PAGE SIX | CHARLOTTE] mm ——"-f ~ MM—MMa aBMMWHWBBMWMMBIIIMI ' OLIVER HILL SAYS HE WILL SEEK REELECTION IN 1; WASHINGTON <ANP> Coim- 1 t iiman Olive r W. Hill f Richmond.' V©. announced last week that itc ; was planning tu run for i selection! when fils present term of -ffice •expires in 950. This imii > jnct’tiier.i, was made in f n radio i©w with Dr. Tom- ] ils< ". D. T‘ president of the In- j stitutr on Race- Relat ions and di-; leder ol the “American? Ail' radio! program, a Sunday afternoon feaV 5 ture of station WOOK. | Not wishing to pin himself down tc a definite promise, the Virginia ; couneilmt.n quickly added that ins! present plans are to reek to suc ceed himself to office because his "political activity is a part of a ■ program to attain full first class j citizenship rights for Negroes" but; “this fight sometimes is sort of i like a checker game you make < plans and then circumstances re-j yusrt a shitting of those plans ' LTNEFITS In repiv to Dr. Todd’s question> o it what benefits the Negroes of Richmond had derived from Ls: I lection the count lman raid “My election was made possible j by the c ineentrated and intensive j v/erk . rs the part of a targe number, of Negroes of all' walks of life to* develop political consciousness > among Negroes in car city. Con- , sequently, my elect on vas a per-. sural victvy for each of them and ' a vtn-r’iaticn of their preachments ! ©gainst the exponents of apathy. ! “In my opinion, the greatest gin-i Tie ben 1 t Negroes have derived' irore n\y elect,ice is that it has coated for the first time among a ' lan- segment of them, a feeling at belonging to and being a purt of! the .gavern mont.” The Ccuixeiiman went on to point out that unless a cittern can feel! that he ip a part ol the government and ran actually participate i:» it.; he is alway i going to tee] like an ! outsider. It has always been quite • common for Negro cit.zens to say ' "what are they going e do about i such and s uch a th ng” when re-; ferriag to the government declared | Hiti. but it is 'tirprisb'c to know how the Negroes cf Richmond have !'c;r.: ’ recently to. refer to goveni jfloiul activities by saying "what are we g.'icg to do about it." ’ Th-.t we 1= most gratifying and mjpo,-. tain he emphasized. I - said he had beer, treated most cordially nv the other members of the <-jt> • . nc-.f sine*' be hits become out of i’c ?ri; rr.bers. His same spe ■' oi urdiality has bee*, rtiani fested by the administrative •■ t filair and city employees with whom he has t • t tu in contact. ft. McPherson" JOB OPENING b ANNOUNCED An opening for position as Building Maintenance Foreman at Vert McPherson' has been annotm - ft try 0. S Civil Sc .we officials. The position will cay a begin ning -j-ilary of $1.49 pt hour, and tin maximum salary will be $1.83. Appi:cants will bo considered or the basis of the r trr. >:ruf and e>;- j.-tsnenee *4p (S vpl-Ciiivii f‘ ’! is l r,!a j tie on— laiped fr r the Executive Secre tory Board of U. S. Civil Service Kxcjourier:- Hoadquarl: Third A ( rru F < rt Mt.Pherst.-n, Gem gia. or any f rst or second class port office d, :i_cations must, be filed ROt later than September 29 Hast effect has a bad ©« nriucf discharge or btiriaS ai lewancs of ray husband" A 'here is, na allowance in t-Je wise. sauce the Irg-ul re. tfotf aueat --a? the type -srf sep aration from *© rvicc r bM wet ggggjBiOMBiaBWBWpW I —*”r^WS—SUM—I——SmBMMHB “Shouting - Out The Window is Bad Ta^te” i Faculty Changes Listed At Smith U. j CHARLOTTE -- The campus cl J i Johnson C Smith University will j lake or new life when ntv. -tu it'cuts will report for a week ol i c! ient. tics; and registration on S«T ;terr.ber 15th. Old students will re-: : !ur» tur registration on September ; 1 2]St ! | I I-iosident Hardy Listen • ; ncuncos that practically one bun- ! Id red p c r cent of the institution’s. ;staff of 1948-1949 will be on hand i • for the new school year with the j Icxccptic of Miss Gwendolyn L. i H: : .