PAGE FOUR |j HIGH POINT CHURCH BRIEFS ST. MARKS TV. S. S. S. Tlitt s;c?t.■ i I PiC' * (ng of */ie t\ S C. S •.vi-.s held Tuesday Aug 23 at the ■••-. .ruh with the president Mrs. T. Y. Brancefield presiding and devotionals hr ?»Ti -. Robert:: Robbins. Highlighting 'he meeting was n review ~>• the plans and sugsres Hobs outiine.d the executi\i com as it Tee. Daring ! h© business session cir cU- handbooks were given to circle ''laimen Plans, were made- for the Pro-Fall -frolic which will tie held ■vi /iiday evening a tig. 2S* at Mrs. C. T Whittens, 1206 Day St from 7 to Vi p.TTi. The public is invited to attend this night of run. There will be an kinds of refreshments mixed drinks, hot dogs, peanut.-, popcorn, potato chips, candies ai.d 3lr kinds of sandwiches —«lames ami good musie. Th. following committees at asked to comaer the president. tmie Kan will maldb your hair perfectly ... This most useful hair piece bier, j» in with youi own hair and keep# the rough etuis even. Fitting frem ear to ear and shoulder length, the JESSIE RARE Page Boy makes ■your new hair length look so nat ural that no one can tel! the dis- This JESSIE KARE back of th# head cluster can be worn in eight sifter styles as a cluster or plain. You cc away with the use «f hot Irons, thereby giving your hair tin# p regain it* strength. f'.VE HALF GLA MO l i» length you want, the JESSIE RARE Half Glamour fits your taste. As you see it fastens at the crown of the head and hangs nar orally down the*back. You car. w«ar it as an upsweep or any style you like- (It is 16 to 20 inches long). SBL Ora K. Mtirtiti Rosa !u - N.ira Bynum. .Maud Hinton, Mary Eliott. Mrs. Estella Carter. Sophonia Turner, G. Lynch, Es-. Telia Nelson. Gertrdue Kendall, Elsie Menard, Mary Raper. Mrs. ’ E P Wilson. Ethel Baliengcr, . Kloisc Powell, O. R. Morgan. Mrs Angelin© Khynehardt, I. ?. .Tier rit. ,Thelma Bruton, Naomi Shook. DECORATION COMMITTEE Mrs. L. s. Merritr Louvenia Green wood. MUSIC Mrs. Elsie .Menard. Mamie Wright. BROOKE MEM OKI Al. CHURCH NEWS’ Circle B of which Mrs. Pauline Austin is chairman met at th parsonage Thursday evening. There was a very important business ?c --sion. Mrs. Mary E. Walker had charge nr th- devotion. Member taking part were: Mesdanu-s Lizzie Davis. C. M Mayfield. Pauline Air tin ami Mrs Annetta Evans. :W. S. C. S MEETS The W S. C. S. of which Mrs. C M. Mayfield is chairman met ri the church Friday evening. Busi ness j/art of tite meeting was eu joyed by *he group Reports wert made by the following persons: Mesdanies C ■> r a Evans. Kifi. Kearns Pauline Austin Domtht Carr. M Haizlip. and Emma I'o teat, Osie Thompson. After ttie business meeting. CL ole A nt which Mrs. Dorothy Can is chairman prew-mte-l a talent pt o gram. Fred Dixon sang Even ifg Prayer, the Gripper sisters sang Silence In The Presence of ts. Lord Doris Gabriel reci'et) My Arthur it- :;-on recited Book Shelves Edith Mayfield san? I'm . Rolling. VAanda Aniaket gave an intirumental number. HUH if. Y STREET rK»r 3YTERLAN CHURCH The Deacon Board presen it ,1 v '- E Crifsraan. Deacon <>• Gieen S Baptist ('hutch ami mem her of the North Carolina Hons of Representatives as guest speaker Sunday, ai ’ o' dock luring the 'Fellowship Meeting." Special nn Meal -elections were given by Mrs. Nona Do'-ker.v and Prof. S. E. Bur ford. ME 'i’ODlS'i MEN MEET Hi. .MethodHf Men met at the holm of Mr -George Sharpe on Fail view St Mr. isaa- Watson, president presiding. Mr. Watson is asking that ail the men meet nexl Thursday evening at the parsonage There will be nm-onecs r.v to have h- * r re- - turn. .Virs Ode js asking all choir rnembevs to !