‘it- <)1 three newly •ci*' tt.-d judgeships in the United U. of Tex. Will Admit First Negro Student A! STIN. Tlx (ANP) A Negro student, Herman Harnett, 2d lias been admitted to the niedical school ot the ? iDiversity of Texas in Galveston, it was announce.-! here last week. This uhitc was made afti-r ih- Tcxas logislaumi had inisera.t>!.‘ the <••*»** el- a fatuity »>»»«'•#* hutldiof uid :t rloi.srw>m fur i which utiis wen »warded Mxit ' wywto. SINGLE -g *n copy &"C NO EIGHT States t.'imri «.! .ApiXials foe* file Di-iUut i ‘ C. lumbla Tliv 1 mid cum..;’ L whtch hr will probabi; be? sppcrtueu crn.- prists Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Delaware and the Virgin Islands There are rn w six judges in the circuit Governor Hastie s uppo -itnient wnl give recognition to colored Democrats. He rttd s yeoman job campaij-Tung fb-i Vr. xidem Tru man .; year mo He r.fihaas drew bigger audiences and his speoch? * were perhap:' more effective in ; - votfd -tates than those oi any v,:;o campaigned for the Pr; * dent (CotVinued on p.n;« •> this sectifni.* failed 4 support Us newly • routed State uuivej t>■. In :■ las! ininut art, the logialutuTrt appro ; priuti.-d <■ aiv iflfiO.OM to the school ' ITostdem it. O'llara had ashed for $ 1 i*\ooo,oou Thj tucufi sti in «ni "until a medical branch »t T' ,sas Stnti iiniYCrsit} for Negro** ' J:i Houston war. available f plan !o <0 t/‘ tie ]\ . 011 ih ; SViiUMilcT wml .curt no cia-sos." ; Harni-i{ -said. )fe is (1 unlive of AmwUH. lid 1 : ns ,ijp sir in- j rrve#■■■ the only Negro »pf*li the V. S Supremo court this fall. ■ . . - t »T > 'j&Aafc, - * ■'— ',l . *W“T|TI iw»n»n-i» 1-mwwnnMiKeaiiw.a. •*' ■ +■-* I* j DROWNING VH TIM —• Mar vin Kogi is Marsh-'iUe ,voung«ter , who was dtowned Sunday while swimming in .1 pond i* - ar nss home iituoufih Ids body was e«Jt recovered bj help by his playmates, aUempty tee aitifliial respiration > d bss. Story on this ni,c , _—"’~'!sWlPl i A i : w : .. dtHwISSwIBI I'NPOPITjAE Paul Kobe sen, • 'am ms cojpsASSf singer, whose prctpcs.ctl tipMf at: Pcckskili S’ V.. Saianllf '!* the concert New Vfcric ! State i.itn as well ’as Peek* ‘ sK.iL city pcihec were ocn&’plettOOS iby their nbw-nc NOT iv 4 fTY I Pcek-auii !. \> enter eineot ofi»- jee.s who wore questi-.-:,ed later 1 concenung Uieir reason for not 'making any utterngt t quell the Li •:•: .'m concert w;:s schedul t-d to he iicid -*. s-: “out vl the city ; Umiis " The besieged Robescn followers 1 nird*.' y*:»n^n) RM iiAl lUTi S ARE CONDI ( TED FOR Idrowniac victim MARSHVfLLE funeral rites \ , 1(, id her • Vu« d.".. at tils Eli •: 1 ct:j Baptist Church far clu Me; vin Regers who vu-s drown *ed St’jvt vh1)“ S'-.- h’'ift;* i n ip# ! A;-i tm Pond About one «/*;& Q&M•• < half miles from Marsh villa Marvin a 1 as drowned wheu he 1.1 tempted 1 ■ swim across the U-nc; oi the pood in which It® and • .-eve’.at «f his nlayiaetes had gone I sv-Titimuu on a number Os WWW* [ si; u ...... ! Tih lad's body was brought to j th. surface by ivs-.MCitirs wlfco totd | beer t.uiiinjonod by tus p. iymstce ' Attempts -it anificiai respiration, ; fcrvvever. proved unsuccessful. The furtorat rite® Were conducted ;l*y tii. 1 . V,' vv. Fuag. The iyoungster is Survived cy his par- 1 lent;-. Mr. at;< Mr*. G rb:r. Rogers. | n tv. Mabel Ruth and fv-ur ; brothers, Freeman, Johnnie, ,R*y ' and Joe. <