-iron cf the department of ! Spanish end Adolphus B Foster i 1 the departmr cl of secondary ed tication who are ci Rave for study; during the academic year 1949*50. j W.rrson R. Coleman and the Rev. A A. Thompson are continued on Lave for study during the acade mic year 1349-50. Among those returning from 1 leave? ol absences are Mr:- Arniye C. Buck of tlie- d, partment of bic !< gy Jack Brayboy of the depart ment of physical education and Hubert W. Norris of the depart- ■ ■ merit of economics. Ktw members on the stiff un , nounced by the presidnt aiv James ; Rciand Law. instructor in psychu it : y, holding degrees fioir. Lincoln 1 a.d \c-v York Un-v-. rsities, Ro • beit L Whirry, instructor in Spun .. a. vruduatp of Tillotson College and the University of Wisconsin; Also Miss Annie M Hawkins n* Iding the bachelor’s and master’s, •‘grees from Columbia University, c nan of women and instructor m j education: Mrs Henrietta T. N r ris. instructor in education, hold ing both the bachelor’s and irastei ’? ’ dev-recs: William Scruggs, instruc tor , n speech, a graduate of Youngs town College, Youngstown. Ohio , iand New York Univrsiiy: .Vis. Horae? E Cocroft, book keeper, a graduate cf Howard Uni ve’.-it ' Mrs. Catherine R. Hawkins,, graduate f Johnso , C. Smith Uni versity, assisturi ii. the registrar’- 1 i vlfito; and .frr. Leila P. Lloyd. 1 srcretaiy to ihe dean of the serar i ary. FACULTY changes The P r.- dent anr.ounces that *>; ;number cf renovating and nr,- i ! prevemerst projects have been nr, j ; de*rt:sivi ■, during the summri ! iraotith. t.ncludeo in there activities arc. I tin insta’lr.ticn <;f calotc>a equip- j i mer.i the din ng hall, the reno- j : vation f Smith Hall, a dormitory | for men. the ir.stalletioi! of new; • water designed to give in ert-used pressure on the campus | j and other lesser projects. j Architects have bet n employed tc j idesign th© renovation of available; ievi’.te in the Adirumstartion Build- . i sng for the development cf a health ; center d various ,-tudeni activity | ; services. GROSS BURNED ON NEGRO’S LAWN IN FREEPORT, L L j FREEPORT. I. I. - An imnfe;- }. te and thi.rougb investigatin'; of the rerun c-’oss curtr.p on th< property of Mr. arid Mrs. Milton , . Chi .stmas in Hampstead was re- j quested thin week of police aulbor .it tee rod the district . itorncy of ; Nassau County b> the Freeport and Hampstead branches of the Nation al Association tor the Advancement, of Colored People Plans for action : • were made last week at rn. oiinp. attended by the executive com mittee of tire branches tod by iGlcster B. Current Constance Bak er Motley and Herb*:’ HU of the nuti- nal oft ice of the NAACP. I An ii'dcpc-nueM investigation by the NAACp revealed that little or no police a Bon was taken after Mr iChristm. • notified Nassau County police 1 f the bunting, kerosene - • leaked six-fey-throe foot cross. A : police officer ' -aid the cross burn ing "in.-»y have bfen a retaUiation ii)i the attempt the par! of sev eral yrurii Negro men to "crash : pa; ty given by , white g. .rup in iiei? hhoong vilktgr of Reuse volt, earhe* it; the evening. A NV scit; County detective called by XU iChri.