> present for choir re hear sal Wedt -aiav evenin.g Circle C of which Mrs. Mary Laurence is hairman will meet Thursday ev. fr.g a* the home of > Mrs. McGill -21 W. Green Street ! with Me; Sarah Daniels as hostess, rhe following ladies are asked to .© present.: .V- j Mames Cora Rva.r,«. Elf;-: Keanu, Mai tie McClure, Li) jiiu Gabriel. Urrru Withers, Grace WiPson. EiTLRia Porfee, Am;- Wil lie’!-:, Daisy Gray. Lilian Alhea. Mary Francis- Meyers. A'-tee Do” set.. Mrs. VlcCorktl. Emma Trim daje, Mola Moffitt, Helen Colt . Ethel Simmons Ruth Evans Mrs. ; Sh ealc-y. WEi.Fi.YN SERVICE GUILD MEETING The Weslyn Servi.r Guild will meet Monday evening at. 7. Z‘> p.m !at the Brooks Memorial Parsonage. ' Mrs Moffirt is asking aii the lad Ms to please be pres";il„ PERSON \ LS i Mrs Annie Howard and da ugh Iter. Cecelia, have ret a rued to their home in Pittsburgh after spending two weeks vacation here with he-, parents. Mr and Mrs Eli Aloffitt, 801 Redding Stjv>-t. Her brother I Ernest returned with them Mr. and Mrs. W E. .Merritt. 1337- E. Washington Street had as theß i recciV house guest Mr. Ner” : j brother, Mr. J. E, Merritt. Norfolk. . Va. where he is shipping eierk ft Montague Rubber ■ o , Mr. and Mrs. C B. Mcßae. 11 - j Series Street had as th-o week •pnd guests \ir. and Airs. Willie Bh 1 tint son of Hamlet. N C. Mr. an t Mrs. Willie Graham and son. Red Springs, N C. P,rs. Bell and Mrs , Graham are sisters of Mr Mcßae! who was honored at a surprise .birthday party Wednesday evening. Mrs Burlfua lone,-- is ill at High Point Hospital Mrs Caroline .VCreh ha- return eu from New Haven Conn, where she was u delegate to tie* iueeti:.'4 | of (ne United 'Oder nf Tent< While away she visited relatives in Washington. D C. Mrs. Mary 1.. .Simmons -nd ’ granddaughter .Annie Ruth Wil liams have returned to Now York after visiting Mrs Simmon.' son -rind daughter here Charier, Hire nions and Mrs. Rosa Steele Dr. and Mrs H. 1). ( rest ,!r ami 'ami!/ are -pending a vacation in New York Mr Perry, little brother of Mrs. Crest accompanied s h*rii. Miss Give Willoughb;- has re iiirned to m-, v,'oik m the Kansas :City Public School,, after vacation. , ing here with h--: re!attve* IU • ' r. ? ’ • ** t • -■vw-t.'-- fm&i Wm c - „ ,Yl ; :/■ ■ 'i,: • *-*r~ ■■■■ r 'fj&f .e'o--. /S. NV-to.;, WINs MASTEKS Mrs Mary Haywood Blackburn, member of (hr tacuftj of Ihr Uatrvtcw >trcct Sfoioui. who was recently awarded to-- :b rce Vta.fcr oi Arty in education front Ui> Ijui \ ersitv ot Minnes »>. s. LOCAL TEACHER WINS MASTERS HIGH POINT New , wav r, - ; ceivea here Shi- voti that Mrs Mary Flay wood Block burn. 1206 .Crawford Street mteiv. d the o-.- • Wee of Master -if Arts in Edve.-.- • tiux The degree r.o Mrs. Blackburn in absentia by the Uni versity Pro-ident. ,the August 25. j commencement exercises at the Ua versify of Vilnnestita, in fvun n.eapoiis. Mrs, Biackhoru employed as i -eacher i: ifii: Ri(* ‘ :ii . o-.v Sir- of C A VJ. .M im ’A iu - -ktUiGihy, ,'SftfiU* 'Jirtil j | —'■—- - ■ -if ■ mimnnii nmrinmi -ni -rr u —nrrtiri t -rr- vn , tiihi.i Ipf CURRENT CYCLE TROPHY - The other m. %-c were informed sf a n thing will prove a: i.