-tmas expressed the - pinion i • that c e x bunting doesn’t mean myth:or," and advised Mr. Chrst .nr.s to "forget the whop thing " James Reeves who recently pur-. ich .sect : h<iir .r: }t > ■ < it. repurt !ed that v.; had beer; broken j I it; his new ticrr.e and Iht Ictt.;.- J “KKK" •»crtwled on the sidewalk ,Ht Jc-llcwcd ar. auiumobiie whicn --stopped in -front' o! Fox - house .-ftv C AROEJ >f IAN Saturday Scutemhc • TWO MORE ADDED TO SHAW'S STAFF App: •• . of H.--- Brew? ' ■ bull din;- 1 ui:d und? iissisiant at : i Sitaw Univi rf-dy was announced | Decently v u -top t< arc. m urtam-! i tng nigh physical plant standard-’ 1 ' •a; the ins'u.ton j -’r- r Pci x . is a graduate L j Georg).■. State O litre the E ]S. Degree. The naming of an asi-istanl in this aiea was T.dicaled ai a ,o •sult of tremendous p. nf t n : jof the past sevc ,i _ .-u.. Scvcii j buildings.. inc Jud ng the three-: i building Rex Iloscital t.iyout have. ; been added within tne last f air i years, I. addition Shaw Ure versify has I purchased a number of house.-! •near the cam put of which five have i been remcdelled ana pa. To . vice as faculty he mes Another faculty change involve.-: the designation c-f Dr W B. Pctii- ' ferd. well known Raleigh doctor,! ,as university physician. Dr. Petti ford eaned his A. B Degree at j ..'chosen C Smith University and j .the M D. Degree from Meharry Medical College The New school physician will |st art unde? ; brosdened health pint. l , recently adoptee by the in jstitut; n, :-.nd put int:. operation j‘■ r the first time this year Unriei i terms of the plan Shaw University • student--' will be given com,ire hen -ive health coverage for the school ; year All* waaces for cart through the university infirmary, foi hospital izfeti nt St. Agnes Hospital, sur gery prescriptions, and special ecus illations are included under the airangement. The service will be available only to broaden stu dent! ard non-resident students living in Rakigh. Special increased ji' ov.siei.s are made lor athletes. THINGS THAT INVOLVE WOMEN BY BESSIE I BELL TRY REDISCOVERING YOUR SELF If at any time you find | y urself wishing that you looked ! like someone else - don’t you ! wtriyinc quite needlessly because I you hav-. everything tha" the- other i girl has. Get t work <n yourself. Beau tify what you have, if you huv> one or more defects that fend tc i detract from yotu beauty, don't ■ fit around brooding over it Re ,/nembei, no one is perfect, not even I our so-called beauties Even so, they are beautiful because they know how to make tin most ol jwhat they have. Any grl can acquit. aUractivc i-t-xs ~tid charm simply fcv utilizing vh t \e has,, :no playing up the hi:;h ; nintr. What about your eyes'. ; Are tre y rice? That's it. piay them Ui fur all they ~m worth, and they arc worth plenty i.. beauty divid ends. 1 haw yet to >c-t anyone ’• ■ sisf pretty eyes. Hew is Vl.a: f ■ arc Good Ol just fair'’ Nevt; mu: ■. then, cor seen tj ate on it Develop a queenly posture Envelop it i . The right ktnJ of clothes. The kind that j- righ' for you both in eo! r and -tyh. If you study the color's you -:i! kr til.-sc- that look best i n yea, , Turn to this page, next v, uek g.rls .and we will eontina- a discussion on rrdiscoveYine your self and making the most of yon: beauty. ETIQUETTE SAYS - It is cor rect for the gentleman to walk near the curb and th< two ladies on the inside, instead ol the gen tleman in between the ladies The number < j chicKs produced by North Carolina onnnerciai hatcheries in July was 33 ,-c-r cer t more than the total dur ing July, 194 H Di J. L A)User. - - Jnc-d thi staff of the No it - fariais Agri cultural: Expert oce!, to in vestigate dip ase? of pt.xoirt .d 1 forage ctcp. Aral i-aghts. ;i.e-i the incident, aci ' claims u have .submitted tie li cense number ot ifiis automobile 1C p-ji'MK NEGRO NURSES MERGE WITH WHITE ASS*N Loui -vi ; c. Kv. (ANl’i Vi. .than 490 nurses attending the ’ a convention of the N'.-u . a, l A??n I'-ia:ion of Colored Crnduati* Net..- in l>>uisville last, w; ck veae.i merge t.T.e NAC<»N with the wh' : American Nurses association. Other features of the meeting 'eluded the election of officers’, -h. idauning of a drive !, i get R'.» > Negro curses to serve in lh< art.u .;forces, the awarding of the Mar-. .. Mahoney award to Miss Mary K Merritt Louisvilh;. and uu!T-<-'> [disrusstons and addresses by jpue-t j spftß K 61’S. j The big business of the meeting Tiowevn. was the vote to •‘with the ANA Several delegates 'from certain soothern slates who© ■'local ANA societies bat N 'groes preferred wait a while bt ; for© voting this step. Despite ib hot debate, the vote to unite ? ;tlie white group was unanimous TO BK WORKED OUT .; Ncx' step for the N'.VCGN is j work out the machinery for th< ,!merger. Groundwork already .h . been laid by Mr. Est.ciie ! Osborne of New Vork, a bear} ' member oi both nursing orearuz., 1 lions. She is basing her plan o-. t.ha following assumptions: '. The nursing profession !>. aheie of other professional groups in th i integration of Negro mem he i - .- Only eight southern stale AN. , groups keep Negroes out A --olorc? nurse (Mrs. OsTiorne herself j ha |been elected to the ANA hoard e : I directors Colored nurses will inak final decision as to whether a st-pa , rate organization is • till needed. ST At' PER S EL EUTED j Mr:-:. Mabel K Staupers Os New York was ejected r»t isedont of the 1 NACG.V Other ofice rs are. M j Lucille Z. Wiliams. Durham N ■ ji'ice pre-sident; Mrs. Viola I ’rnci ,rharieslon, S. C second vice presi dent, and .Mrs. Willa O. Evans. Thicacc. financial secretary. : Miss Mary E. Merritt, mi peril, itendenf of nurses at Rt ,1 Crctsa ho© I pita! in laruisville 1911.1544. can eo t.hc higest award of the organ .ization, the Mary Mohone-> medal for distinguished service it. nut's ing. • Spr.aking of the merger Mm© AT : in a Vessels, exes lit re oH-.retary < ♦ the NAOGN, said imme-diat* in*- ■ ger will not. he |,o*©'hle. "If. wi lx 1951 m the e. "lie: t 1 »nfor•- :u: po-it.ive action '-■• la- taken." -.!>< R 8 id. TRI MPTEERS HEAR GOSPEL CAVALCADE The Trumpet ceps. CBS ner.wura evangelistt ringing stars head fa 5 star CofteiMtl Binging Cavalcade eel for a lengthy ■ ".<-s of .-elivie-ii i-nnci'iis ley Paramount \rfist Management 516 Fifth Am New ’l , >rk Golden voiced i-VilT!y''pM MI ,J Aueli y Vanderpes- 1 , former "Ok"me ;• j Jernes" It- co-feat.ured Others ap p< tiring on the sacred enmn-rt pro gram are Little Koo>-.--\'»it. v at : e.ld pianist and The Willett Sister gospel-sincing duo. ~ WILSON~ ARMY | AM) NAVA STORE | 1?!- W BARNES ST. WILSON ! ARJVEI YAVt AND CIVILIAN j MERCHANDISE j Jacket- Work Clothe*. Vffri and Ores-- Sbee>. Rubber Boots, etc j Trunk Suitcases and T« nts j ; i UD ERIKNDLY STOUI t FOR LEADING SA’i '.S [ AND BEST QUALITY f MERCHANDISE Vi&it BARKER’S DEPT. STORE Cci. Gcldaboro and Bar" *»4 Sir Wilson. N C OUTFITTEP.S FOB THE EH TIRE FAMILY | 10. UM‘)

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