-i , - ‘,n ;to lot ■-! high ;-chooi r'i-i.t. The ; coach at Wm. Petri, J„>.othuß i Cam'Ji > .*< i, i1...s pla' rd > j; j town to cece w funds from ti,-.. j public to buy .• tropn far- i.o- m. I valuable player ac oo.j ip.• yeaj We hove noted Un n i other places and school.- and novc i been of the opinion ■’ -t . w d for the boy , ,i.- ! team n JraJe. Some: c ...j' ■ j terested in. boys offer ; and even though tbi . n md boys initiated the or , } .... c I here u rmght welconv m nter-' •Jded orgaaizat ons to i it and help pet it ov" Trophies n,v.. th tr ; y. life of youth as -eaU e a !to be VALUABLE - • Have you net seen n e j : , triehds noth rde i. if..! go back and br e, cat when ; r: e-f i n ; fa some iVc ji.. • kvep ir. b* •..•■* » .■ > they got for this or rjic vv<, believe the real • ,-t . ~f ,i iind'vidaai comes .-at ,-. nen du re is S'lm.r • -centivc ; , a much needed ’ sss..; .. :... re. .•eniatiun o*. (.be t r- I s-,r -Th jse Wtn. d o a appreciate -e.e.-:,: . : ;,i , If-wman. -4 to kr. ■. a t ;he most valuable man -a • u 'iv.u - , is ii-.t neces.-'irilv th • r- , aole mart in a'; -.rule -. One trophy • , aerrt -m -r ... lead to ethers and do- •• a ; ~t 1 each man c-'-r .c, a-rii-d at School in High Pe ni -i ; , : -a ... work for the M. \ t ’■ : - U; ,f curriculum and io-tr . a, th -lememarv level luir ; i - art- rivigree was .. r . Wirston-Salem ’T-.-'.i Aside from ner i•. hi Mrs Blackburn is . lae Color-:.;do Moun tains. in -he Bt-rksii.r.-a or. the Central Park 0&P Ma . . an d c : ||p he w i*o h « S •a - ‘ ditlir.. ;r, ; P**'" Sfis*’ P«opl*' pn’h ■ W or «a ;h yea.; to v , . • *>'■* ■’ "-p'-Pr ihp Stlident Unipu ‘ Bud-j iig wneh - methi.i -of inr; *rir;w iook w tor the yoy.rf' W'Hn ;-en thei'fu j A - T. Coifeege has oru* ■>£ ih . exfuusive buiidi !>,->; orogramj st<> . a :;rnen will v/e aevj , d : »;■ those who willed to drink ■ d-'ep ■■ » into tr:c Prorretlieau Uons Wl' n c ■> eguipm ut ed u-at; ,r: dtoufd he mure e,.-::. and u-xl-cuUv secretary of c.'jiJ Criavis VMC’A ivere. :iu.- rt*.s gaed : hi.-, job .bending acceptance ,e tht tby tile board. tVit. Rowt* -bite'-? that he has a fell-uvohi?; : } liege school Ot Public Heuith h , handle itp the VMC A tor a w odie i unless j. J person can be >ecuc :e«i to rv-place the presen: exficu* r »v < \v' • h ■■-; p 2 1 11 a: die ><.•. -J r directors will be able to uil :>• -i t;on Wii h I.* lUe dif i u «.iiv A l • cned * . arc -un where beauttiu! music is ptayed under the #tars. We had that con firmed fey handsome Tony Martin, who looked particularly good in an Eagle double-breasted, one bettor, blue unfinished worsted suit, while languishing on the bench next to Hex Har.reoa ex pertly dressed in a 2-buitaa singie-breasted brown sharkskin suit. Rex, incidentally will shortly resume his role oi Henry VU. a the Broadway play Anne ol the Thousand Days,'’ N. r ■-/-? ??:.i' :r i-,, „ .., n , Cv --,,. v;,. t Stcrtrs." of tlietji | * l .jt ' /riternationeuiy la jj , / .& iJ ■ rnovs nawa aumnei |; ! y /N_? . iaio-'t Boh Trout, at 1 v ,v / j Ctro’i in Hollywood. \ [ j wanting a Westwood f Mrt&la-bramatad.tounfo L-t ; 1./ drape, notch lapel grey j .l j siiit; grey otiotri shirt with blue and ted Tho Westwood i triprul repp tie —IW, . ..